

12.Professor should spend time doing research or education?

Although spending more time on research may have negative impact that professors may less focus on their students,doing research do play……development of universities and students, because of the importance of the researches and the improvement of universities and students.

The importanceof the researches is a……for professors should spend more time doing research rather than education. …and unfortunately, a ballooning health problem and global warming problem. …by various diseases and extreme weather conditions, which let them face the disease like cancer, the disaster like flood, and numerous negative impacts. If lots of professors spend more time on researches, however, maybe one day the researches will lead to real breakthroughs. For example, we might have a cure for cancer or a solution to global warming, which would definitely have revolutionary changes. Not only for science, but also for the whole world.

……is the improvement of universities and students. Common sense, if a professor’s research was successful, the university would be able to receive grants to continue with further research and improve their research facilities. Exposed to that environment,

students would get benefit from those advanced facilities and obtain more knowledge from their professors.For instance, the professor who at the forefront of his/her fieldis more enthusiastic because he/she is eager to share the new discoveries with the students, therefore, the students could learn a lot from it.

…… that the professors may less focus on their students because of their researches……importance of doing research……better development of society……but the payoff……

…… vote for the idea that professors should spend more time doing research rather than education.

1.Movies are worth watching only when they teach us sth

about real life.

although some people think watching movies without real life functions as wasting time and money, watching various movies do play…… development of society and people, because we learn a lot from movies and also relax ourselves from watching movies. ……the good virtues and precious qualities for life we gain from movies is a…………and fortunately, a ballooning spiritual civilization. …who often watch movies…by the movies’education

value, which let them cherish their life, pursue their dream and never give up their enthusiasm.For example, a father in a movie lost his job and his wife left him, he had to live with his son without income, but he didn’t give up, he kept pursuing his dream and finally got a position in a big company. Not only the virtues can we learn from the movie, but also the spirit and persistence for a better life.

……, is that, we can relax from watching movies. Common sense, we often watch movies for the sake of entertainment. Exposed to the relaxing and comfortable environment, people tend to feel satisfied and enjoyable. For instance, after a whole day work, if we watch a comic movie, we will definitely feel relaxing and relieve the burden of the life’s difficulties.

……the viewpoint that some people think………although watching various movies…….development of people or society, but the payoff would worth it.

……. Istrongly vote for the idea that watching various movies have positive impacts.

2.Patience is not a good strategy, we should take action.

Patience will let us make fewer mistakes and patience is absolutely a good virtue.

Unfortunately, a ballooning business risks, by the unpredictable finance market, which let them invest prudently, take action carefully, and make decision cautiously. For example, when people want to buy some stocks, they won’t just buy them immediately without knowing if the stocks will constantly increase or not. So they must have patience, otherwise, they may lose a huge number of money.

When we are unsure about sth, patience is very essential. Exposed to the uncertain circumstance, people should be patient in order to avoid misunderstanding . for instance, when our friends tell us someone speak ill of us, we will be very angry, if we believe what we hear without knowing whether it is true or not, it will definitely influence the relationship between each other. Therefore, being patient is a good choice and absolutely a good virtue. Development of people or society, but the payoff…

Vote for the idea that patience is a good strategy when we should make decision.

3.Build art museums or recreational facilities?

Although some people think that art museums or music center functions as wasting money, they do……development of people and society, because of its public exhibition value and education value. And fortunately, a ballooning spirit civilization…… by that tendency, which let them want to have access to art world, enjoy famous singers’songs, appreciate preeminent painters’masterpieces. Take me for example, I don’t even know Titian before I stepped into a painting museum, and those paintings really amazed me. Therefore, building more art museums and music center will really help people like me have the opportunities to enjoy the art world.

Common sense, establishing art museums and music centers is one approach to improve the national quality. Exposed to the art environment, people will gradual enhance their taste quality unconsciously.For instance, France has thousands of museums and music centers, people in France always have first-class tastes. We cannot deny their tastes are influenced more or less by the art environment.

