


记得考过的题目有:关系代词(这个应该是必考的吧,一定要好好看),关系从句(和关系代词算是一伙的),名词化(构词法的内容?),分词(第一、第二分词,好像考了第二分词的常用句式,类似于ehrlich gesagt这样的句型转换的题目,直接引语与间接引语的转化(应该看那本语法大全的,不知道是不是上面的原题,考完后也没去追查),同义词辨析(有的题目很难),惯用语(估计没做对几个,很难),解释短语,选词填空之类的吧。



1. 看看同义词方面的内容(好像考的动词不是很多,也考了形容词之类的。

2. 惯用语可以多整理一些,即使考不到,对自己看文章和平时用也大有好处。

3. 多看些文章,可以增加词汇量,而且不容易忘掉。刚开始偶狂背单词,结果背完就忘,后来听了别人建议,改为看文章,结果就好多了。

4. 多做些练习题,推荐翻译资格考试的样题,虽然那些都是选择,有些还是有用的。变态程度和这个有得一拼。。


德语日常词汇大全 essen und trinken etwas 一些die Banane 香蕉 der Zucker 糖das Br?tchen 小面包 die Speisekarte 菜单der Durst 口渴 die Rechnung 帐单die Flasche 瓶子 der Apfel 苹果das Getr?nk 饮料 das Brot 面包der Kaffee 咖啡 die Disko 迪厅die Lebensmittel 食物,食品 der Fisch 鱼das Obst 水果 der Gast 客人die Sahne 奶油 der Hunger 饿die Wein 葡萄酒 der Kuchen 蛋糕das Bier 啤酒 die Milch 牛奶die Butter 黄油 die Pommes frites 薯条das Ei 蛋 der Saft 果汁das Fleisch 肉 der Schinken 火腿das Glas (玻璃)杯 das Wasser 水die Kartofel 土豆 das Lieblingsessen 最喜欢的食物das Frühstück 早餐 der Reis 大米das H?hnchen 童子鸡 der Salat 沙拉der Kiosk 小亭子 der Tee 茶das Lokal 饭馆,酒店 die Zigarette 香烟das ?l 油 die Birne 梨das Restaurant 酒店 das Cafe 咖啡das Salz 盐 das Essen 吃die Tomate 西红柿 bestellen 预订kochen 烹饪 bitter 苦的rauchen 抽烟 sü?甜的schmecken (+DAT)美味的ein bisschen 一点点trinken 喝 essen 吃wunderbar (指菜肴)精美的wenig 少量的 wohnen der Stuhl 椅子der Kühlschrank 冰箱 das Bett 床das Sofa 沙发 das Bild 画die Uhr 钟 der Fernsehen 电视der Bücherschrank 书柜 der Eletroherd 电子炉der Schreibtisch 书桌 der Schrank 柜子der Tisch 桌子 die Adreese 地址das Feuer 火 der Balkon 阳台der Herd 炉灶 das Doppelzimmer 双人房das Licht 明亮的,光明的das Einzelzimmer 单人房der Ort 地点,位置


英语语法专业术语 语法grammar 句法syntax 词法morphology 结构structure 层次rank 句子sentence 从句clause 词组phrase 词类part of speech 单词word 实词notional word 虚词structural word 名词noun 专有名词proper noun 普通名词common noun 可数名词countable noun 不可数名词uncountable no 抽象名词abstract noun 具体名词concrete noun 物质名词material noun 集体名词collective noun 个体名词individual noun 介词preposition 连词conjunction 动词verb 主动词main verb 及物动词transitive verb 不及物动词intransitive verb 系动词link verb 助动词auxiliary verb 情态动词modal verb 规则动词regular verb 不规则动词irregular verb 短语动词phrasal verb 限定动词finite verb 非限定动词infinite verb 使役动词causative verb 感官动词verb of senses

动态动词event verb 静态动词state verb 感叹词exclamation 形容词adjective 副词adverb 方式副词adverb of manner 程度副词adverb of degree 时间副词adverb of time 地点副词adverb of place 修饰性副词adjunct 连接性副词conjunct 疑问副词interrogative adverb 关系副词relative adverb 代词pronoun 人称代词personal pronoun 物主代词possessive pronoun 反身代词reflexive pronoun 相互代词reciprocal pronoun 指示代词demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词interrogative pronoun 关系代词relative pronoun 不定代词indefinite 物主代词possessive pronoun 名词性物主代词nominal possessive 形容词性物主代词adjectival possessive pronoun 冠词article 定冠词definite article 不定冠词indefinite article 数词numeral 基数词cardinal numeral 序数词ordinal numeral 分数词fractional numeral 形式form 单数形式singular form 复数形式plural form 限定动词finite verb form 非限定动词non-finite verb form


