


演员:甄嬛——Clover、 安陵容——Casey 华妃——Popo 宫女、太监——Jamal 皇上——Juliana The biography of Zhenhuan 第一幕 宫女:启禀小主,安小主想要见您。 ZhenHuan: Yes, ask her to come in, please.. 甄嬛:请进来吧。 Anling: Your Majesty . 安陵容:陵容参见姐姐。(拜) ZhenHuan: Please be up. (扶). 甄嬛:妹妹快请起。(扶) (The Two bow to each other) 两个人拜两拜。 ZhenHuan: Please have a seat. Just a day without seeing you, why are your voice become so harsh? 甄嬛:坐。一日不见妹妹,这嗓子怎么变了这个声音呀。 Anling: You don’t know, recently I suffer from throat illness again, and the emperor also has not come to see me for a long time 安陵容:姐姐有所不知,近日妹妹的喉疾又犯了,就连皇上也几日没有来看过我了。 ZhenHuan: Throat illness? Didn’t you just have a piles operation last month? How quickly the disease recurred. HuanBi, go to the royal hospital and take some Madingrong for her soon. 甄嬛:喉疾?你不是上个月才做的痔疮手术吗?怎么这么快又复发了?浣碧,一


22分53秒 苏公公:The Sixth Prince Hongyi,to inquire after you.(六阿哥弘毅给皇上请安)Your Majesty,the Sixth Prince......(皇上,这六阿哥......) 皇上:Get a drop of his blood.(刺一滴血) 甄嬛:Your Majesty,once you do it,even though he is your son, he will be abused by people........ (皇上,您这一动手,即便认定弘毅是皇上亲生,来日里也会被世人诟病。) 他是被皇上疑心过血统的孩子,将来,将来如何让弘毅立足 皇上:你先坐...苏培盛... 23分54秒 皇上:温实初(wen shi chu) 温实初:Your Majesty!It is impossible!(皇上!这不可能!这绝对不可能啊!皇上!) 皇后:Zhen Huan,on your knees!(大胆甄嬛,还不跪下!) 甄嬛:I have done nothing wrong. Why should I kneel?(臣妾无错,为何要跪) 皇后:If the blood intermingles,they are kin.(血相融者即为亲) There is nothing left to say.(你还有什么可辩驳) Now,strip off the emblems of her rank and send her to the Cold Palace,together with that little bastard! (来人,剥去她的贵妃服制,打入冷宫,连同孽障一起给我扔进去) Wen Shichu shall be flogged to death at once!(温实初即刻杖杀) 甄嬛:Who dares!(谁敢) (25分30—26分12秒可剪掉) 皇上:I have treated you well.Why have you done this to me? (朕待你不薄。你为何为何要如此待朕) 端妃:Your Majesty!(皇上皇上) 皇上:You are too let me down!(你太叫朕失望了) See it with your own eyes!(你自己看) 甄嬛:Something must be wrong with the water.(这水这水一定有问题) Your Majesty,something is wrong with the water.(皇上,水有问题) 甄嬛:Your Majesty! Something is truly wrong with the water. Any person’s blood intermingles in it. (皇上!这水有问题任何人的血滴进去都能相融) Your Majesty,please look closely.(皇上你来看) 瑾夕:Something is wrong with the water.(这水有问题) Your Majesty,something has played a dirty trick with the water. (皇上,这水有问题,是有人做过手脚的) Your Majesty,my lady is innocent.(娘娘是清白的皇上) 苏公公:My Majesty,it is impossible!I am infertile.(皇上这不可能奴才没有生育的能力)Doctor Wen and Jinxi could never be my children! (温太医与瑾夕怎么可能是奴才的孩子) 皇上:hhhhhh ,I know. 哈哈哈哈朕知道! (27分52秒)


