




1. Mike and John’s ______.

A. father is a teacher

B. fathers are teachers

C. father are teachers

D. fathers are teacher

2. — Have you finished your composition yet?

— No, give me ten minutes, please.

A. other

B. another

C. more

D. a few

3. He was absent because he had caught ____.

A. heavy a cold

B. the heavy cold

C. a heavy cold

D. heavy cold

4. The teacher is not only strict ____ his pupils but also strict ____ his own work.

A. with, with

B. in, in

C. in, with

D. with, in

5. ___ the parents ____ their daughter have been to Australia.

A. Neither, nor

B. Either, or

C. Both, and

D. Not only, but also

6. We’ll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow.

A. snow

B. snows

C. will snow

D. snowed

7. — Do you like the skirt?

— It _______ soft.

A. is feeling

B. felt

C. feels

D. is felt

8. When I___ to the cinema, the film___ for 5 minutes.

A. got, had been on

B. get, will begin

C. got, had begun

D. got, has been on

9. Tony, would you go and see if Sam has any difficulty ____ his tape recorder?

A. to fix

B. fixing

C. for fixing

D. fix

10. ____around the office, the foreign visitors visited the teaching building.

A. Having shown

B. Showing

C. Has shown

D. Having been shown

11. No sooner _____asleep than she heard a knock at the door.

A. she had fallen

B. had she fallen

C. she had fell

D. had she fell

12. — What do you think of this novel?

— _________

A. I’ve read it.

B. It’s well-written.

C. It was written by my uncle.

D. I bought it yesterday.

13. The number of the people who _______ cars _______ increasing.

A. owns, are

B. owns, is

C. own, is

D. own, are

14. ____ interesting the film is!

A. What

B. What an

C. How a

D. How

15. Joan’s often late for school, _____?

A. i sn’t she

B. hasn’t she

C. wa sn’t she

D. doesn’t she



Most middle school students wear uniforms. Some students like uniforms, 31 others don’t. However, recently, a Japanese government survey 32 that more students in Japan like uniforms now 33 school uniforms are more fashionable (时尚的) than they were before. I surveyed some Japanese students about 34 they thought of school uniforms. I asked them, “Are fashionable uniforms popular or not?” There were lots of different opinions.

Hiromi said, “I like school uniforms because I don’t need 35 clothes every day.

I think that fashionable uniforms are 36 . My high school uniform is fashionable, but there is a 37 : “ Fashionable uniforms are too expensive.”

Miki said that she didn’t like fashionable uniforms because she didn’t want to spend so much money 38 uniforms. She thought that the uniforms should be changed. They should be cheaper and easier to get.

Mitsuaki said, “I don’t like school uniforms because I want to look 39 . I also agree that fashionable uniforms make many students 40 uniforms in high school. If students like fashionable uniforms, it is good.”

( ) 16. A. and B. but C. or D. so

( ) 17. A. shows B. tells C. speaks D. talks

( ) 18. A. before B. when C. because D. so that ( ) 19. A. why B. how C. where D. what

( ) 20. A. choose B. to choose C. choosing D. chose ( ) 21. A. good B. bad C. well D. old

( ) 22. A. question B. word C. thing D. problem ( ) 23. A. in B. for C. on D. at

( ) 24. A. the same B. different C. happy D. same

( ) 25. A. want to wear B. to want to wear C. to want wearing D. to want wear



“Ordinary” was the worst word my mother could find for an ything. I remember her taking me shopping and taking no notice of the shop assistants when they suggested that some dress or pair of shoes was very popular—“we’ve sold fifty already this week”. That was all she needed to hear.

“No”, she would say, “we’ve not interested in that. Haven’t you got something a little more unusual?” And then the assistant would bring out all the strange colors no one else would buy. And later she and I would argue because I wanted to be ordinary but my mother wanted to be unusual.

“I can’t stand that hairdo(发型).”she said, when I went to the hairdresser with my friend and came back with a boy haircut, “It is so terribly ordinary.”Not ugly, not unsuitable. But ordinary …

“Couldn’t you please wear something else?” I asked one day w hen she was dressing for Parents’ Day in tight-fitting bullfighter’s pants and a bright pink sweater.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“It’s just that I wish you’d wear something ordinary,” I said “something that people won’t laugh at.”

