


is a unit of thought composed of sentences,smaller units of thought,that relate to a single topic.Paragraph divisions serve two very useful functions 2.A good paragraph is composed 组成 in such a way that it has :


idea with nothing in the paragraph not covered by the topic

it explores the main idea explicitly and

concretely,with plenty of details,examples,and explanations

3.has sound internal structure.The qualities that indicate sound internal structure are unity,coherence,and completeness.

4.怎样做到内容一致An excellent way of achieving unity

is by means of the topic sentence.Properly used,the topic sentence forces the writer to adhere to and to sustain the point he is trying to establish

5.标题句 the topic sentence properly used can achieve unity in the paragraph,which indicate the importance of the topic sentence;②the topic sentence


In short,a good topic sentence has a limited subject and a sharp focus,namely,a good topic sentence is not too general nor too narrow.A topic sentence that is too general requires much more than a paragraph to develop it.A coherence is connection and consistency.A coherent paragraph is one in which all the sentence are related logically and grammatically to make a whole that allows the reader to follow the writer’s train of thought step by step

8.第三个写作常识 Just as topic sentences

help readers follow our ideas,other signals also help them understand what we have to say.When we write and when we revise,look for the areas that seem choppy or unconnected —that lack coherence.We can establish better coherence by using the following devices:pronoun reference,repetition ,and in a paragraph means that the topic is adequately developed by details,explanations,definitions,evidences,and the like,so that the reader is not left with only a fuzzy idea of what the writer means

1第四个写作常识:Development of the main idea, then, is like enlarging a photograph to make the details clearer. So, development in the paragraph is as important as unity and coherence between skillful development helps us to stick to our subject and focus and to keep up the sense of oneness.

2Inductive Pattern (归纳法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the inductive pattern of reasoning the writer presents particular instances of a like kind and leads them into valid generalization which serves as his topic sentence.

3Deductive Pattern (演绎法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the deductive pattern the writer begins with a generalization(the topic sentence) and proceeds with specific elaboration or application of the general idea.

4Inductive-deductive Pattern(归纳演绎法):As the name indicates, in developing a paragraph by means of inductive-deductive pattern the writer first presents particular instances and a resulting generalization, then applies the generalization to a new instance. 5第五个写作常识:Sequences of development are not independent of types of development. The most important sequences of development are general to particular, particular to general, climactic, chronological, and spatial.

6Climactic Sequence (层递顺序):In a climactic sequence, the most intense or highest point of interest is saved for the final sentence, which may be, but is not necessarily, the topic sentence.

7.Chronological Sequence (时间顺序):A chronological sequence is one in which earlier things precede later things; items are listed in the order in which they occur in time. The most obvious use of a chronological sequence is in telling a story. 8Spatial Sequence (空间顺序):A spatial sequence is used in descriptions of various types. It starts the reader at a particular point and then moves logically in some direction, from one place to another.

9第六个写作常识:The type of development is the way in which the main idea is supported-by details, definitions, statements of cause and effect, and so on.

10段落展开方式:Among the most important types of paragraph development are development by detail, comparison and contrast, process, classification and partition, cause and effect, definition, and mixed development.

11Development by Comparison and Contrast (比较和对比):①a comparison shows how two or more things are alike; ②a contrast shows how they are different.

12Development by Division and Classification (分类法和归类法):Dividing and classifying information is central to the writing process. When we divide, we begin with a whole, a complete body of information or one idea, and break it into its parts. When we classify, we begin with many small observations and sort them into categories on the basis

of their similarities.

13第七个写作常识:Causal analysis involves the ability to see cause and effect relationships between two elements. In order to arrive at a cause, we need to distinguish among three kinds: necessary, sufficient and contributory.

14第八个写作常识:Definitions are particularly important for limiting the intended meaning of abstract or technical terms. There are two types of definition: formal definition and extended definition. Formal definition includes the term itself, the class it belongs to, and the details that distinguish it from other items in its class.

