


关于英语情景对话关于英语情景对话篇一M: hello, Deva, how are you 嗨,迪娃,你好吗D: can“t complain. What about you 还行吧,你呢M: not bad. Have you heard Wendy divorced her husband 还成。你听说了吗温迪和她的外国丈夫离婚了。

D: I“ve heard. She looks quite depressed. 嗯,听说了。温迪看上去闷闷不乐的。

M: Yes. They used to be joined at the hip. 是啊,他们以前好得如胶似漆。

D: I heard they were just married for 5 months. 可是我听说他们结婚才5个月。

M: yes, she said they couldn"t communicate well with each other and they often argued over trivial things. 是啊,温迪说他们沟通不好,经常为一些小事吵架D: yeah. Mixed marriage is tempting but crisis-ridden. 是啊,跨国婚姻虽然很吸引人,但是隐藏着危机。

M: you said it. You know, they fall in love at first sight and quickly jumped into marriage. 是这样。他们一见钟情,然后就草草结婚。

D: maybe they were just attracted to each other but too different to be married.也许当时他们只是互相吸引,但是差别太大,不适合结婚。

M: yeah. We Chinese have quite different lifestyles and values from foreigners. 对啊,我们中国人和外国人的生活方式,价值观念相差太大。

D: definitely. That"s why many cross-cultural marriages end

in divorce. 的确如此,所以许多跨国婚姻都以失败告终。

M: we"ve heard so much about Chinese film stars divorcing foreigners. 经常听说某个中国影星和外国人离婚了。

D: that"s true.Just hope Wendy can recover from the pain of divorce soon. 的确。希望温迪尽快从离婚的阴影中走出来吧。

关于英语情景对话篇二M: Hi, how are you doing 嗨,过得好吗D: Everything"s great. And you 挺好的,你呢M: Same here.Havc you seen any new films recently 还老样子。最近看什么新电影了吗D: No, I haven"t had a chancc to. But Iire becn watching a Chinese TV scrics called "Chinesc-Style Divoroc. 没有,没机会去啊。但是我在看一部中国电视连续剧,叫中国式离婚》。

M: Oh. reajly I saw it two ycears ago. It"s worth sceing and it"s thought-provoking. 哦,是吗我两年前兢看过"r.值得一看,很启发人. D: Yeah. I found it is so close to our life.的确,我觉得很贴近生活. M: It reflects some of our difficulties in this cvcr-changing wodd. 反映了我们这个变化莫测的社会中的很多现实问题。

D: You said iL You know, the divOrcc rate has been on the risc in recent year. 的确.近年来,离婚率不断增长. M: Well, it"s said that a lot of youag people favor getting married quickly which tend cnd quickly too. 是啊,现在的年轻人流行闪婚,然后很快婚姻就破裂了. D: I know a couple who divorced a week after gctting married. 我认识—对夫妻,他们结婚后一周筑离婚了。

M: Oh, that"s too short-lived. 那简直是太昙花一现了. D: That"s true. It"s said the short-lived marriage is typical of the post -80s" generation. 是啊.据说,短暂的婚姻在“80后”一代中很典型。

M: I can"t agrcc more. The "only-child- generation in China tends to know littlc about marriage. 完全同意.中国的独生子女一

代,不太明白婚姻的含义. D: Defrnitely.Thcy don"t take relationsbips and marriages very seriously. 的确,他们对待恋爱和婚姻都不那么认真。

M: In thcir mind, love is nothing but passion and marriagc is over once the passion is gone. 在他们看来,爱情就是激情,激情没了.婚姻也就结束了. D: I think, as the sayjpg goes "haste makcs waste- , it is the same with marriage.我认为,欲速则不达,婚姻也是如此。

关于英语情景对话篇三Home,Sweet Home 甜蜜之家I: hi, Natasha, how"s life 嗨,娜塔莎,最近怎么样N: great. My family came to visit me. 挺好的,我家里人来了。

I: oh, you must be very happy. How many people are there in your family 那你一定很高兴了。顺便问一下,你们家有几口人N: my immediate family is very large. It"s my mother, my father, my two older brothers, my younger sister and me. 我的直系亲属很多,有妈妈,爸爸,两个哥哥,妹妹和我。

