


英语的基本句式结构其实很简单:主谓宾和主系表。主谓宾是“谁-做-什么”,例如:比如“羊吃草”;“洁白可爱的小绵羊蹦蹦跳跳欢快活泼地在一望无垠的广阔草原上幸福愉快地吃着鲜嫩碧绿的青草”一样也是主谓宾,只不过多了一些修饰的词,句子的核心意思还是“羊吃草”。主系表是“谁-是-什么”,同主谓宾一样。在阅读中我们要很快的找出核心句子,不用每句话的意思都懂,但要知道这句话要表达的核心意思,即找到主谓宾或主系表的主体。 并列平行结构 在一个较长的句子中,并列平行的部分可能是几个独立的句子,也可能是几个并列的短语成分或者从句。如果并列平行的部分是几个独立的句子,也叫“并列句“。所以说,“并列平行结构”是一个更广泛的概念。本篇主要讲解并列平行的部分是几个并列的短语成分或者从句的这种情况。 中文:进一步展望未来,通过这个新时代所产生的巨大财富和新技术的结合.人类可望在太空建立一个浩大的可供千万人居住的世界。 英文:Further ahead, by a combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be within our power. 结构分析:Combination of中的of有两个宾语:一是the great wealth,受定语从句this new age will bring的修饰,另一个是the technology,受定语从句it will provide的修饰:主句中的home to thousands or millions of people为world的同位语。


环球雅思老师为你解读雅思阅读八大题型之判断题 雅思阅读主要有以下八大题型:判断题(TURE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN),填空题(SUMMARY),段落标题配对题(LIST OF HEADINGS),配对题(MA TCHING),选择题(MUTILPCHIOCE),填空题(COMPLETION),简答题(SHORT ANSWER)和图表题(TABLE)。其中前四类题型是雅思阅读的必考题型。本文主要分析填空题(SUMMARY)的读题和解题技巧。 一、填空题的读题与解题 ⑴填空题主要分为两类:目前归纳题有两种趋势,一种是题目贯穿在整篇文章,另一种是只隐藏在其中一二个段落。前者下文称为“有备选项”,后者下文称为“无备选项”。 ①“有备选项”的填空题特征:题干内容分布在原文多个段落中,比较零散,找题难度较大;要求考生找出原文原词后,从备选项表格中找出跟原文原词同义置换的选项,解题难度较大。 ②“无备选项”的填空题特征:题干内容分布在原文2-3段中,因此要求考生准确定位题干在原文中的出处,然后主意要填写原文原词即可。 ⑵读题“四步走”。 ①第一步:精读填空题题干的首段首句。 无论有备选项还是无备选项,首句一般不设空,因此通过划找首句的关键词,能够帮助考生会原文准确定位出题方位,避免时间的浪费。通常,可以作为关键词回原文定位的包括:人名、地名、机构、时间、年代、数字、专有名词。 ②第二步:处理第一个空格 如果首句模糊或首句设有空格,就要按照以下2步来处理第一个空格:第一,根据空格前后内容初步判断空格词性。一般填空题的题干词性都是名词、动词、形容词和副词,以前三者为主。第二,划找“空前空后词”,这里所谓的“空前空后词”不是实际意义上的空前空后词,而是那些能够提示空格内容的词组和结构。 ③第三步:继续处理其余空格 填空题的出题顺序也是按照原文行文顺序来的,考生按照处理第一个空格的方式继续处理其余空格即可。即便有逆向出题或是乱序,也是少数,而且也只会是两个近似空格的乱序。④第四步:密切注意同义置换 填空题百分百考察同义置换——包括题干关键词的同义置换(无备选项)和空格内容的同义置换(有备选项)。同义置换有以下几种类型:a近义词置换——原文用develop,题干里却变化为evolve;b词性变化——原文用名词,题干里变成相应动词或动词词组;c语态变化——原文和题干常常出现主动和被动的互换;d数字和文字互换——原文用50%,题干变化为half。 二、以下是真题解析版 Paper Recycling Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees. Unlike the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are replaceable. Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded. While 45 out of every 100 tonnes of wood fibre used to make paper in Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fibre from forests and plantations. By world standards, this is a