1.选秀最后一轮,皇帝听到甄嬛的名字问她是哪个嬛,甄嬛如是说。 一剪梅蔡伸 堆枕乌云堕翠翘。午梦惊回,满眼春娇。嬛嬛一袅楚宫腰。那更春来,玉减香消。柳下朱门傍小桥。几度红窗,误认鸣镳。断肠风月可怜宵。忍使恹恹,两处无聊。 翻译:乌黑的长发像乌云堆砌在枕上,发间的翠翘也已经歪落。午睡间突然被惊醒,望着满眼却只是春色的温红软绿。轻柔优美的人儿,哪经得起又一春的岁月煎熬。只怕,人老珠黄玉减香消。柳树下的红门伴着小桥。多少次等到天黑点上蜡烛映红了窗子,多少次误以为是他打马经过。断肠呀,风花雪月可怜无尽长宵。忍着萎靡的样子,却又,十分无聊。 2.秀女选定后,皇后前来问皇帝应该给甄嬛什么位分,皇帝本想给贵人,又因汉军旗已有两位贵人而改为常在。皇帝赐了甄嬛一个封号“菀”,皇后听后说了这几句。 春词二首常建 菀菀黄柳丝,濛濛杂花垂。 日高红妆卧,倚对春光迟。 宁知傍淇水,騕褭黄金羁。 翳翳陌上桑,南枝交北堂。 美人金梯出,素手自提筐。 非但畏蚕饥,盈盈娇路傍。 题注:《乐府》录第二首,题为《陌上桑》。“倚对春光迟”中的“对”,《英灵》、《品汇》均作“树”;光,《英灵》作“风”。菀菀:wǎnwǎn,茂盛。蒙蒙:原意为雨雪云雾迷茫的样子,此指杂花繁茂。红妆:美女。倚:yǐ,靠。宁:岂。傍bng:靠近,此指居住在淇河边。騕褭:yāo niǎo,良马名。淮南子齐俗

3.此为芳若作为甄嬛和安陵容的教引姑姑时说到了华妃宠冠六宫,容貌倾国倾城,甄嬛就说了这样的话。 妾薄命李白 汉帝宠阿娇,贮之黄金屋。 咳唾落九天,随风生珠玉。 宠极爱还歇,妒深情却疏。 长门一步地,不肯暂回车。 雨落不上天,水覆难再收。 君情与妾意,各自东西流。 昔日芙蓉花,今成断根草。 以色事他人,能得几时好? 咳唾,汉语词汇拼音:ké tuò释义:①咳嗽吐唾液。②称美他人的言语﹑诗文等。 4.甄嬛的母亲对甄嬛临别前的叮嘱,化用侯门一入深似海。 赠婢崔郊 公子王孙逐后尘, 绿珠垂泪滴罗巾。 侯门一入深似海, 从此萧郎是路人。 5.皇帝问及沈眉庄为什么那么喜欢菊花,沈眉庄的回答。 寒菊郑思肖 花开不并百花丛, 独立疏篱趣未穷。 宁可枝头抱香死, 何曾吹落北风中! 6.甄嬛倚梅园中祈福时说的心愿。

美国版《甄嬛传》英文预告片 台词太霸气了

最近美版《甄嬛传》上映了之后,娘娘在国内又火了一把。我看到美版预告片后有种:开天辟地头一回!学英语的小伙伴们终于有了‘看着出口的国产剧学英文’即视感! 美国人把娘娘变成了在王室争斗中步步为营、义无反顾选择爱情的感人故事! 热腾腾的预告一出,我们就可以跟着学单词啦!且来先听本回分解—— In a time of legend. 在那个传奇的年代。 Legend这个词在中文解释中是“传奇,传奇故事,传奇人物”。 legend是英语文学中的一個术语,Legend的定义是: a song or narrative handed down from the past. Legend differs from myths on the basis of the elements of historical truth they contain. Legend所带有的色彩是更偏向“魔幻、架空、基于基本史实的加工虚构”的意味。虽然带有一些历史的元素,但是更加倾向于虚构加工。比如甄嬛,虽然是一个虚构的人物,她很多经历也是虚构的,但是在她的故事中,存在许多历史上真实的人物:比如 雍正、华妃年世兰;还有些情节,比如甄嬛变成了太后,登基的四阿哥其实就是乾隆。这些人和事其实都可以算在”legend”的故事范畴中。 A young beauty will have a chance and everything she ever dreamed. 一位倾世红颜,将有机会得到她梦寐以求的一切。 Beauty这个词做名词的时候可以指美人,也可以指美丽的艺术品,而这个词的来源可以总结为:拉丁语→古法语→中古英语 (默默吐个槽,其实Beauty这个词在Middle English时期原本的写法是Beaute.) 在小伙伴们刚刚学英文的时候肯定学过一个和Beauty特别像的词:beautiful。这个词其实更多的是用在客套话上的,后来出现了一种很神奇的情况:许多母语不是英文的小


