江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校 牛津译

江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校 牛津译
江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校 牛津译


8B Unit 7 Exercise A(含答案)


1.--- Henry, you ______ on the phone.---Oh, _______. Thank you.

A.are wanted; I come

B. are wanted; I’m coming

C. are being wanted; I come

D. are wanting; I’m coming

2.China’s hot words,“freestyle”, ______ widely in the Western media(媒体) last year.A.were usedB. are usedC. usedD. using

3.--- Why hasn’t Tony come?--- The invitation letter ______ to Toby by accident.

A.was emailed

B.has emailed

C.is emailed


4.--- Is it OK if I take this seat?---- Sorry, __________.

A.here you are

B.take it

C. it’s taken

D.never mind

5.--- Do you know why he didn’t ____ a word when he _____ to?

--- Because he was too nervous.

A.speak; speaks

B.say; was spoken

C.say; spoke

D. speak; is spoken

6.--- The food looked bad, but it ______ OK.

--- So we can’t judge a man by his appearance(外表).

A.is tasted


C.was tasted


7.It is reported that the Underground Line No. 3 _______ in our city in 2020.

A.will built

B.has built

C.will be built

D. has been built

8.Carrying the heavy bag and walking a long way, he complained he couldn’t walk.

A.any further

B. any far

C.some further

D. some far

9.As we all know, smoking is bad for us, _____ for children.





10.The way we students can help is to ____ our pocket money for Project Hope.





11._____ works to help provide enough food, education as well as protection for children in need.A.ORBISB. OxfamC. WWFD. UNICEF

12.I’m told that drums are ____ to African music.





13._____ Chinese culture, many college students go to foreign countries every year.


B. To spread

C. Spreads

D. Spread

14.--- Ken, _______, but your bike is in the way.

--- Oh, I’m sorry. I will move it right away.

A.I hate to say this

B. I’m really tired of this

C, I’d like to talk with youD. I need your help


1.We don’t speak English after class.→English ______ __________ after class.

2.Nobody can answer the question.→The question _____ ______ _______ by anybody.

3.Can they cure 80 per cent of these diseases?


4.Will the farmer grow rice next year?


5.When did you invent the strange machine?


6.The volunteer doctors provide patients with medical treatment.




1.Don’t you think the question is easy _________(answer)?

2.All the leaflets _______(hand) out to the people in the street yesterday.

3.It _______(know) to all that there are many different kinds of charities in the world.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a13833321.html,st year, the light-coloured car ______(sell) better than the dark-coloured one.

5.The sweater made in Suzhou always ______(wash) very well.

6.As soon as he _______(offer) a well-paid job, he called his parents to tell them the good news.

7.Too much water ________(waste) in our school every day. It’s a serious problem.

8.The final result can ______(find) on your website by the end of this month.

9.Tom as well as his classmates _______(warn) the danger of playing with fire several times.

10.You needn’t tell me more about your cousin. I _______(know) him a lot.

11.The suggestions most members offered to the chairperson ________(follow) at last.

12.--- Can I use the computer now?--- Of course, we _____(repair) it. Help yourself!



It’s near the end of the holiday, but I still



We all believe that children



Did the heavy rain __________________________________________ to meet the guest?


In ancient times, people didn’t know how



With the help of Project Hope



My brother ___________________________________________ he read this book.



二:1.isn’t spoken2. can’t be answered

3.Can 80 per cent of these diseases be cured by them?

4.Will rice be grown by the farmer next year?

5.When was the strange machine invented by you?

6.Patients are provided with medical treatment.

Medical treatment is provided for patients.

三、to answerwere handedis knownsoldwashes wasofferediswastedbefoundhasbeenwarned

were followedhave repaired

四、have too much homework left to finish

with better education will build a better world

prevent her from arriving at the airport on time

to prevent such a serious disease spreading

millions of disabled children around the country were given basic education has known something about international organizations sincehaveknown

江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校 牛津译林版八年级下英语 Unit 7 Exercise D (含答案)

