



1、In 2004, 16 June falls on a Wednesday. On what day of the week will 16 June fal l in 2010?

2、In a magic square the sum of the numbers in each row, in each diagonal and in e ach column are equal. In this magic square the value of x is:

3、If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is____.

4、The sum of the digits of the following product


5、Three positive integers have a sum of 28. The greatest possible product that these i ntegers can have is_____.

6、Jack was trying to tessellate regular pentagons. He managed the

following figure.

The size of angle .a. is______.

7、If the area of the shaded region of the regular hexagon in the diagram

below is 36 cm2, the area of the whole hexagon in cm2 is_____.

8、In what follows, □ and Δ are different numbers.

When 503 is divided by □ the remainder is20.

When 503 is divided by Δ the remainder is 20.

When 493 is divided by □ x Δ the remainder is_____.

9、A lady, her brother, her son and her daughter (all related by birth) played

volleyball. The worst player's twin (who is one of the four players) and the

best player are of opposite ***.

The worst player and the best player are of the same age.

Who cannot be the worst player(s)?

A) brother only B) daughter only

C) son and daughter only

D) lady and daughter only

E) lady only

10、If you continue the given number pattern, in what row and in what

position in that row will the number 320 be?

1 -------------- row 1

2 3 -------------- row 2

4 5 6 -------------- row 3

7 8 9 10 -------------- row 4

The answers are given in the order of row ; position.









8、503-20=483 483=3×7×23=21×23,因此□ x Δ=483,因此此题余数是10.




奥数题100道及答案- 小学二年级奥数题及答案- 小学模拟考试 1.一家三口人,三人年龄之和是72岁,妈妈和爸爸同岁,妈妈的年龄是孩子的4倍,三人各是多少岁? 答案:妈妈的年龄是孩子的4倍,爸爸和妈妈同岁,那么爸爸的年龄也是孩子的4倍,把孩子的年龄作为1倍数,已知三口人年龄和是72岁,那么孩子的年龄为72÷(1+4+4)=8(岁),妈妈的年龄是8×4=32(岁),爸爸和妈妈同岁为32岁. 2.甲乙丙丁各自参加篮球、排球、足球和象棋。现在知道:(1)甲的身材比排球运动员高。(2)几年前,丁由于事故,失去了双腿。(3)足球运动员比丙和篮球运动员都矮。猜猜就甲乙丙丁各参加什么项目? 答案:由(2)可知丁肯定是象棋运动员,由(1)(3)可知甲不是排球和足球运动员,那么甲只能是篮球运动员,由(3)可知丙不是足球运动员,那么只能是排球运动员了,剩下的乙就是足球运动员了。 3.联欢会上,要把10个水果装在6个袋子里,要求每个袋子中装的水果都是双数,而且水果和袋子都不剩。应该怎样装? 答案:每个袋子放2个,再把5个袋子装在最后一个袋子里 4.淘气有300元钱,买书用去56元,买文具用去128元,淘气剩下的钱比原来少多少元? 答案:比原来少的钱就是花掉的钱,小淘气一共花了:56+128=184(元),所以比原来的钱少了184元

5.观察下列各组图的变化规律,并在方框里画出相关的图形? 答案: 6.兄弟两人去钓鱼,一共钓了23条,哥哥钓的鱼比弟弟的三倍还多3条,哥哥弟弟各钓了多少条? 答案:23-3=20 20/(3+1)=5条 弟弟钓了5条 哥哥钓了5*3+3=18条。 7.某个外星人来到地球上,随身带有本星球上的硬币1分、2分、4分、8分各一枚,如果他想买7分钱的一件商品,他应如何付款?买9分、10分、13分、14分和15分的商品呢?他又将如何付款? 答案:这道题目的实质是要求把7、9、10、13、14、15各数按1、2、4、8进行分拆.7=1+2+49=1+810=2+813=1+4+814=2+4+8 15=1+2+4+8外星人可按以上方式付款. 8.盘子里有香蕉、苹果、桔子三种水果。小刚、小林、小红各拿了一个不同的水果。小刚说:“每人只吃一种水果,我不吃桔子。”小林说:“我既不吃苹果,也不吃桔子。”( )拿的香蕉,( )拿的桔子,( )拿的苹果。 答案:(小林)拿的香蕉,(小红)拿的桔子,(小刚)拿的苹果。 9.有一个四位数,各位数字之和等于34。符合这个条件的四位数有哪些? 答案:8899、8989、8998、9889、9898、9988、7999、9799、9979、9997


