


act as 擔任……職務,起……作用

act for 代理(某人職務),代為(處理某事)

act out 表演(對話、故事等)

act up 搗亂,出毛病


break away 擺脫,脫離

break away from … 脫離……,奮力掙脫……

break down 出故障,壞掉,中止,累垮,分解

break in 打斷,插話,闖入,強行進入

break into … 闖入……,破門而入

break (sth) off (使某物)折斷,中斷某事物,突然停止

break out (戰爭、火災)突然發生,爆發

break out in tears 突然大哭

break through 突圍,沖跨

break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎開,停止


bring about 引起,導致,使發生

bring along 把……帶來,領來

bring back 拿回來,使恢復bring sb back 送回某人

bring sth / sb back to life 使……生動/活潑,使……蘇醒

(比較:sth / sb come back to life 復蘇,蘇醒)

bring down 使……降低,減少,使……倒下,使……落下

bring down / up (the price) 降價/提價

[比較:(the price ) go down / up 價格下降/上漲]

bring in 引進(技術),賺錢,帶來(收入),吸收

bring on 發展,引起,導致,使前進

bring out 拿出,出版,生產,揭露,闡明,使表現出

bring to 使蘇醒

bring … to use = put …to use對……加以利用

bring / carry sth to / into effect 實施……

(比較:sth come / go into effect 開始實施)

bring up 撫養,培養,哺育


call at (place) 訪問(某地),拜訪(某地),[比較:call on (sb) 拜訪(某人),訪問(某人)] call back 回電話

call for 提倡,號召,要求,需要,去接某人,接走某人

call / shout for help 呼救

call in 請來,召集,來訪,打電話

call off 取消

call on / upon 號召

call out 大聲呼喊,叫喊

call sb…for short 簡稱某人……

call sb names 謾罵某人

call up 給……打電話,使人想起,號召,徵召(某人)入伍(5)come短語:

come about 發生,產生

come across 偶然相遇

come along 來,隨同,進展,加油

come at … 向……襲擊

come down 下來,下落,傳下

come into being 形成,產生

come into use 使用起來

come off 脫落,從……離開

come on / upon sb / sth 偶然遇見,偶然碰上,偶然發現come out 露出,出來,出現,出版,發(芽),(花)開come over to… 過來,順便來訪,從一個地方來到另一個地方come round / around (非正式)來訪,串門

come to … 來到,出現,提及,達到,共計,結果是,蘇醒come to an end 結束,終止

come to know 逐漸地知道

come to life (變得)活潑,蘇醒過來

come to light 顯露,為人所知

come to oneself 蘇醒過來,恢復知覺

come to / into power 當權,上臺

come / go to ruin = fall into ruin 變成廢墟

come to terms with… 甘心忍受

come true 變為現實,成為事實

come up 被提出,上來,走來,上升,抬頭,長出來

come up with … 提出,想出(主意),找出(答案),趕上(6)cut短語:

cut away 切除,剪去

cut down 砍倒,砍下,削減

cut in 插嘴,加塞,插入

cut in line 插隊

cut … into pieces / halves 把……切成碎片/切成兩半

cut off 切斷(線路),中斷(供應)

cut out 刪除,剪下來

cut the cost of … 降低……の成本

cut up 切碎,剪碎,剁碎,齊根切掉


do about 處理,應付

do and don’t 要與不要

do a good deed 做一件好事

do a lot of walking 走很多路

do a word puzzle 猜字謎

do an experiment / experiments 做實驗

do away with 廢除

do chores 處理瑣事,幹家務

do one’s best 盡某人最大努力

do research on… 從事……研究工作

do sb a favour 幫某人一個忙

do sb honor = do honor to sb 禮遇某人,對某人表示敬意

do some reading 讀書,閱讀,看點書

do some shopping = go shopping 購物,買東西

do sports = have / play sports = take exercise 進行體育運動,做運動,進行鍛煉do sth in turn / by turns = take turns to do sth / in doing sth 輪流做某事do up one’s shoes / hair 系好鞋帶/梳好頭

do up the button 扣紐扣

do well / better in… 在……方面幹得好/更好

do with 處理,處置,對付

do wrong 做壞事,做錯事(比較:do right = do the right thing 做得對)


get a full mark / full marks 得滿分

get at 意指,本意是

get around = get about 四處走動,活動

get away 移走,拿走,逃脫,逃離

get away with攜帶…逃脫,逃離

get back 回來,回家,取回,找回,退還

get close to 接近

get down 下來,降下

get down on one’s knees 跪下

get down to (doing) sth 開始(做)某事)

get in 進入,收穫,達到

get in a word 插話

get into… 進入……

get sb into… 使某人陷入

get it 接(電話),應(門),理解,懂得

get off 下車,脫下(衣服等)

get on 上車,過活

get on / along with… 進展,與……相處

get on one’s feet (艱難地)站立起來

get out 離開,出去

get out of 逃避,避免

get over 克服,恢復,原諒

get across 理解,度過

get through 接通(電話),完成(工作),通過(考試)

get to 到達,抵達

get to sleep 入睡,設法睡著

get / gain / take possession of 佔有,擁有,佔領

get ready for 為……做準備

(比較:be ready for = be well prepared for = be in preparation for 為……做好了準備)get rid of 除掉,去掉

get sb doing/done/ to do 使某人做

get together 相聚,碰頭,聯歡

get / be used to sth 習慣於……,適應於……

(比較:be used as sth 被用作……

be used for sth 被用於……,用來做……

be used to do sth 被用於做……

used to do sth 過去常常做)

get / be dressed 穿衣服

get / be engaged (to sb) (與某人)訂婚

get / be lost 丟失了,迷路get / be married (to sb) = marry (sb) (與某人)結婚

get / be stuck 陷進去,被困住,被難住,遇到困難

get / be tired of 對……感到厭倦,對……失去興趣


give away 贈送,給予,背棄,洩露,分發

give back 歸還,送回

give in 投降,讓步,屈服

give off 釋放,發出,放出(煙、光、熱等)

give out 用完,耗盡,分發,發放

give over = hand over 轉交,移交

give up 放棄,辭去

give a concert 開音樂會

give / make a speech 演講,講話

give birth to 生嬰兒,生產,造成

give sb a second look 再看某人一眼

give sb a warm welcome 熱烈歡迎某人

/ doing sth / how to do sth 就……向某人提出建議/忠告


go abroad 出國

go about 四處走走,開始做,著手幹

go against 違反,違背

go ahead 說吧,幹吧,領先,走在前面

go / walk around 四處走走

go away 走開,離去

go back 回去

go beyond 超越

go by 走過,經過,(時間)消逝,過去

go down 下來,落下,倒下

go down on one’s knees 跪下

go for a hike = go hiking 去徒步旅行

go for a job interview 去面試找工作

go for a walk / walks 散步

go in for 參加,喜歡

go into 詳細調查

go into details 細說

go off 走開,離去,(鬧鐘)鬧響

go off to = be off to = leave for 動身去

go off the air 停止廣播(比較:go on the air 開始廣播)

go / be on diet 在節食

go on (a) holiday 去度假

go on a tour to 去……觀光(遊覽)

go on doing sth 繼續做某事(同一事)

