




如果您有什么需要请随时拨打房务中心电话:xxxxx 或xxxxx告诉我们。能够为您服务是我们的荣幸!同时也请您对我们的服务多加指导并留下您的宝贵意见,我们将非常感激!




Dear xxxx,

On behalf of the hotel management and all staff, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you for staying to xxx Hotel.

It is always our great honor to receive you as our valued guest, so please rest assured that every effort has been made to ensure your stay is an enjoyable experience.

Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Guest Service Center any time:xxxx、xxxx.

Yours Sincerely,

General Manager


篇一:英语感谢信套路范文 感谢 信开头段常用句式和套话 i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for... i am writing to express my thanks for... i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for... i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 感谢信结尾段常用 句式和套话 i must thank you again for your generous help. i am most grateful for your selfless donation. my true gratitude is beyond the words description. i feel most obliged to thank you once more. please accept my gratitude, now and always. ★例: directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. write a letter: 1) mentioning what happened in the accident, 2) telling the person about your recovery, and 3) expressing your thanks. you should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address. 范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff, i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy. during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as i was able. abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who


酒店中英文版感谢信 感谢我的导师XXX 教授,他(写给医生的感谢信)们严谨细致、一丝不苟的作风一直是我工作、学习中的榜样;他们循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的思路给予我无尽的启迪。 ×××酒店餐饮部×××: 您好! 感谢您给与我公司的合作。 i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction. 在合作期间您所提供的完美体贴的服务和美味的食品,都给我们留下了深刻的印象。 在此,我公司特别向您和您所领导的餐饮部员工致以最真诚的谢意。同时对贵公司 ×××、×××、×××员工的全力配合表示衷心感谢。 感谢贵公司对我们工作的支持和帮助。 During these days in your class, I have acquired much knowledge from you and it really helps me a lot. Firstly, you let me know what the west thinking pattern is -straight thinking pattern. As an English learner, it is important for me to understand the difference between them. What’s more, I’m glad to be your student, and I am very happy to learn the course under your guidance. English is an important tool, through which we can share our experience with the world. I treasure the chance of learning English, and I enjoy the happiness from your course. 微笑,挂在孩子们的脸上。感激,流进父母的心窝。在这里再次向小一班的任老师、魏老师、郑老师,还有宝宝的申园长表示由衷的感谢。谢谢你们用爱心滋润着幼苗,也希望哈佛幼儿园继续用先进的教育理念,多给孩子们鼓励、赞扬、引导,培养孩子们自信、活泼的性格,开启她们智慧的头脑。让哈佛幼儿园成为孩子们的乐园! Grateful for a short period of six months and has the support of all concerned, I do miss the XXXX days. Special thanks to the boss of the platform for me to better reflect my personal values. However, due to personal reasons,


写给酒店感谢信:范文3篇 写给酒店感谢信范文一:尊敬的xxxxx公司各位领导以及工作人员: xxxxx会已圆满结束,大会反响积极热烈,意义深远。遂我公司特写此信:非常诚挚的感谢各位对xxxx会的殷切关注与积极帮助。 贵酒店客户经理xxxx,会前会后给予我们的帮助是大家有目共睹的。她根据我们公司的实际情况帮助我们在会前布置协调各类工作,积极协助配合我们工作人员,努力帮助我们解决各类问题,真正让我们领略了贵酒店销售人员的风采。贵酒店会务经理xxxxx,虽然xxxxx,但是其工作仍一丝不苟,敬业精神可钦可佩。 xxxx酒店的前台主管在大会期间也一直积极配合我们的工作,服务周到。在大会期间,双方工作人员为了大会更好的举办,都在积极地磨合以寻求更好的合作,虽然时有突发情况出现,但是贵酒店服务人员优良的突发情况处理能力给予了我们极大的帮助。总而言之,两年后的再次合作,让我们再次感受到贵酒店的精致服务与友爱氛围。 再次感谢各位酒店领导和员工对我公司此次大会的支持和帮助,真诚期待下次合作。 xxx xxxx年xx月xx日