English grammar terms often used 英语语法常用词语1.Parts of speech 词类 noun 名词pronoun 代词numeral 数词adjective 形容词verb 动词adverb副词article 冠词preposition介词conjunction连词interjection感叹词particle 小品词 2. Word building 构词法 conversion 转化derivation 派生affixation词缀法prefix前缀suffix后缀compound words 合成词 3.Classification of nouns 名词的分类 common nouns普通名词proper nouns 专有名词 individual nouns个体名词collective nouns 集合名词 material nouns 物质名词abstract nouns 抽象名词 countable nouns 可数名词uncountable nouns不可数名词 the singular form 单数形式the plural form 复数形式 the common case 普通格the possessive case 所有格 the subjective case 主格the objective case 宾格 person 人称third person singular 第三人称单数 4. Classification of pronouns 代词的分类 personal pronouns 人称代词possessive pronouns 物主代词 self pronouns 反身代词demonstrative pronouns 指示代词 interrogative pronouns 疑问代词conjunctive pronouns 连接代词 relative pronouns 关系代词reciprocal pronouns 相互代词 indefinite pronouns 不定代词 5.数词、形容词、冠词 cardinal numerals 基数词ordinal numerals 序数词 fractional numerals 分数词the comparative degree 比较级 the superlative degree 最高级The definite article 定冠词 the indefinite article 不定冠词 6.Classification of verbs 动词的分类 national verbs 实义动词link-verbs系动词 auxiliary verbs助动词modal verbs 情态动词 transitive verbs 及物动词intransitive verbs 不及物动词 regular verbs 规则动词irregular verbs 不规则动词 the present forms 现在式the past forms 过去式 the participle 分词the present participle现在分词 the past participle 过去分词the infinitive 不定式 the gerund 动名词bare infinitive 不带to的不定式


1.Der Roman(长篇小说) “Der Steppenwolf”von Hermann Hesse handelt von einem Einzelg?nger(孤僻的人),der an seiner inner en(内心的)Zerrissenheit(内心矛盾)zu zerbrechen droht.《荒原狼》——黑塞,jm droht+zu+不定式正处于某种凶险的情况 2.Das geographische Zentrum der deutschen Klassik war Weimar.德国古典文化的地理中心在魏玛。 3.Der Nobelpreis für Litratur ging im Jahr 2009 an die in Rum?nien geborene Deutsche Herta Müller.(罗马尼亚德裔) 4.Die ?sterreiche Schriftstellerin Elfriede Jelinek hat 2004 den Nobelpreis für Literatur erhalten.耶利内克 5.In seine Autobiographie(自传)“Beim H?uten der Zwiebel (洋葱)”hat Grünter Grassüber seine Zugeh?rigkeit zur Waffen-SS geschrieben.在《剥洋葱》这部自传体作品中,格拉斯首次承认了自己曾是纳粹党卫军成员的历史。 6.Die deutsche Literatur nach 1945 war eng mit der “Gruppe 47”verknüpft(联系).对战后文学发挥重要作用的是四七社,代表作家为Günter Grass,Hans Magnu Enzensberger. 7.Für einen spielerisch en(游戏式的)Umgang(交往)mit Geschichte steht Patirck Süskind ,der mit seinem histroischen Roman “das Parfüm”einen Welterfolg landete.(获得)1985年出版的小说《香水》因前几年改编成电影而广为人知。