演员:甄嬛、浣碧、安陵容、华妃、宫女、太监、皇上 The biography of Zhenhuan 第一幕 甄嬛: You see, Huan Bi, what do you think of this handkerchief? HuanBi: Answer to my young master, your workmanship is excellent! I think the emperor would be fond of it. 甄嬛: NO, he doesn’t care the handkerchief HuanBi: he cares nothing but you!.To inform my young master, Master An wants to see you. 甄嬛: Yes, ask her to come in, please.. Anling: Your Majesty . 甄嬛: Please be up. Please have a seat. Just a day without seeing you, why are your voice become so harsh? Anling: You don’t know, recently I suffer from throat illness again, and the emperor also has not come to see me for a long time 甄嬛: Throat illness? How quickly the disease recurred. HuanBi, go to the royal hospital and take some medicine for her soon. HuanBi: My young master, we have it at hand. A nling: You are so lucky that you can get everything you want. While I am so humble and always looked down upon. And…keep this medicine for yourself. You see, I have been much better, now I can even sing ! 甄嬛: it’s good,y our voice as mildly crisp as oriole, and you are the super dancing queen in the entire palace! Come on, have some tea for your throat. Anling: Hey, what is it? Is it your Snow top with Tracy. 甄嬛: yes,Try it first and see whether you like it or not. I’m the only person to have the tea beside the emperor. Anling: The tea is good ,How dare I compare with you ? Keep this Snow top with Tracy for yourself. You see, Huafei is coming, and I don't want to have anything to do with her. So, allow me to leave now.. 第二幕 浣碧: HuaFei is coming! 甄嬛:Your Majesty! Long live the empress! HuaFei: you can be up ! 甄嬛: Thank you. HuaFei: It seems that your handicraft is better than before. Is this for the emperor? 甄嬛: Y ou always miss nothing! I will give the emperor this handkerchief to express my love for him. HuaFei: Love? The emperor love you? Oh , come on! I’m the only woman the emperor loves ! I’d like to tell you what is the emperor’s love. 甄嬛:Ah, your headwear (头饰)is really beautiful! HuaFei: If you like it and I will take it off and give it to you. Oh, but you are still only a concubine of the emperor, so you can’t wear this style. 甄嬛:You are kidding! How dare I compare with you?


中国诗歌英译之《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《梅花》崔道融 原句:逆风如解意,容易莫摧残(甄嬛大年夜在倚梅园祈福时念的诗) 数萼初含雪,孤标画本难。 Flake on petals, plum blossoms no one can render, 香中别有韵,清极不知寒。 Exuding charming scent and not resigned to winter. 横笛和愁听,斜枝倚病看。 Their twigs look askew, as if worn from sickness, 逆风如解意,容易莫摧残。 If wind sees their strong will, let such ordeal cease. 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《画菊》郑思肖 原句:宁可枝头抱香死,何曾吹落北风中(眉庄喜欢菊花的气节) 出处:《画菊》宋郑思肖 花开不并百花丛, Not grown among the riotous profusion of flowers, 独立疏篱趣无穷。 But between hedges that stand weak and sparse. 宁可枝头抱香死, Daisies would die with scent clinging to twigs, 何曾吹落北风中。 Rather than fall into air and go with flows. 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《夜雨寄北》--李商隐 原句:何当共剪西窗烛(甄嬛下床剪蜡烛) 出处:《夜雨寄北》--李商隐

君问归期未有期, You ask when I shall return, 巴山夜雨涨秋池。 With water, the pond will brim soon. 何当共剪西窗烛, I long to trim candle wick with you, 却话巴山夜雨时。 And sit awhile amid the drizzle of rain. 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《赏牡丹》刘禹锡 原句:牡丹芍药之争(甄嬛在华妃面前为皇后娘娘挣回面子) 出处:《赏牡丹》唐刘禹锡 庭前芍药妖无格, Wild peonies grow with exuberant colors, 池上芙蓉净少情。 Pond lotuses are pure and free of passions. 惟有牡丹真国色, Only red peonies epitomize the essence of beauty, 花开时节动京城。 Whose blooming presence decorates Peking City. 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《金缕衣》杜秋娘 原句:《金缕衣》(甄嬛助安陵容首次争宠) 出处:《金缕衣》--唐.杜秋娘 劝君莫惜金缕衣, Revel not in material, fleeting mirth, 劝君惜取少年时。 Never idle away prime days of youth. 花开堪折直须折, Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, (选自Robert Herrick的同名诗歌,巧合!)


