









(A)适应不良 (B)学习困难

(C)情绪不稳定 (D)出现幻觉


(A)谈话 (B)发泄 (C)助人 (D)观察


(A)孙中山 (B)华生 (C)森田正马 D、池田大作












(A)适度自我表露 (B)实话实说

(C)越真诚越好 (D)自我发泄


(A)对来访者予以全面接纳 (B)对所有来访者一视同仁

(C)绝对不说让来访者难堪的话 (D)充分保护来访者隐私


(A)释义 (B)解释 (C)揭穿 (D)同感


(A)人本主义 (B)人性主义

(C)精神分析主义 (D)行为主义



(A)来访者自愿的原则 (B)基本免费的原则

(C)价值中立的原则 (D)信息保密的原则


(A)咨询师发现来访者在撒谎 (B)来访者很可能自杀

(C)来访者很可能危害他人生命 (D)来访者有数个性伴


(A)不言语 (B)反向模式 (C)升华 (D)幽默


(A)访谈法 (B)史料分析法 (C)测验与实验法 (D)产品分析法


(A)心理卫生学 (B)心理卫生工作

(C)心理健康状态 (D)躯体疾病的治疗


















(B) 行为主义心理学认为内部加工过程是不可探索的黑箱




(A)心理和生理是相互作用 (B)心理和生理互为因果













单选:1.求助者的自知力程度属于( )。

(A)自知力完全存在 (B)自知力部分存在

(C)几乎没有自知力 (D)该资料难以判断

单选:2.求助者的心理状态主要属于( )。

(A)焦虑状态 (B)抑郁状态

(C)强迫状态 (D)恐惧状态

单选:3.求助者的生理症状不包括( )。

(A)失眠 (B)厌食

(C)心慌 (D)出汗

单选:4.求助者的感知症状包括( )。

(A)强迫性思维 (B)强制性思维

(C)思维被控制 (D)思维被洞悉

多选:5.求助者的求助动机不包括( )。

(A)请心理咨询师替他选择女友 (B)请心理咨询师能给予他指导 (C)请心理咨询师帮助判断病情 (D)请心理咨询师协助自己成长单选:6.求助者心理问题最可能属于( )。

(A)神经症 (B)神经症性心理问题

(C)严重心理问题 (D)一般心理问题

单选:7.求助者心理问题的主要原因是( )。

(A)女友压力 (B)心理压力

(C)导师压力 (D)社会压力

单选:8.针对求助者心理问题,心理咨询师应该( )。

(A)帮助求助者选择哪个女友 (B)帮助求助者如何应对导师

(C)帮助求助者分析解决冲突 (D)帮助求助者彻底改邪归正

多选:9.对于求助者的交友行为,心理咨询师应该( )。

(A)仍然完整接纳求助者 (B)严厉批评他这种行为

(C)帮助消除他的内疚感 (D)严密地保护他的隐私

单选:10.求助者的心理健康水平属于( )。

(A)心理正常 (B)心理不正常

(C)心理健康 (D)心理不健康

多选:11.求助者心理问题的特点是( )。

(A)有思维内容障碍 (B)一定有人格障碍

(C)病程相对比较长 (D)社会功能损害重

多选:12.为了帮助求助者,心理咨询师有必要了解( )。

(A)求助者的成长经历 (B)求助者所持道德观

(C)他和女友的性经历 (D)他的家庭成员关系

单选:13.和求助者制定咨询目标时,心理咨询师应该( )。

(A)满足他所有要求 (B)消除他所有焦虑

(C)帮助他接纳自我 (D)指导他批判自我

多选:14.从求助者自述中应该关注的积极方面是( )。

(A)替他人着想 (B)仍坚持学习

(C)有自我觉察 (D)道德感很强

多选:15.针对求助者失眠问题,心理咨询师应该( )。

(A)评估严重程度 (B)指导放松练习

(C)给他进行催眠 (D)给予药物治疗










大一英语期末考试试题精选 又到一个学期的期末了,大家复习好大学英语了吗?为大家精心挑选了一份大学英语第一学期期末试卷,供大家复习使用,希望能够帮助到大家! 大学一年级英语试卷 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line through the center. Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience. It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, w ho review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.”