A better development of people and society, but the payoff would…Vote for the idea that building……will have more positive impacts than…

4.Spending more money on professors’salaries can improve the quality of education?

Although some people claim that increasing the professors’ salaries is useless, this approach do…..development of the quality of education, because it will motivate teacher and reduce teacher’s burdens.

And unfortunately, a ballooning competition pressure…. All city teachers….by the furious competition, which let them must work hard in order to maintain their position, therefore, they are too tired to put 100 percent enthusiasm in their students. For that reason, to increase payment is an effective way to let teachers do better.

Common sense, high payment could decrease people’s economic burdens. Exposed to a low pressure environment, teachers tend to pay more attention on their works. For instance, high payment enable the teachers to reduce their economic pressure, they could use their free time do some exercise so that they could face their works effectively with a health condition.

Development of the quality of education, but the payoff would……Vote for the idea that increasing salary is a good way to……

5.It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends?

Although some people claim that it is impossible to be completely honest with friends, honest do…….development of friendship, because a real friend is a person we can trust and being honest can benefit ourselves.

Trust a primary reason for we have to be honest……and unfortunately, a ballooning tendency of deceitfulness,……by that trend, which let them deal with people prudently. So we cannot be deceitful at the risk of ruining a friendship. For example, we all like to be friend with those who are sincere and honest, and like to stay with them and tell what we think to them because we believe they are the soul mates of us, but if they lie to us, we will feel like our heart being stole and a friendship will be ruined. For that reason, being honest with our friends is crucial to maintain friendship. Common sense, being honest is the indispensable element contributing to a healthy, and happier, interpersonal relationship. Exposed to that happier environment, our friends will definitely like to stay with us and we can get benefit from that. For instance, if we treat our friends honestly, they may introduce us to their friends. Thus, our social network will be strengthened and enlarged


…that sometimes we may not be completely honest……development of interpersonal relationship, but the payoff……

Vote for the idea that we should be honest with our friends.

6.Young people

Although some people claim that young people nowadays not willing to help others than in the past, young do……development of social mutual help network, because of the improvement of technology and the development of education.

….for the tendency that young people…and fortunately, a ballooning technology revolution, …city young people….by that progress, which let them have the tools and opportunities to help others. For example, young people can get in touch with some volunteer organizations conveniently through internet. Then, they can use the information they got to do what they can to help others. It is definitely more feasible than in the past.Therefore……Common sense, people nowadays have more chances to receive education than in the past. Exposed to that academic environment, the young people gradually understand what are virtues. Thus, they

are definitely willing to help others. For instance, we have been taught to be kind, responsible, and grateful since we were young, those virtues are actually the incentives to let us help people in need because we can get satisfaction from our behaviors. For that reason……

Development of social mutual- help network, but the payoff…. Vote for the idea that young people nowadays are willing to help others than in the past.

7.Television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave?

Although some people claim that television has negative effects on young people’s behavior because of the violent and pornographic plots,

The same as the movie one >-<

8.It is better to work with your own computer and telephone

at your home than work in your company’s office? Although working at home with our own computer functions as a

convenient working style, working in the office do….in our own development, because of the interpersonal relationship with our boss or colleagues and the efficiency of our working style.

…for the importance that we should work in office……and unfortunately, a ballooning competition pressure…by the furious competition, which let them must get on well with their boss or colleagues in order to maintain their position or get promotion, therefore, only in office can we have the opportunities to keep interpersonal relationships with our boss or colleagues. For that reason, we should work in the office rather than at home. Common sense, we can reach an excellent working performance under certain pressures. Exposed to a pressure environment, people tend to work efficiently. For instance, when we work in the office, we must to compete with our colleagues so that we can get the attention from our boss and promotion. Under that pressure, we will definitely improve our working efficiency. At home, however, we are easy to cause lower efficiency than in the office.

….the importance of working in the office……better self-development, but the payoff…..

Vote for the idea that working in the office is better than working at home.

9.Economic growth seems to be more important than

environmental concerns?

Although some people believe that economic growth is the most important, environmental protection do……development of society, because of the requirement of sustainable development and the order of nature.