写给酒店感谢信范文二:尊敬的总经理先生: 入住贵酒店二晚,对酒店先进的硬件及优秀的软件深有感悟,特此向您表示感谢! 我们是来自苏州福田金属有限公司的商务客人,因昨晚本人身体不适未能外出,后贵店楼层服务员进来送报纸时发现我躺在床上,便亲切地询问起原尾来,于是我把不适的情况向她进行了说明.没过多久,又来了一位客房中心的年轻服务员,她给我倒了一杯蜜水(蜂蜜),帮助我喝了下去,并拿来了贵地的苹果,告知我一些该注意及可能引起身体不适的因素,并安排好我躺下后才轻轻离开! 对于我们经常出门在外的商务客来说,贵店这种细微之处的服务还是首次遇到,毕竟全国乃至世界各地的出差对我们来说是家常便饭,酒店对于软件方面所下的功夫也因此事而得以体现,在此,我向总经理先生您表示致谢!并也请转告我对那两位女服务员的感谢! 我相信也许下月又会再次入住酒店,祝酒店事业腾达!! 此致 敬礼 xxx xxxx年xx月xx日 写给酒店感谢信范文三:尊敬的登封丰源大酒店各位领导以及工作人员: 你们好! 我是来自鹤壁的一位客人,今年3月14日由于带女儿到登封


苏州工业园区金鸡湖大酒店有限公司 贵宾接待标准 (一)VVVIP来宾接待标准(简称V4)(二)VVIP来宾接待标准(简称V3)(三)VIP来宾接待标准(简称V2)(四)重要来宾(IP)(简称V1) (五)VIP接待小组成员名单 酒店管理层编制 2006年8月20日

VVVIP贵宾接待标准(V4) 一、定义 本接待标准适用于: 1、中央常委以上,中共中央全国人大常委会、国务院、全国政 协的主要领导人; 2、接待标准在一级警卫以上人员。 二、标准 (一)接待人员要求 酒店管理班子全体人员全程陪同接待; 一级部门经理,各岗位负责人全部停休出勤,到岗待命; VIP小组成员担任服务。 (二)客房部(客房标准) 1、茶叶:顶级碧螺春,标准为每斤500元; 2、鲜花:部长套标准为120元花篮,总统套标准为150元花篮; 3、水果:100元标准水果盆; 4、糕点:曲奇饼干、巧克力; 5、进口香槟,放置开瓶器和酒杯; 6、其他:欢迎信、总经理名片、欢迎茶、小香巾; 7、提供24小时全程管家服务。 (三)餐饮部

1、服务:所有前后台主管以上人员在岗,并与VIP接待小组成员 一同直接参与服务; 2、厨房:厨师长亲自烹饪,出菜前逐一品尝,并严格把关食品进 货的渠道,做好蔬果的卫生检测工作。 (四)前厅部 1、经理主管直接参与服务和接待,VIP接待小组成员做好服务工 作,并协助做好前厅区域人员的清场工作; 2、安排引领和迎送队伍; 3、主入口铺设红地毯。 (五)工程部 1、收到接待任务后第一时间开始设备、设施大检查; 2、挑选背景音乐,并交管理层确认。做好当日背景音乐的播放; 3、接待当日各岗位待命,做好随时应对突发事件的准备; 4.外环境:内湖、1号楼、2号楼的瀑布开启,并注意内湖的水位,及时补充水量; 5、夜间户外灯光(绿化、庭院等)至次日6:00AM关闭。(六)保安部 根据公安、警卫处人员的保安要求,全力配合做好当日的安全 和车辆疏导工作。


