



You say that you love rain,

but you open your umbrella when it rains.

You say that you love the sun,

but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.

You say that you love the wind,

but you close your windows when wind blows.

This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.




























































初中英语诗歌大全带翻译:初中英语故事带翻译 英语诗歌以其独特的文体形式充分调动、发挥语言的各种潜能,使之具有特殊的感染力。读来隽永,富有音韵美。小编精心收集了初中英语诗歌大全带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 初中英语诗歌大全带翻译篇1 《What is love》 Love is a star shrouded in morning fog Without you Heaven is hell Li River War lovely, subtle shaking This. . . Shy sweet embrace - On your beautiful lips, I preferred kissing instead of the language My kiss is like the smoke from my heart a flame! 《爱是什么》 爱就是笼罩在晨雾中一颗星。

没有你, 天堂也变成地狱。 可爱的战溧,微妙的颤抖, 这羞怯温柔的拥抱 在你美丽的樱唇上, 我惯用接吻来代替语言, 我的吻就像是从我的心底冒出的一个火焰! 初中英语诗歌大全带翻译篇2 《Me and you is eternal》 If I could save time in a bottle the first thing that I'd like to do is to save every day until eternity passes away just to spend them with you If I could make days last forever if words could make wishes come true

最美 首英文诗,译文也神美!

最美8首英文诗,译文也神美! Spring goeth all in white spring goeth all in white,crowned with milk-white may;in fleecy flocks of light,o'er heaven the white clouds stray;white butterflies in the air;white daisies prank the ground;the cherry and hoary pear,scatter their snow around.春之女神着素装 春之女神着素装,山楂花冠乳白光; 天上分明一群羊,白云朵朵自来往; 粉蝶空中时蹁跹;廷命菊花饰郊原; 樱桃梨树共争艳,四处非花如雪片。 To daffodils fair daffodils,we weep to seeyou haste away so soon;as yet the early-rising sunhas not attain'd his noon.stay,stay,until the hasting dayhas runbut to the even-song;and,having pray'd together, wewill go with you along. we have short time to stay, as you;we have as short a spring;as quick a growth to meet decay,as you,or anything.we die,as your hours do,and dryawaylike to the summer's rain,or as the pearls of morning's dew,ne'er

感受文字之美 尽享读书之乐 21天打卡活动(优选.)

最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 “感受文字之美尽享读书之乐” 21天打卡活动 主题: 感受文字之美尽享读书之乐 活动内容: 我和爸妈同读一本书 我是小小朗读者 好书换换看 我家的创意阅读 我最爱读的一本书 优秀家书家训家风家教故事亲子诵读 活动倡议: “一本好书,两人阅读,三周坚持,终生受益。”一个好习惯,无论其大小都有益于一生。 世界著名心理学家威廉?詹姆士曾说: 播下一个行动,收获一种习惯; 播下一种习惯,收获一种性格; 播下一种性格,收获一种命运。 你们猜,一个人想要养成一个习惯至少需要多久呢?

答案是:21天! 感谢孩子的到来让我们成为“父亲”和“母亲”,作为父母的我们能为孩子做哪些更有意义、更值得回忆、并且是孩子乐意接受的事情呢? 陪孩子阅读吧!一件简单可行,马上就可以做到的事情。亲子共读的乐趣只要你去实践,就会深刻体会! 21天,你能持续不断的陪伴孩子共读吗? 试试看!相信自己! 一、活动时间: 2018年4月23日-5月31日,开始晚的爸妈们们可以依次把时间往后顺延。 二、阅读书籍: 绘本、国学、文学名著、科学探索……所有孩子喜欢阅读的都可以。 三、交流方式: 必做:1.每天发布读的书目和照片,或者读书感受,发到班级朗读群即可。 更近一步:2.小朋友也可以用“为你诵读”、微信读故事,电台读故事的方式记录下来有声故事、视频故事。 四、参与活动要求: 1.参与家庭需不间断每天发布一条阅读信息在班级阅读微信群和朋友圈里。如果间断某天,自动归零,重新计时。每天坚持才能养成习惯哦! 2.阅读感受反馈信息格式如下: 打卡内容如图:


优美的经典英语诗歌带翻译 【导语】英语的诗歌是我们也很值得学习的一个课程,下面就由大家分享一下优美的经典英语诗歌带翻译,希望大家帮助到大家! 【篇一】优美的经典英语诗歌带翻译 你还不来我怎敢老去 其实我已经老了 我老得让门前的那棵小树替我掉叶子 我老得掉了一层土 又掉了一层土 看到这些土 我就知道,过去胸膛上给你预留的篝火快要熄灭了 手臂上给你预留的力量快要离开了 及至双眼,开始看什么都是缓慢的 飘忽不定的 其实我已经很老了 及至这后来的一小段时光 我只是继续让门前的那棵小树替我掉下最后一片叶子 世易时移处 我之所以说你不来,我不敢老去 是没人的时候 我非常渺茫地希望,你也在这么想 You don’t come, I’m dare not to grow old

A poem by Li Jizong / Translated by Lily Actually, I’m old That I’ve to let the small tree in front of the door For me shed the leaves off I’m too old as to shell off a layer of earth And another layer of earth once more Seeing these layers of earth I know that going out is the bonfire on my chest reserved for you And departing is the strength kept for you in my arm As far as my eyes, tardy and erratic They start to see everything Actually, I’m very old For the latest short span of my life I just keep on asking the small tree in front of the door For me to shed the last leaf While the world is changing and time is flying Why I say that you don’t come, I’m dare not to grow old ’Cause when I’m alone I do still cherish a very slim hope that you also


The Basic Elements of Appreciating English Poetry 1.What is poetry? ?Poetry is the expression of Impassioned feeling in language. ?“Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.” ?“Poetry, in a general sense, may be defined to be the expression of the imagination.” ?Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty. ?Poetry is the image of man and nature. ?“诗言志,歌咏言。” ---《虞书》 ?“诗言志之所以也。在心为志,发言为诗。情动于中而行于言,言之不足,则嗟叹之;嗟叹之不足,故咏歌之;咏歌之不足,不知手之舞之,足之蹈之也。情发于声;声成文,谓之音。” ---《诗·大序》 ?“诗是由诗人对外界所引起的感觉,注入了思想与情感,而凝结了形象,终于被表现出来的一种‘完成’的艺术。” ---艾青:《诗论》 2.The Sound System of English Poetry a. The prosodic features ?Prosody (韵律)---the study of the rhythm, pause, tempo, stress and pitch features of a language. ?Chinese poetry is syllable-timed, English poetry is stress-timed. ?Stress: The prosody of English poetry is realized by stress. One stressed syllable always comes together with one or more unstressed syllables. eg. Tiger, /tiger, /burning /bright In the /forest /of the/ night, What im/mortal /hand or /eye Could frame thy/ fearful /symme/try? ---W. Blake Length: it can produce some rhetorical and artistic effect. eg. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea, The Ploughman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me. ---Thomas Gray Long vowels and diphthongs make the poem slow, emotional and solemn; short vowels quick, passionate, tense and exciting. Pause: it serves for the rhythm and musicality of poetry. b. Meter or measure (格律) poem---stanza/strophe---line/verse---foot---arsis + thesis; Meter or measure refers to the formation way of stressed and


