



1. After g__________ from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.

2. I failed to p___________(说服)Bella to go with me to Italy.

3. He is optimistic and has a positive a_________ towards life.

4. The man has been _____ _____ ______ for one year, so he doesn’t have money to pay the rent.

5. We have finished the work ________ ______ ____________(提前)

6. He has worked for us _______ _________(自从)he graduated from college.


7. He is a s__________(固执的)person. Once he has made up his mind, he will not change.

8. I advised him not to join them. F________(幸运地)he accepted my advice.

9. Writing travel j_________ makes you think more and enjoy more.

10. I ______ _______ ______ (厌烦) doing the same things every day.

11. _______ __________ (在午夜) sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter.

12. He ______ _________ ________ (喜欢)music since his childhood.

13. A ___________(可靠的)person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.

14. Though he was ill, he went to school _______ __________ (像往常一样)

15. He p________staying indoors to going out this afternoon.

16. He __________(决定) to learn English.

17. She gave me a _____________ look,----the kind that said she would not change her mind.

18 It becomes rapids as it passes through deep v_______(山谷).

19 Liu Xiaoding is a good teacher and (关心)_______ ________ his students very much..

20. She insisted that she _________(组织) the trip properly.

21. He is u________(心烦的) because his best friend ignores him recently.

22. In order to enrich his ______(词汇), he has tried many methods.


23. He was finally chosen to take c______ (接管,负责)of the army.

24. We often use words and ________(表达方式)that are different from the “standard language”. 25.Speaking a foreign language like a ____(本国的)speaker is difficult but not impossible.

26. The mass of ice in Antarctica has been g________(冰川) increasing since 35 million years ago.

27. What is the best way to deal with customers who make unreasonable _____(要求).

28. A baby can __________(辨别,认出) his mother’s voice before he is born, a new study shows.

29. The woman who e_____ from a prison has been found by the police.

30. _______(暴力) is the stupid way to deal with problems.


31. He was _______(袭击) by the dog.

32. In the past black people could not v____ or choose their leaders.

33. The organization was s______ _____(建立)in 1945.

34. In my o______,she is the most beautiful girl that I have seen.

35. Although he was a good writer, he didn’t receive formal e________(教育).

36. I gave the children some chocolate to r______(奖励)them for behaving well.

37. I don’t like her because she is a little ______(吝啬).

38. He was ________(慷慨的) in offering help.


39. The king is the man who has the most p_______ in a country.

40. Don’t ________ _________(丧失信心). You still have chance to get a good grade.

41. He considered himself to be a man of ________(原则).

42. He met some _____(法律的) problems.

43. Some cats and dogs are ______(乞讨) for food.

44. All the _______(恐怖) and fear came back to me.

45. ___ ____ _______ ____ ______(事实上), I have been falling in love with you.

46. He offered g______(指导)to black people.

47. I became more __________(有希望的) about my future.

48. He _______ ________(炸毁) the government buildings.

49. The party came to __________(上台)in the election and was welcomed by people.

50. He is overweight; we are all ________ __________(担心)his health.

51. My boss f_______(最终)agreed with my suggestions.

52. I _______ _______ _______ _______ (爱上)this place the first time I came here.

53. I am very ________(感激)to the fans who have been supporting me.

54. We are happy hearing the news that Nick is _________(治愈,恢复)from his illness.


55. Losing weight is a slow and _________(循序渐进的) process, so you have to be patient.

56. She said she was not e__________(完全地)satisfied with what I had done.

57. When an earthquake happens, the ground will s_________ greatly.

58. The fish must go bad, for it is s________.

59. When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she b_______ into tears.

60. (五分之二)of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass.

61. The desk is covered with a lot of d________. Would you please clean it

62. After the earthquake, the whole city was in r_________.

63. An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was i_________.

64. S_________(蒸汽)can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壶).

65. The workers made great efforts to r________ the people who were trapped underground.

66. The railway tracks were now _______ (无用的)pieces of steel.

67. Stones and b_________ are used to build a house.

68. Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________(矿井)accidents last year.