雅思阅读基础班教案step3 教学目标: 1.了解判断题的注意事项; 2.熟悉判断题的出题原理并熟练典型题目; 3.了解段落题的注意事项; 4.掌握解题方法并熟练典型题目。 教学步骤: 1.了解判断题的注意事项:这里讲的是一些普遍规律。 2.熟悉出题原理:中国学生最熟悉的判断题的形式是“正/误”判断,而雅思中 加入了“未提及”,这让很多同学会产生混淆,所以需要仔细研读出题原理和判断准则。 3.熟练典型题目:判断题往往跟原文的细节和题目的提问方式紧密相连。考生 需要认真学习典型题目,确保在实际考试中发挥作用。 4.了解段落题的注意事项:很多经验之谈不可忽视。 5.掌握解题方法:学练结合。 6.熟练典型题目:从理解到实战是有距离的,所以要认真领悟,通过例题去印 证。 教学过程: I.是非判断题命题规律与解题要诀 雅思考试中的判断题有两种书写形式: TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN和YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 对考生而言,这两种书写形式其实是一种题目,在做题方法上没有任何区别。 概率:真实考试40个题目中平均12个题,多分布于两篇文章中。 难度:★★★★☆ 该题型主要考查句子理解,出题概率最高,是剑桥雅思特色题型。中国大学英语四级考试阅读中已经引进了该题型,考生易混淆FALSE(NO) 和NOT GIVEN。判断实不难,真假未提及 答案概率 有学生问:“我基础差,上了考场时间不够,题也读不懂,全靠蒙。有人说句子长的蒙TRUE;句子短的蒙FALSE;不长不短NOT GIVEN。对吗?”不会吧,我数数。 有学生说:“实在没戏,全写TRUE, 全TRUE法。”有点道理,但太极端,全TRUE法上不了5分的,没有实际意义。 让我们一起来看看《剑桥雅思》真题系列的答案统计表,找出答案概率的规律。


雅思阅读的精读训练 雅思阅读的精读训练真的没有效果么?方法不对而已,今天小编给大家带来了雅思阅读的精读训练,希望能帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思阅读的精读训练真的没有效果么? 怎么读才是精读? 精读意味着仔细读,认真读,读到骨头里,不要只查查词,看看句子意思。如果是这样, 这还没达到精读的深度。 举个例子513 For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted. 精读的步骤 第一步从词汇(单词, 短语)入手:把句子里的单词(主要是动词,形容词,副词)这三类词达到认知程度, 拓展同义词,派生词等,因为根据雅思阅读考点的出现频率看,这三类词最容易被替换。如果时间允许,再看看名词里的抽象名词,物质名词采取猜词技巧可以解决。例如以上的句子: 动词: run out(拓展exhaust/use up, 例如832 ); grow(拓展growth/increase/progress….例如441); leave(拓展不仅表示“留下来,离开的意思,还可以表示使处于某种状态, 例如721); eat(拓展feed, 例如412); extinct(拓展extinction/die out 例如513); pollute(拓展pollution/pollutant 例如532);

雅思基础阅读 (1)