德语专八知识整理 常见介词搭配 1.介词an fehlen an etwas (D.) 缺少 verzweifeln an etwas (D.) 对……绝望 gehen an die Kante 撞上边角 nehmen an etwas (D.) teil参加 an Ort und Stelle 立刻,就地 erkennen jm. an etwas (D.) 从……上认出某人 leiden an (einer Krankheit) 忍受(病痛)(比较:leiden unter Not oder Elend 忍受痛苦)gehen an jm / etwas (D.) vorbei从某人/某物旁边走过 sein nahe an etwas (D.) 接近(成功) wenden sich an jn. 求助于 sein am Himmel 在天上 scheitern an etwas (D.) 因……而失败 am Geldautomaten 在自动取款机上 sein am Telefon / Apparat verlangt 有电话找 klopfen an die Tür 敲门 sein an der Reihe 轮到 gew?hnen sich an etwas (A.) 习惯于…… lehnen sich an etwas (A.) an 依靠…… liegen jm. am Herzen 放在心上 an Ort und Stelle 立刻,就地 an Land gehen 上岸(比较:aufs Land gehen 去乡间) sto?en sich an etwas (D.) 对……反感(比较:sto?en auf jn./etwas 遇见、碰上)zweifeln an etwas (D.) 怀疑…… denken an etwas (A.) 思考,想起 2.介词auf auf dem Gebiet 在这个方面,在这个领域 kommen auf ein Bankkonte 存入账户 leben auf dem Land / gehen aufs Land 在乡间/去乡间 gehen auf den Markt / sein auf dem Markt 去市场/在市场上 drücken auf den Knopf 按下按钮 kommen auf etwas (A.) an 取决于 schw?ren auf etwas (A.) 相信,坚信 einigen sich auf etwas (A.) 求……达成一致 berufen sich auf etwas (A.) 主张 sein auf die Minute pünktlich 准时到分钟 zeigen etwas auf Verlangen 在要求下出示…… stehen auf etwas (A.) 坚持…… verlassen sich auf jn. / etwas 信任某人/某事 legen etwas auf einen Freitag / fallen auf einen Freitag 把……安排在星期五/正好在星期五lassen sich auf etwas (A.) ein参与……

高一英语语法与词汇综合练习150题 (1)

高一英语语法与词汇综合练习150题 1. --- Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets. --- You ______ something. A. have left B. are always leaving C. are leaving D. always left 2. --- I ______ so busily recently that I ______ no time to help you with your math. --- That’s OK. I can manage it by myself. A. have been working; have B. have worked; had C. am working; will have D. had been working; had had 3. Remember to send me a photo of us next time you ______ to me. A. are writing B. will write C. has written D. write 4. I first met Tom 10 years ago. He ______ in a radio factory at that time. A. had worked B. has worked C. was working D. has been working 5. --- What ______ when I phoned you? --- I ______ my work, and I wanted to go out. A. have you done; finished B. were you doing; have finished C. did you do; had just finished D. were you doing; had just finished 6. Public service advertisements are often run ___ free, and are ___to educate people about health, safety, or any other issue which affects public welfare. A. for, mean B. for, meant C. of, to mean D. in, meaning 7. The old woman found herself ______ when she left the market. A. cheating B. cheated C. to be cheated D. to have cheated 8 Brain told you that there wasn’t anyone in the room at the moment, ______? A. was there B. wasn’t there C. didn’t he D. did he 9. Doctors believe that only a small number of people ____ of this kind of disease. A. is in danger B. is in a danger C. are in danger D. are in the danger 10. _____ books you have borrowed from the library should be returned in two weeks’ time. A. Whatever B. However C. No matter what D. What 11. They would not allow him _______ climbing Mount Everest. A. to risk to B. to risk going C. risking going D. risk going 12. We ______ for one hour and a half and it is about time we ______ a rest. A. trained; take B. have trained; took C. are training; will take D. had trained; to take 13 We have to work hard; ______ we’ll lose the chance. A. therefore B. otherwise C. besides D. however 14 I am in low spirits, because the money _______ I was going to buy Mum a present is gone. A. with which B. from which C. by which D. through which 15. --- Shall I tell John about it? --- No, you _____. I’ve told him already. A. mustn’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. don’t have to 16 —How did you finish the job so soon,Jack? —_______asking for help. A.At B.In C.With D.By 17 —It’s too dark. What’s in the distance?—There_______a boy and two dogs. A. are B. seem to be C.seems to be D.appear 18.There are too many mistakes in your homework. It needs_______. A. to rewrite B. rewriting C.being rewritten D.be rewritten https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd4200349.html,st week I paid a visit to the mountain village where I was _______. A. brought in B. brought out C.brought up D.brought down


