







16. This is 3-Dprinter. And this isan artificial (人工的) ear. Canyou believe thatscientists printed this artificialear by this 3-D printer?



A. a ???

B. an ??C.the??

17.Mrs Smithlives in such a bighousewithout achildaround.So sh efeels very ___.

A.lonely B.alone C.richD.nervous

18.—Didyoufind the small village yesterday?

—Yes,without any difficulty,for ithas ________ changed overy ears.



C.clearly D.nearly

19.—Would you like an ice-cream,Diane?

—No,thanks.I ____ eat them.They're badfor my teeth.

A.never B.often C.always D.Sometimes

20.— What languages ___ in that country?

—German and English.


B.are spoken

C.speak D.is spoken

21.________ Lily________ Lucy is going with you becauseone of themmuststay athome.

A.Not only;but also B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Either;or 22.—Whatare yougoingto do when you growup?

—Asinger,butmy parents wish me________ a teacher.

A.am B.to beC.will be D.be

23.The charity provides homeless people ________ food andclothes.

A.with B.for C.as D.of

24.Mr.Smith usedto ____his car to work,but nowhe is usedto ________.A.drive;walk B.driving;walkingC.driving;walk D.drive;walking

25.—Help yourself to somemore meat,Linda.


A.I'mfull,thanks B.It's my pleasure C.Itdoesn't matterD.Very well,thank you

26.–Excuseme,haven’tyou learnedthe new law? Everyon ein a car must wear the seat belt.

--Sorry,we won’t do thatagain.

A. food ??B.traffic ? C. medicine D.education

27. When I knew that Chinahadgot herfirst Aircraft Carrier (航空母舰), Ifelt excitedand .


B. terrible??C. nervous ?D. strange

28.Thelocal peoplelike that Italianrestaurantbecause itboth deliciousfood and goodservice.

A. uses??B.wants ??C. shares??? D. provides

29.Look atthe smog(雾霾).badweatheritis!

A. How??

B. How a C.What D. Whata

30.Chiang Mai (清迈) has been one of tourist places forChinesesince the movie Lost in Thailand(《泰囧》) wasshown.

A. hot ?B. hotter ? C. hottest D.the hottest

31. --There so manyforeigners in thestreets these days.

-- Theymight be runnersin the Yellow River Estuary (入海口,河口)International Marathon.

A. is??B.are???C. have D. will be

32. – I wonder.

-- Shandong Province.

A. when will PengLiyuan come ??B. where Peng Liyuan isfrom

C. where PengLiyuan camefrom??D.how Peng Liyuan will come

33.David Beckham decided to ________playing football matchforever because he isnotenergetic enough.

A. put off B.deal with ?C. break off D. give up

34. Many childrenask theirparents to give money tocharitybuy themsnacks.

A. later on?

B. eventhough??

C. rather than?

D. inorder to

35. TheDongying-Hainan airline for about5months. Ihavetaken the flights three times.

A.is open??B. has opened C. hasbeen open D.has been opened



I used to liveinmy ownroom alone.Butone day it all changed when my brother Mikeasked to share my__1__.At first,my parents said “no” tohim,but at lastmymotheragreed.I cried andasked my parents not todoth is,__2__ itdidn'twork.

As soon as Mike entered my room,it began to become __3__.To my anger,he often lefthis unwashed clothesand toys everywhere!

One evening,I wasdoing some__4__ on my computer whileMike waslistenin gto music.__5__,I left my seat toget somewater.A big surprise was waiting for me when I __6__ .He wasusing my computer to play games.I had forgotten tosave the homework.Sadly,hehad closed my program__7__ savingit—all I had done haddisappeared!I__8__him.He cried a lotas my mothercameandbeathim.Mymother also askedhimto leave my room atonce.

Then I did my homework __9__.At10:00pm,Ifinished it.When I wasgoing to turn offthe__10__,I sawthe photoofmy __11__that he had put on my table.I looked at hislovelyfaceand remembered how __12__ he was wh enmy mom beat him.I really felt __13__ .I went tosee whathe wasdoing.I found he was __14__in my parents' bed.I kissed his face.He wokeup,got upandsaid.“I'm sorry.Iwon't bringyouany more trouble.”

I was as moved and said.“From now on,my room is not only mine.It is__15_

_!” Thatvery night,Mikeand I sharednot only theroom,butthe bed.