三年级英语期末考试试题 一连线(50分) 1将字母的大小写连起来。 Ae B a Eb D f F d 2 把人物的各个部位和他们的名称连起来。 二选择正确的答案。(50分) 1 当别人说:Good morning !你应该说以下:() A Good morning! B Goodafternoog! C Niceto meet you!DSit down! 2当别人说:Nice to meetyou!你应当说以下:() AThank you!BMy name is lili CNiceto meetyou too.DOK 3 蓝色是以下哪一种色;( ) A yellowBred Cblue D green 4 下面不属于文具的一项是:() A ruler B pencil C eraser D blue 5 当你要谢谢别人应该说:( ) A OK BThanyou !CMy nameis lil y.DCool ! 6要和别人说再见应该说:( ) AHow are you ? B Goodbye! C HelloDThank you ! 7下面那一项不属于动物:( ) Amonkey Bpand C bird D bag 8 当你要告诉别人你有一把直尺你应该说:( ) A I have a ruler. B It’s adog C Thankyou!DThis is lily 9当你想要些牛奶你应该说;( )

A I”d likesome milk B Here youare. CIt’s a dog D I Have a ruler. 10 下面是用来喝的饮料;() Aegg B juice Cbread DPig 四年级上册英语期末考试试题 一写出下面字母的大小写。(30分) B_C_ e_ F_ m_N_ K_q_ W_H_ Y_T_ L_d_ G_ R_S_ X_ i_ Z_ 二选择正确的答案。(50 分) 1 下面那一项东西是教室里没有的东西:() A window B blackboard Cdoor Dbed 2当你想感谢别人时应当说:() ANot at all B Thank youCOK DLet me see 3你想形容你的你的朋友又高又胖应当说:( ) Athin and short B Friendly and cute C tall and strongDbigand good 4问你书包里有什么东西应该怎么说:() A What’sin yourschoolbag?BWho’she?COpen the door.D Good morning, 5 下面不属于所学课本的是() A Einglish book B maths book CChinesebook D key 6用来做饭的房间称作( ) Abathroom BLiving room C study D kitchen 7长头发用英语怎么说:() A short hair B longhair Cblack hair D brownshoes 8 中国人常用的餐具是;( ) AChopsticks B Fork C Knife D hand 9 英语中父亲应称:() A father B uncleCaunt Dcousin 10 下面不属于职业的一项是;() Afarmer B driver Cwindow D doctor


一、单项选择题(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其正确答案涂写在答题卡上。 1. 以“.js”为文件扩展名的文件是______。 (A) html文件(B) 网页文件(C) Java文件(D) Javascript文件 2.以下合法的变量名是______。 (A) new (B) _123 (C) null (D) 2abc 3.以下正确的字符串是______。 (A) xyz (B) ‘xyz” (C) “xyz’ (D) ‘xyz’ 4.设有语句: var st1=’test’; st1=st1+ 25; 则st1的值是______。 (A) ‘test25’ (B) 25 (C) ‘test’(D) 语法错误 5.123+”789”的值是______。 (A) ‘123789’ (B) 912 (C) “789”(D) 语法错误 6.表达式(a=2,b=5,a>b?a:b)的值是______。 (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 1 (D) 0 7.设有语句var a=3,b=5,c=3,d=8,m=3,n=2; 则逻辑表达式(m=a>b)&&(n=c>d)运算后,n的值为_______。 (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 8.设var a=2,b=3; 则a++==b?(a-1):b的结果是___________。 A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 9. 下面while循环执行的次数为________。 var i=5; while (i==0) i--; A)无限B) 1 C) 5 D) 0 10. 以下数组的定义中____________是错误的。 A) var a=new Array(); B) var a=new Array(10); C) var a[10]={ 1,2,3}; D) var a=["1",2,"3"]; 11.设var x=3,y=4; 下列表达式中y的值为9的是________。 A)y*=x-3 B)y/=x*9 C)y-=x+10 D)y+=x+2 12. 在程序中有多个相关联的选项,若要默认选择某一项,应在该项中增加_________属性。 A) checked B) default C) selected D) defaultValue 13.结果为NaN的表达式是______。 (A) "80"+"19" (B) "十九"+"八十" (C) "八十"*"十九" (D) "80"*"19" 14.执行下面语句后c的值是_______。 var a=2,b=1,c=3; if(a


2010级大学英语第一学期期末考试(A卷) Jan., 2011 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience. It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, who review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.” In August 1996, NASA announced the discovery in Antarctica of a meteorite(流星) from Mars that might contain evidence of ancient life on another world. As President Clinton said that day, the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago was potentially one of the great discoveries of our time. After the excitement wore down and initial papers were published, other researchers began looking at samples from the same meteorite. Some concluded that the “evidence of life”was mostly contamination from Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at all in the rock. Was this a failure of science, as some news reports trumpeted? No! It was a good example of the scientific method working the way it is supposed to. Scientists spend years on research, announce their findings, and these findings


