

1 报价词汇

1. R&D (research & design) 研发

2. APS (automated purchasing system) 自动采购系统

3. CAD (computer automated design) 计算机辅助设计

4. EDI (electronic data interchange) 电子数据交换系统

5. ERP (enterprise resource planning) 企业资源计划

6. ANX (automotive network exchange) 自动网络交换

7. CPO (chief procurement officers) 采购总监

8. CPE (collaborative planning and execution) 合作计划和执行

9. TCA (total cost of acquisition) 总获取成本

10. CPFR (collaborative,planning,forecasting,replenishment) 合作,计划,预测,补充

11. SCM (supply chain management) 供应链管理

12. VMI (vendor managed inventory) 卖方管理库存

13. VMR (vendor managed replenishment) 卖方管理补货

14. SCOR (supply chain operations reference) 供应链管理指南

15. LEW (least ex works)最小离岸价

16. MOM (markup over coat model) 成本变动

17. 3PL (third party logistics) 第三方后勤服务

18. MRP (material requirements planning) 物料需求计划

19. CIO (computer information officers) 信息主管

20. PDCA (plan-do-check action cycle) 计划-实施-检查循环




总值total value

卸货费landing charges


关税customs duty

净价net price

印花税stamp duty

含佣价price including commission


回佣return commission

装运港portof shipment


卸货港port of discharge

批发价wholesale price

目的港portof destination

零售价retail price


现货价格spot price


期货价格forward price

现行价格(时价)current price

国际市场价格world (International)Marketprice

离岸价(船上交货价)FOB -free on board

成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight

到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF -cost,insurance and freight

Business is closed at this price. 交易就按此价敲定。

Your price inacceptable (unacceptable). 你方价格可以(不可以)接受。Your price is feasible (infeasible). 你方价格是可行(不可行)的。

Your price is workable. 你们出价可行。

Your price is realistic (unrealistic). 你方价格合乎实际(不现实)。

Your price is reasonable (unreasonable). 你方价格合理(不合理)。

Your price is practicable (impracticable). 你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。Your price is attractive (not attractive). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。Your price is inducing (not inducing). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。

Your price is convincing (not convincing). 你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。Your price is competitive (not competitive). 你方价格有竞争力(无竞争力)。The goods are (not) competitively priced. 此货的定价有(无)竞争力。Price is turning high(low). 价格上涨(下跌)。

Price is high(low). 价格高(低)。

Price is rising (falling). 价格上升(下降)。

Price is up (down). 价格上涨(下跌)。

Price is looking up. 价格看涨。

Price has skyrocketed.价格猛涨.

Price has shot up. 价格飞涨。

Price has risen perpendicularly. 价格直线上升。

Price has risen in a spiral. 价格螺旋上升。

Price has hiked. 价格急剧抬高。

Your price is on the high side. 你方价格偏高。

Price has advanced. 价格已上涨。

The goods are priced too high. 货物定价太高。

Your price is rather stiff. 你方价格相当高。

Price is leveling off. 价格趋平。

Your price is prohibitive. 你方价格高得令人望而却步。

The Japanese yen is strengthening. 日圆坚挺。

The U.S. Dollar is weakening. 美圆疲软。

Your price is much higher than the price from U.K. France and Germany.


Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, Im afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly.


Your price is $500/mt, twice of the other countries.


Is it possible for you to raise (lift) the price by 5%? 你们能否把价格提高5%?

Words and Phrases

ceiling price 最高价,顶价

maximum price 最高价minimum price 最低价

average price 平均价格

base price 底价

rockbottom price 最低价

bedrock price 最低价

price 价格,定价,开价

priced 已标价的,有定价的

pricing 定价,标价

priced catalogue 定价目录

price of commodities 物价

pricing cost 定价成本

price card 价格目录

pricing method 定价方法

price list 定价政策,价格目录,价格单

pricing policy 定价政策

price format 价格目录,价格表

price tag 价格标签,标价条

price current (p.c.) 市价表

2 报价函电


Dear Sirs:

This time last year you placed an order for Type BS362 12-volt sealed batteries. This is adiscontinued line which we had on offer at the time.

We now have a similar product on offer, Type CN233. It occurs to us that you might be interested. A descriptive leaflet is enclosed.

We have a stockof 590 of Type CN233 which we are selling off at GB£30 each.We can offer a quantity discount of upto 15%, but we are prepared to give 20% discount for an offer to buy the complete stock.

