


第七章 11.敏感性分析与盈亏平衡点我们正评估一个项目,该项目成本为724000美元,存续期限为8年,残值为0。假设在项目生命期内以直线折旧法计提折旧,最终账面值为0。预计每年的销售量为75000单位,每单位的价格为39美元,每单位的可变成本为23美元,每年固定成本为850000美元。税率为35%,我们对该项目要求的收益率为15%。 a.计算会计盈亏平衡点 b.计算基本情况下的现金流与净现值。净现值对销售数额变动的敏感性如何?根据你的答案,说明当预测销售量减少500单位时会发生什么情况? c.营运现金流(OCF)对可变成本数值变动的敏感性如何?根据你的答案,说明当估计的可变成本降低1美元时会发生什么情况? 答案:a.每年的折旧为:724000/8=90,500 会计利润的盈亏平衡点:(固定成本+折旧)/(销售单价-单位变动成本)= (850,000 + 90,500)/(39 – 23)=58781 b.1)基本情况下的现金流为: [(销售单价-可变成本)*销售量-固定成本](1-税率)+税率*折旧=[(39 –23)(75,000) –850,000](0.65) + 0.35(90,500)= 259,175

净现值=-成本+现值现值=年金现值表(15%,8)*现金流 =-724000+259,175(PVIFA15%,8)=439001.55 2)当销售量为80000时,现金流为: [($39 –23)(80,000) –$850,000](0.65) + 0.35($90,500)= 311,175 净现值为:–$724,000 + $311,175(PVIFA15%,8)= 672,342.27 则:销售额变动,净现值变动为: D净现值/D销售量=(439,001.55-672,342.27)/(75,000-80.000)=46.668 如果销售量减少500单位则净现值下降: 46.668*500=23.334 C.可变成本降低一美元时,营运现金流为: [(39 –24)(75,000) –850,000](0.65) + 0.35(90,500)= 210,425 则营运现金流对可变成本的变化: DOCF/Dvc = ($259,175 – 210,425)/($23 – 24)=-48750 即;如果可变成本降低一美元则营运现金流增加48750 14、题财务盈亏平衡点 LJ 玩具公司刚刚购买了一台250000 美元的机器,以生产玩具车。该机器将在其5 年的使用期限内以直线折旧法计提折旧。每件玩具售价为25 美元。每件玩具的可变成本为6 美元,每年公司的固定成本为360000 美元。公司税率为34%。适当的折现率为12%。


CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements & Cash Flow Multiple Choice Questions: I. DEFINITIONS BALANCE SHEET b 1. The financial statement showing a firm’s accounting value on a particular date is the: a. income statement. b. balance sheet. c. statement of cash flows. d. tax reconciliation statement. e. shareholders’ equity sheet. Difficulty level: Easy CURRENT ASSETS c 2. A current asset is: a. an item currently owned by the firm. b. an item that the firm expects to own within the next year. c. an item currently owned by the firm that will convert to cash within the next 12 months. d. the amount of cash on hand the firm currently shows on its balance sheet. e. the market value of all items currently owned by the firm. Difficulty level: Easy LONG-TERM DEBT b 3. The long-term debts of a firm are liabilities: a. that come due within the next 12 months. b. that do not come due for at least 12 months. c. owed to the firm’s suppliers. d. owed to the firm’s shareholders. e. the firm expects to incur within the next 12 months. Difficulty level: Easy NET WORKING CAPITAL e 4. Net working capital is defined as: a. total liabilities minus shareholders’ equity. b. current liabilities minus shareholders’ equity. c. fixed assets minus long-term liabilities. d. total assets minus total liabilities. e. current assets minus current liabilities. Difficulty level: Easy LIQUID ASSETS d 5. A(n) ____ asset is on e which can be quickly converted into cash without significant loss in value.