()1.A.clothesB.FoodC.room D.toys

()2.A.becauseB.But C.or D.so

()3.A.dirty B.empty C.quietD.tidy

()4.A.businessB.Homework C.reading D.shopping

()5.A.Later B.Instead C.However D.Sometimes

()6.A.danced B.fell C.returned D.slept

()7.A.after B.byC.for D.without

()8.A agreed with B.heard from C.looked after D.shoutedat

()9.Aas well B.forever C.in the end D.once again

()10.A computerB.Fan C.radio https://www.360docs.net/doc/8a1342501.html,

()11.A.brother B.Cousin C.father D.grandfather

()12.A.cleverB.happy C.sad D.silly

()13.A.bored B.excited C.proud D.sorry

()14.A.jumping B.Sleeping C.sittingD.singing

()15.A.his B.hersC.ours D.theirs




What's going to happen in the future? Will robotscontrolour planet? Will computers become smarterthanus?Not likely.But hereare

somethings that scientistssay are mostlikelyto happen

in 10 to 30 yearsfrom now, according tothe BBC.

Digital money

We used to paywithcash(现金)for everything webou

ght. Now when weuse a creditcard(信用卡) to shop online, moneyis s pent without us seeing it.Thatmeanswe are already using digital money. Using a cardismuch easier thansearching our pocketsfor change. It is alsosafer than carrying a lotof cash.

WhenATM cards werefirst introduced, they were notaccepted every where.Butnow it's hard to livewithout them. It's reported that peo plein Sweden completelystopped using cashlast year, and theUS might be next.


It's nolongersomething only in a science fictionmovie.People who are blindmayhave achance togettheir sight back—by wearing bioniceyes.

A blind eye canno longer sense light,but a bionic eye can useacamera to “see” the environment and senddata(数据)tothe mind. Now the bionic eye only allowspatientstosee lights and unclear shapes. Ahighresolution(高清的)image couldbejust a few years away.

Self-driving cars

Unlikea human driver, a self-driving car won't getdistracted(分钟) byphone call, the radio or somethingoutsidethe window. Sensors(探测器)and cameras on the car wouldallowitto stick reducethe number of roadaccidents. You could even take a nap while the car driveritself.In the future,driverless cars wouldbewidely accepted.

1. ________ has stopped using cash completely.

A.Sweden B. ATM C. BBC D.America

2. What doesthe writermainly tell us aboutdigital money?

A.We usedigital money toshop onlinewithout paying money.

B. Digital moneyis most likelytobeused instead ofcash.

C. Using cash is easierandsaferthan a credit card.

D. ATM cardsare alwayspopular.

3.Which of the following statements isTRUE?

A. Bionic eyesonly appearin the science fiction film.

B. Human driverswon't get distractedby something outside.

C. The blind wearingbionic eyes may see clearly in the future.

D.There will beno roadaccidents atall if self-drivingcars are u sed.

4. From the report, wecan learn someinformation about ________.

A.culture and art B.industry and farming C. scienceand technology

D.traffic and journey

5.Which of thefollowingcan be predicted(预测) from the passage?

A. There would be a number ofself-driving

B. The blindcould use cameras tosee things around.

C. We would live a hardlifewithdigital money.

D. Robots would control the world.


Chinese writerMo Yanwon theNobel Prize in Literature

in 2012. Mo,who was born in1955 into a farmer’s fam

ily inGaomi County in ShandongProvince, isthe fir

st Chinese national towinthe NobelPrize inLiterat

ure. Inhis early years, lifewas not easy and he experienc

ed hunger(饥饿).These things haveinfluencedMo

Yan’s later writings.

60-year-old ParkGeun-hye(朴槿惠)was elected(选举)the n

ew President of SouthKorea in December, 2012.

Shebecomesthe country’s firstfemalehead o

f state andherterm willlast fiveyearsfrom

2013.“I will become a presidentwho puts people’s livi

ng before anything else,”she toldthe cheering

Peoplin central Seoulasshe acceptedherwin.“I

willkeep my premises.”

BarackObama ( born in Hopolulu,Hawaii in1961),w

ho was elected the44thPresident oftheUnited State

sin2008,has beenelected againto asecond te

rm,fightingagainst Republican chllenger Mitt Romney.

Obama isagraduateof ColumbiaUniversityand Harv

ard LawSchool.Hisfatherwas from Kenya. An

dhismother was born inWichits,Kansas.

6. WhenMo Yanwas young,his family might be.

A. big

B. poor


D. small

7.When was ParkGeun-hye born?

A.In 1952. B. In 1955.C.In 1961. D. In 1987.

8.Where wasBarackObamaborn?

