gay marriage 是否支持同性婚姻

gay marriage 是否支持同性婚姻
gay marriage 是否支持同性婚姻

Same-sex marriage should be legalized

Same-sex marriage (also called gay marriage) is a legally or socially recognized marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or social gender. In recent years, the debate over same-sex marriage has grown from an issue that occasionally arose in a few states to a nationwide controversy. From the view of individual, it is people’s freedom to love and marry someone they like. From the social perspective, gay marriage to some extent will increase the social stability. So it is wise to legalize gay marriage.

Love and marriage are natural and free things. They should not be disturbed by other people or by the law as long as they do no harm to the society. People have a conventional idea that marriage is an institution between one man and one woman.1 But now, the definition of marriage is changed. Marriage has no boundaries of nation, race, age and even sex.2So far, a total of 13 counties have recognized same-sex marriage 3and 16 states in America have realized gay marriage to be legalized.4But the situation of homosexuals is still grim in some areas. In May 2010, a judge in Malawi imposed a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison with hard labour on a gay

1Oxford Dictionary the definition of marriage in English

2,/wiki/Marriage types of marriage

3,/article/index/242703/11-countries-where-gay-marriage-is-legal 13 countries where gay

marriage is legal By Keith Wagstaff July 17, 2013

4,/Gay Marriage States

couple Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga.5“I love Steven so much. If people or the world cannot give me the chance and freedom to continue living with him as my lover, then I am better off to die here in prison. Freedom without him is useless and meaningless” Chimbalanga wrote in a statement. There are too many examples in the world like this illustrating that love between the same sex can be as devoted as the opposite. It is human nature and right to decide who they love and live with. If the law is against human normal nature, then it is the law to blame.

Also, the society can benefit from its tolerance to gay marriage, considering the lower rate of divorce, less population and more adopting. As the first state in America to legalize gay marriage, Massachusetts retains the national title as the lowest divorce rate state, and the MA divorce rate is about where the US divorce rate was in 1940, prior to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor that triggered the US entrance into World War Two.6It is not hard to comprehend. Since gay marriage is accepted, gay people no longer have to marry people to whom they feel little attraction, and thereby reduce the number of supposed heterosexual marriages that end up in the divorce courts. And in some way, the relationship between the same sex tends to be more stable. For the biological reason, the same-sex marriage couple could not procreate. This in turn will contribute to China’s population control. If they want 5,/news/10130240Malawi gay couple get maximum sentence of 14 years 20 May 2010

BBC News

6,/bruce-wilson/divorce-rate-in-gay-marri_b_267259.html Divorce rate in gay marriage-legal MA drops to pre-WWII level

to have children, usually they will adopt orphans. This will help a lot of orphans. Gay marriage should be legal. Everyone has its choice which may be different from others. How could gay marriage be forbidden when it harms no others and helps maintain the social stability in some way? It is our duty to get out of the unfair old concepts and welcome a more just and tolerant society.

gay marriage 是否支持同性婚姻

Same-sex marriage should be legalized Same-sex marriage (also called gay marriage) is a legally or socially recognized marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or social gender. In recent years, the debate over same-sex marriage has grown from an issue that occasionally arose in a few states to a nationwide controversy. From the view of individual, it is people’s freedom to love and marry someone they like. From the social perspective, gay marriage to some extent will increase the social stability. So it is wise to legalize gay marriage. Love and marriage are natural and free things. They should not be disturbed by other people or by the law as long as they do no harm to the society. People have a conventional idea that marriage is an institution between one man and one woman.1 But now, the definition of marriage is changed. Marriage has no boundaries of nation, race, age and even sex.2So far, a total of 13 counties have recognized same-sex marriage 3and 16 states in America have realized gay marriage to be legalized.4But the situation of homosexuals is still grim in some areas. In May 2010, a judge in Malawi imposed a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison with hard labour on a gay 1Oxford Dictionary the definition of marriage in English 2,/wiki/Marriage types of marriage 3,/article/index/242703/11-countries-where-gay-marriage-is-legal 13 countries where gay marriage is legal By Keith Wagstaff July 17, 2013 4,/Gay Marriage States