可持续增长假设下列比率是固定的,可持续增长率是多少? 总资产周转率=1.40 利润率=7.6% 权益乘数=1.50 股利支付比率=25% 计算EFN ERT公司最新财务报表如下表所示(单位:美元)。2006年的销售收入预期增长20%。利息费用将维持固定;税率和股利支付比率也将维持固定。销货成本、其他费用、流动资产和应付账款随着销售收入自发增加。 ERT公司2005年损益表 销售收入 905000 成本 710000 其他费用 12000 息前税前利润 183000 利息支付 19700 应税利润 163300 所得税(35%) 57155 净利润 106145 股利42458

留存收益增加 63687 ERT 公司资产负债表(截至2005年12月31日) 资产 负债和所有者权益 流动资产 流动负债 现金 25000 应付账款 65000 应收账款 43000 应付票据 9000 存货 76000 合计 74000 合计 144000 长期债务 156000 固定资产 所有者权益 厂房和设备净值 364000 普通股和股本溢价 21000 留存收益 257000 合计 278000 资产总计 508000 负债和所有者权益总计 508000 A. 如果该企业以完全产能运营且没有发行任何新的债务或权益,要支持20%销售收入增长率所需外部融资是多少? B. 假设该企业2005年仅以80%产能在运营。此时EFN 是多少? C. 假设该企业希望它的负债-权益比率固定,此时的EFN 是多少? 永久生命保险公司正在向你推荐一项保险政策,该政策规定,公司将永久性地每年向你和你的后代支付15 000美元。 a 、如果必要的投资收益率为8%时,你愿意以什么价格购买该保险? 1. 187500 美元 2. 178500美元 3. 158700美元 4.185700美元 b 、假定该保险公司告诉你这项保险的价格为19 5000美元,请你计算利率为多少? 1. 6.79% 2. 7.96% 3. 7.69% 4. 9.76%


第一章导论 1. 公司目标:为所有者创造价值,公司价值在于其产生现金流能力。 2. 财务管理的目标:最大化现有股票的每股现值。 3. 公司理财可以看做对一下几个问题进行研究: 1. 资本预算:公司应该投资什么样的长期资产。 2. 资本结构:公司如何筹集所需要的资金。 3. 净运营资本管理:如何管理短期经营活动产生的现金流。 4. 公司制度的优点:有限责任,易于转让所有权,永续经营。缺点:公司税对股东的双重课税。第二章会计报表与现金流量 资产= 负债+ 所有者权益(非现金项目有折旧、递延税款) EBIT(经营性净利润)= 净销售额-产品成本-折旧 EBITDA = EBIT + 折旧及摊销 现金流量总额CF(A) = 经营性现金流量-资本性支出-净运营资本增加额= CF(B) + CF(S) 经营性现金流量OCF = 息税前利润+ 折旧-税 资本性输出= 固定资产增加额+ 折旧 净运营资本= 流动资产-流动负债 第三章财务报表分析与财务模型 1. 短期偿债能力指标(流动性指标) 流动比率= 流动资产/流动负债(一般情况大于一) 速动比率= (流动资产-存货)/流动负债(酸性实验比率) 现金比率= 现金/流动负债 流动性比率是短期债权人关心的,越高越好;但对公司而言,高流动性比率意味着流动性好,或者现金等短期资产运用效率低下。对于一家拥有强大借款能力的公司,看似较低的流动性比率可能并非坏的信号 2. 长期偿债能力指标(财务杠杆指标)

负债比率= (总资产-总权益)/总资产or (长期负债+ 流动负债)/总资产 权益乘数= 总资产/总权益= 1 + 负债权益比 利息倍数= EBIT/利息 现金对利息的保障倍数(Cash coverage radio) = EBITDA/利息 3. 资产管理或资金周转指标 存货周转率= 产品销售成本/存货存货周转天数= 365天/存货周转率 应收账款周转率= (赊)销售额/应收账款 总资产周转率= 销售额/总资产= 1/资本密集度 4. 盈利性指标 销售利润率= 净利润/销售额 资产收益率ROA = 净利润/总资产 权益收益率ROE = 净利润/总权益 5. 市场价值度量指标 市盈率= 每股价格/每股收益EPS其中EPS = 净利润/发行股票数 市值面值比= 每股市场价值/每股账面价值 企业价值EV = 公司市值+ 有息负债市值-现金EV乘数= EV/EBITDA 6. 杜邦恒等式 ROE = 销售利润率(经营效率)x总资产周转率(资产运用效率)x权益乘数(财杠) ROA = 销售利润率x总资产周转率 7. 销售百分比法 假设项目随销售额变动而成比例变动,目的在于提出一个生成预测财务报表的快速实用方法。是根据资金各个项目与销售收入总额的依存关系,按照计划销售额的增长情况预测需要相应追加多少资金的方法。 d = 股利支付率= 现金股利/净利润(b + d = 1) b = 留存比率= 留存收益增加额/净利润 T = 资本密集率 L = 权益负债比 PM = 净利润率


Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 12e (Ross) Chapter 5 Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of Money 1) Andy deposited $3,000 this morning into an account that pays 5 percent interest, compounded annually. Barb also deposited $3,000 this morning at 5 percent interest, compounded annually. Andy will withdraw his interest earnings and spend it as soon as possible. Barb will reinvest her interest earnings into her account. Given this, which one of the following statements is true? A) Barb will earn more interest in Year 1 than Andy will. B) Andy will earn more interest in Year 3 than Barb will. C) Barb will earn more interest in Year 2 than Andy. D) After five years, Andy and Barb will both have earned the same amount of interest. E) Andy will earn compound interest. 2) Nan and Neal are twins. Nan invests $5,000 at 7 percent at age 25. Neal invests $5,000 at 7 percent at age 30. Both investments compound interest annually. Both twins retire at age 60 and neither adds nor withdraws funds prior to retirement. Which statement is correct? A) Nan will have less money when she retires than Neal. B) Neal will earn more interest on interest than Nan. C) Neal will earn more compound interest than Nan. D) If both Nan and Neal wait to age 70 to retire they will have equal amounts of savings. E) Nan will have more money than Neal at any age. 3) You are investing $100 today in a savings account. Which one of the following terms refers to the total value of this investment one year from now? A) Future value B) Present value C) Principal amount D) Discounted value E) Invested principal 4) Christina invested $3,000 five years ago and earns 2 percent annual interest. By leaving her interest earnings in her account, she increases the amount of interest she earns each year. The way she is handling her interest income is referred to as: A) simplifying. B) compounding. C) aggregating. D) accumulating. E) discounting.


CHAPTER 8 Making Capital Investment Decisions I. DEFINITIONS INCREMENTAL CASH FLOWS a 1. The changes in a firm's future cash flows that are a direct consequence of accepting a project are called _____ cash flows. a. incremental b. stand-alone c. after-tax d. net present value e. erosion Difficulty level: Easy EQUIVALENT ANNUAL COST e 2. The annual annuity stream o f payments with the same present value as a project's costs is called the project's _____ cost. a. incremental b. sunk c. opportunity d. erosion e. equivalent annual Difficulty level: Easy SUNK COSTS c 3. A cost that has already been paid, or the liability to pay has already been incurred, is a(n): a. salvage value expense. b. net working capital expense. c. sunk cost. d. opportunity cost. e. erosion cost. Difficulty level: Easy OPPORTUNITY COSTS d 4. Th e most valuable investment given up i f an alternative investment is chosen is a(n): a. salvage value expense. b. net working capital expense.


CHAPTER 8 MAKING CAPITAL INVESTMENT DECISIONS Answers to Concepts Review and Critical Thinking Questions 1. In this context, an opportunity cost refers to the value of an asset or other input that will be used in a project. The relevant cost is what the asset or input is actually worth today, not, for example, what it cost to acquire. 2. a.Yes, the reduction in the sales of the company’s other products, referred to as erosion, and should be treated as an incremental cash flow. These lost sales are included because they are a cost (a revenue reduction) that the firm must bear if it chooses to produce the new product. b. Yes, expenditures on plant and equipment should be treated as incremental cash flows. These are costs of the new product line. However, if these expenditures have already occurred, they are sunk costs and are not included as incremental cash flows. c. No, the research and development costs should not be treated as incremental cash flows. The costs of research and development undertaken on the product during the past 3 years are sunk costs and should not be included in the evaluation of the project. Decisions made and costs incurred in the past cannot be changed. They should not affect the decision to accept or reject the project. d. Yes, the annual depreciation expense should be treated as an incremental cash flow. Depreciation expense must be taken into account when calculating the cash flows related to a given project. While depreciation is not a cash expense that directly affects c ash flow, it decreases a firm’s net