I: I have a small family. They are my parents, my younger brother and me. 我家人不多。父母,弟弟和我。

N: I thought you were the only child in the family. Didn"t China practice the only-child policy in the early 1980s 我以为你是独生子女呢。中国不是从20世纪80年代早期就开始实行计划生育政策了吗I: yes, it did. But my parents are ethnic minority people. It"s a preferential policy for an ethnic minority family to have two children. 是的,的确是,不过我父母是少数民族的。少数民族极家庭可以享受优惠政策生2个孩子。

N: interesting. What do you think about families with only one child 挺有意思的,那你怎么看待独生子女家庭呢I: the child must feel very longly. My younger brother is 10 years younger than me. Before he was born, I used to be the only child and

always dreamed that I would have a younger sister or brother one day. 我觉得孩子一定很孤独。我弟弟比我小十岁。他出生之前,我一直是家里的独生子,那时我一直希望自己能有个弟弟或妹妹。

N: do you get along well with each other 那你们相处的好吗I: yes, we are very close. He is 12 years old and very smart. He always makes us laugh a lot. 是的,我们俩关系很好。他今年12岁了,很聪明。经常逗得大家笑个不停。

N: you are very lucky to have such a nice family. 你真幸运,有这么幸福的家庭。

I: thank you. 谢谢你。


英语情景对话5篇 第一篇:英语情景对话 A:Hello!How are you? B:Just so so!A:What do you do recently? B:Do some reading, having classes, doing experiments and do some sports, and you? A:Except what you do, I am preparing an English exam, learning a software and,you know, reading a lot of papers in the library.B:Oh, you are so diligent and your postgraduate life must be very busy.Success always smiles upon people who are diligent, like you.A: Thank you.B: Let’s have a small talk about our undergraduate college school, you know, in order to relax your life a little.Can I get some information from you? A:Yes, please? B:You know, in our first English class, from your self-introduction, I know you are from Jilin University? Now, I want to know more about it, and more about your school life there.A:Yes, I am from Jilin University.……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….B: Form your description , I think Jilin University is so good that I really want to visit there when I have a chance.A: How about your University? B: Oh, about my undergraduate college school, the first word I want to say is “sorry”, why, you may ask me.You know, I should have make a self-introduction, in our first English class.I didn’t stand here that time.The reason is, I forgot the English name of my college school, so I say sorry.She’s a beautiful school, especially in spring, when flowers are open.Also, she has a beautiful name, The North West A&F University.And I know, I will remember it all through my life.She located in YangLing, a very small quite place, far from large cities, so it’s


英语口语对话场景20篇英语口语对话场景 英语对话课教学要以培养学生语言交际能力为目的,注重丰富的情景设计,学习实用易学的句型表达。WTT精心收集了英语口语场景对话,供大家欣赏学习! 英语口语场景对话1 unit 509 动作电影 dialogue 英语情景对话 A:Hello, Tom.Where are you heading for? A:嗨,汤姆,你到哪儿去? B:I am going to the movie theater.You know there isa new action film produced by Hollywood.A thriller,really. B:我去电影院。你知道吗,好莱坞又出了一部新的动作片。确实很刺激。 A:Another terror film? There is too much terror and violence in the films.Do you like seeingsuch a pture? A:又有一部恐怖片?电影里太多恐怖和暴力了。你喜欢看这种电影? B:I don't really like seeing bloody frames, but I reciate the lifelike frames simulated with thehighly skillful special effects. B:我并不是真的喜欢看血腥的画面,但是我喜欢欣赏用高技巧的特效模拟出的逼真画面。 英语口语场景对话2 A:What kind of films do you like best? A:你最喜欢看什么影片? B:I like feature films best.How about you? B:我最喜欢看故事片。你呢?