外国语学校小升初入学考试中英文奥数试题库 Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998

外国语学校小升初英语奥数训练题 第一部分 1、三个素数的倒数之和是 2006 1155,则这三个素数中最大的是多少 1. The sum of the reciprocals of three prime numbers is 2006 1155, so what is the greatest one among the three prime numbers 2、有一个分数,它的分子加2,可以约简为7 4;它的分母减2,可以约简为25 14。这个分数是多少 2. There is a fraction. If its numerator adds 2, it can be reduced to be 7 4; if its denominator subtracts 2, it can be reduced to be 25 14. So what is this fraction 3、一个数分别除以1411,2110,49 20,所得的商都是自然数。这个数最小是多少 3. A number is divided by 1411, 2110 and 49 20 respectively and the quotients are all natural numbers. So what is the minimum value of this number 4、一片竹林,去年不开花的竹子比开花的2倍还多55棵,今年又多了100棵开花,这时开花的竹子恰好是不开花的4倍,这片竹林有多少棵竹子 4. There is a bamboo forest. Last year, the non-blooming bamboos were two times and 55 more than the blooming bamboos. With another 100 bamboos blooming this year, the blooming bamboos are four times as many as the non-blooming bamboos. So, how many bamboos are there in this forest (红色的地方我有点不确定,葛老师您看看应该怎么翻) 5、从12 110181614121+++++中去掉两个分数,余下的分数之和为1。这两个分数是哪两个分数 5. Take out two fractions from 12 110181614121+++++ to make the sum of remaining fractions to be 1. So what are these two fractions 6、一个整数与它的倒数的和等于,这个整数是多少它的倒数是多少


小学六年级下册的奥数题及答案 一.工程问题: 1.甲乙两个水管单独开,注满一池水,分别需要20小时,16小时.丙水管单独开,排一池水要10小时,若水池没水,同时打开甲乙两水管,5小时后,再打开排水管丙,问水池注满还是要多少小时? 2.修一条水渠,单独修,甲队需要20天完成,乙队需要30天完成。如果两队合作,由于彼此施工有影响,他们的工作效率就要降低,甲队的工作效率是原来的五分之四,乙队工作效率只有原来的十分之九。现在计划16天修完这条水渠,且要求两队合作的天数尽可能少,那么两队要合作几天? 3.一件工作,甲、乙合做需4小时完成,乙、丙合做需5小时完成。现在先请甲、丙合做2小时后,余下的乙还需做6小时完成。乙单独做完这件工作要多少小时? 4.一项工程,第一天甲做,第二天乙做,第三天甲做,第四天乙做,这样交替轮流做,那么恰好用整数天完工;如果第一天乙做,第二天甲做,第三天乙做,第四天甲做,这样交替轮流做,那么完工时间要比前一种多半天。已知乙单独做这项工程需17天完成,甲单独做这项工程要多少天完成? 5.师徒俩人加工同样多的零件。当师傅完成了1/2时,徒弟完成了120个。当师傅完成了任务时,徒弟完成了4/5这批零件共有多少个?

6.一批树苗,如果分给男女生栽,平均每人栽6棵;如果单份给女生栽,平均每人栽10棵。单份给男生栽,平均每人栽几棵? 7.一个池上装有3根水管。甲管为进水管,乙管为出水管,20分钟可将满池水放完,丙管也是出水管,30分钟可将满池水放完。现在先打开甲管,当水池水刚溢出时,打开乙,丙两管用了18分钟放完,当打开甲管注满水是,再打开乙管,而不开丙管,多少分钟将水放完? 8.某工程队需要在规定日期内完成,若由甲队去做,恰好如期完成,若乙队去做,要超过规定日期三天完成,若先由甲乙合作二天,再由乙队单独做,恰好如期完成,问规定日期为几天? 9.两根同样长的蜡烛,点完一根粗蜡烛要2小时,而点完一根细蜡烛要1小时,一天晚上停电,小芳同时点燃了这两根蜡烛看书,若干分钟后来点了,小芳将两支蜡烛同时熄灭,发现粗蜡烛的长是细蜡烛的2倍,问:停电多少分钟? 二.鸡兔同笼问题 1.鸡与兔共100只,鸡的腿数比兔的腿数少28条,问鸡与兔各有几只?