省锡中实验学校八年级下英语 8B Unit 7 Exercise D(含答案) 一、单选 1.--- Is your sister ill?--- No, ______, only a little cold. A.serious anything B.nothing serious C. serious nothing D. anything serious 2.Many topics _____ in the course ______ food and drinks, travel and hotels. A.cover; include B.covers; including C.are covered; include D.are covered; including 3.They boy used to ____ his pocket money on snacks, but now most of it is spent ____charities. A.spend; to support B.spending; to support C.spend; supporting D.spending; supporting 4.What was this kind of box ____ in the past? Was it a bowl? https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a13833321.html,ed to doing https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a13833321.html,ed to do https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a13833321.html,e to do https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a13833321.html,e to doing 5.If Mg ____ in O2, we ____MgO, and it ___ combination reaction(化学变化). A.will burn; get; calls B. burns; will get; called C, will burn; can get; is callingD.burns; will get; is called 6.I think I can help _____ a donation or doing some voluntary work. A.make B.by making C.makes D.making 7.Many people’s lives _____ changed ______ World War II. A.were; because of B. /; because C.have; because of D. have been; because 8.Some people plan to ____ a volunteer project to help the disabled children.


江苏省无锡市天一实验学校七年级(下)期中语文试卷 一、积累与运用(25分) 1.(1分)请把下面的话抄写在格子里,要求写得正确、工整、美观。 诗歌是文学殿堂里璀璨的明珠。 2.(8分)根据课文内容填空。 (1),禅房花木深。 (2)油蛉在这里低唱,。 (3)山光悦鸟性,。 (4)初为霖雨之操,。 (5)宋初,,普刚毅果断,未有其比。 (6)。吾于何逃声哉? (7)是她那对世界无私的爱丰富了我,使我充满了坚强的力量以应付困苦的生活的。 (《童年的朋友》) (8)清晨入古寺,初日照高林。(常建《》) 3.(2分)根据汉字写拼音,或者根据拼音写汉字。 秕.谷确凿.粗糙. 人声dǐng沸面面相qùnüè待。 4.(3分)解释下列加点的字。 (1)普少习.吏事 (2)尝.奏荐某人为某官 (3)卒.逢暴雨 (4)志想象犹.吾心也 (5)舟首尾长约八分有.奇 (6)罔不因.势象形。 三、标题 5.(2分)下列加点词语运用不恰当 ...的一项是() A.节日的古镇人声鼎沸 ....,好一派热闹的景象 B.几个人面面相觑 ....都傻了眼,只好赶紧筹谋对策

C.专家还认为,即使是一个很轻微的交通事故,都可能使人暴跳如雷不能自已 .... D.我们就是要虚张声势 ....,把全班同学的学习热情鼓起来 6.(2分)下列句子有语病 ...的一项是() A.有没有良好的班风和学风,是衡量一个优秀班级的重要标准 B.这些深受学生喜爱的活动,使学生的主人翁意识得到了增强 C.通过参加祭扫烈士墓活动,我们受到了深刻的革命传统教育 D.除非加强对抗性训练,中国足球才有可能走向世界,否则连亚洲也冲不出去 四、标题 7.(6分)根据《西游记》的内容完成以下题目。 (1)下列对《西游记》内容表述不正确 ...的一项是 A.白骨精诡计多端,想吃唐僧肉。她先变成十六七岁的少女,然后变成年迈体衰的老翁,最后变成八十岁的老婆婆,均被孙悟空识破,几经争斗,被孙悟空打得露出原形。B.沙僧原为天宫中的卷帘大将,因失手打破琉璃盏被贬下界,在流沙河为妖。 C.孙悟空管理蟠桃园,吃尽园中大桃,又赴瑶池,喝光仙酒,吃尽太上老君金丹,然后逃回齐天大圣府。玉帝命李靖带领天兵天将去捉拿孙悟空,悟空得胜而回。 D.《西游记》是中国古典小说四大名著之一,是古代长篇神魔小说的高峰。 (2)填空。 孙悟空从菩提祖师处学到、筋斗云等本领,大闹天宫后被压在五行山下,后受观世音菩萨规劝皈依佛门,给做了大徒弟,他还为孙悟空取名“行者”。二、阅读与欣赏(35分) 8.(5分) (一)江畔独步寻花杜甫 黄四娘家花满蹊,千朵万朵压枝低。 留连戏蝶时时舞,自在娇莺恰恰啼。 (1)诗中哪两个字写出了花的繁盛? (2)有人说第三句中“留连”一词用得特别好,请分析其表达效果。 9.(12分) (二)芮伯献马贾①祸 周厉王使芮伯帅师伐戎②,得良马焉,将以献于王。芮季曰:“不如捐之。王欲无厌,