She looked at me angrily and then said, “Are you ashamed of your own mother? If you are, Isadora, I feel sorry for you. I really do.”

26. What did the shop assistants expect Isadora’s mother to buy? _________.

A. Something very popular.

B. Styles they had sold out of.

C. Clothes that were cheap.

D. The most unusual clothes.

27. When Isadora had her hair cut in a boy hairstyle, her mother _________.

A. felt happy with it

B. surely disliked it

C. told her to change it

D. thought it was children

28. According to th e passage, we know that Isadora’s mother must be very ________.

A. popular

B. interesting

C. kind-hearted

D. confident

29. The underlined world “It” in this passage most likely means ________.

A. the hairdo

B. the dresser

C. the boy

D. the friend


There are some places in the world where great cities once stood. There were gardens, trees and grass. But now these cities have gone and the places are like deserts. Scientists began to study this land to find out what happened. Many of them believed the land died when the trees were cut down.

Trees help other plants grow and help hold the soil in place. They keep the soil from blowing away. The leaves of trees on the ground keep rainwater from running off. Trees near farms protect growing plants rainwater from running off. Trees near farms protect growing plants from strong winds.

Once there were hundreds of farms in the Southwestern United States. Then the farms turned into fields of dry dust (尘土). Trees might have saved these farms. But few trees grow in the dry Southwest now.

Now we try to save trees. In many places, when a tree is cut down, a new tree is planted in its place. We do not want the land to die.

30. Places where great cities once stood are now like .

A. farms

B. gardens

C. deserts

D. fields

31. What can trees do according to the passage?

A. Trees can keep other plants green.

B. Trees can help other plants grow.

C. Trees can help the land grow.

D. Trees can keep other plants in place.

32. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Trees let the rainwater run off.

B. All the farms in the United States have turned into deserts.

C. There aren’t any trees in the dry Southwest now.

D. Land will die if there are no trees.

33. The main idea of the passage is .

A. that farms are better than cities

B. how farms turned into deserts

C. how farms turned into deserts

D. that trees are important to the land


Mobile phones have become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.

Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.

Mary Bluett, an official, said mobile phone use is a distraction to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.

She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones at school. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t get in touch with their children.

Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies.

Many people say that they understood why parents would want their children to have a mobile phone, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phone.

34. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from ______.

A. the markers and sellers

B. the passers-by and strangers

C. their parents, friends or relatives

D. some mobile phones users

35. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t ______ during school hours.

A. use their mobile phones

B. leave their mobile phones at school office

C. help the teachers with their work

D. get in touch with their children

36. The passage tells us that ____________.

A. student shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except for some special r easons

B. it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at school

C. some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school

D. parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school


37. Many teache rs thought the students shouldn’t have a mobile phone at school

because ______.

A. there weren’t any good reasons

B. they usually cheated during exams

C .the phones were easy to lose and were a distraction

D. the headmaster didn’t agree


A man in Australia had a wonderful bird. There was no other like him. He was very, very clever. This bird could say any word except one. He could not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of that town was Catano. The man tried and tried to teach the bird to say “Catano”. But the bird would not say the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry, “You stupid bird! Why can’t you say

that word? Say ‘Catano’ or I’ll kill you!” But the bird wouldn’t say it. Then the man got so angry tha t he shouted again and again. “Say ‘Catano’ or I’ll kill you!” But the bird would not talk.

One day, after trying many hours to make the bird say “Catano”, the man got very, very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are m ore stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.” In the chicken house there were four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner. The man put the bird there and left.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw! He saw three dead chickens on the floor. The bird was shouting at the fourth chicken, “Say ‘Catano’ or I’ll kill you!”

38. The bird was born ___________.

A. in a city

B. in the town Catano

C. in a town without any name

D. in a chicken house

39. The underlined (划线的) word “stupid”in this reading means _________ in


A. 聪明的

B. 愚蠢的

C. 灵敏的

D. 丑陋的

40. The bird wouldn’t say “Catano” because _________.

A. he hated the place

B. he loved the place

C. he couldn’t say it

D. the man’s teaching way wasn’t so good

41. After reading the story, we are sure ________.

A. the man would kill the bird.

B. the bird would kill the man.

C. the man would love the bird more than before.

D. the bird world kill all the chickens in Australia.


Bamboo (竹子) is one of nature’s most surprising plants. Many people call this plant a tree, but it is a kind of grass.

Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist reported one bamboo plant which grew 1.5 meters (4 feet) in 24 hours! Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world except Europe. There are more than 1,000 kinds of bamboo.

Not all bamboo looks the same. Some bamboo plants are very thin. They may only grow to be a few centimeters wide while others may grow to more than 30 centimeters (1 foot) across. This plant also comes in different colours, from yellow to black to green.

Bamboo has been used to make many things such as hats and kitchen tools. Because it is strong, bamboo is also used to build buildings.

Many Asian countries have used bamboo for hundreds of years. They often use bamboo for buildings and supporting (支撑) new buildings and bridges while they are being built.

In Africa, poor farmers are taught how to find water using bamboo. These African countries need cheap way to find water because they have no money, and their fields often die from no rain and no water. Bamboo pipes (管子) help poor farmers bring

water to their thirsty fields without spending a lot of money.

42. Though you can see bamboo everywhere, it doesn’t grow.

A. in China

B. in Europe

C. on mountains

D. in Africa

43. Why is bamboo used by African poor farmers? Because .

A. it is cheap

B. it has different colors

C. it is strong

D. it has been used by Asians

44. Bamboo pipes can .

A. make money

B. be trees

C. grow quickly

D. carry water

45. In Asia, bamboo has been used for .

A. a short time

B. many thousands of years.

C. many hundreds of years

D. about 100 years

四、补全对话。根据对话内容,在空格中填写一个句子, 使对话完整、正确。(5分)

A: Where were you yesterday?

B: 46

A: Asleep 47

B: I was ill. I had a fever. I couldn’t get out of bed.

A: 48 You should go back to bed.

B: I’m going now. I just came here to speak to my professor.

A: 49

B: He said that I’d be able to take a make-up exam.

A: That’s all right then. 50

B: OK! Thanks.

A. Well, take care of yourself.

B. I think you should go to see a doctor.

C. I was at home asleep.

D. I thought that you had to take an exam.

E. What did he tell you?

F. You still look a little sick.

G. Are you going straight home?

46._______ 47.________ 48._______ 49._______ 50._______


51、I have two grammar books, both of which are of great use.

52、The reason why he didn’t come is that he never got the notice.

53、The old professor still works hard though he is in his sixties.

54、She Hebei Normal university.


55、Smoking to our health.
















Traveling is such a good activity that most of us enjoy it.

Traveling provides us opportunity to enjoy beautiful sceneries. While traveling, we can breathe fresh air, meet different people and make friends with them.

There are many beautiful places in China, for example, the great wall is located in the north of China. It is one of the worlds’ most famous wonders and one of the great creations of the ancient Chinese people.

I’m sure you have hea rd of Fuji Mountain in Japan. It is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Ever year, a number of tourists from other parts of the world go to visit it.

Traveling makes us delighted and healthy; traveling makes us knowledgeable and clever. Let’s enjoy traveling.


一、单项选择(本题共30题,每题2分, 共60分) 1.She is _____ honest girl . A. an B. a C . the D . \ 2.He won’t go ____ it rains . A. but B. that C. if D. and 3.“___ do you go to the park?’ “ Once a week.” A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far 4.---Must I close the window ? ---No, you ________. A.mustn’t B. needn’t C. may not D. can’t 5.He is the man ______ owns the restaurant. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who 6.I don’t think he enjoys ______ at home . A.to stay B. stay C. stays D. staying 7.I’m not used to _______ such a hot food. A.eat B. eating C. eaten D. to be eaten 8.You don’t look ____. You must be ill. A.good B. well C. health D. nicest 9. This is a book _____ by Mark Twain. A.write B. writing C. written D. writes 10.Neither she nor I _____ a teacher. A.is B. are C. am D. be 11. He began to teach _______English last year. A. he B. his C. himself D. he’ s 12. It’s not polite to_______ the others. A. speak to B. help C. laugh at D. talk to 13. —Hello. May I speak to Mike? —____________ . Please call back later. A. Wait a minute B Hold on for a moment C. Speaking D. Sorry, he is out 14. — Miss Ann’s never been to Jingmen before, __________? — Sorry. I’ve no idea. A. is she B. hasn’t she C. isn’t she D. has she 15. There are many trees and flowers on ________side of the street now. A. all B. both C. each D. two 16. He ______ living in the country to the city. A. likes B. prefers C. enjoys D. loves 17. — We’ll go to Qing Yuan Mountain tomorrow. Why_______ join us? —That’s a good idea. A. not B. don’t C. can’t D. didn’t 18. The park is only __________walk from our school. A. ten-minutes B. ten minute’s C. ten minute D. ten minutes’ 19. He often_________ us English stories. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks 20. I’m taller than Bill, but I sit_______________ him. A. at the back of B. behind C. in front of D. far from 21. — We’ll have an English exam tomorrow. — . ______________ A. That’s great B. Good luck to you C. Congratulations D. Glad to hear that 22. The box is very ______. I can’t