英语奥数题 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

英语数学题 1、An ant covers a distance of 90 metres in 3 hours. The average speed of the ant in decimetres per minute is____. 2、 3、 In a certain town some people were affected by a ’flu’ epidemic. In the first month 20% of the population contracted the flu whilst 80% were healthy. In the following month 20% of the sick people recovered and 20% of the healthy people contracted the disease. What fraction of the population is healthy at the end of the second month 4、Mpho, Barry, Sipho, Erica and Fatima are sitting on a park bench. Mpho is not sitting on the far right. Barry is not sitting on the far left.

Sipho is not sitting at either end. Erica is sitting to the right of Barry, but not necessarily next to him. Fatima is not sitting next to Sipho. Sipho is not sitting next to Barry. Who is sitting at the far right 5、Of the 28 T–shirts in a drawer, six are red, five are blue, and the rest are white. If Bob selects T–shirts at random whilst packing for a holiday, what is the least number he must remove from the drawer to be sure that he has three T–shirts of the same colour 6、In an alien language, jalez borg farn means “good maths skills”. Nurf klar borg means “maths in harmony” and darko klar farn means “good in gold”. What is “harmony gold” in this language 7、Five children, Amelia, Bongani, Charles, Devine and Edwina, were in the classroom when one of them broke a window. The teacher asked each of them to make a statement about the event, knowing that three of them always lie and two always tell the truth. Their statements were as follows: Amelia: “Charles did not break it, nor did Devine.”


一年级奥数题100道及答案 1. 在一条长20米的小路两旁栽树,每隔5米在一棵树,一共栽多少棵? 答: 2. 在一条长54米的小路的一侧栽了10棵松树(头尾都栽),两棵树相隔多少米? 答: 3. 小明家到公路的距离为30米,每隔5米栽一棵树,一共栽了多少棵? 答: 4. 小亮走进教室,看见教室里只有8名同学,那么现在教室里一共有几名同学? 答: 5. 路边有16棵树,每两棵树之间有一个垃圾桶,一共有多少个垃圾桶? 答: 6. 沿着跑到插有11面彩旗,小勇从第一面彩旗跑到第六面彩旗用了10秒,跑到第11面彩旗用了多少秒? 答: 7. 汽车站每隔10分钟发出一辆车,一小时可以发出几辆车? 答: 8. 如图所示,小朋友排队,小红前面四个人,后边三个人,问一共多少人? 答: 9. 在10米长的一段马路的一侧种树,每隔1米种一棵,两头都种,共种11棵,如果把三块“爱护树木”的小牌任意挂在三棵树上,然后再把每两棵挂牌的树之间的距离是多少米算出来,看一看这三个距离(即多少米),至少有一个数是偶数,对吗?然后把三块小牌再挂在不同的三棵树上,再算算看。 答: 10.

学校体育达标百米验收时,小红跑完一百米用了14秒,小丽用了13秒,他俩谁跑的快? 答: 11. 校门口放着一排花,共10盆.从左往右数茉莉花摆在第6,从右往左数,月季花摆在第8,一串红花全都摆在了茉莉花和月季花之间.算一算,一串红花一共有多少盆? 答: 12. 虎王召开森林大会,一共有29只小动物参加会议,如果老虎想坐在中间,他应该坐第几位呢? 答: 13. 20人排成一行,从左向右报数,老师要报到5~9号的下朋友向前走一步。问原地不动的有多少人? 答: 14. 下面的数是一些动物的年龄,请将它们按从小到大的顺序排列起来。 大象80岁,长颈鹿25岁,马40岁,猴子30岁, 老虎 20岁,梭鱼 260岁,乌龟 170岁,鹰 160岁 答: 15. 小明和小红都集邮票。小明给了小红6枚后,两人的邮票同样多,原来小明的邮票比小红的多多少枚? 答: 16. 小亮锯木头,锯了3下,问:木头被锯成了几段? 答: 17. 哥哥今年12岁,弟弟比哥哥小3岁,姐姐比弟弟大5岁,姐姐今年多少岁? 答: 18. 鲨鱼重3吨,大象比鲨鱼重3吨,鲸鱼比大象重54吨,鲸鱼比鲨鱼重多少吨? 答:


1、25除以一个数的2倍,商是3余1,求这个数.[4] 2、学校今年绿化面积1800平方米,比去年的绿化面积的2倍还多40平方米,去年绿化面积是多少平方米? [3] 3、洗衣机厂今年每日生产洗衣机260台,比去年平均日产量的2.5倍少40台,去年平均日产洗衣机多少台? [3] 4、化肥厂用大、小两辆汽车运47吨化肥,大汽车运了8次,小汽车运了6次正好运完,大汽车每次运4吨,小汽车每次运多少吨? [3] 5、一匹布长36米,裁了10件大人衣服和8件儿童衣服,每件大人衣服用布2.4米,每件儿童衣服用布多少米? 6、甲车每小时行48千米,乙车每小时行56千米,两车从相距12千米的两地同时背向而行,几小时后两车相距272千米? [4] 7、饲养场共养4800只鸡,母鸡只数比公鸡只数的1.5倍还多300只,公鸡、母鸡各养了多少只? 8、哥哥和弟弟的年龄相加为35岁,哥哥比弟弟大3岁,哥哥和弟弟各多少岁? [4] 9、甲、乙两车同时从相距528千米的两地相向而行,6小时后相遇,甲车每小时比乙车快6千米,求甲、乙两车每小时各行多少千米? 10、小张买苹果用去7.4元,比买2千克橘子多用0.6元,每千克橘子多少元? [4] 11、学校图书馆购买的文艺书比科技书多156本,文艺书的本数比科技书的3倍还多12本,文艺书和科技书各买了多少本? [4] 12、甲有书的本数是乙有书的本数的3倍,甲、乙两人平均每人有82本书,求甲、乙两人各有书多少本. [4] 13、一只两层书架,上层放的书是下层的3倍,如果把上层的书搬60本到下层,那么两层的书一样多,求上、下层原来各有书多少本.[4] 14、有甲、乙两缸金鱼,甲缸的金鱼条数是乙缸的一半,如从乙缸里取出9条金鱼放人甲缸,这样两缸鱼的条数相等,求甲缸原有金鱼多少条.[4] 15、汽车从甲地到乙地,去时每小时行60千米,比计划时间早到1小时;返回时,每小时行40千米,比计划时间迟到1小时.求甲乙两地的距离.[5] 16、同学们种向日葵,五年级种的棵数比四年级种的3倍少10棵,五年级比四年级多种62棵,两个年级各种多少棵? 17、电视机厂生产一批电视机,如果每天生产40台,要比原计划多生产6天,如果每天生产60台,可以比原计划提前4天完成,求原计划生产时间和这批电视机的总台数.[5] 19、一把直尺和一把小刀共1.9元,4把直尺和6把小刀共9元,每把直尺和每把小刀各多少元? 20、甲、乙两个粮仓存粮数相等,从甲仓运出130吨、从乙仓运出230吨后,甲粮仓剩粮是乙粮仓剩粮的3倍,原来每个粮仓各存粮多少吨? 21、甲、乙两堆煤共100吨,如从甲堆运出10吨给乙堆,这时甲堆煤的质量正好是乙堆煤质量的1.5倍,求甲、乙两堆煤原来各有多少吨? 22、甲仓存粮32吨乙仓存粮57吨以后甲仓每天存人4吨,乙仓每天存人9吨,几天后乙仓存粮是甲仓的2倍? 23、两根电线同样长短,将第一根剪去2米后,第二根长是第一根的1.8倍,原来两根电线各长多少米? [4] 24、一批香蕉,卖掉140千克后,原来香蕉的质量正好是剩下香蕉的5倍,这批香蕉共有多少千克? 25、小明去爬山,上山花了45分钟,原路下山花了30分钟,上山每分钟比下山每分钟少走9米,