A. In Kansas. B. In Kenya. C.In Columbia. D.In Hawaii.

9. Which of the following isNOT trueabout the passages?

A. Thewriter Mo Yanlived inabig city before hegot the prize.

B.Park Geun-hyewill leadSouth Korea till theyear 2018.

C. Obama fought against hischallengerMittRomneyin theelection.

D. Among thethree persons, Park Geun-hyeis theoldest.

10. The three passagesmay befrom .

A. an email

B. aletterC.news D. an ad


One day Tony was crossing the roadwhen hewas hit acar. He felland broke his arm.

Hewas sent to a hospital.There a doctor operated on his arm. The nhe put thearm in a cast(石膏).Tonycould notmove it at all.

“You mustkeep your armin a cast foramonth.” The doctorsaid,“That w ill give the bone(骨头)a chance togetwell”.

Amoment later,Tony wentback tothe hospital.The doctorused a l arge knife tocut thecast. Then he tookTony’s arm outofthe cast. “Can you move your arm,Tony?” heasked.

Tony tried to move his arm. At lastit was difficult, butsoon hecouldmoveit easily.

“Yes, it’sfine”.He said, “Thank you verymuch”

“In a few daysit will be as good asbefore.”the doctorsaid, “Just

exercise ita little every day.”

“Will I be able toplay theguitar?” Tonyasked.

Thedoctor smiled,“Of course, you will.” He said, “you will haveno problems.”

“That’s good news.”Tony said, “Because I couldn’t playit at all before.

11. How didTonybreak his arm?

A. He was hit byacar B. He fell off a bike C.A gui tar fellon him

12. How long did he haveto keep his arm in a cast?

A. Oneweek B.Four weeks C.A fewdays13. How was Tony’s arm whenthe doctor cut the cast?

A. It wasOK

B.It was hurt

C.It wasworse.

14. What did the doctortell himtodo afterthe cast was taken off?

A. See anotherdoctor

B.Play the guitar

C. Exercisehis arm.

15.WhywasTony pleased?

A. The doctorgavehim a guitar.

B.The doctor said hedidn’t haveto workagain

C.Hethought hecouldbe abletoplay the guitar.


Dear Owner, please listen tome,

My life is likelyto last ten to fifteenyears.Any separation(分离)fro myouwill make me sad.Remember thatbeforeyoubuy me.

Give me time to understand whatyouwant ofme.

Don't beangry withme for long anddon’t lock me up as a punishment. You have yourwork, your entertainment and your friends. Ihave only you.

Don’t forget to feedme. I’llbe happy if you giveme myfavoritefood--bones.

Talk to me sometimes.Even if Idon't understand your words, I understandyour voicewhen you’respeaking to me.

Take careofme whenIgetold. You,too, will grow old.

Go with meor difficult journeys.Everything iseasier for me if you arethere. Remember, Iloveyou.

Leo Judge the following sentences True (T)or False (F).

16.Leo is probably adog's name.

17. Leo can livetothe age offifty.

18. Leo,unlike hisowner, has many friends.

19. Weshouldtreatold dogs well,because everyone will getol


20.Dogs won'tcare whether you arewiththem ornot ontheirdiffic ult journeys.




1.How can we____(筹钱)money forthe poor children?

2.Our countryis a_____ (发展中的) country.

3. Thethief s___________ food from the supermarket and was caughtbythepolicemen.

4. I cameto thecity twoyearsago.I’veworked here for n___________ two years.

5.According to ar___________in thenewspaper,thebasketba ll star wasseriously injured.


1.My uncleiscomingto my homein this weekend. I'vedecided tothe vacationfor another week.

2.Li pingis busy with his study,but he________does the choresforhis neighbors.

3.Many peoplewere savedin the earthquake________the courage of thosekind people—nurses, doctors and soldiers.

4. The campaign to keepour cityclean is going on. Each of us hasthe chan ce to______.

5.We_______theconcerttoraise money for the children’s hospital. Wewilltry our best for it.

6. You always ______ourbooks. It’s hard formeto find mine when I usethem.

7. Youaresmart and brave justlike your father.You_____him.8.Little Jimis a playful boy.He can’t________ thelessonshis teach ersgive.

9.It’simpoliteto_______when wearequeuingto buy train tickets. 10. Both parties are expected to meet later today to________an agreem ent,or they might argue with eachother.




