








Each year Canada Chocolate Town, St. Stephen, New Brunswick, celebrates our community’s rich and delicious heritage with our annual Chocolate Fest. Now in its 30th year, this week-long, family-oriented festival is “choc-full” of activities, fun events, and all things chocolate-related. Our beloved mascot, the Great Chocolate Mousse, and his lovely wife Tiffany, invite you to join us this August for the sweetest festival of the year—Chocolate Fest! Ball Hockey Tournament

8:30 am to 11:30 am

Location: Garcelon Civic

Center Game on! Dust off your hockey sticks, turn back the clock, enjoy the great game of Ball Hockey and b e the first team to claim the “Chicken Bone Cup”. We encourage sportsmanship and equal opportunity for all players. For details call Heather, 465-5616. Sponsored by SUBW AY Restaurants and Chocolate Fest. Cost: $ 100/team.

Ca-r-ma Charlotte County Coffee Morning

9: 30 am to 12 noon

Location: St. Stephen Town Square

Come out and join us for a Starbucks coffee, cup of tea or juice and scrumptious (美味的) home-baked goods, many featuring chocolate. Sponsored by Ca-r-ma Charlotte County and adoption programs-caring for homeless and feral cats.

Dot’s Delecto Birthday Party

11 am to 2 pm

Location: Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte County, 54 Disher Lane, Oak Bay, NB

Who does St. Stephen love? Dot Larsen! Please join us for chocolate cake and chocolate milk and help celebrate Dot’s birthday. Come and play in our indoor/outdoor playground, have your face painted and enjoy a barbecue to help raise funds for the Barracuda Swim Team. For details call BGCCC, 466-4300.

Lucy the Lady Bug’s 1st Birthday Party

12 noon to 3 pm

Location: Kingsbrae Garden, St. Andrews, NB

Come to celebrate with Lucy and her friends for a picnic on our front lawn-bring your own picnic, or grab lunch at our Garden Cafe. At 2 pm, join Lucy and her friends for an amazing race adventure through the big maze, obstacle course on the main lawn, find treasure in the fantasy garden and much, much more! Cost: $ 38/Family Day Pass, $ 16/Adult, $ 12/Students and Seniors, Free/Children 6 and younger.

1.If you love home bakery, you may go to ________.

A.Garcelon Civic

B.Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte County

C.St. Stephen Town Square

D.Kingsbrae Garden, St. Andrews 2.When will you go if you raise money for a swimming team?

A.From 11 am to 2 pm.

B.From 8: 30 am to 11: 30 am.

C.From 9: 30 am to 12 noon.

D.From 12 noon to 3 pm.

3.If your grandparents accompany your 5-year-old sister to Lucy the Lady Bug’s Birthday Party, they may pay at least ________.

A.$ 32

B.$ 44

C.$ 24

D.$ 38

He has been called France’s youngest leader since Napoleon Bonaparte. Emmanuel Macron, age 39, swept to victory in France’s second-round of presidential election which was held on May 7, 2017. He defeated Marine Le Pen by a large margin of 62% of votes. He was inaugurated (就职) as President.

Both of Macron’s parents were doctors, and he attended one of the most prestigious (有声望的) schools in France, Lycee Henri Ⅳ. From there, he became an investment banker and economy minister. Unlike the other presidential candidates, he has always worked outside of the government.

In April 2016, he created his own political movement, called En Marche! (On the Move!), recruiting (招募) more than 20,000 members. His party’s ideals were neither right-or

left-winged, but more independent. As his party became more and more successful, Macron began to think about presidency, something he’d always been interested in. In November 2016, he announced his decision to run in the 2017 election.

Macron’s campaign relied on his political movement. He struggled to win v otes from both parties in France, as well as from the working class. In addition, he was the only candidate that was pro-EU, or supportive of European Union.

While in office, Macron’s biggest focus will be on improving the economy. A total of €50 billion will be dedicated to job training and creating green and sustainable energy. Macron also plans to cut down on corporate taxes, improve the public education system, and lower the unemployment rate by 2.7%.

Following the election is the selection of the president’s cabinet (内阁). The Prime Minister position was given to Edouard Philippe, mayor of Northern Le Havre. However, Macrons cabinet is surprising—one France has never seen before: a gender-balanced cabinet. Out of the 22 seats available, 11 will be taken by women and 11 will be filled by men. This percentage is much higher than other European countries.

With each change of leadership come new ideals and changes to the country. Macron needs a parliament (议会) that will support his hopes and dreams for the future of France. 4.What did Macron work as before the election?

A.A manager.

B.A teacher.

C.A doctor.

D.A banker.

5.According to the text, Macron ________.

A.founded his party for presidency

B.had no interest in politics before election

C.was on behalf of the working class

D.was a supporter of EU

6.What is the biggest challenge for Macron?



C.The private education system.

D.The gender discrimination.

7.What is special about Macron’s c abinet?

A.Its members are all from his party.

B.It has more women members than other European countries.

C.Most of its members are men.

D.It has chosen a woman as the prime minister.

America is the world’s largest food exporter. But the worst drought in h alf a century is hitting corn and wheat harvests. The drought across the central United States adds to concerns about world food supplies and prices in the coming years.

Experts say by 2050, the world will have to produce at least sixty percent more food to feed a population growing bigger and bigger. China, a major food importer, is looking for producers around the world to guarantee future food supplies.

China has invested in food production in Australia and New Zealand. A new source of supply is Ukraine. Ukraine was known as the breadbasket of Europe because of rich corn and wheat harvests a century ago.

Galyna Kovtok is chief executive of Ukraine’s largest agricultural business, ULF. She predicts that within a few months her company will be approved to export corn to China. That will make Ukraine the first country outside the Americas to do so.

ULF will soon have almost two million tons of elevator storage capacity as it prepares for the Chinese market. Chinese money is financing the building of six grain elevators. But the company’s equipment is largely American, including half-million-dollar John Deere combines to harvest wheat.

ULF’S grain production per hectare (公顷) is now halfway between Ukrainian averages and the high yields of the American Midwest. But farming depends on the weather. Across the Black Sea region—in Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan--drought this year is pushing harvests down by fifteen to twenty percent.

Traditionally, the Black Sea region is the main source of wheat for North Africa and the Middle East. But this year, on the supply side, Russia may have to stop exports. And, on the demand side, Africa and the Middle East are now competing with China.

At the same time, a new report says large parts of Asia may face long periods of severe drought within ten years. It says northern China, India, Afghanistan, Mongolia and Pakistan will be especially hard hit. It says other parts of Asia are likely to face longer and wetter monsoon seasons (雨季) because of climate change.

8.We can learn from the first paragraph that in the future ________.

A.food supplies will become a big worry

B.corn and wheat will be the most important food

C.prices will be able to change our food patterns

D.corn and wheat harvests will change the whole world

9.Which of the following can be supported by Paragraph 2?

A.The world will surely produce more food by 2050.

B.China is producing more food in the coming years.

C.A large population may produce more supplies.

D.China is now seeking producers all over the world.

10.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.China is investing in food production in foreign countries.

B.The Black Sea region is rich in wheat.

C.ULF produces more grain per hectare than the American Midwest does.

D.Drought is one of the reasons that affect the wheat harvest.

11.Where is the text most likely to have been taken from?

A.A book review.

B.An agriculture report.

C.A tour plan.

D.An advertisement.

An online supermarket company—Ocado in the UK, has recently displayed a robotic hand that can pick fruits and vegetables!

When an embryo (胚胎) is in the womb, the very first sense it develops is touch. The sense of touch is also the one that lasts the longest—as we get older and our vision and hearing begins to weaken, touch still remains. Humans use their touch to protect themselves, to create emotional relationships with other people, and to experience pleasure. Can you imagine life without it?