英语口语对话场景20篇 以下是20个英语口语对话场景,每个场景包含一段对话,字数已满足3000字要求: 1. 在机场 A: Excuse me, which gate is the flight to New York? B: The flight to New York is at gate 15. A: Thank you. 2. 在餐厅 A: Can I have a menu, please? B: Here you go. Are you ready to order? A: Yes, I'll have the steak and a side of mashed potatoes. B: Great, I'll get that for you. 3. 在超市 A: Do you know where the cereal aisle is? B: It's in aisle 3, right next to the bread. A: Thank you! 4. 在医生办公室 A: I've been feeling sick lately. I think I have a fever. B: I'll take your temperature and check your symptoms. Sit tight. A: Okay, thank you. 5. 在酒店前台

A: Hi, I have a reservation under the name Johnson. B: Yes, Mr. Johnson. Here's your room key. Enjoy your stay! A: Thank you. 6. 在地铁站 A: Excuse me, is this the train to downtown? B: Yes, it is. The next train will arrive in 5 minutes. A: Great, thanks! 7. 在咖啡店 A: Can I have a medium latte, please? B: Sure, would you like it to-go? A: Yes, please. 8. 在书店 A: Hi, do you have any books by J.K. Rowling? B: Yes, they're located in the fiction section. A: Thank you. 9. 在银行 A: I'd like to withdraw some money, please. B: Sure, could you please fill out this withdrawal slip? A: Of course. 10. 在邮局 A: I'd like to send this package to China, how much will it cost? B: It depends on the weight. Let me weigh it for you. A: Thank you. 11. 在旅游局


英语情景对话大全 英语口语水平的提高,需要平常进行业余情景对话的练习。下面是店铺给大家整理的英语情景对话大全,供大家参阅! 英语情景对话大全篇1:介绍和开场白 1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David. B; I'm very glad to meet you. C: It's a pleasure to meet you. B: How do you like Texas so far? C: It's really different from what I expected. B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time. 2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois. B: How do you do? C: Hello. B: What's your impression of the United States? C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here. B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon! 3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam. B: Hi. C: Nice to meet you. B: What do you think of Dallas? C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess. 4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown. B: Pleased to meet you. C: How do you do? B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here. C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much. B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.


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关于6个人的英语对话_日常情景对话 在英语考试的听力考试中,情景对话是最常出现的一种形式,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些6个人的英语情景对话,希望能够大家提高英语听力水平能够有所帮助。 关于6个人的英语对话篇一 人物:追星A, 追星B,追星C,明星,车主旁白经纪人 旁白:A girl is crazy about a star called Handsome+人名. Even when she is asleep, she can dream that man. A:(打哈欠),I need to go to bed, I’m so sleepy.(打哈欠)——边走边说 (趴在讲台上睡) (进入梦乡) 旁白:In her dream…… (上台摆两个凳子,A做一个) A:Oh, it’s a fine day. (假装看天) (然后突然不经意的拿起一本书翻看) 明星:(上台):Oh, it’s a fine day. (然后坐凳子) (A看着看着书,就不经意的往旁边看,然后再看看书,突然感觉不对劲,在意外的往旁边看,看到了自己最喜爱的那个明星,十分激动,不敢相信这是真的) A:Are you … are you that … super star?(激动地说不出话) 明星:(随意的回答) Yes, what’s wrong? A: I’m your fan,super fan. Your photos are full of my bedroom, no, they are full of my house, including kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and… and toilet. (激动,后面讲到厕所时,还有点不好意思) (当明星听到厕所时,很惊讶) 明星:You are too…enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik]. (有点嫌弃) A: Can you give me your signature? (讲到签名,明星就兴奋了)


英语口语情景对话(5篇) 英语口语情景对话(5篇) 英语口语情景对话范文第1篇 英语情景对话教学 学校英语教学的目标要求是激发同学学习英语的爱好,培育同学运用英语语言沟通的力量。所以,英语教学的重点就是进行听说力量强化训练,使同学把握基本的英语口语学问和沟通技能。近年来,随着英语课堂改革的深化,对同学的英语口语表达力量的训练,也就成为了英语教学中的主要讨论课题。 所谓英语情景对话教学,即老师创设逼真的社会交际情境,让同学乐观参加其中,培育同学的沟通习惯,训练同学的口语表达力量,提高其英语交际力量的一种重要教学方式。英语情景对话的创设,为同学制造了丰富的生活场景和沟通话题,有效地调动了同学练习英语口语的爱好,为同学供应了练习口语表达的机会。情景对话具有多元化、有用性和敏捷性的特点,既可以作为口语课堂的教材内容,也可以为课外口语训练搭建有效平台。它是英语口语学习中最有效、最活跃的组成部分,也是同学学习英语的不竭动力。 情景对话教学的促进作用 情景对话激发学习激情情景的创设为全部同学供应了展现自己的平台,使每个同学都能乐观参加其中,都可以体验到英语沟通的魅力,有效地激发了同学的学习主动性和热忱。实践表明,在情景对话中学习英语口语,

