


a free sample thank you letter for a career/jo

b fair

3420 last tree lane

deland, fl 32720


mr. gary barnett

aerial communications, inc.

3407 w. mlk jr. blvd.

tampa, fl 33607

dear mr. barnett,

thank you for taking the time to meet with me at the central florida career fair today. i certainly appreciate your time and attention in the midst of so many students

seeking jobs.

you were extremely thorough in explaining aerial’s customer service and marketing trainee program. now that i have a better idea of what the position entails, i am even more sure that i would be an asset to your team and to aerial.

my solid education from stetson university’s marketing department and the fact that i have worked my way through college show a work ethic and determination, two qualities you said were important to success at aerial.

i look forward to an opportunity to visit aerial’s tampa office and speak to you further about the trainee program. i will contact you next week to arrange an appointment.


sample interview thank you letter

your name

your address

your city, state, zip code

your phone number

your email






city, state, zip code

dear mr./ms. last name:

it was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account executive position at the smith agency. the job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. the creative approach

to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.

in addition to my enthusiasm, i will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness and the ability to

encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. my artistic background will help me to work with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.

i understand your need for administrative support. my detail orientation and organizational skills will help to

free you to deal with larger issues. i neglected to mention during my interview that i had worked for two summers as a temporary office worker. this experience helped me to develop my secretarial and clerical skills.

i appreciate the time you took to interview me. i am very interested in working for you and look forward to

hearing from you about this position.


your signature

your typed name

英文的感谢信英文感谢信范文(2)| 返回目录dear ,

i am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi.

if it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, i fear that the consequences might have been much serious. everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.

although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. if there were more people like you, the world would be a nicer place.

yours sincerely,

li ming


文感谢信范文(3)| 返回目录尊敬的人事部lisa:


我是武娜,来自xx外语外贸大学,14号上午8:50参加了贵公司的group assessment,我想面试者众多,您可能忘了我是谁了,呵呵,不知您有没有印象,那场有位面试者老蹲地上捡胸前名纸牌。

首先,我很感谢贵公司给我这次group assessment的机会,这是我人生第一次group assessment,让我有机会亲身感受德勤office的工作氛围和气氛,让我真正体念到了团队合作的重要性和技巧性,让我有机会结交新的7位朋友,让我有机会总结自己group assessment的不足和优点,让我对团队工作方式有了更加正确的认识。



再次感谢贵公司给我group assessment 的机会,让我终生难忘,希望有机会跟您进行更深的交流!





dear lisa:

i’m sorry to take up your time,i’m wuna,fromxx university of foreign studies,who had took part in the group assessment with the period of 8:50 on 14th

november 15,XX。maybe you can’t figure what i look like,i wonder if you have an impression that there was a candidate whose name card often dropped onto the floor,then i was just that candidate。

to begin with,please allow me to thank your company of giving me the opportunity for group assessment。honestly speaking,this was the first group assessment in my life。i’m very pleasured that i have the opportunity to experience the working place and atmosphere of dtt,the opportunity to make new friends with my 7 teammates,the opportunity to learn the importance of teamwork skills,the opportunity to review my weak points and strong points and enhance my understanding of teamwork ,all of which i appreciate very much

meanwhile,would you mind that i

make a suggestion here,from the moment i stuck the name card on my chest,it began to drop onto the floor,i wonder maybe i was too nervous that even this lovely name card could not stand it,when i got back to my dorm,i tested with other sticky things,it was found that my coat material refused to stick anything,so would you mind my suggestion to replace sticky name card with other ways in case for the 1% possibility of my case,for example,maybe we can use a name card displayed on the roundtable,and also it is more convenient for the teammates to know each other。how do you think?

thanks again for the chance your company given me to participate this group assessment,which i will keep in my mind throughout my life。i hope we can have an opportunity for further communications。

best wishes to you and deloitte


yours sincere



升职感谢信(英文版)英文感谢信范文(4)| 返回目录【一】

respected xx of xx

greetings, i am writing this letter to thank you for your kind understanding of our moderate adjustments to our pricing policies. as you may have already known, the cost of the raw materials necessary to our production has moved up greatly in the last few years, and considering the fact that it is to the interests of both of our companies’that we maintain a cooperation relationship, we have been by far trying to supprethe rise of product prices as best we can. but with the recent increase of labor cost, it has become impossible for us to leave prices the way they were, and thus the new pricing policy.

