


语内翻译(intralingual translation)语际翻译(interlingual translation)2. 按活动形式分类:


口译(oral interpretation):

连续传译(consecutive translation)

和同声传译(simultaneous translation





二是要弄清英汉两种语言的差别。我们知道,英语词汇所包含的意义往往颇具游移性(context-dependency)和灵活性(flexible),这主要体现在英语词汇的意义多依据各自的前后搭配和语境而变化;英语词汇常常是集引申义(extended meaning)、内含义(intensional meaning)、扩展义(extensional meaning)、内涵义(connotative meaning)、外延义(denotative meaning)等多种意义于一体。在具体的语境中一个词语到底为何意完全取决于其所在位置或该词语同其他词语的搭配或组合关系。




语言的形式与意义之间的关系可粗略划分成以下三种:F1→M1; F1→Mx; Fx→M1(F代表形式,M代表意义,x>1)。第一种类型指词语和意义一一对应;第二种类型指一词多义;第三种类型指多词同义。在翻译的第一阶段,即理解阶段,译者应注意前两种类型。第一种类型,即一一对应型,如一些专有名词或外来词的翻译;第二种类型,即一词多义型,应更多地加以注意,要注意在理解词语和选择词义时应依上下文为参照系统。而在翻译的第二阶段,即表达阶段,译者多考虑第三种类型,即多词同义型。在表达时,译者需要认真辨析英语中近义词的区别,分析词语搭配,选择准确的词语。明辨词义不仅是翻译的起点,而且也是翻译的基础和关键环节。用词错误往往会影响整个句子、乃至整篇文章的意思,正所谓“差之毫厘,谬以千里。”



He took the machine to pieces to try and find out how it operated.


If there’s an electrical failure, it’s possible to operate the lift manually.


Changes are being introduced to make the department operate more efficiently.


Specially equipped troops are operating undercover activities in the hills. 专门部队在山上进行秘密训练。

We have representatives operating in most countries.


Exchange rates are currently operating to the advantage of exports.


Destructive forces are clearly operating within the community.



Development is the absolute / cardinal / primary principle. (汉语的“硬”对应hard,但这里的“硬”并非与“软”相反,而是具有“最基本的,最重要的”的含义,absolute(绝对的)、cardinal(基本的)、primary(首要的)都是可以体现该含义的选词,能够强调发展的重要性。


The holiday economy promises remarkable growth.

The holiday economy holds great promise of growth.

The holiday economy has remarkable potential for growth.

The holiday economy has the prospect of remarkable growth.




1)He reached his hand out for the book I offered him.


2)We tried to reach them by cable.


3)She reached up and picked a pear off a branch.


4)The speaker's voice couldn't reach to the back of the



5)The insecticide was put out of the child's reach.


6)The upper reaches of Minjiang River serves as ecological

barriers of Sichuan Province and even the west of China.



1)We had a grand view of a sea of clouds when we climbed to

the top of the mountain.


2)We must do away with the grandiose style of work.


3)It is indeed the most magnificent drawing-room I have ever



4)The buildings around the Circus are rather nondescript, though

some of them are large and quite imposing.


5)Whenever the stately national anthem is performed, I am

invariably emotionally roused.






11)With the invention of writing, a great advance was made, for knowledge could then be not only communicated but also stored, libraries made education possible, and education in its turn added to libraries.

在本句中,library显然不能译成“图书馆”,尽管该词常作此义,因为该句前半部分说knowledge could then be not only communicated but also stored (知识不仅可以交流而且可以储存),有了文字,只是当然是储存在图书中了。所以,library应译为“图书”。








1)The factors which are likely to influence investment spending do not stop here.


析:do not stop here 由“不停留在这里”转译为“并不止这些”。

2)Whether you like it or not, globalization is here to stay. We are not going to reverse the trend.



3)Our products, if maintained properly and regularly, can at least see twenty years’service.


析:see twenty years’ service 由“看见20年的服务”转译为“使用20年”。

4)That’s a tall story about the town’s high street.

译: 有关这城主街的说法是在令人难以置信。

析:high street: the main street of a town or a city;

tall: a. hard to believe, exaggerated



1)There is more to their life than political and social and economic problem, more than transient everydayness.


析:everydayness 由“日常性”具体引申为日常生活所必需的“柴米油盐”。

2)The factory is famous for its arsenal of technical geniuses.


析:arsenal 由“军火库”具体引申为“众多”。

3)Our unique concept was a response to buyer needs, bringing greater reliability, higher-quality output, exceptional

user-friendliness and operational ease.


4)Dobbin had been in the coffee-room for an hour or more He had tried all the papers but could not read them.


5)It is all very well, again, to have a tiger in the tank, but to have one in the driver's seat is another matter altogether.


6)I want to be TV’s Czar of script and grammar.

我真想成为电视这一行的霸主,所有节目我说了算。(Czar 本指俄国十月革命前的沙皇,源于古罗马皇帝Jul-ius Caesar之名,翻译时将个体名称泛化为普通意义,经过了由凯撒到沙皇再到霸主这样一个引申的过程,表意更明确。)


词义的抽象化是指是将表示具体形象的词作概括性的引申,译成意义抽象的词。例如,将“之乎者也”译成“literary jargons”或“pe’dantic jargons”就是一种词义抽象化的处理。现代英语常用表示具体形象的词指代一种属性、一种概念或一个事物,翻译时宜作抽象化的处理,使译文更加自然流畅。

1)The interest rates have see-sawed between 10 and 15 percent.


析:see-saw 由“跷跷板一上一下的交替摆动”抽象化为


2)Brain drain has been Kangding’s No.1 concern; as a matter of fact, it has been an epidemic in this area.



析:brain 由“头脑”抽象化为“人才”,concern 由“关心的

事情”抽象化为“问题”,epidemic 由“流行病”抽象化为“带


3)There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists.




4)Every life has its roses and thorns.




5)Tony is only nineteen and the baby of our crew.

托尼只有十九岁,是我们机组里的小字辈。(抽象化引申)6)He had lived all his life in desert where every cupful of water might be a matter of life and death.


用;一杯水可能是生死攸关的事。(抽象化引申)7)Instead,an assassin’s bullet erased in the minds of Americans any faults he had.


他所有的毛病。(本句中,bullet 本意为“子弹”,引申为“暗







1)He was a man of high renown (fame).


2)The adoption of new policies will surely lead to some striking



3)There would have been more painful result but for the drastic



4)As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication

from his employees.


5)The popularity of television and the difficulty of financing plays

have helped to close many theatres. But now it seems the theatre is about to pick up again after a period of decline.


6) Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it.


7)"He was polite and always gave advice willingly," she recalled.






1)集中精力把经济建设搞上去go all out for economic


2)坚持对话,不搞对抗persist in dialogue, refrain from


3)不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程” refrain from building “vanity

projects ”that waste both money and manpower

4)对内搞活,对外开放revitalize domestic economy, open up to

the outside world


6)搞花架子do something superficial

7)搞活国营大中型企业invigorate large and medium-sized

state-owned enterprises

8)更加注重搞好宏观调控pay more attention to exercising


9)开放搞活open up and enliven the economy

10)靠扩大财政赤字搞建设increase the deficit to spend more

on development



(1) Traveling on holidays has become an activity popular with Chinese people.

(2) Traveling on holidays is most popular with Chinese people.

[析] “旅游”与“节目”不是对等的概念,将“节目”译成program 不妥。译文1选用activity作为对应的译词与上文搭配;译文2将“节目”省略不译,将“最风行”(most popular)作为译句的谓语。


The economic performance of enterprises improved markedly. 13、生产生活条件明显改善。

Production and living conditions have remarkably improved.

[析] “明显”一般对应obviously,然而obviously强调“清楚,显而易见”,此句中该词有强调程度的作用,所以选用remarkably或markedly、noticeably更佳。


There will be new trends in the personnel market after China’s entry into the WTO.

[析] “潮”可对应tide,潮涨潮落这种自然现象中的潮水的确是tide,或者与潮水相仿的比喻概念中也可以选用该词,如随波逐流(go with the tide)、历史的潮流(the tide of history)等;而表示趋势和动向,英语习惯采用trend.


We should vigorously promote socialist cultural and ethic progress.

[析] “精神”一般对应spiritual,但是spiritual具有宗教色彩,与汉语“精神”并不对等,所以译成cultural and ethic progress,含义体现得更为确切。



The popularization of computer has paved the way for Internet’s entry into average families.

The popularization of computer has made it possible for the Internet to enter into average families.

[析] 此句中“创造”的宾语是“条件”,译成create or invent conditions不妥。这里创造条件是指作了充分准备,使之成为可能。

若按字面译成The popularization of computer has created conditions for Internet’s entry into average families,不符合英语表达习惯,给人以生硬的感觉。


The new development, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces, given full play to creativity, and enhance exchanges and cooperation among countries.

[析] 该句中三个“促进”根据不同的宾语,选用了不同的动词expand, give full play to和enhance。


We should maintain the people’s rights.

[析] 根据不同的上下文,“维护”有不同的译法:

维护统一u phold unity

维护独立主权uphold independence and sovereignty

维护国家主权defend state sovereignty

维护人民利益safeguard the people’s interests

维护自尊safeguard one’s self respect

维护世界和平与安全maintain /safeguard world peace and security


We need to increase our recycling of resources in order to unutilized our resources more effectively.


We need to extensively apply IT in enterprises in all industries.


We will be working v igorously/ energetically to restructure and develop tertiary industries.


Significant progress was made in industrial structural adjustment.


The eastern region should actively support the development of the central and western regions.


We will e nergetically/ make great efforts to develop all social undertakings.

[析] “积极”在汉语中屡屡出现,actively一词是无法概括其丰富的含义的,搭配的词语发生变化,其选词也要变化。




Chinese people feel proud and elated for the great economic development in China.


Train tickets during the Labor Day holidays were in short suppl y, and people flocked to book tickets ten days in advance.


(1) China is a developing country, and it has a long way to go to shake off poverty.

(2) China is a developing country, and it is an arduous task to eradicate poverty.


Electric appliances and handicrafts are popular among Russian businessmen, but clothes and textile products are g i v en the cold shoulder.


The Taiwan authorities should size up the situation and go with the people’s voice to get on the right way of peaceful reunification. 30、传统的人海战术在现代化高技术面前不堪一击。

Compared with modern high technology, the traditional hug e-crowd strategy is not competitive at all.




1)My shoes are the worse for wear.



2)She has been a widow only six months.



(注:这句英语意为:It is only six months since she became a widow.若译成“只做了六个月寡妇”,则有已经再嫁之嫌。)3)我十点钟等你。

误:I’ll wait for you at ten o’clock.

正:I’ll expect you at ten o’clock.


With a smile at Pao-yu, the Lady Dowager scolded: “Fancy changing your clothes before greeting our visitor. Hurry up now and pay your respects to your cousin.”

