




第一句:I'm sorry to hear that.


A: My father was ill. I took him to hospital this morning.


B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.


第二句:Don't be so depressed.


A: Nothing goes well.


B: Don't be so depressed.



I know how you feel.


Don't let it get you down.


Don't take it too seriously.


It's not a big deal.




第一句:Cheer up!


A: I feel like crying.


B:Don't cry. Cheer up!


A: Nothing can cheer me up.


B: No matter what happens, we should always be optimistic.


第二句:Be confident in yourself.


A: I always feel nervous before a game.


B: Be confident in yourself.



Good luck!


Gor for it!


Give it a try.


Keep your chin up.


Don't give it up!


Hold yourself together.




第一句:Can I have a tax-refund form, please?


A: Can I have a tax-refund form, please? I'm from China.


B: Sure.


A: By the way, I'm not a European Union resident. I'm told we can draw back when duties paid at the customs.


B: Yes. Here is the receipt. It's required when you draw back the duty.


第二句:May I have a tax-refund, please?


A: May I have a tax-refund, please?


B: Sure, here you are.



Could you give me a tax-refund, please?



英文口语1、if I were in your shoes. 中文:如果我站在你的立场上。 英文口语2、I mean what I say. 中文:我说话算数。 英文口语3、Thank you for everything. 中文:感谢你做的一切。 英文口语4、I really regret it. 中文:我真的非常后悔。 英文口语5、Could you take a picture for me? 中文:你能帮我拍照吗? 英文口语6、I'm broke. 中文:我身无分文。 英文口语7、I can't believe it. 中文:我简直不敢相信。 英文口语8、Don't take it for granted. 中文:不要想当然。 英文口语9、Take your time. 中文:慢慢来。

英文口语10、That rings a bell. 中文:我总算想起来了。 英文口语11、I know the feeling. 中文:我知道那种感觉。 英文口语12、Do you speak English? 中文:你会说英语吗? 英文口语13、It's a small world. 中文:这世界真小。 英文口语14、It's awful. 中文:真糟糕。 英文口语15、I'll play it by ear. 中文:我将随兴而定。 英文口语16、It drives me crazy. 中文:它使我快要发疯了。 英文口语17、Don't worry about it. 中文:别担心。 英文口语18、Have you ever been to China?

中文:你去过中国吗? 英文口语19、I've changed my mind. 中文:我已经改变主意。 中文:不打不通电话。 英文口语21、I've got my hands full. 中文:我手头正忙。 英文口语22、I'll show you. 中文:我指给你看。 英文口语23、I assure you. 中文:我向你保证。 英文口语24、I hope you'll forgive me. 中文:我希望你能原谅我。 英文口语25、I'll take your advice. 中文:我接受你的忠告。 英文口语26、I'm not really sure. 中文:我不太清楚。 英文口语27、That couldn't be better.


泰国旅游英语口语 随着我国旅游事业的大规模发展,旅游英语在促进中西方旅游发展、文化交流方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。店铺整理了泰国旅游英语口语,欢迎阅读! 泰国旅游英语口语一 如何安慰 第一句:I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这件事我替你难过。 A: My father was ill. I took him to hospital this morning. 我父亲病了,我上午把他送医院了。 B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. 哦,听到这件事我替你难过。 第二句:Don't be so depressed. 别太灰心丧气了。 A: Nothing goes well. 没有一件事进展得顺利。 B: Don't be so depressed. 别太灰心丧气了。 其他表达法: I know how you feel. 我知道你的感想。 Don't let it get you down. 别让这个搅了你的兴致。 Don't take it too seriously. 别把问题看得太严重了。 It's not a big deal. 这不是什么大问题。 泰国旅游英语口语二 如何鼓励