2019无锡市省锡中初 三英语二模 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

省锡中实验学校2018——2019学年度第二学期 初三英语第二次适应性练习2019年4月 二、单项选择在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14小题,每小题 1分,共14分) 21. -What a bad day I have today! -Everyone has a day like this when ______ goes right. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing 22. -I don’t know how to DIY the bookcase which I bought from Yijia. -Don’t worry, just follow the ______. A. information B. instruments C. instructions D. introductions 23. All the flowers have come out. The sweet smell ______ the whole room and makes me comfortable. A. rushes B. fills C. covers D. spreads 24. I n America, when something unhappy happens, a “sorry” is always ______. Americans don’t care about who is responsible. A. necessary B. amazing C. welcome D. meaningful 25. T hough there are so many things around us that go ______ our will, we can’t give up because following the dream is valuable. A. through B. towards C. against D. beyond 26. Life is like a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom you can ______ any problem you face. A. find out B. hand out C. carry out D. work out 27. -Who does the cooking when your parents are not at home? -If we are hungry, we ______ order fast food. A. simply B. exactly C. completely D. hardly 28. -People take much from the environment, and have to protect it too. -Agree with you. ______, people have to keep a balance between us humans and the environment. A. However B. Anyway C. Otherwise D. Moreover 29. -You are always on time for everything. How ______ it be that you were late for the meeting this morning 2


江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2020下学期初中七年级期中考试 英语试卷 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。 第一卷(选择题,共65分) 一、听力测试(本大题共20分,每小题1分) 第一节(共10小题) 听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。 1. Where will they have lunch? A. B. C. 2. When will they go to Singapore? A. B. C. 3.Where are they talking? A. B. C. 4. How does Kate go to school? A. B. C. 5. How long does the girl spend doing the housework? A.One hour and a half. B. Half an hour. C. Fifteen minutes. 6. Which floor is the woman on now? A.The second floor. B. The third floor. C. The fifth floor. 7. How much will the man pay? A. ¥350. B.¥1050. C. ¥700. 8. What time is it now?

A. 1:40p.m. B. 2:20p.m. C.1:20p.m. 9.What can we learn from the dialogue A. Mr. Smith is sure the plan will work. B. Mr. Smith isn’t sure if (是否) the plan will work. C. Mr. Smith is sure the plan wo n’t work. 10. What does the woman mean? A. Don’t do sport in the morning. B.Do sport just after getting up. C. Don’t do sport so many times a day. 第二节(共10小题) 听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短文读两遍。 听第11段材料,回答第11、12题。 11. How many people will go to the cinema? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 12. What’s the boy’s favourite football team? A. Royal Merdrid B. Peking Guoan Team. C. Manchester United. 听第12段材料,回答第13至15题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 14. A. trains B. the underground C.taxis 15. A. e-bike. B. ship. C. boat. 听第13段材料,回答第16至20题。 16. What may be important than sleep according to the passage? A.Work. B. Dreams. C.Food. 17. What do people do during their sleep? A.They dream. B. They talk. C. They laugh. 18. Why do some people often dream about their work?


东原实验学校绘画社团校本课程 指导教师:焦德仓 2015.03

《素描》教程 第一部分:石膏几何体、静物素描教案 课程名称:石膏几何体、静物素描 教学目的:通过本科教学使学生懂得写实素描:静物、石膏几何体写生的意义。 掌握写生的观察方法、作画步骤、和技巧。为上好其他绘画专业课奠 定造型基础。 教学重点:正确的观察方法,对形体空间状态的理解和分析,透视现象和原理。教学难点:对形体空间状态的理解,绘画透视原理。 教学方法:讲授法、示范法、参观法、图片展示法,谈话法。 教材:《素描》刘虹编著、西南师范大学出版社 ISBN 7—5621-1893-0 参考书目: 《素描静物教学对话》宫六朝编河北美术出版社ISBN 7-5310 -1463 -7 《素描石膏几何体》宫六朝,张新凯著河北美术出版社 ISBN7-5310-1180-8/j.973 《素描静物》张路光著河北美术出版社 ISBN7-5310-1177-8/J.970 教学工具准备:1 教具---写生台、衬布、景物、石膏几何体若干、范画、印刷画页、画册。2 学具---素描纸、中华绘图铅笔、HB、B、2B、4B、削笔刀、橡皮。 学时:6╳10 课时分配: 一理论部分6课时。 1 概述:素描的基本概念;基本分类和学习的意义;素描的工具材料。 2景物、石膏几何形体写生的目的和意义。