(注:本句中“脱了衣裳”是指脱下外套、礼服之类,不能照字面译成take off one’s clothes”.)



5)Active metals, organic substances, and other oxidizable materials are always subject to slow attack by oxygen when exposed to the air.





误:I think to start work next month.

正:I think that I’ll start work next month. 或:I’m thinking of starting work next month.



7)The smaller the animal, the greater the surface area in relation to body mass.





By amplification we mean supplying necessary words in our

translation work so as to make the version correct and clear, to make it more like the language translated into. Of course words thus supplied must indispensable either syntactically or

semantically. In other words, a translator is not supposed to

add any meaning to the original. There are two kinds: 1)Words for syntactic construction—to secure correctness, 2)Words

supplied for semantic completion—to secure clearness. Both

aim at making the version expressive and readily understood by the reader.


presidential historian ―总统的历史学家‖


For mistakes had been made, bad ones, he was severely criticized. ―因为已经犯了错误,很严重,他受到了严厉的批评‖

―因为已经犯了错误,而且是很严重的错误,他受到了严厉的批评‖Rocket research has proved the strange fact…..


How she wished she could send that man to the Furies—for the punishment she thought he deserved.

Furies [希神]复仇女神(“土地”和“黑暗”的三个女儿, 以清算罪恶为职责, 被描绘成庄严、美丽的女郎, Fury 为其中之一)




1. Since the first test of the atomic bomb the world has learnt

that the atom can be split and its power used. (power后省略了can be)


2. A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his

money.(money后省略了are soon parted)


3. Both human and cow milk are naturally spiced with a small

amount of morphine.(human后省略了milk)


4. So-called convenience and frozen foods are now as popular

in Europe as they are in America.


5. The heart is slightly bigger than a fist, and lies between the



6. Women have outgrown the jumping-on-chair-at

–the-sight-of-a-mouse era, but he says that they have not.



7. Population increase and decrease relatively not only to one

another, but also to natural resources.


8. Without a sense of your fault, how can repentance and

amendment be expected?

如果对自己的错误都不能认识到,怎么能指望你会悔改呢?9. Since air has weight, it exerts force on any object immersed in





1. He left without a word.


2. What a leader he was!


3. Personal tragedy haunted his entire life, in the deaths of loved



4. Disappearances occurred with apparently increasing frequency.


5. She warmly welcomed her guests in and brought them a cup of



6. Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.


7. They wanted to ease the tension in the Middle East.


8. There were rows of houses which he had never seen before.


9. Day after day he came to his work --- sweeping, scrubbing,



The thesis summed up the new achievements made in computers, artificial satellites and rockets.


1). Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing

an exact man.


2) . We don’t regret, we never have and never will.

我们不会后悔,我们从来没有后悔过,我们将来也不会后悔。3). After the basketball, he still has an important conference.


4). He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech.


5). Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle;

natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. (compare this with S1)


2. 增加形容词或副词

1). With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building



2). The crowds melted away.


3). As he sat down and began talking, words poured out.


4). She lingered long over his letter.


5). In the films of those days, all too often it was the same one: boy

tractor driver meets girl tractor driver; they fall in love and drive tractor together.


3. 增加名词

To do some shopping 买东西

To do some washing 洗衣服

1). First you borrow, then you beg.


2). Mary washed for a living after her husband died of cancer.


3). He ate and drank, for he was exhausted.


4). The development of economy remains one of the priorities of the

Chinese Government.


5). That black jacket is indeed cheap and fine.


6). He was wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair.


7). A new kind of car—small, cheap—is attracting increasing



8). His arrogance made everyone dislike him.


9). After all preparations were made, the planes were flown across

the U.S. to San Francisco.


to persuade 说服persuasion说服工作

to prepare 准备preparation准备工作

backward 落后backwardness落后状态

tense 紧张tension紧张局势

arrogant 自满arrogance自满情绪

mad 疯狂madness 疯狂行为

antagonistic敌对antagonism 敌对态度


1). Don’t get angry. I’m just making fun of you.


2). As for me, I didn’t agree from the very beginning.


3). They (the eyes) were the same colour as the sea, cheerful and



4). A red sun is rising slowly on the horizon.


5). A stream was winding its way through the valley in into the Dadu



6)This too was a complicate lie.


7). Once, they had a quarrel.


8). Seeing is believing.


9). The essence remains its identity while appearances may vary.


10)Man, was, is and always will be trying to improve his living conditions.




1. 我早晨起床后的第一件事是收拾房间。

The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is to tidy up the room.

2. 意大利著名旅行家马可·波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:……

A famous ancient Italian traveler, Marco Polo, once described

his impressions of Hangzhou like this: ……

3. 台湾是中国的领土。

Taiwan is part of Chinese territory.

4. 饭店现有三个餐厅和一个贵宾间、240个座位。

The restaurant now has three dining rooms and a VIP room with

a total of 240 seats.

5. 狠抓管理,安全生产。

We should improve management and ensure safe production.

6. 月亮升得高高的,明亮犹如银盘。

The moon rose high, shining as brightly as a silver plate.

7. 突然电话铃响了。母亲让我回去送弟弟去医院看病。

Suddenly the telephone rang. It was my mother calling me.

She wanted me to go home and take my brother to hospital. 8. 对确有困难的中西部地区和老工业基地,中央财政将继续给予支


In the case of the enterprises of western and central China and old industrial bases that are in real financial difficulties, the central government will continue to offer financial help.

9. 有条件的地方要率先实现现代化。

The areas with suitable conditions must take the lead in achieving modernization.

10. 该公司的主要经营范围包括:… …

The business scope of the company covers the following

areas: … …


1. 收效可能来得慢,但是有把握,而且是巨大的。

The rewards may come slowly, but they are sure and


2. 我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别。

We should gradually eliminate the difference between city and country.

3. 我吃得不多,睡得不好。

I am unable to eat much or sleep soundly.

4. 他生来富于同情心,总是乐于帮助别人。

She is sympathetic by nature and is always ready to help others.

5. 新婚夫妇有数十位宾客陪同,坐着汽车到新房去了。

The newly wedded couple, accompanied by dozens of guests, went to their chamber by car.

6. 全国人民总体上实现了由温饱向小康的跨越。

The Chinese people nationwide have developed from the

stage of having enough to eat and wear to that of living a

better-off life.

7. 明朝的时候,这座城市成了一个繁荣的港口。

In the Ming Dynasty the city became a flourishing port.

8. 沿着南京路向东走,走到尽头,是靠黄浦江江岸的一个很美的地


Walking eastward along Nanjing Road, one finally comes to

a very beautiful area bordering the bank of the Huangpu


C. 增加代词

1). 小不忍则乱大谋。

If one is not patient in small thing, one will never be able to

control great ventures.

2). 交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方,这样你


Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over

and over again and see if there is anything in it to be

corrected or improved. Only thus can you do your work well.

3). 没有调查就没有发言权。

He who makes no investigation and study has no right to


又如:―又要马儿跑得快, 又要马儿不吃草, 简直可笑。‖You want the horse to run fast and yet you don’t let it graze.

Isn’t it ridiculous!

4). 别把手搁在口袋里。

Don’t put your hands in your pockets.

5). 一天天冷起来了。

It is getting colder day by day.

6) 尝试而失败还是比不尝试好。

It is better to try and fail than never try at all.

7). 你三星期完成这项设计不容易。

It was not easy for you to finish this design in three weeks. 8). 把钟拆开比把它装起来容易。

It is easier to take a clock apart than to put it together again.

Omission (省略法)

Opposite to the principle of amplification, omission is however not contradictory to it. On contrary, omission supplementary to amplification, omits what is considered necessary and

indispensable in English may be deemed useless, superfluous and even encumbrance. This principal makes the version brief, concise and clear.

1). A book is useful.


2). The earth goes around the sun.


3). On Sundays we have no school.



Any advice and criticism is warmly welcome about this book.



1. 省略代词

1).He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable.


2). We live and learn.


3). Everywhere you can find new types of men and objects in new



4). If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.


5). I have received your letter and read it with delight.


6) When conditions exist, go ahead; when they don’t, create them

and go ahead.


7). I wash my face in the morning.


8). He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes,

but said nothing.


9)The significance of a man is not in what he attained but rather in what he longs to attain.



10) The more he tried to hide his mistakes, the more he revealed



11) I saw her waving her hand and smiling sadly at me.


12) It took me a long time to reach the hospital.


2. 省略连词

1). He looked gloomy and troubled. (表并列)


2). As the temperature increase, the volume of water becomes

greater. (表原因)


3). We knew winter vocation was coming as (because) we had seen

the big stone in the River. (表原因)


4). If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (表条件)


5). When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west; when things are

dark in the south there is still light in the north. (表时间)


6) She won't be coming, as we didn't invite her。


7) My heart bleeds when I recall the scene --- my teacher moved

with difficulty out the room, with tears in his eyes.


3. 省略前置词(介词)

1). The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.


2). In July, 1956, Egypt had seized the Suez Canal.


3). And on July 1st, 1999, I graduated from university.


4). Smoking is prohibited in public places.


5) On the morning of the exam day I woke up early.


6) It is really a tough job --- there is no help for it.


4. 省略冠词

1). A book is useful.


2). The moon was slowly rising above the sea.)


3). A teacher should have patience in his work.


4). The girl standing at the window is his girlfriend.


5). Milk is sold by the pound.


6). He left without a word.


7). The children are of an age.


8)A boy is always a boy


9)Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the trees

themselves are beautiful.


1) When the pressure gets low, the boiling-point becomes low.


2) European habits have changed much along with the increase in

supermarkets and shopping centers, the number of cars, and the modernization of housing.




1)University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.


2)Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.



1) There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the

grass was dead.


2) Voting ballots are unsigned and marked by the voters in private

booths so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen is



3) Matters in the world should be handled by the government and

people of all countries through consultations on the basis of




A. 省略汉语中的重复词

1.我们说,长征是历史记录上的第一次,长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。We declare that, the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history, that it is a manifesto, a

propaganda force, a seeding machine

2. 科学技术突飞猛进,给亚洲的发展带来新的机遇,也带来新的挑战。

The rapid advance of science and technology has presented both new opportunities and challenges to the development of


3. 新形势、新趋势、新技术,促进了生产力的发展。

The new development, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces.

4. 他们为国家作的贡献比我们所作的贡献要大的多。

They have done much more contributions for the state than we have.

B. 省略汉语的范畴词

1. 中东有些地区仍未结束社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面。

The social unrest and upheaval has not been put an end to in some regions in the Mid-East.

2. 师生关系愈好,就愈有利于教学水平的提高。

The better/ closer relations between teachers and students, the more chances for improving teaching.

3. 迅速改变我国贫穷落后的面貌,是我国各族人民的强烈愿望。

It is the burning desire of all the people to end our country’s

poverty and backwardness quickly.

4. 世界各地举行了许多盛大的庆祝活动。

Many grand new-year celebrations are held in the world.