四川省2020年高考英语模拟试题及答案(二) (试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 考生注意事项: 1.答卷前,着生务必将自已的姓名、准考证号填写在答題卡上。 2.回蓉选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答題卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷 上无效。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) (略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、BC和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A In 2018 to which we've just said goodbye, we've seen excellent movies such as Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians and A Star Is Born. In 2019 there will be returns to classic movie characters and stories. Here are movies not to miss. Spider-Man-.Far H0- July 5, US Tom Holland, the actor of 2017's Spider-Man: Homecoming, returns to play Peter Parker, a high school student who gains superpowers after being bitten by a spider(蜘蛛). When we see him again in theaters, Spider – Man will have a new red - and – black suit. The movie will take Peter on a global adventure outside of the US. According to Marved Studios President Kevin Feige, Spider - Man will try a return to his “normal" self; he will try to find his old powers on his new journey. Hobbs and Shaw, July 26,US To most people the Fast and Furious series is all about crazy drivers racing in sports car. But in Hobbs and Shaw, humor is added to the action - packed thrills. The new film will hit US theaters on July 26. Famous English actor Jason Statham will star alongside Dwayne Johnson, “The Rock”, as Deckaid Shaw and Luke Hobbs respectively, as in their previous appearances in Fast and Furious 8. The action and chemistry really thrill their audience. But the new action scenes between an MI6 agent Hobbs and the killer Shaw will have to be good to beat their stand - off in the 2017 movie. The Lion King, July 19, US



2015年四川省高考数学试卷(理科) 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的。 1.(5分)(2015?四川)设集合A={x|(x+1)(x ﹣2)<0},集合B={x|1<x <3},则A ∪B=( ) A . {x|﹣1<x <3} B . {x|﹣1<x <1} C . {x|1<x <2} D . {x|2<x <3} 考点: 并集及其运算. 专题: 函数的性质及应用. 分析: 求解不等式得出集合A={x|﹣1<x <2}, 根据集合的并集可求解答案.

点评: 本题考查了复数的运算,掌握好运算法则即可,属于计算题. 3.(5分)(2015?四川)执行如图所示的程序框图,输出s 的值为( ) A . ﹣ B . C . ﹣ D . 考点: 程序框图. 专题 图表型;算法和程序框图.

: 分析: 模拟执行程序框图,依次写出每次循环得到的k 的值,当k=5时满足条件k >4,计算并输出S 的值为. 解答: 解:模拟执行程序框图,可得 k=1 k=2 不满足条件k >4,k=3 不满足条件k >4,k=4 不满足条件k >4,k=5 满足条件k >4,S=sin =, 输出S 的值为. 故选:D . 点评: 本题主要考查了循环结构的程序框图,属于基础题. 4.(5分)(2015?四川)下列函数中,最小正周期为π且图象关于原点对称的函数是( ) A . y=cos (2x+) B . y=sin (2x+) C y=sin2x+cos2x D y=sinx+cosx