We are giving you this opportunity in view of your previous order. We would appreciate a prompt reply, since we will put the offer out in the event of your not being interested.

Yours faithfully,

T ony SmithChiefSeller









Dear sirs,

We have received your address from…a business acquaintance of ours in…who also informed us that you require a large amount of the items we manufacture.

Our…are very well known in more thanEuropean and other foreign countries. During the past…years, we have been able to constantly expand our export program.We are interested in gaining foothold in your country and offering ourentire line of…on the market.

In order to give you an idea of the capacity of our organization, we are enclosing our comprehensive illustrated brochure.We would be very pleased to receive an answer fromyou.

Sincerely yours.(signature )







随着全球经济的快速发展和经济一体化的进程,世界各国的经济贸易往来日益频繁,而众所周知,英语是当今全球运用最广的语言,因此英语便也成为了对外贸易中的主要用语我们也称之为商务英语。而商务函电是指在对外贸易中所使用的信函,电报,电传,传真,电子邮件等通讯方式。所以商务英语函电就是指在对外贸易活动中以英语为载体而进行的商务函电往来。商务英语函电是国际商务往来中经常使用的联系方式,是开展对外贸易业务和有关商务活动的基础及重要工具。商务英语函电是对外贸易的交流工具,它贯穿于对外贸易的各个环节,及时,具体,完整,准确地为贸易双方传递商务事业信息以及帮助双方达成最有效的交流与沟通。商务英语函电是对外贸易的重要媒介,它在各国之间相互沟通,开展业务,达成交易,建立友好关系工作等对外贸易活动中起着举足轻重的作用,是对外贸易中不可或缺的组成部分。如果没有往来的商务英语函电,贸易双方就无法完成正常的交流与沟通,无法获知对方的各项商务信息,因此大部分的国际贸易活动也都不可能顺利进行,所以,商务英语函电在对外贸易中的重要性可想而知。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第一个重要性就表现在它的索取信息和传递信息的功能。对外贸易本身就是特指国际贸易活动中的一国或地区同其他国家或地区所进行的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这是立足于一个国家或地区去看待它与其他国家或地区的商品贸易活动。他不同于国内贸易,可以去实地进行考察,双方面对面进行交流与沟通,从而获取一切对方的商务事业信息,对外贸易大多涉及本国以外的不同国家与不同地区,在很大程度上受到贸易双方地理位置等客观条件的限制,如果也像国内贸易那样进行面对面的索取信息与传递信息,这个过程肯定是繁琐而复杂的,而且加上空间和时间的限制,这个过程的成本费用也会很高,速度也会很缓慢,过程中的安全问题也不能得到保障,甚至于可能在这种实际的信息传递中造成数据的丢失或者毁坏。商务英语函电的存在,就让这些问题得到了一一化解,索取信息和传递信息不会再受到时间和空间等因素的限制,甚至比以前更加快捷,可以快速的索取有效的信息传递给从事对外贸易的双方,利用商务英语函电开展对外贸易,买卖双方可采用标准化、电子化的格式合同、提单、保险凭证、发票和汇票、信用证等,使各种相关单证在网上即可实现瞬间传递,大大节省了单证的传输时间,而且还能有效地减少因纸面单证中数据重复录入导致的各种错误,对提高交易效率的作用十分明显,而且加上中间大量环节的减少,也在一定程度上降低了对外贸易过程中的成本。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第二个重要性表现在它一直贯穿于对外贸易的始终,处理整个对外贸易中各个环节的相关事宜。它涉及外贸业务中的各个环节。从建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、执行提供、装运、保险、付款,到执行合同过程中的纠纷,以及最后的索赔,大都需要商务英语函电的解决。对外贸易过程各环节中所有往来的商务英语函电也都构成重要的法律依据,特别是当产生贸易纠纷时,它有可能左右解决纠纷的最终结果。而前面提到的还仅仅是体现在实实在在的对外贸易实际活动中,事实上,商务英语函电还在对外贸易过程中起着很多隐性作用,其实在建立业务关系之前商务英语函电的重要性就体现出来了,商务英语函电的出现让我们摒弃了传统方式上的寻找合作伙伴的方法,通过商务英语函电的平台,不但能节省大量的人力,物力,财力让你找到满意合作伙伴,也可以大大的拓宽你的选择范围,进一步寻找潜在客户。商务英语函电在洽谈过程中也起着重要的作用,他可以跨越传统的面对面洽谈的限制,在获得大量信息的情况下,还能提供更多更方便的异地洽谈方式。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中第三个重要性主要是在它使对外贸易双方更加方便的保持联络与沟通感情,促进双方得后续合作甚至长期合作。对外贸易过程中,买卖双方肯定不会只想仅仅只合作一次,甚至于双方特别互相认可的话,是容易发展长期的战略合作伙伴的,而商务英语函电就提供了这样一个长期交流的机会,商务英语函电能让交易双方能在最快的时间内进行信息与意见的交流,能在第一时间获知对方的需求,不管你在任何地方,任何时 1