大二班的春天 苏:Here comes the king! All : Oh,my darling! 皇:Oh,come on.Hareme[后宫] does not have a peaceful day.Where does the peace come from? 皇后:Oh,we are so sorry for disturbing your peacefulness.Please forgive us! King:Enough,go ahead,what’s the matter now? Such a a mess! 祺:Your Majesty,I have a thunder-struck news to tell you.That’s really really shocking! King:(staring…) 祺:OK…I want to inform against consort Xi having had an affair with Wen Shichu. King:(Slap)Bitch!Nonsense!Who tell you the rumour? 祺:Why hit me?i have never done anything to you!i swear on my life.What I’ve said are really true. 皇后:Qi has sworn in public.I think there may be some seorets.If there are some misunderstanding for the sake of Xi’s innocence,we’d better investigate thoroughly! King :Well,go ahead.If there’s a far off the mark.,she is to blame for this fault. 祺:T’ve evidence to proved that Xi and Wen had an affair .When she was in Ganlu Temple ,they were always together in the room without anyone else..If you don’t believe me,the nun in Ganlu Temple can prove it.And she is already in palace now. 皇后:Ti’s up to you to decide whether let her in or not,your majesty.] King:OK. 静白:Wish you good health,your majesty.I’m Jingbai,oh,do you still remember me?Mrs Xi? Xi :Of course,the negative characters are always difficult to forget.Do you want to take another beating? 静白:Uh-hun,thank you.The last beating has taught me to tell the “truth”. Xi :I hope so. 祺:OK,stop chefting.Jingbai,please tell the key point. 静白:When Xi was in Ganlu Temple,we were all not dare to get close to her.And later,a male doctor always came to visit her.They always stayed together alone.What they have done,we have no way to know. 祺:Excuse me,do you know who is the male doctor? 静白:(look around)Oh,you,you,it’s you! Wen :What!Have never seen handsome guy? 静白:Of course!Ganlu Temple seldom has man,so I am sure that’s you!Amitabha! 宁:Oh,what a mess!Your majesty,I can’t bear,please allow me go back to ma palace. King:Ok. 宁:(slap 静白) 祺:Nothing.A fly.Bye-bye. 皇后:Your majesty.Doctor Wen always visited Xi.Did you ask him to do that?If you


别再恶搞:围观正经的《甄嬛传》台词翻译 来源:重庆晚报 2013-02-04 07:36:45 线下点评 《甄嬛传》制片人曹平 我看了这段视频。很明显,中文台词和英文配音配不上,这就是网友的自我娱乐。《甄嬛传》到美国会有专门团队运作,重新剪辑。 至于翻译,我认为不会成为障碍,一是故事精彩,传递的价值观有共同点;二是相信美国团队会考虑美国人的理解方式、收视习惯,做出调整。 高级同声翻译王民杰 乍一听还真是挺容易被忽悠的。我听到第一句时还在想,这么纯正的英语,做得不错,只是言不达意,中段竟直接出现black swan(黑天鹅)了。不过,网友确实挺有才的,部分地方有一定的共通性。我曾参与过纪录片的引进翻译,外国人在引进片子时,会根据当地文化、习惯进行一定改版。 亲,不要再恶搞了 看看正经的《甄嬛传》台词翻译吧 对于《甄嬛传》里的经典台词,有10年翻译经验,重庆某翻译公司同声传译员程灏然给出了他的翻译,并解释了缘由。 1、贱人真是矫情 搞笑版:bitch is so bitch。 正解:Bitch is so bitching。 解读:bitch意指贱人。后面的bitching是名词动用。当然还有很多翻法,比如在愤怒时也可直接说you,bitch,言简意赅。此外,bitch是一个有些夸张的词,也有很多替代词,比如low等。 2、这真真是极好的 搞笑版:this really really good enough。

正解:That is really good。 解读:“真真是极好的”是在传递“还不错”的意思。《甄嬛传》里的人物身份,决定了她们势必说话时会有些傲慢矫情。这就完全可以参照《穿prada的女魔头》女魔头米兰达的表达方式。她在说“还不错”时就会用“That is really good”这样干脆利落的句子。 3、皇上万福金安 搞笑版:hope you 10000 lucky and safe with gold。 正解:Good morning, your majesty。 解读:句子的本意是“皇上,早上好。”这个表达方式在国外很多宫廷电影里都有。 4.赏你一丈红 搞笑版:Give you a 3.33333 metersred. 正解:Enjoy your slow torture to death。 解读:一丈红其实是一种惩罚。而华妃说话时故意用了赏这个词也可以看出她的凶狠。所以,翻译时可以还原这种感觉,用“请享受我将你慢慢折磨致死这个过程。” 5.倒也不负恩泽 搞笑版:It is not negative Enze。 正解:Anyway, your good will be appreciated。 解读:其实,倒也不负恩泽换言之,就是你的好意我都懂。 6、承蒙圣恩 搞笑版:oh,my darling. 正解:I am deeply grateful to your kindness。 解读:承蒙圣恩主要表达对皇上的感激感恩之情。这里就可以适当加强感激程度,加上一个类似“深深的”的形容词来修饰这种感激,是合理的。 古文译英做到得“意”忘“形”