[比較:go on to do sth 繼續做某事(另一事)

go on with sth 繼續某事]

go out 熄滅,出去,外出

go over 復習,過一遍,仔細檢查,審閱

go past 從……の旁邊過去

go up 上升,上漲,增長,攀登

go with… 與……相配

go without 忍受沒有……之苦,沒有……也行,沒有……也能勉強應付

go shopping / fishing / sailing / camping / skating 去購物/釣魚/駕船航行/宿營/滑冰go straight along 沿著……一直往前走

go through 通過,經受,流覽,仔細檢查

go to the country(side) 下鄉

go to see a doctor 去看病,去看醫生

go bad 變壞

go wrong 出毛病,不對頭,做錯事,誤入歧途

go Dutch 各付各の帳,平攤費用


have (got) a cold / cough / headache / fever 感冒/咳嗽/頭疼/發燒

have a conversation/talk/dialogue with sb (about sth.) 與某人交談

have a word with sb = would like a word with sb 和某人談幾句,跟某人說句話] have a gift for… 對……有天賦(比較:have a reputation for… 有……名譽/名聲)have a good knowledge of … 對……很熟悉,通曉……

have a good laugh over… 對……笑了個夠

have (great) fun 玩得(非常)高興,過得愉快

have a / the habit of …= be in a / the habit of… 有……の習慣

(比較:get into / form the habit of… 養成……の習慣

have a hit 風靡一時

have a large population 人口眾多

have / take a look 看一看

have a meeting / party 開會/舉行晚會

have a nice / pleasant trip / journey 祝旅途愉快

have (got ) a pain (in the…) (身體某部位)痛

have a part-time job 做兼職工作

have / take a seat 坐下(比較:have / take one’s seat 坐某人の座位)

have a stomachache 胃疼,肚子疼

have a sweet tooth 喜歡吃甜食

have a swim 游泳

have a table tennis match 舉行一場乒乓球比賽

have a test 進行測驗

have a try 試一試

have / show an appetite for… 有……の欲望或愛好

have / make an appointment with sb 和某人有預約, 和某人有約定

have an effect on / upon… 對……有影響,對……產生作用

(比較:influence… = affect … 對……有影響

have no effect / influence on … 對……沒有影響

have a g ood / bad effect on … 對……有好/壞影響

have a great / little effect on … 對……有很大の影響/影響不大

have a strong influence on…


have / take an exam 參加考試

have an eye for 有眼力,有眼光

have an income of … 有……の收入

have access to … 使用(接近……の)權利或機會

have lessons / classes 上課

have mercy on… 寬恕……,對……仁慈,對……表示憐憫

have no chance of surviving 沒有生存の可能性

have no choice but to do sth 別無選擇,只好做某事

have none of … 根本不理睬……

have on 穿著

have sth on sb 某人身上帶著某物

have / take one’s medicine 服藥,吃藥

have some difficulty / trouble / problems with … 在……有困難/麻煩事

[比較:have some difficulty /trouble / problems (in ) doing sth 做某事有困難/麻煩]

have something / nothing in common (with…) (與...)有共同點/沒有共同之處

(比較:have much / a lot in common with…與……有許多相同之處

have little in common with… 與……幾乎沒有相同之處)

have something / nothing to do with … 與……有關/無關

have to = have got to 不得不,必須


hold a meeting / party 開會/舉行晚會

hold back 退縮,躊躇,阻擋,控制住

hold one’s breath 屏息,不出氣

hold on 等一等,不要掛電話

hold on to 抓住,保住

hold out 伸出,堅持下去,維持

hold up 阻擋,使停頓,舉起,拿起,阻滯

hold together 連在一起,團結一致


keep away from 避開,別靠近

keep back 隱瞞,忍住,阻止……向前,留下

keep down 控制

keep off 勿踏,勿踩

keep off sb / sth 不接觸或不接近某人/某事物

keep on 繼續進行

keep out 不得入內

keep…out 把……擋住,把……留在外面

keep out of … 不進入……

keep up 繼續,保持,堅持,使(情緒等)不低落

keep up with… = catch up with… 跟上,趕上

keep a date 赴約

keep a healthy diet 保持健康の飲食

keep a record / records 保持記錄

keep an eye on 注視,留心,注意,照顧

(比較:keep an eye out for 注視,留心,注意)

keep busy doing 忙著做某事

keep fit 保持健康

keep…in mind = learn…by heart = remember… 把……記住

keep (on) doing sth 繼續不停地做某事

[比較:keep sb doing sth 使某人一直/繼續做某事

keep … from doing 阻止……做,不讓……做

=stop / prevent… (from) doing 妨礙/預防/阻止……做,不讓……做] keep one’s appointment 守約(比較:break one’s appointment 違約)keep one’s balance 保持平衡

keep one’s word(s) 遵守諾言

keep safe 保持安全

keep silent over … 對……保持沉默

keep the same look 保持原貌keep watch 保持警戒,站崗


knock at /on 敲打(門、窗等)

knock down 把……撞倒,擊倒

knock into 撞到,撞上某人,偶然碰見

knock sb out (of sth) 淘汰某人

knock over 撞翻,撞倒


look at 看著,注視,檢查

look at oneself in the mirror = admire oneself in the mirror 照鏡子

look after 照顧,照料,照看

look ahead 向前看,展望未來

look around / about 四處看看,四下環顧

look back 回首,回憶,回顧過去

look back on… 回顧……,回憶……

look forward to sth /doing sth 盼望,期盼某事物/做某事

look for 尋找,找

look in 來訪,參觀

look into… 往……裏面看,流覽,調查,研究

look (right) into sb’s eyes 直視著

look like… 看起來像…… (比較:look the same 看起來像)

look on 旁觀,觀望

look out = be careful = take care 留神,當心,注意,警惕,提防

look out for 警惕,留心,找出來look over… 翻閱,(仔細)檢查

look through 看透,仔細查看,流覽,翻閱,溫習

look up 仰視,往上看,(在字典或參考書中)查閱,查尋

look up to sb 敬仰,仰望,尊敬(比較:look down on / upon sb 瞧不起,鄙視,輕視)

look / be worried 看上去/感到擔心


make into 製成,作成(後面跟產品,製成品)

[比較:be made in 在……生產/製造be made of 由……組成/構成,用某種原材料製成(物理變化)

be made from 由……組成/構成,用某種原材料製成(化學變化)

be made up of = consist of 由……組成,由……構成]

make out 理解,看清楚

make up 化妝,打扮,和解,配製,編造,虛構,構成,組成

make up for 彌補,補充,補償

made up one’s mind 下決心

make a choice 做出選擇

make a commitment 承諾,保證

make a comment / comments (on / upon…)(對……)發表評論

make a (great) contribution to… 為……做出(巨大)貢獻,為……捐款

make a decision 做出決定

make a (no) difference (沒)有關系/影響

make a face / faces 扮鬼臉make a fire 生火

make a film / blockbuster/follow-ups 拍電影/巨片/續集

make a fool of sb = fool sb 愚弄某人(比較:make fool of …愚弄)

make / leave / create a good impression (on sb) (給某人)留下好印象make a mistake / mistakes 犯錯誤

make (a) noise 製造噪音,發出令人不愉快の聲音

make a note / notes of… 記錄,做筆記,記下來

make a plan (for… ) (為……)制訂計畫,制訂一個(……の)計畫make a point of doing sth 認為做某事重要或有必要

make a promise 承諾

make a record 錄製唱片,做記錄

(比較:record a song 錄一首歌

set a world record 創造世界記錄)