The sense of touch comes from a network of nerve endings and special touch receptors on the surface of the skin. While there are different kinds of touch receptors (感受器), they help us judge pressure, texture and vibrations (震动). They are located in our fingertips, palms, soles of our feet, face, lips and tongue.

When we touch something, the mechano-receptors perceive the touch and through a network of nerves, send signals to the brain. This informs the brain about the location of the touch, the amount of force used, and the speed at which it was used.

Several different techniques have been tried in the past to create such a robotic hand—using three fingers. But this latest design by SoMa copies the human hand. The gripper (夹具) is made up of flexible materials which grasp onto the thing based on its size and shape. Then air pressure is used to control the movement of the robotic fingers to pick objects safely

and without causing damage.

The next step would be for the robot to judge how ripe the fruits and vegetables are, and apply pressure accordingly. Members of the research team are currently working on adding computerized vision to the robots, so that they can see what they are gripping.

Does all this mean robots can replace people? According to Ocado, it helps improve productivity by removing some of the repetitive tasks done by humans.

12.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The brain.

B.The touch.

C.The nerve.

D.The signal.

13.What is focused on in the second paragraph?

A.The important role of touch.

B.The origin of touch

C.The process of transporting touch.

D.The disappearance of touch.

14.What is the special feature of the latest robots?

A.They can tell whether the fruits and vegetables are ripe.

B.They can see what they’re taking hold of.

C.They can grasp things according to their shapes and sizes.

D.They can take the place of people in work places.

15.What might be the best title for the text?

A.A Robotic Hand for Picking Fruits

B.A Robot Made of Flexible Materials

C.A Sense of Touch for Robots

D.A Robotic Hand with a Gentle Touch


Unchangeable Love

One day I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was expecting a 16 view of the splendid artwork.

A young 17 viewing the paintings ahead of me 18 nonstop between themselves. I watched them for a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking. I admired the man’s 19 for putting up with her 20 stream of words. 21

by their noise, I moved on.

I met them several times as I moved 22 the various rooms of art. Each time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away 23 .

I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a 24 when the couple approached the 25 . Before they left, the man 26 into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He 27 it into a long stick and then tapped his way into the 28 to get his wife’s jacket.

“He’s a 29 man.” the clerk at the counter said. “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldn’t change. So, as before, he and his wife come in 30 there is a new art show.”

“But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He can’t see.”

“Can't see! You’re 31 . He sees a lot. More than you and I do,” the clerk said. “His wife 32 each painting so he can see it in his head.”

I learned something about patience, 33 and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without 34 and the courage of a husband who would not 35 blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, hand in hand.

16.A.quiet B.quite https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab10582609.html,ual D.vivid

17.https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab10582609.html,dy B.man C.worker D.couple 18.A.yelled B.argued C.shouted D.chatted 19.A.knowledge B.confidence C.patience D.wisdom 20.A.distent B.resistant C.constant D.instant 21.A.Excited B.Disturbed C.Inspired D.Discouraged 22.A.towards B.in C.through D.from

23.A.anxiously B.seriously C.quickly D.sadly

24.https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab10582609.html,ment B.purchase C.decision D.list

25.A.exit B.entrance C.front D.queue

26.A.put B.held C.turned D.reached 27.A.lengthened B.made C.brought D.changed 28.A.shop B.coatroom C.hall D.counter 29.A.brave B.kind C.rough D.smart

30.A.wherever B.whatever C.whenever D.whichever 31.A.humorous B.silly C.wrong D.clever

32.A.describes B.draws C.shows D.tells

33.A.curiosity B.courage C.devotion D.pride

34.A.support B.dream C.expectation D.sight

35.A.get B.hope C.stop D.allow



If your family is thinking of getting a pet, consider adopting from an animal shelter, where all animals are in need of loving homes. 36.Here are some tips for you to find great animals.

Make some decisions.

Think about what you want in a pet and remember that all pets have different personalities. Cats tend to be more independent, but kittens need lots of attention. 37.However, they are usually great companions and love to spend time with their family.

Visit the shelter.

38.Remember that you may need to visit more than one shelter, or you may need to make more than one visit. Try to bring along everyone who will be living with the new pet. Ask the shelter staff lots of questions. And never adopt an animal because you feel sorry for it—be patient so you can find a pet who is truly a good match for your family.


Buy all necessary supplies and food well before the animal comes home. Make sure that the entire household is in agreement about rules and responsibilities—will the dog be allowed on the couch? Who will clean the litter-box? Put it in writing before the pet arrives.

Bring your new friend home!

You’ll probably be excited when your new pet arrives, but be sure to give it space and time to get adjusted to a new home and a new family. 40.Interact with your pet a lot and get it used to a routine, and soon y ou’ll be one big happy family!

A.Get everything ready

B.Both cats and dogs are human’s good partners.

C.Dogs need to be walked at least twice a day.

D.The pet may act differently once they leave the shelter.

E.Set aside at least a few hours to visit shelters in your area.

F.Put away the garbage cans.

G.Some may come with emotional or behavioral issues, but most are happy, healthy, and ready

for a loving home.



Has Jackie Chan retired? Surprise! He released a new film. A repeat of his action film in 41.1970s, Police Story 2013 is about a 42.(devote) policeman named Zhong Wen (Jackie), 43.works so hard that he doesn’t have time for his family.

As Zhong Wen is occupied 44.his job, his daughter Miaomiao (played by Jing Tian) becomes rebellious (叛逆的) and gets into a relationship with the bar owner Wu Jiang (played by Liu Ye). Miaomiao asks Zhong to meet her at her boyfriend’s bar, not 45.(know) that she’s being used by Wu Jiang to get to her father. Wu Jian g then keeps the bar’s customers as hostages (人质) and asks for the freedom of Fu, a 46.(crime) captured by Zhong years ago.

Jackie Chan said that 47.(physical), he had a hard time with the film because he did the fight scenes with real mixed martial arts fighters. “The fights were with genuine MMA (mixed martial arts) boxers, not stunt (替身) men,” Jackie Chan revealed (透露). “So, 48.didn’t know how to control their strength when we 49.(film) the fight sequences (片段). Those were rock-hard and solid kicks.”

Police Story 2013, 50.(bring) by Megavision Inc, will be on at the cinema on January 22.









With the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become popular means of

transport, bring great convenience to our life. Therefore, they have also caused some problems such as air pollutions and traffic jams.

How can we solve these problems then? As far as I am concerning, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles don’t need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmental friendly becaus e of they won’t give off waste gas. Besides, riding bicycles was a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial for our health.

As a result, let’s take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join them.