you have shown great understanding when we announced our new price list, and that is certain to help increase our future cooperation, once again you have my thanks on behalf of the whole company. you are very welcome to continue ordering our products, we look forward to in depth cooperation between our two companies.


thank you, mr. gibson. i feel deeply indebted to you and i really don’t know how to thank you enough for your ‘s a great honor to be following in your footsteps as overseas sales manager.

to be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise. i’d like to think it’s mainly a recognition of the teamwork, above and beyond the call of duty, in my department. on that same note, i’d like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their enthusiasm and hard work. due to their efforts, we’ve really gotten some overseas

projects off the ground for action.

looking to the future, i’d still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though i’ll be working at the senior level. well, what i’m trying to say is i won’t let this step-up go to my head. my door will always be open. thank you again.












英文感谢信范文(一): thank you for interview ii dear (bosss name), i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department。 as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion。 it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you。 i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction。 sincerely, (signature) 英文感谢信范文(二): dear prof。 herthwell, 亲爱的herthwell教授: many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university。 it was nice of you to introduce me to so many famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university。 we had a safe and sound trip home。 now we have resumed our work。 十分感谢你的盛情款待,以及在你在我们的代表团最近访问你的大学时对我们的尊敬。多谢你把我介绍给那么多您大学里的知名教授和著名的学者。我们已经平安愉悦得回到家了。此刻,我们继续我们的工作了。


英语感谢信范文(一): dear prof。 herthwell, many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university。 it was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university。 we had a safe and sound trip home。 now we have resumed our work。 meanwhile, i hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on modern western economics。 please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in china。 sincerely yours, li dong 英语感谢信范文(二): dear ms。 grasso: thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies。 i was impressed with the pany and the type of banking services the corporation provides。 your ments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking。 i am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to credit technologies。


英文感谢信范文(通用24篇) 随着感恩思想的积极提倡,需要使用感谢信的场合越来越多,写感谢信比口头感谢更加真挚。千万不要把感谢信写成流水账喔!下面是小编收集整理的英文感谢信范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。英文感谢信篇1 Directions: Your friend Jenny gave you a hand when you were in depression because of your mothers death. Write a letter to express your thankness. 1) the reason for the letter 2) What you will do to overcome the sorrow. The address is not necessary and it should be no less than 100 words. Dear Jenny, I do not need to tell you how greatly I appreciate all you have done for me these days and how grateful I am for the comfort and understanding you gave me when I needed them so desperately. No one knows better than you how important my mother meant to me and what an aching void my life has become without her. But I am trying to take your advice and I hope that returning to my work next week will help heal the sorrow I really do not know what I would have been without you. Thank you again for everything you have done for me! Affectionately, xxx 英文感谢信篇2 Dear (Bosss Name), Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. The interview


英文感谢信5篇 英文感谢信5篇 英文感谢信1 Dear xx, Every one agrees that it was you who xx. Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 英文感谢信2 尊敬的xxx: 凯歌辞旧岁,瑞雪迎新年。值此新春佳节,谨托鸿雁,笺短情深,带去公司诚挚的问候和衷心的祝福:您辛苦了!祝您阖家欢乐,岁岁平安! 公司的成长和开展,离不开全体员工的共同努力和辛勤耕耘,更离不开您们对员工的支持和理解。同志为公司作了宏大奉献,我代表公司代表我个人深深的感谢您们的无私付出,并借此佳节,委托他们带去我的一片心意,希望为您的家庭带去春意暖阳。 我更希望我们一同努力,实现他的人生梦想,促进家庭的幸福和睦。并希望您们能好好的照顾他的身体,在此拜托了。

祝您们身体安康,节日快乐! xxx 20xx年x月x日 英文感谢信3 奶奶您好!您最近好吗?听说您跌倒了,我真的一下子心都冷了。我真的恨不得马上来到您的身边照顾您。记得小时候您总是这样对我说“蕾蕾,你长大后一定不要向奶奶一样,一辈子什么长进都没有。奶奶这辈子被人欺负惯了,已经没有什么事可怕的了,你不一样,你才刚刚踏入社会,还有很多事等着你去做。你要学会独立,要学会坚强,遇到有 多困难的事都要英勇的去面对,不要别人看到你软弱的一面。”您对我说的这么话我都记在脑海里,从来不曾忘记过。蕾蕾对不起您,蕾蕾太让您绝望了,太让您伤心了,您脚不方便的时候,我却不能在您的身边照顾您,蕾蕾太对不起您了。您吃的苦太多了,以后我再也不会让您吃苦,记得小时候,别人给您的东西您从来都不舍得吃,每次都拿回来给我吃。奶奶你放心我会听您的话,做个坚强的女孩子,我不会让您绝望的。我已经长大了,不再是以前那个软弱的我,是您让我学会了坚强,学会了独立,奶奶谢谢您!祝您身体安康,万事如意,福如东海,寿比南山。您最爱的孙女:蕾蕾致上英文感谢信4 Dear Mom and Dad,