And unfortunately, a ballooning human activities, which destroy the environment seriously.We all know that the resources in the world are limited, and human is consuming these limited resources in a rapid pace. If we destroy the environment, we will commit a crime to our future generations. For that reason, we should try out best to protect the environment in order to leave a better living space to our future generations.

Common sense, global warming which is caused by human activities is a major reason for many natural disasters. Owing to the overlook of protecting the environment, we have suffered numerous punishments from nature. For instance, land resources are dwindling because of the industrial development, deserts are spreading because of deforestation, air and water are polluted because of the poisonous gas and liquid. Therefore, in order to have a better life, we should definitely protect the environment.

….the importance of protecting environment……development of society, but the payoff……

Vote for the idea that environmental protection is more important than economic growth.

10.People are now easier to become educated than in the past?

Personally, I commit to the notion that people are now easier to become educated than in the past, because of the development of technology and the support of government.

First and foremost, the development of technology is a primary reason for the tendency that people are easier to become educated than in the past. In the past decade, all city, whether in developing or developed countries, had witnessed a booming economy, a flourishing civilization, and fortunately, a ballooning technology revolution, almost all city dwellers are influenced more or less by that progress, which let them have more opportunities to acquire knowledge, get information, and even have distant education. For example, people in the past had to spend days in libraries searching for some certain information, but now, however, people could use the internet to collect the information they want easily and

conveniently.Thus, the technology really create numerous opportunities.

Another reason for that tendency, as far as I am concerned, is the support of government. Common sense, a project which have the finance and policy support from government is easy to accomplish. So with the government support, the education system is more perfect than in the past. Take my country for instance, an integrate education system, from primary school to university,has been built. More and more people have the opportunities to get education because of the positive education policy.

Admittedly, a phenomena that the education system have some flaws cannot be denied. Nevertheless, this case is not universal enough to obscure the tendency that people are easier to become educated now than in the past. Although the education system is not guarantee a better development of society or people, but the payoff would be worth the effort.

Overall, with all the dimensions mentioned above, I strongly vote for the idea that people are now easier to become educated than in the past.

11.I t is more important to choose friends who have more fun

with than to choose friends that will help you when you need them?

Although some people prefer to choose friends who have more fun with, friends who will help us when we need them do…..in our own development, because we can make life easier with our friends’help and truly friends will help us when we need them.

…life would be easier with our friend s’ help…… and unfortunately, a ballooning competitionpressure……by that tendency, which let us have to face various difficulties in life and sometimes we feel frustrated.But life will be easy for us if we have friends who help us out of feeling depressed. For example, if I fail to accomplish one task, the analysis of my problem from my friendswill lead me to a rightsolution; if I lose confidence about myself, the encouragement of my friendswill raise me up; if I lose the direction about my future, the sincere talk with my friendswill give me hope. For that reason, choosing friends who will help us when we need them would definitely make our life easier.

Common sense, a friend in need is a friend indeed.For instance, ifyou are in difficult situation, suffering from business and marriage failure, lacking of money. Now, who do you prefer to stay with? The

one who often attend parties with you?Or the one who experienced tough time with you before and will offer help for you now? Obviously the latter one is more important for you.Therefore, truly friends will help us when we need them.

……choosing friends who have fun with will bring us pleasure……the importance of friends who will help us when we need them……self-development, but the payoff….

Vote for the idea that it is more important to choose friends who will help us when we need them than to choose friends who can only have fun with.