酒店英文感谢信范文 篇一:酒店客户感谢信 尊敬的贵宾,您好,我们是XXX酒店,对于上周至贵公司的拜访,您的热情款待让我们十分感激且留下深刻的印象,在此请您接受我们这份迟来的谢意。 与贵公司进行的讨论是十分有益且令人鼓舞的,您的每一个建议,都是我们所需要的,有了您的支持和关注,对于我们前进的征途将提供源源不绝的信心和力量;我们也相信XXX酒店的文化,会在大家的支持下,扩展到世界每一个角落,XXX酒店有她的低调奢华,更处处充满了文化魅力,在设计上特别聘请了知名XXX 建筑师XXX操刀,打造出一所有别于其他一般度假酒店的文化休闲庄园,在酒店的每一个角落您都可以看见大海、蓝天、白云和服务人员的亲切笑容,酒店X间海景套房、私属沙滩、户外的深海温泉、XXX泳池、私人定制的餐厅及,每一处都为您提供专属的体验,不管您是想要浪漫的海滨之旅还是想体验宁静的私人度假,还是想举办一场梦幻的海上婚礼,亦或是想梦回春秋,只要您想要的,我们都可以满足您,她就像一只展翅的凤凰,将和您一起翱翔在美好生活里。我们也将进一步了解了您的需求,酒店真诚期待在不久的将来能有机会与贵司进行更深入的合作。 再次感谢您能抽出时间为我们安排这次愉快的访问,我们诚挚邀请您能来访酒店体验,我们将不胜荣幸!

此致, XXX酒店 篇二:酒店感谢信模版 Thanks Letter Dear Sir or Madam: Wele to stay in Beijing West International Trade Hotel and we appreciate your suggestions and support. Your opinions and suggestions are important to us because it will help us to serve your requirements better. We are improving the question with regard to the Guests ments Form that you mentioned. We express our sincere apologies for your inconvenience. On behalf of hotel staff will try our best to provide the best service for you. If you have any requirements, please contact our Assistant Manager at Ext “21”. We wish you have a most enjoyable stay and look forward to your next visit. Yours truly General Manager 感谢信 尊敬的**先生/女士:


宾客欢迎信 GUEST WELCOME LETTER Dear Guest: It is our pleasure to welcome to shenzhou7star Hotel. We are delighted that you have joined us and consider your choice to be the best compliment possible. Our staff is committed to ensuring that your stay is both enjoyable and comfortable. If you need anything during your stay, do not hesitate to contact myself or dial the 24-hour Guest Service Centre, your one stop shop that will take care of your needs and wants during your stay. As always, I am very interested in receiving your feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions on changes we should make, please do not hesitate to call me. Again, thank you for choosing our Hotel. We look forward to serving you now and on future trips to Hua hengchang. Sincerely yours XXXXX General Manager 亲爱的宾客: 欢迎您来到神洲七星酒店,这是我们的荣幸。我们很高兴您加入到我们,您的选择是对我们最好的认可和赞美。 我们的员工致力于保持您的舒适和愉快。在您停留我们这里需要些什么,请您一定要联系我或拨打24小时客户服务中心。我们的一站式服务会竭力照顾您的需要,希望您居住愉快。像往常一样,我很欣慰能收到您的反馈。如果你有任何意见或建议我们工作中应该做出改变,请您不要犹豫联系我们。 再一次,非常感谢您选择我们,我们期待着为您服务在您将来的旅途中。 谨致问候! XXXX 总经理


关于中英文拜访感谢信模板 Dear ------, We are very honored to receive your invitation to call on your company on Wednesday afternoon, September 1st, 20--. Please accept our sincere thanks. During the visit, We had a preliminary and necessary communication on the basic items and related information of mutual cooperation . We now have a better understanding of your needs and will soon submit another proposal for your approval. We expect to have it ready by _________ Again,thank you for the pleasant visit. Yours sincerely, -----------(名字) -----------(头衔) 尊敬-----------, 我们非常荣幸获得您的邀请,于20--年--月--日星期--下午拜访了贵公司,在此请您接受我们由衷的谢意。 这次访问,我们就彼此合作的基本事项和信息实行初步的必要的沟通。我们现已进一步了解了您的需求,并将很快向您呈上一份新的提议,供您批阅,预计该提议将于______前完成。 再次感谢您为我们安排的这次愉快的访问。 此致, -----------(名字) -----------(头衔)


