



英美文学一选择10*1 1.utopia Thomas More 2.有关于TS Eliot的文学理论,我选的是objective corelation 3.18C 既有小说实践又有小说理论,选几个小说家,选项有henry fielding,samuel johnson,defoe,swift,sheridan,oliva goldsmith每三个人一个太奇考研2016年早起计划咨询热线:4000-855-866 在线咨询YY:86489962 英美文学


1.utopia Thomas More

2.有关于TS Eliot的文学理论,我选的是objective corelation

3.18C 既有小说实践又有小说理论,选几个小说家,选项有henry fielding,samuel johnson,defoe,swift,sheridan,oliva goldsmith每三个人一个选项

4.选谁是a writer's writer,启发了海明威,我选的sherwood anderson,还有Gertrude stein

5.Mark Twain 的贡献Local colorism

6.Fitzgerald的jazz age

7.wordsworth's monumental work:lyrical ballads

8.king james' Bible

二填空15*2 1空1分

1.大学才子派突出人物christopher marlowe ,突出作品Dr Faustus

2.metaphysical school得名的由来是John dryden 评价John donne的诗歌。

3.critical realistic时期三个不同阶段代表人物Dickens,填Thackeray,Thomas Hardy

4.英国作家,谁生活在20C早期,劳伦斯吧,认为the most sacred thing is love between man and woman,the expression of individuality是什么

5.Walter Scott作品主要是historical novels 主要作品Ivanhoe

6.Samuel Beckett,waiting for Godot,the theater of absurd

7.Dos Passos的USA trilogy

8.calvinism三项教义,original sin ,total depravity 填第三个,应该是赎罪什么的redemption

9.Ezra Pound,the Imagist movement,他的The cantos发源于中国的孔子儒学

10.American sociological writer……难道是Sinclair Lewis?与William Dean Howells 类比的一个作家,同样都deal with 什么

11.Eugene O'neill的自传体戏剧Long Day's journey into night

12.有关于女诗人Elizabeth Bishop.没复习到,在常老师的美国文学史里找着了:she was a (Postmodernist) both in he acceptance of life for what it is and in her openness in theme and form. one basic feature of her poetry lies in its at once material portrayal of life and (immaterial) suggesyion about it.

13.关于John Barth,也不会。postmodernist ,metafictional fiction.

14.william faulkner的作品root in the American south,主要写aristocratic family的发


heroic couplet

new criticism

English romantic poetry

American naturalism

The Aestheitic movement

black humor


1.Emily Dickinson's Success is counted sweetest By those who ne'er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.

2.It's a truth that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. Pride and prejudice

3.Hamlet Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them? To die:to sleep;

4.Ode To A Nightingale by John Keats O for a draught of vintage! that hath been Cool'd

a long age in the deep-delved earth Tasting of Flora and the country green Dance and Provencal song and sunburnt mirth!

O for a beaker full of the warm South Full of the true the blushful Hippocrene With beaded bubbles winking at the brim And purple-stained mouth That I might drink and leave the world unseen And with thee fade away into the forest dim

5.Just then the stern line came taut under his foot,where he had kept a loop of the line,and he dropped his oars and felt tile weight of the small tuna's shivering pull as he held the line firm and commenced to haul it in.老人与海

6.苔丝的最后一句,解释the President of Immortals

7.Reading makes a full man,conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. Francis bacon Of Studies

8.I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London,that

a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious,nourishing,and wholesome food,whether stewed,roasted,baked,or boiled. A modest proposal

9.For oft,when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils.

I wandered lonely as a cloud—William Wordsworth

10.有个选段最后一句是and at the instant he knew,he ceased to know要解释interminable stairways

五essay writing 每个200—300词2*20

第一个关于Wordsworth在lyrical ballads中说诗的目的对象来自common life.结合他的作品评析一下。

第二个关于艾默生的超验主义,说self reliance. ……intuition is the essence of genius,life .问你是否同意这个观点。




