辞职信 英文 祝公司

If you believe in dreams, dreams will believe in you.通用参考模板(页眉可删)



Good Luck...

Yours forever


Hi, Dear all,

As time goes by, finally the day for my leaving FCBGA is coming, I will transfer to CPU IE group from ww49.

Now its really a hard time for me to say goodbye to you all. Looking back to past 1 year, those happiness, sadness, great team work do impress me a lot, from you I have learned a lot and gained a lot, really appreciated ur help and support to me during that period we have worked together.

Here Id like to extend my hearlt-felt thanks to you for giving me such a sweat memory that will be in my mind forever.

Anyway, we are still in the same company, if you need any help from me, just give me a call, Ill always be there for you.

Hope we could have chance to cooperate again in the future!

Wish all of you and FCBGA a bright future!

See you later! __^_^__

Best Regards



Dear All:

Now it is time for me to say Bye to everyone of you for being co-working in the last more than two years.

Here, Id express my sincere thanks to you for the demonstration of team work spirit , and your professional technical/ Management skill and experience really impressed me deeply.

Once you plunging into a new job, that means a new change will happen in your life. Surely, I think it s a totally new life-style for me to work in __X(公司名), there have abounds of definite difference compared with my originals, I am still astonished these changes in my personal life happened in this two years. Maybe these will still keep a marked sign in my future life.


英文辞职信「经典」 英文辞职信「经典」 英文辞职信一 Dear HR Leadership: I regret that I give my official resignation to the company at this time . I came to the company just three months, and I'm very honored to be able to become a member of our company. During three months , I learned a lot, and the company's financial situation is also in good shape. I'm very grateful that the company gave me such a good environment to work and learn. But I need to resign for personal reasons. In regularization with my salary after the nature of work and measure my ability to work, I feel the salary is not with my expectations. So, I decided to resign. I hope my applications can be approved before June 20, I wish you good health . Applicant: Jack Date: xxxx 尊敬的人力资源部领导: 我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。 我来公司刚好三个月了,也很荣幸自己能够成为医院的一员。在医院工作的三个月中,我学到了很多东西,公司的经营状况也处于良好的态势。非常感激公司给予了我在这样的良好环境中,工作和学习的机会。 但是我因为个人原因需要辞职。在对转正后的薪资与我的工作性质和自己工作能力的衡量后,我觉得与自己的预期不相符合,出于对医院制度的尊重及个人发展的考虑,我决定了辞职。


英文辞职信样板 英文辞职信 RESIGNATION LETTER 辞职信 July 23, 20__ Dear Ms. Baillie: 尊敬的Baillie女士: As of August 7, I will be terminating1 my employment at ABC pany. I have allowed two weeks prior to2 my departure for assisting in the transition process3. 我将于八月七日正式辞去我在ABC公司的职位。离职之前我有两周时间来帮助移交工作。 Although I have enjoyed watching the Advertising Department grow from its humble beginnings4 to the current formidable5 size and influence in Wuhan, I have received an offer for another pany that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives. 虽然我很高兴看到广告部由创业之初的小本经营发展到现在的巨大规模在武汉拥有广泛的影响力但我已得到另一家公司提供的更适合我事业目标的职位。

I regret having to resign from my position. I wish you and ABC the best of luck and future success. 很遗憾我不得不辞职。祝您和ABC公司好运相伴未来更加兴旺发达。 Sincerely, Zhang _iao Hua 英文辞职信范文 RESIGNATION LETTER 辞职信 November 24, 1998 Dear Mr. Bao: 尊敬的包先生: By this letter I am resigning my position as Quality Engineer, effective immediately. 我写信目的是通知您我要辞去质量工程师的职位并且立即生效。 Recent circumstances inpatible1 with my personal beliefs and styles require that I change my employment. 最近公司发生的一些事情有悖我个人的理念及风格驱使我更换工作。 I appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at ABC pany.