第一句:Cheer up! 高兴一点! A: I feel like crying. 我想哭。 B:Don't cry. Cheer up! 不要哭,高兴一点! A: Nothing can cheer me up. 没有什么能使我高兴起来的。 B: No matter what happens, we should always be optimistic. 不管发生了什么,我们都要乐观面对。 第二句:Be confident in yourself. 对自己要有信心。 A: I always feel nervous before a game. 比赛前我总是感觉紧张。 B: Be confident in yourself. 对自己要有信心。 其他表达法: Good luck! 祝你好运! Gor for it! 坚持下去! Give it a try. 尝试一下。 Keep your chin up. 振作起来。 Don't give it up! 别放弃! Hold yourself together. 坚持下去。 泰国旅游英语口语三


关于旅行准备的常用英语口语 【篇一】关于旅行准备的常用英语口语 A: Good morning. I prefer a package tour with my family. Where do you suggest I should visit? B: Why not enjoy the exotic scenery in Sweden? A: A good idea! May I have a travel brochure? B: Yes, here it is. It tells you about the tour in detail. A:早上好。我想和家人去包价旅行。你建议我们应该去哪里玩? B:为什么不去领略一下瑞典的异国风景呢? A:好主意。我能够拿一份旅游手册吗? B:能够,这就是。上面就旅行有详细的说明。 【篇二】关于旅行准备的常用英语口语 A: Are there any flights for Thailand available? B: Yes, Sir. Flight 4309 for Thailand at 11 a.m.tomorrow. Is that OK? A: I'm afraid it's tight-scheduled. I'm going sight-seeing there. B: How about Flight 7082 at 8 a.m. this Thursday? A: Good. B: Your passport, please. Return or single? A: Single, and a non-smoking seat by the window,please.


新马泰旅游英语口语句子 新马泰是新加坡、马来西亚、泰国的总称,属于旅游专用词汇。是最经典的出境旅游路线。下面是的新马泰旅游英语口语,欢送阅读! 1.Singapore is a mix city with several districts. 新加坡是一个结合了多个地区风景的国家。 2.Relieion is a sensitive subject in Malaysia. 在马来西亚,宗教是个很敏感的话题。 3.Women are cloaked from head to toe. 妇女从头到脚都裹在斗蓬里。 4.This ciy is big enough to surpass any other in Malaysia. 这个城市大得足够超过马来西亚任何别的地方。 5.It is bizarre to see white people in Thailand. 在泰国见到白人会感到很奇怪。 6.Singapore is a nation with huge cultural diversiy. 新加坡是个文化繁多的国家。 7.It looks like a maze to walk in the streets of Thailand. 走在泰国的小巷子里就像走迷宫一样。 8.You can feel the noise from the bustling streets. 你能感受到熙熙攘攘的大街上的热闹气氛。 9.People get exhausted easily from traveling a lot. 在外旅行的人很容易感到疲惫。

10.Singapore is a place you can get laid-back and have a nice vacation. 新加坡是你休闲度假的好去处。 11.You'd better get austomed to the weather of Thailand. 你最好适应泰国的天气。


泰国旅游英语口语功略 1. 问候与打招呼 - Hello! 你好! - How are you? 你好吗? - What's your name? 你叫什么名字? - Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你! 2. 介绍自己 - My name is (name). 我叫(名字)。 - I'm from (country). 我来自(国家)。 - I'm (age) years old. 我(年龄)岁。 - I'm here on vacation. 我是来度假的。 3. 询问与回答旅游相关问题 - How long are you staying in Thailand? 你在泰国停留多久?- What places are you planning to visit? 你计划去哪些地方?- Have you been to (place) before? 你之前去过(地方)吗?- Are there any famous attractions nearby? 附近有什么著名景点吗? - How do I get to (place)? 我怎么去(地方)? 4. 询问与交流关于食物和饮料 - What's the local specialty here? 这里的特色菜是什么? - Can you recommend any good restaurants? 你能推荐一些好的餐厅吗? - I would like to try (dish). 我想尝试(某道菜)。 - Do you have any vegetarian options? 有素食选项吗?