3景物、石膏几何形体写生基本透视原理。 4景物、石膏几何形体写生的光影规律。 5写生中的角度选择及构图。 6写实素描的观察方法与表现。 7素描造型的基本要素。 8长短期素描作业的表现方法。 二实践部分54课时 作业1:立方体、白衬布 要求:线造型,立方体的各条棱边线必须服从透规律。简单画出白 色石膏不同面,由于受光角度不同所呈现的不同深浅调子。 作业2:立方体,陶罐,浅灰色衬布写生。 要求:线造型略加光影,仍然训练学生对形体和透视现象的理解。 作业3:深灰色衬布,圆锥体,瓷灌,立方体。(要求同上) 作业4:球体景物,十字交叉体,金属器、黑色衬布。 要求:全因素描,画出物体的质感量感。 作业5:学生自己选择摆放一组静物作为考试得题目。 评分标准:物体的形状比例准确,符合绘画透视原理;构图大小前后要有层次感、有节奏感。明暗素描关系正确,有空间感,立 体感,能体现出物体的质感量感。 写实素描-----静物、石膏体几何写生课讲义一概述 (一)素描的基本概念:


2019年秋学期无锡市天一实验学校七年级语文学科期中考试试卷 日期:2019.11 一、积累与运用(共 30 分) 1.看拼音写汉字(4分) 粗guǎng宽chǎng huǐ恨qǐ盼 2.诗文默写(10分) (1),其不善者而改之。(《论语》) (2)秋风萧瑟,。(曹操《观沧海》) (3)潮平两岸阔,。(王湾《次北固山下》) (4),影入平羌江水流。(李白《峨眉山月歌》) (5)正是江南好风景,。(杜甫《江南逢李龟年》) (6),一夜征人尽望乡。(李益《夜上受降城闻笛》) (7)遥怜故园菊,。(岑参《行军九日思长安故园》) (8)夕阳西下,。(马致远《天净沙·秋思》) (9)《<论语>十二章》中阐述学习与思考辩证关系的句子是,。 3.解释下列加点字。(4分) (1)柳絮因.风起()(2)陈太丘与友期.行() (3)人不知而不愠.()(4)思而不学则殆.() 4.下列划线词语运用不恰当的一项是()(2分) A.有话好好说,不要那么咄咄逼人。 B.我和妈妈明天要莅临楼下新开张的超市。 C.孩子的心理世界与成人是截然不同的,不能用教育成人的方法教育孩子。 D.颜回品德高尚,安于贫穷,箪食瓢饮而不改其乐。 5.下列句子中没有语病的一项是()(2分) A.童年时代小伙伴们快乐的歌声、活泼的身影,至今还时时浮现在我的眼前。 B.现在市面上许多漫画期刊有成人化倾向,这可能会影响到孩子们的价值取向。 C.通过持续不断的校园安全宣传教育活动,使全校师生的安全意识大幅提高。 D.街道办希望通过多种渠道,大力开展法制教育,防止青少年不违法犯法。 6.下列文学常识表述有误的一项是()(2分) A.《秋天的怀念》的作者是史铁生。他是当代作家,代表作有散文《我与地坛》《病隙碎笔》等。 B.《金色花》的作者泰戈尔是印度作家、诗人。他曾获诺贝尔文学奖。 C.《论语》是记录孔子言行的一部语录体书籍,与《大学》《中庸》《孟子》合称“四书”。 D.“尊君”“家君”,前者是敬辞,是对别人父亲的尊称;后者是谦辞,是对人谦称自己的父亲。