Itwas near Christmas duringmyfirst semester teachingat a new school.I loved my small special class morethan any group I had taughtin thepast.They were hungry for knowledge andI was enjoyingteaching. Other teachershadtold methat our childrenwere frompoor fa miliesandnot to expect anychildtobring a Christmas gift.In fact,Iwasn'texpectingany gifts.

Imagine my surprise whenevery child brought me agift onthe daybefore our holidaybreak.First,Igot amuchlovedstuffed monkey from a shy girl.Iwas told,“He is my favorite,but I loveyou and Iwant himto be with you,MissTaylor.”How thrilledI was!

Next camea new set ofChristmas tree lights that was“missing” from a mother'scupboard.

Finally,Icame to one littleboy's gift whichI hadnever received.It w as an old,dirty andbroken Christmasstory book.Just when I wanted to express my happiness,I was interrupted(打断)bythe giver,“And see,itis new!It still has the price tag.”

When other children laughedat him,Istopped them and said,“Oh,boo ks are goodin that way.The story is always new if youhave notread it before.Now,let'sshareone together.”Everyone listened quietly as I read th emost wonderfulChristmas storyof my life.

I stillkeepthose Christmas gifts.They always remind meof my lovely kids.

1.Whydid theteacher likeher small special class?


2.Whendid the children bring theirteacher gifts?


3.Whosent a stuffed monkeyto theteacher?


4.Was the Christmas storybook new?


5.Howdid theteacher feelwhen she gotthe gifts?












respect(尊敬);be polite to;obey(遵守);

traffic rules;zebra crossing(斑马线)




第I 卷(选择题,共75 分)



6-10 CBACB

11-15 BBAAC



21-25 DBBDA

26-30 BADCD

31-35 BBACC




11-15 ACDBC



6-10 BADAC



第II 卷(非选择题, 共45分)


1.raise2.developing3.. stole 4.nearly5.report


A1.D2.J 3.A4.H 5.C 6.I7.F8.E9.G 10.B


1.Becausethey were hungryforknowledge./Because herclass were hungry forknowledge./She liked her specialclass because they werehungry forknowledge.

2.On the daybefore their holiday break./On thedaybeforetheirholiday break,they brought their teachergifts./They brought their teacher giftsonthe daybefore their holiday break.

3.Ashygirl./A shygirlsent a stuffedmonkey

tothe teacher.

4.No,it wasn't.


She felt happy/thrilled/pleased/excited/moved/...when she got the gi fts.

When shegotthegifts,she felthappy/thrilled/pleased/excited/moved/...


Apossible version:

Xintai is now making itseffort to become anational civilized city.As students,what should we do?

We mustrespect our teachersand be polite to others.We should also helpthosewho are in needandbe friendly tothe people aroundus.Besides,wemust obey thetraffic rules.When crossing the streets,we shouldwalk onthe zebracrossing.And we mustn‘t go acrossthe street when the trafficlights are red.What’s more,we

should protect ourenvironment.For example,we mustn't step on the grassand climbtrees.Litter mustn't be thrown everywhere.

Xintai is ourhometown.Let's tryour bestto make it a civilized city.



1. 评分原则:











第三档( 7~9分):能写明一些要点,语言错误较多(句子结构或动词时态错







(一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。

1. Ithink teenagersneed strict rules.

2.What aboutgoing bikeriding tomorrow?

3.How often do yougo tothe piano lessons?

4.Welldone!Your talent show isverysuccessful!

5. Li Nawas badly hurtduring the tennis match and lost it.


6. W:What doyou think ofthedishes?Couldyoupleasegive ussome advice?

M: Verydelicious, especially the fish.I will come hereagain nexttime.

7. M:What can I do for you?

W:I’d liketo buya camera. You know, it’s Father’sDay this


M: How about this one?You can takegood pictures withit.

8. W: Summer holiday is coming.Iplanto do apart-timejob

and see somenewmovies.

What about you, Jim?

M: I prefer reading athome.

9. W:WhereisTom?Ican’t findhim.

M:He could beinthelibrary. He usually stays there onehour i nthemorning and two in the


10. W: Why are you in sucha hurry?

M: I’m going to Jay Chou’sconcert.

W:Don’tworry. It’s stillearly. It’s half past sixnowand the concert won’t start until 7:30.

M: Butwe aresupposed to enter theconcerthall 30minutesearlier.


W:Hello, Peter.You look unhappy. What’s wrong?

M: I failed my Chinese test again.I havetried my best.But I findit’s really difficultfor me.

I’vedecided to drop it.

W: Oh,no, you can’tdo that.