读书破万卷,下笔如有神 实用英语:商务英语之外贸价格用语 Business is closed at this price. 交易就按此价敲定。 Your price inacceptable (unacceptable)。你方价格可以(不可以)接受。Your price is feasible (infeasible)。你方价格是可行(不可行)的。Your price is workable. 你们出价可行。 Your price is realistic (unrealistic)。你方价格合乎实际(不现实)。Your price is reasonable (unreasonable)。你方价格合理(不合理)。Your price is practicable (impracticable)。你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。 Your price is attractive (not attractive)。你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。Your price is inducing (not inducing)。你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。Your price is convincing (not convincing)。你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。 Your price is competitive (not competitive)。你方价格有竞争力(无竞争力)。 The goods are (not)competitively priced. 此货的定价有(无)竞争力。Price is turning high(low)。价格上涨(下跌)。 Price is high(low)。价格高(低)。 Price is rising (falling)。价格上升(下降)。 Price is up (down)。价格上涨(下跌)。 Price is looking up. 价格看涨。 Price has skyrocketed.价格猛涨。 Price has shot up. 价格飞涨。 好记性不如烂笔头


外贸英语 1.May I have an idea of your prices? 可以了解一下你们的价格吗? 2.Can you give me an indication of price? 你能给我一个估价吗? 3.Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods. 请告知你们有关商品的最低价。 4.If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away.如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。 5.favorable 优惠的 6.firm price 实价,实盘 7.Will you please tell the quantity you require so as to enable us to sort out the offers? 为了便于我方报价,可以告诉我们你们所要的数量吗? 12.Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you'll choose? 能否告知你们将采用哪种付款方式? 外贸英语:能打个折吗? (5)A: We can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces. 订购一万个以上,我们可以打九折。 B: I’m not sure we can use that many.我怕我们用不了那么多。

A: It would represent quite a savings.这省下的可是一笔不少 的钱哩。 B: Ok, I’ll see what I can do.好吧,我考虑考虑吧。 (6)A: Why are there three prices quoted for this part? 这种零件为什么有三种不同的报价? B: They represent the prices for different quantities.不同的质量,价钱不同。 A: I see.原来如此。 B: The more you order, the more you will save.订购愈多,折扣愈多。 (7)A: Is this your standard price?这是你们的标准价吗? B: Yes, it is.是的。 A: It seems too high to me.好像贵了一点。 B: We can negotiate the unit price for large orders.如果大量订购,单价可以再谈。 商务英语:你会不会讨价还价?(1) 1.I’ll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars.我同意你们的还价,减价3元。 2、If the price is higher than that, we’d rather call the whole deal off. 如果价格比这还高,我们宁愿放弃这桩生意。 3、It’s absolutely out of the question for us to reduce our price to


外贸英语常用语90句 Part One 1. We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality, mutually benefit and exchange of needed goods . 我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要的货物的基础上和你们建立业务关系。 2. In order to extend our export business to your country we wish to enter into direct business relations with you. 为了扩大我们在贵国的出口业务,我们希望和你们建立直接贸易关系。 3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us . 希望在我们之间能够建立互惠互利的贸易关系。 < 4. We look forward to further extensions of pleasant business relations. 我们期待进一步保持愉快的业务关系。 5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you. 我们的希望是和你们保持可观的生意往来。 6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon. 我们期待尽快收到你们的报价单。