英文感谢信范文4篇 英文感谢信范文一 a free sample thank you letter for a career/jo b fair 3420 last tree lane deland, fl 32720 386-555-0345 mr. gary barnett aerial communications, inc. 3407 w. mlk jr. blvd. tampa, fl 33607 dear mr. barnett, thank you for taking the time to meet with me at the central florida career fair today. i certainly appreciate your time and attention in the midst of so many students

seeking jobs. you were extremely thorough in explaining aerial’s customer service and marketing trainee program. now that i have a better idea of what the position entails, i am even more sure that i would be an asset to your team and to aerial. my solid education from stetson university’s marketing department and the fact that i have worked my way through college show a work ethic and determination, two qualities you said were important to success at aerial. i look forward to an opportunity to visit aerial’s tampa office and speak to you further about the trainee program. i will contact you next week to arrange an appointment. 英文感谢信范文二 sample interview thank you letter your name your address


英语感谢信(范文20篇) 英语感激信(一): Thanks for Gifts 感激礼品 Dear Mr。Martin: I want to thank you for the beautiful roses you sent to my mother。She was very happy and pleased when she saw they were from you。 I 'm glad to say she is recovering,and I hope she will soon be able to leave the hospital。 We both send you our warmest thanks for the flowers and your very kind wishes。 Sincerely, John Granby 英语感激信(二): Thanks for Coming to the Hospital 感激探病 Dear Lucy, Thanks for your kind visit which has helped me to forget the lonesomeness and minimize the pain of my illness。Curiously enough,the doctor says that I am over the hump and should be improving steadily。It is nice to

think that your friendship and fortable remarks have contributed to my ing around。 The doctor assured me if such improvement continued,I should be able to leave the sickbed within a few days。You can imagine how the news has cheered me up。 Sincerely yours, Jim 英语感激信(三): Thanks for Dinner 感激宴请 Dear Mr。Song, Thank you for inviting me and some of my colleagues to dine with you last night。It was an enjoyable occasion and an excellent dinner。 As you know,we value our long-established relationship with the People’s Republic of China,and with the Ministry of Foreign Trade (对外贸易部)in particular,and look forward to doing more business with them and to many future years ahead of increased cooperation。 Yours sincerely James


英语感谢信范文5篇 英语感谢信:篇1 Thanks for One’s Hospitality 感谢信 Directions: 说明: Your delegation has just returned from a visit to a university in Great Britain. And you were warmly treated there by Professor Herthwell. Please write a letter to express your thanks to him for his hospitality and hope for further cooperation. 您的代表团刚刚造访了英国一所大学。你受到了Herthwell教授的热烈欢迎。请写一封信来表达你对他盛情款待的感谢以及希望进一步的合作。 -------------------------------- Dear Prof. Herthwell, 亲爱的Herthwell教授: Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. We had

a safe and sound trip home. Now we have resumed our work. 非常感谢你的盛情款待,以及在你在我们的代表团最近访问你的大学时对我们的尊敬。谢谢你把我介绍给那么多您大学里的知名教授和著名的学者。我们已经平安愉悦得回到家了。现在,我们继续我们的工作了。 Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”. 同时,我希望有一天你能够对我校进行一个短暂的访问并给我们开一些关于“现代西方经济学”的讲座。 Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China. 如果你要我为你在中国做些事情,请不要犹豫,写信给我。 Best wishes, Li Dong 最好的祝愿 李东 英语感谢信:篇2 Dear Mr Li, I’m very excited to write to express my thanks to you。 I am now a freshman of Wuhan University, which I have been dreaming about。 Mr Li, I still remember the days when you