感受文字之美,尽享读书之乐 ——“世界读书日”读书活动,阅读经历和体验分享 铜仁市逸群小学钱小玉 尊敬的领导及各位同仁: 上午好! 承蒙领导的抬爱,今天有幸站在这个舞台上来谈谈我的读书生活。实在惭愧,跟在座的各位比起来,我肯定不是一个最爱读书的人,也不是一个读书读得较好的人,充其量而言,我仅仅只是一个喜欢读书的人而已。书籍,取之山水,寄情人间。在这春意盎然、生机勃勃的日子里,这里已飘来了温馨的书香。 古人说:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”的确, 读书,可以拓宽我们的眼界,获得丰富的知识;读书,能引导我们明理,学会如何做个有修养的人;读书,还能提高我们的阅读能力,养成良好的学习习惯。一本好书就像一艘航船,引领我们从浅狭的港湾驶向生活无垠的海洋。优秀的书籍可以让我们尽情欢笑,让我们庄严思考,可以让我们奋发图强,让我们勇于创造!在书的世界里,可以领略广阔的天地,欣赏壮丽的山河;可以知文史经,品诗词歌赋;可以回味古老的悠长,眺望未来的瑰丽!今天你读书了吗?这个特别的日子——世界读书日。 一、书籍使我变成了一个幸福的人

如果把知识比作花朵,那书籍就是深扎泥土的老根;如果把知识比酒瓶,那书籍就是甘甜可口的美酒;如果把知识比作夜空,那书籍就是那一颗颗耀眼的星星。有人说读书是一种浸润:洗去一身疲惫,留下满腔书香;也有人说读书是一种享受:享受阳光明媚,享受空气清新,享受历练深邃。而我还要说,读书更是一种情怀,一种幸福。在 炎炎夏日,它能为你送去清凉;在寒冬腊月,它能带给你无限温暖;快乐时,它与你一起欢舞;悲伤时,它抚平你心的伤痛。苏霍姆林斯基说过:“真正的教师必须是阅读爱好者。”他用一身的经历和体验告诉我们:“要天天看书,终生以书籍为友,这是一天也不断流的潺潺小溪,它充实着思想的江河。”我爱读书,读书是我生命的泉水,使我单调孤寂的生活变得丰富生动,如我忠实有趣的朋友伴我成长。随着年龄的增长,我对读书的兴趣越来越大,工作之余,开始有意识的读一些世界名著和教育书籍,每读到一本好书时,就像有一股股温暖而滋润心扉的气流,在不知不觉慢慢沐浴着我,牵动了我的心,让我在不知不觉陶醉,在悄然无声领略教育真谛。 二、我的读书生活 岁月匆匆,回想这么多年教学生涯及工作经历,如果要说,我在工作与生活,收获了什么快乐或小小的成就感,那么,这些快乐与成就感基本与读书有关。曾几许,金庸的《射雕英雄传》、《笑傲江湖》和琼瑶的《一帘幽梦》、《几度夕阳红》等占据了我多少日子。渐渐地,我的阅


优秀的简单英语诗歌带翻译 多读诗歌是可以提升我们的英语作文水平的。今天小编就给大家分享一下英语诗歌,要好好加油哦灿烂的星 B r i g h t s t a r!w o u l d I w e r e s t e a d f a s t a s t h o u a r t-- N o t i n l o n e s p l e n d o u r h u n g a l o f t t h e n i g h t, A n d w a t c h i n g,w i t h e t e r n a l l i d s a p a r t, L i k e N a t u r e s p a t i e n t s l e e p l e s s E r e m i t e, T h e m o v i n g w a t e r s a t t h e i r p r i e s t l i k e t a s k O f p u r e a b l u t i o n r o u n d e a r t h s h u m a n s h o r e s, O r g a z i n g o n t h e n e w s o f t f a l l e n m a s k O f s n o w u p o n t h e m o u n t a i n s a n d t h e m o o r s-- N o--y e t s t i l l s t e a d f a s t,s t i l l u n c h a n g e a b l e, P i l l o w d u p o n m y f a i r l o v e s r i p e n i n g b r e a s t, T o f e e l f o r e v e r i t s s o f t f a l l a n d s w e l l, A w a k e f o r e v e r i n a s w e e t u n r e s t, S t i l l,s t i l l t o h e a r h e r t e n d e r-t a k e n b r e a t h, A n d s o l i v e e v e r--o r e l s e s w o o n t o d e a t h. 灿烂的星!我祈求像你那样坚定