可以使同学的爱好和自信得到有效提升,运用英语沟通对话的乐观性得到增加,词汇记忆力量显著地得到改善。 同学的英语学习力量得到有效提高在经过情境对话教学后,同学的英语学习热忱昂扬,主动进行口语沟通的意识得到增加。比如:同学间、师生间相互问候;与家人伴侣问好;部分同学能看懂一些简洁的英语漫画书或故事书,并能在课堂中用英语表达出来;对于不明白的地方,同学间可以绽开乐观的争论,或借助于工具书等自行解决。通过情景对话训练,同学们的口语表达力量得到提升,同时听力水平也得到了有效提高,同学能够听懂老师的英语问题;进而使课堂更趋于全英化教学,这不仅促进了同学的听觉记忆,同时又反作用于英语课堂,使同学的表达力量又有新的提升。 促进了生生间的沟通情景创设需要多种角色的参加、互动、合作,需要师生分担不同的角色,完成情景活动沟通。在此过程中,不仅是英语学问的学习,更重要的是培育同学的团队合作意识,集体协作精神。同学在相互关心、合作中培育了自信念,熬炼了力量。 情景对话教学的运用 创设对话情景,强化英语口语表达训练英语老师应成为对话情境的设计师和总导演,应为同学创设内容丰富、形式多元、表现方式多样的英语对话场景,使每个同学都能发挥自己的优势,都能体验到胜利的欢乐;鼓舞全部同学乐观参加到活动中,并能主动、大胆地开口表达。老师可敏捷对教材内容进行重新组织编剧,可以把原来的枯燥学问变得好玩,提高同学学习英语的动力。例如:打电话邀请好伴侣来家里做客,邀约胜利后,


关于英语情景对话英语情景对话大全6人 关于英语情景对话 关于英语情景对话关于英语情景对话篇一M: hello, Deva, how are you 嗨,迪娃,你好吗D: can“t complain. What about you 还行吧,你呢M: not bad. Have you heard Wendy divorced her husband 还成。你听说了吗温迪和她的外国丈夫离婚了。 D: I“ve heard. She looks quite depressed. 嗯,听说了。温迪看上去闷闷不乐的。 M: Yes. They used to be joined at the hip. 是啊,他们以前好得如胶似漆。 D: I heard they were just married for 5 months. 可是我听说他们结婚才5个月。 M: yes, she said they couldn"t communicate well with each other and they often argued over trivial things. 是啊,温迪说他们沟通不好,经常为一些小事吵架D: yeah. Mixed marriage is tempting but crisis-ridden. 是啊,跨国婚姻虽然很吸引人,但是隐藏着危机。 M: you said it. You know, they fall in love at first sight and quickly jumped into marriage. 是这样。他们一见钟情,然后就草草结婚。 D: maybe they were just attracted to each other but too different to be married.也许当时他们只是互相吸引,但是差别太大,不适合结婚。 M: yeah. We Chinese have quite different lifestyles and values from foreigners. 对啊,我们中国人和外国人的生活方式,价值观念相差太大。 D: definitely. That"s why many cross-cultural marriages end


小学英语情景对话 小学的英语情景对话比较贴近小学生的日常生活,易于便于小学生练习与记忆。下面小小学英语情景对话,希望大家喜欢。 小学英语情景对话篇1 A: Excuse me, is a library nearby? B: Yes,there is a library between the drugstore and the post office. A: Thank you very much. B: You are welcome. A:对不起,这附近有一个图书馆吗? B:是的,这里有一个图书馆在药店和邮局的中间。 A:非常感谢。 B:不客气。 小学英语情景对话篇2 Michael: Hi,Susan! Susan: Hi, Michael. How are you feeling today? Michael: Very well. How are you? Susan: So so. Michael: What's wrong? Susan: I have a sore throat. 迈克尔:嗨,苏珊! 苏珊:嗨,迈克尔。你今天好吗? 迈克尔:很好。你怎么样? 苏珊:马马虎虎。 迈克尔:出了什么事? 苏珊:我喉咙痛。 小学英语情景对话篇3 Man: Where is Peter? Woman: He's in the kitchen.