69. J_______ from his accent, we know he comes from America.


70. He was greatly _________(震惊) at the news of his uncle’s death.

71. He can speak 4 languages f________(流畅地).

72. We can’t imagine what life would be like without___________(电).

73. Floods, droughts and earthquakes are all__________(灾难).

74. We can’t use the e________(电梯)when there is a fire.

75. Tom is so perfect that I don’t think he has any s________.

76. People often value the q_________ of a product rather than its packaging.

77. The Everest has an a________ of meters, according to the latest survey.


78. If you want to get to Beijing, there are two kinds of t ________ for you to choose—by air or train.

79. Englishmen say flat, while Americans say ____________.

80. My child spends most of the time playing online games. It really t_________(困扰)me.


81. 我他去年经历了一起车祸。

He told me that he _______ _________ a car accident last year.

82. 相信他,因为他从没对我撒过谎。

I ________ _______ ________, because he has not told lies to me before.

83. 我不是故意踩你的脚。

I am sorry. I did not step on your foot ____ _____.

84. 她会把你所说的话写在日记里。

She will _____ ____ your words in her diary.

85. Mr Zhang ______ ______ ________ _______ _____(起着非常重要的作用)carrying out plan.

86. He gave me a smile _____ ______ ________ _______ my help(作为…的回报).

87. He _______ ______ _____ ______(献身于帮助…)the poor children.

88. He caught a cold. _____ _____ ______(那是因为)he was caught in the rain.

89. 救援队尽一切力量寻找失踪的登山者

The _________ __________ made every effort to find the missing mountain climbers.

90. 车祸后,这名男子遭受了长时间的失忆

Since r a car accident, the man has _______ ________ memory loss.



91. Saddam Hussin ____________ death in 2006.

92. Just wait for me on the spot; I will come ___________.

93. __________ people gathered on the square watching the fireworks.

94. Finally the enemy had to ____________ to us.

95. You must ask for leave first __________ you have something very important.

96. _________ years of hard work she looked like a woman in her fifties.

97. We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met ___________.

98. All her earnings _____________ about 3,000 yuan per month.

99. In America those who are __________ can live on relief(救济金).

100. He _____________ a company after he graduated from school.




1. graduating/graduation

2. persuade

3. attitude

4. out of work

5. ahead of schedule

6. ever since

7. stubborn

8. fortunately

9. journals 10. get tired of

11. At midnight 12. is fond of 13. reliable 14. as usual

16. decides 17. determined 18. valleys 19. cares about 20. organize

21. upset 22. vocabulary 23. charge 25. native

26. glaciers requests 28. recognize 29. escaped 30. Violence

31. attacked 32. vote 33. set up 34. opinion 35. education

36. reward 37. mean 38. generous heart

41. principle 42. legal 44. terror(s) 45. As a matter of fact

48. blew(blows) up 49. power 50. worried about

51. finally 52. fell in love with 53. grateful 54. recovered 55. gradual

56. entirely 57. shake 58. smelly 59. burst 60. two fifths 61. dirt/dust 62. ruins 63. injured 64. steam 65. rescue 66. useless 67. bricks 68. mine 69. Judging 70. shocked

71. fluently 72. electricity 73. disasters 74. elevator 75. shortcoming(s) 76. quality 77. altitude 78. transports 79. apartment 80. troubles


81. went through 82. believe in him 83. on purpose 84. set/write down 85. plays an important part in 86. As a reward for 87. devoted/devotes himself to helping 88. That’s because 89. rescue team 90. suffered from


91. was sentenced to 92. right away 93. A number of 94. give in 95. even if 96. Because of to face up to