公司理财精要 罗斯 第四版 附录B 公式

第2章 1. 资产负债表恒等式:资产=负债+股东权益 2. 损益表等式:收入-费用=利润 源自资产的现金流量= 流向债权人的现金流量 + 流向股东的现金流量 此处:a.源自资产的现金流量 = 经营性现金流量 - 净资本支出 - 净营运资本的变化 1) 经营性现金流量 = 息税前利润(EBIT) + 折旧 - 所得税 2) 净资本性支出 = 期末净固定资产 - 期初净固定资产 + 折旧 3) 净营运资本变化 = 期末净营运资本 - 期初净营运资本 b.流向债权人的现金流量 = 支付的利息 - 新增净借款额 c.流向股东的现金流量 = 支付的股利 - 新增净权益资本 第3章 1. 流动比率 = 流动资产/流动负债 2. 速动比率(酸性测试比率) = (流动资产 - 存货)/流动负债 3. 现金比率 = 现金/流动负债 4. 总负债比率 = (资产总额 - 权益总额)/资产总额 5. 负债-权益比率 = 负债总额/权益总额 6. 权益乘数 = 资产总额/ 权益总额 7. 利息保障倍数 = 息税前利润/利息费用 8. 现金覆盖率 = (息税前利润 + 折旧)/利息费用 9. 存货周转率(次数) = 产品销售成本/存货 10. 存货周转天数 = 365天/存货周转率 11. 应收账款周转率= 销售收入/应收账款 12. 应收账款周转天数 = 365天/应收账款周转率 13. 总资产周转率 = 销售收入/总资产 14. 销售利润率 = 净利润/销售收入 15. 资产报酬率 = 净利润/总资产 16. 权益报酬率 = 净利润/权益总额 17. 每股收益 = 净利润/流通在外的股票票数量 18. 市盈率 = 每股市价/每股收益 19. 市净率 = 每股市价/每股账面价值 20. 杜邦财务分析体系: 权益报酬率 = 资产报酬率 权益报酬率 = 销售利润率×总资产周转率×权益乘数 21. 股利支付率 = 现金股利/净利润 22. 盈余留存比率 = 留存收益增加额/净利润 23. 内部增长率 = b -1b ??资产报酬率资产报酬率 24. 可持续增长率 = b -1b ??权益报酬率权益报酬率 第4章 1.对于每一美元,投资t 个时期,每时期的收益率未r ,那么终值 = $1(1 +r)t 2.T 时期后1美元的现值(折现率为r ) PV = $1×[1/(1+r)t ] = $1/(1+r)t 3.现值和终值之间的关系: PV ×(1 + r) t = FV t PV=FV t /(1 + r) r = FV t ×[1/(1 + r) t ] 4.72规则:本金在t 年内翻一番: t r% 72 = 第5章 1. 年金现值,t 阶段,每阶段年金为C ,收益率或 者利率为r 的情况下: 年金现值=)r -1(现值系数?C = [] ? ?????+-?r r C t )1/(11= t 2r C r C r C ?++ 2. 年金终值系数 = (终值系数 - 1)/r = [(1 + r)t - 1]/ r 3. 预付年金现值 = 普通年金×(1 + r) 4. 永续年金现值 = C/r = C ×(1/r) 5. 有效年利率(EAR), m 是一年中复利次数 EAR = (1 + 名义利率/m) m - 1 第6章 1. 债券价值。假设一份债权:(1)在到期时面值为F ;(2)每期支付利息为C ;(3)到期时间为t ;(4)要求收益率为r ,那么: 债券价值 = C ×[1 - 1/(1 + r) t ]/r+F/(1 + r) t 债券价值= 券面利息的现值 + 面值的现值 2. 费雪效应:1 + R=(1 + r)×(1 + h) h 代表通货膨胀率 3. 1 + R=(1 + r)×(1 + h) R= r + h + r ×h 4. R ≈r + h 第7章 P 0当前股票价格,P 1为下期的价格,D 1是期末支付的现金股利(下一年得到的股利)。 1. P 0 = R P D ++11 1 2. P 0 = D/R 3. P 0 = g R g D -+?)1(0 = g R D -1 权益总额资产资产 销售收入销售收入净利润??