2011年7月自考真题英美文学选读 课程代码:00604 全部题目用英文作答,并将答案写在答题纸相应位置上,否则不计分。 Ⅰ. Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your answer on the answer sheet. 1.With classical culture and the()humanistic ideas coming into England, the English Renaissance began flourishing. A. French B. German C. Italian D. Greek 2.“Come live with me and be my love, / And we will all the pleasures prove / That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, / Woods, or steepy mountain yields.” The above lines are taken from Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”, which derives from the()tradition. A. pastoral B. heroic C. romantic D. realistic 3.“Metaphysical conceit”is a strategy characteristic of John Donne’s poetry. It is(). A. a confession that avoids questions of moral accountability B. the linking of images from very different ranges of experience C. self-definition through images based on the four primal elements D. the chaining of images representing solid and gaseous elements 4.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 includes three stanzas according to the content with these last two lines as a(), which completes the sense of the above lines. 第 1 页


17春《英美文学选读》作业2 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共100 分。) 1. which of Woolf'novels was adapted into movie named The Hours? A. Mrs.Dalloway B. The Waves C. The Common Reader D. To the Light house 正确答案:A 2. In Hardy's Wessex novels, there is an apparent _______ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life. A. humorous B. romantic C. nostalgic D. sarcastic 正确答案:C 3. Which of the following is NOT written by Jane Austen? A. Sense and Sensibility B. Pride and Prejudice C. Jane Eyre D. Emma 正确答案:C 4. In David Copperfield, who got married with David at last? A. Agnes B. Dora C. Amy D. Beth 正确答案:A 5. Pride and Prejudice is mainly about the love between___ A. Jane and Bingley B. Elizabeth and Darcy C. Jane and Darcy D. Kitty and Bingley 正确答案:B 6. In David Copperfield, little David's second father treated him and his mother___ A. badly B. kindly


北京大学2007年硕士研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:专业知识考试时间:2007年1月21日 招生专业:英语语言文学研究方向:各方向 文学,翻译,美国研究方向试题(150分) I.Please answer ONE of the following questions(40) 1In Milton’s Paradise Lost,Satan displays tremendous heroic energy,and we cannot but admire him.Is Satan a hero?Why(not)?You might want to compare Satan with Adam and Christ the Son to make your point. 2A conceit is a far-fetched and ingenious comparison.The metaphysical conceit is a more intellectualized,many-leveled comparison,giving a strong sense of the poet’s ingenuity in overcoming obstacles.John Donne’s conceits leap continually in a restless orbit from the personal to the cosmic and back again.Please pick two examples of metaphysical conceits form Donne and comment on them. II.Please answer ONE of the following questions.(40) 1,Many people believe that the Puritan Movement and the Puritan migration to North American in early17th century are a form of religious revivalism.However,critics argue that the Puritan enterprise is a much more complicated phenomenon,which cannot be limited only to its religious aspect.Which view do you agree?Please give two or more examples(and with proper analyses)from the writings of Puritan Era to explain your opinion. 2,In19th century American novelists,Nathaniel Hawthorne stands out for his extraordinary familiarity with the social and religious life of early New England society and for his profound understanding of the innate complexity of human nature (its irrepressible tendencies and ambivalent impulses,the impossibility of eradicating sin from the human heart).Please give two or more examples(with proper analyses) from the novels or tales of Howthorne in order to demonstrate and explain both the historical imagination of Howthorne and his Mastery of psychological insight. III.Answer ONE of the following questions.(40) 1The Romantic Age in Britain was a time when domestic unrest combined with international turmoil to raise the awareness of Englishness on the part of the people. Briefly analyze two literary works of this period,focusing on how they reflect such heightened national/international consciousness.


全国自考2018年7月英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上(全部题目用英文作答) PART ONE(40 POINTS) I. Multiple Choice (40 points in all,1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 1. Of all the eighteenth—century British novelists ______ was the first to set out,both in theory and practice,to write specially a “comic epic in prose”,the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. A. Thomas Gray B. Richard Brinsley Sheridan C. Jonathan Swift D. Henry Fielding 2. The poem “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” established ______ as the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day,especially “the Graveyard School”. A. Thomas Gray B. Samuel Johnson C. John Bunyan D. John Milton 3. “Do you think, because I am poor,obscure,plain,and little,I am soulless and heartless?... And if God had gifted me with some beauty,and much wealth,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me. as it is now for me to leave you. ”The quoted part is taken from ______. A. Great Expectations B. Wuthering Heights C. Jane Eyre D. Pride and Prejudice 4. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are all the following EXCEPT ______. A. Francis Bacon B. Christopher Marlowe 1