Birthday traditions in different countries Birthdays are celebrated all over the world. Some traditions are fairly similar from country to country: candles, cakes and birthday wishes, birthday games and pinches for good luck. Other customs are quite different. Here are a few. Argentina–In Argentina, as in many Latin American countries, one of the most important birthday parties is a girl’s fifteenth. When girls turn 15, they have a huge party and dance the waltz first with their father, and then the boys at the party. China– The birthday child pays respect to the parents and receives a gift of money. Friends and relatives are invited to lunch, and noodles are served to wish the birthday child a long life. Denmark– A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday. Presents are placed around the child’s bed while they are sleeping so they will see them immediately when they wake up. The Netherlands– Special year birthdays such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 21 are called “crown” years and the birthday child receives an especially large gift. The family also decorates the birthday child’s chair with flowers or paper streamers, paper flowers and balloons. India – Usually Indian children wear white to school. However, on their birthday children wear coloured clothes to school and give out chocolates to everyone in the class. Their best friend helps them to do this. Japan– The birthday child wears new clothes to mark the occasion. Certain birthdays are more important than others and these are celebrated with a visit to the local shrine. These are the third and seventh birthdays for girls and the fifth for boys. Questions 1-5 Match the countries in the box with their descriptions. 1 A country where longevity is celebrated by a special dish ________ 2 A country where candies are distributed among peers ________ 3 A country where the birthday is made known to the community ________ 4 A country where the household is full of birthday ornaments ________ 5 A country where religious worship is sometimes involved ________


阅读20课时课程框架 1- 2 英语基本概念+从句判断 3- 4 配对题----heading题 5- 6 配对题----which paragraph题+sentence ending题 7-8 配对题----detail matching题+classify题9-10 判断题1 11-12 判断题2 13-14 摘要题+填空题 15-16 选择题 17-18 简答题 19-20 平行阅读法

英语基本概念 (一)十大词性: 八大句子成分: (二)句子核心:句子主干 举例:长得乖巧的常被邻居夸奖但今天却被妈妈骂了的小明不开心地看似有点想不开的步履蹒跚地走过了这条五年前由他爸爸主持修建的桥。 主干: 句子能称为句子,一定是有动词的。 造句练习: 1.他造了一座桥。 2.他和我在一起。 1. 2. 五大基本句型 3. 4. 5.

区分下列句式: (1) Xiaoming finds food bitter. (2) Xiaoming finds food bitterly. (3) Xiaoming finds his little sister some bitter food. 造句并说明句型 1.汽车使交通变得方便。 2.我给你找了个房子。 3.人们认为猴子很奇怪。 (三)长难句:1.加入复杂修饰成分:形容词,介词短语等 2.加入复杂结构:插入语等 3.合并多个句子:并列句& 主从句 (四)从句概念:八大句子成分中,除谓语动词和补语外,当一个句子充当某成分 时,该从句就叫做某某从句。如一个句子做主语,则该从句叫主语从句。 1. ________从句+动词 2. 实义动词+________从句主干性从句 (五)六大从句判断标准 3. 系动词+________从句 4. 具体名词+________从句 5. 抽象名词+________从句修饰性从句 6. ______从句,去掉不影响句子完整度 (六)六大从句共同特点:1.有连词(可省略)且置于从句句首 2.连词在句中做成分,有意思(that除外)


浅谈雅思阅读——精读 精读才能领其精髓 郑州朗阁培训中心---阅读主讲Cathy 在雅思阅读的备考,学习过程中,很多老师都强调在做完文章之后,要精读雅思阅读文章。也就是说,备考时不仅仅是做题,还要对这篇阅读文章进行分析和精读。起到举一反三的作用!但是要如何去精读,是很多同学疑惑的问题,不知道应该从哪些角度或运用哪些方法去精读,精读的度应该如何去把握。在此,朗阁郑州培训中心资深阅读老师Cathy给大家一些建议: 有人认为:精读雅思阅读文章,第一步就是把文章中的生词都解决掉。换句话说,就是利用字典把文章中不认识的单词都查出来。Cathy老师不赞同这种说法。这样大家会崩溃的。面对这么多生词,你或许会产生想放弃阅读的念头。感觉先不说你选的文章是不是适合精读,有时候,同学认识了所有单词的意思,却还是不理解句子意思。呵呵,这种词汇无障碍的现象,在真实的考试中其实不经常出现。比这更尴尬的还有,同学真的,正确地理解了文章,可是题目还是没有做作对。雅思阅读真的这么难搞定吗?NO !NO!NO……所以,阅读是有方法的,精读也是讲究的。下面请和朗阁郑州培训中心资深阅读老师Cathy一起来看看怎么精读。