5) 没有和平,没有稳定的政治局面,就谈不上经济发展。

Without peace or political stability, there would be no economic growth.

C. 汉语中动词的使用频率远高于英语,所以在翻译成英语时,根据



I have some urgent business on hand before (attending) the

meeting. .


He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech.

3) 她连续讲了两个小时的法语,没有出现任何错误。

She has been talking in French for two hours without any



The appearance of cars priced at less than 100,000 yuan

aroused the enthusiasm of more people for private cars.

D. 汉语意义重复时,应减词英译。

1) 中国人民为此进行了长期不懈的努力。

The Chinese people have made unremitting efforts to that end.

2) 为了保卫国家安全,维护祖国统一,我们必须不断增强国防实力。

We must build up our defense capability with a view to

safeguarding our State security and national unity.

3) 科学技术在一些领域取得重大突破。

Breakthroughs were made in some areas of science and


4) 各项社会事业全面进步。

All social undertakings developed. /The social undertakings developed in an all-round way.

5) 我们要进一步开创外交工作的新局面。

We shall open up new vista in diplomatic work.


We must enhance our economic and cultural exchange with other countries.

7) 市场商品供应丰富多彩。

The market had an adequate supply of commodities.

E. 省略汉语修辞的词语

1) 科学技术日新月异。

Science and technology are advancing /developing rapidly. 2) 大学校园文化包罗万象,其主流是―青春、浪漫、激扬‖的。

The campus culture in universities are all-inclusive, with the

main stream of ―youth, romance and enthusiasm‖.

3) 各级党组织和领导干部都要旗帜鲜明地反对腐败。

Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels must take a clear stand to oppose corruption.

4) 我们满怀信心、昂首阔步迈向21世纪。

We are advancing confidently forwards to the 21st century. ?省略词语决不是随意删节原文的词语,而是省略在译文看来可有可无的、多余的、或是意义隐含在上下文里的词语,目的是为了使原文的意义能够得到正确地理解,在译文中准确再现原文。


?In terms of conversion we mean that in translation a word in one language belonging to a certain part of speech is not necessary to be turned into one of the same part of speech in another

language. As a matter of fact, conversion in the English

language is very common.

?So, conversion is one of the important techniques and is needed primarily by the differences in syntactic structure and idiomatical way in the two languages. Conversion occurs on many


This is the first round.

There is a round table in the room.

Round the corner slowly.

He walked round the table.

He admires the President’s stated decision to fight for the job.




A. 由动词的派生词名词(或含有动作意义的名词)转译为动词1.Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.


2. His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph.


3. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of



4. A view of Mt. E-mei can be obtained from here.


5.The American airline industry has enjoyed significant expansion in the last twenty years. 过去的20年里,美国的航空工业突飞猛进。

6. The growing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people

raised social and political issues.


B. 英语中加后缀-er, -or 的名词,在句中并不表身份和职业,而是含


7. He is no smoker, but his father is a chain-smoker.


8. He was a regular visitor.他经常来。

9. What kind of sailor are you? (a bad sailor or a good sailor?)你


10.We cannot become participants in the war, but nor must we be mere spectators.


11. Americans are great joiners, as the huge number of

organizations available in the United States attests.


C. 前置词转换为动词

12. ―Coming!‖ Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the

steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.

―来啊!‖ 她转身蹦着跳着地跑了, 越过草地, 跑上小径,跨上台阶, 穿过凉台,进了门廊。

13. Jones opened the windows to let fresh air in.


14. That day she was up before sunrise.


15.The Statue of Liberty was a gift to USA from France in 1886 as

a mark of friendship and also in memory of the aid France gave

the Americans during the American Revolution.


2. 转译成名词

A. Verbs-Nouns

英语中有许多由名词派生的动词,以及由名词转用的动词,在汉语中往往不易找到相应的动词,这时可将其转译成汉语的名词。如:1. She behaves as if she were a child.


2. A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got

into the car.

一个衣着讲究的人上了车,他的言谈举止酷似美国人。3.Population grew both as a result of natural increase and of continued immigration.


4. The American economy is organized in single-owner businesses,

partnerships and corporations.


5.White policemen are now careful of how they speak and behave towards their fellow black citizens.


B. Adjectives-Nouns

1.They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.


2. Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and

protected the poor.


3. Stevenson was eloquent and elegant—but soft.


4. This problem is no less important than that one.


5. Glass is more transparent than plastic cloth.


C. Adverbs—Nouns

1. It is editorially said that…社论说……

2. He is strong physically, but weak mentally.


3. The new type of machine is shown schematically in Figure 1.


3. 转译成形容词

A. Nouns—Adjectives

I can note the grace of her gesture.


2. We have seen the beauty of Mt. Tai.


3. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.


B. Adverbs—Adjectives

4. The English language has changed subtly and pervasively.


5. She looked at me expectantly.


6. Hopefully, it will be done early next month.


7.Variety is a key characteristic of the United States, both geographically and culturally.


4. 转译成副词

A. Nouns—Adverbs

1. The man nodded with satisfaction.


2. He had the honor to attend the congress.


B. Adjectives—Adverbs

3. He had a careful study of the map before he started off.


4. Can you give an accurate translation of the sentence?




1. 中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器。

(1) The Chinese Government commits itself to non-use of nuclear

weapons against non-nuclear countries.

(2) The Chinese Government undertakes not to use nuclear

weapons against non-nuclear countries.


(1) We shall ensure that foreign capital is more effectively utilized.

(2) We shall ensure more effective utilization of foreign capital. 3.那个国家片面地注重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上货物不够,货币不稳定。

That country’s lopsided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods on the market and an unstable currency.

4. 这次国际会议开得好。

The recent international conference was a success.

5. 中国在发展经济的过程中,逐步改善了人民的生活条件。

The economic growth in China has been accompanied by the improvement of the people’s living conditions.

6. 当今中国,电脑使用已经普及,上网人数与日俱增。Nowadays, with the wide use / application of computers in China, more and more people have access to the Internet.

7. 中国仅有美国一半的可耕地,却负担为美国人口四倍的人民的吃饭


China supports a population four times that of the United States

with the arable land only half that of the US.

8. 他们不顾一切困难挫折,坚持创业。

They kept on their enterprise in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.


He never understands that happiness lies in contentment, so he isn’t content with what he has already had.

10. 得知台湾地震,全国人民深表关切。

The people in the mainland are all deeply concerned at the news that Taiwan has been struck by an earthquake.

11. 证人不敢肯定命案发生时他不在场。

The witness isn’t sure that he has an alibi for the time death took place.

B. 名词的转译

1. 国民经济出现了重要转机。

The national economy has improved significantly.

2. 去年中国出口总额为1873亿美元。

China’s export totaled US$183.7 billion last year.

3. 专家认为,肥胖人口增长的主要原因是人们的运动量减少。

The experts attribute the increasing number of obese people to the decrease in the physical exercises.

4. 许多家用电器都是在中国制造的,这些家用电器性能可靠,操作方


A lot of household appliances are made in China, which (and

they) are reliable in performance and easy in operation.



Lack of water resources is a serious limitation on the economic and social development of our country. (形容词转成名词)

2. 所有单位必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不文明现象。

All the organization must clear up, and banish disarray and

discourtesy. (形容词转成名词)

3. 亚洲依然是世界上最具经济活力的地区。

Economically, Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world.


4. 一切形式的恐怖行为都严重威胁着所有人民、所有国家的和平、繁荣和安全。

Terrorist acts in all forms and manifestations are a profound

threat to the peace, prosperity and security of all people and of all nations. (副词转成形容词)

5. 他慢条斯理地点了一两下头说:―是的。‖

―Yes,‖ he said with a slow nod or two. (副词转成形容词)

6. 他们热忱地欢迎他。

They give him a hearty welcome. (副词转成形容词)

9. 他会立即答复。

He will give an immediate reply. (副词转成形容词)

Negation (正说反译、反说正译法)

The English language has its peculiarities in negation. Of

course, English-speaking people have their own way of

thinking in the negation and expressing negative implications.

What is affirmative in form in English may be implied

something negative in Chinese, and vice versa. The use of

―yes‖ and ―no‖ is a case in point.

1. --―Are you not going tomorrow?‖

--―No, I’m not going.‖

2. ―I don’t think you’re right in this point.‖

Leave me alone! Go away!


Feel at home.


I went to the airport to meet my friend but missed her.


Good winner, good loser.


Discussion: ―你是人,你不是东西。你是东西吗?你真不是东西!?


You’re a person, not a thing. Aren’t you a person/a thing?

Are you reliable/ some-thing? No, I don’t think so./Yes, I think so. What a creature you are! What a fool you are! You are a

sheer idiot. I think you are an idiot. I don’t think you are

trustworthy. You, really, are nothing. You think you are

something. No, far from it.


1.You have roused my curiosity. And now you must gratify it.

a) 你既然挑起了我的好奇心,就别再吊我的胃口了。


c)你既然激起了我的好奇心,就别再遮遮掩掩了。2.Appearances are often deceptive.


3.She was irritated at being denied the opportunity to get a pay rise.


4.She is the last person to trust with a secret.


5.It escapes your notice that she has changed so much.


6. The computer is beyond repair. You might as well buy a new



7. Women who do house work by the hour may make nearly as

much public school teachers, if they work the same number of hours.



8. They accepted the peace proposal with dignity.


9. While she liked his works, she pointed out areas where

improvement was possible.



10. She seemed pale from the absence of all cosmetics.


11. At the news of his father’s death, he remained quiet for several days.


12. Before too many years passed, corner gasoline stations may be

replaced by battery-recharging terminals.


13. Decision has to come.


14. He was 75, but he carried his years lightly.



1.The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as joyable as possible.


2.Nothing but a miracle could prevent the company from going bankrupt.


3.Your negligence was nothing less than criminal.

你的疏忽简直是犯罪。/ 你的疏忽无异于犯罪。

4.She couldn’t find anywhere to live, though not for want of trying.


5.Don’t lo se time in handing in the exercise books.


6.If all three of you take part in it, there can be no further questioning of your courage.


7.We could not be more mistaken.


8.You can not be too careful in proofreading.


9.I couldn’t agree with you more.


10.Anybody less like a dictator they would not find.




1. Such a chance denied me.


2. The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations.


3. ―Don’t unstring your shoes, Rody,‖ she said.


4. Many agreed that the Prime Minister had in effect given up his

position dishonorably.


5. We may safely say so.


6. The explanation is pretty thin.


7. His refusal is not final.


8. He was an indecisive sort of person and always inconstant.


9. Miss Smith kept to her room all day.


10. You should seize the opportunity at any moment to put in a good word for me.


11. The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of



12. Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this



13. Jim was no end upset because he couldn’t go swimming.


14. If it worked once, it can work twice.


15. Let bygones be bygones.


16. He was not going to lose sight of me.


Repetition (重译法)

Strictly speaking, repetition is under amplification, namely

supplying some necessary words in target language. But this amplification is different from what we discussed in Chapter IV.