【泰国旅游英语日常用语】关于去泰国 旅游英语口语 关于去泰国旅游英语口语1 汇款 惯用口语句子: Give me a postal order, please. 请给我一张汇款单。 Can I get a money order here? 能给我一张汇款单吗? postal order“汇票,汇款单”(英) money order“汇票,汇款单”(美) I'd like to send a sum of $1,000 to Beijing. 我想汇一千美元到北京。 sum n. 金额,一笔钱 Is this form filled in properly? 这张表这样填对吗? I've filled out the form. 我已经填好汇款单了。 properly ad. 正确地,适当地

fill in=fill out“填写” 关于去泰国旅游英语口语2 外汇 惯用口语句子: Do you handle foreign exchange here? 你们这里办理外汇业务吗? Does this bank handle foreign exchange? 这银行办理外汇业务吗? handle v. 处理,办理 exchange n. v. 兑换,汇兑 I'd like to change some foreign currency. 我想换些外币。 I'd like to buy some foreign currency. 我想买些外币。 currency n. 货币 change v. 兑换(钱) n. 零钱 Where's the exchange rate list? 汇率表在哪儿? May I have a look at the exchange rate list? 我可以看一下汇率表吗? What should I do if I want to exchange RMB for Canadian


泰国旅游英语口语精选 泰国旅游英语口语一 如何询问在哪取回税款 第一句:Where can we draw back the duties paid 我们在哪可以取回税款 A: By the way, Where can we draw back the duties paid 顺便问一下,我们在哪可以取回税款 B: At any customs of the European Union Countries. 在欧盟国家的任意一个海关都行。 第二句:Is this the place where I can draw back the duties 可以在这里办理退税吗 A: E_cuse me, Is this the place where I can draw back the duties 请问可以在这里办理退税吗 B: Your ta_-refund form, please. 请出示你的退税单。 A: Here you are. 给你。 B: Wait a moment... Heres the 20 dollars youve paid for the duties.

请稍等......这是您交的20美元税。 其他表达法: Im told we can draw back the duties paid at the customs. 我听说可以在海关退税。 泰国旅游英语口语二 如何在免税店办理免税业务 第一句:Would you like to make it deta_ 你要办理免税的吗 A: Would you like to make it deta_ 你要办理免税的吗 B: Yes,please. 是的。 A: Please fill in this form. 请填这个表格。 B: What should I do with it 手续程序是怎么样的呢 A: Get a st at the customs and send us this sheet. 请在海关盖章后,再寄给我们。 第二句:I want to buy the perfume duty-free. 我想要免税买着瓶香水。 A: I want to buy the perfume duty-free. Can I


关于旅行情景对话 出国旅游,处处都需要用到英语,多学习一些旅行的口语对话是很有必要的,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些关于旅行情景对话,欢迎大家阅读! 关于旅行情景对话篇1 Simon: Like many people, I like to travel and there are many ways you can travel, uh, many forms of transportation. Probably the main three that I wanna talk about now are by car, by train and by airplane. Now each of these forms of transportation have there pros and cons. Would you agree? 西蒙:和许多人一样,我也喜欢旅游,旅游的方式其实有很多种,有很多种交通方式可以选择。我会谈其中三种主要的出行方式,分别是汽车、火车和飞机。每种交通方式都各有利弊。你同意吗? Friend: Indeed, I would. 弗兰德:我当然同意。 Simon: So, what's your favorite form of transportation, of those three? 西蒙:这三种交通方式中你最喜欢哪一种? Friend: I would have to say the automobile. 弗兰德:我会选择汽车。 Simon: Um, well, tell me some of the, the pros of traveling by car. 西蒙:嗯,跟我说说驾车旅行的优点。 Friend: That would be mainly freedom. Freedom of movement. Freedom of stop. Freedom to go. Freedom to, yeah, freedom basically. 弗兰德:主要的优点是自由。行动时自由,停下时也自由,可以自由地去各种地方。基本来说就是自由。 Simon: OK, uh, what about a train? What are the advantages