of work up


高一英语词汇竞赛试卷 I.根据中文意思写出英语单词。(120*1’) 1 尊敬n.&vt. 61 无法解释的,神秘的adj. 2 致力于,献身vt. 62 困惑的,茫然的adj. 3 一般的,平均的adj. 63 发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的) n. 4 额外的adj. 64 消失;失踪vi. 5 交换n./vt. 65 动物;(具有某种特征的)人n. 6 毕业vi./n. 66 假定;认为vt. 7 流利的adj. 67 施工;建筑物n. 8 捐赠vt. 68 发生vi. 9 独立的adj. 69 可能性n. 10 最近的,新近的adj. 70 记者n. 11 教授n. 71 令人惊奇(惊叹)的adj. 12 通知vt. 72 证据n. 13 主持人n. 73 不予考虑;解雇;解散vt. 14 批准,赞成vt./vi 74 天文学家n. 15 负责,掌管n.vt. 75 热情;热烈的;满腔热忱的adj. 16 准备,筹备n. 76 调查问卷n. 17 远足n. 77 适当的adj. 18 文学的adj. 78 组织,筹备;安排,处理vt. 19 选择,挑选vt. 79 联赛,锦标赛n. 20 受惊的,害怕的adj. 80 多毛的,毛茸茸的adj. 21 弯腰,屈身vi./vt 81 使确信,使相信vt. 22 挨饿,饿死vi./vt 82 生存;挺过(难关)vi.&vt. 23 现金n. 83 冒险;冒险经历n. 24 成年人n. 84 不同寻常的adj. 25 容忍,允许vt. 85 不舒服的,不自在的adj. 26 过错,错误n. 86 头盔n. 27 辩解,辩白vt. 87 保护n. 28 紧急情况n. 88 提供,供给,补给n.&vt. 29 粗鲁的,无礼的adj. 89 照片n.


高一必修一英语单词表整理 高一必修一Unit1英语单词表 survey调查;测验 add up合计 upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 ignore不理睬;忽视 calm vt.vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的calm()down(使)平静下来 have got to不得不;必须 concern(使)担心;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 be concerned about关心;挂念 walk the dog溜狗 loose adj松的;松开的 vet兽医 go through经历;经受 Amsterda阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) herlands荷兰(西欧国家) Jewish犹太人的;犹太族的 German德国的;德国人的;德语的。 Nazi纳粹党人 adj.纳粹党的 set down记下;放下;登记

series连续,系列 a series of一连串的;一系列;一套outdoors在户外;在野外 spellbind迷住;疑惑 on purpose故意 in order to为了 dusk黄昏傍晚 at dusk在黄昏时刻 thunder vi打雷雷鸣;n.雷,雷声 entire adj.整个的;完全的;全部的 entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地 power能力;力量;权力。 face to face 面对面地 curtain 窗帘;门帘;幕布 dusty adj积满灰尘的 no longer /not any longer不再 partner伙伴.合作者.合伙人 settle安家;定居;停留vt 使定居;安排;解决suffer vt 遭受;忍受经历 suffer from遭受;患病 loneliness孤单寂寞 highway公路


高一英语必修一单词表(人教版)Unit 1 1.survey n.调查;测验 2.add up合计 3.upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 4.ignore v.不理睬;忽视 5.calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的 6.calm...down(使)平静下来 7.have got to不得不;必须 8.concern vt.(使)担心;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 9.be concerned about关心;挂念 10.walk the dog 遛狗 11.loose adj 松的;松开的 12.vet n.兽医 13.go through经历;经受 14.Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a1558490.html,herlands 荷兰(西欧国家) 16.Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 17.German 德国的;德国人的;德语的。 18.Nazi n.纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的 19.set down记下;放下;登记 20.series n.连续,系列 21.a series of一连串的;一系列;一套 22.outdoors adv.在户外;在野外 23.spellbind vt.( spellbound,spellbound)迷住;疑惑 24.on purpose故意 25.in order to为了 26.dusk n.黄昏傍晚 27.at dusk在黄昏时刻 28.thunder vi 打雷雷鸣n. 雷,雷声 29.entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 30.entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地 31.power n.能力;力量;权力。 32.face to face面对面地 33.curtain n.窗帘;门帘;幕布 34.dusty adj 积满灰尘的 35.no longer /not?any longer不再 36.partner n.伙伴.合作者.合伙人 37.settle n.安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居;安排;解决 38.suffer vt. &遭受;忍受经历 39.suffer from遭受;患病 40.loneliness n.孤单寂寞 41.highway n.公路