M:I don’t really wantto, butI don’tknow what to do, Ann.

W:Why notask yourteacherfor help?

M:She is verybusy.Shehas alot of worktodo.

W: Don’t worry.I have a goodidea.You are goodatmath, a ndIdo well in Chinese and

Science. Let’s help each other,OK?

M: Great!When are you free then?

W:I go to the art club and dovolunteer workon the weekends, butI don’t haveclasses on

Thursday afternoons.

M:I don’t have classes on Thursday afternoons,either. Let’s makeit Thursday afternoons.

W: OK!

M: I hope I canmakegreat progresswith yourhelp.

W: I hope so. Maybeyou’llfindit easyandinteresting,too. Whenand where shallwe meet?

M:Youcan cometo my homeat twoo’clock.


中考英语英语阅读理解精选附答案 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.阅读理解 Earlier this year, China achieved a new milestone (里程碑) in space research. On January 3, 2019, Chang'e-4 became the first lunar probe (月球探测器) in history to successfully land on the far side of the moon. The Earth's gravity (重力) slows the moon's rotation (自转), matching it to the speed of its orbit (公转). Therefore, the far side of the moon is almost "dark" and has never been seen. It's this sense of the unknown that makes the far side of the moon such an interesting place for scientific and space research. Being blown by solar (太阳的) winds, the far side may have the special minerals (矿物质). For this reason, Chang'e-4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any mineral found by the spacecraft. Chang'e-4 is also carrying flower seeds, potatoes and silkworm eggs to see whether life is possible on the moon. If it is, then the moon will become a possible choice for space travel in the future. However, research of the "dark" side isn't easy. As the far side is blocked(阻断) off from us, radio noise coming off Earth is also blocked. This is why China's relay satellite (中继卫星) Queqiao was sent up in May, 2018. Thanks to Queqiao, the communication problem between Earth and Chang'e-4 has been well solved. Power supply (电源供应) is also a challenge to the task. Chang'e-4 gets energy from the sun through its solar panels. As we know, a lunar day has the length (长度) of 28 Earth days. After Chang'e-4 was sent up on December 8, 2018, it took the probe over 20 days to orbit the moon to be in a position to be able to land in moon daylight and use its solar panels. Luckily, everything goes well, Chang'e-4 has worked on the "dark" side for over 5 months. It has sent back many photos of the far side of the moon and has been used to carry out some scientific experiments. The New York Times used the word "groundbreaking" to praise the task and wrote that "it will offer help to the history and development of the moon". (1)When was Chang'e-4 sent up? A. In May, 2018. B. On December 8, 2018. C. On January 3, 2019.


江西省2017年中等学校招生考试 英语试题卷 一、听力测试(27分) 现在是试听时间。请听一段对话,然后回答问题。 What is the boy going to buy? A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples. 答案是C。 A)请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) 1. Where does the woman live? A. In the town. B. In the city. C. In the mountains. 2. What time will Sally and Kevin meet this Sunday? A. At six. B. At seven. C. At eight. 3. Who has a fever? A. Jim. B. Michael. C. Michael’s mother. 4. What will Lily do? A. Go fishing. B. Go for a snack. C. Go hiking. 5. How is the weather tomorrow? A. Windy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny. 6. Why is Tom feeling sad? A. Because he failed the English exam. B. Because he has no friends to talk with. C. Because he doesn't know whom to talk with. 7. How much will the man pay? A. $2.15. B. $2.50. C.$5.00. 8. What does the woman mean? A. It's time to go to bed. B. It's too early to go to bed. C. She has too much work to do. B)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题五秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作

中考英语 英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案)