《英语诗歌欣赏》课程教学诗选 Types of Poetry Unit one Nature The Pasture Robert Frost (1874–1963) I’M going out to clean the pasture spring; I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away (And wait to watch the water clear, I may): I shan’t be gone long.—You come too. I’m going out to fetch the little calf That’s standing by the mother. It’s so young, It totters when she licks it with her tongue. I shan’t be gone long.—You come too. 牧场 罗伯特·弗罗斯特 (1874–1963) 我去清一清牧场的泉水, 我只停下来把落叶全耙去 (还瞧着泉水变得明净—也许); 我不会去得太久。—你也来吧。 我去把那幼小的牛犊抱来, 它站在母牛身边,小得可怜,一摇一晃,当母牛给她舔舔;我不会去得太久。—你也来吧。 (方平译) Daffodils William Wordsworth (1770-1850) I wondered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils;


“感受文字之美,尽享读书之乐”主题班会教案活动目标: 1、通过本次活动,让学生喜欢读书,使书成为他们的朋友。 2、要引导学生多读课外书,从课外书中获取知识,增长见闻。 3、争取借这次活动,在班级中营造良好的读书氛围,养成良好的读书习惯。活动形式: 采取小组交流的形式展示读书成果。 活动准备: 1、布置学生阅读课外书,写读书摘记。 2、准备诗歌朗诵,排练课本剧、歌舞,读书故事等,学生准备一本推荐用的书籍。 活动过程: 一、谈话导入 为了让队员们养成博览群书的好习惯,在读书中享受学习的快乐,享受生活的乐趣,让浓郁的书香充盈校园的每一个角落,所有我们班决定开展了这次主题班会。 二、诗歌朗诵 甲:如果有人问:“伴随你成长的是什么?” 乙:也许有人会说是美味的零食,也许有人说是刺激的游戏,也许还有人说是动画片和电视剧。 甲:自从学校就开展了读书活动,让我深深体会到伴随我们一路成长的是知识的源泉——书籍! 合:六年级“感受文字之美,尽享读书之乐”主题班会现在开始。 甲:求知进取拼搏,这儿是我们学习的地方。

乙:探索上进成功,这儿是我们成长的地方。 甲:这儿把我们育成新世纪的主人。 乙:这儿把我们培养成祖国的栋梁。 甲:腾飞从这儿开始,我们飞向理想和辉煌。请听《我骄傲,我是中国人》。甲:阅读让我们感受了语言的魅力,阅读让我们收获了知识! 乙:勤劳的蜜蜂爱跟花朵交朋友。 甲:奋发的种子爱跟土壤交朋友。 乙:刚强的矿石爱跟烈火交朋友。 甲:有为的孩子爱跟好书交朋友。 三、感悟名人读书故事 乙:古今中外有学问有成就的人都喜欢读书,他们从书中得到了教益、获取了知识,对人类做出了贡献。下面请听“名人读书”的小故事。 甲:听了这古今名人的读书故事队员们心有何感想?请小队之间相互交流下。 乙:请各小组代表谈谈你们的感想。 甲:好书是人类进步的阶梯,希望我们的队员都能喜欢上读书,在读书中收获,在读书中成长。 乙:世界几千年的文明史为我们提供了浩如烟海的书籍。这学期,我们每位同学都学习了一些古文吧? 甲:是啊,不仅学了了,我们还把它编成一部非常好看的课本剧呢。 四、学以致用 (1)乙:是啊,下面就请欣赏课本剧《两小儿辩日》。 甲:原来课本剧还蕴藏着这么深刻的道理!


【篇一】优美的英语诗歌范文带翻译Cut Grass Cut grass lies frail: Brief is the breath Mown stalks exhale. Long, long the death It dies in the white hours Of young-leafed June With chestnut flowers, With hedges snowlike strewn, White lilac bowed, Lost lanes of Queen Anne's lace, And that high-builded cloud Moving at summer's pace. 【篇二】优美的英语诗歌范文带翻译To Waken an Old Lady Old age is a flight of small cheeping birds skimming bare trees above a snow glaze.