英语感谢信范文(通用17篇) 在不断进步的时代,我们越来越经常使用感谢信,不同种类的.感谢信使用的场景也会有所不同。那么我们该怎么去写感谢信呢?下面是小编为大家收集的英语感谢信范文(通用17篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。 英语感谢信篇1 Dear Mr.Martin: I want to thank you for the beautiful roses you sent to my mother.She was very happy and pleased when she saw they were from you. I #39;m glad to say she is recovering,and I hope she will soon be able to leave the hospital. We both send you our warmest thanks for the flowers and your very kind wishes. Sincerely, John Granby 英语感谢信篇2 Dear Lucy, Thanks for your kind visit which has helped me to forget the lonesomeness and minimize the pain of my illness.Curiously enough,the doctor says that I am over the hump and should be improving steadily.It is nice to think that your friendship and fortable remarks have contributed to my ing around. The doctor assured me if such improvement continued,I should be able to leave the sickbed within a few days.You can imagine how the news has cheered me


英文感谢信范文集锦10篇 英文感谢信篇1 DDate:____________ Dear _________, I am now writing these few lines to expremy sincere thanks for_________. I’d like you to know how much your ___________ meant to me. You have a positive genius for ___________. I not only enjoyed _____, but also ___________.I shall ever remember ________as one of the most______ in my life. I _________. I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating. Would you kindly let me know ________. I will fell very honored and pleased if you have time to ____________. How nice it would be to see you again! I repeat my thanks again for your ___________. Please give my kind regards to your ________. Yours truly, Signature 英文感谢信篇2 Dear Susan, I’m glad to be your student, and I am very happy to learn the course I like best under your help. English is an important tool, through which we can share it with the world. I treasure the chance of learning English, and I enjoy the happiness from this course. This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. On this special day, I want to express my deepest thanks to you! Yours sincerely. 英文感谢信篇3


英文感谢信作文 英文感谢信作文(精选10篇) 在日常的.学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是小编为大家整理的英文感谢信作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 英文感谢信作文篇1 Dear David, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your very active participation in our recent conference in Montreal on the “future of aviation”. The chairman and board members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the institute in this important undertaking. Your skill in chairing the controversial panel on “the role of developing countries in the future of aviation management” was highly appreciated by those representing all sides of that extremely sensitive topic. As well, we have received numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on “the critical issue of cooperation between airlines and airports”. It appears that you my have penned a best-seller with that one! On both a professional and a personal level, I really appreciated the time that the two of us were able to spend together for fun and reflection during conference down times. I certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects of aviation operation in your part of the world (not to mention the things you taught me about the backhand on the squash court!) We are currently hard at work producing the “compendium of conference proceedings” document, and we expect to be


英文感谢信(精选6篇) 英语感谢信篇一 dear mr. , 尊敬的先生: thank you very much for the interview yesterday. i learned a great deal about your company, its major projects, and its ambitious plans for future development in shenzhen. 非常感谢您昨天的面试。我了解到许多有关贵公司的情况,它的主要产品以及未来在深圳的宏大发展计划。 i believe i am fully qualified for the work you described. my eperience with corporation is directly related to the work you are offering. also, my academic background and the training i received as an administrative assistant provide a strong base for further development. 我自信完全有资格承担您所描述的工作。我在某某公司的经验与贵方提供的工作直接相关。而且我的教育背景和所受的行政助理方面的培训,为我提供了进一步发展的坚实基础。 thanks again for the interview. i look forward to hearing from you soon. 再次感谢您的面试。希望尽早得到您的消息。 sincerely yours, 英文感谢信篇二 Dear Jack and Jane, I hop e this letter finds you well. I’m just writing to thank you both for the holiday and for the photos you sent. The photos arrived this morning in the post. They reminded me what a great time I had during my stay with you last month. You really were fan tastic hosts, and I couldn’t have asked for better


用英文写一篇感谢信(通用12篇) 用英文写一篇篇1 Dear Chen Lin and Li Hua, I’ve just been out of hospital for a couple of days. Right now ,I am really fine, but without your support, I wouldn’t have got better so soon. You know, the traffic accident gave me a very hard blow, both physically and mentally. In the first two weeks after my injury, I almost lost my confidence in my future life. It is the doctors’and your encouragement that rendered me much strength and determination。 Anyway, I learned a lot from this unfortunate accident. I’d neverrealize how important your friendship was to me. I can’t say anymore to show my gratitude for your taking turns keeping me company,and getting me through the blue time. Next Saturday, my mother would give a recovery party to thank myfriends. I really want to see you there. So, 7 o’clock at my place,OK? Your truly, Li Ming 用英文写一篇感谢信篇2 Dear Zhang Li, I'm sending you this short letter of thanks with a small present, which I hope you will like. Thank you very much for helping my father last Sunday, when he broke his legs on the stairs. My father told me that he had fallen and hurt his leg badly. He could not get up or walk. Then you came to help him. You called a taxi for my father, and took him to the nearest hospital.