“精读”的“精”字是最值得推敲的,“精”如果换句话说就是理解,其包括了几个方面:所选精读文章难易合适;对应;单词及句子意思的理解。 先来谈一下适合的问题。话题难度一般,题目比较具有代表性,包含大量常见的核心词汇的文章比较适合精读。如剑桥雅思Rainforest这篇文章的第一句话Adults and children are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests. 这句话中confronted, statements, alarming 和tropical rainforests. 都很常用;Confront是指面临、遭遇,statement是指声明、陈述,alarming是指令人担忧的,令人震惊的,tropical rainforest是指热带雨林。反之,文章比较抽象,晦涩难懂,难度太大,又不具有代表性的就不适合精读,如剑桥7 test 1, Reading passage 3 Educating Psyche .就不适合精读。 其次对应问题,如填空题A linguist can use a corpus to comment objectively on __________. 把题目和文章对应的目标句对照着看结构变化,看词汇对应变化。目标句:A corpus enables the linguist to make unbiased statements about frequency of usage。题目A linguist用a corpus 去干什么事情(to do)。原文A corpus使(enable)the linguist去干什么事情(to do)。所以题目to comment objectively on __________应该对应to make unbiased statements about frequency of usage。根据空格前面的介词


第三章 一基础句型 (1)S+V Nobody went out. The children are playing. (2) S+V+O We love our country. Granny looks after the baby carefully. They put up a new hospital. He dreamed a horrible dream last night. (3) S+V+O+O He gave his sister the piano. He bought his wife a fur coat. The old man gave a story book to the boy. (4) S+V+O+C I found the book easy. They held him hostage. I heard him singing. (5) S+L+P Trees are green. The milk tastes sour. She became a lawyer. 感观动词:seem,appear,look,taste,smell ,sound ,feel 变化过程动词:become,get,grow,turn,go,come ,fall 保持状态动词:be,stay,remain,keep,continue,stand 二句子成分 主语谓语宾语定语状语补语表语同位语 Samuel Pepys , the famous writer of the test,was most sorry for the fact that many famous buildings were destroyed. 同位语从句 独立成分:与句子的其他成分没有语法上的联系 如:感叹语呼语插入语 Hi , Tracy, you look tired. What’s more, their parents allow them to stay out. As a result, it became a success in the US. 三动名词:含义 (1)做主语:According to the writer of the test, imaging the future will serve the interests of the present and future generations. It’s no use buying a lot of books without reading them. (2) 做表语:His job is teaching physics. Seeing is believing. (3) 做宾语:Our monitor suggested having a discussion of this subject. We are looking forward to visiting your country. (4)做定语:There is a swimming pool at the back of the garden 四分词:动词的另一种形式,是谓语动词