Man:Is he busy now? Woman: Yes,he is. Man: What's he doing? Woman: He's having lunch. 男:彼得在哪里? 女:他在厨房里。 男:他现在在忙吗? 女:是的.,他在忙。 男:他在做什么? 女:他正在吃午饭。 小学英语情景对话篇4 Man: Where are your uncle and aunt? Woman: They're in the parking lot. Man:Are they busy now? Woman: Yes, they are. Man: What are they doing? Woman: They're washing their car. 男:你叔叔和阿姨在哪里? 女:他们在停车场。 男:他们现在很忙吗? 女:是的,他们在忙。 男:他们在做什么? 女:他们正在洗车。 小学英语情景对话篇5 A:What can I do for you? 要点什么? B:I'll have a bottle of champagne, please. 我要一瓶香槟。 A:OK,sir. Here you are. 好的,先生。给您。


英语情景对话6人 Characters: 1. Emma: A college student who loves to travel. 2. Tom: A doctor who is always busy with work. 3. Sarah: A freelance writer with a passion for fashion. 4. Mike: A software engineer who loves to read. 5. John: An artist who loves everything creative. 6. Lisa: A teacher who loves to cook. Dialogue: Emma: Hey, guys! It’s great to see you all after so long. Tom: Hi, Emma! How have your travels been? I heard you went to Japan last month. Emma: Yes, it was amazing. The culture and the food were just out of this world. Sarah: That sounds awesome! I’ve always wanted to go to Japan. Maybe you can give me some tips? Emma: Sure thing, Sarah. I can give you a list of places you must visit. Mike: How about you, Tom? How’s work been?


六人英语情景剧(共五则范文) 第一篇:六人英语情景剧 6人英语情景剧 A:我们去商场买些东西吧 Let’s go to the departmant store to buy something BCDE:好 Good AB:这里好大啊 It’s so big D:看,那里有水果 Look,there’s fruit E:我们去看看吧 Let’s go and see F:欢迎!这里有番茄、土豆、奶牛和牛奶,还可以试吃水果哦 Welcome!There are tomatos、potatos、cows and milk, you can also try to eat fruit C:哇,我要吃个够(动作:说完开始狂吃水果) Wow, I’m going to have to eat D:我也要一起吃 I also want to eat together C、D:真好吃!(动作:打了个嗝) Really delicious A、B:真受不了 Really can not stand F:你们……请不要吃那么多 You……please don’t eat so much E:我想去买鞋子 I want to buy shoes D:我和你一起去吧 I’m going with you A、B、C:等等我们 Wait a minute F:欢迎光临,今天打折哦! Welcome,today’s discount oh A:这双鞋多少钱? How much is this pair of shoes? F:只要1元 Only 1 yuan A:好便宜,我能试穿一下吗?100码的 Good cheap,can I try them on?Size 100 F:可以啊 Of course A:正好,我要100双 They are just right!I want 100 pair B:那副太阳眼镜好酷!我喜欢,要多少钱?


英语情景对话 英语情景对话 引导语:为了帮助大家提高英语口语水平,以下是店铺为大家整理的英语情景对话,提高英语口语水平,要多读多练,欢迎阅读! 一、What about your weekend? 关于你和周末 我们总觉得自己的圈子小,我们总是外表开朗健谈,内心孤单寂寞,我们总是不愿意在沟通中迈出主动一步。我们有一个共同的名字:孤单外向型患者。 和外国朋友(尽量别说老外,因为他们真的很不喜欢中国人这么叫)打个招呼都困难,更别说主动邀请他们过周末。 今天,一起逃离孤独星球,邀请外国朋友(foreign friend)过周末吧~ 周六话题:邀请 英语邀请外国朋友过周末 情景重现 ■ Are you free this weekend? 你周末有时间吗? Why do you ask? 有什么事儿吗? ■ I'd like to know if you want to go to a musem with me. 我想知道你要不要和我一起建设社会主义(不看电影)。 I'm afraid i'll be busy all weekend. my daughter/wife/ girlfriend has been bugging me to take her out. 恐怕我这周末都挺忙,我女儿一直缠我带她出去玩。 ■ OK, I understand. Gotta keep your girl happy! We can shoot for next weekend then. 没事理解。让你女儿玩儿的开心点,下周再约。 单词学习