泰国旅游常用英语培训口语 以下是一些泰国旅游常用英语口语的培训示例: 1. 问候和寒暄 - Hello! 你好! - How are you? 你好吗? - I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 - What is your name? 你叫什么名字? 2. 询问路线和交通方式 - Excuse me, how can I get to the Grand Palace? 打扰了,请问我 如何去大皇宫? - Is there a bus that goes to the beach? 有去海滩的公共汽车吗? - Can you recommend a taxi service? 你可以推荐一个出租车服 务吗? 3. 订购食物和点菜 - I would like to order Pad Thai, please. 我想点一份泰式炒河粉。- Do you have any vegetarian options? 你们有素食选择吗? - Can I have the bill, please? 可以给我账单吗? 4. 问询购物信息 - How much does this souvenir cost? 这个纪念品多少钱? - Do you accept credit cards? 你们接受信用卡吗? - Can I try this on? 我可以试穿这个吗? 5. 常见问题和疑问

- Where is the nearest ATM? 最近的自动取款机在哪里? - What time does the museum open? 博物馆几点开放? - Is it safe to travel alone in this area? 在这个地区独自旅行安全吗? 6. 购买车票和旅游参观 - How much is a ticket to the zoo? 去动物园的票多少钱? - Are there any guided tours available? 有导游陪同的游览吗?- Can I take photos in the museum? 在博物馆可以拍照吗? 7. 表达喜欢和不喜欢 - I love Thai food! 我喜欢泰国食物! - I don't like spicy food. 我不喜欢辣的食物。 - This place is amazing! 这个地方太棒了! 8. 感谢和道别 - Thank you for your help. 感谢你的帮助。 - Goodbye! 再见! - Have a nice day! 祝你今天愉快! 这些常用英语口语将帮助旅客在泰国旅游时更好地进行交流与理解。


去泰国的旅游英语口语大全 去泰国的旅游英语口语1 如何在房间预订早餐 第一句:Id like to order my breakfast. 我想预定早餐。 A: Good morning. Id like to order my breakfast. 早上好,我想预定早餐。 B: All right, sir. What will you have 好的,先生,您要什么 A: Buttered toast, fresh ham and a cup of black tea. 奶油吐司,鲜火腿和一杯红茶。 B: Wait a moment, please. 请稍等。 Please bring my breakfast at seven oclock. 请在早上七点送早餐过来。 A: Room service, please. 客房服务部。 B: Is there anything I can do for you 能为你做什么吗 A: Please bring my breakfast at seven oclock. 请在早上七点送早餐过来。 B: All right. Im glad at your service. 好的,乐意效劳。 向客房服务部说明在房间用餐或是订餐的相关表达还有: Id like to have my breakfast in the room. 我想在我的房间用早餐。 breakfast 早餐,lunch 午餐,supper 晚餐,dinner 也指晚餐,但dinner 一般指较正式的、丰富的晚餐。 去泰国的旅游英语口语2

如何表达点餐 第一句:How many kinds of Chinese cuisine do you have 你们这有多少种中国菜 A:Here is the meun. Which do you prefer, Western food or Chinese food 这是菜单。西餐和中餐您比较喜欢哪一种 B:A real Chinese dinner. How many kinds of Chinese cuisine do you have 要地道的中餐。你们这有多少种中国菜 第二句:May I have your order now 现在点菜吗 A:May I have your order now 现在点菜吗 B:Yes. Two shrimp cocktails and some fried peanuts for appetizer. 是的。要两杯虾仁鸡尾酒和炸花生米来开胃。 A:What would you like to drink 要喝点什么 B:Beer for me. Budweiser. 我要百威啤酒。 请别人吃饭时,可以说:treat sb. to... Would you like some dessert After you. 你要什么点心您先点。 dessert 是开胃的食品或饮料等,一般是在饭后用。 After you. 您先点。 这个短语用来请别人先干什么,如先走路、先下车等。 去泰国的旅游英语口语3 如何表达付账 第一句:Im checking out. 我要退房。 A: Im Mr. Li. Room 1024. Im checking out. Will you make out my bill, please


关于泰国旅游实用英语口语 一 如何表达宽恕 第一句:Please dont blame yourself. 别自责了。 A: Im terribly sorry that I made such a mistake. 我对自己犯这样的错误感到十分抱歉。 B: It doesnt matter. Please dont blame yourself. 没关系,别自责了。 第二句:It doesnt matter. 没关系。 A: Im sorry I forget to bring you the book. 很抱歉我忘了给你带书了。 B: It doesnt matter. 没关系。 A: Ill bring it next time I see you. 下次见你时我给你带上。 B: OK. 好的。 其他表达法: I quite understand. 我很理解。 This can happen to the best of us. 这种事谁难免。 Itt not your fault. 这不是你的错。 二 如何说明所买礼品 第一句:Im looking for a birthday present for my daughter.