德语高级词汇(全) ab-arbeiten A 做工 aberglaeubisch adj. 迷信的 alkoholabhaengig adj. 嗜酒的 angeblich adj. 自称;所谓的 an-ziehen A 穿戴;吸引;诱惑 Auf Wiedersehen! 再见 auf-brauchen A 用完;花完 aufeinander 叠放(在另一个上面) [die Bücher liegen aufeinander.] auf-führen A 建造;提出 aufregend adj. 激动;兴奋 auf-rufen A 点名;号召 aus-brechen 挣脱 aus-drucken A 打印;印刷 aus-fallen 考试出结果;脱落;取消 ausgebucht sein 全部占用了;预售一空的[Die Reise ist ausgebucht] aus-gehen 外出;发出 aus-reichen 够用;足够 ausserhalb G 在……外面;在……以外 aus-statten A 布置;装饰 aus-tricksen 用计谋阻止

aus-zahlen A 支付;还债barmherzig adj. 富有同情心的beeindruckt 给…留下印象beeinflussen A 感化;影响begegnen D 遇见 beginnen* 开始beglaubigen A 公证begleiten A 伴送;护送;陪同behandeln A 处理;处置 bei-fügen A 附加 bellen 犬吠 bemerken 观察 benennen 给…取名字benutzen A 使用,利用beraten A 给…出主意 bereit-halten A 准备好 beschützen A 保护;保卫besonder adj. 特别的besprechen A 谈论;议论bestellbar adj. 可以订购betragen 总计,总共betreuen A 照料;看管


Nahrungsmittel 食物 1, die Kartoffel -n 土豆 2, die Tomate -n 西红柿 3, der Reis -e 米 4, die Nudel -n 面 5, das Brot -e 面包 6, das Fleisch - 肉 7, das Ei -er 蛋 8, der Blumenkohl -e 花菜 9, die Schalotte -n 葱 10, das Gewuerz -e 香料,调味品 11, Zutaten pl. 配料 12, die Sosse -n 调味汁,沙司,酱汁 13, der Kuchen - 蛋糕 14, der Kloss /Kloesse 丸子,团子 15, die Klossbruehe -n 团子汤 16, der Sesam -s 芝麻 17, die Wurst /Wuerste 香肠 18, der Pilz -e 蘑菇 19, der Spargel - 芦笋 20, die Erbse -n 豌豆 21, Pommes pl. 油炸土豆条(法) 22, der Paprika - 辣椒 23, die Erdnuss /Erdnuesse 花生 24, der Jasmintee 茉莉花茶 25, die Gurke -n 黄瓜 26, die Suppe -n 汤 27, die Zwiebel -n 洋葱 28, der Gulasch -e/-s 红烧肉,墩肉 29, der Knoedel - 丸子,圆子(奥) 30, das Mehl -e 面粉 31, der Teig -e 生面团 32, Teigwaren pl. (生)面食 33, der Mais -e 玉米 34, die Persimone -n 柿子(das gibt es in Deutschland nicht) 35, der Knoblauch - 大蒜 36, der Pfeffer - 胡椒粉 37, der Champignon -s 蘑菇


英语语法专业术语表达 疑问代词 现在进行时 76. The Past Continuous Tense 1. Morphology 词法 41.Conjunctive Pronoun 连接代词 过 去进 行时 2. Notional Words 实义词 77. The Future Continuous Tense 3. Form Words 虚词 将来进行时 4. Parts of Speech 词类 44. Reciprocal Pronoun 相互代词 78. The Present Perfect Tense 42. Relative Pronouns 关系代词 43. Indefinite Pronouns 不定代词 5. The Noun 名词 45. The Subjective Case 主格 现在完成时 6. The Pronoun 代词 79. The Future Perfect Tense 46. The Objective Case 宾格 将 来完 成时 7. The Numeral 数词 80.The Present Perfect Continuous 8. The Verb 动词 现在完成进行时 9. The Adjective 形容词 49. Fractional Numerals 分数词 80. The Sequence of Tenses 10. The Adverb 副词 50.Notional Verbs 实意动词 时态的呼应 47. Cardinal Numerals 基数词 48. Ordinal Numerals 序数词 11. The Article 冠词 51. Link Verbs 连系动词 82. The Active Voice 主动语态 12. The Preposition 介词 52. Auxiliary Verbs 助动词 83. The Passive Voice 被动语态 13. The conjunction 连词 53. Modal Verbs 情态动词 84. The Indicative Mood 陈述语气 14. The Interjection 感叹词 54. Transitive Verbs 及物动词 85. The Imperative Mood 祈使语气 16. Word Building 构词法 86.The Subjunctive Mood 55. Intransitive Verbs 不及物动词 18. Derivation 派生 20. Prefix 前缀 21. Suffix 后缀 56. Regular Verbs 规则动词 57. Irregular Verbs 不规则动词 58. Person 人称 虚拟语气 87. Sentences of Real Condition 真实条件句 88. Sentences of Unreal Condition 22. Compound Words 合成词 59. Number 数 虚拟条件句 23. Classification of Nouns 89. Degrees of Comparison 60. Tense 时态