英文奥数题 把正确答案填到横线上。 1. Subtract 10 from 40 is _________ 2. What is the total of 13 and 5 ? ________ 3. How much less is 12 than 20? _________ 4. What is ? of 8? _________ 5. What is next in the pattern?12 10 8 6 ?___________ 6. How much more is 15 than 9? ___________ 7. Add 3, 4, and 1 ___________ 8. Take 12 from 18 ___________ 9. Share 10 between 2 ___________ 10. Subtract 10 from 13 ____________ 11. Divide 9 by 3 ____________ 12.Which is smaller 36 or 63? ___________ 13.Put these into order – smallest to biggest 21 12 9 19 10 _______________________________ 14.What is 14 – 11? _______________ 15.Subtract 10 from 13 _______________ 16.What fraction is not shaded? ________________ 17.How many minutes in an hour? _______________ 18.What is 3 + 11? _______________ 19.Continue the pattern 21 – 19 – 17 – 15 - ? ________________ 20.M T W Th F Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 What day will it be on the 20th? _________________ 21.Double 5 ____________ 22.How many pennies in a pound? ________________ 23.What fraction is not blue? __________________ 24.What is one more and less of 17? _______________ 25.How many days are in a week? _______________ 26. 4. John is 10 – Ann is 2 years younger , and Don is 1 year older than she is. How old is Don? ______________ 27.Which are odd? 26 21 25 24 20 ________________ 28.Which are even? 18 19 11 28 _____________ 29.Draw an arrow facing West _________________ 30.Draw a rectangle ________________ 31.What is the difference between 8 and 15? ______________ 32.How many sides has a hexagon? _____________ 33.How many sides has an octagon? ________________ 34.How much less is 14 than 19? _______________ 35.How much more than 3 is 20? _______________ 36.I have no corners and 2 faces? _______________


小升初英文奥数题(1) 1、Did you know In the decimal number system (base 10) ten different digits, 0 to 9, are used to write all the numbers. In the binary number system (base 2) two different digits are used, . 0 and 1. Which one of the following numbers is not a valid number in the octal number system (base 8) 你知道吗在十进制数字系统中十个不同的数字,用从0到9就可以写出所有的数字了;在二进制数字系统中使用了二个不同的数字0和1。请问在八进制数字系统中,下列的哪一个数字是不存在的? A) 128 B) 127 C) 126 D) 125 E) 124 2、The number of diagonals that can be drawn in a regular polygon with twenty sides (icosagon) is_____. 一个规则的20多边形总共可以画出多少条对角线 3、If a and b are integers, 103=1, 1507=3, and then 3796 is equal to_____. 如果a和b都是整数,那么3796是等于多少 4、Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. When 4 is added to each number the ratio changes to 5 : sum of the two original numbers is____. 假设二个数字的比值是2:3,当每个数字加上4以后,比值就变成了5:7。那么这二个数字之和是多少 5、The greatest number of Mondays which can occur in 45 consecutive days is____ 在日历中,续45天中最多可以出现多少个星期一


6年级英语奥数题及答案 做习惯了数学的奥数题,你们对英语的奥数掌握多少呢?偏科的学生不是好学生哦,下面是小编为你们准备的关于6年级的英语奥数题目以及相关的奥数答案,希望能帮助你们。 6年级英语奥数题目(一) 1、In 2004, 16 June falls on a Wednesday. On what day of the week will 16 June fall in 2010? 2、In a magic square the sum of the numbers in each row, in each diagonal and in each column are equal. In this magic square the value of x is: 3、If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is____. 4、The sum of the digits of the following product 999555 5、Three positive integers have a sum of 28. The greatest possible product that these integers can have is_____. 6、Jack was trying to tessellate regular pentagons. He managed the following figure. The size of angle .a. is______. 7、If the area of the shaded region of the regular hexagon in the diagram below is 36 cm2, the area of the whole hexagon in cm2 is_____. 8、In what follows, □and are different numbers. When 503 is divided by □the remainder is 20.