解析“无词阅读法”(总论) 一、阅读的本质——“一切为了主旨” “无词阅读法”是什么?这要从我们阅读的目的说起。阅读的目的无非两个:细节和主旨。细节题不必多说,需要细心和一定的单词量。但是大家真正解决不了的问题就在于主旨题,包括段落主旨和文章主旨。 那么为何掌握不了主旨呢?因为我们阅读的时候有四个层次:词、句、段、章。可惜的是,我们中国的英语阅读教学仅仅强调查单词和翻译句子,也就是停留在前两个低级层次,而一直忽视了段落和篇章的阅读训练。然而,在我们考试的时候,出题人为了增加难度,绝大多数阅读题目都是以段落和篇章主旨为目的设计的。结果形成了“以词句为单位学习,以段章为单位做题”的尴尬。这就是大家为何会感到“每一个单词、每一句话都读懂了,结果却作不对题目”的原因。 “无词阅读法”正是为了解决这一阅读尴尬而诞生的。也就是说,在原来仅仅以词句为单位阅读的基础上,训练掌握段落和篇章的主旨。 二、主旨的概念 既然明白了阅读的本质是主旨,那么什么是主旨?我的定义是: 主旨=Topic+方向。见图1。 Topic就是句子、段落或者文章的主题。以下面这段话为例:“让我们来认识一下萨达姆”。很明显,Topic就是“萨达姆”。这就相当于语文老师让我们总结的“段落大意”。 但是,你并不明白我要说什么,因为我只有Topic,而没有方向。我可以围绕萨达姆,说他的高矮、胖瘦、好坏等等。这些方向可以分成两大类:正项(+)和负项(-)。所以,你必须看我的第二句话:“萨达姆是个独裁者。他当年杀害了很多无辜的人,而且发动了两伊战争…”。那么你会有一个直观的方向感,那就是不好。用符号表示,就是负项(-)。所以,方向就是作者针对“萨达姆”这个Topic发表的一种观点,也就是语文课所说的“中心思想”。二者合而为一,主旨就是“萨达姆这人不咋地”。 高好胖 萨达姆 瘦坏矮 图1 主旨=Topic+方向 对于任何一篇议论文或者段落,都必须找到Topic和方向,才能理解其主旨。这就是小学语文老师为何要同时概括每一个段落的“段落大意”和“中心思想”的原因。但是,如果是一般的说明文,其主旨=Topic,没有方向。例如:“让我们来认识一下萨达姆。他身高和体重分别是…”。 Topic一般是位于主语或者宾语位置上的名词,而方向一般位于一句话的谓语动词或者表语位置上。例如:Bush hates Sadam, Bush是Topic,hate (-)是方向。再例如:Bush is good, good(+)是方向。 三、何为“无词阅读法” 下面我们必须解决的是如何找到主旨? 首先请问大家:做阅读题的最大障碍是什么?大家的回答肯定是“生词”。再问大家一个问题:我们做阅读题的时候到底是认识的单词多还是不认识的单词多?可能有的同学会不假思索的回答:“当然是‘不认识的’多!”而有的同学仔细思考一下之后才会惭愧的回答:“当然是‘认识的’多!” 那么,为何会有这么多同学的第一反应是“不认识的”单词多呢?因为我们已经被“生词”搞得如履薄冰了。也就是说,不论一篇文章多少个单词是认识的,只要有几个单词不认识,阅读就无法进行了。但是,这样对于那些大部分都认识的单词而言是否公平?难道就因为几个单词不认识,文章就读不懂了吗?就好像我们全班同学绝大多数都到了,仅仅因为几个同学没来,我们就无法上课了吗?当然不能!


Reading handout for lesson 1 Part 1 Part 1.1 :Vocabulary Chess Basketball Board games Sports Swimming Tennis Cards Dancing Weightlifting Skiing Yoga Shopping Exercise Having fun PartyingKarate Poker Puzzles Kick boxing Hiking Sharing Chatting Part 1.2: Practice3

Part 2:Reading 1.Read the following text and then look at the questions on the next page. The value of friendship Recent research into the world of teenagers has suggested that they value friendship above everything else. Children aged between 12 and 15 were asked what was important to them. Their answers included possessions such as money and computer gadgets but also relationships with people. The teenagers questioned said that friends were the most important to them, more even than family, or boyfriends and girlfriends. We wanted to find out more about the results of this research so we asked our readers what they thought about the value of friendship. Here are some examples of what they said about their friends: Ben, 15: Every time I have a fight with my parents, I need some time on my own. But after that, the first thing I do is meet up with my friends. After playing football for a while, or skateboarding, I usually feel much happier again. Rory, 13: When I moved to a village in the countryside, I thought that it would be the end of my friendships. But my old friends have kept in touch and they come and visit in the holidays. There's a lake nearby, so we often go sailing, water-skiing or windsurfing. And I have made some new friends here too, at school, and since I joined the rugby club. Carlos, 11: Last year, I broke my arm on a skiing holiday. Unfortunately, it was my left arm and I am lefthanded. My school friends all helped and copied their notes for me. It seems that our readers value their friendships very highly. From what they told us, they spend a lot of time with their friends, just hanging out, or sharing hobbies and interests. They seem to need their friends for advice, help, chats, and for having fun. Clearly, friends make each other feel better. Looking at what our readers told us, the results of the recent research are not really surprising. 2.Try to answer this question yourself first, before reading the explanation. Choose the best answer from the letters a-d. To teenagers, money is ... a)not important. b)as important as computer gadgets. c)as important as relationships with people. d)less important than friendships. 3.Look at the questions in Exercise 4, without reading the answer options. Underline the question words (e.g. where, when, what) and the key words in each of the questions (1-3) and sentence stems (4-5). 4.Now answer these multiple-choice questions. Choose the appropriate letter a, b, c or d. i.Why are Ben, Rory and Carlos mentioned in the article? A.They know why teenagers value friendship. B.They gave information about themselves. C.They read magazines, D.They are teenage boys.