2018年德语考试试题及答案 Grammatik Aufgabe 1:Verwandeln Sie die unterstrichenen Partizipialattribute in Relativsaetze. Beispiel:Selbst in der von der Sucht nach Geld,Vergnuegen und Bequemlichkeit beherrschten modernen Welt gibt es Menschen,die Anstrengungen und Risiken suchen. ----Selbst in der modernen Welt,die von Geld,Vergnuegen und Bequemlichkeit beherrscht ist,gibt es Menschen,die Anstengungen und Risiken suchen. 1.Das bequeme Leben in der Wohlstandsgesellschaft macht den von seiner Entstehungsgeschichte her fuer Anstrengung,Kampf und Risikobewaeltigung geschaffenen Menschen aggressiv und oft sogar krank. ---- 2.Der moderne Mensch sucht die in monotonen Arbeitsprozessen nur schwer zu findende Freude an Muehe und Anstrengung in der Freizeit. ---- 3.Aber die von vielen Menschen auch in der Freizeit empfundene innere Leere befriedigt das menschliche Beduerfnis nach Erlebnissen nicht.


德语专八必过攻略 最新版的《高等学校德语专业八级考试大纲》于2007年11月出版,该大纲由教育部高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会德语组高等学校德语专业八级考试大纲制定小组编写。内容包含:专八大纲汉语、德语版,专八考试样题,样题答案,听力文字稿,答题卷。为今后专业八级考试的规范化、普及化奠定了基础。 下面我们特根据该大纲说明及历年考试真题,对德语专业八级考试做一解读。 一、考试概况 【考试性质】:标准参照性教学检查类考试。 【考试安排】:德语专业第八学期,每年一次,每年3月份举行。 【考试对象】:高校德语专业四年级学生。 【考试形式】:笔试。 【考试内容】:听力、词汇、语法、阅读、国情、翻译、写作 【考试时间】:整个考试需时240分钟(4小时) 【考试特点】:题量大、覆盖广、形式多。 【评分标准】:满分为200分,160分及以上为优秀,140-159为良好,120-139 为合格,120以下为不合格。 说明:考试时考生不得携带词典及其他工具书。 各考试内容的分值如下: 考试项目考试内容分值 听力对话20 DW新闻20 词汇选择、填空 及完形填空 25 语法动词、句型15 阅读科普、社科类30 国情德国国情、时事10 翻译德译中25 中译德25 写作250字 30

二、专项分析 1、听力理解部分 【专项考试时间及分值分布】 该部分考试时间为30分钟,第一部分10题,共20分,第二部分20题,共20分。总计30题,40分。 【测试内容及试题形式】 该部分主要考察学生的听力理解综合能力,包括两个部分:第一部分为一个800词左右的报道、报告、会话或采访组成,后面给出10个问题,一般为选择或判断题,该部分内容朗读语速约为120词/分,播放两遍;第二部分为“德国之声”之声的新闻,选取某一天的一次新闻报道,长约5分钟,后面给出20个问题(一般为主观问答题),语速为150词/分,播放两遍。 【应试准备与技巧】 根据听力部分命题的原则,考生要想答好这部分题目,应能听懂一般的德语之声新闻,了解新闻中经常涉及到的地名、国名、人名、组织机构名、掌握这些词汇的写法,并能够听懂不太专业的报告、采访。 听力部分的准备是一个长期的过程,德语专业的学生应从一开始就利用课堂与课余时间多听,多读。在冲刺准备阶段,应能够熟悉《德语高级听力(外电分析)》(外研社,北京外国语大学姚晓舟老师编写)的内容,该书内容基本能够和专八听力部分对应。另外也可将《时事德语通》(外研社,北京外国语大学姚晓舟老师编写)作为练习材料。 推荐资料: a、《德语高级听力(外电分析)》外研社,北京外国语大学姚晓舟老师编写 b、《时事德语通》外研社,北京外国语大学姚晓舟老师编写,第二版已经出版。 c、德国之声之声在线听 二、专项分析 1、听力理解部分 【专项考试时间及分值分布】 该部分考试时间为30分钟,第一部分10题,共20分,第二部分20题,共20分。总计30题,40分。 【测试内容及试题形式】 该部分主要考察学生的听力理解综合能力,包括两个部分:第一部分为一个800词左右的报道、报告、会话或采访组成,后面给出10个问题,一般为选择或判断题,该部分内容朗读语速约为120词/分,播放两遍;第二部分为“德国之声”之声的新闻,选取某一天的一次新闻报道,长约5分钟,后面给出20个问题(一般为主观问答题),语速为150词/分,播放两遍。 【应试准备与技巧】