外国语学校小升初英语奥数训练题 第一部分 1、三个素数的倒数之和是 2006 1155 ,则这三个素数中最大的是多少? 1. The sum of the reciprocals of three prime numbers is 2006 1155 , so what is the greatest one among the three prime numbers? 2、有一个分数,它的分子加2,可以约简为74;它的分母减2,可以约简为25 14 。 这个分数是多少? 2. There is a fraction. If its numerator adds 2, it can be reduced to be 7 4 ; if its denominator subtracts 2, it can be reduced to be 25 14 . So what is this fraction? 3、一个数分别除以1411,2110,49 20 ,所得的商都是自然数。这个数最小是多少? 3. A number is divided by 1411, 2110 and 49 20 respectively and the quotients are all natural numbers. So what is the minimum value of this number? 4、一片竹林,去年不开花的竹子比开花的2倍还多55棵,今年又多了100棵开花,这时开花的竹子恰好是不开花的4倍,这片竹林有多少棵竹子? 4. There is a bamboo forest. Last year, the non-blooming bamboos were two times and 55 more than the blooming bamboos. With another 100 bamboos blooming this year, the blooming bamboos are four times as many as the non-blooming bamboos. So, how many bamboos are there in this forest? (红色的地方我有点不确定,葛老师您看看应该怎么翻) 5、从121 10181614121+++++中去掉两个分数,余下的分数之和为1。这两个分 数是哪两个分数?


计算器高尔夫与估算有关的游戏 这是与估算有关的游戏,虽然要花些时间做事前准备,但从中获得的乐趣一定能使你觉得十分值得。 玩这个游戏需要一些卡片,每张卡片代表高尔夫球场上的一个洞。卡片上有一道题目,必须估算出合乎条件范围的数字。题目的难易应恰到好处,大约要做几次估算才能得出够准确的答案都应预作安排。实际估算的次数就等于在这个洞所得到的杆数。虽然有可能一杆进洞,但概率很小,除非问题太简单。上面是一张卡片的例子,以下是彼得和苏珊玩游戏时留下的记录: 彼得: B洞56.7<b2<57.7 4杆 苏珊: B洞56.7<b2<57.7

3杆 从两人的第一次估算可以看出,他们都是由九九乘法表的72=49与82=64判断b必定是在7和8之间,因此两人第一次的估计值都是 因此在 他们都发现b就在这两次估算的估计值之间,于是彼得在下次估算时,选择这两次估算的中间值;苏珊则注意到7.52比7.72更接近b,因此,她下一杆就进洞了。 彼得用前两次估算的中间值的做法,使他能很平稳地得分,但是苏珊的深思熟虑却使她赢了这一洞! 下面是几个其他的例子。 当一组卡片都准备好了之后,你就有了各种情况的“球场”。

答案与分析: 这个游戏的关键在于设计出一套适当的题目卡。设计时,必须先了解参与游戏者的程度,这样才能使题目难易适中。 然而,由于可以使用计算器,因此即使是程度有相当差异的人也可以一起玩,只要像玩高尔夫球一样,程度好的人先让几杆就可以了。 要想制作出许多套不同的题目卡,的确是个大工程,但是在一张纸上设计一个九洞的球场应该不会太困难。 最好是能让玩的人记录自己的估算过程。分组比赛也是玩这个游戏的另一种方式。 双胞胎的秘密 49要乘上多少才能得到4949? 38要乘上多少才能得到383838? 请找出4个质数,它们与一个二位数ab相乘所得的乘积为ababab。研究一下,一个二位数ab与73×101×137的乘积会是多少。 答案与分析: 49× 101=4949 38×10 101=383838


小学英语奥数题 1、Six trees are equally spaced along one side of a straight road. The distance from the first tree to the fourth is 60 feet. What is the distance in feet between the first and last trees? 2、At the end of 2005 Walter was half as old as his grandmother. The sum of the years in which they were born is 3860. How old will Walter be at the end of 2006? 3、The digits 1,2,3,4 and 9 are each used once to form the greatest possible even five-digit number. What is the digit in the tens place? 4、Every edge of a cube is colored either red or green. In order to have at least one red edge on every face of the cube, find the minimum number of edges that must be colored red. 5、When 31513 and 34369 are such divided by a certain 3-digit number, the remainders are equal. Find this remainder. 6、Three signal lights were set to flash every certain specified time. The first light flashes every 12 seconds, the second flashed every 30 seconds and the third one every 66 seconds, the signal lights flash simultaneously at 8:30 am. At what time will the signal lights next flash。 7、There are five balls with different weights.Everyball is less than(少 于 )100g。Now weigh(称)every two balls,and you