make (a) suggestion (on …) 提出(關於……)の建議

make a telephone call 打電話

make / take a trip / journey to … 去某地旅行

make conversation 交談

make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵

make friends with sb 與某人交朋友

make fun of… 取笑,嘲笑,和……開玩笑

make it(事業上)獲得成功

make jokes about sb 拿某人開玩笑,以某人為笑柄

make mistake about… 犯了……錯誤

make / earn money 掙錢

make oneself at home 不拘束,別客氣

make oneself known 使/讓自己出名

make one’s way to… 往……走去

make progress (in …) (在……方面)取得進步

make sense 有意義,有道理,講得通

make sense of… 弄懂……の意思

make sth to (one’s own) measure (按自己の尺寸)定做

make sure 確保,確認,查明

make the adjustment to… 適應……

make the / one’s bed 整理床鋪

make (full) use of …= make the most / best of … (充分)利用


pass away 去世,死(委婉說法)

pass by 通過,從旁邊經過

pass down 傳下來,流傳,使世代相傳,一代一代傳下去

pass on (to sb) 轉交給(某人),傳給(某人)

pass on from one generation to the next 一代代流傳下來

pass out 失去知覺,昏厥

pass through 穿過,越過

pass sth from one to another 把某事物從一人傳到另一人手上

pass the examination 通過考試


pay attention to … 對……注意,留心……

pay a visit to sb / a place 訪問,拜訪(某人),參觀(某地)

pay back 償還(借款),報答,報復

pay for 付款,付費,付代價(比較:pay a high price for … 付高價)

pay off 還清(欠款)

pay sb a visit 拜訪某人

pay the bill 買單,付帳單


pick out 挑選,認出

pick up 拾起,接收,學會(語言),開車去接,康復,購買(便宜商品)


put away 將某物收拾起來,存錢,儲存,存起來

put down 平息,鎮壓,記下

put forward 提出,建議,推薦

put off 延期,拖延

put on (戲)上演,放(唱片),穿戴

put on a performance 演出

put out 撲滅,熄滅,使……停止燃燒,伸出,出版,生產

put up 掛起,張貼,舉起,抬起,搭起,建立

put up with 忍受,容忍

put into 使進入,輸入,投入

put/translate…into 把……譯成

put one’s heart into… 全神貫注於……

put sb in / into prison 把某人關進監獄

put …to use 使用……,運用……

put a date to sth 注明日期

(比較:set / fix the date 確定日期to date 到目前為止)

put an end to … 結束……

put …together 把……放在一起


send away 讓走開

send for sb 派人去請某人,請某人來

send in 寄送某處進行處理

send out 派遣,發出(信號、通知等)

send up 發射,射出,往上送

send sb to sleep 讓某人睡覺

send signals by … 通過……發送信號


set about (doing) sth 著手,開始

set aside 留出,擱/放在一邊

set down 放下,記下

set off 出發,起程,引起爆炸,激起,引起

set out (for…) 出發往(……),動身去(……)

set out to do 開始做,著手做=set about doing

set up 創立,設立,開辦,豎起,支起

set /give a (go od) example to… 為……樹立(好)榜樣

set a goal 設定目標

set fire to sth = set sth on fire 縱火,放火燒

set foot on / in… 踏上……,到達,進入

set one’s mind to do sth 一心想做

set sail for 起航去……

set sail from 從……起航

set sb a good example in … 在……為某人樹立榜樣

set sb free 釋放某人,解放某人


stand by sb = support sb = take sb’s side 支持某人

stand for 代表,表示,象徵,容忍,支持/擁護,為……の候選人

stand out 突出,顯眼

stand up 起立,站起來

stand still = stay still 站著不動


CPC stands for the Communist Party of China.

Stand still, and let me take a picture of you.


take after 與某人相像

take along 帶領,攜帶

take … apart = separate …把……分開

take away 拿走,拿去,使離開

take away from… 從……帶/拿走

take back 退回,拿回,收回

take down 拿下,記下,記錄

take for… 當作……,誤以為是……

take in 吸收,接納,上當

take off (飛機)起飛,脫掉(衣帽/鞋),成名,成功,很快上升,開始流行/暢銷take on 呈現take out 拿出,取出

take over 繼承,接管,接替

take up 從事,開始,專注於,占去(時間、空間、地位等)

take a bank loan 向銀行貸款

take a bath 洗澡

take a chance / chances 碰運氣,冒險

take a few deep breaths 深呼吸

leave a message (to sb) (給某人)留個口信

take a photo (of …) (給……)照相,拍(……)照片

take a risk / risks 冒險

take a shower 沐浴,洗澡

take a sip 呡一小口

take a taxi to... = go to ...by taxi 乘計程車

take a walk / ride / holiday 散步/兜風/休假

take (an) interest in … 對……感興趣

(比較:be into = be interested in 對……感興趣

have / show interest in 對……感興趣)

take advantage of 對……加以利用

take … by surprise 對……突然襲擊,出乎……意料

take care 小心, 注意take care of 照顧,照看

take effect 生效,奏效

take exercise 運動,活動

take … for example 以……為例

take / get / catch hold of 握住,抓住

take it easy 放心好了,別著急,從容,不緊張

take ... into consideration 顧及,考慮到,體諒

(比較:under consideration 在考慮中,在研究中)

take lessons 上課

take notes 做筆記,做記錄

take notice of 注意

take one’s seat 就座,坐在自己位子上(轉義為就職)

take one’s time 從容,不急,慢慢行動[比較:take time 花費(時間)]

take part 參加

(比較:take part in… = join in… = participate in… 參加……

take an active part in… 積極參加……)

take place 發生,出現,舉行

[比較:take the place of … = take sb’s place 取代,代替(某人の位置)]

take pride in …= be proud of… 對……感到自豪

take responsibility for … = be responsible for … 對……負起責任

take sb in the arms 擁抱,摟抱

take / hold / keep sb prisoner 囚禁/俘虜某人

(比較:sb be taken / held / kept prisoner 某人被囚禁/俘虜)

take sb seriously 看重某人

take sb some time to do sth 花費某人……時間去做某事

take sb’s temperature 給某人量體溫

take sth along with sb 隨身攜帶某物

take shelter 躲避

take sides with sb in sth 在某事上支持/偏袒某人

take steps / measures / action to do sth 採取措施做某事,採取(……の)行動take turns to do sth / in doing sth 輪流做某事


think about 思考,考慮(是否去做)

think of 想到,想起,認為,對……有看法/想法

think out 想出

think over 仔細考慮

think through… 思考……直到得出結論

think up 提出,想出,設計出

think twice 再三考慮,仔細考慮

think highly / well of = speak highly of = sing high praise for 對……高度評價


turn against 轉而反對,背叛

turn around / round 轉身,轉過來

turn … away 趕走……,辭退……,把……打發走

turn on 打開(燈,氣,水,電器等)

turn off 關掉(燈,氣,水,電器等)

turn up把音量開大,卷起,翻起,發生,出現,到達

turn down關小/調低(音量/熱度),拒絕

turn over 把……翻過來,翻動,犁翻(土地),細想

turn in 交進,上繳,歸還

turn into 變成

turn…into… 把……變成……,轉變成

turn to… 轉向……,向……求助,查閱

turn out 結果是,生產

turn out to be 被證明是, 結果是

turn right / left 向右/向左拐

turn writer = become a writer 成為作家

(27) let

let down 不支持,使失望,使沮喪

let in 放進,讓……進來

let out 放掉,洩露,發出(聲音)