雅思阅读十大题型及方法 一是非题题型特点考试考一到两组共10题左右解题步骤1读题,明意,划出关键词 2 定位原文(1)题干中有年代,人名,地名数字等专有名词,肯定为关键词。(2)如果原文有小标题,将题目中的关键词和各小标题相对照,对应到原文的一个段落。(3)如果这篇文章有“heading”题目时,将题目中的关键词和找出来的各小标题相对照,对应到原文的段落。(4)顺序性、题目的顺序和原文基本一致。注意事项 1 题目中出现msut,only等词,答案是FALSE的概率最高,大约占65%,NOT GIVEN30%,TRUE5%。2 原文是两个或多个情形时(常有both…and,and,or,also等),而题目是“必须”,“只有”情况(常有must,only等),答案是FALSE。否则是NOT GIVEN/TURE。3 原文和题目使用了表示 4 原文是主观愿望,题目是客观事实。答案是NOT GIVEN。原文中常用aim,purpose,promise,swear,vow等词,题目用实意动词。 5 一定要根据原文,不能凭主观臆断。即使背景知识再丰富,如果原文没有说,只能答NOT GIVEN。 6 可以根据题目做适量推断。只推一步为好。如果不推理,可能全是NOT GIVEN,因为毕竟题目和原文不可能一模一样;如果全深推,都是TURE/FALSE。对于可以用前面4种方法推断的用前面4中方法,如果不能靠做题积累感觉。 7 注意是写TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN还是YES/NO/NOT GIVEN。 二 HEADING(找段落小标题)题型特点从list of headings中找段落的中心思想或者主旨。选项的数目往往大大多于文章段落的数目。解题步骤 1 先将例子所在的选项从选项表中划去。即使题目要求说You may use any heading more than once.或者类似的话也是误导,任何选项只能用一次。 2 先不要看选项,先读文章,读一段话,做一道题。3 读每段话时,注意寻找段落主题句。(1)如果段落第一句包含让步状语,它肯定是主题句。通常句式为:Although A,B While A,B DespiteA, B B或者B的改写为主题句。(2)如果段落的第一句是如下句型:Doing sth. is not easy/complicated/complex/difficult.It is not easy/complicated/complex/difficult to do sth..正确选项为doing sth./how to de sth./methods of doing sth.。(3)如果段落第一句是如下句型,它肯定是主题句。Not only A,but also B B或者B的改写为主题句。(4)如果段落第一句为问句,则它肯定不是主题句,第二句是主题句。(5)如果段落中某句话是举例子,则它肯定不是主题句,而它前面的句子是主题句。句型:A … for example B A或者A的改写是主题句。(6)