15第九个写作常识:As we have seen, a single paragraph often contains more than one type of development. Almost any kind of paragraph may include examples or illustrations. The important thing is to avoid switching abruptly and apparently without reason from one kind of development to another in the middle of a paragraph.

16第十个写作常识:The introduction is probably the most important part of an essay. The introduction should agree in tone and style with the rest of the essay. It should be a natural part of it, not a different construction grafted on the top.


大学英语写作课怎么上 要上好大学英语写作课除了积累经验以外还要吸取别人的授课方法。下面是给大家整理的大学英语写作课怎么上,供大家参阅! 大学英语写作课怎么上1 关键,备课环节 上好大学英语写作课,关键是备好课,俗话说“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,从中引申出来意思就是准备工作容不得半点马虎。备好课主要做到备课程、备学生、备方法。一要备好课程。我们知道,单列的写作课往往只有几节课,且安排在学期末;可以说,写作课是检验学生一学期的课程内容的标尺,包括学生的单词积累、逻辑思维和行文习惯。因此,在备课时,笔者目的明确,所教的写作内容决不允许局限于课本的例题,而要在各种文体(说明文、论说文和应用文)上加料,突出主题延伸;如笔者在备书信写作课时,就会把书信的各种类别找出来,并自己归纳其格式;;日期的写法+称呼+内容+结束语。二要备好学生。大学生写作水平参差不齐,层次有上中下,必须采取的策略是抓小放大促中间,达到教学的总体均衡;具体操作是备课内容重点放在学习层次较为一般的中下层学生,容易的题目占比增大,体现为从易到难、由有感性向理性逐渐过渡;同时积极参阅历年全国大学语言四六级考试真题,参考《大学英语实用写作课程》[1]等教辅,使得备课内容切合实际、内涵丰富,学生能既能“吃饱”,又容易消化。如我采编的写作常用过渡词(学生运用起来方便快捷),(1)

对照/but、whereas、however ……(2)让步/nevertheless、although……(3) 原因/because 、since 、for ……(4)结果/so、thus、hence等等。三要备好方法。针对不同的写作课程内容,采用不同的教学方法备课:描写文和记叙文写作课程;;讲授法、探究法,论说文;;讲授法、练习法,应用文;;探究法、讨论法;并利用PowerPoint或Authorware软件将课程内容制作幻灯片,加插动画、视频、音频和解说手段,力求内容生动、直观、有趣,学生容易接受。 2 重心,施教环节 我们知道,教学目标的实现很大程度上依赖课间教学。为实现成果转化的最大性,笔者会在课堂上采用各种不同的教学法或多种教学法穿插进行。特别在讲授应用文写作时笔者多采用探究启发式教学法,因为应用文类别多、各有格式,导致学生很容易混淆。 谈大学英语写作教学中的几点体会一、大学英语写作教学的现状分析1、对英语写作重视程度欠缺 在大学英语教学中,仍然是教师占主导地位,在语言知识的输入与输出地关系上,大多数学校的学生仍然是被动的知识接受者,即所获取的语言知识大多是听力、阅读等输入型的言语信息,一旦接触到语言输出环节(说和写),学生就会感觉到力不从心。 在教学环节中,从教师的角度来看,在听说课上,他们的主要精力用于对学生听的训练,而让学生说的机会甚少;在读写课上,由于课堂时间所限,教师将大部分时间用来传授基本的语法知识和词汇用