4 middle school students are needed

Do service work and act as translator

Healthy and helpful

Contact: wfpub@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab10582609.html,

假如你叫李华,愿意应聘。请写一封电子邮件,介绍自己的优势,并说明应聘的理由。注意:1.词数100左右;2.书信格式已给出;3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Stacy,

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Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



1~3.C A C



1.细节理解题。根据Ca-r-ma Charlotte County Coffee Morning部分Location: St. Stephen Town Square和Come out and join us for a Starbucks coffee, cup of tea or juice and scrumptious (美味的) home-baked goods, many featuring chocolate.(出来和我们一起喝杯星巴克咖啡、茶或果汁,还有美味的家庭烘焙食品,很多都是巧克力。)由此可知,如果你喜欢家庭烘焙,你可以去St. Stephen Town Square,故选C。

2.细节理解题。根据Dot’s Delecto Birthday Party部分11 am to 2 pm和Come and play in our indoor/outdoor playground, have your face painted and enjoy a barbecue to help raise funds for the Barracuda Swim Team.(请到我们的室内/室外游乐场来玩吧,把你的脸涂上颜色,享受烧烤,为Barracuda游泳队筹款。)可知如果你为游泳队筹款,你应该在上午十一点到下午两点之间去,故选A。

3.细节理解题。根据Lucy the Lady Bug’s 1st Birthday Party部分Cost: $ 38/Family Day Pass, $ 16/Adult, $ 12/Students and Seniors, Free/Children 6 and younger.可知老人是$ 12,6岁以下儿童免费,所以你的祖父母陪伴你5岁的妹妹去Lucy the Lady Bug’s Birthday Party的票价最少是:12+12=24,故选C。

4~7.D D A B



4.细节理解题。根据第二段From there, he became an investment banker and economy minister.(从那时起,他成为了一名投资银行家和经济部长。)由此可知,马克龙在选举前是一位银行家,故选D。

5.细节理解题。根据倒数第四段In addition, he was the only candidate that was pro-EU, or supportive of European Union.(此外,他是唯一支持欧盟的候选人。)可知马克龙是欧盟的支持者,故选D。

6.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段While in office, Macron’s b iggest focus will be on improving the economy.(在任职期间,马克龙最大的关注点将是改善经济。)由此可知,马克龙面临的最大挑战是经济,故选A。

7.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段However, Macrons cabinet is surprising—one France has never seen before: a gender-balanced cabinet. Out of the 22 seats available, 11 will be taken by women and 11 will be filled by men. This percentage is much higher than other European countries.(然而,马克龙的内阁令人惊讶——一个法国从未见过的:一个性别平衡的内阁。22个席位中,11个将由女性占据,11个将由男性占据。这一比例远远高于其他欧洲国家。)由此推断出,马克龙内阁的特别之处在于它的女性成员比其他欧洲国家都多,故选B。

8~11.A D C B



8.推理判断题。根据第一段America is the world’s largest food exporter. But the worst drought in half a century is hitting corn and wheat harvests. The drought across the central United States adds to concerns about world food supplies and prices in the coming years.(美国是世界上最大的粮食出口国。但是半个世纪以来最严重的干旱正在影响玉米和小麦的收成。美国中部的干旱加剧了人们对未来几年世界粮食供应和价格的担忧。)由此推断出,从第一段我们可以得知,未来的粮食供应将成为一个大问题,故选A。

9.细节理解题。根据第二段China, a major food importer, is looking for producers around the world to guarantee future food supplies.(作为一个主要的粮食进口国,中国正在世界各地寻找生产商,以保证未来的粮食供应。)由此可知,中国现在正在世界各地寻找生产商,故选D。10.细节理解题。根据第六段ULF’S grain production per hectare (公顷) is now halfway between Ukrainian averages and the high yields of the American Midwest.(ULF每公顷的粮食产量现在是乌克兰平均值和美国中西部高产量的一半。)可知C选项“ULF每公顷的粮食产量比美国


11.推理判断题。根据最后一段At the same time, a new report says large parts of Asia may face long periods of severe drought within ten years.(与此同时,一份新的报告说,亚洲大部分地区可能在10年内面临长期的严重干旱。)结合全文内容,可知这篇文章主要讲了美国是世界上最大的粮食出口国。但是半个世纪以来最严重的干旱正在影响玉米和小麦的收成。美国中部的干旱加剧了人们对未来几年世界粮食供应和价格的担忧。由此推断出,这篇文章最可能来自一篇农业报道,故选B。


细节理解题大多是根据文章中的具体信息如事实、例证、原因、过程、论述等进行提问的。抓住文段中的事实和细节是做好该题型的关键,也是做好其它类型问题的基础。该题型几乎都可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息,或是其变体。在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节。做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题和选项有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。正确选项虽然一般不是原文照搬,但是一般是原文的改写,意思不变。如换一个同义词,把否定改为肯定,把肯定改为否定等。如第2小题,根据第二段China, a major food importer, is looking for producers around the world to guarantee future food supplies.(作为一个主要的粮食进口国,中国正在世界各地寻找生产商,以保证未来的粮食供应。)由此可知,中国现在正在世界各地寻找生产商,故选D。

12~15.B A C D



12.词义猜测题。根据上文When we touch something, the mechano-receptors perceive the touch and through a network of nerves, send signals to the brain.(当我们触摸某物时,机械感受器感知到触摸,并通过神经网络向大脑发送信号。)可知下文This informs the brain about the location of the touch, the amount of force used, and the speed at which it was used.的意思是这将告知大脑触摸的位置、触摸使用的力度和触摸的速度。it指的是“触摸”,故选B。

13.推理判断题。根据第二段When an embryo (胚胎) is in the womb, the very first sense it develops is touch. The sense of touch is also the one that lasts the longest—as we get older and our

广西南宁二中2018-2019学年高一下学期期末考试数学(文)试题 扫描版含答案

2018-2019学年期末检测试题 高一数学参考答案 2019.7 一、选择题: (本大题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 分.) BBDCA BACDA DB 二、填空题:(本大题共 4 个小题,每小题 5 分,共 20 分.) 13. 0.9 14.1 15.13 16. ②④ 三、解答题:(本大题共 6 小题,共 70 分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.) 17.解:(1)因为()222+2a b a b a b +=+?2 22+21a b =+?= 所以,3a b =-, ………………… 2分 所以,cos ,2a b a b a b <>===?, 又夹角在[]0,π上,∴,a b <>56π= ; ………………… 5分 (2)因为BC AC AB b a =-=-, 所以,()()()2222222322313BC b a b a b a =-=+-=+-?-=, 所以,BC 边的长度为13BC = ………………… 10分 18.解:(1)因为α是锐角,且43 512(,),(,)551313 A B 在单位圆上, 3sin 5所以,α=,4cos 5α=,12sin 13β= 5c o s 13 β=, …………………3分 4531216cos()cos cos sin sin 51351365αβαβαβ∴+=-=?-?=- ………… 6分 (2)因为31010OA OB ?,所以cos()10 OA OB b a ?=,

且=1OA OB =,所以,cos()10b a -=sin()10b a -=可得:b a >), 且4cos =5a ,3sin =5 a ………………… 8分 所以,sin sin[()]sin cos()cos sin() b a b a a b a a b a =+-=-+- =34+=51051050 创. ………………… 12分 19.解:(1)由222sin sin sin sin sin B C A B C +-= 结合正弦定理得222b c a bc +-=; …………………3分 ∴2221cos =22 b c a A b c +-=?? 又(0,)A π∈,∴=3A π . …………………5分 ( 3sin 2sin A B C += ,()sin 2sin A A C C ++= sin()2sin 3 C C π+=, 1cos 2C C -= ∴sin()6C π-=………………… 9分 又203C π<<∴662C πππ-<-< 5.6412 12C C p p p 技技技?-==解得:,分 上面一行的p 应该为π,后面的三个“技”及问好多余,公式编辑出现问题. 20.解:(1)1819202122205x ++++= =,6156504845525y ++++== 515160i i i x y ==∑,5212010i i x ==∑


绝密★启用前 数学试卷 学校:___________ 注意事项:注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合{}1,0,1,2,3,4A =-,集合()(){} 340B x x x =+-<,则A B =( ) A.{}1,0,1,2,3- B.{}0,1,2,3 C.{}1,0,1,2- D.{}1,0,1,2,3,4- 2.已知复数z 满足()1234z i i ?+=-,则z =( ) A. 15 B. 5 D.5 3.若0.43a =,0.2log 3b =,4log 2c =,则a 、b 、c 的大小关系为( ) A.a b c >> B.b a c >> C.c a b >> D.a c b >> 4.n S 是等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若 63 3 8S S S -=-,且38a =,则1a =( ) A. 18 B.-1 C.2 D.-4 5.已知圆2 2 :230C x y x ++-=,直线()():120l x a y a R +-+=∈,则( ) A.l 与C 相离 B.l 与C 相交 C.l 与C 相切 D.以上三个选项均有可能 6.已知向量1a =,若1c a -=,则c 的取值范围是( ) A.13,22 ?????? B.1,22 ?????? C.[]1,2 D.[]0,2 7.某几何体的三视图如右图所示,则该几何体的体积为( )