离职感谢信中英文版_感谢信 离职感谢信中英文版 尊敬领导和各位同事:您们好!我因个人原因,辞去oa开发工程师的职务,即将离开我们的xx集团了。感谢xx集团带给我的机遇与挑战!感谢各位领导对我的关心与信赖!感谢各位同事对我的工作的支持与帮助!能够来到xx这一偌大的企业,我想我是幸运的,在这里学习了很多,感受了很多,和去年刚从学校出来的时候相比,也成熟了很多……在xx的一年,对我来说是一生中重要的一段经历。在这里我经历了失败,也取得了成绩,有过郁闷,也有过欢喜。失败是刻骨铭心的,它将成为一枚警钟、一块基石鞭策我不断进取;成绩是另人欣喜的,它们会幻化成为一个个新的目标,指引我前进的方向。作为一名技术人员,我渴望看到自己的日渐娴熟,也明白xx这样的环境一定能够提供历练自己的机遇,只是正如我们无法完全预测自然灾难一样,有些客观矛盾我还不知道如何解决、如何避免,一道单选题,二选其一,必定要有所舍。天下没有无不散的筵席,沧海、桑田之间变换已成自然,送给各位同事的只有祝福与期待,祝福我的同事们一切顺心,期待我们的xx一帆风顺!respect leadership and colleagues:you are good! i due to personal reasons, quit oa development engineer position, leaving our xx group. thanks to the xx group i bring opportunities and challenges!thanks to all the leaders of my concern and trust!thanks to all my colleagues on the work support and help!to xx this huge enterprise, i think i was lucky, here to learn a lot, feeling a lot, and last year right out of high school, has matured a lot ... ...in xx year, for me is the most important thing in my life experience. here i have experienced the defeat, also achieved success, there have been depressed, there have been happy. failure is the imprint is engraved on my heart., it will become an alarm, a cornerstone to goad me unceasingly enterprising; achievement is another person happy, they will becomes a new target, show me the way.as a technician, i yearned to see their increasingly adept, also understand xx such environment will certainly be able to provide experience their own opportunities, just as we can not completely predict natural disasters, some objective contradiction i don't know how to solve, how to avoid, a single selected topic, one of two, will be homes.there is no all feast, kuwata sea, between transform is natural, for colleagues only bleand expectation, blemy colleagues all the best, and we look forward to xx everything is going smoothly! a letter of resignation letter of thanks尊敬的主管、副理:您好!在公司工作一年中,学到了很多知识,公司的营业状态也是一直表现良好态势。非常感激公司给予了我这样的机会在良好的环境工作和学习。虽然在公司里基础的业务知识及专业知识已经基本掌握,但俗话说“学无止境”,有很多方面还是需不断学习。提出辞职我想了很久,公司的环境对于业务员很照顾很保护(至少对于业务风险来说),鉴于我的个性,要在公司自我提升及成长为独挡一面的能手,处于保护的环境下可能很难。我自己也意识到了自己个性倾于内向,你们也有经常提醒我这一点,其实,这不管是对于公司培育人才或是我自身完善都是突破的难点。共2页,当前第1页12离职感谢信中英文版相关内容:面试英文感谢信范文 thank you for interview idear (bosss name),i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title)with (company name).... 患者感谢信 尊敬的xxxxx医院妇科全体医护员工们:您们好!你们辛苦了。首先我和家人对你们表示衷心

感谢信 :中英文感谢信4篇

感谢信:中英文感谢信4篇 尊敬的xxx组织, 我们是xx的爸爸妈妈,我们女儿xx经过笔试和面试,很荣幸地被xxx组织选中,于8月中旬去了美国明尼苏达州,作为交流学生,进入到美国的高中二年级学习。 dear https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b2754720.html,, we are the parents of yan han. it's a great honor for our daughter to be chosen by your organization after the test and interviewing. in the middle of august, , yan han went to minnesota, usa, as an exchange student of 11th grade. 到美国两个多月来,我们的女儿xx受到了美国家庭无微不至的关怀。美国家庭的爸爸妈妈就像对待自己的亲生女儿一样照顾她。我的女儿就管他们叫美国的爸爸妈妈。在学习上,美国的爸爸妈妈帮她细心地选课,耐心地帮她提高英文的听说能力。 having been in america for more than two months, our daughter, yan han, have gotten a good care from the sweetest families. the american family's father james and mother karen treat her just like their own daughters. my daughter calls james and karen “father” and “mother”. for studies, her american parents choose the curriculum carefully and make every effort to help her improve her english listening and speaking ability. 在生活方面,饮食上详细考虑她是否能吃习惯,并告诉她像在自己家里一样的生活。当我们在和女儿视屏聊天时,经常看到xx的美国爸爸妈妈送夜宵来给她吃。 for her life aspect, they take her eating custom into consideration, and tell her feel easy just like at her chinese home. when we chat with our daughter through on-line video, we often see that her american parents send some midnight snack for her. 为了尽快熟悉美国,融入美国,美国的爸爸妈妈还帮助孩子加入了篮球队和越野长跑队,并带xx去游乐园和堪萨斯等地方游玩。美国爸爸妈妈还经常和我们女儿谈心,发现她有什么思想上、生活上、学习上的难题,及时帮她解决。