Chapter 07 Equity Markets and Stock Valuation Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name given to the model that computes the present value of a stock by dividing next year's annual dividend amount by the difference between the discount rate and the rate of change in the annual dividend amount? A. Stock pricing model B. Equity pricing model C. Capital gain model D. Dividend growth model E. Present value model 2. The dividend yield is defined as: A. the current annual cash dividend divided by the current market price per share. B. the current annual cash dividend divided by the current book value per share. C. next year's expected cash dividend divided by the current market price per share. D. next year's expected cash dividend divided by the current book value per share. E. next year's expected cash dividend divided by next year's expected market price per share. 3. The capital gains yield equals which one of the following? A. Total yield B. Current discount rate C. Market rate of return D. Dividend yield E. Dividend growth rate 4. Which one of the following types of securities has no priority in a bankruptcy proceeding? A. Convertible bond


第一章.公司理财导论 1.企业组织形态:单一业主制、合伙制、股份公司(所有权和管理相分离、相对容易转让 所有权、对企业债务负有限责任,使企业融资更加容易。企业寿命不受限制,但双重课税) 2.财务管理的目标:为了使现有股票的每股当前价值最大化。或使现有所有者权益的市场 价值最大化。 3.股东与管理层之间的关系成为代理关系。代理成本是股东与管理层之间的利益冲突的成 本。分直接和间接。 4.公司理财包括三个领域:资本预算、资本结构、营运资本管理 第二章. 1.在企业资本结构中利用负债成为“财务杠杆”。 2.净利润与现金股利的差额就是新增的留存收益。 ¥ 3.来自资产的现金流量=经营现金流量(OCF)-净营运资本变动-资本性支出 =EBIT+折旧-税 5.净资本性支出=期末固定资产净值-期初固定资产净值+折旧 6.流向债权人的现金流量=利息支出-新的借款净额 7.流向股东的现金流量=派发的股利-新筹集的净权益 第三章 1.现金来源:应付账款的增加、普通股本的增加、留存收益增加 ) 现金运用:应收账款增加、存货增加、应付票据的减少、长期负债的减少 2.报表的标准化:同比报表、同基年度财报 =边际利润(经营效率)X总资产周转率(资产使用效率)X权益乘数(财务杠杆) 4.为何评价财务报表: 内部:业绩评价。外部:评价供应商、短期和长期债权人和潜在投资者、信用评级机构。第四章. 1.制定财务计划的过程的两个维度:计划跨度和汇总。 【 2.一个财务计划制定的要件:销售预测、预计报表、资产需求、筹资需求、调剂、经济假设。 3.销售收入百分比法: 提纯率=再投资率=留存收益增加额/净利润=1-股利支付率 资本密集率=资产总额/销售收入 4.内部增长率=(ROAXb)/(1-ROAXb) 可持续增长率=ROE/(1-ROEXb):企业在保持固定的债务权益率同时没有任何外部权益筹资的情况下所能达到的最大的增长率。是企业在不增加财务杠杆时所能保持的最大的增长率。(如果实际增长率超过可持续增长率,管理层要考虑的问题就是从哪里筹集资金来支持增长。如果可持续增长率始终超过实际增长率,银行家最好准备讨论投资产品,因为管理层的问题是怎样处理所有的这些富余的现金。) 5.。 6.增长率的决定因素


公司理财精要第七章题库 Chapter 07 - Equity Markets and Stock Valuation Chapter 07 Equity Markets and Stock Valuation Multiple Choice Questions 1. What is the name given to the model that computes the present value of a stock by dividing next year's annual dividend amount by the difference between the discount rate and the rate of change in the annual dividend amount? A. Stock pricing model B. Equity pricing model C. Capital gain model D. Dividend growth model E. Present value model 2. The dividend yield is defined as: A. the current annual cash dividend divided by the current market price per share. B. the current annual cash dividend divided by the current book value per share. C. next year's expected cash dividend divided by the current market price per share. D. next year's expected cash dividend divided by the current book value per share. E. next year's expected cash dividend divided by next year's expected market price per share. 3. The capital gains yield equals which one of the following?