Here we mean to repeat the same words or phrases which are

given previously in the version. Repetition is employed for the sake of clearness, for the sake of emphasis, and for the sake of vividness.













1. Since most new smokers apparently are women, my friend’s

confusion was understandable. And there are more than ever since September 11.



2. Americans view relationships in terms of ―rights‖; Chinese in

terms of ―obligations‖ --- to family, to one’s elders, to the country.


3. Detroit owes its rapid growth and one-time prosperity to the

automobile, and above all to Henry Ford.


4. Westerners think in ―prose‖, each sentence or paragraph

following from the preceding.


5. Populations increase and decrease relatively not only to one

another, but also to natural resources.


6. Americans are beginning to realize that this terrible problem of

poverty is their problem and not just the Government’s.


7. Genetically engineered rice is the key to Asia’s food security, to

feed impoverished millions.


8. Justice will inevitably prevail over evil, light over darkness and

progress over backwardness.

正义终将战胜邪恶,光明终将送走黑暗,进步终将替代倒退。9. The 21st century executive must be a global strategist, working

as deftly in Tokyo as in New York. He sees --- then seizes ---

markets worldwide.


10. Ericsson launched its slim and smart new model which analysts

expect will boost profits but not market share in the tough mobile phone market.



12. Some theaters concentrate on the classics and serious dramas,

some on light comedy, some on musicals.


13. Around the world, laws on human cloning research are either

restrictive, absent, or are lagging behind what is happening in the laboratory.



二. 重复代词

1). Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears.


2). He hated failure; he had conquered it in his own life, risen above

it, despised it in others.


3). Happy family also had their own troubles.


4). Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have

their own lines.


5). Each country has its own customs.


6). Whoever violates the disciplines should be criticized.


7). Come to my office and have a talk with me whenever you are



8)Some have entered college and others have gone to the





1). We want such materials as can bear high temperature and



2). Everybody appreciates polite words and manners.


3). They are loyal to the motherland and the people.



1). There had been too much publicity about his love affairs.


2). The boasts were flat.


3). The kid is always in rags as if he were an orphan.




1. Lacking communications between generations,some families are upset by the widening generation gap.

(1) 因为两代人之间缺乏交流,一些家庭代沟加深,深感烦恼。

(2) 由于两代人之间缺乏交流,不断加深的代沟使一些家庭深感烦恼。

2. Being a major concern now, the problem of cyber security calls for government measures for improvement.

(1) 网上安全问题现在引起了人们的关注,因此需要政府采取措施,增强网上安全。

(2) 网上安全现在已经成为人们关注的主要问题,因此需要政府采取措施,增强网上安全。

3. Swallowing small companies, the big media corporations will be able to control what Americans read and watch.


4. Having brought about a lifestyle revolution, Internet use is threatened by hackers’ repeated attacks of the computer systems of important organizations.


5. In due course, having received a summons, the motorist who commits a motoring offence will appear in a police court.


6. Functioning like a magnet, Hollywood draws ambitious young people from all over the world.


7. Sweeping across Asia, an information technology revolution is causing an acute shortage of high-tech labor.

(1) 一场信息技术革命席卷亚洲,导致高新技术人才严重短缺。

(2) 一场席卷亚洲的信息技术革命导致高新技术人才严重短缺。8. Launched on 1 January, 1999, the euro becomes the official currency in the 11 European Union nations.

(1) 欧元于1999年1月1日启动,成为11个欧盟国家的官方流通货币。

(2) 1999年1月1日启动的欧元已经成为11个欧盟国家的官方流通货币。

9. Long dominated by the Japanese, Asia’s auto market now lies in the sights of ambitious US and European car manufacturers.

(1) 亚洲汽车市场长期由日本一统天下,目前雄心勃勃的美国和欧洲汽车制造商正瞄准亚洲市场。

(2) 长期由日本一统天下的亚洲汽车市场,目前受到了雄心勃勃的美国和欧洲汽车制造商的关注。

10. American writers have produced novels, short stories, and poems, reflecting both the life of the nation and the diverse local and ethnic cultures within it.


11. The Panama Canal has become Panama’s Canal, ending 95 years of American control.


12. In an effort to reach more readers, many publications have gone on-line, making their materials available to people with personal computers.



1. Our foreign policy is supported by people all over the world.


2. More than 50,000 computers at websites were infected by a computer virus that is spreading rapidly around the world.

一种电脑病毒在全世界迅速传播,网上5万多台电脑遭到侵袭。3. A police court is presided over by a magistrate, who tries the cases without a jury.


4. The risk of the global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced.


5. Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death.


6. The euro was inspired by the idea of creating “a country called Europe”.


7. Movies were first made in Hollywood before WWI.


8. In 1849 gold was discovered in California in the mountains near San Francisco and so started the famous Gold Rush.


9. The consumer spending was dampened in the regional financial crisis in Asia.


10. The mobile phone boom is driven by the young adults.


11. The ever-increasing demand for private cars could be halted by more investment in public transport.


12. It is believed that nuclear power is among the greatest innovations of our time. But it is also feared it will bring the end of the world.


13. It is commonly believed that hot climates reduce people’s energy and that people of the south walk and talk more slowly than the busy northerners.


14. The National Security Agency in US is accused of reading other people’s e-mails around the world in its search for military and commercial secrets.

(1) 美国国家安全局在全球范围内偷窥他人的电子邮件,获取军事和商业秘密,受到了指责。

(2) 人们指责美国国家安全局在全球范围内偷窥他人的电子邮件,获取军事和商业秘密



1. The fine would serve as a warning to other motorists who drove without due care.


2. The era of globalization has begun with new communication and information technologies, and capital could flow freely to those regions, industries and companies that promise the best returns.



3. One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End.


4. Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the sensational, which feature crime, sex and gossip, to the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events.


5. Scientists have been devoted to developing high-yield rice varieties that sparked the green revolution in the 1970s.



6. The high-tech explosion has created a new group of workers that like challenge and treasure the independence and the diversity of work.


7. Cambridge University has nurtured great scientists, thinkers and poets such as Newton, Bacon, Milton, Byron and Darwin, who made outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind.


8. Not long from now, the seemingly endless expansion of computer power that has propelled the digital revolution of the past two decades will stop unless major breakthroughs take place.



9. The idea that the family is the traditional unit of society is challenged by American youth who are increasingly turning down marriage.


10. Apple pie is a favorite sweet, and English puddings, of which there are various types, are an excellent ending to a meal, especially in winter.


11. Technology is creating a global economy that is supplanting the old national economies.



12. Foundations are based on the money that would otherwise go to the government in taxes.


13. The trend of home working is surging in the field of finance where trading can be done via the Internet.


14. Normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation.



15. Einstein, who worked out the famous Theory of Relativity, won the Nobel Prize in 1921.


16. There was no respect even for Einstein in Hitler’s Germany, who only wanted to think of the problems beyond time and space and politics.



17. The danger of a recession in world trade that could hit all countries cannot be ignored, but it would bear most heavily on the weakest partners in the world economy.




(一)There be结构主语的选择

1、In the 1960s there was a change in fashion in favor of small cars.

(1) 20世纪60年代出现了一个变化,人们崇尚小型汽车。

(2) 20世纪60年代,时尚起了变化,人们开始喜欢小汽车。

(3) 20世纪60年代,时尚起了变化,小汽车受到人们的青睐。

2、There are a lot of pine trees on the slope of the hill.


3、There sits a flower bed in the middle of the garden.


4.There are four types of sentences in terms of structure: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences.


5.There are over twenty printing errors.


6.There may be a chance to win.


7.There’s going to be a fine day.


8.There can never be any discussion as to the consequences of corruption.


9.There was expected to be strong disagreement on the matter.



10.There is a persistent demand on the part of parents for an attack on pornographic publications.


11.There is a growing concern over the population growth.


12.There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step.



1、Then began a bitter war between the two countries.


2、To this class belongs the most astonishing work that the author accomplished.


3、So bright was the moon that the flowers were as bright as by day.


4.In the middle of the rectangular-shaped courtyard stood three magnolia trees, all in full bloom.


5.Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles, turkeys and toys.


6.Just as necessary for us as knowledge are social experiences.


7.The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the lack of the information media.


8.Improved housing has also contributed to a sharpened sense of aesthetics.


9.His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.


10.An awed hush fell upon the bystanders.


11.A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memories.

(1) 从办公室窗口望去,他可以看见华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂的全景。

(2) 从他的办公室窗口望出去,华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂尽收眼底。

12.The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.


13.His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked.


14. His real interests lie outside work in his love of music.

(1) 他真正的兴趣在工作之外,在于他所钟爱的音乐。

(2) 他真正的兴趣是在工作之外,在于他对音乐得喜好。

(3) 他最喜欢在工作之余,尽情欣赏音乐。




We are gratified with the smooth development of relations between two countries and particularly the steady growth of our economic and technological cooperation.


The political reform should be conducted in such a manner as to promote national reunification, unity and social stability.


(1) At present, the overall trend in the world’s economic and trade situation is getting better.

(2) At present, the world’s economic and trade situation is generally getting better /turning for the better.


(1) General speaking, it is advisable for a tourist to have a two-day tour of the West Lake and scenic spots around it.

(2) Generally speaking, a two-day tour is ideal for the West Lake and scenic spots around it.


(1) Spring and autumn are supposed to be the best times to tour cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an.

(2) The best times to tour cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an are supposed to be spring and autumn.

(3) Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an are at their best for tourism in spring and autumn.


(1) Significant advances were made in the establishment of a modern corporate structure in large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises.

(2) China make significant advances in the establishment of a modern corporate structure in large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises. 7、素质教育继续推进。

(1) We continued to develop education designed to raise the overall quality of students.

(2) Continued efforts were made to promote quality-oriented education.


Thanks to the efforts to assist with the development of the poor areas, the problem of food and clothing for more than 200 million rural poor has been solved.

9、经过20多年不懈的艰苦奋斗,中国的扶贫开发取得了巨大成就。Thanks to the arduous and unremitting efforts in the past more than two decades, China has made tremendous achievements in its drive to assist with the development of the poor areas.


(1) In recent years, the export of products in China’s light industries has seen considerable growth.

(2) In recent years, great progress has been made in the export of products in China’s light industries.


Over production is still a glaring problem in ordinary processing industries.



Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation has take on increased importance at a time when rapid changes are reshaping the global marketplace.


The computer technology will be widely used in the Shanghai’s commercial sector to accelerate its electronicalization.



Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life.


Such fear is not as far-fetched(牵强附会的)as it may seem.


We agree to advance our shipment to assist you in introducing our products into your market as early as possible.


There will never be a shortage of firewood as long as green hills remain.


The average level of productivity in our country had long been low when the quality of the labor force was considered.



(1) When the Pans went into a decline, their descendants were eager to sell the garden, some businessmen bought it at a low price.