机密★启封并使用完毕前 四川省2014年普通高校职教师资和高职班对口招生统一考试 英语 本试题卷分第I卷(共两部分)和第II卷(共三节)。第I卷1-9页,第II卷9-10页,共10页。考生作答时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。满分100分。考试时间120分钟。考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷(共两部分共70分) 注意事项:1. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔在答题卡上将所选答案对应的标号涂黑。 2. 第I卷共两部分,共70分。 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节;满分30分) 第一节单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Chengdu is _______ beautiful city.It's _______ capital of Sichuan. A.a;a B.the;the C./;the D.a;the 2. https://www.360docs.net/doc/b01851734.html, is a popular website _______ people can sell and buy goods conveniently. A. which B. where C. what D. that 3. —Sorry, I’m not feeling well and I don’t think I can finish it. —Don’t worry. Let us do it for you, ____? A. will you B. shall we C. shan’t we D. shall you 4. —Is the lady in a blue dress our English teacher? —Yes. Let’s go and say hello to ______. A. she B. he C. her D. hers 5. —This dress is last year’s style. — I think it still looks perfect ______ it has gone out this year. A. so that B. even though C. as if D. ever since 6. This is the best hotel in the city ____ I know. A. which B. that C. where D. it 7. The train leaves ____ 6: 00 p. m. So I have to be at the station ____ 5:40 p. m. at the latest. A. at; until B. for; after C. at; by D. before; around 8. — _______ the weather like last Monday? — It was sunny. A. How was B. What’s C. What was D. How is 9. We _________ this recorder for five hundred yuan. A. paid B. bought C. cost D. spent 10. —Do you know our town at all? —No. This is the first time I __________ here. A. am coming B. came C. have been D. was 11. ________ people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day. A. Several millions B. Many millions C. a millions D. Millions of


2017年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题(模拟试题) 英语 本试题满分100分,考试时间120分钟。考生必须在答题卡上答题,在试题纸、草稿纸上答题无效。 I、语音(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其画线部分与所给单词的画线部分读音相同的 选项,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. cat A. take B. made C. have D. same 2. school A. foot B. food C. stood D. wood 3. hear A. dear B. hear C. pear D. earth 4. short A. word B. work C. worst D. worn 5. honor A. house B. hospital C. hour D. hurry Ⅱ、词汇与语法(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 6. There are on the table. A. two glasses of water B. two glass of milks C. a glass of milk D. two glasses of milks 7. I am used to TV in the evening. A. watch B. watched C. watches D. watching 8. Go and before you do your homework. A. has a sleep B. have a sleep C. had a sleep D. slept 9. She has never told a lie, . A. has she B. doesn't she C. hasn’t she D. isn't she 10. There is in the word “hone st”. A. a B. the C. an D. X 11. Mr. Black arrived in Shanghai 12:45 August20,2007. A. at, on B. to C. at, In D. in, on 12. When I passed Mary's house, she the flowers. A. is watering B. was watering C. waters D. watered 13.He here if it tomorrow A. will stay, will rain B. will stay, rain C. stays, rains D. stayed, rained 14. Neither the girls nor the teacher going to visit Nanjing on Sunday. A. are B. be C. were D. is 15. I don’t know I should say. A. what B. where C. be D. are 16. he had cleaned the classroom, he left school. A. Before B. When C. After D. If 17. She asked me whether I up with the others already. A. had held B. was holding C. had caught D. was catching 8. This book is interesting than that one. A. much more B. more much C. many more D. more many 19. You don't have to hurry and there is time. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 20. It's a n urse’s duty after patients. A. to look B. to looking C. looks D. look 21. Let me congratulate you on the entrance exam. A. you pass B. to pass C. passing D. pass 22.--W hy isn’t he in? --He to the hospital. A. must go B. can go C. must be D. many have gone 23. Any was the girl who they about all the time. A. were talked B. had been talking C. had been talked D. had talked 24. There are days In a year. A. three- hundred-sixth-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundreds and sixty- fives D. three hundred and sixty-five 25. How many English words you the end of last term? A. do, learn B. are, learned C. had, learned D. are, learning 26. He told me he forgot all of the . A. telephone numbers B. telephones number C. telephones number D. telephone number 27. September 10th is Day. A. Teacher's B. Teachers’ C. Teacher D. Teachers 28. China is famous her Great Wall. A. as B. to C. for D. of 29. My mother is ill this week, so . A. is my father B. does my father C. has my father D. will my father. 30. The glass by my little dog just now. A. broken B. is broken C. is broken D. was broken Ⅲ.完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并用2B铅 笔在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