28. add

add to 增加,添加

add …to… 把……加到……上

add up 加起來

add up to 總計達到

29. agree

agree with sb / sb’s opinion / sb’s idea 同意某人(意見,看法),與某人看法一致agree on sth 對……達成共識(時間、地點、條款等)

agree to (the plan) 同意(計畫等)

30. burst

burst into 闖入,突然破門而入

burst into sth = burst out doing 迸發,突然而猛烈地產生某種情況

(比較:burst into laughter = burst out laughing 突然大笑起來

burst into tears 眼淚奪眶而出

burst into cheers 突然歡呼)

burst out (doing ) 迸發出來,突然開始(做)

31. burn

burn down 燒毀,燒成平地

burn down… to th e ground 把……燒成平地

burn up 消耗,燒掉

32. carry

carry away 拿走,使入迷

carry off 奪走,攜走

carry on 繼續進行,堅持下去carry on research 進行研究

carry out (an experiment / a plan / an order / a survey) 開展或執行(實驗/計畫/命令/調查)

34. check

check in 登記,報到

check out 查明,核查,結帳

check information 審核情況

35. die

die away 逐漸消失,減弱(以至感覺不到),淡化

die down 逐漸降低,減弱,平息

die from 因……而死,死於(除了疾病或情感以外の原因,及某種具體疾病)

die of (illness, hunger, grief, etc.) 因……而死,死於(疾病,饑餓,悲傷等情感內因)die off 一一死去,先後死去

die out = become extinct 滅絕,絕跡,消失

36. draw

draw a conclusion 得出結論

draw attention to 對……表示注意

draw back 後退

draw up 起草,擬定

37. drop

drop by 訪問,拜訪drop in 順便走訪,拜訪

drop in on sb 順便拜訪某人

drop in at sp 順便拜訪某地

drop off 放下(某物),下車

drop out (of…) (從競賽、活動等)退出,輟學

38. end

end up with … 以……結束/告終(比較:begin / start with 以……開始

close with 以……結束/告終

end up 結束,告終,最後得到……の結局/下場

end in failure / prison 以失敗/坐牢而告終.

end in a tie 以平局結束)

39. fall

fall asleep 入睡(比較:fall ill 病了,患病,病倒)

fall behind (成就,成績)落後於fall down 摔下來,倒塌

fall in love with sb 愛上某人(比較:be in love with sb 與某人相愛)

fall into 陷入,落入

fall off 跌落,下降

fall over 跌倒,摔倒

fall into pieces 垮臺,崩潰,解體,倒塌

fall through 失敗

40. fill

fill in 填空,填寫

fill out 把……填好

fill with 用……填充

fill A with B 把B裝進A裏,把A裝滿B

fill up( with…)(用……)裝滿

41. hand

hand down 流傳下去

hand in 交上去,提出,面交

hand out 散發,分發,發放

42. live

live in poverty 生活在貧困線上

live life on the go 過著忙碌の生活

live on 以……為主食,靠……謀生,繼續存在,繼續活著

live one’s dream = try to realize one’s dream 努力實現夢想

live through 活過,經過(困難,危險)之後仍舊活著

live up to 依據……行事,做到,不辜負(期望)

live up to sb’s expectation = meet sb’s expectation 不辜負某人の期望live with 忍受,與……一起住

43. point

point at 指示,指向

point to 指向(遠處の事物)

point out 指出,使注意

44. prefer

prefer A to B 相比B更喜歡A

prefer to do…(單獨成立)

prefer to do rather than do

prefer doing… to doing…

45. pull

pull down 拆毀,拆除,摧毀,推翻

pull on 隨便穿上

pull out of 從……中退出,(火車)駛離車站,從……拉出來

pull sb up 把……往上拉,把……拉上來

46. run

run after 追趕,追求,追逐,在……之後跑

run at 沖向,向……攻擊

run away 流失,逃跑,逃走,失控

run away from school =drop out of school 翹課

run for 競選

run into / across = come across = meet …by chance = happen to meet 偶然遇見run off 跑掉,迅速離開

run out of sth 用完……

[比較:(sth作主語) run out 耗盡,用光,用完]

run over 壓死,看一遍,跑過去 run a business 做生意

run / start a restaurant 開餐館

47. rush

rush sb off one’s feet 使某人忙得不亦樂乎,使某人忙得不可開交

rush out 沖出去

rush through 掠過,快速通過

48. see

see sb off 為某人送行(比較:meet sb 接某人)

see to 處理,料理,照顧

see to it that…= make sure that… 確保,務使

49. settle

settle an argument about… 解決關於……の爭論

settle down 定下心來,安家落戶,定居,平靜下來

settle for 勉強同意,接受

settle in(使)習慣(環境等),定居

settle up 付清,結賬

50. show

show off 炫耀

show up 出席,露面

show respect for sb 對某人表示尊敬

show sb how to do sth 教某人做某事

show sb out / in 送某人出去/ 迎某人進來

show sb to the door 帶某人到門口

51. tear

tear at 用力撕

tear down 拆毀,拆除

tear sth into pieces 把某物撕成碎片

tear up 撕毀,取消(合同)

tear off 撕下

Tear apart 把...弄亂,使...分裂

52. throw

throw light upon / on 闡明某事,使某事顯得很清楚

throw about 四處亂扔

throw at 向……扔去

throw away 扔掉

throw up 吐出(事物),嘔吐

53. tie

tie A to B 把A 綁在B 上

tie … up 系,栓,捆

tie up (one’s hair) = do up (one’s hair) (頭髮)紮起來

tire out 筋疲力盡

54. trade

trade for 交易

trade in 以交易方式購入

trade … with sb 與某人做……交易(買賣)

55. try

try on 試穿(衣,鞋,帽等),試試看,耍弄(花招)

try out 試驗,嘗試,試用

56. wear

wear away 磨掉,消耗

wear out 穿破,把……穿舊,磨壞,使……疲勞

[比較:be worn out (衣服等)穿破/被損壞,(人)疲憊不堪/感到疲勞] 57. hang

hang on 等一等,別掛電話

hang up 掛斷電話

hang out (俚語)閒逛


speak/talk about 談論

think about 思考

care about 關心,對……有興趣bring about 引起,使發生set about 著手,開始

come about 發生

hear about 聽說

worry about 為……擔心


aim at 向……瞄準,旨在

run at 沖向,向……攻擊

call at 拜訪(地點)