Chapter 1 The Beginning of life in the Forbidden city 女人们的出场 ZHEN: I’m ZHENHUAN ,the first daughter born in clan Zhen. I have been chosen to be one of primary concubines who belong to the emperor. I was once dreaming to get marry with a normal person, but now , dream broken. 甄:我ZHENHUAN,第一个女儿出生在氏族甄。我已经被选为一个初级小妾属于皇帝。我曾经梦想要结婚与一个正常的人,但是现在,梦想破碎。 SHEN . :My name is Meizhuang Shen , I was grown in a wealthy family,but now I must come the emperor into notice and try to please him so that the wealth of my family would go on. 沈:我的名字是Meizhuang沈,我生长在一个富裕的家庭,但现在我必须皇帝到通知和试图请他这样丰富的我的家人会继续。 ANN: I‘m LinRong Ann ,I was born in a very poor family. My father is a county magistrate ,I’m overwhelmed by an unexpected favour which I was chosen.


甄嬛传英语剧本之滴血认亲 ALL: here comes the king. (皇上驾到) oh, my daring.(皇上万福金安) 皇上:Harems(后宫) does not have a peaceful day, where does the peace come from? 皇后:We disturb your tranquil life, please forgive us! 皇上:Go ahead, what is going on? Such a mess! 祺贵人:(走上前)I want to inform against consort XI(熹贵妃) has a secret relationship with 温实初 and has a bad influence on the Harems. 皇上:(打了其贵妃一巴掌)bitch, who tell you the gossip? 祺贵人:I guarantee in my life! What I have said are really true. 皇上: Well, just listen to the holding. if there is a far off the mark(如 有虚言), go to hell. 祺贵人:I have evident to prove that consort XI(熹贵妃) and 温实初 have a vague relationship. After she leave the palace, they are always together in the roo m with doors and windows closed without others! 皇后:my king,温实初 always visits consort XI(熹贵妃),did you ask him to do that? If so, it is reasonable. 皇上:Did you ever do that? I didn’t! 皇上:well, I believe in you! 皇后:For the sake of her innocence, you’d better investigate thoroughly! 祺贵人:consort XI(熹贵妃) has been pregnant before going back to the palace. So how do we know it is our prince?


甄嬛传英语剧本之滴血认亲 演员:皇上、皇后、熹贵妃、祺贵人、温实初、槿汐、苏培盛、端贵妃、贞嫔、玉娆、慎贝勒皇上:张海荣陈国庆:苏培盛慎贝勒:王凯温实初:曹帅 皇后:吴雪逸熹贵妃:江淑贞祺贵人:赵瑞娜贞嫔:沈妮妮玉娆:孟晓燕 槿汐:郭红蔓端贵妃:刘烨 (苏培盛): here comes the king. (皇上驾到) All:oh, my daring.(皇上万福金安) A)皇上:Hareme(后宫) does not have a peaceful day, where does the peace come from? A)皇后:we disturb your tranquil life, please forgive us! 苏培盛: go ahead,please. 皇上: what is going on? Such a mess! 祺贵人:(走上前)I want to inform against consort XI(熹贵妃) has a secret relationship with 温实初 and has a bad influence on the Hareme. 皇上:(打了其贵妃一巴掌)bitch, who tell you the gossip? 祺贵人:I guarantee in my life! What I have said are really true. 皇上: well, just listen to the holding. if there is a far off the mark(如有虚言), go to hell. 祺贵人:I have evident to prove that consort XI(熹贵妃) and 温实初 have a vague(暧昧的) https://www.360docs.net/doc/c110786920.html,e on ,贞嫔. 贞嫔:After she leave the palace, they are always together in the room with doors and windows closed without others! 皇后:my king,温实初 always visit consort XI(熹贵妃),does you ask him to do that? If is that ,this is reasonable. A)槿汐:my king ,allow me to say a just(公正的) word sincerely, they are do blameless.