四川省成都七中2020届高三英语三诊模拟试题 考试时间:120 分钟满分:150 分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、姓名、班级、准考证号填写在答题卡上相应的位置; 2.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效; 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案用0.5毫米黑色笔迹签字笔写在答题卡上。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 答案是 C。 1.What do we know about the man? A. He wants to read more books. B.He gets high marks at school. C.He doesn’t agree with the woman. 2.Who is the man? A.The woman's husband. B. The woman's boss. C. A policeman. 3.Where is the bus station? A.It's near the post office. B.It’s two blocks down the street. C.It’s on the right side of the street. 4.To whom is the woman probably speaking? A.A salesman. B. A manager. C. A repairman. 5.What is the woman’s advantage to do the job? A. She has a lot of kids. B.She has work experience. C.She is strong enough for the job. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中


2016年四川省高考数学试卷(理科) 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的. 1.(5分)设集合A={x|﹣2≤x≤2},Z为整数集,则A∩Z中元素的个数是()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 2.(5分)设i为虚数单位,则(x+i)6的展开式中含x4的项为() A.﹣15x4B.15x4 C.﹣20ix4D.20ix4 3.(5分)为了得到函数y=sin(2x﹣)的图象,只需把函数y=sin2x的图象上所有的点() A.向左平行移动个单位长度B.向右平行移动个单位长度 C.向左平行移动个单位长度 D.向右平行移动个单位长度 4.(5分)用数字1,2,3,4,5组成没有重复数字的五位数,其中奇数的个数为() A.24 B.48 C.60 D.72 5.(5分)某公司为激励创新,计划逐年加大研发资金投入.若该公司2015年全年投入研发资金130万元,在此基础上,每年投入的研发资金比上一年增长12%,则该公司全年投入的研发资金开始超过200万元的年份是() (参考数据:lg1.12=0.05,lg1.3=0.11,lg2=0.30) A.2018年B.2019年C.2020年D.2021年 6.(5分)秦九韶是我国南宋时期的数学家,普州(现四川省安岳县)人,他在所著的《数书九章》中提出的多项式求值的秦九韶算法,至今仍是比较先进的算法.如图所示的程序框图给出了利用秦九韶算法求某多项式值的一个实例,若输入n,x的值分别为3,2,则输出v的值为()

A.9 B.18 C.20 D.35 7.(5分)设p:实数x,y满足(x﹣1)2+(y﹣1)2≤2,q:实数x,y满足, 则p是q的() A.必要不充分条件 B.充分不必要条件 C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 8.(5分)设O为坐标原点,P是以F为焦点的抛物线y2=2px(p>0)上任意一点,M是线段PF上的点,且|PM|=2|MF|,则直线OM的斜率的最大值为()A.B.C.D.1 9.(5分)设直线l1,l2分别是函数f(x)=图象上点P1,P2处 的切线,l1与l2垂直相交于点P,且l1,l2分别与y轴相交于点A,B,则△PAB 的面积的取值范围是() A.(0,1) B.(0,2) C.(0,+∞)D.(1,+∞) 10.(5分)在平面内,定点A,B,C,D满足==,