小学六年级下学期英语期末考试试题 小学六年级下学期英语期末考试试题一 笔试部分 I.词汇练习(15分) A组:根据汉语的提示写出正确的单词 1.What’s the ________(几点了),please? 2.I_________(吃)lunch at twelve o’clock. 3.May I _________(问)you some questions? 4.Jim has___________(早餐)at 6 o’clock. 5.I go to_________(上床睡觉)at 10 o’clock in the evening. B组:根据句意和所给的首字母填空 1.—Sorry.I am___________for class.—It doesn’t matter. 2.It’s ___________to go home. 3.I do___________homework at 10 o’clock every evening. 4.I have lunch__________twelve o’clock. 5.Mr Smith is m____________to Jenny. C组:用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.There_________(be)ten people in the classroom. 2.How many_________(student)are there in your class? 3.This bag isn’t yours,it is___________(she). 4.Don’t look at__________(I),look at your book,please. 5.--_________(who)eraser is this?—It’s hers.


四、程序设计题(本大题共2小题,每小题15分,共30分) 1.对于教学数据库的三个基本表 学生student (sno,sname,sex,sage,sdept) 学习sc(sno,cno,grade) 课程course(cno,cname,cpno,ccredit) 试用SQL语句表示:下列语句。 (1)"查询全男同学信息情况" "select * from student where sex='男'" (2)"查询选修了1号课的学生的学号和成绩" "select sno,grade from sc where cno='1'" (3)"查询所有选修过课的学生的姓名,课程名及成绩" "select sname,cname,grade from student,sc,course where student.sno=sc.sno and https://www.360docs.net/doc/c217286850.html,o=https://www.360docs.net/doc/c217286850.html,o" (4)"查询选修了数据库原理课的最高成绩" "select max(grade) as '最高成绩' from student,sc,course where student.sno=sc.sno and https://www.360docs.net/doc/c217286850.html,o=https://www.360docs.net/doc/c217286850.html,o and cname='数据库原理'" (5)查询所有选修了1号课程的同学的姓名" " select sname from student where student.sno in (select sc.sno from sc where cno='1')" 2.设有一个SPJ数据库,包括S,P,J,SPJ四个关系模式(20分)供应商表S(SNO,SNAME,STATUS,CITY); 零件表P(PNO,PNAME,COLOR,WEIGHT); 工程项目表J(JNO,JNAME,CITY); 供应情况表SPJ(SNO,PNO,JNO,QTY);SPJ表 J表 S表 P表 请用关系代数完成如下查询: 1.求供应工程J1零件的供应商号 SNO 2.求供应工程J1零件P1的供应商号吗SNO 3.求供应工程J1零件为红色的供应商号码SNO 4.求没有使用天津供应商生产的红色零件的工程号JNO 5.求至少用了供应商S1所供应的全部零件的工程号JNO 1.∏sno(σJNO=‘J1’(SPJ)) 2.∏sno(σJNO=‘J1’ΛPNO=’P1’(SPJ)) 3.∏sno(σJNO=‘J1’(SPJ)∞σcolor=‘红’(P)) 4.∏jno(SPJ)-∏jno(∏sno(σcity=‘天津’(S))∞∏sno,jno (SPJ)∞∏jno σcolor=‘红’(P)) 5.∏jno, pno(SPJ)÷∏pno(σsno=‘s1’(SPJ)) 五、分析题(本大题共2小题,每小题15分本大题共30分) 1. 学生运动会模型: (1)有若干班级,每个班级包括: 班级号,班级名,专业,人数 (2)每个班级有若干运动员,运动员只能属于一个班,包括:运动员号,姓名,性别,年龄


人教版三年级下学期数学期末考试卷及答案 试卷难度3.0,满分100分 填空题22分 判断题5分 选择题10分 计算题63分 一、填空题(共15小题,每空1分,22分) 1、下午5时20分用24时计时法表示是,20时就是晚上时。 2、4平方米= 平方分米 3、70厘米= 分米 4、3公顷= 平方米 5、闰年2月有天,9月有天。 6、618÷3的商是位数;200÷5的商末尾有个0。 7、把1米平均分成100份,每份是1厘米,28厘米是/ 米,用小数表示为米。 8、☆÷7=24…Δ中,Δ最大可以填,当Δ最大值时,☆是。 9、中国共产党是1921年7月1日成立的,到今年7月1日是建党周年。到是建党100周年。 10、一个长方形的长12厘米,宽是8厘米,周长是厘米,面积是。 11、23×18 ?32×18 12、4公顷 ?400平方米