山东省泰安市东平县东原实验学校2020-2021学年八年级上 学期第二次月考数学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.平行四边形的一条对角线长为10,则它的一组邻边可能是( ) A .4和6 B .2和12 C .4和8 D .4和3 2.若三角形的三条中位线长分别为2cm ,3cm ,4cm ,则原三角形的周长为( ) A .4.5cm B .18cm C .9cm D .36cm 3.矩形具有而菱形不具有的性质是( ) A .两组对边分别平行 B .对角线相等 C .对角线互相平分 D .两组对角分别相等 4. 正n 边形每个内角的大小都为108°,则n=( ) A .5 B .6 C .7 D .8 5.在对边不相等的四边形中,若四边形的两条对角线互相垂直,那么顺次连结四边形各边中点得到的四边形是( ) A .梯形 B .矩形 C .菱形 D .正方形 6.如图,把矩形ABCD 沿EF 对折后使两部分重合,若150∠=,则AEF ∠=( ) A .110° B .115° C .120° D .130° 7.7.如图,两个平行四边形的面积分别为18、12,两阴影部分的面积分别为a 、b (a >b ),则()a b -等于( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 8.四边形ABCD 的对角线AC 、BD 交于点O ,能判定它是正方形的是( ) A .AO =OC ,OB =OD B .AO =BO =CO =DO ,A C ⊥B D C .AO =OC ,OB =OD ,AC ⊥BD D .AO =OC =OB =OD 9.如图,菱形ABCD 中,B 60∠=,AB=4,则以AC 为边长的正方形ACEF 的周长为( )

江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2019-2020学年第一学期牛津译林版英语9A Unit5完成句子专题整理

江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2019-2020学年第一学期 9AU5完成句子专题整理 1.你知道京剧是我国的一种古老的艺术形式吗? Do you know Beijing Opera_____________________________________________________? 2.没有人能找到比优美的音乐更令人愉快的东西了。 Nobody can___________________________________________________________________. 3.无锡因水著名,也曾因水而困。 Wuxi__________________________________its water but it once had trouble because for water. 4.互联网已经成功地帮全世界的人们构建了一座桥梁。 The Internet___________________________________________________all over the world. 5.无论什么时候苍蝇感受到空气的流动,它就会迅速飞走。 A fly quickly flies away________________________________________________________. 6.这位世界著名的音乐家去年被授予了一个奖吗? Was a medal _______________________________________________________last year? Was___________________________________________________________ a medal last year? 7.周杰伦已经成功地将中西方音乐融合在了他的作品中。 Jay Chou_________________________________________________________ in his works. 8.音乐如此优美悦耳很值得一听哦! The music is so beautiful_______________________________________________________. 9.靠纸张,石头这样的普通创作音乐是多么的神奇啊! How amazing_______________________________________________like stones and papers.


无锡市天一实验学校2018年秋学期 初一英语期中试卷 出卷人:王心怡赵霞审卷人:钱立新 I 听力部分(15分) 第一节(共10小题,每小题分) 听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。 1. Which club is Lucy in? A. B. C. 2. Which country does the boy come from? A. B. C. 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. B. C. 4. What time is it? A. B. C. 5. What does the man mean? A. He doesn’t know what to do. B. He wants to give Uncle Li a birthday present. C. He doesn’t want to go to Uncle Li’s birthday party. 6. What day is it tomorrow? A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. 7. How long does it take the girl to get to school? A. Fifteen minutes. B. Half an hour. C. An hour. 8. What does Sandy have for breakfast? A. Bread, milk and an apple. B. Bread, juice and an apple. C. Cake, milk and an apple. 9. How often does Amy do morning exercises? A. Every day. B. Sometimes. C. Seldom. 10. When was Simon born? A. On October 31st. B. On March 8th. C. On May 1st. 第二节(共10小题,每小题1分) 听下面3段长对话或短文,每段对话或短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短文读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第11、12题。 11. How many PE classes does Mary have every week? A. One B. Two C. Three 12. What are Mark’s favourite sports? A. Basketball and football.