A.816π- B.816π+ C.168π- D.88π+ 8.某程序框图如图所示,若输出1S =,则图中执行框内应填入( ) A.() 1 1S S i i =+ + B.() 1 2S S i i =+ + C.S S =+ D.S S =9.《九章算术》中有如下问题:“今有勾八步,股一十五步,问勾中容圆,径几何?”其大意:“已知直角三角形两直角边长分别为8步和15步,问其内切圆的直径为多少步?”现若向此三角形内随机投一粒豆子,则豆子落在其内切圆外的概率是( ) A. 310 π B. 320 π C.3110 π- D.3120 π- 10.已知函数()f x 为R 上的奇函数,当0x ≥时,()2 4f x x x =-,则曲线()y f x =在3x =-处的切线方程为( ) A.290x y -+= B.290x y --= C.260x y -+= D.260x y +-= 11.已知函数()cos sin 2f x x x =?,下列结论中错误的是( ) A.()y f x =的图像关于点(),0π中心对称 B.()f x C.()y f x =的图像关于2 x π = 对称 D.()f x 既是奇函数,又是周期函数 12.若函数()()()2 2ln f x ax a x x a R =+--∈在其定义域上有两个零点,则a 的取值范围是( ) A.()()41ln 2,++∞ B.()(0,41ln 2+?? C.()(){},041ln 2-∞+ D.()()0,41ln 2+ 第Ⅱ卷

2020届高考英语 非谓语动词 精品

2020届高考名校英语模拟新题分类解析之非谓语动词 1.(2020·河北正定中学月考)18.We must be sure that children in our country should get well ______. A.educate B educating C.education D.educated D考查过去分词的用法。此处get相当于系动词,句意:我们必须保证我们国家的孩子们应该受到良好的教育。 2.(2020·河北正定中学月考)19.The program was so fascinating that the children kept their eyes _____on the screen. A.to fix B to be fixed C.fixed D.fixing C考查分词的用法。此处考查keep+名词+过去分词的用法。 3.(2020·河北正定中学月考)20.Everyone of us has many responsibilities ______us.So we must work hard. A.attaching B .attaching to C.attatched with D.attatched to D考查分词的用法。此处attatched to us作定语,我们每个人都有依附于我们的责任。所以我们必须努力学习。 4.(2020·唐山市摸底)6.Taobao.com has begun selling tickets online for international flights, to cut the market share of Ctrip.corn and other competitors. A.to aim B.having aimed C.aiming D.being aimed C考查分词的用法。此处现在分词短语作结果状语。句意:淘宝网开始在网上售国际航班的票目的是为了削弱旅游公司和其他竞争对手的市场份额。 5.(2020·重庆师大附中月考)2 6.When I turned to the person ________ next to me, I recognized that he was my schoolmate. A. seating B. being sat C. sit D. seated D考查分词的用法及词语辨析。此处相当于the person who is seated next to me。 6.(2020·浙江温州十校联考)15._____ on May Day, the Shanghai Expo has attracted tens of thousands of visitors around the world every day. A.Having opened B.Opened C.Opening D.To open B考查过去分词的用法。此处表明在五一世博会被开放。 7.(2020·浙江温州十校联考)17.The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition.She seemed _____ for it pretty well.A.to prepare B.to have prepared C.having prepared D.to be preparing B考查非谓语动词的用法。此处不定式的完成时表明已经准备好。句意:她似乎已经为比赛准备好了。 8.(2020·浙江温州八校返校联考)38.They made a great effort to prepare the exhibition, ______ to achieve a big success. A.hoped B.hoping C.to hope D.hope B考查分词的用法。此处hoping短语作伴随状语。句意:他们努力为展览做准备,希望取得巨大成功。


全国各省市重点中学排名 北京市全国重点中学排名 1.北京市第四中学 2.中国人民大学附属中学 3.北京师范大学附属实验中学 4.北京大学附属中学 5.清华大学附属中学 6.北京101中学 7.北京师范大 学第二附属中学8.北京市第八十中学9.北京景山学校10.北京汇文中学 大庆市十大重点中学排名 1.大庆实验中学 2.大庆铁人中学 3.大庆第一中学 4.大庆市东风中学 5.大 庆市第四中学 6.大庆中学7.大庆石油高级中学8.大庆市第二十八中学9. 大庆市第十七中学10.大庆市第十中学; 乌鲁木齐十大重点中学排行 1.乌鲁木齐市第一中学 2.乌鲁木齐市第高级中学 3.乌鲁木齐市第八中学 4. 新疆实验中学 5.新疆生产建设兵团第二中学 6.乌鲁木齐市第70中7.乌鲁木齐八一中学8.乌鲁木齐市第十一中学9.乌鲁木齐市十三中学10.乌鲁木 齐市六十八中学 包头市十大重点中学 1.包头市第一中学 2.包头市第四中学 3.包头市第六中学 4.包头市第九中 学 5.包头市第三十三中学 6.包钢一中7.内蒙古一机集团第一中学8.北重 三中9.北重三中10.包头市回民中学 大连市十大重点中学排行 1.大连市第二十四中学 2.大连育明高中 3.大连市第八中学 4.大连市第一 中学 5.大连市第二十三中学 6.辽宁师范大学附属中学7.大连市第二十高 级中学8.大连市金州高级中学9.庄河市高级中学10.瓦房店市博源高级中 学; 广州市十大重点中学排行 1.华南师范大学附属中学 2.广州执信中学 3.广东实验中学 4.广东广雅中 学 5.广州大学附属中学 6.广州市培正中学7.广州市真光中学8.广州市南 武中学9.培英中学10.广州市铁一中学; 滁州市八大重点中学 1.安徽省滁州中学 2.滁州二中 3.滁州实验学校 4.安徽全椒中学 5.来安中 学 6.安徽省天长中学7.炳辉中学8.安徽省凤阳中学; 齐齐哈尔十大重点中学排行 1.齐齐哈尔市实验中学 2.齐齐哈尔市第一中学 3.齐齐哈尔市第八中学 4. 齐齐哈尔第六中学 5.齐齐哈尔市第三中学 6.齐齐哈尔市民族中学7.齐齐 哈尔阳光学校8.齐齐哈尔中学9.齐齐哈尔市第二十八中学10.齐齐哈尔第 五十一中学


广西南宁二中柳铁一中2021届高三9月联考数学理 科 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 已知集合,集合,则 () A.B.C.D. 2. 已知复数满足,则() A.B. C.D.5 3. 若,,,则a、b、c的大小关系为()A.B.C.D. 4. 某几何体的三视图如图,则几何体的体积为 A.8π﹣16 B.8π+16C.16π﹣8 D.8π+8 5. 已知圆,直线,则 A.与相离B.与相交C.与相切D.以上三个选项均有可能 6. 已知向量,若,则的取值范围是()

C.D. A.B. 7. 展开式中项的系数为() A.5 B.6 C.-6 D.-4 8. 某程序框图如图所示,若输出,则图中执行框内应填入() A.B. C.D. 9. 《九章算术》中有如下问题:“今有勾八步,股一十五步,问勾中容圆,径几何?”其大意:“已知直角三角形两直角边长分别为步和步,问其内切圆的直径为多少步?”现若向此三角形内随机投一粒豆子,则豆子落在其内切圆外的概率是() A.B.C.D. 10. 已知函数为R上的奇函数,当时,,则曲线 在处的切线方程为() A.B. C.D. 11. 已知函数,下列结论中错误的是() A.的图像关于点中心对 称B.的图像关于直线对称 D.既是奇函数,又是周期函数C.的最大值为