Gaining and failing they are buffeted by a dark wind -- But what? On harsh weedstalks the flock has rested -- the snow is covered with broken seed husks and the wind tempered with a shrill piping of plenty. 【篇三】优美的英语诗歌范文带翻译 成为更有爱心的人 Looking at the stars, I know quit well 抬头仰望点点繁星,我心明如镜, That, for all they care, I can go to hell, 尽管它们关怀备至,我却可能走向地狱, But on earth indifference is the least 这世间我们最不必畏惧的, We have to dread from man or beast. 是人类或禽兽的冷漠。


“感受文字之美尽享读书之乐” 21天打卡活动 主题: 感受文字之美尽享读书之乐 活动内容: 我和爸妈同读一本书 我是小小朗读者 好书换换看 我家的创意阅读 我最爱读的一本书 优秀家书家训家风家教故事亲子诵读 活动倡议: “一本好书,两人阅读,三周坚持,终生受益。”一个好习惯,无论其大小都有益于一生。 世界著名心理学家威廉?詹姆士曾说: 播下一个行动,收获一种习惯; 播下一种习惯,收获一种性格; 播下一种性格,收获一种命运。 你们猜,一个人想要养成一个习惯至少需要多久呢? 答案是:21天!

感谢孩子的到来让我们成为“父亲”和“母亲”,作为父母的我们能为孩子做哪些更有意义、更值得回忆、并且是孩子乐意接受的事情呢? 陪孩子阅读吧!一件简单可行,马上就可以做到的事情。亲子共读的乐趣只要你去实践,就会深刻体会! 21天,你能持续不断的陪伴孩子共读吗? 试试看!相信自己! 一、活动时间: 2018年4月23日-5月31日,开始晚的爸妈们们可以依次把时间往后顺延。 二、阅读书籍: 绘本、国学、文学名著、科学探索……所有孩子喜欢阅读的都可以。 三、交流方式: 必做:1.每天发布读的书目和照片,或者读书感受,发到班级朗读群即可。 更近一步:2.小朋友也可以用“为你诵读”、微信读故事,电台读故事的方式记录下来有声故事、视频故事。 四、参与活动要求: 1.参与家庭需不间断每天发布一条阅读信息在班级阅读微信群和朋友圈里。如果间断某天,自动归零,重新计时。每天坚持才能养成习惯哦!

2.阅读感受反馈信息格式如下: 打卡内容如图: 【杨凌高新小学悦读群“感受文字之美尽享读书之乐”21天打卡活动】第()天 悦读X班记录成长 日期: 地点: 书名: 悦读时间: 照片: 五、评价与考核 此项活动将作为六一评选书香班级、书香家庭和读书标兵的必备条件和加分项目计入期末考核。 班主任做好以下几点: 1.开展活动前,每个班级通过QQ群,微信群召集家长,深入宣传,把活动的意义、目的和方法,给家长进行了详细讲解沟通,此次活动需要做好以下工作: 2.老师每天作业布置要有关于读书的相关内容。 3.家长坚持每天用照片和文字记录孩子的读书生活,并发到班级阅读群和朋友圈打卡,班主任组织统计。


英语诗歌带翻译:成为更有爱心的人 Looking at the stars, I know quit well 抬头仰望点点繁星,我心明如镜, That, for all they care, I can go to hell, 即使它们关怀备至,我却可能走向地狱, But on earth indifference is the least 这世间我们最不必畏惧的, We have to dread from man or beast. 是人类或禽兽的冷漠。 How shall we like it were stars to burn 倘若繁星为我们燃烧的 With a passion for us we could not return? 是我们无以为报的激情,我们作何感想? If equal affection cannot be, 倘若无法产生同样的感情, Let the more loving one be me. 就让我成为更有爱心的人。 Admirer as I think I am 即使我认为自己心怀仰慕, Of stars that do not give a damn,

但群星却不为所动。 I cannot, now I see them, say 现在我仰望群星,却难以启齿 I missed one terribly all day. 说我整日疯狂思念其中一颗星 Were all stars to disappear or die 倘若所有的星星消失或者陨落, I should learn to look at an empty sky 我应该学会仰望空无的夜空, And feel its total dark sublime 感受那全然黑暗的庄严, Though this might take me a little time. 即使这可能需要一点时间。