tear at 用力撕

look at 看,注視

work at 幹……活動(研究)come at 向……襲擊

shout at 沖(某人)嚷嚷

stare at 凝視

glare at 怒視

glance at 匆匆一瞥

laugh at 嘲笑

knock at 敲(門、窗等)point at 指向

smile at 沖(某人)笑

strike at 向……打擊

shoot at 向……射擊

wonder at 驚訝


die away 逐漸消失

put away 收拾起來,存起來pass away 去世

wash away 沖走

take away 拿走

give away 背棄,洩漏

send away 讓走開

turn away 把……打發走

wear away 磨掉,消耗

throw away 扔掉

blow away 吹走

carry away 拿走,使入迷clear away 清除掉,消散break away 擺脫


keep back 隱瞞,忍住

hold back 控制住

give back 歸還

call back 回電話

take back 拿回,收回

look back(on) 回顧


cut down 削減,砍倒

put down 記下,寫下,鎮壓

take down 記下,記錄

turn down 調小,拒絕

slow down 慢下來

pass down 傳下來

calm down 平靜下來

burn down 燒毀

tear down 拆毀,拆除

come down 下落,傳下

break down 壞了,垮了,分解

bring down 使……降低,使倒下

settle down 安家


die from 因……而死

hear from 收到……來信

learn from 向……學習

differ from 與……不同

suffer from 受……苦

result from 由於

separate…from 把……分離開

keep/stop/prevent…from 不讓……做

date from=date back to 始於……時期,追溯到(7)動詞+for

run for 競選

ask for 要求得到

beg for 乞求

wait for 等候

look for 尋找

call for 需要,要求

hunt for 尋找

long for 渴望

care for 關心,喜歡

seek for 尋找

come for 來拿,來取

apply for 申請

stand for 代表,表示

search for 查找change…for 用……換charge…for 收費,要價take…for 誤以為……是

hope/wish for 希望得到


get in 收穫,進入

fill in 填寫

cut in 插入

join in 參加

look in 來訪,參觀

hand in 上交

drop in 拜訪

give in 讓步

take in 接納,吸收

call in 召集,來訪

bring in 引進,使得到收入break in 強制進入,插話

result in 導致

succeed in 在……獲成功persist in 堅持


run into 碰到

look into 研究,調查,往裏面看burst into 闖入,進發

turn into 變成

change…into 把……變成divide…into 把……分成

put/translate…into 把……譯成(l0)動詞+of

die of 死於

talk of 談到

hear of 聽說

think of 想到

dream of 夢到

speak of 談到

consist of 由……組成approve of 贊成

complain of 抱怨

become of 發生……情況,怎麼啦(l1)動詞+out

go out 熄滅

set out 出發,著手

try out 試用,試驗


高考冲刺必备 高考常用动词短语搭配1.动词+about speak/talk about谈论 think about思考 care about关心,对...有兴趣bring about引起,使发生 set about 着手,开始 come about发生 hear about听说 worry about为...担心 2.动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away吹走 carry away拿走,使入迷clear away清除掉,消散 die away逐渐消失 pass away 去世 wash away冲走 take away拿走 put away收拾起来,存起来give away背弃,泄露 wear away磨掉,消耗 break away摆脱 send away让走开 turn away把...打发走 3.动词+back keep back隐瞒,忍住 hold back控制住 call back回电话 look back回顾 give back归还 take back拿回,收回 4.动词+for run for竞选 ask for要求得到 wait for等候 long for渴望 care for关心,喜欢 search for查找 call for要求,需要 change for用...换 apply for申请 seek for寻找 stand for代表,表示 hope/wish for希望得到beg for乞求 look for寻找 hunt for寻找 charge for收费,要价 take for误以为...是 come for来拿,来取 5.动词+down break down 出毛病,分解,拆开 bring down 使下降,使倒下 burn down 烧毁 calm down平静下来 come down 下跌,落,降,传下 cut down 削减,砍倒 die down (炉火)渐熄 fall down 掉下,跌倒 get down to do 致力于,专心于 get down 下来,记下,使沮丧 go down 下沉,降低 hand down 传给,流传 hold down 控制,镇压 knock down 撞倒 look down upon 瞧不起 pass down 传下来 pass down…to 传给 pull down 往下拉,拆毁 put down 记下,写下,平息 set down 放下 settle down 安家 slow down慢下来 take down 记录,写下 tear down 拆除 turn down 调小,拒绝 6.动词+at come at 向...袭击 run at冲向,向...攻击 tear at用力撕 stare at凝视 glance at匆匆一瞥 knock at敲门,窗等 smile at冲某人笑 aim at向...瞄准 wonder at惊讶 shout at冲某人嚷嚷 work at干...活动研究 look at看,注视 glare at怒视 laugh at嘲笑 point at指向 strike at向...打击 shoot at向...射击 call at拜访地点 7.动词+from differ from与...不同 suffer from受...苦 hear from收到...来信 die from因...而死 keep/stop/prevent from不让...做 learn from向...学习 date from始于...时候 result from由于 separate from把...分离开 8.动词+of think of想到 consist of由...组成 approve of赞成 talk of谈到 complain of抱怨 dream of梦到 speak of 读到 die of死于 hear of听说 become of发生...情况,怎么啦 9.动词+off start off出发 set off出发 leave off''中断 show off炫耀 get off下车 see off送行 put off延期,推迟 cut off切断,断绝 keep off避开,勿走近 knock off把...撞落 pay off还清 get off脱下衣服等 trun/switch off关掉 take off脱下,起飞 ring off挂断电话 come off脱掉,褪色 fall off跌落,掉下 go off走开,消失,坏了 break off打断 carry off携走,带走 give off散发出 10.动词+on


英语专业四级动词词组 第一组: absent oneself from 缺席,不到 be abundant in丰富的,有大量的 be abundant with有丰富的 take into account考虑,重视,把···考虑在内 account for说明···的原因,解释 make allowance(s) for考虑到,为···留余地,体谅amount to总计达到 play the ape模仿(ape类人猿、模仿者) assuming that假定··· avenge oneself on对···进行报复 awaken to醒悟,使···意识到 go bankrupt破产 You bet!的确,你说的没错!当然,一定 be blessed with具有···,赋有(能力),享有 call one's bluff接受某人的挑战 go bust破产 capitalize on;利用,从···中捞油水,由于···而获益 show concern for关心 have a guilty conscience内疚 consult with商量,商议,与···商量(协商) make contact with sb.与···联系 crack down对···采取严厉措施,镇压 depart from背离,违反 go into detail(s)详述,逐一细说 leave to one's own devices go to the devil走开,完蛋,滚开,见鬼,毁了 Talk of the devil. Speak of the devil(and he will appear).说曹操曹操到 be/go on a diet节食,按规律饮食 stand on one's dignity(尊严) dip one's hand into one's pocket 掏腰包 dispose of处理(安排,解决)丢掉,除掉 extinguish oneself What is done cannot be undone. beat the Dutch非常奇特(叫人吃惊,空前出众) go Dutch各自付账,各付各的 dwell on细想,详述,老是想着 lay/put/place emphasis on sth.重视,强调,重点在 be endowed with被赋予,赋有,天生具有···,以···而告终exert oneself努力,尽力 come into existence出现,产生 take a fancy to喜爱,爱好,喜欢···起来