1.段落解释: is a unit of thought composed of sentences,smaller units of thought,that relate to a single topic.Paragraph divisions serve two very useful functions 2.A good paragraph is composed 组成 in such a way that it has : idea with nothing in the paragraph not covered by the topic explores the main idea explicitly and concretely,with 3.第一个写作常识has sound internal structure.The qualities that indicate sound internal structure are unity,coherence,and completeness. 4.怎样做到内容一致An excellent way of achieving unity is by means of the topic sentence.Properly used,the topic sentence forces the writer to adhere to and to sustain the point he is trying to establish 5.标题句① the topic sentence properly used can achieve unity in the paragraph,which indicate the importance of the topic sentence;②the topic sentence 6.第二个写作常识 In short,a good topic sentence has a limited subject and a sharp focus,namely,a good topic sentence is not too general nor too narrow.A topic sentence that is too general requires much more than a paragraph to develop it.A topic sentence that is too narrow leaves little to be said in the rest of the coherence is connection and consistency.A coherent paragraph is one in which all the sentence are related logically and grammatically to make a whole that allows the reader to follow the writer’s train of thought step by step 8.第三个写作常识 Just as topic sentences help readers follow our ideas,other signals also help them understand what we have to say.When we write and when we revise,look for the areas that seem choppy or unconnected—that lack coherence.We can establish better coherence by using the following devices:pronoun reference,repetition ,and in a paragraph means that the topic is adequately developed by details,explanations,definitions,evidences,and the like,so that the reader is not left with only a fuzzy idea of what the writer means 1第四个写作常识:Development of the main idea, then, is like enlarging a photograph to make the details clearer. So, development in the paragraph is as important as unity and coherence between skillful development helps us to stick to our subject and focus and to keep up the sense of oneness. 2Inductive Pattern (归纳法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the inductive pattern of reasoning the writer presents particular instances of a like kind and leads them into valid generalization which serves as his topic sentence. 3Deductive Pattern (演绎法概念):In developing a paragraph by means of the deductive pattern the writer begins with a generalization(the topic sentence) and proceeds with specific elaboration or application of the general idea. 4Inductive-deductive Pattern(归纳演绎法):As the name indicates, in developing a paragraph by means of inductive-deductive pattern the writer first presents particular instances and a resulting generalization, then applies the generalization to a new instance.5第五个写作常识:Sequences of development are not independent of types of development. The most important sequences of development are general to particular, particular to general, climactic, chronological, and spatial. 6Climactic Sequence (层递顺序):In a climactic sequence, the most intense or highest point of interest is saved for the final sentence, which may be, but is not necessarily, the topic sentence. 7.Chronological Sequence (时间顺序):A chronological sequence is one in which earlier things precede later things; items are listed in the order in which they occur in time. The most obvious use of a chronological sequence is in telling a story. 8Spatial Sequence (空间顺序):A spatial sequence is used in descriptions of various types. It starts the reader at a particular point and then moves logically in some direction, from one place to another. 9第六个写作常识:The type of development is the way in which the main idea is supported-by details, definitions, statements of cause and effect, and so on. 10段落展开方式:Among the most important types of paragraph development are development by detail, comparison and contrast, process, classification and partition, cause and effect, definition, and mixed development.


第一单元语法部分参考答案 PART III GRAMMAR Subject- Verb Agreement When the subject is compound Reference for the Classroom Activities Summary: 1. A compound subject with and takes a plural verb in most cases, but when it expresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects is considered individually, it takes a singular verb. 2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either…or, neither…nor, not …but,the verb agrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject. 3.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctions do not affect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced by prepositions or prepositional phrases such as well as, as much as, rather than, along with in addition to, together with, with, plus, and including. When the subject expresses quantity Reference for the Classroom Activities All the sentences are correct. Summary: 1.Nominal phrases of time, money, weight and measurement normally take a singular verb. 2.Some words or phrases, such as all, most, alf, the last, the rest, take a singular or plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows. 3.Phrases lik e lots of, heaps of , loads of take singular or plural verbs depending on the form of the nouns that follow. 4.In sentences with more than one or many a modifying the subject nouns, the verb should take a singular form though it is plural in meaning. When the subject is a relative pronoun, a what-clause, or in the there-be structure Reference for the Classroom Activities