雅思大作文9分精读:大学通/专才教育 编者按:今天给大家带来的是一篇关于大学是应该通才教育,还是该专才教育话题的雅思9分范文,作者是雅思前考官simon,采自他的博客。相信准备过雅思写作的同学一定不会对这种教育类题材陌生,整体而言,这道题目是难度不大的,但要想说到点子上,说出新意可不是那么简单。一起来看看考官是如何来回答的吧。 【作文题目】 Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.(discuss/opinion题型) 【9分示例】 People have different views about how much choice students should have with regard to what they can study at university. While some argue that it would be better for students to be forced into certain key subject areas, I believe that everyone should be able to study the course of their choice. 【小编解读】导入段:话题重述+while(对方观点)+i believe(己方观点),2句话搞定导入。说实话,写法有点模板的感觉,可是仔细看下去,发现在这种有点烂大街的外壳下作者的同义转述用得那是一个惬意和自如,单单一个背景句写得就有点爆炸,瞬间甩开普通烤鸭几条街。People have different views about (宾语从句how much choice students should have) (高分介词短语with regard to)(宾语从句 what they can study at university)。同样是1句话,考官强大的语法结构能力使得它包含的信息量异常丰富。这就是他常说的作文的秘诀在于'content'(有料)。 There are various reasons why people believe that universities should only offer subjects that will be useful in the future. They may assert that university courses like medicine, engineering and information technology are more likely to be beneficial than certain art degrees. From a personal perspective, it can be argued that these courses provide more job opportunities, career progression, better salaries, and therefore an improved quality of life for students who take them. On the societal level, by forcing people to choose particular university subjects, governments can ensure that any knowledge and skill gaps in the economy are covered. Finally, a focus on technology in higher education could lead to new inventions, economic growth, and greater future prosperity. 【小编解读】主体段1:观点句+观点解释句+论据1+论据2+论据3 。结构上这是一个很丰满的论证,一个看似清晰但是又有点笼统的观点句,搭配上一句观点的解释句,非常好的引入了作者的观点,同时告诉读者,重点在后面。而在具体论证的时候,从个人角度再到经济角度,再到全社会整个发展的角度,层层推进,显得条理,同时让人信服。如何用词简单但表意强大在这一段表现无疑,例如provide more job opportunities, career progression, better salaries, and therefore an improved quality of life ,


雅思阅读各类题型解题法则 2013-12-03 13:30 类别:雅思阅读来源:enguo 责编:meten 下面小编为大家整理了雅思阅读各类题型解题法则,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 雅思学术类阅读虽然有十种题型(八种主要题型),但在解题过程中有一条贯穿始终的黄金法则,那就是学术类阅读的基本解题思路。 STEP ONE:分析文章后的题目 拿到一篇阅读文章,考生应该首先细读题目要求,确定哪些是关于文章结构的题目,哪些是关于文章细节的题目,同时找出题目中的中心词。 STEP TWO:带着问题扫描文章 1. 扫描标题 考生拿到一篇雅思学术类阅读文章,首先应该看一下文章的标题,而迄今为止,雅思学术类阅读理解考试中大致出现过下列三种题目类型:第一种是正规标题,始可用来判断文章大意、类型、而得知文章结构;第二种是主标题加副标题,副标题有时承担揭示文章结构的重任;第三种是无标题,这种考试形式自99 年开在中国考区出现,一般文章较长而且难,但仍然可以在文章第一段发现揭示文章主题的主旨句。考生应注意:描述性标题应该予以忽略;如果文章分几个SECTION 论述,则SECTION 的标题也应该加以注意 2.扫描全文的分段情况及其他信息 考生应注意数字、百分比、分数、时间或货币符号出现较多的段落;引号、大写专有名词、括号及破折号出现较多的段落;斜体字、黑体字、下划线出现较多的 段落 3.扫描每个段落的首末句,把握文章主题: 主题句提示文章每段的主题含意,进而合成整个文章的大意。因此,一定要找出主题句,从而找出这一段的主题。主题句通常是一段文章的首句(当然并非永远如此),寻找主题句的方法可按下列顺序: 首句--→ 第二句--→中间句--→ 末句 注意:如果首句是描述性语句则应该予以忽略,通过段落首末句判断段落主题的关键是找准中心词(KEY WORD)中心词最可能是表示主要概念的名词,一般是句子的主语和宾语;表明状态的动词;表示程度高低、范围大小、肯定或否定的副词;中心词会在题目及原文中以同义词形式大量出现。比如:famous - prestigious;restructure delayer.