我正在给我女儿选一件生日礼物。 A: Good morning, Can I be of any assistance 早上好,能帮您做什么吗 B: Im looking for a birthday present for my daughter, but I havent made up my mind. 我正在给我女儿选一件生日礼物,但我还没拿定主意。 A: How about a pair of earrings 一副耳环怎么样 B: Thank you for reminding me. 谢谢提醒啊。 第二句:Im trying to find a wedding anniversary gift for my wife. 我正在给我的妻子挑一份结婚周年的礼物。 A: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you 早上好,先生。能为您做点什么 B: Im trying to find a wedding anniversary gift for my wife. 我正在给我的妻子挑一份结婚周年的礼物。 A: How do you like the gold earrings Weve got a wide selection of them. 您觉得金耳环怎么样我们这儿有很多款可供选择。 B: Thats a good idea. Show me some, please. 好主意,让我看看。 三 如何说明请求包装 第一句:Could you gift-wrap it, please 请帮我把礼物包起来,好吗 A: Could you gift-wrap it, please 请帮我把礼物包起来,好吗 B: With pleasure, wait a moment, please. 乐意效劳,请稍等。 A: Thank you!


【关于去泰国旅游英语口语】去泰国学英语口语 关于去泰国旅游英语口语 关于去泰国旅游英语口语随着我国旅游业的快速发展,尤其是欧美市场的开放,我国出入境旅游业务大幅增加,对旅游英语专业的人才需求不断攀升。小编精心收集了关于去泰国旅游英语口语,供大家欣赏学习! 关于去泰国旅游英语口语1 汇款惯用口语句子:Give me a postal order, please. 请给我一张汇款单。 Can I get a money order here 能给我一张汇款单吗postal order“汇票,汇款单”(英) money order“汇票,汇款单”(美) I“d like to send a sum of $1,000 to Beijing. 我想汇一千美元到北京。 sum n. 金额,一笔钱Is this form filled in properly 这张表这样填对吗I“ve filled out the form. 我已经填好汇款单了。 properly ad. 正确地,适当地fill in=fill out“填写”关于去泰国旅游英语口语2 外汇惯用口语句子: Do you handle foreign exchange here 你们这里办理外汇业务吗Does this bank handle foreign exchange 这银行办理外汇业务吗handle v. 处理,办理exchange n. v. 兑换,汇兑I"d like to change some foreign currency. 我想换些外币。 I"d like to buy some foreign currency. 我想买些外币。 currency n. 货币change v. 兑换(钱) n. 零钱Where"s the exchange rate list 汇率表在哪儿May I have a look at the exchange rate list 我可以看一下汇率表吗What should I do if I want to exchange RMB for Canadian dollars 如果我想把人民币换成加元该怎么做它Canadian a. 加拿大的exchange...or...意为“把…换成…” What"s the exchange rate of RMB to the US dollar today 今天人民币对美元的汇率是多少How many RMB to the US dollar 多少人民币可


英语单元练习题 Unit 1 单元清 一、单词过关(每小题1分) 1. textbook ____________ 2. conversation____________ 3. 发音;读音(n.) ____________ 4. 有耐心的____________ 5. expression ____________ 6. discover ____________ 7. secret ____________ 8. 语法____________ 9. 物理学____________ 10. 化学____________ 11. pattern ____________ 12. partner ____________ 13. ability ____________ 14. 创造;创建____________ 15. 注意;关注____________ 16. review ____________ 17. 知识;学问____________ 18. 明智地;聪明地____________ 19. sentence ____________ 20. 大声地;出声地____________ 二、短语过关(每小题2分) 1.(在词典、参考书中)查阅;抬头看________________ 2. 天生具有_________________ 3. 注意;关注___________________ 4. 把…和…连接或联系起来__________________ 5. 一字一字地___________________ 6. 口语___________________ 7. 喜欢上___________________ 8. 害怕做某事___________________ 9. 取决于___________________ 10. 同意(某人) ___________________ 三、根据汉语提示完成句子(每空2分) 1. 听磁带怎么样 How __________ __________ to tapes? 2. 我意识到我可以只听关键词来理解意思。