2018年四川省对口高职班高考模拟试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷1至10页,第II卷11至12页。考生作答时,须将答案答在答题卷上。在本试卷、草稿纸上答题无效。考试时间90分钟,满分100分。祝同学们考试成功! 第Ⅰ卷(共两部分满分70分) 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节;满分30分) 第一节单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共15小题,计15分) 1、I usually ride ____ bike to school. But this morning, I went to school by ____bus. A.a; the B. the; a C. /;a D. a; / 2、mother is a worker. A. Mary and Mike’s B. Mary’s and Mike’s C. Mary’s and Mike D. Mary and Mike 3、Chengdu is most beautiful city in spring. A.the B. / C. a D. one 4、He often has ____ for breakfast. A. two breads B. two piece of breads C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads 5、John has failed 4 times. He will never give up ________ fifth time. A. a B. the C. an D. / 6、Fashion belongs _______ not only the young, but also______ old. A. in; a B. for; the C. /; an D. to; the 7. Uncle Tom will come to visit _____ next Saturday. A. we https://www.360docs.net/doc/b01851734.html, C.our D.ours 8. I have two _______ and three bottles of _________ here. A. orange, orange B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges 9. ____ he ____ football two days ago? A. Does , play B. Did , played C. Do, play D. Did , play 10.Every evening Mr. King takes a _________ to his home . A. 25 minutes’ walk B. 25 minute’s walk C. 25 minute walk D. 25 minutes walk 11. I won’t go there with you, for I have a lot of to do. A. working B. job C. works D. work 12. When spring comes, _____trees are planted in our city. A . a million of B . millions of C. two millions D. million of 13. A group of _________ are talking with two ___________. A. Frenchmen; Germans B. Germans; Frenchmans C. Frenchmans; Germen D. Germen; Frenchmen 14.it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 15. —What are you going to do next Sunday? —. A.I’m sorry B. Here you are C. I’ve no idea D. That’s all right 第二节语言应用(共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分) Part A 根据下列图片所提供的信息,从16~22题所给的三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 16.From the sign, we may know that . A.The fire may go out from the door B.We cannot get out from the door because the door is closed C.We can get out from the door only when there is a fire danger 17.From the Wants Ads, Jane can apply a job as a(n) . A.cashier B. patient C. experienced worker


呼和浩特职业学院《大学英语2》期末考试试题(A)___________学院(部) 2015 ~2016 学年度第一学期年级专业:姓名:学号:_____________ Ⅰ.Choose the best item to complete each sentence(1分×15) 1. "The fire is in Main Street." John said to the man, "The New Hotel is _________." A. on fire B. in fire C. by fire D. at fire 2. The old man ____________ and missed the train. A. slept over B. slept C. slept in D. slept out 3. Let me give you _________. A. some advice B. advices C. an advice D. the advice [ 4. —Hi, Mary, you look very tired, —Yeah, I _________ for a whole week. A. worked B. had worked C. have worked D. have been working 5. After her marriage, she couldn't devote herself totally _____ music. A. for B. in C. to D. into 6. Your education is bound _____ your world view. A. changing B. to change C. change D. exchange 7 What's the ______ between you and that woman A. relate B. relationship C. wrong D. relating 8. He is _______ she will pass the final exam with good grades. … A. confidence B. confident C. surely D. confidently 9. She was ______ when she heard the good news. A. delighting B. pleasing C. exciting D. delighted 10. He must be from Africa, _______ can be seen from his teeth and skin.


普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(四川卷) 英语 本试题卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)。第Ⅰ卷至8页,第Ⅱ卷9至10页, 共10页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。考生作答时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草纸上答题不小。考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回 第一节第Ⅰ卷(选择题共90分) 注意事项: 1.必须使用2B铅笔在答题卡上将所选答案对应的标号涂黑 2.第Ⅰ卷共两部分,共计90分。 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,共40分) 第一节单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 1.—Sorry, I forgot to lock the door. —______ .Mike can do it later. A.No way B. Take your time C. Nothing serious D. You're welcome 2.You _____be careful with the camera. It costs! A .must B. may C. can D.will 3.The books on the desk, covers are shiny,are prizes for us. A.which B.what C.whose D.that 4.More expressways in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy. A.are being built B.will be built C.have been built D.had been built 5.Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be Beethoven. A.a B.an C.the D.不填 6.There is only one more day to go your favorite music group play live. A.since B. until C.when D. before 7.Andy is content with the toy.It is he has ever got. A.a better B.the better C.a best D.the best 8.The exhibition tells us we should do something to stop air pollution. A.where B.why C.what D.which 9.Little Tom sat watching the monkey dancing in front of him. A.amaze B.amazing C.amazed D.to amaze 10.Niki is always full of ideas,but is useful to my knowledge. A.nothing B.no one C.neither D.none 第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) My previous home had a stand of woods behind it and many animals in the backyard.That first year,I__11_feeding peanuts to the blue jays,then the squirrels.The squirrels had no__12__coming up right to me for them.As the months went by ,the rabbits saw that I was no 13 and didn’t escape.When I threw carrot slices(薄片),they even came for a nibble(啃).Slowly they came to_14___me,and by the end of the year they were eating out of my hand. That second year,the rabbits__15___me,and one would even sit up for slices!While I was feeding them,I__16__that a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an____17__interest in this food situation.I carefully extended a long____18__,with a keen eye on those teeth,and __19_,there were times I would have the groundhog sitting next to a rabbit,both munching(津津有味地咀嚼) on carrots.A few months later,while ___20___,she would even turn her back to me.___21_when she was facing away,I reached out and ___22__scratched(搔)her back with my finger,She didn’t move. By year three,the rabbits and the groundhog were back.The groundhog ___23__didn’t have a problem with me scratching her back,and I got an ides,I’d always___24__,while slicing up carrots,that the end looked like a cap.____25___one day,just to see what she would do ,I gently ____26__ one on top of the groundhog’s head.Again,not a ___27__,The next time, I had my camera ready to record what you see here,one of several dozen such pictures,____28___she had a slice to eat,she never ___29___ the one on her head.It was a fair __30__ —I got a pleasure,and she had yet another tasty treat.