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ μ¥??ìa 1(4·?) : The lines, "Two roads diverged in a wood. and l/l took the one less traveled by,/And that has made all the difference. " are found in __________. A: Robert Frost?ˉs The Road Not taken" B: William Wordsworth?ˉs "Lines Written in Early Spring" C: John Keats?ˉs "Ode to Autumn" D: Percy Bysshe Shelly?ˉs "ode to the West Wind" 2(4·?) : In the first part of the novel Pride and prejudice, Mr. Darcy has a £¨n£? ______ of the Bennet family. A: high opinion B: great admiration C: low opinion D: erroneous view 3(4·?) : In Hardy£§s Wessex novels, there is an apparent _______ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life. A: humorous B: romantic C: nostalgic D: sarcastic 4(4·?) : Which is considered the summit of Shakespeare?ˉs art. A: Hamlet B: Romeo and Juliet C: The Winter?ˉs Tale D: Love?ˉs Labour?ˉs Lost 5(4·?) : In Fitzgerald£§s The Great Gatsby, there are detailed descriptions of big parties. The purpose of such descriptions is so show _______. A: emptiness of life B: the corruption of the upper class C: contrast of the rich and the poor D: the happy days of the Jazz Age 6(4·?) : Within her little lyrics Dickinson addresses those issues that concern ______, which include religion, death, immorality, love and nature. A: the whole human beings B: the frontiers C: the African Americans D: her relatives 7(4·?) : What does Wordsworth£§s poem "The Solitary Reaper" tell us about Romanticist? A: To romanticists, poetry is an expression of an individual£§s feelings and experiences no matter how fragmentary and momentary these feelings and experiences are. B: Romanticist take delight only in sound effect, the theme of a work is not


备考的时候唯一心愿就是上岸之后也可以写一篇经验贴,来和学弟学妹们分享这一年多的复习经验和教训。 我在去年这个时候也跟大家要一样在网上找着各种各样的复习经验贴,给我的帮助也很多,所以希望我的经验也可以给你们带来一定帮助,但是每个人的学习方法和习惯都不相同,所以大家还是要多借鉴别人的经验,然后找到适合自己的学习方法,并且坚持到底! 时间确实很快,痛也快乐着吧。 我准备考研的时间也许不是很长,希望大家不要学我,毕竟考研的竞争压力是越来越大,提前准备还是有优势的,另外就是时间线只针对本人,大家可以结合实际制定自己的考研规划。 在开始的时候我还是要说一个老生常谈的话题,就是你要想明白自己为什么要考研,想明白这一点是至关重要的。如果你是靠自我驱动,是有坚定的信心发自内心的想要考上研究生,就可以减少不必要的内心煎熬,在复习的过程中知道自己不断的靠近自己的梦想。 好了说了一些鸡汤,下面咱们说一下正经东西吧,本文三大部分:英语+政治+专业课,字数比较多,文末分享了真题和资料,大家可自行下载。 北京语言大学比较文学与世界文学的初试科目为: (101)思想政治理论 (201)英语一 (723)中外文学(823)比较文学概论或(101)思想政治理论(203)日语 (724)中外文学(823)比较文学概论 参考书目为:

1.外国文学参考书上下两册 2.乐黛云:《比较文学与比较文化十讲》复旦大学出版社 3.陈惇、刘象愚:《比较文学概论》北京师范大学出版社 4.杨乃文、乐黛云:《比较文学概论》北京大学出版社 5.杨慧林、高旭东:《比较文学实用指南》北京大学出版社 关于英语复习的建议 考研英语复习建议:一定要多做真题,通过对真题的讲解和练习,在不断做题的过程中,对相关知识进行查漏补缺。对于自己不熟练的题型,加强训练,总结做题技巧,达到准确快速解题的目的。 虽然准备的时间早但因为各种事情耽误了很长时间,真正复习是从暑假开始的,暑假学习时间充分,是复习备考的黄金期,一定要充分利用,必须集中学习,要攻克阅读,完形,翻译,新题型!大家一定要在这个时间段猛搞学习。 在这一阶段的英语复习需要背单词,做阅读(每篇阅读最多不超过20分钟),并且要做到超精读。无论你单词背的多么熟,依然要继续背单词,不能停。 真题是木糖英语的真题手译,把阅读真题争取做三遍,做到没有一个词不认识,没有一个句子不懂,能理解文章的主旨,每道题目选项分析透彻。 完型填空的考察重点就是词汇辨析,逻辑关系,固定搭配和语法等。完型一般放在最后一步做,所以时间有限,不需要把文章通读一遍,只要把握首句,即文章的中心大意,不要脱节文章主题意思即可。 做题的时候多联系理解上下文,精读空格所在句,根据前后的已知信息寻找相关的线索去选择合适的单词,所以建议大家练习完形填空要注重思路和寻找文章的线索。另外,要注重固定搭配与常见词组,完型填空常常和搭配有关系,平


二O 一四年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题A卷 考试科目及代码:英美文学基础(代码:857) 适用专业:英语语言文学;外国语言学及应用语言学 答题内容写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上一律无效。考完后试题随答题纸交回。 考试时间3小时,总分值 150 分。 参考答案及评分标准 Ⅰ Multiple Choice(24 points, 1 point for each)每题1分,共24分。 1. C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7. C 8.D 9. C 10.A 11.C 12. D 13.D 14.D 15.C 16.B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. D 23.B 24. A II Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the context. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (1 point for each, 15 points in total) 1. poetry 2. English 3. Lyrical Ballads 4. dominant 5. heredity 6. stream-of-consciousness 7. Iceberg 8. Songs of Experience 9. greatest 10. Imperialism 11. marriage 12. Y ossarian 13. transcendentalism 14. The American Scholar



绝密★考试结束前 全国 4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。全部题目用英文作答。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.

1. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his ______ plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems.B A. 27 B. 38 C.47 D. 52 2. john Milton’s literary achievement can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last ______.C A. romances B. dramas C. great poems D. ballads 3. The novels of ______ are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower— class people.C A. John Milton B. Daniel Defoe C. Henry Fielding D. Jonathan Swift

北语 20春《英美文学选读》作业_1234

20春《英美文学选读》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题5分, 共10道小题, 总分值50分) 1.Because of her sensitivity to universal pattens of human behavior, ______ has brought the English novel, as an art of form, to its maturity. A. Charlotte Bronte B. Jane Austen C. Emily Bronte D. Henry Fielding 答:B q:80·500·9261 2.What's the name of Hester and Dimmesdale 's daughter? A. Amy B. Pearl C. Nina D. Berry 答:B 3." Charles Drouet ", " George Hustwood ", " Julia Hustwood " are most likely the names of the characters in ________. A. Shaw’s Mrs Warren’s Profession B. Dreiser’s Sister Carrier C. Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost D. Christopher Marlowe’s Dr.Faustus 答:B 4.Where did Shakespeare work in London A. farm B. theater C. factory D. office 答:B 5."'I believe you are made of stone,'he said, clenching his fingers so hard that he broke the fragile cup. …'You seem to forget,'she said,'that cup is not!'" .From the above quoted passage, we can find the woman's tone is very( ) . A. sarcastic B. amusing C. sentimental D. facetious 答:A 6.The poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is selected from____ A. A Witness Tree B. Steeple Bush


北语比较文学专业03至08年考研试题回忆版 2003级比较文学试题 名词解释 法国学派译介学比较诗学欧洲中心主义比较视域 简答: 1 为什么说比较文学不是文学比较? 2 什么是异质文化间的互证互识互补? 3 试辨析"比较文学""国别文学""总体文学""世界文学"几个概念内在意蕴的异同? 4 比较语境下怎样去理解和而不同原则? 论述 1 以英美意象派(如庞德)对中国古典诗歌的翻译和接受为例分析不同文化语境下文学翻译和接受不是单一的,还可能存在创造性转化,谈谈你对此的理解 2 有人批评某些研究将西方文艺理论生搬硬套到与之截然相反的中国文学文本的作法弊大于利,请从比较诗学的角度谈谈如何对待中西批评传统,如何进行中西比较诗学的对话 04年的考题 名解 三一律孟尔康赋比兴二十四诗品审美直觉王尔德平行研究 简答 中国学派发展历程及强势弱势 影响研究的定义及缺点 克伦威尔序言的意义 有我之境与无我之境 论述 庄子思想对中国文学理论批评的影响 民族文学在多原文化语境中的生存与发展 文学消费的二重性 比较萧伯纳与易卜生 比较文学产生的背景 现代主义与后现代主义的比较 2005年研究生考题 比较文学与世界文学 Y 一,填空 1.波斯奈特代表作—— 2.《李白与歌德》作者—梁宗岱— 3.钱钟书在比较文学方面的代表作—— 4.忘了什么题了,好像答案是文化孤立主义和文化保守主义 二,名词解释 形象学 法国学派 文化研究 拜伦式英雄