中考英语英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案) 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.阅读理解 Children love to play and laugh throughout their days at school or at home. Finding the time to laugh with your children may be the best thing you can do for the relationship. Encourage your children to develop a good humor by laughing at the jokes they make up on the spot. This will help them grow confident and build their self-esteem. If you do not get the joke, you can ask why they think the joke is funny. Honest feedback will help your children develop funnier jokes. You can take them to your local library and have them pick up a few joke books. Then you can head back home or out to the park and read it together for a good laugh. You can take turns reading jokes to each other from the book or make up a few yourselves. But if they make a joke at the expense of another person, you may want to discuss the difference between making fun of yourself and making fun of others. In turn , try not to make jokes at your children’s expense, you need to set an exampl e that they can follow. Learning to laugh at oneself is a great quality to attain. You can set an example by laughing at your own mistakes. This is a great way to help reduce your own stress as well as your children’s. Laughing may make the situation seem lighter and easier to work through. By doing this, your children will be better prepared to handle any difficulties. Most importantly, laughing will bring you closer together as a family. You can have your family find different ways to laugh. You can play games. You can start a staring contest, arm wrestling contest, thumb wars contest and have a prize for the winners. You can all watch your best funny movies and act out the best parts together after the movies are over. You could hold a contest to see who can make the other members of the family laugh more by doing something funny. Kids will be able to enjoy the good time they had with their parents. The family that laughs together stays together! (1)If you often play and laugh with your children, you can ________. A. develop a good humor B. become proud and confident C. make up some funny jokes D. get along well with each other (2)The underlined word “them” refers to ________. A. funny jokes B. interesting books C. your children D. the family (3)We can infer that when your children make mistakes you should ________. A. teach them to laugh at the mistakes B. blame them seriously C. punish them at once D. tell them to do better in future (4)The author advises in Para.4 that people make their family members laugh by ________. A. having a party B. having some kinds of contests C. doing some housework D. reading joke books (5)What can be the best title for the text? A. The More You laugh, the B etter You’ll Be B. Laughing Every Day Is Simple C. How to Laugh in Everyday Life D. Laughter Is Good for Your Family


试卷类型 A 【人教版新目标】2015年初中英语中考模拟试题 (总分120分考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,75分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,45分;共120分。 2、答题前务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,试题答案必须填涂或填写在答题卡上相应位置。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共75分) 一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Don’t worry. B. I agree with you. C. Please help them. 2. A. Good idea. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. Yes, please. 3. A. Two hours. B. Once a week. C. Three times. 4. A. Sure. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. 5. A. Yes, I know. B. That’s great. C. I’m sorry to hear that. (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. Where are they talking? A. At home. B. At a shop. C. At a restaurant. 7. What is the girl doing? A. Taking pictures. B. Choosing a gift. C. Talking with her father. 8. How is Jim going to spend his summer holiday? A. Reading. B. Seeing movies. C. Doing a part-time job. 9. How long does Tom usually stay in the library every day? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. 10. When will the concert start? A. At half past six. B. At half past seven. C. In thirty minutes. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有40秒钟的读题时间) 11. What’s the matter with Peter? A. He’s unhappy. B. He failed the test. C. His teacher can’t help him. 12. How does Peter like Chinese?


第一册词组(共26个) 1.in English 用英语 2.how many 多少 3.a piece of bread 一片而包 4.four cups of tea 四杯茶 5.a pair of shoes 一双鞋 6.play chess 下棋 7.run after 追逐 8.play football 踢足球 9.be good at 擅长 10.on the basketabll team 在篮球队 11.scoot at the basket 投篮 12.the first us 第一班车 13.at eight 在八点 14.hurry up 快点 15.a quarter past ten 十点一刻 16.five to eleven 差五分十一点 17.the next train 下一趟火车 18.on Monday 在周一 19.a ticket for Shanghai 一张飞往上海的 机票

20.at home 在家 21.a good idea 好主意 22.go skating 去xx 23.in the afternoon 在下午 24.in winter 在冬季 25.make a snowman 堆雪人 26. put on穿上,戴上 第二册词组(共84个) 1.in Class One,Grade One 在一年级一班2.play ball games 进行球类活动3.read books 读书 4.in summer 在夏季 5.have one's class 上课 6.on the playground 在操场上7.every day 每天 8.the first class 第一节课 9.be interested in 对…感兴趣 10.his friend 他的朋友 11.go to the zoo 去动物园 12.collet stamps 集邮 17.Chinese food 中国食物


如果您喜欢这份文档,欢迎下载!祝您成绩进步,学习愉快! 江西省2019年中等学校招生考试英语试题卷 说明:1.全卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.请将答案写在答题卡上,否则不给分。 一、听力测试(27分) 现在是试听时间。请听一段对话,然后回答问题。 What is the boy going to buy? A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples. 答案是C A)请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) 1. What is Jane reading? A. A newspaper. B. A magazine. C. A bool. 2. Who has long hair in the picture? A. Mary. B. Lisa C. Lisa’s friend. 3. When will they meet for tea tomorrow? A. At 2:30 pm. B. At 3:30 pm. C. At 4:30 pm. 4. Where does Rick come from? A. The USA. B. Canada. C. The UK. 5. Why was Peter very happy? A. Because he passed his exams. B. Because he had a party for mike. C. Because it was his birthday that day. 6. How did the girl go to school today? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot. 7. How long did the man sleep last night? A. For 6 hours. B. For 4 hours. C. For 3 hours. 8. What does the girl mean? A. She will play football. B. She won’t play football. C. She is strong enough to play football. B)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分) 请听第1段材料,回答第9、10小题。 9. Who does the boy want to visit? A. His sister. B. His aunt. C. His cousin. 10. Which room does Jenny live in? A. Room 180. B. Room 118. C. Room 108.