初一年级英语单词竞赛试题 一、写出下列英语单词。(20分) 1.地板 2.收集物 3.女儿 4.棒球 5.回答 6.交谈 7.那些8.听起来9.困难的10.例子11.笔记本12.蔬菜13.人;人民14.任何人15.东西16.负担得起17.抽屉18.家庭 19.问题20.夹克衫 二、写出下列英语短语。(20分) 21.失物招领22.请原谅 23.电话号码24.不客气 25.电子游戏26.录像带 27.为了…而感谢28.冰淇淋 29.多少30.廉价出售 31.参加体育运动32.大量;许多 33.生日快乐34.看一看 35.看电视36.给你 37.一套;一副38.每天 39.炸马铃薯条40.吃早餐 三、按要求完成下列各题。(20分) 41.health(形容词)42.run(名词) 43.go(第三人称单数形式)44.too(同义词) 45.no(同音异义词)46.I(宾格) 47.she(形容词性物主代词)48.have(第三人称单数形式)49.strawberry(复数)50.tomato(复数) 51.they(宾格)https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a1558490.html,(主格) 53.eat(同义词)54.class(复数) 55.we(形容词性物主代词)56.his(人称代词主格) 57.watch(第三人称单数形式)58.you(反身代词) 59.what’s(完整形式)60.Peter Smith(写出姓氏) 四、根据所给首字母在横线上写出恰当的单词。(10分) 61.Paul and Dave are good f________. 62.My uncle’s son is my c________. 63.What’s your l_____ name? 64.How do you s______ your name? 65.My brother has a g______ sport collection. 66.Do you have a tennis r______? 67.You can b____ food in a store.


2010高一年级单词测试竞赛 姓名_______班级__一.根据句子情景填词: 1.Everyone has been touched by the natural s . 2.We have decided to perform the opening c at the end of this month. 3.Thousands of people packed into the ________(运动场)to watch the game.. 4.With (生产)up by 10%, the factory will be enlarged. 5.(fright) by the terrible noise ,the little girl didn’t dare to go out. 6.The wolf (shoot) by the good hunter. 7.Great changes have taken place in the (近来) 20 years. 8.I went to the company to have an interview and the (主考官) asked me three questions. 9.We saw ________(abandon) farms which were built over 100 years ago. 10.We _____(train) them how to make use of reference books for three days. 11. She is the only one of her family who __________ (survive) the earthquake. 12. At the party, there are several games, including e__________ gifts, singing and dancing, etc. 13. He is out of work, that is to say, he is u___________ 14. I’d love to go on holiday but I can’t a________ the time. 15. We _________(接近) the birds quietly and watched them. 16. The pictures of __________(挨饿) children made me cry. 17.The Forbidden City is one of the world’s greatest works of ________(建筑). 18. The new car has both ________(用手的) and automatic ways of driving. 19. Our teaching building was built three months ago with the most advanced teaching f________. 20. _________(调查) show that 70%of the people approve of the new law. 21. Water can exist as three states: l______, solid and gas. 22. The e_______ was cut off when we are going to pay the pill in the supermarket. 23. He came to the c______ that heavy objects fell faster than light ones. 24. When you heat a metal, it _______(expand). 25. It’s important to know how the metals react with different s________. 26. He looked at her with a _______ (混合,混合物) of amusement and despair. 27. We should try to keep a b________ between study and relaxation. 28. That kind of matter can ________ (溶解) water easily. 29. I have a lot of sports _________ (装备) such as golf clubs, tennis rackets and ice skates. 30. Do you know why a big ship can f_______ on the water. 31. I felt so a_____ when I heard the news of the accident which happened yesterday.