三、常见短语搭配 1. 介词与动词的搭配 account for 说明(原因等) adapt to (使)适应,适合;改编,改写add to 增添,增加;补充add up to 合计达,总计 adhere to 附着,粘着 adjust to (使)适应于,把...调节到agree to 同意,赞成 agree with 同意,赞成 aim at 瞄准,对准;旨在allow for 考虑到 amount to 合计,共计,等于answer for 对...负有责任 aplolgize to sb.for sth.为...而向...道歉appeal to 诉诸,求助 apply for 申请,请求approve of 赞成,同意;批准,核准arise from 由...引起,由...产生arrive at 到达(小地方);达成,得出arrive in 到达(大地方) ask after 探问,问候 ask for 询问,要求assign to 指派,选派 associate with 使联系,使联合;交往attach to 系上,贴上;使附属,使依恋attempt at 企图,努力attend to 照顾,护理;专心于attribute to 把...归因于,归咎于back up 支持,援助;后退 bear/keep in mind 记住begin with 从...开始 believe in 相信,信任belong to 属于 benefit from 受益,获益blame for/on 责备;因...而受到责备boast of/about 自夸,夸耀,吹牛bring forward 提出,提议 bring about 导致;引起build up 积累,堵塞;树立 burn out 烧光,烧毁;烧起来burst out + n. 爆发,突然发作 burst out + V-ing 爆发,突然发作care for 照顾,照料;喜欢;宠爱 carry on 继续下去,坚持下去carry out 贯彻理论;执行计划 catch up with 赶上check in 办理登记手续 check out 记账后离开;检验,核查cheer up 高兴,振作 clear away 把...清除掉,收拾clear up 使变清;放晴;清理combine with 结合,联合,化合comment on 评论 communicate with 与...通讯;交流 compare to 比较,对比;把...比作compensate for 补偿,赔偿complain about/of 抱怨,申诉comply with 照做,遵照,应允conceive of 想像,设想concentrate on 集中,专心confine to/with 限制 conflict with 冲突,抵触congratulate on 祝贺,向...致祝词consent to 同意,赞成consist of 由...组成 consist in 在于;存在于consult with 商量,商议 contrast with 对比,和...形成对照contribute to 捐献,捐助,贡献;投稿control over 控制,支配convert to 变化,变换,转换 convice of 使确信,使信服cope with 对付,应付 correspond to 相当,相类似correspond with 相符合,成一致count on 倚靠,指望count up 算出...的总数,共计 cover up 掩饰,掩盖cure of 治愈,医治;矫正 deal in 经营deal with 处理,论述,涉及


七年级动词短语固定搭配 want to do sth想要做某事I want to be a teacher./ He wants to have milk for breakfast. want sb to do sth想要某人做某事My mother wants me to clean the room. want sth想要某物I want an apple. like doing sth喜欢做某事I like playing football. like to do sth喜欢做某事He likes to go shopping with his friends. like sth喜欢某物I like apples. enjoy doing sth喜爱做某事My brother enjoys playing football. enjoy sth喜爱/某物I enjoyed my winter vacation. have fun doing sth愉快地做某事I had great fun playing in the water. =have a good time doing sth = I had a good time playing in the water. =enjoy oneself to do sth = I enjoyed myself to play in the water. let sb do sth让某人做某事Lucy lets me go shopping with her. let sb not do sth让某人不做某事My mother lets me not play on the road. tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事Tom tells me to work hard. tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要去做某事Tom tells me not to play every day. tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事My math teacher tells us about the exam. tell sb sth告诉某人某事My friend told me the traffic accident. hope to do sth希望去做某事I hope to go to Beijing on summer vacation. hope +从句希望……I hope you have a good trip. It’s +形容词+of sb to do sth某人做某事真是太……It’s kind of you to help me. It’s+形容词+for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说……It’s good for you to have vegetables every day. be interested in doing sth对做某事很感兴趣Lucy is interested in dancing. be interested in sth做某事/某物很感兴趣My parents are interested in Beijing Opera. be friendly to sb对某人很友好My classmates are friendly to me. be friendly with sb和某人很友好My classmates are friendly with each other. wait for sb等待某人Jeff often waits for his sister after school. can’t wait to do sth迫不及待去做某事Summer is coming , I can’t wait to go to swim. work for为……而工作Do you want to work for a magazine? work as从事……职业My father works as a doctor. work with和……一起工作Do you like to work with other young people?


初中常用动词短语大全 1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出 2)be at home/work 在家/上班 3)be good at 善于,擅长于 4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细 5)be covered with 被……复盖 6)be ready for 为……作好准备 7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶 8)be interested in 对……感到有趣 9)be born 出生 10)be on 在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着 11)be able to do sth. 能够做…… 12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……) 13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气 14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意) 15)be famous for 以……而著名 16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求 17)be from 来自……,什么地方人 18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了 19)be worried 担忧 20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做…… 21)be covered with 被……所覆盖…… 22)be in (great) need of (很)需要 23)be in trouble 处于困境中24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做…… 25)be late for ……迟到 26)be made of (from) 由……制成 27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28)be free 空闲的,有空 29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床 30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……) 由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组 31)come back 回来 32)come down 下来 33)come in 进入,进来 34)come on 快,走吧,跟我来 35)come out出来 36)come out of 从……出来 37)come up 上来 38)come from 来自…… 39)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业40)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读 41)do one's best 尽力


高考常用动词短语搭配1.动词+about speak/talk about谈论think about思考 care about关心,对...有兴趣bring about引起,使发生set about 着手,开始 come about发生 hear about听说 worry about为...担心 2.动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away吹走 carry away拿走,使入迷clear away清除掉,消散die away逐渐消失 pass away 去世 wash away冲走 take away拿走 put away收拾起来,存起来give away背弃,泄露 wear away磨掉,消耗break away摆脱 send away让走开 turn away把...打发走 3.动词+back keep back隐瞒,忍住 hold back控制住 call back回电话 look back回顾 give back归还 take back拿回,收回 4.动词+for run for竞选 ask for要求得到 wait for等候 long for渴望 care for关心,喜欢 search for查找 call for要求,需要change for用...换 apply for申请 seek for寻找 stand for代表,表示 hope/wish for希望得到beg for乞求look for寻找 hunt for寻找 charge for收费,要价 take for误以为...是 come for来拿,来取 5.动词+down break down 出毛病,分解,拆开 bring down 使下降,使倒下 burn down 烧毁 calm down平静下来 come down 下跌,落,降,传下 cut down 削减,砍倒 die down (炉火)渐熄 fall down 掉下,跌倒 get down to do 致力于,专心于 get down 下来,记下,使沮丧 go down 下沉,降低 hand down 传给,流传 hold down 控制,镇压 knock down 撞倒 look down upon 瞧不起 pass down 传下来 pass down…to 传给 pull down 往下拉,拆毁 put down 记下,写下,平息 set down 放下 settle down 安家 slow down慢下来 take down 记录,写下 tear down 拆除 turn down 调小,拒绝 6.动词+at come at 向...袭击 run at冲向,向...攻击 tear at用力撕 stare at凝视 glance at匆匆一瞥 knock at敲门,窗等 smile at冲某人笑 aim at向...瞄准 wonder at惊讶 shout at冲某人嚷嚷 work at干...活动研究 look at看,注视 glare at怒视 laugh at嘲笑 point at指向 strike at向...打击 shoot at向...射击 call at拜访地点 7.动词+from differ from与...不同 suffer from受...苦 hear from收到...来信 die from因...而死 keep/stop/prevent from不让...做 learn from向...学习 date from始于...时候 result from由于 separate from把...分离开 8.动词+of think of想到 consist of由...组成 approve of赞成 talk of谈到 complain of抱怨 dream of梦到 speak of 读到 die of死于 hear of听说 become of发生...情况,怎么啦 9.动词+off start off出发 set off出发 leave off''中断 show off炫耀 get off下车 see off送行 put off延期,推迟 cut off切断,断绝 keep off避开,勿走近 knock off把...撞落 pay off还清 get off脱下衣服等 turn/switch off关掉 take off脱下,起飞 ring off挂断电话 come off脱掉,褪色 fall off跌落,掉下 go off走开,消失,坏了 break off打断 carry off携走,带走 give off散发出 10.动词+on depend on依靠