最新初中英语中考完形填空、阅读理解试题及答案 It was his summer holidays. Kevin was free to do anything he wanted to do. However, his cousin Max came to be with him one day. Max was a naughty boy, he thought the next week would be his worst holidays. One day Kevin was reading the newspaper One piece of interesting news caught his attention. He read it aloud “The world famous philatelist Dick Brown’s stamps have been stolen last week in his town.” Kevin had a nice stamp collection and it was with his friend Allan. He decided to get his stamp album back as he felt it would be safer. But Kevin couldn’t go because his mother’s friend was coming over and his mother wanted him to be at home during her friend’s visit. Kevin decided to send Max to get his album. Kevin gave Max the address of Allan’s and Max set off. When Max came back, Kevin found that it was not his album. It had many valuable stamps. Actually Max had gone to another house by mistake. He had knocked on the door but no one opened. He went in when he found the door unlocked. Then he found an album like Kevin’s , so brought it. Kevin thought it might be the stolen album. He telephoned the police and told that he had found a valuable album. A week had passed, Kevin and Max got reward for finding Dick Brown’s album. “I will never be angry at Max,” Kevin thought. ( )1. A. busy B. free C. sad D. boring ( )2. A. last B. first C. next D. second ( )3. A. writing B. reading C. cutting D. opening ( )4. A. bought B. sold C. got D. stolen ( )5. A. friend B. brother C. sister D. uncle ( )6. A. more dangerous B. more expensive C. safer D. cheaper ( )7. A. because B. while C. before D. after ( )8. A. her B. my C. our D. his ( )9. A. address B. telephone C. name D. map ( )10. A. up B. back C. down D. to ( )11. A. closed B. opened C. lcoked D. broke ( )12. A. so B. and C. but D. or ( )13. A. teachers B. businessmen C. police D. doctors ( )14. A. finding B. giving C. selling D. making ( )15. A. always B. often C. usually D. never BCBDA CADAB BACAD John Grisham is one of the most popular American authors writing today. There are over 60 million copies of his books worldwide. All of his books have been bestsellers. Since 1991, he has written one book a year. Six books, including The Client,have been made into films. His most recent book, T h e Brethren, was published in 2000. Grisham was born in Arkansas in 1955. As a child he wanted to be a professional baseball player. Later he changed his mind and studied accounting at Mississippi State University. In 1981, he qualified as a lawyer. He worked in a law firm for nearly ten years. He sat as a Democrat in the


初中英语中考模拟试题及答案(1) I.单项选择(共15分,每题1分) ( )1.What about _______ an English song? A.singing B.sing C.to sing ( )2.I spend a lot of time ______ basketball. A.playing B.to play C.play ( )3.My parents prefer to stay at home rather than_____ to parties. A.going B.go C.to go ( ) 4.The factory ________ since the March of 2013. A.has been open B.has opened C.was open ( ) 5.Could you tell me ________? A.where does he work B.where he works C.where he worked ( ) 6.Mr Black encouraged his children _____ the library as often as possible. A.go to B.to go to C.going to ( )7.—Jim.How________is it from your home to school? 一My home isn’t far from my school.It’s about a______walk. A.1ong,five minutes' B. far,five-minutes' C.far,five-minute ( )8.---Look! Ii’t raining heavily._______ take a raincoat with you? ---Well,I’ll take one right now. A.Why not B.Why don’t C.Would you mind ( ) 9. I have never seen ______ picture before. A.such a beautiful B.so beautiful a C.a such beautiful ( )10.—Are you sure if Lucy_____ for dinner tomorrow? 一I’m not sure.If she______ we will ask Lily instead. n’n’ ( )11.一There will be a sports meeting tomorrow.What will the weather be like? 一I have no idea.Why not_____ the radio and listen? A.Turn off B.turn down C.turn on ( )12.Our parents always worry we talk instead of _____ homework. A.do B.doing C.to do ( )13. Neither I nor Jane and Mary ______ interested in science. A.is B,are C.am ( )14.He used to _____ much meat, but now he’s used to ______ fruits and vegetables. A.eat;eating B.eating; eat C.eat; eat ( )15.Would you mind ______ to movies? I want ______ tennis with you. A.not go, to play B.not going , to play C.don’t go , to play ( )16.The shoes are much too small for him.They ______ be his. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t ( )17.---Tom likes playing basketball. ---_______________. A.So did I B.So was I C.So do I ( )18.I like music _______ I can sing along with. A.that B.who C.where ( )19.---It’s sunny today.Let’s go mountain climbing,_________? A.shall we B.will you C.won’t you