13、36厘米 ?0.36米 14、0.99元 ?1元 15、张奶奶家前6个月一共用水108吨,平均每个月用水吨。 二、判断题 1、用一位数除三位数,商可能是三位数,也可能是四位数。() ?正确?错误 2、9:00表示9小时。() ?正确?错误 3、平均数比最小的数大,比最大的数小,但在它们之间。() ?正确?错误 4、边长是4厘米的正方形,它的周长和面积相等。() ?正确?错误 5、小明面对着东方时,背对着西方。() ?正确?错误 三、选择题 1、教室的面积40()。 A 平方分米 B 平方米 C 公顷 2、2500×40积的末尾有()个0。 A 3 B 4 C 5 3、一个数除以7,余数最大可能是()。

A 6 B 7 C 8 4、小红家买30个苹果,3天吃了12个,还剩多少个?正确的列式是()。 A 30-12 B 30-12÷3 C (30-12)÷3 5、张华面向北方,他的右侧是()方。 A 西 B 东 C 南 四、计算题 30×20= 240÷6= 15×20= 2100÷3= 13×30= 84÷4= 40×21= 0÷8= 1.5+0.8= 1-0.6= 0.7+0.4= 1.6-0.9= 21×18≈ 421÷6≈


大学英语预备阶段练习(一) (Unit 1~4) ⅠWord Building Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets. 1.Thank you very much for your ____ advice. I followed it and succeeded at last. (value) 2.His business has ____ rapidly since his brother came to help. (development) 3.After a two-day discussion, we finally found a ____ to the difficult problem. (solve) 4.Prices ____ high for quite a while .People began to complain about it. (remaining) 5.I don’t think it ____ to finish all the work today. We can go on with it tomorrow.(necessity) 6.It is obviously not ____ to leave a 3-year-old boy alone at home. (properly) 7.The tourists saw a beautiful ____ when they climbed onto the top of the mountain.(scene) 8.Traveling in the desert is a challenging ____ to most people. ( inexperience) 9.____, I don’t think it possible to finish the task in two days. (person) 10.The government must make sure that the economy is developed in the right ____.(direct) ⅡVocabulary and Structure Directions: Choose the best one from the four choices to complete the sentence. 11.The temperature ____ throughout the day in that part of the country. A. very B. remains C. differs D. varies 12.The game is full of violence and will certainly have a bad ____ on young players. A. meaning B. pain C. loss D. influence 13.The warm-hearted elderly lady downstairs is always ____ to help others. A. real B. ready C. practical D. polite 14.The question is ____ difficult in the exam today. Don’t you think so? A. therefore B. since C. rather D. otherwise 15.She used to live in a lovely ____ building near the sea. A. 3-story B. 3-stories C. 3-classed D. 3-classes 16.There are different ____ of transport in big cities for you to choose when you go out. A. means B. mean C. meanings D. meaning 17.They did not take a rest until the job was ____ finished. A. straightly B. specially C. completely D. fairly 18.The bookstore owner ____ the old magazines with a new ones to attract more readers. A. required B. reviewed C. repeated D. replaced 19.Would you like to buy the book? It is ____ reading. A. worthy B. firm C. further D. worth 20.She wears sunglasses to ____ her eyes from the sunshine in summer. A. prepare B. produce C. protect D. provide 21.We all like her very much for her pleasant ____: kind, gentle and warm-hearted. A. character B. chance C. chairman D. skills 22.All the students enjoyed the wonderful ____ by the professor that afternoon. A. discussion B. lecture C. advice D. solution 23.If you have confidence in yourself first, you will not be _______ by others easily. A.won B. doubled C. defeated. D. delayed 24.The little girl developed a strong _______ on her new friends.