Figures of speech 1 metaphor Metaphor involves a comparison between two or more unlike things which share at least one property on characteristic in common, but the comparison is implied or condensed 2 personification Writing about a nonhuman thing as if it were human 3 metonymy The substitution of the name of one thing for that of another 4 parallelism Employ the deliberate arrangement of a succession of parallel constitution to achieve emphasis 5 climax Climax is a rhetorical device which arranges a succession of thought according to the rate of significance or interesting like the steps of a ladder ascending events. 6 hyperbole Hyperbole is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis 7 simile makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. 8 irony achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense. 9 analogy a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance. 10 understatement It is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement. It achieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately understating it, impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement. To understand what the definition of the figure of speech and to analyze its function in a certain sentence


Unit 1 1.一次难忘的经历,帮助陌生人或者被陌生人帮助(250) One weekend morning, while walking on a bustling street with a light heart, I was suddenly overtaken by a startling moan. Turning around, I discovered the sound was coming from a black mass in a corner. “What?s that?” My heart pounded heavily. I went up and saw a human being, alive but in a dreadful state. He was crouching on the ground with deformed hands and legs, mumbling something. He had obviously lostthe normal ability to move and work. A dirty plate was placed in front the miserable-looking man, in which there were some coins and small notes. As my eyes were drift ing away from him, his eyes caught mine suddenly. What eyes they were! Filled with misery and expectation, they were looking straight at me. He was unable to speak, but I seemed to hear his pleading voice and read his despairing mind. His look seemed to be telling me about his hard life and his longing for help. For a while, I was at a loss what to do.Should I drop some coins in the plate like some other passers-by or turn away in indifference? I recalled news reports about men pretending to be beggars, who were actually healthy and able to work. Could this be another one of those scams? But the beggar was there, groaning and living. Then something seemed to hit me hard. I drew a five-yuan note from my pocket, dropped it in his dirty plate and walked away quickly in silence. “No good deed is too small.” Maybe we need to bear this saying in mind. 一个周末的早晨,当我心情轻松地走在熙熙攘攘的街道上时,突然听到一声令人吃惊的呻吟。我转过身来,发现那声音来自角落里的一团黑色的东西。“什么”?我的心砰砰直跳。我走上前去,看见一个人,还活着,但却处于一种可怕的状态。他蹲在地上,手脚都变形了,嘴里咕哝着什么。他明显丧失了正常的行动和工作能力。一个肮脏的盘子被放在一个看起来很可怜的人面前,里面有一些硬币和小纸条。当我的眼睛渐渐离开他时,他的眼睛突然抓住了我的眼睛。什么眼睛他们!充满了痛苦和期待,他们直视着我。他说不出话来,但我似乎听到了他恳求的声音,看出了他绝望的心情。他的表情似乎在告诉我他的艰难生活和他对帮助的渴望。有一段时间,我不知所措。我应该像其他路人一样往盘子里扔一些硬币,还是漠然地转过身去?我想起了一些新闻报道,说有男人假装乞丐,其实他们很健康,还能工作。这是另一个骗局吗?但乞丐在那里,呻吟着,生活着。然后,似乎有什么东西狠狠地砸了我一下。我从口袋里掏出一张五元的钞票,扔进他脏兮兮的盘子里,一言不发地迅速走开了。 “善行不嫌小。”也许我们需要记住这句话。 2.关于社会中人际关系(150) We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars; we do not talk to strangers, let alone go out of our way to help them; we live in fear of fake products. In short, fear and feelings of insecurity fill the environment we live in. All this greatly harms our society. Growing up in such an environment, we tend to feel