中考英语语法总结 一、祈使句结构 1 祈使句结构 祈使句用以表达命令,要求,请求,劝告等。 1)祈使句有两种类型,一种是以动词原形开头,在动词原形之前加do (但只限于省略第二人称主语的句子)。 Take this seat. Do be careful. 否定结构: Don't move. Don't be late. 2)第二种祈使句以let开头。 Let 的反意疑问句 a. Let's 包括说话者 Let's have another try,shall we / shan't we = Shall we have another try b. Let us 不包括说话者 Let us have another try,will you / won't you = Will you please let us have another try

否定结构: Let's not talk of that matter. Let us not talk of that matter. 二、感叹句结构 感叹句结构 感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情。 what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下几种: 掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点。 How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序 How+形容词或副词+ 陈述语序 What +名词+ 陈述语序 What+a+形容词+名词+ 陈述语序 What+ 形容词+复数名词+ 陈述语序 What+ 形容词+不可数名词+ 陈述语序 How clever a boy he is! How lovely the baby is! What noise they are making! What a clever boy he is!


2020年江西省中考英语试卷 和答案解析 一、听力测试(27分)现在是试听时间.请听一段对话,然后回答问题.What is the boy going to buy?A.Some juice.B.Some oranges.C.Some apples.答案是C.A)请听下面8段对话.每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话读两遍.(每小题1分)1.(1分)What is the man doing? A.He is having dinner. B.He is having a class. C.He is planning his vacation. 解析:略 参考答案:略 点拨:略 2.(1分)How is the weather today? A.Cool. B.Hot. C.Cold. 解析:略 参考答案:略 点拨:略

3.(1分)When did the woman go to the new restaurant? A.Last night. B.Last week. C.Two days ago. 解析:略 参考答案:略 点拨:略 4.(1分)Where are Tom's parents going for the Mid﹣Autumn Festival? A.To his brother's home. B.To his home. C.To his sister's home. 解析:略 参考答案:略 点拨:略 5.(1分)What's wrong with the man? A.He has a fever. B.He has a sore throat. C.He has a toothache. 解析:略 参考答案:略 点拨:略


2018英语中考模拟测试卷 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. The Presidents of China and the USA had_________interview a short time ago. And it was_________great success. A. an; / B. the; a C. an; a D. the; / 2. --- Could you please move over a little and make some _________ for me? --- Sure, please A. place B. seat C. room D. ground 3. --- When will he come back to China? ---__________ a month. A. In B. After C. Before D. For 4. ---Tony, have you stopped smoking? ---Yes, I have to because I can___________breathe when I run. A. often B. never C. hardly D. almost 5. It will be easier for people to realize their dreams if they _______ highly _______. A. have; educated B. will; educate C. are; educated D. were; educated 6.---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? ---No, you____________. You’re free to make your own decision. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 7. ---- Will Jenny come tomorrow? ---- I’m not sure. She ______ an hour ago without saying anything. A. has left B. left C. leave D. will leave 8. On those foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you___________ it was at noon. A. and B. because C. though D. but 9. ---- Do you mind my _______ here? ---- _________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. to smoke; Of course not B. smoking; You’d better not C. to smoke; No, I don’t D. smoking; Never mind 10.---- What did the woman ask you just now? --- She asked___________. A. who was I waiting for B. whether could I help her to find the post office C. how she can get to the post office D. which was the way to the library 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) One of my best childhood memories is of going to the river and sitting quietly on the bank. There I would _____11____ the peace and quiet, watching the bamboo trees bend in the wind and then return to their original positions ____12____ the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ____13_____ to come back to its original position, the word resilience (顺应力)comes to my ____14____. When we use the word to talk about a person, it ___15___ the ability to easily recover from shock, sadness or any other____16___ situation. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap (垮掉)? Have you ever felt like you are _____17____ your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived (坚持过来)the experience to live to talk about ___18_____. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The ___19____ time you are experiencing one of those unhappy moments that take you ____20____