英语奥数题在前几年的外综推荐考试中出现过,很多孩子因为读不懂题目而与外总失之交臂。现在英语考试的知识面越来越宽,除了在学习语法知识外,孩子们也要注意增加知识面哦。而用英语学奥数,不仅让孩子学习了英语,又让孩子学习了数学(当然,前提是孩子要看得懂题目),挑战一下智力。说不定这里面的题就会出现在你们以后的试卷里面哦!题目的难度会一点一点往上升~ 请小盆友们回帖写出自己的答案吧~ 老师会次日公布答案,敬请期待! 7.18日: What number can replace (代替)the question mark? 7.18日答案:88 解析:73=12+6*6+5*5. 30=17+3*3+2*2. ?=23+4*4+7*7=88 今日更新: Which number is 10 more than 95? A. 85 B. 100 C. 105 D. 110

7.19日答案:C 解析:句意为:比95大10的数是多少?故答案为C. 105今日更新: Whose figure(图形)are congruent(一样的)? A. Andy's and Lou's B. Andy's, Beth's and Lou's C. Beth's, Ceil's and Lou's D. Beth's and Ceil's 7.21日答案:D 今日更新: Which one should be next in the pattern below?

7.22日答案:D 今日更新: Which is the next number in the pattern? 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, _?__ A. 30 B. 31 C. 32 D. 33 7.23日答案:C 今日更新: On which day did the greatest number of people come to the talent show ?


1.已知一张桌子的价钱是一把椅子的10倍,又知一张桌子比一把椅子多288元,一张桌子和一把椅子各多少元 2. 3箱苹果重45千克。一箱梨比一箱苹果多5千克,3箱梨重多少千克 3.甲乙二人从两地同时相对而行,经过4小时,在距离中点4千米处相遇。甲比乙速度快,甲每小时比乙快多少千米 4.李军和张强付同样多的钱买了同一种铅笔,李军要了13支,张强要了7支,李军又给张强元钱。每支铅笔多少钱 5.甲乙两辆客车上午8时同时从两个车站出发,相向而行,经过一段时间,两车同时到达一条河的两岸。由于河上的桥正在维修,车辆禁止通行,两车需交换乘客,然后按原路返回各自出发的车站,到站时已是下午2点。甲车每小时行40千米,乙车每小时行45千米,两地相距多少千米(交换乘客的时间略去不计) 6.学校组织两个课外兴趣小组去郊外活动。第一小组每小时走千米,第二小组每小时行千米。两组同时出发1小时后,第一小组停下来参观一个果园,用了1小时,再去追第二小组。多长时间能追上第二小组 7.有甲乙两个仓库,每个仓库平均储存粮食吨。甲仓的存粮吨数比乙仓的4倍少5吨,甲、乙两仓各储存粮食多少吨 8.甲、乙两队共同修一条长400米的公路,甲队从东往西修4天,乙队从西往东修5天,正好修完,甲队比乙队每天多修10米。甲、乙两队每天共修多少米 9.学校买来6张桌子和5把椅子共付455元,已知每张桌子比每把椅子贵30元,桌子和椅子的单价各是多少元 10.一列火车和一列慢车,同时分别从甲乙两地相对开出。快车每小时行75千米,慢车每小时行65千米,相遇时快车比慢车多行了40千米,甲乙两地相距多少千米 11.某玻璃厂托运玻璃250箱,合同规定每箱运费20元,如果损坏一箱,不但不付运费还要赔偿100元。运后结算时,共付运费4400元。托运中损坏了多少箱玻璃 12.五年级一中队和二中队要到距学校20千米的地方去春游。第一中队步行每小时行4千米,第二中队骑自行车,每小时行12千米。第一中队先出发2小时后,第二中队再出发,第二中队出发后几小时才能追上一中队 13.某厂运来一堆煤,如果每天烧1500千克,比计划提前一天烧完,如果每天烧1000千克,将比计划多烧一天。这堆煤有多少千克 14.妈妈让小红去商店买5支铅笔和8个练习本,按价钱给小红元钱。结果小红却买了8支铅笔和5本练习本,找回元。求一支铅笔多少元 15.学校组织外出参观,参加的师生一共360人。一辆大客车比一辆卡车多载10人,6辆大客车和8辆卡车载的人数相等。都乘卡车需要几辆都乘大客车需要几辆 16.某筑路队承担了修一条公路的任务。原计划每天修720米,实际每天比原计划多修80米,这样实际修的差1200米就能提前3天完成。这条公路全长多少米