泰国旅游英语口语 1 如何请店员帮忙选购礼品 第一句:Can you remend a toy for a 10-year-old girl 你能给我建议一下给10岁小女孩买什么玩具好呢 A: Excuse me, can you remend a toy for a 10-year-old girl 打扰了,你能给我建议一下给10岁小女孩买什么玩具好呢 B: With pleasure. How about some dolls 乐意效劳!布娃娃怎么样 A: Well, thats a nice choice. 嗯,不错的选择! 第二句:Can you help me to choose one 你能帮我选一个吗 A: I found it difficult to decide on the right design. Can you help me to choose one 我发现很难决定合适的图案,您能帮我选一个吗 B: How about this one 这个怎么样 其他表达法: Could you give me some advice on buying the brands 再买名牌上你能给我些建议吗 2 如何讨价还价 第一句:How about half the price 半价怎么样 A: How much does this vase cost 这个花瓶多少钱 B: $20. 20美元。

A: $20! Its too expensive. How about half the price 20美元!太贵了。半价怎么样 B: Half Are you kidding 半价开玩笑嘛 第二句:Can you lower it, please 能便宜点吗 A: How much is the silk skirt 那件丝裙多少钱 B: 50 dollars. 50美元。 A: Well, I think the price is a bit high. Can you lower it, please 嗯,我觉得价钱有点高,能便宜点吗 B: Im sorry, but this is one-price shop 很抱歉,但这里不打折。 其他表达法: Can you cut down another 30 dollors 能再降30美元吗 What a price! Lower it, please. 这么高的价格,请降点。 I think you can offer a bigger discount. 我想你能够再打点折。 Can you cut me a deal 你可以算便宜一点吗 We have to ask for another price reduction. 再给我们优惠点儿吧。 3 如何说明打算要买 第一句:Ill take it. 我买了。


泰国旅游英语口语大全 泰国旅游英语口语一 护照和签证 惯用口语句子: The expiration date of my passport is August, 2022. 我护照的有效期到2022年8月。 My passport will expire in two months. 我的护照两个月后失效。 expiration n. 终结,期满 expire v. 满期, (期限)终止 My passport is valid for three years. 我的护照有效期是三年。 valid a. 有效的 This is the first time Ive applied for my passport. 这是我第一次申请到护照。 apply v.申请,应用 apply for请求,申请 My passport has expired. 我的护照已经过期了。 Id like to apply for an extension. 我想申请延期。 extension n. 延长,延期 I got my passport last week. 我上周拿了护照。 I dont know when I can get my passport. 我不知道什么时候能够拿到护照。 Id like to apply for a tourist visa. 我想申请旅游签证。 常见签证种类:exittourist visa出境/入境/过境/工作/学生/旅游签证。

My visa application has been granted. 我的签证申请批准了。 application n. 申请,请求,申请表 Under most circumstances you will have to go to a visa office for an interview. 大多数情况下你必须去签证处面试。 circumstance n. 环境,情况 interview n. v. 面试 Are you a visa officer 您是签证官吗 Are you the visa officer who is going to interview me 您是面试我的签证官吗 Id like to travel there. 我想去那里旅游。 I want to spend my holiday there. 我想去那里度假 Im planning to stay there for 3 months. 我想在那里待3个月。 I plan to depart next month. 我打算下个月动身. depart v. 动身,出发,起程,离开 Id like to extend my visa. 我想延长我的签证。 extend v. 延长,延期 Ill be very grateful if you can grant me the visa. 如果您能给我签证,我将不胜感激。 grant v. 让授予,批准,同意,给予 My bank statement has been notarized. 我的银行证明已经公证过了。