酒店英文表扬信范文 表扬信是对他人行为表示认可与赞许的信件,那酒店英文表扬信该怎么写呢?下面就让带大家看看一系列酒店英文表扬信范文。望大家采纳。 dear head master of f & b department: first of all, we thank you for the perfect service and providing delicious foods, which give us a deep impression for everything you done. here, our pany specially thanks you and your team, and sends the best regards and the most sincere gratitude to all of you. at the same time, we specially thank an outstanding employee ------ xxxwhom gave the most cooperation during the events. at the end, we sincerely thank for the all supports from you and your colleagues. millions of thanks! your sincerely

bei __g xxx co., ltd. date: xx-xx-xxxx Dear Mr.XXXX, All the nice times pass so quickly, similarly the wonderful EXPO experience in China has e to its end. My seven months stay at the Expo Village in Expo Donghu Apartment Hotel has been one of the most memorable times in my experience at the Expos. Not only due to the apartment’s features, which quality I needn’t to particularly stress , but so much more for the hospitality and generosity of the Expo Donghu Apartment Hotel’s staff. Their warm assistance on everyday basis has made me feel at home and among friends. I would especially like to thank Mr. Austin Cai for his tremendous effort and assistance and underline his mitment to work, professionalism, patience and understanding of human's heart. Also I’d like to extend my special gratitude to Ms. Caroline Zheng and Mr.Caleb Zhu.



苏州工业园区金鸡湖大酒店有限公司 贵宾接待标准 (一)VVVIP来宾接待标准(简称V4) (二)VVIP来宾接待标准(简称V3) (三)VIP来宾接待标准(简称V2) (四)重要来宾(IP)(简称V1) (五)VIP接待小组成员名单 酒店管理层编制 2

6 年 8 月 2 日VVVIP贵宾接待标准(V4) 一、定义 本接待标准适用于: 1、中央常委以上,中共中央全国人大常委会、国务院、全 国政协的主要领导人; 2、接待标准在一级警卫以上人员。 二、标准 (一)接待人员要求 酒店管理班子全体人员全程陪同接待; 一级部门经理,各岗位负责人全部停休出勤,到岗待命; VIP小组成员担任服务。

(二)客房部(客房标准) 1、茶叶:顶级碧螺春,标准为每斤500元; 2、鲜花:部长套标准为120元花篮,总统套标准为150元花篮; 3、水果:100元标准水果盆; 4、糕点:曲奇饼干、巧克力; 5、进口香槟,放置开瓶器和酒杯; 6、其他:欢迎信、总经理名片、欢迎茶、小香巾; 7、提供24小时全程管家服务。 (三)餐饮部 1、服务:所有前后台主管以上人员在岗,并与VIP接待小组 成员一同直接参与服务; 2、厨房:厨师长亲自烹饪,出菜前逐一品尝,并严格把关食 品进货的渠道,做好蔬果的卫生检测工作。 (四)前厅部 1、经理主管直接参与服务和接待,VIP接待小组成员做好服务工 作,并协助做好前厅区域人员的清场工作; 2、安排引领和迎送队伍; 3、主入口铺设红地毯。 (五)工程部 1、收到接待任务后第一时间开始设备、设施大检查; 2、挑选背景音乐,并交管理层确认。做好当日背景音乐的播放; 3、接待当日各岗位待命,做好随时应对突发事件的准备;