(2) Later on, the Pans went into a decline, and their descendants were eager to sell the garden, so some businessmen were able to buy it at a low price.

(3) With the decline of the Pans, their descendants were eager to sell the garden so that some businessmen were able to buy it at a low price.

(4) Later, it was bought by some businessmen at a low price from his desperate descendents when the family went into a decline.

[析] 该句是一汉语多重复句。第一层是因果关系;第二层属递进关系。“潘家败落,其子孙急于出售”,可用and连接的并列句处理(如2),汉语联合复句中的并列、承接、递进复句一般都可用and连接的并列句转换。译文(3)采用了结果状语连词so that连接第二句和第三句,第一句转变为with结构,表示伴随发生的背景情况,使译文简洁些。译文(4)将句子的次序加以变换,利用表示原因的连词as连接“其子孙急于出售”一句,可以突出结果“一些商人得以低价购入。”



1. California on the whole has a climate milder all the year round than that of any other places in the Continental United States.

(1) 与美国大陆其他地方相比,大体上加州全年气候更为温和。(比较级)

(2) 大体上说,美国大陆哪个地方的全年气候也没有加州那么温和。(原级)

(3) 大体上说,在整个美国大陆上,加州的全年气候是最温和的。(最高级)

2. Even though the United States produces more automobiles than any other country, it still imports large number of autos from Germany, Japan and Sweden, primarily because there is a market for them in the United States.

(1) 尽管美国生产的汽车比其他国家要多,但它仍从德国、日本和瑞典大量进口汽车,这主要是因为美国市场有这种需求。

(2) 尽管美国的汽车生产量居世界首位,但它仍从德国、日本和瑞典进口大量汽车,这主要是因为美国市场有这一需求。

3. Music whose meaning is slightly different with each hearing has a greater chance of remaining alive.

(1) 每次聆听时意义略有不同的音乐则有更大的可能长久不衰。

(2) 有一种音乐,你每一次聆听感受稍有不同,这样的音乐更有可能经久不衰。

4. He left the White House a wiser but sadder man.



1、American presidents tend to be judged less by the goods they set in motion than by how well they respond to crises.


2、Charles is more cautious than decisive.


3、It is not advice as much as approval that he seeks.


4、If you ask my opinion, I’d say he is a man who is more brave than wise.

(1) 要我说,他这人有勇无谋。

(2) 要我说,他这人勇敢有余,韬略不足。


1、After all these years of working together, he is more than a friend to me.


2、He felt more than shrilled to come across such a gorgeous beauty.


3、I was busy and less than delighted to have company that day.


4、The plan is nothing more than a castle in the air.


5、It is not easy to impart knowledge any more than it is to acquire knowledge.




(1) Telecommunications have brought about unprecedented changes to our working and daily life.

(2) Telecommunications have unprecedentedly changed our working and daily life.

(3) Thanks to telecommunications, our working and daily life have changed unprecedentedly.

(4) Thanks to telecommunications, our working and daily life have undergone unprecedented changes.


While tightening the ties between people, the digital technology is intruding upon / infringing on their privacy.


(1) The obvious increase in electronically-paid bills is shrinking some postal services unprecedentedly.

(2) The obvious increase in electronically-paid bills has caused some postal services to shrink unprecedentedly.

(3) The obvious increase in electronically-paid bills has led to the unprecedented shrinkage in some postal services.

(4) As the electronically-paid bills are obviously increasing, some postal services are shrinking unprecedentedly.


(1) Shanghai will concentrate on the construction of the railways as a key part in public transport in the future.

(2) Shanghai will concentrate on the construction of the railways so that they will become a key part in public transport in the future.

(3) Shanghai’s focus on the construction of the railways will make them a key part in public transport in the future.


Some computer viruses swept across the world, causing serious financial losses and paralyzing the E-mail systems.


(1) The noise from the construction site made it nearly impossible for the residents living nearby to fall asleep at night.

(2) The noise from the construction site almost prevented the residents living nearby from falling asleep at night.

(3) The residents living nearby could hardly fall asleep at night with the noise from the construction site.


(1) The repeated occurrences of hackers’ intrusion has made it necessary for the government to take proper measures to tighten the security of the Internet.

(2) The government needs to take proper measures to tighten the security of the Internet because of the repeated occurrences of hacker’s intrusion.

(3) The government needs to take proper measures to tighten the security of the Internet as hacker’s intrusion occur repeatedly.


(1) Outside interference drove /plunged the country into all-out civil war.

(2) The country was plunged into /fell into an all-out war because of the outside interference.

(3) Outside interference resulted in an all-out civil war in the country.


(1) 顺序法

3. Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.

即使在我们关掉了床头灯深深地进入梦乡时, 电仍在为我们工作: 帮我们开动电冰箱, 把水加热, 或使室内空调机继续运转。

(2) 逆序法。英语有些长句的表达次序与汉语表达习惯不同, 甚至完全相反, 这时必须从原文后面开始翻译。例如:

5. Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.

铝总是跟其他元素结合在一起, 最普遍的是跟氧结合; 因为铝跟氧有很强的亲和力, 由于这个原因, 在自然界找不到游离状态的铝。所以, 铝直到19世纪才被人发现。

(3)分句法。有时英语长句中主语或主句与修饰词的关系并不十分密切, 翻译时可以按照汉语多用短句的习惯, 把长句的从句或短语化成句子, 分开来叙述,为了使语意连贯, 有时需要适当增加词语。

7. The number of the young people in the United States who can't read is incredible about one in four.

大约有1/4的美国青年人没有阅读能力, 这简直令人难以置信。(4) 综合法。

9. People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.

尽管警察已接到命令, 要作好准备以应付紧急情况, 但人们不敢出门, 因为警察也和其他人一样不知所措和无能为力。

10. Attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and religious and political freedom, immigrants from many other countries flocked to the United States in increasing numbers, reaching a peak in the years 1880 -1914.







(1) Since the western region covers a vast area with poor transport facilities, we should first of all build infrastructure facilities.

(2) Covering a vast area with poor transport facilities, China’s western region is in urgent need of infrastructure facilities.


(1) The negotiations on China’s entry into the WTO have been going on for fifteen years, and China’s stand /position has remained consistent.

(2) During the fifteen years of negotiations on China’s entry into the WTO, China has maintained consistent stand /position.




译文1:The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong. Surrounded by the river on three sides, the tower faces a row of Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. It is 468 meters tall (in height), ranking first in Asia and third in the world.

译文2:The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong. It is surrounded by the river on three sides and faces a row of Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. The tower, 468 meters tall (in height), ranks first in Asia and third in the world.

译文3:The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong. It is surrounded by the river on three sides and faces a row of Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. The 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.




China will be dedicated to establishing a national innovation system and creating a favorable environment to stimulate the innovation of knowledge, technology and institution. It is the only course for China to achieve its development extending to the new century (its trans-century development).


(1) Now the time is ripe to carry out the strategy of the large-scale development of the western region, for the Chinese economy has grown to such a stage: the economy in the eastern coast is approaching the point of “saturation” and it needs new markets. Moreover, development of the western region is imminent.

(2) Now China has the opportunity to carry out the strategy of the large-scale development of the western region, for the Chinese economy has grown to a new stage. In this stage, the economy in the eastern coast is approaching the point of “saturation” and calls for markets while development of the western region is imminent.



译文1:In today’s world, the international situation is, on the whole, moving towards relaxation (1). However, conflicts and even local wars triggered by various factors have kept cropping up (2), and tension still remains in some areas (3). All this has impeded the economic development of the countries and regions concerned (4), and adversely affected the world economy (5).

译文2:In t oday’s world, the international situation is, on the whole, become less strained (1). However, the frequent conflicts and local wars triggered by various factors (2) as well as the continuous tension in some areas (3) have impeded the economic development of the countries and regions concerned (4), and adversely affected the world economy (5).

译文3:Despite the general tendency of the today’s international situation towards relaxation (1), the frequent conflicts and local wars triggered by various factors (2) as well as the continuous tension in some areas (3) have impeded the economic development of the countries and regions concerned (4), and adversely affected the world economy (5).



(1) 找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语, 从整体上把握句子的结构。

(2) 找出句中所有的谓语结构、非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引


(3) 分析从句和短语的功能, 例如, 是否为主语从句, 宾语从句,

表语从句等,若是状语, 它是表示时间、原因、结果、还是表示条件等等)。

(4) 分析词、短语和从句之间的相互关系, 例如, 定语从句所修饰


(5) 注意插入语等其他成分。

(6) 注意分析句子中是否有固定词组或固定搭配。

1. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.

行为主义者认为, 如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素, 这些因素又有利于其适当反应能力的发展, 那么, 儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平。

2. For a family of four, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.

譬如, 对于一个四口之家来说, 舒舒服服地在家中看电视, 就能看到几乎数不清的娱乐节目, 这比到外面别的地方去消遣又便宜又方便。


(1) 顺序法。(2) 逆序法。(3)分句法。(4) 综合法。

(1) 顺序法

3. Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep,

electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.

即使在我们关掉了床头灯深深地进入梦乡时, 电仍在为我们工作: 帮我们开动电冰箱, 把水加热, 或使室内空调机继续运转。

4. But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited,

and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their

―expectation of life‖, the time it will take to exhaust all known

sources and reserves of these materials.

可是现在人们意识到, 其中有些矿物质的蕴藏量是有限的, 人们甚至还可以比较合理的估计出这些矿物质―可望存在多少年‖, 也就是说, 经过若干年后, 这些矿物的全部已知矿源和储量将消耗殆


(2) 逆序法

5. Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century,

because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with

oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.

铝总是跟其他元素结合在一起, 最普遍的是跟氧结合; 因为铝跟氧有很强的亲和力, 由于这个原因, 在自然界找不到游离状态的铝。

所以, 铝直到19世纪才被人发现。

6. It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students

are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.

因此, 如果要使学生充分利用他们(上大学)的机会, 就得为他们提供大量关于课程的更为详尽的信息, 作更多的指导。这个问题显得越来越重要了。


7. The number of the young people in the United States who can't read is incredible about one in four.

大约有1/4的美国青年人没有阅读能力, 这简直令人难以臵信。

8. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current

events, allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining.

人们常说, 通过电视可以了解时事, 掌握科学和政治的最新动态。


(4) 综合法

9. People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.

尽管警察已接到命令, 要作好准备以应付紧急情况, 但人们不敢出门, 因为警察也和其他人一样不知所措和无能为力。

10. Attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and

religious and political freedom, immigrants from many other

countries flocked to the United States in increasing numbers,

reaching a peak in the years 1880 -1914.

分层:1. (Immigrants from many other countries were ) attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and religious and

political freedom.

2. Immigrants from many other countries flocked to the

United States.

3. in increasing numbers

4. reaching a peak in the years 1880 -1914












(1) Since the western region covers a vast area with poor

transport facilities, we should first of all build infrastructure


(2) Covering a vast area with poor transport facilities, China’s

western region is in urgent need of infrastructure facilities.