12. 若函数在其定义域上有两个零点,则的取值范围是() A.B. C.D. 二、填空题 13. 若x,y满足约束条件,则的最大值为_______. 14. 已知等差数列中前n项和为,且,,则________. 15. 以O为中心,,为焦点的椭圆上存在一点M,满足 ,则该椭圆的离心率为_______________. 16. 已知四棱锥的五个顶点在同一球面上.若该球的半径为4, 是边长为2的正方形,且,则当最长时,四棱锥的体积为_______________. 三、解答题 17. 在中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且满足 . (1)求B; (2)若,AD为BC边上的中线,当的面积取得最大值时,求AD 的长. 18. 若养殖场每个月生猪的死亡率不超过,则该养殖场考核为合格,该养殖月份1月2月3月4月5月6月7月8月


x + 1 南宁市第二中学初中部 2020 届九年级 3 月月 考数学试题 考试时间:120 分钟满分 120 分 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共 36 分) 一、选择题(本大题共 12 小题,毎小题 3 分,共计 36 分,在毎小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是符合要求的) 1. 下列四个数中,2020 的相反数是( ) A. 1 2020 B. - 1 2020 C. 2020 D. - 2020 2. 观察下列图案,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的共有( ) A.1 个 B.2 个 C.3 个 D.4 个 3. 计算(-2x 2 )3的结果是( ) A. - 8x 5 B. 8x 6 C. - 8x 6 D. 8x 5 4. 使 x 有意义的 x 取值范围是( ) A. x ≥ -1 B. x ≥ -1且 x ≠ 0 C. x > -1 D. x > -1且 x ≠ 0 5. 举世瞩目的港珠澳大桥于 2018 年 10 月 24 日正式开通营运,它是迄今为止世界上最长的跨海大桥, 全长约 55000 米. 55000 这个数用科学记数法可表示为( ) A .5.5×103 B .55×103 C .0.55×105 D .5.5×104 6. 已知点 P (m + 2,2m - 4)在 x 轴上,则点 P 的坐标是( ) A .(4,0) B .(0,4) C .(﹣4,0) D .(0,﹣4) 7.若一元二次方程 x 2 - 2kx + k 2 = 0 的一根为 x = -1,则 k 的值为( ) A .﹣1 B .0 C .1 或﹣1 D .2 或 0 8.平行四边形 ABCD 中,AC 、BD 是两条对角线,现从以下四个关系①AB =BC ;②AC =BD ;③AC ⊥BD ; ④AB ⊥BC 中随机取出一个作为条件,即可推出平行四边形 ABCD 是菱形的概率为( ) 1 1 A . B . 4 2 C . 3 D .1 4 9.如下图,AB 是⊙ O 的直径,点 C 、D 是圆上两点,且∠AOC =126°,则∠CDB =( ) A .54° B .64° C .27° D .37° 第 9 题图


广西南宁二中柳铁一中2021届高三9月联考数学文 科试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 已知集合,集合,则 () A.B.C.D. 2. 已知复数满足,则() A.B. C.D.5 3. 若,,,则a、b、c的大小关系为()A.B.C.D. 4. 是等比数列的前项和,若,且,则 () A. B.C.D. 5. 已知圆,直线,则 A.与相离B.与相交C.与相切D.以上三个选项均有可能 6. 已知向量,若,则的取值范围是()A.B. C.D.

7. 某几何体的三视图如图,则几何体的体积为 A.8π﹣16 B.8π+16C.16π﹣8 D.8π+8 8. 某程序框图如图所示,若输出,则图中执行框内应填入() A.B. C.D. 9. 《九章算术》中有如下问题:“今有勾八步,股一十五步,问勾中容圆,径几何?”其大意:“已知直角三角形两直角边长分别为步和步,问其内切圆的直径为多少步?”现若向此三角形内随机投一粒豆子,则豆子落在其内切圆外的概率是() A.B.C.D. 10. 已知函数为R上的奇函数,当时,,则曲线 在处的切线方程为() A.B. C.D. 11. 已知函数,下列结论中错误的是() A.的图像关于点中心对 称B.的图像关于直线对称

D.既是奇函数,又是周期函数C.的最大值为 12. 若函数在其定义域上有两个零点,则的取值范围是() A.B. C.D. 二、填空题 13. 若x,y满足约束条件,则的最大值为_______. 14. 已知等差数列中前n项和为,且,,则________. 15. 已知O为坐标原点,点,分别为椭圆的左、右焦点,A 为椭圆C上的一点,且,与y轴交于点B,则________. 16. 已知球的直径,A,B是该球球面上的两点,若, ,则棱锥的表面积为___________. 三、解答题 17. 在中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且满足 . (1)求B; (2)若,AD为BC边上的中线,当的面积取得最大值时,求AD 的长.

广西柳州高中2019-2020学年高一上学期期末数学试卷 (有解析)

广西柳州高中2019-2020学年高一上学期期末数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分) 1.已知集合A={x|00},则集合A∩B=() A. (0,2) B. (0,3) C. (2,3) D. (2,+∞) 2.若幂函数的图象经过点(3,√3 3),则该函数的解析式为() A. y=x3 B. y=x13 C. y=x?3 D. y=x?1 3.函数f(x)=e x+3x的零点个数是() A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 4.已知向量a?与b? 不共线,且a??b? ≠0,若c?=a??|a? |2?b? a? ?b? ,则向量a?与c?的夹角为() A. π 2B. π 6 C. π 3 D. 0 5.已知函数f(x)=log1 2 (x2?4x?5),则函数f(x)的单调递减区间是() A. (?∞,2) B. (2,+∞) C. (5,+∞) D. (?∞,?1) 6.为得到函数y=2sin(x 3+π 6 )的图象,只需把函数y=2cosx的图象上所有的点() A. 向左平移π 3个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短到原来的1 3 倍(纵坐标不变) B. 向右平移π 3个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短到原来的1 3 倍(纵坐标不变) C. 向左平移π 3 个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标伸长到原来的3倍(纵坐标不变) D. 向右平移π 3 个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标伸长到原来的3倍(纵坐标不变) 7.圆的半径是6cm,则15°的圆心角与圆弧围成的扇形面积是() A. π 2cm2 B. 3π 2 cm2 C. πcm2 D. 3πcm2 8.函数f(x)=sinx·ln|x|的部分图象为() A. B. C. D.