外贸英语询盘常用句子 接下来为大家整理了外贸英语询盘常用句子。 希望对你有帮助哦!Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。 Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous.对地毯的询盘日益增加。 Enquiries are so large that we can only allot you 200 cases.询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们200箱货。 Enquiries are dwindling.询盘正在减少。 Enquiries are dried up.询盘正在减少。 They promised to transfer their future enquiries to Chinese Corporations.他们答应将以后的询盘转给中国公司.Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers.询盘一般由买方发出。 Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation.贝克先生来北京向中国纺织公司进行询价。 We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。 In the import and export business, we often make inquiries at foreign suppliers.在进出口交易中,我们常向外商询价。 To make an inquiry about our oranges, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit.那家日本公司的一名代表访问了我们,


【外贸必备】外贸术语中英对照 在国际贸易过程中,我们会遇到很多相关行业术语,英文不太好的小伙伴们总是傻傻搞不清,今天我帮大家整理了一些外贸术语中英文介绍,英文不好也不用怕了。美国海关申报费 AMS fee 海运燃油附加费 BAF Bunker Adjustment Fee 并单费combinaton bill of lading fee 出口报关费export customs declaration fee 订舱费booking fee 包干费all in charges 保险费insurance premium 保证金deposit 仓储超期费warehouse overdue fee 仓储费warehouse storage fee 产地证certificate of original 卡车费frucking fee 冲港费special wharf charge

出口操作费export handing charges 重签费reseal fee 拆箱费devanning fee 查验费customs inspection fee 操作费handing charges 超重费over weight charges 堆存费overtime strage charges 目的港手续费destination delivery charges 代垫费用other charges 电放费surrender charges 到付佣金collect commission 地面服务费ground agent service fee 文件费document fee 待时费waiting fee 倒箱费exchange container fee 附加费additional charges


Warm-up exercises Warm-up exercises One 1.我们无意催促你们作出决定,为你方利益着想,建议你们尽快利用此次报盘We have no intention of urging you to make the decision, thinking about for the interests of you, advise you to utilize this offer as soon as possible 2.将我们的报价与其他公司比较后,相信你们会赞同我们所提供的商品价廉物美。 After comparing our quotation with other companies, it is believed that it is good and cheap that you will agree to the goods that we offer. 3.我方欣然接受你们A103号订单订购1,000件“英雄”牌男式衬衣,请按合同规定的条款开立以我方受益人的即期信用证。 We accept your order No. A103 and order 1,000 " hero " brand shirts in men's style joyfully, the clause that please stipulate according to the contract is opened with our beneficiary's sight letter of credit. 4.依照随函附上的详细情况,我们向贵公司订购中国面料。请注意,货物必须与样品完全相符。如果第一份试购单令人满意,我们将继续大量订购。According with the details enclosed, we purchase the Chinese surface fabric from your company. Please note, the goods must be in full conformity with the samples. If the first trial order is satisfactory, we will continue ordering in a large amount. 5.抱歉,不能接受你们的还盘,因我衬衣的报价与当前市场价格相符。 I am sorry, can't accept your counter offer, because the quotation of my shirt is in conformity with market price at present. Warm-up exercises TWO 1.要求定购我们产品的人越来越多。The demand for our products has kept rising. 2.这些报价比其他任何地方都要低得多。 They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere. 3.我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。 I"d like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country. 4.我们相信双方都有一个光明的前景。We are sure both of us have a brighter future. 5.我们的对外贸易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有无为基础的。 Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. Warm-up exercises 3 我认为你推销时不会有任何困难。I don"t think you"ll have any difficulty in pushing sales. 一般你们报盘的有效期是多长?How long will your offer hold good?


1. We are writing with the purpose of establishing business relations with you. 2. We are looking forward to your favourable reply. 3. We specialize in the import of cotton piece goods.. 4. We are now sending you a price list for your consideration. f or one’s information for one’s acceptance 5. When replying, please state your terms of payment. 6. If you place your order before end of this month, we would effect shipment as soon as possible. place an order with sb. for sth. 7. We are pleased to make our best offer on CIF basis subject to our final confirmation. 8. Thank you for your letter of enquiry dated March 21 for our color TV sets. 9. The offer is valid for5 days. This offer is for 5 days only. This offer is open for 5 days. 10. We are pleased to make the following offer, subject to our final confirmation. 11. We are satisfied with both the quality and the prices of your products and are ready to place an order according to your terms and conditions. 12. Please expedite establishment of the irrevocable L/C in our favour, available by draft at sight. 13. We regret to say that you will have to extend the validity of the L/C to next month. 14. You should be reponsible for the loss which resulted from the delay in opening the relative L/C. 15. In addition to the quality, we would like you to pay attention to the packing. 16. The goods should be packed in cartons. 17. Please tell us where the goods will be transshipped. 18. Shipment is to be effected during April to June in 2 equal lots. 19. Insurance is to be covered against All Risks. 20. Insurance premiums will be added to invoice amount together with the freight charges. 21. We are in the market for your goods. 22. Please let us know in what quantity you could give us your favourable discount. 23. Payment is to be made by an irrevocable L/C at sight. 24. Thank you for your offer for Groundnut. 25. With reference to your letter of May 6, we are pleased to give you an order for the following. 26.Considering the long business relations, we are prepared to order the beans in large quantity. 27. We hope that your prices will be acceptable and that business between us will lead to ourmutual advantage. 28. We assure you of our close cooperation with you. 29.We have seen your advertisement in China Daily. 30.We shall ship the goods as soon as we receive your L/C. 31.In view of/Considering the quality, we think your price is reasonable. 32.We should be obliged if you can supply us with 200 cases of Lunchen Meat for prompt shipment/for May shipment.