高考英语 词汇竞赛试题

高三年级高考英语词汇(3500单词及相关短语) 竞赛试题 2015.4.29 (总分:100分 时间:20分钟) 得分:___________ 一、单词汉译英(每题1分,共20题,计20分) 1.宝贵的,珍贵的(adj ) 2.widespread adj. 3.出卖,背叛(vt ) 4.wander vi. ____ 5.印象 (n ) 6.permission n. __ 7.积极的;正面的(adj ) 8.violent adj. ___ 9.陪伴,陪同;为…伴奏vt 10. tease vt. _______ 11.稳定的,安定的 adj.__________________ 12. simplify vt.________________ 13.组织 vt._____________________ 14. presence n._________________ 15. 限制 vt. 16. commodity n.________________ 17. contrast n.__________________________ 18. evolve v.____________________ 19. innovate vi.________________________ 20. interact vt.________________ 二、词组汉译英(每题2分,共15题,计30分) 1.值得做… _______ 2.in the way _____ 3.向某人道歉 4.in vain ________ 5. 利用 6.think highly of _ 7.不但…而且 8.be superior to _ 9. 为…让路,让路于 10.get rid of ______ 11. be of good quality 12. draw lessons from_____________ 13. allow for________________________ 14. at the mercy of_______________ 15.increase people ’s awareness of_________________________________________ 三、单词拼写(每题2分,共10题,计20分) 1.China began a (全国性的)public service advertising campaign in 1996. 2. Her assistant was (控告)of theft by the police. 3. We try our best to increase (产量) by using better methods and tools. 4. Our (最初的) plan was to go to Spain, but it was too expensive. 5. Doctors and medical supplies were (紧急送往) to the scene of the accident. 6. Now doctors believe they have c him of the disease. 7. It was an h for the girl to have been admitted in to the famous university. 8. Nowadays the old find it more and more difficult to a to the new world. 9. Don't take this pills(药丸). It's h______________ to your health. 10. The newspaper article gave a detailed d of the earthquake. 四、根据汉语提示完成下列句子(每题2分,共5题,计10分) 班级:______________ 姓名:______________ 学号:_____________ ---------------------------------密---------------------------------------------封---------------------------------------------线------------------------------------------------------


人教版高一英语必修1单词表 Unit 1 1.survey 调查;测验 2.add up 合计 3.upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 4.ignore不理睬;忽视 5.calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的calm...down(使)平静下来 6.have got to 不得不;必须 7.concern(使)担心;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 8.be concerned about 关心;挂念 9.walk the dog 溜狗 10.loose adj 松的;松开的 11.vet 兽医 12.go through 经历;经受 13.Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a1558490.html,herlands 荷兰(西欧国家) 15.Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 16.German 德国的;德国人的;德语的。 17.Nazi 纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的 18.set down 记下;放下;登记 19.series 连续,系列 a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 20.outdoors在户外;在野外 21.spellbind 迷住;疑惑 22.on purpose 故意 23.in order to 为了 24.dusk 黄昏傍晚at dusk 在黄昏时刻 25.thunder vi 打雷雷鸣n. 雷,雷声 26.entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 27.entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地 28.power能力;力量;权力。 29.face to face 面对面地 30.curtain 窗帘;门帘;幕布 31.dusty adj 积满灰尘的 32.no longer /not …any longer 不再 33.partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人 34.settle 安家;定居;停留vt 使定居;安排;解决 35.suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历suffer from 遭受;患病 36.loneliness 孤单寂寞 37.highway公路 38.recover痊愈;恢复 39.get/be tired of 对…厌烦 40.pack捆扎;包装打行李n 小包;包裹pack (sth )up 将(东西)装箱打包


新教材高一英语(上)单词拼写竞赛 湖北公安车胤中学高一英语组刘昌军 1、She prefers popular music to c__________(古典的)works. 2、She learned to survive in a d__________(荒芜的) island. 3、The headmaster gave a feelingful s__________(演说)about good manners to the whole school. 4、Life has many joys and s__________(悲伤). 5、She is a brave girl. She is never s__________(害怕的)of anything. 6、He is leading an i __________(独立的)life. He lives on his own. 7、This is his n__________(本国的)town. He was born here. 8、The doctor asked me to show my t__________(舌头). 9、C__________(相比较)with the service industry, foreign trade is more important . 10、people c__________(交流)with each other by means of words. 11、Only a narrow strait(海峡) s__________(分隔)North America from Asia. 12、Her temperature has returned to n__________(正常). 13、Have you ever had any a__________(冒险的)experience? 14、The two countries c__________(联合起来)against their common enemy in the past. 15、You should do with the matter r__________(有责任地). 16、All these difficulties were caused by natural d__________(灾难). 17、We s__________(吞咽了)all our food and drink. 18、The forest was d__________(毁坏)by fire. 19、The world is full of o__________(机遇)and challenges. 20、It’s n__________(淘气的)to pull your sister’s hair. 21、This film is for a__________(成年人)only. Children mustn’t watch it. 22、She wants to study d__________(戏剧)and become an actress. 23、Zhao Benshan wrote the s__________(剧本)for the TV play Liu Langen himself. 24、A c__________(生物) is anything that is alive. 25、She is d__________(决心)to go abroad. 26、Allow me to i__________(介绍)my fiend Miss Wood to you. 27、The new teacher made a good i__________(印象)on the students. 28、You had better make an a__________(道歉)for your cruelty. 29、I don’t want to i__________(打断)you, Go on with your story. 30、She l out__________(漏掉)a “c” in the word “account”. 31、The old building had become a ruin but the people of the town r__________(修复) it. 32、A p__________(肖像)of his wife hangs in their bedroom. 33、After a week at the beach her skin was b__________(青铜色). 34、Let us make a__________(团结的)effort to increase the output of this factory. 35、She was an active r__________(革命的) fighter in 1789. 36、He won the first place in the c__________(比赛).