江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2020-2021学年七年级上学期 期中数学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列各数中与4相等的是( ) A .22- B .2(2)- C .|4|-- D .(4)-+ 2.下列各式的计算结果正确的是( ) A .2x+3y=5xy B .5x -3x=2x C .7y 2-5y 2=2 D .9a 2b -4ab 2=5a 2b 3.下列结论正确的是( ) A .有理数包括正数和负数 B .无限不循环小数叫做无理数 C .0除以任何数都得0 D .两个有理数的和一定大于每一个加数 4.在式子x +y ,0,-a ,-3x 2y , 13x +,1x 中,单项式的个数为 ( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 5.数轴上的A ,B ,C 三点所表示的数分别是a ,b ,c ,其中AB =BC ,如果a b c >>,那么该数轴的原点可能在( ) A .点A 的左边 B .点A 与点B 之间 C .点B 与点C 之间,靠近点B D .点B 与点C 之间,靠近点C 6.按如图所示的运算程序,能使输出的结果为12的是( ) A .x=-4,y=-2 B .x=3, y=3 C .x=2,y=4 D .x=4,y=0 7.若m 为有理数,则|m |-m 一定是( )

8.如图:已知正方形的边长为4,甲、乙两动点分别从正方形ABCD 的顶点A 、C 同时沿正方形的边开始移动,甲点依顺时针方向环行,乙点依逆时针方向环行,若乙的速度是甲的速度的3倍,则它们第2021次相遇在边( ) A .DA B .CD C .BC D .AB 二、填空题 9.单项式237x y z π- 的是系数_______,次数是_______. 10.()()22111n n +-+-=__________(n 为正整数). 11.5G 是第五代移动通信技术,5G 网络下载速度可以达到每秒1300000KB 以上,这意味着下载一部高清电影只需1秒,将1300000用科学记数法表示应为__________. 12.比较两个数的大小; (1)12??-- ???_______23- (2)π-_______ 3.14- 13.已知m 与n 互为相反数,且m 与n 之间的距离为6,且m <n .则m =_____,n=_______. 14.点 A 表示数轴上的一个点,将点 A 向右移动 7 个单位,再向左移动4个单位,终点恰好是原点,则点 A 表示的数是_______. 15.在数轴上表示a 、b 、c 三个数的点的位置如图所示,化简式子:|a+c|-|b -c|结果为_____________. 16.若m 2+mn =-1,n 2-3mn =10,则代数式m 2+7mn -2n 2的值为_______. 17.甲、乙两支同样的温度计如图所示放置,如果向左移动甲温度计,使其度数5正对着乙温度计的度数-17,那么此时甲温度计的度数-5正对着乙温度计的度数是_______. 18.如图,有三根针和套在一根针上的n 个金属片,按下列规则移动金属片:规则1:


最新-江苏省省锡中实验学校七年级语文上册基础知 识复习新精品 江苏省省锡中实验学校七年级语文上册基础知识复习新人教版 一、根据拼音,写出下列汉字。 liú()览quán()释chōng jǐng()qián()移默化 bì()益nà()凉半明半mèi()摇摇欲zhuì()shuāi ()败无liáo()鸟cháo()xiàn()慕nèn()绿抽ti()木jī()miǎn tiǎn()()zèng()亮cáo()杂xī()动lín xún()()反chú()找chá ()挑tī()xī()来rǎng ()往 huáng()惑牛dú()xiá cī ()()chóu chú()()jiǒng()迫干biě()chǒu()一眼zī zhū()()必较jù()契其舟bān bó()()七皱八zhě()yìyì()生辉nì()笑chà()异lián yī()qī()息xuàn()丽雕lòu()cháng yáng()记忆yóu()新juān()刻烟波浩miǎo()走tóu()无路一què()新声 míng()刻童zhì()眼花liáo()乱五彩纷chéng()沟hè()鹤lì()云端miǎo()小微物zhūn zhūn()教诲qióng()隆积zǎn()xù()叨bìng()弃xī()利怪pì()一视同rén()谈笑风shēng()xiāo()洒严jǐn()xié()取chóu chàng()huò()达huì cuì()冷sōu sōu()白jū()过隙jī()身pìn()请kū lóu()máo()塞顿开报chóu()时máo()其貌不yáng()罪kuí()祸首mǎo ()足不屈不náo()无动于zhōng()咬文jiáo()字颠bǒ()灰jìn()míng()思苦想自míng()得意xiá()


市天一实验学校2016年春学期期中考试 初一英语试卷2016-4-20 第一卷客观题(共55分) 一、听力(本大题共20分,每小题1分) 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 ( )1. What will Amy get from her g randpa? ( )2. Where does Stephen chat with his friends? ( )3. What is Peter doing at present? ( )4. Which of the following do the two speakers need? ( )5. Where will the man go? A. Clothes shop. B. Flower shop. C. Sports shop. ( )6. Why does the girl like blue? A. Because it makes her feel excited. B. Because it is the same colour as her eyes. C. Because it is the same colour as the sea.