托福独立写作新题库—188题库 一、教育类 1.Teachers are appreciated and valued nowadays not as much as they were before.(Students nowadays do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.)难度4考频4 2.University should spend more money supporting social activities rather than improving the food students eat.难度4考频3 3.When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation?难度5考频3 4.Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?4/2 5. In order to attract good students, many universities spend a lot of money in society activities.3/3 6The student should be required to take history courses in the university no matter what their field of study is.5/3 7Students can get as much benefits from participating student organizations or club activities as from their academic studies. 4/3 8Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the music while studying.3/4



托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1)Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and


托福独立写作:六篇高分范文推荐 写作题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People spend too much money on their pets even though there can be other good ways to spend money. Give details and examples to support your response. 人们花了太多的钱在宠物身上,而实际上有其他更好的消费方式,用细节和例子支撑你的观点。 写作范文 With the rise of the middle class, more and more people spend money on things that are not essential to their daily needs. As the average wealth of households has increased, many trends have emerged. One trend that has appeared recently in my neighborhood is the increase in the amount of money people spend on their pets, and for me this is definitely the truth. The reason why people spend too much money on their pets is because they believe their pets to be more than just animals. They assign to them many human characteristics. This does not mean that I do not like pets. I love pets. My father is a biologists and growing up our house was always filled with lots of strange and unique pets. Pets play a very important role in families and I think we should take care of animals. I love volunteering for the local animal shelter and helping find homes for stray pets. I like taking care of animals and I will be the first to help an animal in need. I do not, however, believe that we should treat pets like humans. My neighbors, on the other hand, have a different opinion. They love their dogs, but I think they are a rather extreme when it comes to taking care of their dogs. For example, their dogs have their own feather beds that cost 300 dollars each. I think tha t’s how much all of the furniture in my bedroom costs! My neighbors claim that their dogs have back problems and that the dogs need these beds. I am not sure the dogs realize this, because last time I visited my neighbors I saw that the dogs had ripped a bunch of holes in these beds. Maybe humans think these dog beds are more comfortable, but I highly doubt that dogs know the difference between a several hundred dollar mattress and a ten dollar mattress. Buying these kinds of luxury items for pets is very silly. Spending exorbitant amounts of money on one’s pet is not only pointless, but it’s also wasteful. It’s pointless because pets can’t determine the quality of an object. It’s wasteful, because there are so many better things on which to spend


托福写作题库 来源:王春广的日志 写作题库分类 1.建造问题: 2) It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your ne ighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and de tails to support your answer 你家附近将要建一个大饭店。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 4) It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in you r neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons an d details to support your answer. 你家附近将要建一个电影院。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 5) The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. C ompare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion 政府打算建一所新大学,有人认为你家附近是个合适的地方。比较好处与坏处,详细阐述。 6) It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your c ommunity. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and det ails in your answer. 可能在你们社区内建一所高中。你同意还是反对,详细阐述原因。 7) Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous perso n in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to s upport your choice 你的城市要建一个名人纪念碑或雕塑。你会选择谁?说出详细原因和具体例子。 8) A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some pe ople want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research i n agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recom mend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.


新托福写作考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心丁仡然 考试日期:2015.12.12 Task 1 INTEGRATED 综合写作 讲述的是现在犀牛的数量锐减,频临灭绝,科学家将它们关进笼子里养,但也造成了一些问题。 阅读文章要点:提出三种数量减少的原因 1. 关在笼子里,造成母犀牛不孕; 2. 犀牛经常在硬地(hard surface)上走,造成腿部产生疾病(foot disease); 3. 一些犀牛的大脑开始混乱(brain disorder); 听力逐一提出解决方案: 1. 不孕是因为激素的不平衡,缺少两种激素,只要在食物里补充这两种激素,就可以恢复生育; 2. 有先进的radio graphic image设备,可以照骨骼和组织的照片,早发现早治疗可以增加治愈的概率; 3. 小犀牛会得这种病,是因为生它的母犀牛年龄太大了,老犀牛身体里有toxic chemical elements, 从而导致疾病,只要控制产龄就可以解决了。 Task 2 INDEPENDENT 独立写作 话题类别环保类 考题文字:Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage the environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalties of these companies, such as higher tax or larger fine, while others believe there are better ways to deal with the problem. Which do you prefer? 本次写作考试点评: 本次新托福独立写作有一定的难度,综合写作又是常考的动物学话题。生物学或者动物学话题可以说是整个2015年都在重点考察的话题之一。