1、Six trees are equally spaced along one side of a straight road. The distance from the first tree to the fourth is 60 feet. What is the distance in feet between the first and last trees? 2、At the end of 2005 Walter was half as old as his grandmother. The sum of the years in which they were born is 3860. How old will Walter be at the end of 2006? 3、The digits 1,2,3,4 and 9 are each used once to form the greatest possible even five-digit number. What is the digit in the tens place? 4、Every edge of a cube is colored either red or green. In order to have at least one red edge on every face of the cube, find the minimum number of edges that must be colored red. 5、When 31513 and 34369 are such divided by a certain 3-digit number, the remainders are equal. Find this remainder. 6、Three signal lights were set to flash every certain specified time. The first light flashes every 12 seconds, the second flashed every 30 seconds and the third one every 66 seconds, the signal lights flash simultaneously at 8:30 am. At what time will the signal lights next flash。 7、There are five balls with different weights.Everyball is less than(少于)100g。Now weigh(称)every two balls,and you willget113,116,110,117,118,114,112,121,120,and115g .What is the weight of the heaviest(最重的)ball? Aunt May bought 45 lillipops and 75 bars of chocolate for her niece's birthday party.She wants to pack these two items equally into as many packets as possible.How many lillipops and chocolates must she put in each pachet? 小升初英文奥数题一 班级_______ 姓名_______ 成绩_______ 1、In 2004, 16 June falls on a Wednesday. On what day of the week will 16 June fall in 2010? 2、In a magic square the sum of the numbers in each row, in each diagonal and in each column are equal. In this magic square the value of x is: 3、If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is____. 4、The sum of the digits of the following product 999×555


1、某五个数的平均值为60,如果将其中一数改为80,这五个数的平均值为70,改的这个数应是多少? 2、30个同学平分一些练习本,后来又来了6人,大家重新分配,每人分得的练习本比原来少2本,这些练习本共有多少? 3、甲乙两位同学带着同样多的钱去买日记本,乙买了8本,剩下的钱全部借给了甲,刚好使甲买到了12本。回家后甲还给乙6元,问:日记本每本多少钱? 4、两个仓库共有10000千克大米,从每个仓库里取出同样多的大米,结果甲仓库里剩下3450千克,乙仓库里剩下4270千克,每个仓库原来有多少千克大米? 5、把一个减法算式的被减数、减数、差加起来和是180,已知减数比差大26,被减数、减数和差各是多少? 6、一个数乘8后比原数多了84,原来的数是多少? 7、小明今年18岁,小强今年14岁,当两人岁数和是70岁时,两人各有多少岁? 8、小明在算有余数的除法时,把被除数237错写成273。这样商比原来多3而余数正好相同。这道题的除数和余数各是多少?

9、学校图书馆有科技书和故事书共320本,其中故事书的本数是科技书的3倍,故事书有多少本? 10、幼儿园小朋友分苹果,如果每人分4个,则多9个,如果每人分5个,则少6个,有多少个小朋友?多少个苹果? 11、在一个数的末尾添上一个“0”以后,得到的数比原来的数多36。原来的数是多少? 12、计算:⑴454十999×999十545 ⑵999十998十997十996十1000十1004十1003十1002十1001 13、数一数下面的图形. ()条线段()个长方形 14、要使上下两排的小猫一样多,应该怎样移? 15、按下面图形的排列情况,算出第24个图形是什么? (1)○○△□○○△□○○△□……第24个图形是() (2)☆◇◇△△☆◇◇△△☆◇◇△△……第24个图形是()