( )7. Who is the woman looking for? A. Carl. B. Bob. C. Her son. ( )8. What happened to the football? A. It was in the tree. B. It was in the swimming pool. C. It went through a window. ( )9. Why is the boy worried? A. Because he thinks that he will not pass his exams. B. Because he thinks that he will get ill. C. Because he thinks that his cat will run away. ( )10. When will the girl return the book to the boy? A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. Next month. 第二部分听对话和短文答题(计10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( )11. Which TV set will the woman buy, a big one or a small one? A. A small one. B. A big one. C. Both of them. ( )12. How much will the TV set cost the woman? A. 2,500 yuan. B. 2,400 yuan. C. More than 2,500 yuan. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文容,选择正确答案,完成信息记 ( )13. A for one month B. for less than one month C. for over one month ( )14. A. his grandfather B. his cousin C. his e-friend ( )15. A. the Summer Palace B. the Central Park C. the Great Wall 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。 ( )16. What time does Mr Lee get up on Sundays? A. He gets up at six. B. He gets up at six thirty. C. He gets up at seven. ( )17. Where does he go after breakfast?


关于开展“关爱女孩行动”的通知 六一期间,县妇联将联合县计生局开展“关爱女孩行动”,对部分贫困女孩发放救助金。有关事项通知如下: 一、受助女孩名额分配(100名) 县东原实验学校15人、县特殊教育学校10人(教育局负责),东平街道13人、接山镇13人、大羊镇12人、梯门镇12人、沙河站镇12人、彭集街道13人。受助女孩从“六一”接受慰问的学校中推荐,救助金在学校接受慰问时发放。 二、受助女孩具备条件 1、热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导; 2、遵守宪法和法律,遵守学校规章制度; 3、诚实守信,道德品质优良; 4、生活自立自强,学习成绩优秀; 5、积极投身于学校和社会公益活动、乐于助人、甘于奉献; 6、家庭经济困难,生活俭朴; 7、符合计划生育政策的女孩,在符合以上条件的基础上优先推荐独女户或双女户家庭中的女孩。 三、有关事项要求 东平县“关爱女孩行动”受助申请表、东平县“关爱女孩行动”救助贫困女童情况汇总表各一式两份,连同电子版(邮箱:dpfulian@https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a13833321.html,),务必于5月20日前报县妇联。 2015年5月15日

东平县“关爱女孩行动”受助申请表 2015年5月日 姓名出生 年月 民族 1寸照片 监护人姓名职业及收 入 与女童 关系 家庭住址联系电话所在学校及班级 本 人 家 庭 及 在 校 学 习 基 本 情 况 所在学校意见 (盖章) 年月日乡镇计生部门意见 (盖章) 年月日 乡镇妇联意见 (盖章) 年月日 乡镇政府意见 (盖章) 年月日 县妇联意见 (盖章) 年月日县计生局意见 (盖章) 年月日 备注 注:此表一式两份

东平县“关爱女孩行动”救助贫困女童情况汇总表 单位(盖章): 2015年 5日 姓名年龄所在学校及班级家庭往址监护人 姓名 家庭情况备注 注:需乡镇(街道)妇联和教育办公室盖章。


省锡中实验学校2020届中考英语考前综合训练(二) 一、单项选择:(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分) 1. ---John, __________can you have your design ready? ---I m not sure. I'm still working on it. A. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how far 2. ---A serious study of physics is impossible____________some knowledge of maths. ---I couldn't agree more. So we should also learn maths well. A. among B. without C. against D. between 3. Adam wants to keep writing novels but he has too much homework. He has difficulty finding a_______ between his hobbies and his study. A. balance B. possibility C. relationship D. suggestion 4. ---It’s found that drinking carbonated drinks (碳酸饮料)____________the risk of cancer. ---No wonder more and more people prefer tea and juice now. A. increases B. increased C. has increased D. had increased 5. ---Who will give us the speech on public manners? ---Dr. Stark_____________. He's good at manners, but nobody knows for sure. A. can B. should C. would D. might 6.It Bays in the Bible, “Let us not love in word, _______in tongue (口头); but in deed (行动) and in truth.” A. none B. either C. no D. neither 7. Rookie players in the NBA are not always expected to give amazing performances.________,they are still learning how to play on a high level. A. Above all B. After all C. At all D.In all 8. ---Andy, when can we start to discuss the case given to you last week? ---I'll be ready to discuss it___________you have time. A.whatever B. wherever C. however D. whenever