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 酒店英文感谢信 提供一篇酒店英文感谢信,为您提供帮助! Dear Head Master of F B Department: First of all, we thank you for the perfect service and providing delicious foods, which give us a deep impression for everything you done. Here, our company specially thanks you and your team, and sends the best regards and the most sincere gratitude to all of you. At the same time, we specially thank an outstanding employee ------ whom gave the most cooperation during the events. At the end, we sincerely thank for the all supports from you and your colleagues. Millions of thanks! Your Sincerely 酒店餐饮部: 您好! 感谢您给与我公司的合作。 在合作期间您所提供的完美体贴的服务和美味的食品,都给我们留下了深刻的印象。 1 / 4


酒店感谢信的范文3篇 谢谢信关于弘扬正气、树立良好的社会风尚,促进社会主义精神文明建设有重要意义。本文是小编为大伙儿整理的酒店谢谢信的范文,仅供参考。 酒店谢谢信的范文篇一: 恭敬的总经理先生: 入住贵酒店二晚,对酒店先进的硬件及优秀的软件深有感悟,特此向您表示谢谢! 我们是来自苏州福田金属有限公司的商务客人,因昨晚本人躯体别适未能外出,后贵店楼层服务员进来送报纸时发觉我躺在床上,便亲切地询咨询起原尾来,于是我把别适的事情向她进行了说明.没过多久,又来了一位客房中心的年轻服务员,她给我倒了一杯蜜水(蜂蜜),帮助我喝了下去,并拿来了贵地的苹果,告知我一些该注意及可能引起躯体别适的因素,并安排好我躺下后才轻轻离开! 关于我们经常出门在外的商务客来说,贵店这种细微之处的服务依然首次遇到,怎么说全国乃至世界各地的出差对我们来说是家常便饭,酒店关于软件方面所下的功夫也所以事而得以体现,在此,我向总经理先生您表示致谢!并也请转告我对那两位女服务员的谢谢! 我相信也许下月又会再次入住酒店,祝酒店事业腾达!! 此致 敬礼 酒店谢谢信的范文篇二: 恭敬的总经理先生: 入住贵酒店二晚,对酒店先进的硬件及优秀的软件深有感悟,特此向您表示谢谢! 我们是来自金属有限公司的商务客人,因昨晚本人躯体别适未能外出,后贵店楼层服务员进来送报纸时发觉我躺在床上,便亲切地询咨询起原尾来,于是我把别适的事情向她进行了说明.没过多久,又来了一位客房中心的年轻服务员,她给我倒了一杯蜜水(蜂蜜),帮助我喝了下去,并拿来了贵地的苹果,告知我一些该注意及可能引起躯体别适的因素,并安排好我躺下后才轻轻离开! 关于我们经常出门在外的商务客来说,贵店这种细微之处的服务依然首次遇到,怎么说全国乃至世界各地的出差对我们来说是家常便饭,酒店关于软件方面所下的功夫也所以事而得以体现,在此,我向总经理先生您表示致谢!并也请转告我对那两位女服务员的谢谢! 我相信也许下月又会再次入住酒店,祝酒店事业腾达!! 此致 敬礼 20xx年度副镇长述职述廉报告 我名**,现年*岁,本科文化,现任茶恩寺镇党委委员、副镇长。20xx年,依照党委政府安排,我分管农技、林业、经管、统计、新农村建设工作。一年来,在县委县政府、镇党委镇政府的正确领导下,在各村、各站办所的支持和帮助下,取得了一定的成绩,现将一年来的工作事情汇报如下: 一、加强学习,别断提高自身素养。 一年来,我仔细学习党的十七大会议精神和科学进展观,别断提高自身素养,别断提高