德语学习-德语入门-德语最常用的100个单词 Posted by deyu100 Posted in 德语词汇 最常用的100个德语单词(英德对照) 1. der / die / das (def. art.) the; (dem. pron.) that, those; (rel. pron) who, that 2. und (conj.) and 3. sein (verb) to be; (aux./perfect tense) 4. in (prep.) in [variation: im in the] 5. ein (indef. art.) a, an; (pron.) one (of) 6. zu (prep.) to, at; (adv.) too 7. haben (verb) to have; (aux./perfect tense) 8. ich (pers. pron.) I 9. werden (verb) to become; (aux./future tense); ; (aux./passive voice) 10. sie (pron.) she, her; they, them; Sie (pron.) you (formal) 11. von (prep.) from, of 12. nicht (adv.) not 13. mit (prep.) with 14. es (pron.) it 15. sich (refl. pron.) -self 16. auch (adv.) also, too 17. auf (prep.) on, at, in 18. für (prep.) for 19. an (prep.) at, on [variation: am at/on the] 20. er (pron.) he 21. so (adv.) so; thus, this way, such 22. dass (conj.) that 23. k?nnen (verb) can, to be able 24. dies (pron.) this, that 25. als (conj.) as, when; (adv.) than 26. ihr (pron.) you, her; (poss. adj.) her, their, hers, theirs; Ihr (poss. adj.) your (formal) 27. ja (adv.) yes; certainly, really 28. wie (adv.) how; as 29. bei (prep.) by, with, at 30. oder (conj.) or 31. wir (pron.) we 32. aber (conj.) but; (adv./flavoring particle) 33. dann (adv.) then 34. man (pron.) one, you 35. da (adv.) there; (conj.) because 36. sein (poss. adj.) his, its 37. noch (adv.) still, yet 38. nach (prep.) after, toward 39. was (pron.) what 40. also (adv.) so, therefore 41. aus (prep.) out, out of, from


高中必背句型句句经典(一线优秀教师总结) 1.With the development of economy, more and more families bought private cars, thus leading to much heavier traffic problems and more serious air pollution. 2.What is the most important is that we do not mind what others say so long as we are confident in what we have done. 3.It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on is first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. 4.We believe we are confident and capable of overcoming the current difficulties and challenges we are faced with. In a word, all we need to do now is plan carefully and act in ways that reflect the reality to assure that we can make full use of our talent and skills. 5.You can take a horse to the water but you can’t make him drink. 强扭的瓜不甜 When everybody is somebody, then nobody is anybody.人人都伟大,世间无豪杰。 6.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen, or who I’m going to meet, where I’m going to wind up. 泰坦尼克号 7.Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep. 加菲猫 8.Teachers are the basis of education and that the best students receive instruction from the best teachers. I t’s of great importance to train and nurture teachers, especially those from impoverished and remote rural areas. 9.what I want to stress is that a harmonious family plays a very important role in our life, therefore, it is up to every family member to contribute to the building of such a family. First of all, parents should be a role model for their children and pay more attention to their own words and behaviour. Being children of the family, we should respect and understand our parents, and share their burdens. Only in this way will our family be always harmonious. 10.In my opinion, it’s high time that our government should take measures to ban farmers from cutting down trees. Besides, various activities should be organized to make it clear that everyone is responsible for the environment. Only in this way can we have a blue day. 11.A recent survey found that walking like a happy person on purpose can lift one’s spirits, according to media report on Wednesday. Walking in a happy style makes people feel happy, while adopting the gait of a depressed person can bring on sadness. 12.when it comes to the current public transport, though it is improving, there still remains something to be done. In the first place, the government should add to the investment in the construction of transport. Additionally, it is better for the festival time to be lengthened. Last but not least, more people should be encouraged to ride home instead of driving a private car. 13.According to the information given above, there is nothing ambiguous about the serious situation and who is at fault. 14.It just can't be denied that it is the fast development that is to blame, but maybe the government should undertake the responsibility. 15.Current situation of pollution is considerably serious. Ranking among top pollution sources are vehicles, coal burning, airborne dust and so on. Reasons behind it go as follows. First of all, economic development are promoted at the expense of environment. Secondly, citizens are not aware of the significance of being careful with protecting the environment.