常用英语动词短语 1. 动词 +about speak/talk about谈论 think about思考 care about 关心 , 对... 有兴趣bring about 引起 ,使发生 set about 着手 , 开始 come about 发生 hear about听说 worry about为...担心 2. 动词 +away throw away扔掉 blow away 吹走 carry away 拿走 , 使入迷clear away 清除掉 , 消散 die away 逐渐消失 pass away 去世 wash away 冲走 take away 拿走 put away 收拾起来 , 存起来give away 背弃 , 泄露 wear away 磨掉 , 消耗 break away 摆脱 send away 让走开 turn away 把 ... 打发走 3. 动词 +back keep back 隐瞒 ,忍住 hold back 控制住 call back 回电话 look back 回顾 give back 归还 take back 拿回 , 收回 4. 动词 +for run for竞选 ask for 要求得到 wait for等候 long for 渴望 care for 关心 , 喜欢 search for 查找 call for要求,需要 change for 用... 换 apply for申请 seek for 寻找 完美 .格式 .编辑 stand for 代表 , 表示 hope/wish for希望得到 beg for 乞求 look for 寻找 hunt for寻找 charge for收费,要价 take for误以为...是 come for 来拿 , 来取 5. 动词 +down burn down烧毁 take down记下,记录 cut down 削减 , 砍倒 pass down 传下来 calm down 平静下来 settle down安家 tear down拆毁,拆除 break down 坏了 , 垮了 ,分解turn down调小,拒绝 slow down 慢下来 put down 记下 , 写下 ,镇压bring down 使... 降低 , 使倒下come down 下落 , 传下 6. 动词 +at come at向...袭击 run at 冲向 , 向... 攻击 tear at用力撕 stare at 凝视 glance at 匆匆一瞥 knock at 敲门 , 窗等 smile at 冲某人笑 aim at 向 ... 瞄准 wonder at 惊讶 shout at 冲某人嚷嚷 work at 干... 活动研究 look at 看, 注视 glare at 怒视 laugh at 嘲笑 point at指向 strike at向...打击 shoot at 向 ... 射击 call at 拜访地点 7. 动词 +from differ from与...不同 suffer from受...苦


常用英语动词短语大全 一、动词be构成的短语动词 1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名 be known for因……而出名 be known to为……所知 be known by凭……而知 The hill is known for the temple.LuXun is known to us as a writer. One can be known by his words and deeds. 2.be married to与……结婚 She is married to a musician...3.be tired of/with对……厌烦 He is tired of/with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life.4.be terrified at被……吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake. 5.be burdened with负重 He is burdened with a heavy load.6.be crowded with挤满 The shop is crowded with people.7.be dressed in穿着 She is dressed in red. 8.be experienced in对……有经验He is experienced in mending bikes. 9.be equipped with装备 They are equipped with guns and food. 10.be furnished with提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food. 11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) He has been engaged in writing novels. 12.be engaged to与……订婚


1、常用排比: 新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度; 重要性,紧迫性,自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性; 法制化、规范化、制度化、程序化、集约化、正常化、有序化、智能化、优质化、常态化、科学化、年轻化、知识化、专业化、系统性、时效性; 热心、耐心、诚心、决心、红心、真心、公心、柔心、铁心、上心、用心、痛心、童心、好心、专心、坏心、爱心、良心、关心、核心、内心、外心、中心、忠心、衷心、甘心、攻心; 政治意识、政权意识、大局意识、忧患意识、责任意识、法律意识、廉洁意识、学习意识、上进意识、管理意识; 出发点、切入点、落脚点、着眼点、结合点、关键点、着重点、着力点、根本点、支撑点; 活动力、控制力、影响力、创造力、凝聚力、战斗力; 找准出发点、把握切入点、明确落脚点、找准落脚点、抓住切入点、把握着重点、找准切入点、把握着力点、抓好落脚点; 必将激发巨大热情,凝聚无穷力量,催生丰硕成果,展现全新魅力。 审判工作有新水平、队伍建设有新境界、廉政建设有新举措、自身建设有新发展、法院管理有新突破; 不动摇、不放弃、不改变、不妥协; 政治认同、理论认同、感情认同; 是历史的必然、现实的选择、未来的方向。 多层次、多方面、多途径; 要健全民主制度,丰富民主形式,拓宽民主渠道,依法实行民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督

2、常用短语: 立足当前,着眼长远,自觉按规律办事 抓住机遇,应对挑战: 量力而行,尽力而为 有重点,分步骤,全面推进,统筹兼顾,综合治理,融入全过程,贯穿各方面,切实抓好,减轻,扎实推进,加快发展,持续增收,积极稳妥,落实,从严控制严格执行,坚决制止,明确职责,高举旗帜,坚定不移,牢牢把握,积极争取,深入开展,注重强化,规范,改进,积极发展,努力建设,依法实行,良性互动,优势互补,率先发展,互惠互利,做深、做细、做实、全面分析,全面贯彻,持续推进,全面落实、实施,逐步扭转,基本形成,普遍增加,基本建立,更加完备(完善),明显提高(好转),进一步形成,不断加强(增效,深化),大幅提高,显著改善(增强),日趋完善,比较充分。 3、常用动词: 推进,推动,健全,统领,协调,统筹,转变,提高,实现,适应,改革,创新,扩大,加强,促进,巩固,保障,方向,取决于,完善,加快,振兴,崛起,分工,扶持,改善,调整,优化,解决,宣传,教育,发挥,支持,带动,帮助,深化,规范,强化,统筹,指导,服务,健全,确保,维护,优先,贯彻,实施,深化,保证,鼓励,引导,坚持,深化,强化,监督,管理,开展,规划,整合,理顺,推行,纠正,严格,满足,推广,遏制,整治,保护,健全,丰富,夯实,树立,尊重,制约,适应,发扬,拓宽,拓展,规范,改进,形成,逐步,实现,规范,坚持,调节,取缔,调控,把握,弘扬,借鉴,倡导,培育,打牢,武装,凝聚,激发,说服,感召,尊重,包容,树立,培育,发扬,提倡,营造,促进,唱响,主张,弘扬,通达,引导,疏导,着眼,吸引,塑造,搞好,履行,倾斜,惠及,简化,衔接,调处,关切,汇集,分析,排查,协商,化解,动员,联动,激发,增进,汲取,检验,保护,鼓励,完善,宽容,增强,融洽,凝聚,汇集,筑牢,考验,进取,凝聚,设置,吸纳,造就 4、常用名词 关系,力度,速度,反映,诉求,形势,任务,本质属性,重要保证,总体布局,战略任务,内在要求,重要进展,决策部署,结合点,突出地位,最大限度,指导思想,科学性,协调性,体制机制,基本方略,理念意识,基本路线,基本纲领,秩序,基本经验,出发点,落脚点,要务,核心,主体,积极因素,水平,方针,结构,增量,比重,规模,标准,办法,主体,作用,特色,差距,渠道,方式,主导,纽带,主体,载体,制度,需求,能力,负担,体系,重点,资源,职能,倾向,秩序,途径,活力,项目,工程,政策,项目,竞争力,环境,素质,权利,利益,权威,氛围,职能,作用,事权,需要,能力,基础,比重,长效机制,举措,要素,精神,根本,地位,成果,核心,精神,力量,纽带,思想,理想,活力,信念,信心,风尚,意识,主旋律,正气,热点,情绪,内涵,管理,格局,准则,