英文辞职信格式 (文章一):英文版辞职信范文英文版辞职信范文模板一:Dear all friends, I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving xx(公司名) and tomorrow will be my last working day. The past four years have been the most remarkable and rewarding time in my working career. The privilege to work with you is a gift that I will always treasure and one which I never took lightly. And your support in believing in me and what we could acplish together will never be forgotten. Thank you all for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me in the past. Thank you all for eiching my life and for letting me be a part of this wonderful family. Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address or via my mobile phone +86 1350xx. Thanks again for everything. Yours truly, Jiawei 模板二:Dear_________, I am writing to inform you about my decision of resignation. I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in our pany in the past few years. However, I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as ____________(接职务,如an editor)for the following reasons. First and foremost, _____________________. (第一个原因) Besides, _____________________.(第二个原因) Most importantly, _____________________.(第三个原因) Thank you for your caring in


英文版辞职信3篇 英文版辞职信1 distinguished leadership: first of all, thank the leadership and colleagues in this more than x months work support and help to me. i learned a lot here. in company this period of time, is the precious wealth, i work at the same time, this time also found his many shortcomings, also a lot of room for improvement. since it is a job to do , together with colleagues, we have established friendship. i hope this points in the heart friendship can continue and remain permanently. but because of my personal reason, deliberate thinking, i decided to resign from my current in the company for the post. thus the inconvenience caused to the company, i am deeply sorry. at the same time also hope that the company considering my personal practice, for my resignation application for consideration and approval. finally, i sincerely hope that company will in the next step by step in the construction and development of the


外企员工辞职信英文(优秀模板10篇) 外企员工辞职信英文第1篇 Dear Mr. Smith, As a graduator of an institution of higher education, I have a few very basic expectations. Chief among these is that my direct superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel. After your consistent and annoying harassment of my co-workers and me during the commission of our duties, I can only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of our time. Asking me, a network administrator, to explain every little nuance of everything I do each time you happen to stroll into my office is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of precious oxygen. I was hired because I know how to network computer systems, and you were apparently hired to provide amusement to myself and other employees, who watch you vainly attempt to understand the concept of cut and paste for the hundredth time. You will never understand computers. Something as incredibly simple as binary still gives you too many options. You will also never understand why people hate you, but I am going to try and explain it to you, even though I am sure this will be just as effective as telling you what an IP address is. Your shiny new iMac has more personality than you ever will. You walk around the building all day, shiftlessly looking for fault in others. You have a sharp dressed, useless look about you that may have worked for your interview, but now that you actually have responsibility, you pawn it off on overworked staff, hoping their talent will cover for your glaring ineptitude. In a world of managerial evolution, you are the blue-green algae that everyone else eats and laughs at. Managers like you are a sad proof of the Dilbert principle. Since this situation is unlikely to change without you getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal, I am forced to tender my resignation. However, I have a few parting thoughts.

辞职信 英文 祝公司

If you believe in dreams, dreams will believe in you.通用参考模板(页眉可删) 辞职信英文祝公司 辞职信英文祝公司【1】 Good Luck... Yours forever David Hi, Dear all, As time goes by, finally the day for my leaving FCBGA is coming, I will transfer to CPU IE group from ww49. Now its really a hard time for me to say goodbye to you all. Looking back to past 1 year, those happiness, sadness, great team work do impress me a lot, from you I have learned a lot and gained a lot, really appreciated ur help and support to me during that period we have worked together. Here Id like to extend my hearlt-felt thanks to you for giving me such a sweat memory that will be in my mind forever.

Anyway, we are still in the same company, if you need any help from me, just give me a call, Ill always be there for you. Hope we could have chance to cooperate again in the future! Wish all of you and FCBGA a bright future! See you later! __^_^__ Best Regards Shirley 辞职信英文祝公司【2】 Dear All: Now it is time for me to say Bye to everyone of you for being co-working in the last more than two years. Here, Id express my sincere thanks to you for the demonstration of team work spirit , and your professional technical/ Management skill and experience really impressed me deeply.


英文辞职信格式范文3篇 英文辞职信格式范文 RESIGNATION LETTER 辞职信 November 24, 1998 Dear Mr. Bao: 尊敬的包先生: By this letter I am resigning my position as Quality Engineer, effective immediately. 我写信目的是通知您我要辞去质量工程师的职位,并且立即生效。 Recent circumstances incompatible1 with my personal beliefs and styles require that I change my employment. 最近公司发生的一些事情有悖我个人的理念及风格,驱使我更换工作。 I appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at ABC Company. 能有机会在ABC公司工作学习,我感到不胜感激。 Sincerely, Li Da Hua 英文辞职信格式范文 RESIGNATION LETTER 辞职信 July 23, 2002 Dear Ms. Baillie: 尊敬的Baillie女士:

As of August 7, I will be terminating1 my employment at ABC Company. I have allowed two weeks prior to2 my departure for assisting in the transition process3. 我将于八月七日正式辞去我在ABC公司的职位。离职之前,我有两周时间来帮助移交 工作。 Although I have enjoyed watching the Advertising Department grow from its humble beginnings4 to the current formidable5 size and influence in Wuhan, I have received an offer for another company that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives. 虽然我很高兴看到广告部由创业之初的小本经营发展到现在的巨大规模,在武汉拥有 广泛的影响力,但我已得到另一家公司提供的更适合我事业目标的职位。 I regret having to resign from my position. I wish you and ABC the best of luck and future success. 很遗憾我不得不辞职。祝您和ABC公司好运相伴,未来更加兴旺发达。 Sincerely, 英文辞职信格式范文 I want to share with you some difficult news about my future plans. Later today, I will announce that I have resigned from Microsoft and will be taking a position in a different filed. It is not without a heavy heart that I contemplate leaving the incredible work and extraordinary people that I have been privileged to encounter during my four years at Microsoft. Together, we have accomplished what some might have thought could not be done. In a few short years, we have defined a clear and stable strategic framework for Microsoft’s business in the Greater China region. We have nearly doubled sales and have broken through the $1 billion mark in revenue in GCR. In China itself, we have tripled our sales in the last three years. Including those of covered OEMs, and we are posed to hit $ 1 billion in FY08. we have reduced the UPC rate by more than 20%. We have added hundreds of new people and expanded our operations to more than 15 locations across the region. We have strengthened our customer and partner relationships and transformed the way people view Microsoft, not just locally but all around the globe as well.


中英文辞职信范文-精选6篇 中英文辞职信范文共六第一篇(2951)字 To: all yahoos Fr: Jerry Subject: update yahoos I wanted to address all of you on the news we;ve just announced. The board of directors and I have agreed to initiate a succession process for the ceo role of yahoo!. Roy Bostock, our chairman of the board, is leading the effort to identify and assess potential candidates for consideration by the full board. The board will be evaluating and considering both internal and external candidates and has retained heidrick and struggles to help in this effort. I will be participating in the search for my successor, and I will continue as ceo until the board selects a new ceo. Once a successor is named, I will return to my previous role as chief yahoo and continue to serve as a director on the board. Last june, I accepted the board;s request that I assume the ceo role to restructure and reposition the company as a whole in order to more effectively meet the fast-changing needs of both users and partners. Since taking on the ceo role, I have had an ongoing dialogue with the board about succession timing. Thanks in large measure to your tireless efforts, we have created a more open, competitive yahoo! and we believe the time is now right to transition to a new ceo who can take the company to the next level.


英语辞职信范文中英对照 想要换工作,或者是其他原因要辞职了,要写一份辞职信,这是辞职必走的流程。下面是整理的英语辞职信范文带翻译,欢迎阅读。 Respect school leader: Hello! First of all thank you for your leadership has long been concern for my work, support and sure, work for 18 years, I've been living and working as a teacher, always adhere to the service life of faith, for the party's education career in school, I like live in a harmonious family, the love of the leaders, there are so many colleagues of concern, see the lovely smile of students every day, I really love my school, today, I thought for a long time, say to you I quit reason: XX years, my wife for her career, the career development platform is built on the yangzhou, made his home in the same year bought a house in yangzhou, daughter came also the yangzhou school, these a few years, I was running, jingjiang yangzhou.this slowly I feel tired, daughter also grew up day by day, as a parent at the same time to undertake the bigger kids learning pressure, the family is the personal work life


2023年英文辞职信(精选15篇) 英文辞职信1 辞职信万能开头: I am writing this letter for the purpose of informing you of my decision to resign my current position of __________from________. 万能结尾: 1)表示感谢: a) My appreciation to you for your ______________is beyond words (无以言表). b) I would be grateful if you could____________________. c) Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter. 2)期待回信: a) I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. b) I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. 3)委婉致歉: I am awfully sorry for any convenience caused. 4)重述: Once again, please accept my heartfelt apology.(thanks, congratulations, invitation)

5)祝福: Wish you a pleasant stay in China. Wish you all the best. Wish you still further success. 6)保持联系: Please don’t hesitate to contact me whenever you are in trouble. 致歉信万能开头: I am writing this letter for the purpose of expressing my sincere apology for__________. 辞职信思路: 思路: Para.1 ①(自我介绍+)写信目的 Para.2 ①坦诚工作不再适合; ②具体原因一; ③具体原因二; ④结论(决心已定); Para.3 ①感谢赋予的工作机会;