三 是雷马克关于比较文学定义的一段英文,要求翻译为中文 四答 : 1. 文学比较与比较文学的区别 2、怎么理解“接受本身就是批评” 3. 《红与黑》中的于连从乡下进城后备受歧视,结合相关作品中的人物分析“外省来的年轻人”五.论述 1.意识流小说 > 2.(给了一段话,忘了是什么了,大意是阐述一下中西比较诗学的建构问题) 文艺理论 . 一.名词解释 有意味的形式 韵味 风骨 《沧浪诗话》 二.简答 1. 虚境与实境 2. 话语的虚构 3. 误读 4. 结构与解构 三.论述(三选二) 1. 文学的大众化趋势及其对文学研究的影响 2. 传统语境下文学与政治的关系 3. 论述西方形式主义批评的发展趋势与理论特点 06 比较文学与世界文学(部分) 一、填空题 1、是关于比较文学的一个人物,具体忘了 2、 3、 4、《源氏物语》受唐代诗人——的影响最大 10<安提戈涅〉作者——《力士参孙》作者——,《希腊古瓮颂》作者——。《太太学堂》作者—— 二、名词解释 1、间离化 2、《万叶集》 3、互文性 4、 三、韦勒克的一段英语,翻译 四、简答 1、莎士比亚笔下“穿裙子的英雄“形象? 2、比较诗学基本方法? 3、 五、论述 1、卡夫卡第一个表达了当代人的感受,开创了时代,如何理解? 2、亚里士多德时代的戏剧&古典主义戏剧的比较 3、有关文化研究的问题 综合试题


1.What is in the book “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” that makes Hemingway say that all modern American literature comes from this book? (这个题找了2个小时,实在是找不到了。看看下面的会不会有所帮助) (海明威写的Green Hills of Africa中的原文)All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. If you read it you must stop where the Nigger Jim is stolen from the boys. That is the real end. The rest is just cheating. But it's the best book we've had. All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since. The best work that Mark Twain ever produced is, as we noted earlier on, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It tells a story about the United States before the Civil War, around 1850, when the great Mississippi Valley was still being settled. Here lies an America, with its great national faults, full of violence and even cruelty(n. 残酷;残忍;残酷的行为), yet still retaining the virtues of …some simplicity, some innocence(n. 清白,无罪;天真无邪), and some peace.? The story takes plac e along the Mississippi River, on both sides of which there was unpopulated(adj. 无人居住的) wilderness(n. 荒地) and a dense forest(密林). It relates the story of the escape of Jim from slavery and, more important, how Huck Finn, floating along with him and helping him as best he could, changes his mind, his prejudice about black people, and comes to accept Jim as a man and as a close friend as well. At the heart of Twain?s achievement(n. 成就;完成;达到) is his creation of Huck Finn, who embodies(v t. 体现) that mythic(adj. 神话的;虚构的) America, midway(n. 中途;娱乐场adj. 中途的adv. 中途) between the wilderness and the modern super state. 2.Is Mr. Bennett in “Pride and P rejudice” a positive figure? Why or why not? (这是原题答案,第一句为第一问,剩下的是第二问) Mr. Bennet?s chief characteristics are an iron ic detachment(n. 分离,拆开;超然;分遣;分遣队) and a sharp, cutting wit. The distance that he creates between himself and the absurdity(n.荒谬的言行;谬论;) around him often endears(v t. 使…受钟爱;使…亲密) him to the reader and parallels the amused detachment with which Austen treats ridiculous(adj. 可笑的;荒谬的) characters such as Mr. Collins and Lady Catherine. To associate the author?s point of view with that of Mr. Bennet, however, is to ignore his ultimate failure as a father and husband. He is endlessly witty(adj. 诙谐的;富于机智的), but his distance from the events around him makes him an ineffective parent. Detached humor may prove useful for handling the Mr. Collinses of the world, but it is helpless against the depredations(n. 掠夺;破坏,破坏痕迹) of the villainous (but likable) Wickham. When the crisis of Lydia?s elopement(n. 私奔;潜逃) strikes, Mr. Bennet proves unable to handle the situation. Darcy, decent(adj. 正派的;得体的;) and energetic(adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的), and the Gardiners, whose intelligence, perceptiveness, and resourcefulness(n. 足智多谋) make them the strongest adult force in the novel, must step in. He is a likable(adj. 可爱的), entertaining character, but he never manages to earn the respect of the reader. 3.Discuss the theme of Fitzgerald’s "The Great Gatsby".(at least 200 words) (两个主题,有上千字,我不知道怎么概括,我把对每个主题描述的第一段话写在下面了)