小学英语词汇竞赛活动方案 一、竞赛目的 为激发学生学习英语的兴趣,检验学生掌握英语单词的情况,扩大学生的词汇量,进一步丰富学生的英语学习生活,提高学生的拼写及记忆能力,促使学生“爱英语、学英语、用英语”。现根据学校校园文化活动安排,特举办英语单词竞赛活动。 二、竞赛主题:Remember words, I can. 三、参赛对象:全社学生 四、竞赛时间: 竞赛时间:2015年11月20日,中午 考试时间:45分钟 五、竞赛地点: 竞赛地点:多媒体教室 六、活动组织:Sunshine club 七、竞赛内容 三年级:26个字母大小写、三年级上册及本册书中(Unit 1——Unit 4)中所有黑体及带星号的单词进行中英文翻译。 四年级:四年级下册(Unit 1——Unit 4)中所有黑体及带星号的单词进行中英文翻译和拼写。 五年级:五年级下册(Unit 1——Unit 4)中所有黑体及带星号的单词进行中英文翻译和拼写。 六年级:六年级下册(Unit 1——Unit 4)中所有黑体及带星号的单词进行中英文翻译和拼写。

说明:各年级测试内容以本学期教学单词为主,分值占80%,以前学过的占20%。 监考人员:李小丹、李红娜 八、活动要求: 1、各班英语老师总结所学单词,整理成资料印发给学生,学生利用课外时间记忆。 2、11月20日下午3—6年级统一在多媒体教室比赛,铃声响后发卷。 3、现场比赛总时间为45分钟,铃响后收卷。 4、要求监考老师认真督查参赛学生情况,遇到意外情况及时与教导处联系。结束比赛后,监考 老师收好学生作品,统一Sunshine club。 九、书写规则及要求: 1、统一用墨兰色钢笔书写。 2、现场比赛用纸,纸张由学校统一提供。书写用笔自备。 十、评选方法: 1、由英语教师对试卷进行认真讲评选。 2、评选出一等奖1名、二等奖2名、三等奖3名及优秀奖若干。 十一、奖励办法:获奖者将获得Sunshine club颁发的奖状和奖品。 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。——诸葛亮


小学五年级英语单词竞赛试卷一.看中文,写英文单词。(1×30) 1. 晚上___________ 2. 吃早饭___________ 3. 晨练___________ 4. 进行体育活动 5. 什么时候_________ 6. 通常 7. 去远足__________ 8. 爬山___________ 9. 周末___________ 10. 春天___________ 11. 季节___________ 12. 冬天___________ 13. 放风筝___________ 14. 种树___________ 15. 为什么__________ 16. 弹钢琴__________ 17. 爷爷___________ 18. 书本___________ 19. 房间___________ 20. 画画___________ 21. 写信___________ 22. 生日___________ 23. 五月___________ 24. 叔叔___________ 25. 日期_________ 26. 强壮的_______ 27. 下棋___________ 28. 采摘树叶________ 29. 走___________ 30. 睡觉___________ 二.看英文单词,写中文。(1×30) 1. noon _________ 2. about ______ 3. get up ______ 4. mirror ______ 5. visit grandparents ______ 1