【篇一】优美的经典英语诗歌带翻译 你还不来我怎敢老去 其实我已经老了 我老得让门前的那棵小树替我掉叶子 我老得掉了一层土 又掉了一层土 看到这些土 我就知道,过去胸膛上给你预留的篝火快要熄灭了 手臂上给你预留的力量快要离开了 及至双眼,开始看什么都是缓慢的 飘忽不定的 其实我已经很老了 及至这后来的一小段时光 我只是继续让门前的那棵小树替我掉下最后一片叶子 世易时移处 我之所以说你不来,我不敢老去 是没人的时候 我非常渺茫地希望,你也在这么想 You don't come, I'm dare not to grow old A poem by Li Jizong / Translated by Lily Actually, I'm old That I've to let the small tree in front of the door

For me shed the leaves off I'm too old as to shell off a layer of earth And another layer of earth once more Seeing these layers of earth I know that going out is the bonfire on my chest reserved for you And departing is the strength kept for you in my arm As far as my eyes, tardy and erratic They start to see everything Actually, I'm very old For the latest short span of my life I just keep on asking the small tree in front of the door For me to shed the last leaf While the world is changing and time is flying Why I say that you don’t come, I'm dare not to grow old ’Cause when I’m alone I do still cherish a very slim hope that you also think so 【篇二】优美的经典英语诗歌带翻译 假如你不够快乐 也不要把眉头深锁 人生本来短暂 为什么还要栽培苦涩 打开尘封的门窗


优美的英语诗歌范文带翻译 英语诗歌也是很有学习的知识的,下面就给大家分享一下英语诗歌,希望大家帮助到大家 C u t G r a s s C u t g r a s s l i e s f r a i l: B r i e f i s t h e b r e a t h M o w n s t a l k s e x h a l e. L o n g,l o n g t h e d e a t h I t d i e s i n t h e w h i t e h o u r s O f y o u n g-l e a f e d J u n e W i t h c h e s t n u t f l o w e r s, W i t h h e d g e s s n o w l i k e s t r e w n, W h i t e l i l a c b o w e d, L o s t l a n e s o f Q u e e n A n n e s l a c e, A n d t h a t h i g h-b u i l d e d c l o u d M o v i n g a t s u m m e r s p a c e. T o W a k e n a n O l d L a d y O l d a g e i s a f l i g h t o f s m a l l c h e e p i n g b i r d s

s k i m m i n g b a r e t r e e s a b o v e a s n o w g l a z e. G a i n i n g a n d f a i l i n g t h e y a r e b u f f e t e d b y a d a r k w i n d-- B u t w h a t? O n h a r s h w e e d s t a l k s t h e f l o c k h a s r e s t e d-- t h e s n o w i s c o v e r e d w i t h b r o k e n s e e d h u s k s a n d t h e w i n d t e m p e r e d w i t h a s h r i l l p i p i n g o f p l e n t y. 成为更有爱心的人 L o o k i n g a t t h e s t a r s,I k n o w q u i t w e l l 抬头仰望点点繁星,我心明如镜, T h a t,f o r a l l t h e y c a r e,I c a n g o t o h e l l,尽管它们关怀备至,我却可能走向地狱,