小学英语期末考试试题听力内容 听力部分 (30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词或词组(听两遍)10分 1. We shouldn’t litter in the park . 2. Yesterday , Mum bought me an interesting storybook . 3.Let’s pick some oranges and taste them . 4.Get up, David . Breakfast is ready . 5.Do you like the film ? 6. Grandpa got a wallet at Christmas . 7. I visited a farm with my parents last Sunday . 8. .There’re twelve candles on the birthday cake . 9. The sign over there means you should keep off the grass . 10.Tomorrow is the eighth of March. Dad, let’s buy some flowers for mum . 二、听录音,选择正确的应答(听两遍)5分 1.Here’s a present for you . 2.Can the people make noise in the library ? 3.Were there any toy cars on the ground ? 4.Where was your CD Walkman ? 5.What do people usually do at Spring Festival ? 三、听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的用T表示,不相符的用 F表示(听两遍)5分 1.Does this sign mean ‘Danger’ ? Yes, it does . 2.—Where is my guitar ? —It was beside the desk a moment ago . 3.Today is the National Day holiday . 4.The boys played volleyball yesterday afternoon . 5.Whose mirror is this ? It’s Helen’s . 四、根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的回答(听两遍)


期末考试模拟试题(二) 一.听句子,选出句子中含有的信息。(10分) ( ) 1. A. Singapore B. Paris C. Toronto ( ) 2. A. the biggest city B. the smallest city C. the hottest city ( ) 3. A. come to tea B. come to a party C. go for a walk ( ) 4. A. had a fever B. had a cold C. have a fever ( ) 5. A. Spring Festival B. Mid-autumn Festival C. Christmas ( ) 6. A. play cards B. play games C. play chess ( ) 7. A. food B. drink C. fruit ( ) 8. A. next Wednesday B. next Thursday C. next Saturday ( ) 9. A. the Monkey King B. the Lion King C. Mickey Mouse ( ) 10. A. go fishing B. play badminton C. go to the circus 二.听句子,写出句子中所缺的词。(5分) 1. Adults usually give to children during Spring festival in China. 2. We are going to the Great the day after . 3. I my house and other housework yesterday. 4. This is the time to be in . 5. What’s the of ? 三.听对话及问题,选出问题的正确答案。(10分) ( ) 1. A English. B. Chinese. C. Maths. ( ) 2. A. At school. B. At home. C. Sorry, I don’t know. ( ) 3. A. A new watch. B. Some flowers. C. A new clock. ( ) 4. A.Go shopping. B. See her friend in hospital. C. Go sightseeing. ( ) 5. A. Guangzhou. B. Beijing. C. Guilin. ( ) 6. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she didn’t. C. Yes, she did. ( ) 7. A. Washed his dog. B. Played football. C. Saw a film on TV. ( ) 8. A. Tuesday, May 3rd. B. Sunday, May 1st. C. Monday, May 2nd. ( ) 9. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. No, it wasn’t. ( ) 10. A. Go boating. B. Go swimming. C. Go to see a film. 四.听短文,判断对错。对的T,错的F。(5分) ( ) 1. The shops and department stores are quiet. ( ) 2. People are doing their Christmas shopping. ( ) 3. Lots of families have their Christmas trees. ( ) 4. Mr. Brown and his family are getting ready for the Christmas. ( ) 5. They are going to have a big dinner. 五.看图写出所缺的单词或词组。(5分) 1. d 2. F C 3. S F 4. B 5. c 六.找出不同类的单词。(4分) ( ) 1. A. Christmas B. Easter C. Thanksgiving D. festival ( ) 2. A. Saturday B. April C. August D. December ( ) 3. A. important B. popular C. interesting D. present ( ) 4. A. sweet B. merry C. cake D. egg ( ) 5. A. winter B. summer C. season D. spring ( ) 6. A. painted B. had C. have D. was ( ) 7. A. housework B. lesson C. house D. dirty ( ) 8. A. mark B. prepare C. food D. feel