托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others ’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group ’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrasedfrom John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO48独立写作题目文本+满分范文,希望 对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO48独立写作题目原文: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and https://www.360docs.net/doc/d79882624.html,e specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 托福TPO48独立写作满分范文1: Increasingly sophisticated technology, explosive information and intricate international relationships all work together to complicate the modern life, which makes our modern people somewhat overwhelmed. Individuals whoever want to have a better control of one’s life must equip themselves with some essential skills or abilities. Planning and organizing, which embodies the skill of anticipating, influencing, and controlling, in my view, is becoming gradually important in coping with today’s complication especially for the young who are always the most passionate but also with less self-control. First of all, planning helps keep one on course in achieving goals and crystallize objectives. Young people always possess some grand dreams which may take years to accomplish. Planning ahead, on the one hand, could effectively put one on the right track thus prevent energy from being scattered or wasted. A survey conducted by experts from Oxford University shows that over 90% of elites and enterprisers had precise objects and made plans for decades later at very young age. Like Bill Gates, one of the most prominent persons I have ever seen, discontinued their studies since he was definite aware of what he should do in order to become the leader of IT field. On the other hand, plans, which are organized step by step, could turn the ultimate goals into several achievable ones. With achievable objective achieved one by one, the ultimate goal will finally be attained. Besides, planning and organizing help to promise one’s best performance in most occasions. Panning means trying to anticipate all the possibilities and arrange things in a scientific order. It clearly tells people what to do currently and what should do the next, which prevents disorder or chaos. Thus, people may feel assured and will be with less stress. For example, a student who sticks to a study plan is less likely to be nervous thus will be more likely to have better performance than those who crams for tests. Today youngsters are exposed with fierce competitions but also abundant opportunities. Good performance is key to hold these opportunities in hand. It is undeniable that our society changes at such a quick pace that we cannot plan everything in previous. But this by no means implies that the ability is not important. Without a plan, complex things will only get more complicated. Abraham Lincoln reportedly once said, “If I had 60 minutes to cut down a tree, I would spend 40 minutes sharpening the ax and 20 minutes cutting it down.” Planning is just like “sharpening the ax”, which will no doubt facilitate a task easy done. All in all, though the ability of planning and organizing may not be omnipotent for people


2016年托福写作真题及解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福真题解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 2016年托福阅读真题及解析1 托福阅读第一篇欧洲人口增加 原文回顾:欧洲经济发展相关,工业化和食物的增长促进了人口的增长。高速城市化:人们开始从乡下往城镇转移,因此带来了工作,生活资料等一系列的变化。细节讲到了熟练工和普通人的区别,考了两个题。最后讲到了人口的增加导致人均工资下降的问题。 学习: After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900. There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and


1月23日托福写作考试真题解析 正在备战托福写作的考生们,不知道你们准备的怎么样了呢?为了给正在备考的同学们带来一定的帮助,在今天的文章中,天道小编为各位准备了2016年托福作文真题解析,一起来看!更多托福写作机经,还请继续关注我们的频道! 备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器。因此,本文天道小编给大家整理了刚刚过去的1月23日托福作文真题。正在备战托福写作的考生们还等什么,赶快收藏 吧!2016年1月23日托福写作机经如下: 综合写作:鼠兔灭绝的原因 阅读: 1. 鼠兔有一种能防御寒冷的外衣,在温度升高的时候会因过热而死亡; 2. 夏天温度太高,难以储存过冬的食物,导致冬天因缺乏食物而饿死; 3. 冬天鼠兔要靠雪层来保温,但是因为全球变暖,雪融化得过快,导致它们暴露在寒冷的环境中。 听力反驳: 1. 每个地方的温度不一样,如果鼠兔生活在阴凉的地区,它们就不会因为温度过高而死亡; 2. 因为温度高,鼠兔吃得不多,可以把食物留下来为冬天做准备; 3. 雪化得快,冬天结束得早;这些动物就可以很快熬过冬天,在春天的时候恢复体力。 独立写作: Some people think that some lessons for young students (age5-8) including video games are effective ways and interesting, other people think this way is distracting and a waste of time. What’s your opinion? 是否新题:是 题材:教育类 观点: Lessons for young students (age5-8) including video games are effective ways and interesting. 写作思路: 1. 含有视频游戏的课程可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣;