【精编范文】英语离职申请邮件-范文word版 (12页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 英语离职申请邮件 篇一:英语辞职信(中英对照版) 英语辞职信(中英对照版) Dear HR Leadership: I regret that I give my official resignation to the company at this time . I came to the company just three months, and I'm very honored to be able to become a member of our company. During three months , I learned a lot, and the company's financial situation is also in good shape. I'm very grateful that the company gave me such a good environment to work and learn. But I need to resign for personal reasons. In regularization with my salary after the nature of work and measure my ability to work, I feel the salary is not with my expectations. So, I decided to resign. I hope my applications can be approved before June 20, I wish you good health . Applicant: Jack Date: June 22, 201X 尊敬的人力资源部领导: 我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。 我来公司刚好三个月了,也很荣幸自己能够成为医院的一员。在医院工作的三个月中,我学到了很多东西,公司的经营状况也处于良好的态势。非常感激公司给予了我在这样的良好环境中,工作和学习的机会。 但是我因为个人原因需要辞职。在对转正后的薪资与我的工作性质和自己工作能力的衡量后,我觉得与自己的预期不相符合,出于对医院制度的尊重及个人发展的考虑,我决定了辞职。


英文辞职信5篇 英文辞职信2 Dear all friends, I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving XXX(公司名) and tomorrow will be my last working day. The past four years have been the most remarkable and rewarding time in my working career. The privilege to work with you is a gift that I will always treasure and one which I never took lightly. And your support in believing in me and what we could accomplish together will never be forgotten. Thank you all for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me in the past. Thank you all for enriching my life and for letting me be a part of this wonderful family. Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address or via my mobile phone +86 1350XXXXXXX. Thanks again for everything. Yours truly, Jiawei 英文辞职信3 辞职信写作贴士 假如确定离职的话,除了口头上向上司请辞外,呈上一封辞职信是不应缺少的步骤。 辞职信内容 离职日期、辞去的工作职位。


英文辞职信4篇 英文 resignation letter 辞职信 july 23, XX dear ms. baillie: 尊敬的baillie女士: as of august 7, i will be terminating1 my employment at abc company. i have allowed two weeks prior to2 my departure for assisting in the transition process3. 我将于八月七日正式辞去我在abc公司的职位。离职之前,我有两周时间来帮助移交工作。 although i have enjoyed watching the advertising department grow from its humble beginnings4 to the current formidable5 size and influence in wuhan, i have received an offer for another company that i feel is better suited6 to my career objectives. 虽然我很高兴看到广告部由创业之初的小本经营发展到现在的巨大规模,在武汉拥有广泛的影响力,但我已得到另一家公司提供的更适合我事业目标的职位。 i regret having to resign from my position. i wish you and abc the best of luck and future success. 很遗憾我不得不辞职。祝您和abc公司好运相伴,未来更加兴旺发达。 sincerely, zhang xiao hua 英文辞职信范文 resignation letter 辞职信


中英文辞职信范例 英文辞职信范文 8th February , 202 Dear Mr.Wong, Re: Resignation from the post of Settlement clerk I would like to let you know how much I have enjoyed my last three years at the Hero pany.Hero pany is an invaluable place for enrhing my knowledge about financial field, I enjoyed working with my colleagues and I have learned so much things here. Because I would like to take a new challenge and I want to meet people from all walks of life, I have accepted an offer from an Insurance firm as a Personal Financial Consultant.I would therefore reciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from 8 March, 202. I would be very much obliged if you would kindly ve me a reference letter before I leave.Thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable. Yours sincerely, Aleander Fung 中文辞职信范例 亲爱的(上司名字)∶ 本人已决定辞去现时(职位名称)的职位,并由月日(最后一个工作天的第二天)起开始正式生效。 在此,感谢(公司名称)给予本人学习的机会,并取得宝贵的工作经验。希望本人的离职不会为你带来很大的不便。 本人希望在离职之前,能够取得离职通知书。 祝工作愉快! (你的名字)谨启


英文辞职信12篇 I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the XXX plant, effective May 15。 As of now, I m not quite sure where I ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise。 Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the pany。 Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position。 Under the circumstances, I think you ll understand my decision to resign。 I do appreciate the management training I ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career I decide to pursue。 My best wishes for the pany s continued growth。Sincerely, 英文辞职信(二): Dear mr。 (x) This is to inform you that i have accepted a position with another firm。 therefore, i would like to offer my resignation effective on (date) I want to thank you for all that you have done for me in my employment here。 it s been a pleasure working with you and representing the pany。 It is now time for me to move on and i have accepted a position with another firm。 this decision was not an easy one and took a lot of consideration。 however, i am confident that this new role represents a positive move towards fulfilling my career aims。