(1) The negotiations on China’s entry into the WTO have been

going on for fifteen years, and China’s stand /position has

remained consistent.

(2) During the fifteen years of negotiations on China’s entry into

the WTO, China has maintained consistent stand /position.




We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges. We must open ourselves wider to the outside world more actively

and resort to more effective measures in an effort to expand

foreign trade and attract more foreign funds.



译文1:The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong.

Surrounded by the river on three sides, the tower faces a row of Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. It is 468 meters tall (in height), ranking first in Asia and

third in the world.

译文2:The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong. It is surrounded by the river on three sides and faces a row of

Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. The tower, 468 meters tall (in height), ranks first in Asia

and third in the world.

译文3:The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong. It is

surrounded by the river on three sides and faces a row of

Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. The 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.



译文1:Thanks to (Owing to /Because of) the energetic support from all walks of life, each of the East China Export Commodity Fair registered greater success than its predecessor. Well

received by traders both at home and abroad, the fair has

become an important window on negotiations on exports and

exchange of market information.

译文2:Thanks to (Owing to /Because of) the energetic support from all walks of life, the East China Export Commodity Fair

enjoys a growing success, thus attracting attention from traders both at home and abroad and becoming an important window on negotiations on exports and exchange of market information. 6、中国将致力于建设国家创新体系,通过营造良好的环境,推进知



China will be dedicated to establishing a national innovation

system and creating a favorable environment to stimulate the

innovation of knowledge, technology and institution. It is the only course for China to achieve its development extending to the

new century (its trans-century development).



(1) Now the time is ripe to carry out the strategy of the large-scale

development of the western region, for the Chinese economy

has grown to such a stage: the economy in the eastern coast is approaching the point of ―saturation‖ and it needs new markets.

Moreover, development of the western region is imminent.

(2) Now China has the opportunity to carry out the strategy of the

large-scale development of the western region, for the Chinese economy has grown to a new stage. In this stage, the economy in the eastern coast is approaching the point of ―saturation‖ and calls for markets while development of the western region is




We should not only have a sense of urgency, but also work out a comprehensive plan. While giving prominence to some key

areas in the development process, we must carry it out step by step instead of rushing headlong into action.



Throughout its long history, China has witnessed (undergone) changes of dynasties, transfers of governments, regional

separatist regimes, foreign invasions, and especially the

aggression and dismemberment by foreign powers in modern history. Nevertheless, unity has always represented the main

development trend in Chinese history.



译文1:In today’s world, the international situation is, on the

whole, moving towards relaxation (1). However, conflicts and

even local wars triggered by various factors have kept cropping up (2), and tension still remains in some areas (3). All this has impeded the economic development of the countries and

regions concerned (4), and adversely affected the world

economy (5).

译文2:In today’s world, the international situation is, on the whole, become less strained (1). However, the frequent conflicts and local wars triggered by various factors (2) as well as the

continuous tension in some areas (3) have impeded the

economic development of the countries and regions concerned

(4), and adversely affected the world economy (5).

译文3:Despite the general tendency of the today’s international situation towards relaxation (1), the frequent conflicts and local wars triggered by various factors (2) as well as the continuous tension in some areas (3) have impeded the economic

development of the countries and regions concerned (4), and

adversely affected the world economy (5).


(一) 确定主语,调整语序。 英语为主语显著的语言,主语突出,除省略句以外,一般情况下每个句子都有主语;句法重形合,要求句子各成分特别清楚,以免结构混乱,影响句意。 而汉语则是主题显著的语言,主题突出,主语不突出;句法重意合,指代关系在形式上不明显。在篇章中,某些句子的主语常常可以省略,有时必须省略;有些主语难以一眼看清,需要读者用心识别。因而在英译汉过程中,确定主语,调整句序往往是一个需要动脑筋的问题。例如: (1) Nightfall found him many miles short of his appointed preaching place. 这句话按原文的语序,Nightfall (夜幕) 作主语,按原语序照样翻译下去,译文会显得别扭,不自然。按照汉语的语言习惯,应选用“他”作主语,因而正确的翻译是:夜幕降临时,他离预定的布道地点还有好多英里路。又如: (2)As is known to all ,2003 saw the successful launching ofChina’s first manned spaceship. 这句话可译为:众所周知,中国在2003 年成功地发射了第一艘载人宇宙飞船。原文主语是“2003”,但译文没有以“2003”作主语,而以“中国”这一行为主体作主语。用时间作主语是英语中较为常见的现象,这种用法不仅强调了时间的观念,而且也使句子简洁、生动。按照西方人的思维模式和英语表达习惯,英语还可以用地点等名词作主语。如:Nanjing witnessed many great historic events. (在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。) 在英汉翻译过程中,之所以产生这样的问题是因为英汉两种语言的语法结构、行文习惯、思维模式不同。英美人强调客观,常用物、抽象概念、非人称it 作主语,让事物以客观的口气呈现出来,使叙述显得公正、客观,结构趋于严密、紧凑,语气较为委婉、间接。中国人有“天人合一”的观点,强调人与自然浑然一体,常用人作主语,主语的思维模式往往是从自我出发来叙述客观事物,或倾向于描述人的行为或状态。英汉翻译时,所确定的主语是否恰当,必须考虑译文是否符合汉族人民的思维模式。例如: (3) Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. (这位曾使全世界人发出笑声的人自己却饱经辛酸。) (4) It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man. (她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。) 例3 英文用抽象名词bitterness 作主语,汉语却用“这位曾使世界人发出笑声的人”作主语;例4 英文用形式主语it 作主语,汉语用“她”作主语,看来似乎风马牛不相及,其实这是中西方思维模式不同的缘故,例4 意思是:这种念头从 来没有闪过她的脑际。原句当然可以说She has never thought that he is a dishonest man. 但两相比较,前一句强调“他是个不诚实的人”是客观事实,字里行间显露出她对这事感到惊异,后一句只强调了主观印象。译文清楚明白地写出了“她”对“他为人不诚实”这一点的认识。 (二) 突出信息焦点,调整语序。 信息焦点即信息单位的焦点所在,是信息单位内在主重音或调核体现的一个或多个作为信息高峰值的单元。语言现象分析常用的方法是句子成分分析法,其实这远远不够,还要进行交际分析或实义分析, 即主述位分析。主位是陈述的对象(或称话题) ,是谈话的出发点,也是读者从上


翻译的程序与基本翻译过程 翻译的程序 在理想的情况下(不过理想的情况很少),翻译程序包括背景资料的准备和实际翻译过程。不过,首先需要明确是个人翻译还是小组翻译。 理想情况是指有充裕的时间和足够的资料来源(图书和参考资料)来研读需要翻译的文本并把所有的问题记录下来。这样,在实际操作翻译之前,这些属于理解或转换方面的问题就可以得到解决。如果同一文本已有其它译本,也应该仔细加以研究,以确定对各种问题的处理办法。在有些情况下,译前对原文和潜在问题的研究实际上要花费比翻译过程本身更多的时间,特别是当译者需要大量阅读同一作者的其它著作以及同一时期其他作者就同一主题撰写的著作和文章时,情况就更是如此。 实际翻译程序可以归纳如下: 1.快速翻译,侧重文体。有些译者认为口述的译文更新颖、更流畅。但无论译者是口述、打字、还是手写,重要的是要使译文节奏流畅; 2.初稿应该搁置一旁约一周左右。这样,修订译稿时就可以获得全新的感受,排除翻译初稿时留在耳边的余音,更加客观地评估译文; 3.认真检查译文内容,特别着重译文的准确性和连贯性。删除不必要的增补词语和补充初稿中的疏漏。特别要注意关键概念在翻译上的一致性,理顺拗口的词句; 4.修改后的译稿要再搁置几天; 5.从文体上检查译文。其实,这一步骤应该反复进行多次。朗读译文是一个非常重要的办法,因为听觉对连贯性和节奏感方面的问题比视觉要敏锐得多; 6.检查译文拼写、标点符号和格式。有些译者错误地认为,对译文内容、文体和正字法这三方面的检查可以合并起来一次完成,这种看法是大错特错的。对译文上述三个方面的检查应该分别进行; 7.译文送交编辑或出版商审阅。有时,在译文送审之前还须经过译文未来读者代表对译文进行检验; 8.采纳编辑或出版商提出的建议,尽管有些建议需要进一步考查和讨论。译者不应该被不了解文本全貌的片面意见所左右,要坚持自己对文本完整性的理解,特别是译文需要署名时更是如此。 不过,在绝大多数情况下,负责任的出版社的编辑会提出十分中肯的意见,对这些意见应该加以认真考虑。 上述翻译程序的八个步骤,说的是一系列符合理想的情形,但在绝大多数情况下,翻译时间很紧,需要尽快脱稿。驾轻就熟的译者往往可以把几个步骤合并在一起,但首先应该拿出一个在文体上符合要求的译稿,然后才能就准确性、连贯性和正字法对译稿进行审校。这是一条进行有效翻译的基本原则。一篇逐词直译过来的蹩脚译文,几乎无法进行重组来达到文体上的要求,但文体上合意的译文就可以很容易地"规整起来",使之更为准确。 小组翻译一般来说是一个完全不同的过程,它所涉及的程序也十分不同,这就要看小组成员是在编译部里合作进行翻译,还是他们各自先译出初稿,然后定期开会,讨论出一个"一致审定"的译稿。 编译部往往拥有大量的词典和百科全书、完备的词库和若干名通晓同一译语并熟谙翻译内容所涉及的专门知识的人才。另外,大多数编译部为每个翻译小组都安排有一名经验丰富的组长,遇有特殊问题,可以直接请教。在这种情况下,通常由一位译者负责初稿,后由另一位或几位译者进行校订。 许多个体职业译者几乎拥有编译部的全部有利条件,他们可以接触各种专业词典和百科