绝密★考试结束前 全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。全部题目用英文作答。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his ______ plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems.B A. 27 B. 38 C.47 D. 52 2. john Milton’s literary achievement can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last ______.C A. romances B. dramas C. great poems D. ballads 3. The novels of ______ are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower— class people.C A. John Milton B. Daniel Defoe C. Henry Fielding D. Jonathan Swift


17春16秋《英美文学选读》1 一、单选(共20 道,共100 分。) 1. It is generally regarded that Keats's most important and mature poems are in the form of _______ . A. ode B. elegy C. epic D. sonnet 标准解: 2. How many periods are divided into in the creation years of Shakespeare? A. three B. four C. two D. five 标准解: 3. William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT A. the use of everyday language spoken by the common people B. the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings C. the use of humble and rustic life as subject matter D. the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech 标准解: 4. How many lines are there in a sonnet? A. 16 B. 18 C. 14 D. 12 标准解: 5. Which of the following is a comedy? A. King lear B. Macbeth C. Hamlet D. The Merry Wives of Windsor 标准解: 6. The poem Ode to a Nightingale was written by___ A. William Wordsworth B. John Keats C. Shelley

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中国现当代文学专业招生目录 专业代码、名称及研 究方向 招生人数考试科目备注 050106中国现当代文 学 12 01中国现代文学研究02中国当代文学研究03女性文学研究①101思想政治理论 ②201英语一或203日语 ③719文学评论写作 ④821中国现当代文学史 中国现当代文学专业考试涉及课程及参考书目中国现当代文学专业综合考试所涉及课程为:中国现当代文学。 821 中国现当代文学史《中国现代文学三十年》 《中国当代文学史》 北京大学出版 社 北京大学出版 社 钱理群 等 洪子诚 中国现当代文学2012年复试分数线 专业代码专业名称本校复试分数线/ 单科线/ 专业课线030206 国际政治315/42/63 030206 国际政治(国际经济方向)329/42/63 030505 思想政治教育315/42/63 040102 课程与教学论300/40/120 040201 基础心理学300/40/120 050101 文艺学345/52/78 050102 语言学及应用语言学367/52/78

050103 汉语言文字学345/52/78 050104 中国古典文献学345/52/78 050105 中国古代文学345/52/78 050106 中国现当代文学345/52/78 050107 中国少数民族语言文学345/52/78 050108 比较文学与世界文学376/52/78 050201 英语语言文学361/52/78 050203 法语语言文学353/52/78 050204 德语语言文学345/52/78 050205 日语语言文学354/52/78 050207 西班牙语语言文学345/52/78 050208 阿拉伯语语言文学381/52/78 050209 欧洲语言文学391/52/78 050210 亚非语言文学345/52/78 050211 外国语言学及应用语言学371/52/78 060200 中国史285/38/114 081200 计算机科学与技术290/38/57 045300 汉语国际教育318/40/60 055101 英语笔译363/52/78 055108 法语口译345/52/78