小学六年级语文期末考试试题及答案 一、拼音(7分) 2、在教学楼快要倒塌的的时刻,谭千秋老师迅速地把几个孩子搂在怀里,几个孩子,而谭千秋老师却永远地走了。(2分) 3、即将进入中学,我想用“______、______”等成语来描述我的心情。 4、我还积累了描写人的口才的成语______;来自寓言故事的成语______;描写同学友情的成语_____;(3分) (五)按要求改写句子。(7分) 1、李涛对胡丽说:“我要像你一样热爱集体。”(改转述句) 2、他舍己为人的精神值得我们学习。(改反问句) 3、我高兴得坐立不安。(用修改符号修改病句) 4、我们学校是全县人数最多的学校。(必为双重否定句) 5、这地方太小,怎么容得下几个班的同学活动呢?(改为夸张句) 6、宽容如春,滋润人的心田,(仿写句子) 宽容如,__________ 。 宽容如,__________ 。(六)我积累了很多知识,能按要求填写。(14分) 1、“卜算子”是词牌名,我还知道的词牌名有____、____等。 2、即将离开母校,离开老师和同学,在离别之际,我不禁想起了古代诗人送别朋友的一句诗“ 。”(2分) 3、《猴王出世》选自《》,它是我国四大名著之一,作者是____。(2分) 4、在小学阶段的语文学习中,我认识了许多伟大的人物,如:宁死不屈的李大钊,____的周总理,____的居里夫人。(2分) 5、过去的日子如_____ ,被微风____了,如_____,被初阳 1.我能按字母表的顺序,重新排列并规范地写在四线三格内(3分) Z D F H W L 2.根据拼音写汉字(4分)

qīn shī chōu yē biān pào jīng bīng jiǎn zhèng ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (二)查字典,按要求填空。(3分) “出其不意”中的“意”用音序查字法应先查音序__,再查章节___;用部首查字法应先查部首__,再查__画,“意”的解释有①意思;②心愿,愿望;③意料,料想。在“出其不意”中应选__。“词不达意”应选( ) (三)选择(5分) 1、老师鼓励我们要敢于( ) A、胡思乱想 B、异想天开 C、想入非非 D、冥思苦想2、下面哪个故事不是三国故事( ) A、赤壁之战 B、草船借箭 C、三顾茅庐 D、负荆请罪 3、如果生命是水,尊严就是流动;如果生命是火,尊严就是___;如果生命是鹰,尊严就是___。( ) A、烈焰飞腾 B、燃烧羽毛 C、燃烧飞翔 D、狂风勇猛4、___是数九寒天,爷爷___坚持锻炼( ) A、如果??就?? B、因为??所以?? C、即使??也?? D、不但??而且?? 5、“我以日始出时去人近”中的“去”的意思是( ) A、过去不B、除掉C、离D在动词后,表示持续(四)成语是一座丰富的文化宝库,我能活学活用。(9分) 1、补充成语(2分) 温文尔( ) 司空见( ) 余音绕( ) ( )而不舍 - 1 - 石阡县均田小学2014年4月29日星期二小学六年级(李登) _____了。这个句子选自现代作家____的《》。(3分) 6、我的座右铭(名言)是,因为(喜欢的理由) (2分) 7、《七步诗》中抒发曹植内心悲愤的诗句是,。(2分) 8、默写《竹石》(3


01 Passage 1 Hypnotism (催眠术) is very old. Thousands of years ago people started to use it in Egypt. The use of hypnotism has grown very much since that time. Today, doctors and scientists are in almost every country hypnotize people to help them with their problems. What is hypnotism, and how does it work? Many people think that a hypnotist puts people to sleep. Then he makes the hypnotized people do strange things. This is not what a hypnotist does. Hypnotism is really just a way to relax the mind and body. What are some of the uses of hypnotism? We go to a hypnotist because w e have a problem. The problem makes us unhappy. The hypnotist asks us to think hard about something and relax. When we are relaxed, t he hypnotist gives us some ideas to help us with our problems. Hypnotism can help people to remember things. The police sometimes ask hypnotists to help them. For example, a man sees an accident. He forgets the license number of the car he sees. If he is hypnotized he may remember it. The police can then find the car and catch the driver. People who are hypnotized can also make mistakes or say something that isn't true. People remember what they think they saw. That may not be what really happened. The police don't hypnotize people who do something wrong. Why not? People who are hypnotized may say something that isn't true. A person who has done something bad has a good reason to say something that isn't true. 1. Hypnotist helps people by ____. [A] putting them to sleep [B] helping them to get relaxed [C] offering his ideas about their problems [D] making them forget their problems 2. When hypnotized, some people may say something that is not true, because ____. [A] they do not remember what has happened [B] they remember what they think has happened [C] they do not know what has happened [D] they are not interested in what has happened 3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?____ [A] Hypnotism is very different form what it used to be. [B] When a person is hypnotized, his body gets relaxed, while his mind works hard. [C] Hypnotism is much more widely used today than it was thousands of years ago. [D] When hypnotized, a person will do something strange. 4. The passage mainly talks about ____. [A] how hypnotism works [B] the development of hypnotism [C] the use of hypnotism [D] the wonder of hypnotism