1.建设类:建设类题目共六道题,大都是问你所在社区一建设项目的利与弊。 为了合并题目,最好将自己所在社区定下来,在城市就在城市,在郊区就在郊区,那么简要介绍社区情况的时候就节省了准备时间。按此原则,以下提纲中的红色文字都是重复出现的论点或论据,可重复在不同题目的作文中使用。 5. The advantages and disadvantages of a new factory near your community. 第一段:陈述自己所在社区处于郊区,并简要介绍情况,说明建立一个新工厂这一提议对自己来说是一个两难的选择(Dillemma):一方面它有好处,比如可以刺激经济,另一方面又对郊区的环境有潜在的威胁; 第二段:陈述好处。如新工厂可以为社区居民提供工作机会(可假设你所在的社区就业率不高),并带动周边附属产业,刺激社区的经济发展; 第三段:陈述坏处(注意转折用词)。如新工厂对郊区的土地、河流都有一定的污染,破坏了郊区的环境;同时也破坏了郊区宁静的生活(因为噪音、交通等); 第四段:虽然有诸多坏处,然而我们去要权衡是利大于弊还是弊大于利;并相信只要通过严格管制,控制环境问题等潜在危害,新工厂可以为社区带来更多的好处(当然也可以有其它看法)。 I I live in a primarily agricultural community,and most of the population lives hand to mouth.Parents keep children home from school to work in the fields.If there is a flood or drought,people starve.A new factory would mean regular monthly salaries as well as protection against natural disasters or a sudden drop in the price of our main agricultural product,say,corn. Regular salaries would allow families the confidence to make investments in their future.The local would be able to plan their finances accurately and free themselves from debt.This in turn would encourage entrepreneurship and further develop the local economy.People coudd begin to open shops,restaurants dormitories,and entertainment facilities to serve the factory workers with their savings.Profits from these small enterprises would further enrich the local community and turn our relatively poor farmland into a truly profitable development zone.Perhaps more parents could then afford to send all of their shildren to high school and maybe even college. There would certainly be negetive effects as well.If the area becomes prosperous,immigrants from poorer regions will come here looking for work.Because of their relative poverty they will work harder fo less money than the locals and drive wages down.There might be more immigrants than


【写作范文】托福写作真题满分范文-现在更容易获得教育 .content {font-size:16px !important;font-family:Tahoma,”Simsun” ;line-height:28px !important;color:#333;} .content p {font-size:16px !important;padding:0 15px !important;margin:20px 0 !important;text-align:left;} 在托福独立写作的练习中,对于托福作文真题的练习还是非常重要的。这次就为大家带来2014年3月16日托福独立写作真题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for more people now than in the past to get an education. 托福独立写作真题: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for more people now than in the past to get an education. 托福写作参考范文: The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen the development and advancement of many fields and areas of society. Education is an area that has developed tremendously in the past hundred years. The rise of the middle class, the standardization of education, and the opening of many more schools has made it possible for more people now than in the past to get an education. In China specifically, education reform began with the opening up and reform period of the 1980’s. During this time China also opened up its economy and changed from a state run economy to a market economy. A market economy in China has made it possible for the development of the middle class. Historically throughout the world, education belonged to the social elites. People from the lower class, which always outnumbered the upper class, did not have the money or resources to become educated. The middle class is a group of people who are not necessarily the elites of society, but have the money to pay for education. Since the 1980’s, the middle class has been rapidly growing, increasing ten-fold the number of children who have the opportunity to get an education. With the rise of the middle class, also comes an increase in pressure on the government. Since more people can afford education, more pressure is put on the government to provide teachers and schools for the children of the middle class. The government is then spurred into action to increase funding and resources for education nationwide. This has then prompted the opening of schools in many areas beyond the major cities and the training of many new teachers. More teachers and more schools mean that more people will be educated.