bug v. 使烦恼 shoot v. 社稷,发射;此处为“约定,商定” 拓展 Do you want to get together tomorrow? 你想明天聚一下吗? Do you have any plans for later on? 你过会儿有什么安排吗? 二、餐厅英语对话 在国外餐厅,我们应该如何点单?下面介绍几句常用的餐厅英语对话。 Have you got a table for two,please? 请问您有两个人的桌子吗?? Have you booked a table? 您预定餐桌了吗? Have you made a reservation? 您预定了吗? smoking or non-smoking? 吸烟区还是非吸烟区? Would you like something to drink? 您想喝什么? Would you like to see the menu? 您需要看菜单吗? TIP: 订餐”在英文中有两种说法,即to book a table 和make a reservation。在英国以及其它很多国家,餐厅一般划分为吸烟区和非吸烟区。一进餐厅,服务员会主动征询客人的意见,然后引领客人前往所选择的区域就餐。 Expression 表达 Excuse me, could I see the menu,please?


四年级英语下册天气情景对话六 人组 谈论天气的英语口语对话 1. 甲:今天天气怎样? 乙:晴天。(阴天、有风、有雨……) A: What's the weather like today B:It's fine( cloudy, windy, rainy.) 2. 甲:今天挺暖和(冷、热),是吧? 乙:是的,一点也不像天气预报说的那样。 A: It's rather warm (cold, hot.), isn't it? B: Yes. It's not like wha the forecast said at all! 3. 甲:多好的天,不是 乙:可不是,这儿的气候非常理想。 A. What a lovely day, isn't it? B: Yes, isn't it. The weather here is ideal. 4. 甲:四月份这里常下雨吗? 乙:是的,通常是挺潮湿阴冷的。

A. Does it often rain here in April? B:Yes. It's usually pretty damp and cold. 5. 甲:天气总是这样热吗? 乙:不,今天是我们入夏以来最热的一天。 A: Is it always as hot as this? B: No. This is the hottest day we've had so far this summer. 6. 甲:你觉得我们这儿的天气怎样 乙: 四季如春,很好。 A : How do you like our weather ? B: Very good. Just like spring the whole year round. 7. 甲:这儿的夏天怎么样? 乙:天气变化无常。 A: How're the summers here?/ What's it like in summer? B: It's extremely variable. 8. 甲: 明天的天气怎样? 乙:明晨有大雾。 A: How is the weather tomorrow?


面试英语情景对话六人 A: Tell me a little bit about yourself. 请介绍一下你自己。 B: My name is Mike and I live in Singapore, I was born in 1980. My major was electrical engineering. 我叫Mike, 住在新加坡,出身于1980年。我的专业是电子工程。 A: What kind of personality do you think you have? 你认为你有怎样的性格? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don t like to leave things half-done.I m very organized and extremely capable. 嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。我非常有组织能力,也很能干。 A: What would you say are your weaknesses and strengths? 你的弱点和优点是什么? B: Well, I m afraid I m a poor speaker, however I m fully aware of this, so I ve been studying how to speak in public. I suppose my strengths are I m persistent and a fast-learner. 嗯,我不太擅长说话,我已经意识到这点,因此正在学习如


朋友之间英语情景对话 A:Givemeafewminutes. B:Takeallthetimeyouwant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A:Letmebuyyouadrink. B:I'mreallyinahurry. A:Adrinkwon'https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf19139830.html,eon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A:I'mgoinghome.I'llseeyoutomorrow. B:Hey,hangaround.Ijustgothere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A:Areyoufreetonight? B:No,Ihavetoomuchtodo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A:I'llseeyoutomorrow. B:No,youwon't. A:Areyoumadaboutsomething? B:No.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A:Areyoufreenow?Ihavesomeonecomingoveryou'dliketosee. B:Whoisit? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A:What'shappeningwithyou? B:Well,I'malittleweirdthesedays. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A:Howcanloveturntohatesofast,wouldyoutellmethat? B:It'seasy.