商务英语外贸业务员个人 简历 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

个人简历 姓名:***性别:女 出生年月:**联系电话:*** 学历:大专专业:商务英语 工作经验:2年以上民族:汉 毕业学校:***职业技术学院 住址:*** 电子信箱:*** 自我简介: 很强的自学能力,作为外贸业务员,从无任何销售工作经验到熟悉并掌握外贸的整个流程,完全靠自己自学的条件下2个月内成功接下第一份订单,工作极为负责,踏实肯干,具有很强的责任心和进取心。拥有港澳通行证和护照,参与大型展会活动的讨论及组织。 英语基础知识扎实、具备较强的听、说、读、写及翻译能力,尤其在英语口语方面,发音较准确,能很顺利的跟国外客户交流,通过大学英语六、四级、全国公共英语等级考试PETS-3、全国普通话等级考试(二乙)、全国商务英语认证考试初级,曾参加剑桥商务英语中级考证.熟悉办公自动化软件如:Word 、Excel、 PowerPoint等. 求职意向: 目标职位:外贸经理·主管·专员·助理 目标行业:玩具·工艺品·收藏品·奢侈品 | 耐用消费品(服饰·纺织·皮革·家具) | 贸 易·进出口 | 办公设备·用品 | 家电业 期望薪资:税前月薪RMB3500 期望地区:*** 到岗时间:1个月内 工作经历: 20xx—至今***电子有限公司外贸业务员 职责和业绩 公司主要生产与销售游戏机周边配件,本人熟悉***及***网平台金牌会员的操作程 序,能很好的利用其开发客户资源,通过各B2B网站发布有效的供求信息,挖掘新 客户,参加一年两次的***国际博览馆的展会,认识和接触更多的海外大客户,扩展 公司的国外销售市场,在业绩方面曾突破8万美金的月销售额,来公司一年后晋升 为外贸主管一职,负责外贸部新人的招聘及业务员的培训工作,组织部门参加户外 活动,联系货代及平台推广的相关人士,维护好外贸部工作的正常进行,接待来公


第一章建立贸易关系 1.我们从阿里巴巴网站上了解到你们是中国主要的进出口公司之一。 We’ve learned from https://www.360docs.net/doc/d210664735.html, that you’re one of the leading import and export companies in China. 2.我们进出口很多商品。我们从事这一行业已经有20年了。 We are importing and exporting a wide range of goods. And we have been in this line for more than 20 years. 3.我想你找对公司了。 I think you’ve found a right company. 4.我们的产品在东南亚市场上享有很高的声誉,同时,他们在美国和欧洲市场上也销售得很好。 Our products enjoy a high reputation in the south-east Asian market. They also sell very well in the USA and Europe. 5.我们有很多不同品牌和款色的产品,质量优良,价格合理。 We offer many different bands and models, good quality and reasonable prices. 6.我想多了解一些你们公司和产品的信息。 I want to know more about your company and your products. 7.我马上发一份我们最新产品目录的电子版给你。 I will send you an electronic version of our latest catalogue immediately. 8.我们也接受订制特殊规格厨具的订单。 We also take orders for kitchenware made according to specifications. 9.订货要多久交货呢? How long would it take you to deliver the orders? 10.收到信用证后最多3个月就能交货,特殊订单交货时间会更长一些,但无论如何不会超过6个月。 Three months at most after receipt of the covering L/C. It would take longer to deliver the special orders, though never longer than six months. 11.能不能给我一张报价单? Can I have your price sheet? 12.我们的价格与其他制造商相比是十分优惠的。 Our prices compare most favorable with quotations you can get from other manufacturers.