CHAPTER 15 Capital Structure: Basic Concepts Multiple Choice Questions: I. DEFINITIONS HOMEMADE LEVERAGE a 1. The use of personal borrowing to change the overall amount of financial leverage to which an individual is exposed is called: leverage. a. homemade recapture. b. dividend c. the weighted average cost of capital. d. private placement. debt offset. e. personal Difficulty level: Easy MM PROPOSITION I b 2. The proposition that the value of the firm is independent of its capital structure is called: a. the capital asset pricing model. b. MM Proposition I. c. MM Proposition II. d. the law of one pric e. e. the efficient markets hypothesis. Difficulty level: Easy MM PROPOSITION II c 3. The proposition that the cost of equity is a positive linear function of capital structure is called: a. the capital asset pricing model. b. MM Proposition I. c. MM Proposition II. d. the law of one pric e. e. the efficient markets hypothesis. Difficulty level: Medium INTEREST TAX SHIELD a 4. The tax savings of the firm derived from the deductibility of interest expense is called the: a. interest shield. tax basis. b. depreciable umbrella. c. financing d. current yield. e. tax-loss carryforward savings. Difficulty level: Easy


Appendix 19A DETERMINING THE TARGET CASH BALANCE SLIDES 19A.1Chapter 19 Appendix 19A.2Costs of Holding Cash 19A.3The BAT Model – I 19A.4The BAT Model – II 19A.5The BAT Model – III 19A.6The BAT Model – IV 19A.7The Miller-Orr Model 19A.8The Miller-Orr Model: Math 19A.9Implications of the Miller-Orr Model 19A.10I mplications of the Miller-Orr Model (ctd.) 19A.11O ther Factors Influencing the Target Cash Balance 19A.12E nd of Chapter APPENDIX ORGANIZATION 19A.1 The Basic Idea 19A.2 The BAT Model 19A.3 The Miller-Orr Model: A More General Approach 19A.4 Implications of the BAT and Miller-Orr Models 19A.5 Other Factors Influencing the Target Cash Balance ANNOTATED APPENDIX OUTLINE Slide 1: Chapter 19 Appendix Target cash balance – the desired cash balance as determined by the trade-off between carrying costs and storage costs Adjustment costs – costs associated with holding low levels of cash; shortage costs With a flexible working capital policy, the trade-off is between the opportunity cost of cash balances and the adjustment costs of buying, selling, and managing securities.