同性婚姻與異性婚姻本質不同,反對同性婚姻聲明 婚姻與家庭是人類社會最重要的制度之一。婚姻是指一男一女成年人自願的結合,以共同生活為目的,並獲得社會和法律認可的獨特關係。在婚姻關係中,經由夫妻性行為,就有自然生育子女的可能性,因此婚姻關係可能自然發展成為父母與子女的家庭關係。因為婚姻具有生育與教養子女的功能,而生育與教養子女使得社會一代又一代地延續下去,所以全世界各國皆立法保障一男一女的婚姻關係。 近年來,在台灣社會有少數人主張立法承認同性婚姻,賦予同性結合者享有各樣婚姻的權益,並提出民法親屬篇修正草案,我們基於以下幾個理由,堅決反對。 第一、同性結合不具有自然生育的可能性,在本質上與異性婚姻不同。 支持同性婚姻者,大多是基於人人都享有平等權利的理由,主張同性戀者也應該享有結婚和組織家庭的權利。但是,所謂的「平等」應該是指能夠達成「同樣」的社會功能者,才得享有「同等」的權益。一男一女之間的異性婚姻,具有自然生育子女的可能性,而同性別的男男、或女女之間的結合不具備這種天然生育子女的特性。所以基於男女生理構造的差別,同性結合的關係本來就和男女的結合有所差別。基於自然生育子女的社會功能的差別,法律上也對同性結合有差別待遇,不承認為婚姻,本屬正當,並不構成歧視。 第二、同性婚姻不利於台灣的家庭延續與人口發展 台灣是一個重視家庭倫理關係的社會,對於生育後代與生命傳承非常重視。但是近年來台灣少子化問題愈來愈嚴重,生育率快速下降,不但屢創新低,更在全球排名中敬陪末座,比起鄰近的亞洲國家如新加坡、南韓、日本都要低。低生育率將造成勞動力與生產力不足、財稅收入減少、教育人力失衡等諸多問題,嚴重影響國家競爭力。 一男一女異性婚姻及藉由生育子女所自然形成的家庭制度,合乎促進台灣人口永續發展的公共利益,所以社會當該特別用法律制度來保障,使結婚男女雙方及其子女享有各樣制度上的保障及權益。在一個自由、多元價值的社會中,同性戀者固然有選擇與同性共同居住的生活權利,但是同性結合的生活方式,並無增進社會公共利益的功能,也不利於國家人口之發展,所以不應該予以法律保障。 第三、同性婚姻不符合未成年子女的最佳利益 在一個具有長期承諾、穩定、受法律保障的一男一女的婚姻關係中,所懷孕生下來的子女,最有可能得到其父母良好照顧及教養,將來成為一個身心健康的人。子女在成長過程中,也因為家中有父親及母親的形象,得以自然地發現男女生理、心理上的差異及其特質,有助於將來成長過程中的人格發展。


支持同性婚姻辩论资料 一.婚姻的含义: 1.《诗经郑风》孔颖达疏:“男以昏时迎女,女因男而来,……论其男女之身谓之嫁娶,指其好合之际谓之婚姻。 2.《说文解字》释“婚’、“姻”说:“婚,妇家也”、“姻,婿家也”。 3.表明婚姻是一种社会关系,它是婚姻双方结为姻亲关系的标志。 4.事实婚姻作为婚姻关系存在的一种方式,是指男女双方未按法律规定进行结婚登记,即以夫妻关系同居生活所形成婚姻。 二.论点 1.有利于保障人的权利和义务 同性恋人的现状:独生隐藏、与异性交往结婚、公开承认。 A.(对同性恋群体)前两者会带来同性恋人内心的压抑而痛苦,后者会受人指点没有社会地位。 B.(对他们的家人)同性恋人的夫或者妻子会不能够在所谓异性婚姻的架构里获得传统的异性之爱。他们的父母亲戚会受人话柄和谈论。 C.总之,这不仅是保护同性恋群体的婚姻权,也是保障其相关亲属的婚姻权和人格尊严。 2.有利于完善制度 法的作用可以分为规范作用和社会作用。规范作用是从法是调整人们行为的社会规范这一角度提出来的,而社会作用是从法在社会生活中要实现一种目的的角度来认识的,两者之间的关系为:规范作用是手段,社会作用是目的。 A.现象已经产生,国家需要修订相关的法规来规范社会。

B.2004年12月1日,中国官方首次公开发布“同性恋白皮书”,按照世界公认的数据,即同性恋人口占人口总数的4%至6%的比例,中国大陆的同性恋总人数超过4000万人。拒不完全统计截止2012年中国同性恋人口达到6000万 3.家国同构 三.例子 1.同性恋酒吧 北京部队大院里长大的乔乔,有着男孩一样率真的个性。作为一名女歌手,她公开了自己的同性恋取向,并且还演唱了表现同性之爱的歌曲《爱不分》;作为酒吧老板,她开辟了中国大陆女同性恋酒吧的先河。而更让人惊讶的是,多年前因为一个杂志上刊登了中国女同性恋的照片,她不得不暂时离开歌坛,而等待了10年后,她才推出自己的第一张专辑. 第一次见到乔乔,立刻被她的随性而为所感染。由于下午酒吧还没开始营业,我们蹲在门口聊了起来。一说到北京的les圈她就侃侃而谈,她现在正在筹拍一部女同性恋题材的电影,还主持一个同性恋网络节目。我们的主持人程青松也被他邀请参加,还叫上了另一位同性恋主持人Didier。 进到“枫吧”里,发现果然别有洞天。乔乔谈到“出柜”的问题,说自己“不想做一个戴面具”的歌手,她在北京les圈已经很公开,自己不说也会被别人戳破的,这样只会让自己更加被动。在她看来,同性恋是很平常事情,因此说出来也是很自然的举动。《爱不分》这首歌,表达的就是这种观点。爱可以不分种族、年龄、阶层,甚至可以不分性别。 在有“枫吧”之前,拉拉都是被挤在同性恋酒吧的一个角落。乔乔深感弱势群体中更有弱势群体。毅然决然地退出歌坛之后,乔乔开始计划开一家属于自己的酒