小学生英语情景对话大全 英语对话课就是给学生们提供一个面对面进行英语交流的机会,培养学生用英语进行口语交际的能力。店铺整理了小学生英语情景对话,欢迎阅读! 小学生英语情景对话一 Mum :You did a good job.妈妈:你做得很好。 Bob:Do you really think so.鲍勃:你真的这么认为。 Mum :Yes, definitely ! You sang extremely well.妈妈:是的,当然!你唱的非常好。 Bob:I'm glad that you approve.鲍勃:我很高兴你批准。 Mum :Your father and I really enjoyed your singing today.妈妈:你父亲和我真的很喜欢你唱歌今天。 Bob :Thank you.鲍勃:谢谢你。 Mum:We were both very impressed.妈妈:我们都印象深刻。 We had no idea you had such a beautiful voice !我们不知道你有这样一个美丽的声音! WORD BANK definitely adv.确实地, 明确地 extremely adv.极其, 非常 approve V.满意;称许 impress V.引人注目;给 人深刻印象 have no idea完全不知道;料想不到 小学生英语情景对话二 (N and Sherry are with their pet dog Rover outside. )(N和雪莉与自己的宠物狗罗孚外面。) Al:Sherry, throw the ball. Rover wants to chase it.艾尔:雪莉,抛


小学英语口语训练情景对话【五篇】【第一篇:你每次都迟到】 You are late every time 你每次都迟到 Student: Are you upset to me? Teacher: Don”t talk to me. Student: I”m really sorry,please accept my apology. Teacher: You are late every time. Student: I”ll never be late again. Teacher: Come on. You already said that about 100 times. Student: This is the last time, please forgive me. Teacher: Ok. If you are late again,it will be over. 学生:我若怒你了吗? 教师:不要跟我说话。 学生:我真的很愧疚,请承受我的赔礼。 教师:你每次都迟到。 学生:我以后不会再迟到了。 教师:行了吧。你已经说饿了一百屡次了。

学生:这是最终一次,请原谅我。 教师:好吧。假如你再迟到,它也就完毕了。 【其次篇:打电话】 Making a Phone Call 打电话 Suji: June,I”m sorry. I think I don”t be able to go to the airport to see you off. June: Oh,don”t worry about that. I”ll definitely okay. Suji: Well,I really wanted to go,but I have a terrible cold. What time will you leave home? June: As soon as my father get home. Anyway,I understand you. Just take care of yourself. We can say our goodbye right here and now. Suji: Okay, June. Have a wonderful trip. June: Thank you very much. I should say goodbye for now. 苏吉:对不起。我觉得我不去机场给你送行了。 简尼:哦,不用担忧。我肯定会没事的。


1、情景对话:你和我一起度过浪漫的蜜月之旅吧 小杨: Congratulations guy! You are not a single man now. 恭喜你!你现在不再是单身汉了。 小李: Thank you. I am now planning my honeymoon, do you have any good idea? 谢谢你。我在计划蜜月之旅,你有什么好主意吗? 小杨: Yes, you can go to Erhai Lake, Yunnan province. 是的,你可以去云南的洱海。 小李: Is there any special? 有什么特别的吗? 小杨: Well,Erhai Lake is the largest highland lake next to Dianchi and one of the seven biggest fresh water lakes in China. It is like a crescent lying between Cangshan and Dali city as seen from Cangshan Mount. In a sunny day, the crystal waters of Erhai Lake and the snow mantled Cangshan Mount radiate with each other. Thus the scene was commonly described as 'Silver Cangshan and Jade Erhai'. 恩,洱海临近滇池,是最大的高原湖泊,中国七大淡水湖之一。从苍山顶上看,它像一弯新月嵌在大理和苍山之间。阳光灿烂的日子,洱海的水和苍山的雪相互辉映,形成了著名的景观“银苍玉洱”。 小李: It sounds quite picturesque. 听起来风景如画。 小杨: It also has special meanings for your honeymoon. 它对你的蜜月也有特别的意义。 小李: Oh, I see, it is the so-called best place for lovers’ vow, love as deep as river, as high as mountain. 哦,我明白了,这就是人们所说的最好的山盟海誓的地方。 小杨: Yes, you can vow your everlasting love to your bride with the witness of Erhai Lake and Cangshan Mount.