PART III GRAMMARp -ing and -ed forms of verbs Reference for the Classroom Activities 1)That woman who is laughing is my mother. 2)Finally they found the treasure that had been hidden. 3)This is the place that is most frequently reported in the press. 4)The boy who was enchanted stared at the screen, mouth wide open. Now, ask students to summarize the use of the -ing and -ed forms as modifiers Summary 1.The –ing form of a verb is used when the action described by the verb continues to happen or when the relationship between the modified and the verb is active. 2.The –ed form of a verb is used when the action is completed at the time another action occurs or when the relationship between the modified and the verb is passive. Nouns Reference for the Classroom Activities 1).development of career educators 2). readjustment of the flight timetable 3). money problems of high-school art education 4). country for family vacation 5). the study of the growth of childhood personality Now, ask students to summarize the rules of using nouns as modifiers. Summary Nouns can be put ahead of another noun as its modifiers in English; but too many nouns clustered can cause ambiguity and misunderstanding. Very often the maximum of nouns as modifiers is two, though sometimes this number may be exceeded. So the guiding principle for noun modifiers is that they shouldn pose too much difficulty to the reader’s comprehension.


《英语写作基础教程》讲义 Chapter 1 Using Proper Words Choice of words build up a large vocabulary the recognition vocabulary the active vocabulary 2. Approaches to the building up a vocabulary Learning words from a word-list or from a dictionary. (2) Learning words from speech and writing (context) E.g. Kill He killed the man. He killed the dog. They killed the proposal. Please kill the engine. She is dressed to kill. You are killing me. She killed her child with kindness. He took a snack to kill his hungry. He killed every day at the park. He killed himself with overwork He killed the spirit of the group. The news killed their hope. These flowers kill easily. He killed three bottle of Whisky in a week. Kill one ’s appetite Kill peace Kill the mood Kill marriage II. Using words correctly 1.overcome Chinglish 2. Beware of archaisms, obsolete words, anachronisms and newly-coined words Words or meaning of words which are no longer in common used but occur in special text (e.g. Religious works) and poetry are called archaic. Words or meaning which have gone out of use altogether are called obsolete. Words that are inappropriate for the time about which one is writing are called anachronisms 3.Avoid slang Chapter 2 Make Correct and Effective Sentences 1. Basic elements of a sentence 2. what is a sentence? 3. Typical English sentence pattern: Subject +predicate


通州中专通州电大2011-2012学年第一学期 经贸外语部08大专商务英语班级英语写作基础学科 期终考试试卷 班级姓名学号得分 全部题目用英文作答。 I.重写句子(15 points,1.5points each) Revise the following sentences according to the requirement. Example: The history of English words in the history of our civilization in many ways.(periodic sentence) In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization. 1.I like roller-skating. I like ice-skating better.(compound sentence) 2.If you sit by the window facing the sun on a sunny winter day, you may feel nice and warm.(loose sentence) 3.Mary put the steak on the grill. The charcoal was burning evenly.(complex sentence) 4.His valuable papers were destroyed in the fire. Tom called the insurance company.(complex sentence) 5.I asked my friend if we should tip the driver when the bus tour ended.(periodic sentence) 6.Your uncle married my aunt. He is rich. She is poor.(simple sentence) 7.Jerry is smart. He should be able to handle eighteen credits this semester.(compound sentence) 8.I returned to school following a long illness. The math teacher gave me make-up work to do, but the history teacher made me drop her course.(compound-complex sentence) 9.Jack applied for a job. He went for an interview. He was hired.(parallel structure) 10.Meet me in the courtyard for dessert when you finish doing the dishes.(periodic sentence) II.改写病句(15 points,3 points each) Correct the errors in the following sentences. 11.The rain might last for a while, clouds covered the entire sky. 12.In the evening we would swim in the lake and dancing afterward. 13.That woman just bought her dog a milk shake in a red skirt. 14.To pass the course, your term paper must be handed in on time. 15.Harry wouldn’t make a good negotiator he doesn’t have the patience. III.标出主题句(15 points,5 points each) 16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the choice in the blank. A.I eat a lot of homemade ice cream. B. Homemade ice cream is my favorite. C.I have a homemade ice cream maker. D.I miss homemade ice cream a lot. Answer:______________________________________