广西南宁二中玉高柳高2019高三第一次联考(解析版)-物理 物理试题 【二】选择题:本大题共8小题。在每题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项是符合题目要求,有的有多个选项符合题目要求。全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分。 14.图中AO、BO、CO是完全相同的三条绳子,将一根均匀的钢梁吊起。当钢梁足够重时,结果AO先断,那么〔〕 A.α=120°B、α《120° C.α》120°D、不能确定 15.两石块A、B从同一高处自由下落,石块A比石块B早下落2S。令石块B开始下落的时刻为计时起点,取石块B为参照物,那么以下图象中能正确表示石块A运动的图象是〔〕 答 案:BC 解析: 取石块 B为参照物,A做匀速运动,能正确表示石块A运动的位移图像是B,速度图象是C。 16.一带正电小球从光滑绝缘的斜面上O点由静止释放,在斜面上水平虚线AB和CD 之间有水平向右的匀强电场如下图。下面哪个图象能正确表示小球的运动轨迹〔〕 17.如下图,一个小球从地面竖直上抛。小球两次经过一个较低点A的时间间隔为TA,两次经过较高点B的时间间隔为TB,重力加速度为G,那么A、B两点间 的距离为〔〕 A.错误!未找到引用源。 B.错误!未找到引用源。 C.错误!未找到引用源。 D.错误!未找到引用源。 答案:D解析:设小球上抛的最高点距A点的距离为HA,距B点的距 离为HB,根据树枝上抛运动规律,HA=错误!未找到引用源。G(错误!未找到引用源。)2,HB=错误!未找到引用源。G(错误!未找到引用源。)2,A、B两点间的距离为HA -HB=错误!未找到引用源。.,选项D正确。 18.如下图,一圆盘可绕通过其中心且垂直于盘面的竖直轴转动,盘上距中心R处


柳铁一中2015~2016学年度上学期高三第三次月考理综试题(生物) 2015.10.29 (考试时间14:40-17:10) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 Al—27 Ca—40 Fe—56 Cu—64 第I卷(选择题,本卷21题,共126分) 一、单项选择题:(本题共13小题,每小题6分,在每小题只有一选项是符合题意) 1.下列有关物质跨膜运输的叙述,错误的是() A.抑制膜上载体的活性会阻碍神经细胞吸收K+ B.神经递质在载体蛋白协助下释放到突触间隙时,需消耗能量 C.在静息状态下,神经细胞依然进行葡萄糖的跨膜运输 D.质壁分离过程中,水分子外流导致细胞内渗透压升高 2.下列对细胞生命历程的叙述,错误的是() A.在细胞生长过程中,核糖体的数量增加,物质运输效率升高 B.在细胞分化过程中,核遗传物质没有发生改变,但mRNA有变化 C.细胞癌变一般是多个基因发生突变的结果,癌细胞膜上的糖蛋白减少, D.在细胞凋亡过程中,相关基因活动加强,有利于个体的生长发育 3.孟德尔在探索遗传规律时,运用了“假说﹣演绎法”,下列相关叙述不正确的是()A.提出问题是建立在纯合亲本杂交和F1自交的遗传实验基础上的 B.“遗传因子在体细胞的染色体上成对存在”属于假说内容 C.“F1(Dd)产生两种数量相等的配子(D和d)”属于推理内容 D.孟德尔提出“生物性状是由遗传因子决定的”是孟德尔所作假说的内容 4.几种性染色体异常果蝇的性别、育性(可育/不可育)如下图所示,控制眼色红眼(R)和白眼(r)的基因位于X染色体上。下列说法中错误的是() A.正常果蝇配子的染色体组型为3+X或3+Y B.如果甲、乙、丙、丁是因同一亲本的异常配子造成,则最可能是雌配子异常 C.甲图白眼雌果蝇(X r X r Y)最多能产生X r、X r X r、X r Y和Y四种类型的配子 D.白眼雌果蝇(X r X r Y)与红眼雄果蝇(X R Y)杂交,子代红眼雌果蝇的基因型只有X R X r一种5.有一种“生物活性绷带”的原理是让细胞在特殊膜片上增殖5~7天后,将膜片敷到患者伤口上,膜片会将细胞逐渐“释放”到伤口处,并促进新生皮肤层生长,达到愈合伤口的目的。下列有关叙述错误的是() A.人的皮肤烧伤后易引起感染,主要是由于非特异性免疫机能受损所致 B.种植在膜片上的细胞样本最好选择来自本人的干细胞 C.膜片“释放”的细胞能与患者自身皮肤愈合,与两者细胞膜上的糖蛋白有关 D.若采用异体皮肤移植会导致排斥反应,原因是抗体对移植皮肤细胞有杀伤作用 6.某课题组以南瓜为实验材料,应用赤霉素和生长素进行相关研究。结果如下图,据图分析正确的是() A.南瓜突变体为上述激素合成缺陷型 B.生长素和赤霉素生理作用表现为拮抗关系 C.赤霉素对南瓜突变体生理作用明显 D.生长素对正常南瓜的生理作用表现出两重性


2019—2020学年度广西南宁二中玉林高中高三年级 联考高中化学 理科综合能力测试 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 O:16 S:32 Na:23 N:14 第一卷〔选择题每题6分共126分〕 一、选择题〔此题包括13小题。每题只的一个选项符合题意〕 6.关于以下事实的讲明错误的选项是〔〕 ①蔗糖中加入浓H2SO4后显现发黑现象,讲明浓硫酸具有脱水性 ②浓硝酸的颜色变黄,讲明浓硝酸见光易分解 ③ SO2气体通入溴水使溴水褪色,讲明SO2具有漂白性 ④常温下浓硫酸可用铁槽车储运,讲明常温下浓硫酸跟铁不反应 A.①②③④B.③④C.只有③D.只有④ 7.某化学教师把〝钠与氯气反应〞的课本实验装置作如以下图改进,将一根玻璃管与氯气发生器相连,玻璃管内放一块黄豆粒大的金属钠〔已吸净煤油〕,玻璃管尾部塞一团浸有NaOH溶液的棉花球。先给钠预热,到钠熔融成小球时,撤火,通入氯气,即可见钠着火燃烧,生成大量白烟。以下表达错误的选项是〔〕 A.反应生成的大量白烟是氯化钠晶体 B.浸有NaOH溶液的棉球用于吸取未反应的氯气,以免污染空气 C.钠着火燃烧产生惨白色火焰 D.用淀粉碘化钾溶液滴在管外的棉球,能够判定氯气是否被完全吸取 8.假设N A表示阿佛加德罗常数,以下讲法正确的选项是〔〕A.2.24LCO2中含有的原子数为0.3N A B.0.1L 3mo1·L-1的NH4NO3溶液中含有的NH4+数目为0.3N A C.1 mol Cl2作为氧化剂得到的电子数为N A D.14g氮气中含有7N A个电子

9.现有Na2CO3、H2SO4、Ba(OH)2 三种物质的量浓度与体积都相等的溶液,假设以不同顺序将它们中的两种混合起来,假如显现沉淀那么过滤,再将滤液与第三种溶液混合起来,最终所得的溶液〔〕A.一定呈酸性B.一定呈碱性 C.可能呈中性D.一定呈中性 10.K2SO3易被KMnO4等强氧化剂氧化,现将18mL 0.2mol/L的K2SO3溶液与含有2.4×10-3 mol KMnO4溶液混合,恰好完全反应。那么反应后锰元素的化合价为〔〕A.+6 B.+4 C.+2 D.+7 11.以下各组离子在碱性溶液中能大量共存,且溶液无色透亮,加酸酸化后溶液变色,但无沉淀也无气体生成的是〔〕A.Fe2+、I-、ClO-、SO42-B.Br-、K+、SO42-、BrO3- C.S2-、SO32-、K+、SO42-D.Ca2+、Cl-、HCO3-、Na+ 12.X+、Y+、M2+、N2-均为含有一定数目电子的短周期元素的简单离子,离子半径大小关系是:N2->Y+、Y+>X+、Y+>M2+,以下比较正确的选项是 〔〕 A.原子半径:N可能比Y大,也可能比Y小 B.原子序数:N>M>X>Y C.M2+、N2-核外电子数:可能相等,也可能不等 D.碱性:M(OH)2>YOH 13.在一定温度和压强下,将一支容积为15mL的试管充满NO2后,倒置于一个盛水的水槽中,当试管内液面上升至一定高度不再变化时,在相同的条件下再通入O2,假设要使试管内的液面仍处在原高度,那么通入的O2体积为〔〕A.3.75mL B.7.5mL C.8.75mL D.10.5mL 第二卷〔非选择题共174分〕 26.〔11分〕〔1〕氢气是一种高效而无污染的理想能源,近20年来,对以氢气作为以后的动力燃料氢能源的研究获得了迅速进展。 ①为了有效进展氢能源,第一必须制得廉价的氢气,以下可供开发又较经济且资源可 连续利用的制氢气的方法是。 A.锌和稀硫酸反应 B.光解海水C.以石油、天然气为原料 ②氢气的燃烧热为285.8kJ·mol-1。写出其完全燃烧的热化学方程式。