VIP 欢迎信 尊敬的宾客: 欢迎入住泽达大酒店行政楼层! 我们很荣幸有机会向您提供专业优质的个性化服务,使您获得最好的入住体验! 作为我们最尊贵的客人,您可在此享受到如下专享服务: ●一层贵宾接待处快速入住和快速结账服务 ●每日在大堂吧免费享用享受指定咖啡或茶(营业时间内) ●每日免费使用2听客房小酒吧的软饮(不含酒精的饮料) ●每日一件衣物的免费熨烫服务 ●每日免费使用2层的18人会议室2小时(时间不可累积,且需提前致电预订部,分机号68002) ●每天下午14:30—16:30免费体验1层西餐厅“泽达时光” 如果您还需要其他任何协助,请随时致电宾客服务经理,分机号码61108。我们将竭诚为您服务。 祝您入住愉快! Dear Sir or Madam, Welcome to Executive Floor Zeda Hotel! We are very glad to have the opportunity to provide you with professional service to ensure your stay be an experience enriched with personalized services. As a privileged guest at the Exclusive Floor, You are entitled to the following exclusive benefits. ● Express check in and check out at VIP Reception on the 1st Floor ● Free use of de signated coffee or tea at Xanadu Bar within service hours ● Complimentary 2 cans of non-alcoholic drinks in guest room Mini Bar daily ● Complimentary ironing of one garment per day ● Free use of 18-person meeting room on the 2nd floor for 2 hours per day (non-accumulative) upon prior reservation with the Reservation Department at extension 68002. ● Enjoy ‘Zeda Hours’ at Venus Western Restaurant on the 1st floor from 14:30 to 16:30 daily Should there be anything else we could do to ensure you an even more enchanting stay with us, please feel free to contact our Guest Service Manager at Extension 61108. We wish you have a nice stay with us! 总经理 General Manager VIP 欢迎信


酒店服务员表扬信范文 篇一:给酒店员工的表扬信 我是xx酒店会员,xxx,会员号:xxx,于xx年xx月xx日入住上xx酒店长阳店,于10月25日退房,不慎遗失装一个小黄色尼龙袋,内装欧元xxx0元,当时酒店员工于退房时向我提出,我因当时父亲病重,急于赶到医院,认为不是我的。后于26日发现,我到酒店,酒店总经理以负责任的态度,非常认真地一起与我到当地警署处理此事,并将所在的钱完整交还于我。对这种酒店所有员工这种任负责的态度和处理这事贵酒店的员工拾金不昧的精神我表示万分的敬意。 同时,我将会今后在中国境内永远选择入住格林豪泰酒店,同时,我将贵酒店员工这种崇高的服务精神向我身边的人作宣传,让他们也入住格林豪泰酒店,体验贵格林豪泰酒店的服务。十分感谢,祝商祺! xx年xx月xx日 篇二:给酒店员工的表扬信 篇一:酒店前厅部员工表扬信 表扬信 林美丽: 昨天客人某某先生通过什么渠道对酒店前厅部接待人员的服务予以肯定,特别赞赏你热情的接待和周到的服务。

正值酒店开业之初,酒店客流量较大,这对酒店全体员工特别是一线部门前厅部而言是巨大的挑战。面对挑战,你不仅保证了工作质量,还能用笑容迎接客人,的确很棒。你的付出是有价值的,不仅为客人的旅途增添了美好回忆,还使客人对你个人留下良好印象,对某某酒店予以肯定。 特此感谢你的优质服务。希望你再接再厉,使得每位客人都开心入住、满意离店。某某酒店 20XX年11月20日篇二:酒店员工表扬信 ×××××酒店负责人: 您好! 首先我为×××××××能培养出×××这样认真负责的优质员工而致敬!我是***是××××的(负责人)。我行于××年×月××日在贵酒店举行重要会议活动,此次活动对于我行来说意义重大,安排到酒店入住的客人都是××成员,所以×××领导层非常重视。整个活动前期由酒店的×××经理接待,后期所有细节都是由×××经理亲自来协调和落实。针对此次××会的活动我行分别设有5个分管部门分别负责住房,餐饮,会议,布展及礼品等细节,因中间有同事突然病倒,所以交接上有些出入,变动也在所难免。11月12日(星期日)××××早上七点就来到酒店,自己一个人和我们5个分管部门负责人对接,对于我们提出房间要求和会议调整等细节问题,她都表现出专业和高效的协调