?世纪商务英语---- 外贸函电(第二版) (教师用书) English Letter Writing in Foreign Trade 主编吴思乐胡秋华 大连理工大学出版社 前言 《世纪商务英语—外贸函电》是新世纪高职高专教材编委会组编的商务英语类课程规划教材之一。本书主要针对高职高专商务英语和其他涉外经贸专业的学 生..也可以作为其他层次涉外经贸专业的外经贸英语教材。同时..对正在从事或即将从事涉外经贸活动和贸易洽谈工作的广大外贸工作者来说..本书还可作为自 学参考资料。 为方便教学和自学者学习..我们编写了与之配套的练习答案..并提供了常用 表达部分的译文。 希望本书能对我们的读者有所帮助。 编者 Contents Module Unit Module 1 Fundamentals of Modern Business Letter Writing 现代商务函电写作基础 Unit 1 Basic knowledge of Business letter Writing 商务信函写作Module 2 Preparations for Negotiation 业务磋商的准备 Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系 Unit 3. Making Credit Investigation 资信调查Module 3 Procedures of Business Negotiation 业务磋商的主要环节 Unit 4 Inquiry 询盘 Unit 5 Offer 发盘 Unit 6 Counter-offer 还盘Module 4 Conclusion of Business 交易的达成 Unit 7 Acceptance and Confirmation 接受与确认 Unit 8 Order and Contract 订单与合同Module 5 Negotiation of Main Trade Terms 主要交易条款的磋商 Unit 9 Payment and L/C 支付与信用证


外贸函电非常有用的英语句子 1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that...... 兹欣告你方...... 2)We have the pleasure of informing you that...... 兹欣告你方..... 3)We are pleased (glad) to inform you that...... 兹欣告你方...... 4)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have (the) pleasure in informing you that...... 续谈我方昨日函, 现告你方...... 5)We confirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that...... 我方确认近来双方往来电报/传真,并欣告...... 6)We confirm cables exchanged as per copies (cable confirmation) herewith attached. 我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本. 7)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in .....business, and would like to establish business relationship with us. 我方从...公司获悉,你方对...业务感兴趣且颇有经验,意欲与我方建立业务关系. 8)Although no communication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business.


外贸口语考试范围 1、机场英语 2、晚宴商务合作英语 3、约见英语(商务) 4、酒店服务英语 5、餐厅服务英语 6、购物+收发快递 对话范文: 1、May I see your passport, please? 麻烦请给我你的护照。Where are you staying? 将在那儿住宿? Here is my passport / Here it is. 这是我的护照。I will stay at Boston Hotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店。 What's the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何? Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan? 是否有台湾回程机票? Sightseeing(Business). 观光(公务)。 Yes, here it is. 有的,这就是回程机票。How long will you be staying in the

United States? 预计在美国停留多久? How much money do you have with you? 你随身携带多少现金? 5 days. 5天。 I have 800 dollars. 大约800元。 I plan to stay for about 10 days. 预计停留约10天。 Good. Have a nice day. 祝您玩得愉快 I'm just passing through. 我只是过境而已。Thank you. 谢谢。 I am leaving for Geneva tonight. 今晚即动身前往日内瓦。 2、A: Mr. Brown, please sit here. This is our traditional seat for the guest of honor(贵宾). B: It's my honor to be given so much attention. Thank you very much for preparing sucha square dinner(丰盛的晚宴)for me. A: Don't mention it. Do you like to use the chopsticks or the fork and knife? B: I'd like to take the chopsticks. A: Well, what would you like for a drink? B: Could you make a few suggestions?