2019-2020学年广西柳州高中高三(下)月考生物试卷(4月份) 一、单选题(本大题共6小题,共36.0分) 1.下列关于细胞结构与成分的叙述,正确的是() A. 线粒体膜上有葡萄糖的载体,没有氧气的载体 B. 细胞中的色素不是分布在叶绿体中,就是分布在液泡中 C. 含有蛋白质的细胞器不一定含有核酸,含核酸的细胞器一定含有蛋白质 D. 微量元素可参与某些复杂化合物的组成,如下Fe、Mg分别参与蛋白质和叶绿素的组成 2.生物体的生命活动受到多种因素的影响。在其他影响因素保持恒定且适宜时,如图所示曲线最 有可能用来表示() A. CO2跨膜运输速率随膜两侧CO2浓度差的变化 B. 植物净光合速率随光照强度的变化 C. 酶促反应速率随反应物浓度的变化 D. 植物的呼吸作用强度随温度的变化 3.细胞作为基本的生命系统,各组分之间分工合作成为一个统一的整体,使生命活动能够在变化 的环境中自我调控、高度有序地进行。下列叙述错误的是() A. 在抗体的合成和分泌过程中,胰腺细胞的核糖体、内质网、高尔基体密切配合 B. 在抗体的合成和分泌过程中,高尔基体在囊泡运输中的作用受基因的调控 C. 在动物细胞有丝分裂过程中,中心体、纺锤体和线粒体共同参与染色体的均分 D. 在动物细胞有丝分裂过程中,细胞周期的运转受原癌基因和抑癌基因的调控 4.早期胚胎发育过程中,中枢神经系统某些部位细胞内的氯离子浓度高于细胞外,甘氨酸作为一 种神经递质能作用于突触后膜的受体并开启氯离子通道,引起突触后膜氯离子顺浓度梯度运输。 据此分析,下列相关叙述正确的是() A. 甘氨酸作用于突触后膜能使突触后膜产生外负内正的动作电位 B. 神经细胞膜两侧电位差的产生只与无机盐离子的分布不均有关 C. 氯离子通道介导的氯离子跨膜运输过程需要消耗ATP D. 甘氨酸作用于突触后膜能将电信号转换为化学信号 5.下列关于生物变异、育种和进化的叙述,正确的是() A. B基因可突变成b1、b2基因反映了基因突变的随机性 B. 单倍体育种中常用一定浓度的秋水仙素处理萌发的种子或幼苗 C. 生物产生的变异个体都属于可遗传的变异,都可以作为生物进化的原材料 D. 地理隔离可阻止种群间的基因交流,种群基因库的明显差异导致种群间产生生殖隔离 6.稻田养鱼能很好地提高水稻产量和稻田土壤有机质含量,果园养鸡能够提高能量的利用率。下 列相关叙述正确的是()


广西南宁二中2012届高三12月月考 文综政治试卷 24.某地牛肉的价格。(P)与其需求量(Q)存在如图所示关系。在其他条件不变的情况下,下列判断正确的是 () ①牛肉的价格由P A向P B运动时,其需求量会增加 ②牛肉的需求量由Q B向Q A运动时,其价格会上涨 ③牛肉的价格由P B向P A运动时,羊肉的需求量会增加 ④牛肉的需求量由Q A向Q B运动时,羊肉的价格会上涨 A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④ 25.近年来,“中国创造”“中国经验”“中国现象”“中国模式”等成了 国际流行词。流行词的变化发展记录了时代前进的脚步,这表明人 的意识() ①是人脑对客观世界的反映②需要借助语言来表达 ③随着社会生活变化而变化④能够能动地改造客观世界 A.①B.①② C.①②③D.①②③④ 26.经过30多年快速发展,无论是我国的经济总量,还是综合国力,都有大幅增加和提升; 但人口多、底子薄、发展不平衡的基本国情没有变,发展中国家的地位没有变,社会主义初级阶段的基本特征没有变。对这里的“变”与“没有变”理解正确的是 () ①“变”是事物的绝对运动,“没有变”是事物的相对静止 ②“变”的是部分,“没有变”的是整体,整体决定部分 ③“变”与“没有变”构成一对矛盾,是事物发展的动力 ④“变”的是量,“没有变”的是质,量变是质变的必要准备 A.①②B.①③C.②③D.①④ 27.国务院总理温家宝201 1年10月19日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署制订社会信用体系建设规划。全会提出,“把诚信建设摆在突出位置,大力推进政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设,抓紧建立健全覆盖全社会的征信系统,加大对失信行为惩戒


上林县中学高一年级2015年秋季学期期考政治科试题 命题人:毛娟翠考试时间:90分钟 一、单选题(每小题2分,共50分) 1.货币最早是以足值的金属货币形式出现的。随着商品生产和商品交换的发展,商品流通中产生了纸币,并逐渐取代了金属货币。纸币之所以能取代金属货币,是因为() ①纸币容易生产,且同样具有充当贮藏手段的职能②使用纸币能够有效降低货币制作成本③纸币的使用范围更广④纸币同样能执行价值尺度和流通手段的职能 A.①②B.②③C.②④D.③④ 2.2012年9月5日,1欧元兑换7.952 5元人民币。2013年1月5日,100元人民币兑换 12.28欧元。人民币兑欧元汇率的变化对我国经济发展的积极影响有() ①提升我国利用外资的质量和效益②能从欧元区国家进口更便宜的产品 ③增强我国产品在欧元区国家的竞争力④欧元区国家可能扩大对中国的直接投资 A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④ 3.2013年1月1日,全国所有客运列车推出了火车票电话订票和网络服务等方式。火车票网络服务可以解决老百姓买火车票不方便问题,同时也为老百姓购票节省了交通成本与时间成本,特别为商务人士出行提供了较大的便利性。这种网络购票服务() ①是货币在履行流通手段职能②是货币在履行支付手段职能 ③使用的是虚拟货币④使得商品交换的方式发生了变化 A.①②B.②④C.③④D.①④ 4.生产同样一只茶杯,甲耗费3小时,乙耗费2小时,丙耗费4小时。三只茶杯在同一市场上出售() A.甲生产的茶杯的价值量最大B.乙生产的茶杯的价值量最大 C.丙生产的茶杯的价值量最大D.甲.乙.丙生产的茶杯的价值量一样大 5.商品生产者根据“物以稀为贵”的市场特征不断开发新产品。企业这样做的理论依据是() A.商品的市场供求影响着商品的价格B.商品的价值决定着商品的价格 C.商品的使用价值影响着商品的价格D.消费者的生活习惯影响着商品的价格6.在社会主义市场经济不断深入发展的今天,“花明天的钱,圆今天的梦”成为许多年轻人的消费时尚。“花明天的钱,圆今天的梦”形容的是() A.公款消费B.贷款消费C.租赁消费D.钱货两清消费 7.“可使食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗,人瘦尚可肥,人俗不可医。”从苏东坡的这首诗中,我们得到的启示是()