6. snow _______ 7. policeman ______ 8. bathroom _______ 9. living room ____ 10. under _________ 11. behind ________ 12. clothes ________ 13. best _______ 14. December________ 15. January __________ 16. second_________ 17. ninth __________ 18. e-card _________ 19. kangaroo________ 20. woods__________ 21. swinging________ 22. walking__________ 23. November ________ 24. honey ________ 25. jacket ________ 26. go shopping ______ 27. tiger ________ 28. dress ________ 29. snowy ________ 30. play football_______ 三.单词分分类(将单词前面序号填入横线内)(1×20)A 、bedroom B、cold C、bus D、March E、apple F、classroom G、cool H、Thursday I、January J、train K、warm L、banana M、jeep N、Saturday O、Sunday P、kitchen 2


2013年高三英语词汇竞赛试题 命题:SHIRLY 总分100 时量:60分钟班级_________姓名_______________考号______ 得分___________一.英汉互译(共40小题,每小题0.5分,共20分) 1. abandon __________________ 2. aggressive _________________ 3.annual ____________________ 4.beneficial __________________ 5.cancel ___________________ 6.conflict ___________________ 7.cooperate _________________ 8.deliver ____________________ 9.donate ____________________ 10. enormous __________________ 11. evidence __________________12. financial __________________ 13. generous __________________14. historic ___________________ 15.ignorant ___________________16. intention __________________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a1558490.html,ndscape_________________18. phenomenon ________________ 19.significance________________20. original ___________________ 21足够的;适当的(a.) a________ 22两者择一(n.) a___________ 23态度;看法(n.) a____________ 24平衡(a.) b______________ 25消耗;消费;吃完(v.) c_______ 26装饰;装潢(v.) d___________ 27应该得到(v.) d______________ 28文件;证明(n.) c____________ 29失败(n.) f__________________ 30熟悉的(a.) f_____________ 31大多数;过半数(n.) m___________32材料(n.) m_____________ 33疏忽;忽略(v.) i____________ 34工作;职业(n.) o____________ 35谚语;格言(n.) p______________ 36推荐;介绍(v.) r___________ 37(使)放松;松弛(v.) r___________ 38取代(v.) r_____________


牛津高中英语必修一词汇表 Unit 1 enjoyable / enjoy/ enjoyment adj.有乐趣的/vt.喜爱,享有/n.愉快,乐趣,令人愉快事experience /experienced n.&vt经历,体验/adj.老练的,有经验的 assembly n.集会,会议 headmaster n.校长 earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得 earn a/one's living 谋生 respect / respectable n. vt.尊敬,敬重/adj.值得尊敬的,体面的 show/have respect for 尊敬/敬重… with respect 尊敬地 respect sb/sth for…因…敬重/尊重某人或某物 devote /devoted vt.致力于;献身/adj.专心致志的,挚爱的 devote oneself to 献身于 devote one's time/energy to…把时间/精力奉献于… literature n.文学 average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的n.平均数,一般水平 on average 平均的 above/below average 在平均水平以上/以下 struggle vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎,n. 难事;斗争;努力 struggle for 为…而斗争 struggle with/against 与…而斗争 struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来 challenging /challenge adj.具有挑战性的/n.&vt.挑战 encouragement /encourage n.鼓励/vt.鼓励 an encouragement to sb 对某人来说是一个鼓励 cooking / cooker/ cook n.做饭;烹饪,烹调/n.炊具/n.厨师 for free 免费 extra adj.额外的,外加的 fond adj. 喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢 Spanish n. adj.班牙语(的);西班牙人(的) sculpture n.雕像,雕塑 dessert n. 甜点 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 satisfaction / satisfy /satisfied n.满意/vt.满足,使满意/adj.满意的/adj.令人满意的/satisfactory to one's satisfaction 令人满意的是 surf vt. vi.冲浪 academic adj. 学业的,学术的 exchange n. vt. 交换;交流 in exchange for 作为…的交换 exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物