国际贸易商务英语 一、商务: what time would be convenient for you? 你看什么时间比较方便? I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation. 我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。 Here is to our next project! 为我们下一个项目干杯! would you please tell me when you are free? 请问你什么时候有空? gald to have the opportunity of visting your ompany and I hope to conclude some business with you。 很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。 what I care about is the quality of the goods. 我关心的是货物的质量。 please have a look at those samples. 请给我看一下那些样品。 I'd like to know any business connections abroad. 我想多了解一些你们公司。 I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you. 我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。 can I have your price list? 你能给我价格单吗? will you give us an indication of prices? 你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗? I am in charge of export business. 我负责出口生意。 I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods. 我正考虑向你们订货。 what about the prices? 那价格方面怎么样? Let's call it a deal. 好,成交! our product is the best seller. 我们的产品最畅销。 our product is really competitive in the word market. 我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。 our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. 我们的产品行销海外许多地区。 It's our principle in business to honor the contract and keep our promise. "重合同,守信用"是我们经营的原则。 I wish you success in your business transaction. 祝你生意兴隆。


外贸商务英语邮件写作:更好地向客户报价 报价Giving a Quotation Thank you for your interest in our products.感谢您对我们的产品感兴趣。 Thank you for your inquiry about our services.感谢您就我们的服务询价。 The products you mentioned range in price from $100-$500.您提到的产品的价格从100美元到500美元不等。 Please see the attached price listing for more details.请参看附件中有关价格的详细介绍。 I have attached a copy of our company brochure for your review.我附加了一份公司的宣传资料供您参考。 Please let me know if you would like to receive complimentary samples of any of our products.如果您有兴趣收到任何一款我们的免费样品,请告诉我。 The product you inquired about is currently on sale for 430 RMB.您要的那款产品目前的销售价是430元人民币。 报价邮件1: Dear Ms. Hendricks, Thank you for your interest in our line of fine jewelry. Our ladies watches range in price from $100 to $400,depending on the style. I've attached a copy of our catalog,which

关于商务英语专业(国际贸易方向) 人才需求与专业改革的调研报告

关于商务英语专业(国际贸易方向)1人才需求与专业改革 的调研报告 一、商务英语专业人才需求与专业改革调研基本思路与方法 调研的基本思路:为使《商务英语》专业(国际贸易方向)人才培养目标和规格更符合市场需求,缩小毕业生与用人单位需求的距离,根据高职高专英语类专业教学指导委员会关于专业标准开发的指导思想和工作思路,以市场对《商务英语》专业(国际贸易方向)学生的职业岗位能力需求为标准,分析高职《商务英语》专业(国际贸易方向)的人才的培养规格、知识能力与素质结构,确定专业培养目标,优化课程体系和教学内容。 调研的具体方法与过程: 1、与高职高专英语类专业教学指导委员会委员、承德石油高等专科学校的崔秀敏老师一起开展调研,提升调研的科学性和可实施性; 2、对《商务英语》专业学生的目标就业企业群进行岗位能力需求问卷调查,参与调查的有浙江省和广东省39家企业; 3、对开办了《商务英语》专业的高职院校进行调研,进行实地调研的高职院校共6所,参与问卷调查的高职院校共40所; 4、对《商务英语》专业毕业生进行调查,共有33名毕业生参与座谈,并填写问卷; 5、从互联网上查阅所需信息。 二、《商务英语》专业(国际贸易方向)人才需求调研 根据近几年《商务英语》专业毕业生的就业方向和市场需求,我院《商务英语》专业培养方向缩小在国际贸易领域,所有调查围绕国际贸易市场进行。 1、国际贸易行业发展现状与趋势 国际经济继续发展,贸易保持较快增长,亚洲、欧盟、北美等主要进出口市场的需求依然呈增长态势,印度、拉美、中东等新兴市场方兴未艾。2006年我国进出口贸易总额增20%,超过1.7万亿美元;《2007年统计公报》显示,2007年我国进出口贸易总额增长23.5%,是2001年加入WTO以来进出口总额增幅连续第六年超过20%,进出口总额首次超过2万亿美元,达到21738亿美元,进出口规模比2001年翻了两番多。贸易顺差继续扩大,全年顺差2622亿美元,比上年增加847亿美元。国家外汇储备15282亿美元,比上年增加4619亿美元, 1我国各高职院校《商务英语》专业设置了国际贸易、国际金融、涉外文秘、商务翻译等方向,但鉴于市场的日益细分,按照以就业为导向的原则,建议在商务英语专业每一专业方向下进行进一步的细分。根据市场的需求和毕业生就业情况,我院《商务英语》专业仅集中在国际贸易一个方向,在此方向下根据工作岗位的需求进行进一步的细分,分为外贸业务开发、外贸跟单、外贸单证、报关、报检、国际货代六个专门化方向。本调研报告针对的是《商务英语》专业(国际贸易方向),而不是广义的《商务英语》专业。