泰国旅游英语口语大全 泰国旅游英语口语大全 在旅游业不断发展的过程中,旅游英语的对外交往逐渐受到了人们的重视。店铺整理了泰国旅游英语口语,欢迎阅读! 泰国旅游英语口语一 如何谈论交通 第一句:This is the rush hour. 这是高峰期。 A: This is the rush hour. 这是高峰期。 B: I notice there's a jam a few blocks away. 我注意到前方街口正塞车。 第二句:Traffic rules are different among countries. 不同的国家交通规则是不同的。 A: Traffic rules are different among countries. 不同的国家交通规则是不同的。 B: For example? 举个例子看看。 A: People drive on the right in China. 在中国人们是靠右侧行车的。 B: Oh, that's interesting. 哦,那真有意思。 其他表达法: How can we avoid the jam? 我们怎样避免塞车? Usually cities have greater traffic problems. 通常城市里交通问题更大。 So crowded! 太拥挤了!

Many streets are very narrow. 许多街都太窄。 泰国旅游英语口语二 如何谈论节日 第一句:How do you spend your Valentine's Day? 你们怎样过情人节呢? A: How do you spend your Valentine's Day? 你们怎样过情人节呢? B: Usually we'll have a party and to see a film. 通常情况下我们会有个聚会,并看一场电影。 第二句:Tell me something about Ice and Snow Day. 给我讲讲冰雪节吧。 A: Tell me something about Ice and Snow Day. 给我讲讲冰雪节吧。 B: That's the most magic festival. People build palaces and sculpture things with ice and snow. It's beautiful. 是最神奇的节日了,人们用冰雪造宫殿,雕刻各种各样的东西。真是美丽极了。 其他表达法: Can you name some festivals of religious nature? 你能说出几个有宗教来历的节日吗? How many days do you take off for Christmas? 你们圣诞节放几天假? Is Saint Valentine s Day official? 情人节是法定假曰吗? Do you know about April Fool's Day? 你了解愚人节吗? 泰国旅游英语口语三 如何谈论工作 第一句:What’s your present job?


日常英语口语对话-旅行篇 Mary: Do you like travelling abroad? 你喜欢去国外旅行吗? John: I do. I worked in tourism for a few years and traveled abroad many times. 我喜欢,我在曾经在旅游行业工作过几年,因此去过国外很多次。 Mary: Really? How many countries have you visited so far? 真的吗?到目前为止你去过几个国家呢? John: I’ve visited 12 countries in Europe and Asia. 我去过欧洲和亚洲共12个国家。 Mary: Have your travels in Asia differed from your travels in Europe? 亚洲的旅行和欧洲有什么不一样吗? John: Definitely. A lot of places in Europe are similar: similar shops, similar culture and religions. I loved traveling to Asia because it was like going to a different world. It was crazy, noisy and nothing like I was used to from home. It never got boring because there was so much to do, see and experience. Besides, travel in Europe can be pricy and Asia is fantastic for people traveling on a budget. A meal is 1-3$; accommodation between 5-10$ and buses take you around the country for very cheap too. 当然不一样。欧洲很多地方都很像:一样的商店,文化和宗教。我想去亚洲旅行就是因为亚洲是一个不同的世界。亚洲很热情,喧闹,和我过去在国内完全不同。在亚洲旅行不会感到无聊,因为有很多事可做,可以看到很多风景,经历很多。此外在欧洲旅行很贵,对于想要节省开支来旅行的人来说亚洲是非常好的选择。一顿饭是1-3美元,住宿5-10美元,环城公交车也很便宜。 Mary: Have you ever been scared to try a certain type of food? 你曾经尝试过某种让你有点害怕的食物吗? John: I love trying new things most of time. I tasted fried scorpion in Bangkok and of course I was a bit nervous before but I am glad I tried it. 大多数时候我都喜欢尝试新事物。我在孟买品尝了炸蝎子,当然在尝试之前我有点紧张,但我很高兴我尝了。 Mary: Wow… I would never taste something like that! What was it like? 天哪,我从来没吃过炸蝎子,味道怎么样?