高中英语单词百题竞赛 (本卷满分100,考试时间40分钟) 注意: 1.本卷共100题,每题1分,最后1题如果错误,倒扣分,即扣2分。 2.1—65题答案涂在答题卡上,66-100题答案写在第二卷。 3.考试结束,上交答题卡和第二卷。 第一卷 一. 根据句意及首字母补全单词 1. He was the y___________ of the three students. A. youth B. youngest C. yellow D. yours 2.Sh e’ll be back soon. She has ridden a m___________ to the station to meet Tomy. A. minibus B. mouse C. missile D. machine 3. Science and t____________ have made USA rich and powerful. A. test B. tax C.technology D. teaching 4. Advances in medical science have made it possible for people to live longer,in r_____________ years. A. red B. real C. right D. recent 5. May’s lovely pet cat follows her w__________ she goes. A. with B. where C. wherever D. which 6. Sorry to have d_______ answering your letters because of pressure of time A. decided B. delayed C. discussed D. disliked 7. Do it right now,honey, o_________, it will be late. A. orally B. outwards C. otherwise D. obviously 8. We could n’t observe them from the window because the c________ were drawn. A. cases B. companies C. curtains D. cottages 9. The wounded man walked with great d_______________. A. disaster B. discourage C. distance D. difficulty 10. The patient is gathering his s____________ with every passing day. A. seeds . B. strength C. scream D. secretary 二、补全单词 11.exp_nd A. e B. a C. o 12. rid_c_lous A e; u B.i; u C. o; u 13. p_r_dise A. a; a B. a; e C. e; a 14. inst_t_te A i; u B. e; u C. o; u 15. p_rm_nent A. e; e B. a; a C e; a 16. ach__vement A. i B. e C. ie 17. ph _n_mena A. e; o B. e; a C. a; o 18 indep_nd_nce A. e; a B. a; a C. e; e 19. sep_r_tion A. a; a B. a; o C. a; e 20. el_m_nt A. e; e B. a; a C. a; e; ;


1.method 方法 2. bored 厌烦的 3. amazed 吃惊的 4.impress 使印象深刻 5. system 系统 6. move 搬家 7.cover 包含 8. patient 耐心的 9. strict 严格的10. avoid 避开 11. admit 承认 12. loudly 大声的13. respect 尊敬 14. period 一段时间 15. topic 题目 16. revise 温习 17. formal 正式的 18. relaxed 轻松的19.tram 电车 20. camel 骆驼 21. desert 沙漠22. expert 专家 23. shoot 射杀 24.seaside 海滨25.stadium 体育场 26.event 事件 27.track 铁轨28.survey 调查 29. local 地方的 30. suburb 城郊31.pretty 很 32. bother 打扰 33. rent 租金34. starve 饿死 35. traffic 交通 36. gallery 美术馆37.afford 买得起 38. contact 联络 39. liquid 液体40.stage 阶段 41. react 反映 42. rust 生锈43. boil 煮沸 44.float 漂浮 45.lecture 演讲46. contain 包含 47. source 来源 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a1558490.html,itary 军事的49. average 平均的 50.access 接近

1. defence 保护 2. dissolve 溶解 3. facility 设备 4. expand 膨胀 5. contract 收缩 6. diploma 文凭 7. province 省 8. previous 之前的 9. ceremony 仪式10. diamond 钻石11. survive 死里逃生 12.nuisance令人讨厌的13. approach 接近 14. household 家属 15. exchange 交换16. breakdown 故障 17. substance 物质 18.cassette 录音带19. souvenir 纪念品 20. frighten 惊吓21.disappointed 失望的22. assistant 助手23.attractive 有吸引力的24.partial 部分的25. shorten 缩短 26.equipment 设备 27.accessible 可进入的28. committee 委员会29. gorgeous 美丽的30. literature 文学31.energetic精力充沛的32. amusing有趣的33.similarly同样的34.journey 旅程35.occupation 职业36. exhausted 疲惫不堪的37organised 有组织的38.abandoned被遗弃39.translation翻译40. apartment 公寓 41.technology 技术 43.appreciate 欣赏44. electricity 电 45. equipment 设备 46.unemployed 失业的47.department 科48. astonished 吃惊的49. discipline 纪律50. interview 面试51. fortunate 幸运的52. scientific 科学的53.impression 印象54. instruction指示55.enthusiastic 热心的56.intelligent聪明的57.incorrectly不正确地58.immediately https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a1558490.html,prehension理60. embarrassed 尴尬的61. embarrassed 尴尬的