(一)确定主语, 调整语序。 英语为主语显著的语言, 主语突出, 除省略句以外, 一般情况下每个句子都有主语 句法重形合, 要求句子各成分特别清楚, 以免结构混乱, 影响句意。 而汉语则是主题显著的语言, 主题突出, 主语不突出; 句法重意合, 指代关系在形 式上不明显。在篇章中, 某些句子的主语常常可以省略, 有时必须省略;有些主语难以一眼看清, 需要读者用心识别。因而在英译汉过程中, 确定主语, 调整句序往往是一个需要动脑筋的问题。例如: (1)Nightfall found him manymiles short of his appointed preaching place. 这句话按原文的语序,Nightfall (夜幕)作主语, 按原语序照样翻译下去,译文会显得别扭, 不自然。按照汉语的语言习惯,应选用“他”作主语, 因而正确的翻译是: 夜幕降临时, 他离预定的布道地点还有好多英里路。又如: (2)As is known to all ,2003 saw the successful launching ofChina 's first manned spaceship. 这句话可译为: 众所周知, 中国在2003 年成功地发射了第一艘载人宇宙飞船。原文主语是“ 2003”, 但译文没有以“ 2003”作主语, 而以“中国”这一行为主体 作主语。用时间作主语是英语中较为常见的现象, 这种用法不仅强调了时间的观念, 而且也使句子简洁、生动。按照西方人的思维模式和英语表达习惯, 英语还可以用地点等名词作主语。如:Nanjing witnessed many great historic events. (在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。) 在英汉翻译过程中, 之所以产生这样的问题是因为英汉两种语言的语法结构、行文习惯、思维模式不同。英美人强调客观, 常用物、抽象概念、非人称it 作主语,让事物以客观的口气呈现出来, 使叙述显得公正、客观,结构趋于严密、紧凑, 语气较为委婉、间接。中国人有“天人合一”的观点, 强调人与自然浑然一体, 常用人作主语, 主语的思维模式往往是从自我出发来叙述客观事物,或倾向于描述人的行为或状态。英汉翻译时, 所确定的主语是否恰当, 必须考虑译文是否符合汉族人民的思维模式。例如: (3)Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. (这位曾使全世界人发出笑声的人自己却饱经辛酸。) (4)It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man. (她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。) 例 3 英文用抽象名词bitterness 作主语, 汉语却用“这位曾使世界人发出笑声的人”作主语; 例 4 英文用形式主语it 作主语, 汉语用“她”作主语,看来似乎风马牛不相及, 其实这是中西方思维模式不同的缘故,例 4 意思是: 这种念头从来没有闪过她的脑际。原句当然可以说She has never thought that he is a dishonest man. 但


词序调整法在《十七大报告》汉英翻译中的应用 王江 (湖南理工学院外国语言文学学院09级05班序号:19号) 摘要:《十七大报告》的翻译属时政翻译。汉英两种语言的差异颇多。因此,译者在做汉英翻译时不能逐字逐句翻译,而应进行相应的处理。在翻译此次报告时,为使译文流畅、易懂,译者从多个方面运用了词序调整法。 关键词:词序调整法、《十七大报告》、汉英翻译 Application of Inversion in the Chinese-English Translation of Hu Jintao’s Report at 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Wang Jiang (College of Foreign Languages and Literature, 0905, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, No: 19) Abstract:The translation of Hu Jintao’s Report at 17th Party Congress belongs to the translation of official text. There are many differences between English and Chinese. Accordingly,a translator can not translate the text word by word ,he needs to make some adjustments as required. And in order to let the translation smooth and understandable, the translator used inversion from several aspects to translate the report. Key Words:inversion; Hu Jintao’s Report at 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; Chinese-English translation 引言 2007年10月,党的十七大在北京召开。党的十七大是在我国改革发展关键阶段召开的一次十分重要的会议。胡锦涛同志代表第十六届中央委员会所作的报告,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,实事求是地回顾了过去5年党中央领导全国人民开展的各项工作,科学总结了改革开放29年来我们党所取得的宝贵经验,深刻阐述了科学发展观的科学内涵和十七大精神根本要求,对中国特色社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设和党的建设等各项工作做出了全面部署。十七大报告的主题是:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗。关于《十七大报告》汉英翻译的研究,从万刊数据库可以查到:张旭琼[1](2008)从应用功能翻译理论的角度出发,研究时政文体翻译的功能性,分析在十七大报告翻译中的运用实例,表明功能翻译理论在此类文体中的可应用性;熊丽[2](2008)与读者分享了《十七大报告》的英译本研究体会:在政论文翻译中,译者务必紧跟原文语义和作者思想,将原文语境意准确表达出来,彰显文本"个性"是十分重要的。政论文翻译应该把握以下几个特点:(1)表达方式的多样性;(2)功能对等下的变通性;(3)不断创新的时代性;(4)发扬民族特色的文化性。这些论述为词序调整法在《十七大报告》汉英翻译中的应用提供了理论依据。 一、词序调整法的定义、理据、功能与类型 词序,又称为语序,是词语排列的顺序。在《现代汉语词典》(2005:222)中给出的解释是“词在词组或句子里的先后次序”[3]。在汉语里,词序是一种主要语法手段。在英语



英语翻译中的语序调整 来源:智阅网 语序调整是翻译中最重要的方法之一,本文中,我们将为您详细解析翻译中的语序调整,希望对考生英语复习有所帮助。 (一) 确定主语,调整语序。 英语为主语显著的语言,主语突出,除省略句以外,一般情况下每个句子都有主语;句法重形合,要求句子各成分特别清楚,以免结构混乱,影响句意。 而汉语则是主题显著的语言,主题突出,主语不突出;句法重意合,指代关系在形式上不明显。在篇章中,某些句子的主语常常可以省略,有时必须省略;有些主语难以一眼看清,需要读者用心识别。因而在英译汉过程中,确定主语,调整句序往往是一个需要动脑筋的问题。例如: (1) Nightfall found him many miles short of his appointed preaching place. 这句话按原文的语序,Nightfall (夜幕) 作主语,按原语序照样翻译下去,译文会显得别扭,不自然。按照汉语的语言习惯,应选用“他”作主语,因而正确的翻译是:夜幕降临时,他离预定的布道地点还有好多英里路。又如: (2)As is known to all ,2003 saw the successful launching ofChina’s first manned spaceship. 这句话可译为:众所周知,中国在2003 年成功地发射了第一艘 载人宇宙飞船。原文主语是“2003”,但译文没有以“2003”作主语,而以“中国”这一行为主体作主语。用时间作主语是英语中较为常见的现象,这种用法不仅强调了时间的观念,而且也使句子简洁、生动。按照西方人的思维模式和英语表达习惯,英语还可以用地点等名词作主语。如:Nanjing witnessed many great historic events. (在


英语翻译语序调整小窍门 英译汉的翻译方法和技巧是建立在英汉两种语言的对比之上的。这两种语言在词汇和句法方面的一些表达手段上各有其特点。语序调整主要指词序、句序两方面的调整。 首先我们谈谈词序的调整。 英汉语句中的主要成分主语、谓语、宾语或表语的词序基本上是一致的,但各种定语的位置和各种状语的次序在英、汉语言中则有同有异。汉语说“他正在卧室里睡觉”,而在英语中却说He is sleeping in the bedroom.(他睡觉在卧室。;英语汉语都说“他出生于北京”,"He was born in Beij ing"。 一、定语位置的调整 1. 单词作定语。 英语中,单词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词前,汉语中也大体如此。有时英语中有后置的,译成汉语时一般都前置。 something important(后置重要的事情(前置 如果英语中名词前的定语过多,译文中则不宜完全前置,因为汉语不习惯在名词前用过多的定语。 a little,yellow,ragged beggar(前置一个要饭的,身材矮小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛。(后置 2. 短语作定语。 英语中,修饰名词的短语一般放在名词之后,而汉语则反之,但间或也有放在后面的,视汉语习惯而定。 their attempt to cross the river(后置他们渡江的企图(前置

the decimal system of counting(后置十进制计算法(后置 二、状语位置的调整 1. 单词作状语。 英语中单词作状语修饰形容词或其他状语时,通常放在它所修饰的形容词或状语的前面,这一点与汉语相同。 He was very active in class.(前置他在班上很活跃。(前置 英语中单词作状语修饰动词时,一般放在动词之后,而在汉语里则放在动词之前。 Modern science and technology are developing rapidly.(后置 现代科学技术正在迅速发展。(前置 英语中表示程度的状语在修饰状语时可前置也可后置,而在汉语中一般都前置。 He is running fast enough.(后置他跑得够快的了。(前置 2.短语作状语。 英语中短语状语可放在被修饰的动词之前或之后,译成汉语时则大多数放在被修饰的动词之前,但也有放在后面的。Seeing this,some of us became very worried.(前置 看到这种情况,我们有些人心里很着急。(前置 A jeep full sped fast,drenching me in spray.(后置 一辆坐满人的吉普车急驶而过,溅了我一身水。(后置


翻译技巧之语序调整法 语序调整法(inversion) Inversion 作为一种翻译技巧,其意思为,翻译时对词序作必要或必不可少的改变,并不是纯粹的颠倒词序或倒装。在语法中,倒装一般是指主语与谓语或与谓语的一部分颠倒位置,而翻译中的inversion是指译文和原文相比,词序发生了变化,故名“词序调整法”。词序调整法在英汉互译中运用是非常普遍的,不管是词汇、短语的翻译,或是句子的翻译,都是如此。 By inversion in translation we mean that the constituent elements of a sentence are arranged in a way different from the general rules of word order of the language in question. Each language has its own peculiarities in word order. The natural order in English may mean the inverted order in Chinese. Put it more clearly, inversion, as one of the translation techniques, means the necessary or even inevitable change of word-order in a sentence according to the usage of the language to be translated into. This change of word-order is necessary because, first of all, each language has its own natural word order and its own peculiarities in word order, secondly, inversion, as a stylistic device, is often used for emphasis. 它主要涉及到词序、句序两方面的调整。 一、词序的调整 英汉语句中的主要成分主语、谓语、宾语或表语的词序基本上是一致的,但各种定语的位置和各种状语的次序在英、汉语言中则有同有异。 (一)定语位置的调整 1、单词作定语。 英语中,单词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词前,汉语中也大体如此。有时英语中有后置的,但译成汉语时一般都前置。例如: (1)something important(后置) 重要的事情(前置) 如果英语中名词前的定语过多,译文中则不宜完全前置,因为汉语不习惯在名词前用过多的定语。例如:


License Plate Restriction and Tax Adjustment Shanghai is the earliest city to announce restrictions on the issurance of new car plates, which is the model of other cities. Recently, Shanghai implements total control of little car plates, only around 100,000 car plates will be issued every year, during work day rush hour, license plates of other provinces and cities are not allowed on the urban expressway traffic (commonly known as overhead roads), but the ground road and the key cross-river tunnels and the passage of the bridge is not restricted. Shanghai is the most particular city in the whole country because the total mileage of elevated road up to 199km by the end of 2013, covering the main nodes of the urban area, which makes the conditions in the city of Shanghai road is not limited to the ground and guarantees all the basic needs of the car, the license plates are only limited on the elevated road traffic and ensure the speed of urban expressway. Now that there are so many disadvantages to restrict license plates, why would the local government do so? This goes back to the government’s deep-rooted planned economic thinking. China’s public management are used to the planned economic thinking, total control throughout the majority of the government regulations and public policies, such as taxi, urban population scale, population fertility, internet bar management, medicare payment, etc. The same situation happens in macro-control, land management and other fields of economic policy. As to government, it is a natural idea to control the excessive cars. It is the same with the excessive populations in cities. Since 2010, the “housing restriction policy” has been put into practice, the declined, social management thinking, which is on behalf of the census register, revived in the decision-making process of government public policy. It is strange that the car is a huge industry, from production, sale to usage, the interests of government can be enormous, how could local government be resolute to get rid of it? In fact, the local government can’t gain many profits