2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(四川卷) 数学(理工类) 参考公式: 如果事件互斥,那么球的表面积公式 ()()() P A B P A P B +=+2 4 S R p = 如果事件相互独立,那么其中R表示球的半径 ()()() P A B P A P B ?g球的体积公式 如果事件A在一次试验中发生的概率是p,那么3 4 3 V R p = 在n次独立重复试验中事件A恰好发生k次的概率其中R表示球的半径 ()(1)(0,1,2,,) k k n k n n P k C p p k n - =-=… 第一部分(选择题共60分) 注意事项: 1、选择题必须使用2B铅笔将答案标号涂在机读卡上对应题目标号的位置上。 2、本部分共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。 一、选择题:每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1、7 (1)x +的展开式中2x的系数是() A、42 B、35 C、28 D、21 2、复数 2 (1) 2 i i - =() A、1 B、1 - C、i D、i- 3、函数 29 ,3 ()3 ln(2),3 x x f x x x x ?- < ? =- ? ?-≥ ? 在3 x=处的极限是() A、不存在 B、等于6 C、等于3 D、等于0 4、如图,正方形ABCD的边长为1,延长BA至E,使1 AE=,连接EC、ED则sin CED ∠=() A B 5、函数 1 (0,1) x y a a a a =->≠的图象可能是()

6、下列命题正确的是( ) A 、若两条直线和同一个平面所成的角相等,则这两条直线平行 B 、若一个平面内有三个点到另一个平面的距离相等,则这两个平面平行 C 、若一条直线平行于两个相交平面,则这条直线与这两个平面的交线平行 D 、若两个平面都垂直于第三个平面,则这两个平面平行 7、设a r 、b r 都是非零向量,下列四个条件中,使|||| a b a b =r r r r 成立的充分条件是( ) A 、a b =-r r B 、//a b r r C 、2a b =r r D 、//a b r r 且||||a b =r r 8、已知抛物线关于x 轴对称,它的顶点在坐标原点O ,并且经过点0(2,)M y 。若点M 到该抛物线焦点的距离为3,则||OM =( ) A 、22 B 、3、4 D 、59、某公司生产甲、乙两种桶装产品。已知生产甲产品1桶需耗A 原料1千克、B 原料2千克;生产乙产品1桶需耗A 原料2千克,B 原料1千克。每桶甲产品的利润是300元,每桶乙产品的利润是400元。公司在生产这两种产品的计划中,要求每天消耗A 、B 原料都不超过12千克。通过合理安排生产计划,从每天生产的甲、乙两种产品中,公司共可获得的最大利润是( ) A 、1800元 B 、2400元 C 、2800元 D 、3100元 10、如图,半径为R 的半球O 的底面圆O 在平面α内,过点O 作平面α的垂线交半球面于点A ,过圆O 的直径CD 作平面α成45 o 角的平面与半球面相交,所得交线上到平面α的距离最大的点为 B ,该交线上的一点P 满足60BOP ∠=o ,则A 、P 两点间的球面 距离为( ) A 、2R 、4R π C 、3R 、3 R π 11、方程2 2 ay b x c =+中的,,{3,2,0,1,2,3}a b c ∈--,且,,a b c 互不相同,在所有这些方程所表示的曲线中,不同的抛物线共有( ) A 、60条 B 、62条 C 、71条 D 、80条 α C A O D B P