大学英语写作基础教程 以下是短文写作中使用率最高、覆盖面最广的基本句式,每组句式的功能相同或相似,考可根据自己的情况选择其中的个,做到能够熟练正确地仿写或套用。 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not far to seek 5)The reason for this is that 6)We have good reason to believe that 例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life 、Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved、Secondly,most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like、Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life、注: 如考生写第一个句子没有把握, 可将其改写成两个句子。 如:

Great changes have taken place in our life、 There are three reasons for this、这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。 1)It has the following advantages 2)It does us a lot of good 3)It benefits us quite a lot 4)It is beneficial to us 5)It is of great benefit to us 例如: Books are like friends、 They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons、Therefore reading extensively is of great benefit to us 1)It has more disadvantages than advantages 2)It does us much harm 3)It is harmful to us 例如: However,everything divides into two、 Television can also be harmful to us、It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television、


《英语写作》教学大纲 第一部分大纲说明 一、课程基本情况 课程编码:08020012 课程名称:英语写作 课程类别:专业课程 学时/学分:36/2 先修课程:综合英语,英语听力等 适用专业:三年制英语教育专业 开课系(部)或教研室:外语系英语专业教研室 二、课程的性质、内容和任务 (一)课程性质 本课程为三年制大专英语专业的专业必修课,是为英语专业学生开设的英语专业技能提高课程,是英语专业专科阶段一门重要的实践课程,它与英语专业的听、说、读等课程相辅相成、密不可分。本课程旨在扩大英语专业学生的知识领域,巩固和提高学生的语言技能,重点培养学生驾驭英语语言文学知识和对文学作品的独立欣赏的能力,从而使其能得体而流畅地使用语言, 写出语言通顺、思路清晰、内容充实、具有一定广度与深度的英语文章,培养学生利用图书馆和计算机网络查阅资料和独立分析问题的能力,把用英语表达思想的能力提高到一个新的高度。 (二)课程内容 课程的主要内容从单词、句型到段落,有步骤、有层次地训练,最终使学生能够写出内容切题、条理清楚、语言正确的英语短文,并让学生书写应用文,即书信、便条等,熟悉应用文的格式和行文,并能正确书写相应的应用作文。 (三)课程任务 通过该课程大量的范例研究和写作实践,培养学生用英语的基本写作能力,特别是篇章结构和句子层面的基本功,为制作对外宣传的实用文提供模仿的范例,帮助学生掌握各种写作技巧,解决在实际阅读各种实用文时遇到的各种困难,掌握地道的英语,,从而提高书面交际能力。课堂教学以讲解教材为主,包括当场写作练习和作文讲评,课

外教学通过布置作业以加强理解和训练。该课程可加强学生对英语阅读、综合英语等其他英语课程中文章结构、句型结构、篇章类型的把握和认识,促进各科目的融会贯通。 三、教学的目的和要求 《英语写作》在知识习得上注重培养学生对英文写作的热情和创造性,在原有的语言知识基础上,不断提高思想表达的准确性与鲜明性,逐渐让他们感受到英语的极强表达力;在能力素质上,重视锻炼学生的书面语言运用能力,促进学生英语运用综合素质的发展,从而提高学生的逻辑思维能力和篇章衔接贯通运用能力。 经过系统严格的训练后,要求学生 (1)掌握句子、段落以及应用文写作的基本理论和技巧,写出主题较为突出、内容较为完善、语言较为通顺、格式符合要求的短文。(2)形成阅读、思考、写作的良好习惯,了解写作是英语综合技能的体现,要写出语言通顺、思路清晰内容充实、具有一定广度与深度的英语文章,必须要有扎实的语言功底和充分的阅读储备。(3)形成逻辑思维能力,能够理请一篇文章的逻辑关系;了解掌握各种文体尤其是摘要写作、描写文和议论文的写作方法。 四、学时分配表 教学内容应分篇章(项目或模块)规定学时,并确定理论、实践(验)教学等学时。 《英语写作》课程学时分配表