2020考研英语:翻译语法调整法 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由我为你精心准备了“2020考研英语:翻译语法调整法”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 2020考研英语:翻译语法调整法 一般情况下,英汉两种语言在句子的主干成分,即主语、谓语、宾语或表语上的语序是一致的,但在修饰成分定语和状语的语序上有很大不同。英语中定语可以放在被修饰的词前面,也可以放在被修饰的词后面,而汉语中定语多数情况下都放在被修饰的词前面英语中状语的位置很灵活,可以在句首、句中或句尾,而汉语中状语多位于句首英汉语言在宾语的位置上也有差异,英语中有时会出现宾语后置,而汉语中则没有这种现象。 鉴于英汉语言的这些差异,我们翻译考研英语的长难句时常常需要采用语序调整法。语序调整法是指在英汉互译中,将原文的某种语序在译文中变换成另一种语序的翻译方法。在英译汉过程中,我们需要根据句子中各个语法成分的修饰关系以及汉语的习惯表达方式,进行适当的语序调整,以使汉语译文更加清楚和通顺。下面以例句来具体讲解语序调整法的运用。 The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred years after the 15th-and-16th-century explorations of North America.(2015.49) 本句主要考查了各位考生对于定语和状语的识别以及语序调整法的掌握情况。分析这个句子时,大家首先要能够准确地辨认出句子的主干成分,其中主语很好辨认,就是the first shiploads of immigrants,而谓语的识别对于部分考生来说就比较困难了,因为句子中有三个动词,即bound,is和crossed,需要考生们判定出哪个是主干谓语动词。很显

翻译 调整顺序

翻译: 1.你看过这部电影吗?Have you ever seen this movie? 2.很难说这是好还是不好。It is hard to say whether it's good or not. 3.(你)开车前要检查一下,灯一定要亮。Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working. 4.和平发展仍是摆在世界人民面前的两大课题。Peace and development are still the two subjects confronted with people all over the world. 5.病人应受到良好的照顾。The sick should be taken good care of. 6.帮助真正的穷人,要比仅仅缩小贫富差距更有价值。Helping the truly poor is much worthier than merely narrowing inequalities. 7.她十八岁了。She is eighteen years old. 8.今天星期六。Today is Saturday. 9.她真漂亮。She is so beautiful. 10.现在还早。It is still early. 11.他坐火车回家。He went home by train. 12.我们吃完饭散步。We go for a walk after supper. 13.约翰身体好转了。John is getting better. 14.他球踢得不错。He is good at playing football. 15.他身高一米八。He is 1.8 meters tall. 16.今天天气不错。It's a fine day today. 17.他月薪五千。He earns 5000 RMB a month. 18.苏珊心情不错。Susan is in good mood. 19.这位歌手嗓音甜美。This singer has a sweet voice. 20.他每天都要处理许多棘手的问题。He has many hot potatoes to handle every day. 21.有一次,在拥挤的车厢门口,我听见有一个男乘客客客气气的问一个女乘客,您下车吗? Once, I heard a man politely asked a woman in front of him at the crowed door of the bus,"Are you getting off ?" 22.出门别忘了关灯。Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave. 23.今天是个好天气。It's a fine day today. 24.地球绕着太阳转。The earth goes around the sun. 25.教师走进教室。The teacher went into the classroom. 26.他坐火车回家。He went home by train. 27.我们吃完饭散步。We'll go for a walk after supper. 28.于是——洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时, (朱自清《匆匆》)Thus --the day flows away through the sink when 便从凝然的双眼前过去。 I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal, and passes away before my day-dreaming gaze as reflect in silence. 29.瓮中捉鳖。A rat in a hole. 30.落汤鸡。like a drenched chicken. 31.热锅上的蚂蚁。Like a hen on a hot girdle. 32.吹牛。To talk horse. 33.水底捞月。To fish in the air. 34.无风不起浪。There's no smoke without fire. 35.挂羊头卖狗肉。Cry up wine and sell vinegar.


英汉句式差异及翻译中的语序调整 ——定语及定语从句语序的调整 一.定语语序调整见课本P96 二.定语从句语序调整 (1) 前置译法 限制性定语从句往往要译成?……的?这种句型的前置定语结构,因为限制性定语从句与所修饰的词关系密切,若分开译则会影响主句意思的完整。 也有一些非限制性定语从句,或因结构较短,或因与被修饰词关系较为密切,或因拆译后将会造成译文结构松散,在这种情况下也可以译成前置定语结构。 1.The pressure is also heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. 2.My brother’s laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. 3.There will come the day when people the world over will live a happy life under the sun of socialism. 4.A writer’s work is a constant struggle to get the ri ght word in the right place, to find that particular word that will convey his meaning exactly, that will persuade the reader or soothe him or amuse him. 5.An eminent American historian, Barbara Tuchman, who has been highly acclaimed for her narrative histories, gained her first significant recognition in 1958. (2) 后置译法 后置译法在非限制性定语从句中使用得比较普遍。有些限制性定语从句结构相对复杂,译成汉语前置定语则显得过长,而且不符合汉语表达习惯,这种情况下往往也可以译成后置的并列分句,作进一步的连贯叙述。 1. They turned a deaf ear to our demands, which enraged all of us. 2.I have met children who not only are growing emotionally and intellectually but also are trying to make sense of the world morally. 3.World War Ⅱwas, however, more complex than World WarⅠ, which was a collision among the imperialist power over the spoil of markets, resources and territories. 4.If you reach Chicago by train and spend only an hour or two there you will feel the light wind off the lake which gives it the name “Windy City”. 5.In the spirit of frankness which I hope will characterize our talks this week, let us recognize at the outset these points: we have at times in the past been enemies. We have great differences today. What brings us together is that we have common interests which transcend these differences. 6. They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. (3) 合成译法 把原句中的被修饰词与定语从句合在一起译成一个独立的汉语句子的翻译方法。英语中的‘there be’结构就可以采用这种译法来处理。还有一些带有限制性定语从句的英语复合句,如果英语中的主句能够压缩成汉语词组并用做主


【翻译技巧】英汉翻译中的语序调整 英译汉的翻译方法和技巧是建立在英汉两种语言的对比之上的。这两种语言在词汇和句法方面的一些表达手段上各有其特点。语序调整主要指词序、句序两方面的调整。 首先我们谈谈词序的调整 英汉语句中的主要成分主语、谓语、宾语或表语的词序基本上是一致的,但各种定语的位置和各种状语的次序在英、汉语言中则有同有异。汉语说“他正在卧室里睡觉”,而在英语中却说He is sleeping in the bedroom.(他睡觉在卧室。);英语汉语都说“他出生于北京”,“He was born in Beijing”。 一、定语位置的调整 1.单词作定语。 英语中,单词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词前,汉语中也大体如此。有时英语中有后置的,但译成汉语时一般都前置。 something important(后置) 重要的事情(前置) 如果英语中名词前的定语过多,译文中则不宜完全前置,因为汉语不习惯在名词前用过多的定语。 a little,yellow,ragged beggar(前置) 一个要饭的,身材矮小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛(后置) 2.短语作定语。 英语中,修饰名词的短语一般放在名词之后,而汉语则反之,但间或也有放在后面的,视汉语习惯而定。 their attempt to cross the river(后置) 他们渡江的企图(前置) the decimal system of counting(后置) 十进制计算法(后置)

二、状语位置的调整 1.单词作状语。 英语中单词作状语修饰形容词或其他状语时,通常放在它所修饰的形容词或状语的前面,这一点与汉语相同。 He was very active in class.(前置) 他在班上很活跃。(前置) 英语中单词作状语修饰动词时,一般放在动词之后,而在汉语里则放在动词之前。 Modern science and technology are developing rapidly.(后置) 现代科学技术正在迅速发展。(前置) 英语中表示程度的状语在修饰状语时可前置也可后置,而在汉语中一般都前置。 He is running fast enough(后置) 他跑得够快的了。(前置) 2.短语作状语。 英语中短语状语可放在被修饰的动词之前或之后,译成汉语时则大多数放在被修饰的动词之前,但也有放在后面的。 Seeing this,some of us became very worried.(前置) 看到这种情况,我们有些人心里很着急。(前置) A jeep full sped fast,drenching me in spray.(后置) 一辆坐满人的吉普车急驶而过,溅了我一身水。(后置) 英语中地点状语一般在时间状语之前,而汉语中时间状语则往往放在地点状语之前。 He was born in Beijing on May 20,1970.(地点在前) 他是1970年5月20日在北京出生的。(时间在前)


英语翻译中的语序调整 语序调整是翻译中最重要的方法之一,本文中,跨考教育英语教研室周老师为考生详细解析翻译中的语序调整,希望对考生英语复习有所帮助。 (一) 确定主语,调整语序。 英语为主语显著的语言,主语突出,除省略句以外,一般情况下每个句子都有主语;句法重形合,要求句子各成分特别清楚,以免结构混乱,影响句意。 而汉语则是主题显著的语言,主题突出,主语不突出;句法重意合,指代关系在形式上不明显。在篇章中,某些句子的主语常常可以省略,有时必须省略;有些主语难以一眼看清,需要读者用心识别。因而在英译汉过程中,确定主语,调整句序往往是一个需要动脑筋的问题。例如: (1) Nightfall found him many miles short of his appointed preaching place. 这句话按原文的语序,Nightfall (夜幕) 作主语,按原语序照样翻译下去,译文会显得别扭,不自然。按照汉语的语言习惯,应选用“他”作主语,因而正确的翻译是:夜幕降临时,他离预定的布道地点还有好多英里路。又如: (2)As is known to all ,2003 saw the successful launching ofChina’s first manned spaceship. 这句话可译为:众所周知,中国在2003 年成功地发射了第一艘载人宇宙飞船。原文主语是“2003”,但译文没有以“2003”作主语,而以“中国”这一行为主体作主语。用时间作主语是英语中较为常见的现象,这种用法不仅强调了时间的观念,而且也使句子简洁、生动。按照西方人的思维模式和英语表达习惯,英语还可以用地点等名词作主语。如:Nanjing witnessed many great historic events. (在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。) 在英汉翻译过程中,之所以产生这样的问题是因为英汉两种语言的语法结构、行文习惯、思维模式不同。英美人强调客观,常用物、抽象概念、非人称it 作主语,让事物以客观的口气呈现出来,使叙述显得公正、客观,结构趋于严密、紧凑,语气较为委婉、间接。中国人有“天人合一”的观点,强调人与自然浑然一体,常用人作主语,主语的思维模式往往是从自我出发来叙述客观事物,或倾向于描述人的行为或状态。英汉翻译时,所确定的主语是否恰当,必须考虑译文是否符合汉族人民的思维模式。例如: (3) Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. (这位曾使全世界人发出笑声的人自己却饱经辛酸。) (4) It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man. (她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。)