常见动词短语搭配 1.break短语: break away (from sb./sth.)(脱离,逃脱,甩掉);break one’s word(食言); break out(爆发,突然开始,主语多为war,fire,quarrel等,不能用于被动语态); break down(机器、车辆等坏掉,使分解);break in(插话,强行进入); break into(强行闯入,突然开始);break up(粉碎,关系破裂,垮掉); break the rules(违反规定,相反含义的有obey the rules); break the record(打破记录,相当于set up a record,相反含义的有hold a record); break the silence(打破沉默) 2.bring短语: bring forth(生产);bring forward(将……提前,提议); bring down(降低,打落);bring in(赚得,提出,引进); bring up(抚养,提出,呕吐).bring sb. convenience/trouble(给某人带来方便/麻烦) 3.call短语: call at someplace(拜访某地,相当于drop in at someplace); call on sb.(拜访某人,相当于drop in sb. call for(需要,要求,接);call on/upon sb. to do sth.(请求某人做某事) 4.get短语: get along/on with(与……和睦相处,进展); get down to sth,(开始做某事,如:get down to business言归正传); get in(收割,买进);get on(进展,获得成功,对付); get off(下班,出发);get through(用完,顺利通过,接通电话); get to(到达,使烦恼);get up(起床,增强); get in touch with(与……取得联系);get rid of(摆脱); get into trouble(惹麻烦) 5.give短语: give in(投降,让步);give up(放弃,投降); give out(散发,耗尽,如:My patience finally gave out:我终于忍无可忍了。); give off(发出光、热、气味等);give away(分发,送给) 6.护短语: go out(送出,熄灭);go with sth.(附属于,同意); go mad(发疯);go bad(变坏,变质); go against(违背);go on(继续) 7.hold短语: hold back(隐瞒,阻挡,抑制); hold on(坚持,等着。不要挂掉电话); hold up(耽搁,支持住);hold an important position(担任重要职位) 8.keep短语: keep back(保持距离,抑制感情等的流露,隐瞒);keep off(回避某话题,使……不接近); keep away from(远离);keep up with sth.(熟悉,继续支付) keep up with sb.(与某人保持联系);keep on(继续); keep a record(保持记录);keep one's promise(遵守诺言); keep an eye on(照看,留神,留意)


高考英语动词短语总结 1.break 2.bring 3.call https://www.360docs.net/doc/da1293881.html,e 5.cut 6.drop 7.fall 8.get 9.give 10.go 11.hold 12. keep 13.knock https://www.360docs.net/doc/da1293881.html,y 15.leave 16.live 17. look 18.make 19.pay 20. pick 21.put 22.send 23.set 24.show 25.stand 26.take 27.think 28.turn 1.break break away (突然)离开 break away from 脱离 break down 抛锚,(身体)垮掉,出故障,失败 break in 闯入,打断,插嘴 break into 破门而入,突然…… break off 中断,折断,停止 break out(火灾,战争等)爆发 break through突破 break up打碎,(关系)破裂,解散,分解,放假,垮掉2.bring bring about 引起,导致 bring along 拿来,带来 bring back 带回来,使回忆起,恢复 bring…back to life 使……生动、活泼,使苏醒 bring down 降低 bring forward 提出,提前 bring in 引进 bring on 引起,导致 bring out 拿出,出版,使显示 bring up 养育,提出(话题) 3.call call at 拜访(某地) call back 回电话 call for号召,需要,要求 call in 招来,召集 call off 取消 call on 拜访(某人),请求,要求 call out 大声叫喊 call up 打电话,使想起,召集 https://www.360docs.net/doc/da1293881.html,e


四年级动词短语汇总(上册) turn turn turns left turns right turning turning turned turned go read goes straight on reads a book going reading went read take listen takes pictures listens to music taking listening took listened watch play watches TV plays with a toy train watching playing watched played

fly ride flies a kite rides a bike flying riding flew rode talk get talks to my friend gets on talking getting talked got play basketball do playes football does taijiquan playing table tennis doing played did row play rows a dragon boat plays chess rowing playing rowed played

drink draw drinks soya milk draws pictures drinking drawing drank drew make make makes noodles makes dumplings making making made made run jump runs fast jumps high running jumping ran jumped jump ride jumps far rides fast jumping riding jumped rode


一、词组搭配 1、balance between平衡; 2、difference between 差异; 3、link between 联系; 4、ambition for 雄心, 抱负, 野心; 5、sympathy for 对....的同情; 6、confidence in 对....有信心; 7、belief in 相信;believe in 相信; 8、success in 成功succeed in; 9、dependence on 依赖于depend on 动词形式; 10、emphasis on 强调; 11、impact on 对...的影响, 对...的冲击; 12、influence on 影响; 13、pressure on 对...有压力; 14、stress on强调, 重视; 15、advantage over优越于; 16、have/gain access to 接近, 使用; 17、attention to 注意; 18、attitude to 态度, 看法; 19、exposure to 动词:expose to 暴露于, 曝光于。 20、(in) response to 相应; 21、(in) accordance with 与....保持一致; 22、association with\ associate with 与....有关;

23、combination with \combine with 同....结合 24、compromise with 放弃, 妥协; 25、contact with 与....接触, 联系; 26、encounter with与....相遇 二、动词词组固定搭配 1、Break的搭配: Break out (战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发生,爆发;Break down 损坏,拆散,失败; Break in 非法闯入;插话; Break through 突破,突围; Break off 中断,中止 2、bring 和come的搭配: bring about 导致,造成,引起,产生; come about发生; bring back 带回,还回,使想起; Bring out 使出版;出现,呈现= arise; Come out 出现,出版,显现; Bring up 提出、教育,养育; come up 出现; come upwith 提出...想法;


常用英语动词短语大全 一、动词be 构成的短语动词 1.be known as/be famous as 作为 而闻名 be known for因.. 而出名 be known to 为... 所知 be known by 凭.. 而知 The hill is known for the temple .LuXun is known to us as a writer .One can be known by his words and deeds. 2. be married to 与.... 结婚 She is married to a musician . 3. be tired of/with 对 ..... 厌烦 He is tired of /with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life 4. be terrified at 被.... 吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake . 5.be burdened with 负重 He is burdened with a heavy load The shop is crowded with people .7. be dressed in 穿着 She is dressed in red. 8. be experieneed in 对.. 有经验 He is experienced in mending bikes.9.be equipped with 装备 They are equipped with guns and food. 10.be furnished with 提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food. 11.be engaged in sth 从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) He has been engaged in writing novels. 12. be engaged to与 .. 订婚 13. be about to do sth .正要做... 1 was just about to go swimming My daughter is engaged to a niee