泰安市2017年市级中小学文明校园公示根据《泰安市教育局泰安市文明办关于开展中小学文明校园创建活动的实施意见》(泰教发〔2016〕31号)和《关于做好2017年市级中小学文明校园认定工作的通知》(泰教函(2017)22号)精神,经学校申报、县市区推荐、市级认定,拟确定泰安市第一实验学校等79所学校为2017年泰安市市级中小学文明校园,现予以公示。 公示期为2017年6月30日—2017年7月4日。如有异议,请向市教育局反映。电话:6991354、6991334,邮箱:。 泰安市教育局 2017年6月30日泰安市2017年市级中小学文明校园名单泰安市第一实验学校 泰安六中 泰安东岳中学 泰山区上高街道办事处上高中学 泰山区岱庙办事处三友小学 泰山区泰前办事处岱道庵小学 泰山区财源办事处仓库路学校 泰山实验中学 岱岳区岳峰小学 泰安英雄山中学

岱岳区实验中学 泰安四中 岱岳区道朗一中 岱岳区范镇一中 岱岳区新城实验学校岱岳区实验小学 岱岳区满庄一中 新泰市第一实验小学新泰市平阳小学 新泰市新汶实验学校新泰市协庄学校 山东省新泰市第一中学新泰市新汶中学 新泰市汶城实验小学新泰市福田学校 新泰市小协镇初级中学新泰市金斗中学 新泰市泉沟镇初级中学新泰市翟镇初级中学新泰市向阳实验学校新泰市东都镇中心小学

新泰市青云中学 新泰市新汶街道良庄实验小学新泰市汶城中学 泰安市理工中等专业学校 肥城市桃园镇初级中学 肥城市潮泉镇中心小学 肥城市仪阳街道中心小学 肥城市王庄镇初级中学 肥城市龙山小学 肥城市实验小学 肥城市石横镇初级中学 肥城市安庄镇中心小学 肥城市汶阳镇初级中学 肥城市孙伯镇初级中学 肥城市王瓜店街道蒋庄社区学校宁阳复圣中学 宁阳第三小学 宁阳第二实验中学 宁阳实验小学 宁阳一中 宁阳四中


江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校初三英语二模试卷 2020年5月一、单项选择:在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分) 1. It isn't what you have or who you are that makes you happy or unhappy, but______you think about it. A. whether B. what C.how D. why 2. ---I’m feeling blue these days. ---Everyone has one of those days when____________goes right. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something 3. Good, better, best. Never let it__________.Till good is better and better best. A. rest B. wait C. doubt D.set 4. Jack lost his_________and had a bad fall when he was running after his pet dog. A. interest B. talent C. chance D. balance 5. You________feel all the training a waste of time, but I’m a hundred percent sure later you will be grateful you did it. A. should B. can C. may D. need 6. On Double Eleven Day, a large number of women customers can't help buying many low-price goods, _________they will probably never use them. A. unless B. though C. until D. since 7. --- Tina, can you describe yourself? ---Well, I'm very outgoing. People can easily___________what mood I am in. A. turn out B. work out C. look out D.find out 8. If success is a gate, the road__________this gate must be full of difficulties. A. beyond B. opposite C. towards D. across 9. My father promised to attend the open day in my school, and he did do so. His word is_________his action. A. as well as B. as good as C. as much as D. as many as 10. ---Will Peter come to the party? ---No, he___________his mind after a phone call at the last minute. A. changed B. changes C. has changed D. was changing 11. She devoted herself__________to he medical field, which finally resulted in success. A.strongly B. certainly C. specially D. completely 12. ---Dad, why do you like coffee? It's so bitter. ---You know, it is the God's way of reminding us___________, sometimes bitter and sour. A. how life is like B.what is life like C. whether life is like coffee D.that life is life coffee