广西南宁二中、玉高、柳高2019高三第一次联考-语文 语文试题 本试卷分为第1卷〔选择题〕和第二卷〔非选择题〕两部分,总分值150分,考试时间150分钟。 第1卷 第1卷共10小题,每题3分,共30分。在每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目 要 求。 【一】(12分,每题3分) 1、以下词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是 〔〕 A、咋.舌(zà) 嘈.杂〔cáo〕恬.不知耻〔tián〕大雨滂.沱(pāng) B、打的.(dí) 露.相(lù) 椿.萱并茂(chūn) 圆凿方枘.(ruì) C、咨嗟.(jiē) 剽.窃〔piāo〕杀鸡儆.猴〔jǐng〕佶.屈聱牙(jí) D、愆.期(qiān) 狡黠.(xié) 嗷嗷待哺.(bǔ) 徇.私舞弊(xùn) 2、以下各项中,加点熟语使用恰当的一项为哪一项 〔〕 A、常年在外打工并能携带子女的打工者为数不多,外出打工造成许多农村孩子短期或长 期自己生活,形成了特别多畸形的空巢家庭 ....现象。 B、宽容,不是去应付,去虚与委蛇 ....;而是以心对心去包容,去化解,去让那个越发世故、物化和势利的粗糙世界变得湿润些。 C、这些贪官中饱私囊要挖空心思,为了防止东窗事发还要殚精竭虑 ....。如此不仅妨碍身心 健康,还必定会招致牢狱之灾。 D、特别多人说话支支吾吾,不知所云,什么原因不知所云?一方面,许多说话者本身在思 维 上确实是迷糊的,另一方面,空口说白话 .....,一问三不知。 3、以下各句中,没有语病的一句是 〔〕 A、哈佛燕京图书馆每年都有一次卖旧书的盛会,每次我都能在一堆堆五花八门的书里淘 到如金子般宝贵的书,并因此而兴奋。 B、那个剧本的创作原型是市大学生服务中心全力资助的身患大病的在校大学生的真实经历,着重反映了贫困大学生群体自强不息精神和社会各界扶助贫困大学生的感人事迹。 C、奥运会开幕式一向是主办城市向世界推介其文化和历史的舞台,伦敦奥运会也不例外:从田园牧歌到工业革命,从莎士比亚到罗琳,从工业革命到社交网络……英国人试图通 过三个小时的表演和狂欢向世界做出展示。 D、2018年教育部出台的“贫困地区专项计划”,我国部分知名院校专门辟出一万个招生计划,提供给全国680个集中连片贫困县学籍的考生。 4、依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是 〔〕 风在瓦缝中穿行,声如短笛,拖着长长的尾音,是底气充足的美声。雨点落下,清越激昂,


甘肃省全国知名重点中学排名 1.甘肃省武威第一中学 2.甘肃省兰州第一中学 3.庆阳一中 4.西北师大附中 5.兰州新亚中学 6.兰州铁路局第五中学 7.榆中县第一中学 8.兰州铁一中 9.兰州化学工业公司总校第一中学 10.甘肃省酒泉中学 青海省全国知名重点中学排名 1.青海湟川中学 2.西宁五中 3.西宁十四中 4.青海师范大学附属中学 5.青海省互助一中 6.乐都县第一中 学7.平安县第一中学8.化隆一中9.海北州祁连山中学10.青海昆仑中学 甘肃省全国知名重点中学排名 1.甘肃省武威第一中学 2.甘肃省兰州第一中学 3.庆阳一中 4.西北师大附中 5.兰州新亚中学 6.兰州铁路局第五中学 7.榆中县第一中学 8.兰州铁一中 9.兰州化学工业公司总校第一中学10.甘肃省酒泉中学; 贵州省全国知名重点中学排名 1.余庆中学 2.贵阳一中 3.凯里市第一中学 4.遵义四中 5.贵阳市第六中学 6.都匀一中 7.贵州省天柱民族 中学8.贵州师大附中9.贵州教育学院实验中学10.思南中学 云南省全国知名重点中学排名 1.云南师大附中 2.云南大理一中 3.昆明第八中学 4.楚雄市第一中学 5.明德中学 6.思茅一中 7.昆明市第 一中学8.禄劝民族中学9.昆明第三中学10.曲靖一中 重庆市全国知名重点中学排名 1.重庆一中 2.重庆三中 3.巴蜀中学 4.重庆市育才中学 5.西南师范大学附属中学 6.重庆市第十八中学 7. 重庆铁路8.重庆市第八中学9.重庆市清华中学10.云阳中学 河南省全国知名重点中学排名 1.郑州一中 2.河南省实验中学 3.开封高中 4.洛阳一高 5.郑州外国语学校 6.新乡市第一中学 7.河南省淮 阳中学8.信阳高级中学9.商丘市第一高级中学10.河南省偃师高级中学 陕西省全国知名重点中学排名 1.西北工业大学附属中学 2.西安交通大学附属中学 3.西安中学 4.长安一中 5.西安铁一中 6.西安市第一 中学7.丹凤中学8高新一中9.宜川中学10.安康中学 西藏自治区全国知名重点中学排名 1.拉萨中学 2.林芝地区第一中学 3.拉萨市第三高级中学 4.藏民族学院附中 5.林芝地区第二中学 6.拉萨 北京中学7.拉萨市师范学校8.嘉黎县中学 宁夏回族自治区全国知名重点中学排名 1.银川一中 2.银川实验中学 3.吴忠中学 4.宁夏大学附属中学 5.唐徕回中 6.平罗中学 7.贺兰一中 8.石 嘴山市第十七中学9.中卫市第三中学10.银川二中 河北省全国知名重点中学排名 1.石家庄市第二中学 2.衡水中学 3.唐山市第一中学 4.河北正定中学 5.保定市第一中学 6.石家庄市第一 中学7.邢台市第一中学8.石家庄辛集中学9.冀州中学10.石家庄市第二十四中学; 新疆维吾尔自治区全国知名重点中学排名


【最新】广西南宁二中高三10月月考语文卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、选择题 1.下列词语中加点字读音完全相同的一组是() A.谥.号吞噬.逝.世拾.级而上舐.犊情深 B.凋敝.婢.女辅弼.惩前毖.后刚愎.自用 C.清澈.覆辙.撤.除风驰电掣.天崩地坼. D.图圄.膏腴.揶揄.不可逾.越坚贞不渝. 2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是() A.成熟的荔枝,大多数是深红色的,挂在树头,从远处看,姹紫嫣红 ....,恰如一串串“红星”,煞是可爱。 B.这次突发大火其实有它的必然性,就是因为管理者对早就暴露的安全隐患熟视无睹 ....,才酿成今天的惨剧。 C.为迎接奥运会的召开,文化局组织我市绘画高手到全市各中学舞文弄墨 ....,即兴创作,、一展风采。 D.感动画家的不是胜利的场景,而是蹉跎岁月里,战士们的乐观精神。 3.下列各项中,没有语病的一项是() A.社区主任接受采访时表示,去年大家做了很多调解工作,今年会更多地为受到情感和生活困扰的人们提供帮助。 B.有的儿童文学作品偏重于教育和理性,过多地注入了成人思想,孩子爱游戏、爱趣味、爱幻想被忽略了。 C.我市印泥产品行销日本、韩国、东南亚,它是轻工业部、湖北省的优质产品,也是轻工业部出口创汇企业。 D.NEC遁讯市场总监对记者说:“借助中秋晚会的平台,不但NEC通讯可以向所有的中国人带去节日的祝福,同时也可以扩大品牌的影响力。” 4.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是() 一扇有树叶的窗,一圆圆扁扁的小叶子像门帘上的花鸟绣,当然更活泼些。风一吹过来,。 ①多像一群小顽童在比赛荡秋千②风是幕后工作者,负责把它们推向天空 ③它们就“刷”地一声晃荡起来④而蝉是拉拉队 ⑤我似乎听见嘻嘻哈哈的笑声⑥在枝头努力叫闹