英文的感谢信范文(通用27篇) 英文的范文篇1 Dear Prof. Smith, Many thanks for your hospitability and the honor you showed me during my recent visit to your country. It was thoughtful of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and learned scholars in your Country. I have learned a lot from them. I returned to China safe and sound last Friday, and have resumed my work now. I hope you will some day visit our country with its ancient history and beautiful scenery, and give us some lectures on "Modern English Literature". Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want me to do something for you in China. With best wishes, I remain.(祝好) Yours sincerely, David Li 英文的感谢信范文篇2 Dear Tom, Iam writing this letter to convey my genuine gratitude for your fantasticpresent. Thefigurine is exactly what I want that you presented to me as the New Year gift. Justimagine I had hunted for it for several days in the supermarkets and did notobtain the ideal one. They were either too expensive or the style was not theright one I prefer. It is so kind of you to give me the favorite figurine andmy lift will be colored by your delicate concern. Pleaseaccept my heartfelt appreciation again. I am so proud of having such a generousfriend as you and our friendship will


有关感谢信的英语作文(精选4篇) 有关的英语篇1 Dear Mr John: How are things going with you in Beijing? I am writing to show my thanks to you。 You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing。 With your help I made such rapid progrethat I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city。My achievement is owed to your help。 Thank you very much。 I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school。 I am very glad at the news。 In that case we can see each other again。 I am looking forward to your coming。 I am sending you a telescope as a small gift。 I hope you will like it。 All the best。 Yours, Liu Jie1ThanksforOne’sHospitality 有关感谢信的英语作文篇2 June 17th , 20xx Dear Xiao He, Thank you ever so much for having invited me for the tour of Yunnan, your home province. I had a fantastic time with you and your family. Your great hospitality will be unforgettable throughout my life. When I think of those gorgeous places of scenic beauty you showed me around, I couldn’t be more delighted. And the pineapple pie Grandma prepared for me is out of this world. I had never had so delicious food! Indeed, I am still missing your snug log-cabin, small and cozy, which was turned into my dream house in fairy land those nights.


英文感谢信4篇 英文感谢信4篇 随着感恩教育不断深化,在很多情况下我们需要用到感谢信,请注意不同的对象有不同的感谢信。千万不能认为感谢信随便应付就可以,以下是整理的英文感谢信4篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英文感谢信篇1Dear Prof. Herthwell, Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. We had a safe and sound trip home. Now we have resumed our work. Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”. Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China. With best wishes. Sincerely yours, Li Dong


关于英文感谢信范文(通用10篇) 关于英文感谢信范文(通用10篇) 英文感谢信篇1 Dear Zhangxuan: I am writing this letter to thank. First, I must thank the god, for letting me meet with you, my best friend throughout my life. And then, thank you very much for staying with me all the time. From the time we know each other, every time when I meet with troubles, you always try your best to help me. When I am sad or unhappy, you always fort me to make me forget the sad things. And you usually share your good and happy experiences with meAll these make me delighted. Although you are in Tianjin now, I believe we still stay together. Because of you, I feel the life is wonderful. Meeting with you is really a good thing. At last, I have only a sentence want to sayMy dear friend, thank you. Sincerely, Linluo 英文感谢信篇2 dear sirs:


感谢信英语作文(通用18篇) 英语篇1 Dear Sue, Howare you doing? Iam writing this letter to say "thank you." First and foremost, it isclear that you, just like "our foreign mother", were very patient tous. Additionally, needless to say, you taught me a lot, not only Englishknowledge but also your life wisdom;consequently, all of us have fallen in love with English and https://www.360docs.net/doc/9719139715.html,st but certainly not least, there is no doubt that we had a great timetogether, which we will keep in mind forever. Bythe way, I can't wait to tell you something new about my class. After you leftfor the America, we had an English competition. We all did very well, using theknowledge you told us. No one can deny you helped us so much! Sue,can you give me some information about your life in America? I miss you somuch. I am looking forward to your early reply! Bestwishes! Yourslove/truely, LiHua 感谢信英语作文篇2 Directions: You have just celebrated your birthday and your university classmate Jack has sent you an MP3 as the gift for your birthday. Write a letter to express your thanks to him. Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address. Dear Jack,
