

Ⅰ. Choose the best answer from A,B or C according to the meaning of the sente nc e.

( ) 21. Let’s ______ _________ the afternoon.

A. going in

B. go o

n C. go in

( ) 22. - ______ is the animal? -It’s bla ck and white.

A. What color

B. What tim

e C. How often

( ) 23. – Do you have any plans for your summer vacation?

-I am ______for London next Sunday.

A. going to

B. will g

o C. leaving

( ) 24 –What a beautiful necklace! -This is a ________nec klace.

A. men-made

B. man-mak

e C. man-made

( ) 25 –Is this _______Chinese book? -Yes, _________.

A . your; it is B. you; it is

C. his; its

( ) 26. We have two __________________.

A hundred books B. hundreds books C. hundreds book

( ) 27.-Why didn’t you go to the movies yesterday?

-Because I ___________ it before.

A. had watched

B. have seen

C. had seen

( ) 28. _____ the time? -It’s six o’clock.

A. What’s


s C. what

( ) 29. English is now ________ language for science.

A. the most popular

B. populares

t C. popularer

( ) 30.Do you have many friends? -Yes,____________

A. you do

B. you don’

t C, I do

( ) 31.It’s difficult to find a time that _______________ everybody.

A. suits

B. fi

t C. suitable

( ) 32. –Do you prefer grapes ______ bananas? -I prefer grapes_____ban anas

A. to; or

B. or; t

o C. than; to

( ) 33. The customer said they weren’t ___________..

A. crispy enough

B. enough crispy

C. salt enough

( ) 34. He has the flu, he _________ go swimming.

A. has better

B. had better

C. ha d better not

( ) 35.- The girl isn’t allowed to go out at night, _______________

A. either

B. to

o C. also

Ⅱ. Cloze test

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

This story happened in a small mountain village. One day there was an ea rthquake(地震). Nothing was destroyed and 36 was hurt. But a huge rock fell from a nea rby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road.

When the earthquake 37 , many people came to the huge rock. Some of the stron gest men tried to lift the rock 38 the road. But they couldn’t move it. Th ey tried to push it but failed. They tried to 39 it with ropes but nothing worked.

“Well,” they all agreed, “There’s nothing we can do about it. We’ll have t o change the 40 .”At this time a boy of 10 years old said, “I think I can h elp you to move the rock.”

“You?” they shouted, “What are you talking about?” The men all 41 at bo y.

The next morning some people came into the street. One of them shouted, “The r ock is 42 !” More people ran out to see. It was true. The rock wasn’t in the road any more. It wasn’t 43 near the road.

“Thi s is 44 ,” they said, “Where did it go?”

The boy stood in the street, 45 , “I told you I could move it last night.”The boy walked over to where the 46 had been and uncovered some earth. “I buried it,” he said.

The people looked 47 . “You see,” he said, “I dug a deep hole next to the rock and I dug a small incline(斜坡)up to the rock and the rock 48 down int o the hole by itself. I covered it with earth.”

The crowds shouted, “What a 49 boy!” And some of them said, “Why haven’t we thought of this good 50 ?”

( ) 36. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody

( ) 37. A. stopped B. starte

d C. happened

( ) 38. A. over B. int

o C. off

( ) 39. A. push B. lif

t C. pull

( ) 40. A. road B. stone

C. rope

( ) 41. A. looked B. laughe

d C. called

( ) 42. A. gone B. misse

d C. broken

( ) 43. A. very B. quite

C. even

( ) 44. A. heavy B. dangerou

s C. impossible

( ) 45. A. crying B. smilin

g C. thinking

( ) 46. A. street B. tow

n C. rock

( ) 47. A. surprised B. sa

d C. happy

( ) 48. A. lay B. droppe

d C. ran

( ) 49. A. clever B. stron

g C. brave

( ) 50. A. boy B. hol

e C. way

Ⅲ. Communication

(B) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.

(Li Lei arrives at the school library) Miss Yang – A Li Lei - B

A: (56)_____________________________?

B: I’d like to borrow a now book called Standing Room Only.

A: Standing Room Only? What kind of book is it?

B: It is a book about (57)______________________.

A: I see. Maybe it’s on that shelf. Oh, sorry, we haven’t got one at this mom ent.

B: What a pity! You know, Miss Yang, the world’s population is growing (58)___ __ .So it is in China.

A: Yes, our government now i s doing its best to(59)_____.I think it is very im port ant for everyone. There are also some other books about population, maybe you like one of them.

B: It’s nice talking to you, Miss Yang. Let me see other books (60)___________ _

A: You’re welcome!

Ⅳ.Reading comprehension.


Most of us have seen the full moon rising(升起)over the horizon(地平线). How big the moon seems at this time! Yet hours later, when the full moon is high in the sky above us, it seems to have become much smaller –almost as if a dome (圆盆). In fact, many people do think that the full moon has changed smaller in size(尺寸)in its ride across the night sky.

Scientists have taken photos of the full moon at both its rising time and its l ate-night time. When the diameter(半径)of the moon is measured(测量)in these ph otos, it is exactly the same! The big-moon experience that we have an optical (视觉的)illusion(错觉)-a trick played on our eyes.

An ancient Greek scientist, Ptolemy, supposed that the moon on the horizon look s larg er to us because we are comparing it with trees, buildings, and other th ings along the horizon. Yet, on the open sea-where there are no smaller things with which to compare the rising moon-the sam e optical illusion takes place. M uch more recently, scientists are guessing that the moon looks smaller when it

is high in the sky because most things look smaller when we see them with raise d(抬起的)eyes.

Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.

The full moon seems to have become much 76 when it is high in the sky. The s ize of the full moon at different time of the night is exactly the 77 . The g reat 78 Ptolemy’s idea was not right because be didn’t know that the same illusion(错觉) 79 at sea. From the article, we know the old saying “Seeing i s believing” is 80 .


Ⅰ. 21-25. CACCA 26-30. ACBAC 31-35. ABACA

Ⅱ. 36-40.BACCA 41-45.BACCB 46-50.CACAC

Ⅲ. (B) 56.Can I help you/What can I do for you 57. the world’s popula tion

58. faster and faster 59. slow down the popula tion increase

60. Thanks/Thank you.

Ⅳ. (D) 76. smaller77. same 78. scientist 79. happens 80. true