724000美元,存续期限为8年,残值为0。假设在项目生命期内以直线折旧法计提折旧,最 终账面值为0。预计每年的销售量为75000单位,每单位的价格 为39美元,每单位的可变成本为23美元,每年固定成本为850000美元。税率为35%,我们对该项目要求的收益率为15%。 a.计算会计盈亏平衡点a.每年的折旧为724000/8=90,500 会计利润的盈亏平衡点:(固定成本+折旧)/(销售单价-单位变动成本)= (850,000 + 90,500)/(39 –23)=58781 b.计算基本情况下的现金流与净现值。净现值对销售数额变动的 敏感性如何?根据你的答案,说明当预测销售量减少500单位时 会发生什么情况?b.1)基本情况下的现金流为:[(销售单价- 可变成本)*销售量-固定成本](1-税率)+税率*折旧=[(39 – 23)(75,000) – 850,000](0.65) + 0.35(90,500)= 259,175净现值=-成本+现值现值=年金现值表(15%,8)*现金流 =-724000+259,175(PVIFA15%,8)=439001.55 2)当销售量为80000时,现金流为:[($39 – 23)(80,000) –$850,000](0.65) + 0.35($90,500)= 311,175 净现值为:–$724,000 + $311,175(PVIFA15%,8)= 672,342.27。则:销售额变动,净现值变动为:D净现值/D销售量=(439,001.55-672,342.27) /(75,000-80.000)=46.668。如果销售量减少500单位则净现值下降: 46.668*500= 23.334 c.营运现金流(OCF)对可变成本数值变动的敏感性如何?根据你 的答案,说明当估计的可变成本降低1美元时会发生什么情况?C.可变成本降低一美元时,营运现金流为:[(39 – 24)(75,000) –850,000](0.65) + 0.35(90,500)= 210,425。则营运现金流对可变成本的变化:DOCF/Dvc = ($259,175 – 210,425)/($23 – 24)=-48750 即;如果可变成本降低一美元则营运现金流增加48750 14、题财务盈亏平衡点LJ 玩具公司刚刚购买了一台250000 美 元的机器,以生产玩具车。该机器将在其5 年的使用期限内以直线折旧法计提折旧。每件玩具售价为25 美元。每件玩具的可变 成本为6 美元,每年公司的固定成本为360000 美元。公司税率 为34%。适当的折现率为12%。请问项目的财务盈亏平衡点是多少?解答:【EAC+固定成本*(1-税率)—折旧*税率】/(销售单价—单位变动成本)*(1—税率)则:EAC = 初始投资额/ PVIFA12%,5=$250,000 / 3.60478=$69,352.43 每年的折旧:$250,000 / 5=$50,000。现值盈亏平衡点=[EAC + FC(1 –tC) –Depreciation(tC)] / [(P –VC)(1 –tC)] = [$69,352.43 + $360,000(1 –0.34) –$50,000(0.34)] / [($25 –6)(1–0.34)]= 23,122.20 或23,122 件 第八章25.债券估值Morgan集团公司目前发行在外的有两份债券。债券M面值为20000美元,20年后到期。债券在前6年中不进行任何的利息支付,而后在接下来的8年中每6个月支付800美元,并在最后6年中每6个月支付1000美元。债券N面值为20000 美元,期限20年,在债券的存续期间不进行任何的利息支付。如果这两项债券的必要收益率都是8%(半年期复利),请问债券M 和债券N当前的价格是多少?解:PM= $ 800(PVIFA4%, 16)(PVIF4%,12)+$1000(PVIFA4%,12)(PVIF4% 28)+$2000(PVIF4% 40)PM= 13117 .88 注:对于每年800美元的利息,先计算出其年金的值,然后把其 折现到今天得出其现值,即:PN=2000*(PVIF4% 40)= $ 4165 .78 第九章11. 增长机会:Stambaugh公司当前每股盈利为8.25美元。公司增长率为0,同时将所有的盈利都作为股利发放。现在公司 有一项新项目,在1年内要求进行的投资额为每股1.60美元。该项目仅为期两年,同时它将在投资完成后的两年中使公司每股盈 利分别上升2.10美元和2.45美元。投资者对于Stambaugh公司要求的收益率为12%。 a. 假定公司未进行该项投资,请问公司股票的每股价值是多少? a.每股盈利8.25美元,增长率为0,公司要求的收益率为12% P=EPS/R=8.25/12%=68.75 b. 如果公司进行了该项投资,公司每股价值又是多少? b.第一年投资额每股1.6美元,第2、3年每股盈利分别上升2.10、 2.45美元。NPVGO = C 1 / (1 + R) + C 2 / (1 + R) 2 + C 3 / (1 + R) 3= –$1.60 / 1.12 + $2.10 / 1.12 2 + $2.45 / 1.12 3= $1.99 所以,如果公司采取了这种投资措施股票价格将会是:P = $68.75 + 1.99P = $70.74 第十章3、你在一年前以943.82美元的价格买入一份b公司的 债券,票面利率为7%。该债券每年支付一次利息,6年后到前。假设你决定今天卖出债券,且该债券的必要收益率为8%。入股去年的通货膨胀率为4.8%,请问你在这项投资上所能获得的实际收益总共是多少? P1 = $ 70 (PVIFA8 %,6)+ $ 1,000 / 1.086 P1 = 953.77 美元 您收到票息的债券,所以名义回报率为: R = (953.77 美元- 943.82 + 70 )/ 943.82 美元 R = 0.0847 或8.47% 使用费雪方程式,找到真正的回报,我们得到收益率: R = (1.0847 / 1.048 )- 1 R = 0.0350 或3.50