The commentary of The Passionate Shepherd to His Love This term, we took the English Poem course, in which Mr. Luo guided us fling in the poem world to appreciate the beauty of poems. In all of the poems we have learnt, I appreciate The Passionate Shepherd to His Love most. Yet I really don’t know how to appreciate a poem. Indeed, I haven’t got to the level to appreciate poems. So, I just write my own understanding to this beautiful poem. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, was written by Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593○)who was an English dramatist and poet,translator of the Elizabethan area, born in Canterbury,England, died in Deptford, England. Marlowe was the foremost Elizabethan tragedian until his mysterious early death. Marlowe greatly influenced William Shakespeare, who was born in the same year as Marlowe and who rose to become the eminent Elizabethan playwright after Marlowe’s death. Marlowe’s plays are known for the use of blank verse, and their overreaching protagonists. Marlowe was the first great English Dramatist. He brought to the English stage a new concept of tragedy, one in which the drama centers around the struggles of a man overwhelmed by his passions and ambitions. ○2This short poem is considered to be one of the most beautiful lyrics in English literature. It derives from the pastoral tradition, in which the shepherd enjoys an ideal country life, cherishing a pastoral and pure affection for his love. Strong emotion is conveyed through the beauty of nature where lovers are not disturbed by worldly concern. The first time I read the poem, I just thought it was too directly for the shepherd to express his love to the girl he loved. For me, if I were the girl, I would not accept the shepherd’s love because his love was so intensely that I don’t know how to respond his love. But the second I read it carefully, almost word by word. I was deeply moved by the shepherd’s real and pure love. In the world he created for himself and his love, the girl lived an ease life like a princess. He showed a picture on what he would promise if she accepts to be his love. There was a heavenly like scene in the picture, he imagined them sitting upon the rocks, watching the other busy shepherd who had to work hard, and they relaxed themselves by listening to the birds' singing, and seeing the river falls. The shepherd also ensured her that he is willing to do whatever it takes to please her. He was so infatuated with the girl that I am a little jealous of her. The girl was so lucky to be loved by such a infatuated and romantic man. The structure of the poem is very clear. The poetry started out with a direct initiation. The speaker showed his purpose clearly, which is asking the woman he admired to be his lover. The following stanza showed a picture on what he would promise if she accepts to be his love. Then he drew different scenes when they were together. The shepherd also ensured her that he is willing to do whatever it takes to please her. This could be seen from the line 9~18. He made promises on difficult mission such as making bed of roses, thousand fragrant posies, and leaves of myrtle, coral clasps and amber studs…ext. From line 19, it responded to the idea of the first stanza that is to persuade the woman to be his love and to live with him. The repeating sentences "come live with me and be my love," may work as the function of emphasizing, and expression of eagerness. The style and writing type of the poem is very good. This poem is a typical pastoral, that is, a type of poem that deals in an idealized way with shepherds and rustic life. It sings


汉语诗与英语诗翻译欣赏之比较 诗歌是语言的结晶,诗歌往往以其精炼的形式、和谐的音韵和节奏给人们带来巨大的精神享受。汉语诗、英语诗的欣赏也不是一件易事。英语诗歌在其一千多年的演化过程中发展出了丰富的诗体。这些诗体都有各自的规律、音韵、主题和表现方式,它们是一道道难以逾越的障碍。尽管诗歌能满足人们内心的渴望,但还是有许多人对它敬而远之,觉得诗歌晦涩、奇怪,难以理解。欣赏诗歌就要欣赏语言的节奏及形式特点,欣赏诗歌格律的韵律、音节及句式。不管英语还是汉语诗歌,都是按照一定的规律在句子中的排列,其目的是为了声韵和谐。同类的乐音在同一位置上的重复,能产生声音回环的美,同样,作为语言艺术的诗歌,汉语诗歌行中韵母相同或相近的字在一定位置上重复,也能产生音乐美的听觉效应。英语诗歌与汉语诗歌作为不同民族的诗歌种类,在诗歌的语言形式上有着自己的独有的习惯和风格。 1)汉语诗歌的格式韵律、音节、押韵很规范。而英语诗歌的韵律、音节格式变化很大。如: 朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。 ——(李白《下江陵》) 又比如: 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 ——(王之涣《登黄鹤楼》) 如:波西·比希·雪莱的《Music,When Soft V oices Die》(《轻柔的声音寂灭后》): Rose leaves,when the rose is dead, Are heaped for the beloved’s bed; And so thy thoughts,when thou art gone, Love itself shall slumber on. 根据英语诗歌的优美韵律,按汉语诗歌的韵律翻译如下:
