

Shenyang Imperial Palace

As is well known to all, our country is a vast, ancient civilization with a long history, places of interest are world-famous. The civilization represents the ancient and glorious culture of the motherland, and it is the symbol of the Chinese nation .We should carve 5,000 years of Chinese history in the heart, cherish the cultural heritage of ancient peoples left us, because it represents not only the image of the Chinese nation but the traditional virtues of the Chinese people.

As far as I am concerned, it is my honor to join this practice .I would like to share what I have learned from this practice with you. On one hand, it gives us a good opportunity to face the challenge. In the practice I introduced Shenyang Imperial Palace in English to the foreigner .Because the Shenyang Imperial Palace is a great magnet for foreign tourists. Nothing is more interesting than to do this for me .I was so excited during the practice. On the other hand ,as a college student ,especially an English major .I think it is necessary to have the ability to introduce some the places of great interest in English .What’ s more, it can practice our spoken English and promote the qualities of study.

I would like to show you the details about Shenyang Imperial Palace. I divide the paper into 4 parts .In the first part, I make a summary about Shenyang imperial palace .In the second part, I will demonstrate the history of Shenyang imperial palace .In the third part, the construction structure will be shown, it includes all features about the Shenyang Imperial Palace .The last part comes to the conclusion.

Let’s start at the first part .The Shenyang Imperial Palace is famous for the unique architecture art and special history at home and abroad .It occupies a land area of more than 60,000 square meters, comprising over 20 courtyards, 300 houses and 70 buildings. In the palace the building preservation is completed, and it is one of two big palace architectural complexes. It has her characteristics in the construction .At the present it is the most important tour spot in Shenyang.

Let me tell you the history about Shenyang Imperial Palace in the second part .In 1625 Nurhachu moved the capital city to Shenyang. In1634 Nurhachu began to construct the place and it was completed in 1636, after that it was expanded in the Qiang long and Jiaqing reign. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had come back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings .They were Emperor Kangxi ,Qianlong, Jiaqing and

Daoguang .Therefore ,until 1783 the palace was finally finished. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the two royal palaces well kept in China. As the capital it has left us many stories.

In the previous part, I will compare the features of Shenyang Imperial Palace with Forbidden city .In the next following part, I have talked about the features of construction structure in the Shenyang Imperial Palace .If you stand in the palace and you are careful, you can find the differences between the Forbidden city and Shenyang imperial palace. In Shenyang Imperial palace chambers are higher than halls, which is contrary to the style in Forbidden city in Beijing .Before Qing Dynasty strived for the power ,the manchu was a graze and hunt nation .By the influence of living habit they built the residential in higher place to fight against the wild animals and flood .this is the reason .At the same time carefully ,you can find the other two differences ,one is all of the tiles of imperial palace in Beijing is yellow but in Shenyang it was yellow with a green edge ,this because the monarch comes from the steppe, the green is the symbol of the grassland. The other is the plague of the imperial palace, the Chinese was in the right and the manchu is in the left .from this we can see the manchu focus on the left side before they move to Beijing. Each of the building has it is own story.

After talking about the differences between two palaces, let’s enjoy the features of construction structure in the Shenyang Imperial Palace. We can divide the whole construction into three sections: the east, middle and west. First I want to introduce the middle section .It includes five buildings ,the Grand Qing Gate ,the Feilongge ,the Xiangfengge ,the Holy Administration Hall and the Phoenis Tower .let’s enjoy the features of buildings one by one. The layout of middle section is similar to three Chinese courtyards .The first courtyard is the office area .It starts from the Grand Qing Gate on the south and ends at Holy Administration Hall .The main entrance to the palace is the Grand Qing Gate .We can see the large brand on the left and a structure model of 1:100 on the right. From the brand and model we can see the summary of the palace. In addition, the Grand Qing Gate is also called Meridian Gate. Because the emperor considered himself as the son of Heaven and the palace should be the center of universe .The Grand Qing Gate was built in 1632 and is was the place where the civilian officials and military ministers to present themselves before the emperor daily .Please pay attention to the gate .It ia a special gate .The special feature of the gate is the tile color .They are all yellow tiles but engraved with green borders .Yellow symbolizes the ground and the royal right while green represents sea and mountains .The combination of them means controlling the vast areas on the earth. The buildings to the east and south of Grand Qing Gate were the Feilongge and

Xiangfengge.The Hall of Holy Administration is the main building in the middle part of the palace and it was the center of the military, administrative affairs in Qing Dynasty and had witnessed many national ceremories. Feilongge and Xiangfengge were for storing music instruments. Holy Administration Hall was Emperor Huangtaiji's office. In front of the hall are Rigui and Jiangliang, which were used as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. In accient construction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area is in the rear .Behind the Holy Administration Hall there were the Phoenis Tower and the Qingning Hall. The phoenis tower was built on a terrace 3.8 meters tall It was the tallest building in Shenyang at that time. It is amazing watching sunrise in the morning on the tower and Phoenix Sunrise is one of the famous Eight fascinating Scenes in Shenyang. Look upward ,there is a board hanging up on Phoenix Tower and Emperor Qianlong inscribe "Ziqidonglai"on it ,which meant the Qing Dynasty in Beijing immigrated from Shenyang .There are 24 staircases on the Phoenix Tower representing 24 seasonal divisions point in Chinese lunar calendar .They often held some gatherings or parties here. Walking through the tower are the rear chambers .The one on the north in the middle was called Qingning Hall, which was prepared for emperor and empress. The other four lying on both sides were for concubines. The main buildings were different from other buildings with a door was opened in the wall of the east room and the other rooms were connected together like a bag. The beds are made of mud and brick and with fire and smoke tunnels were called "kang" in Chinese. In order to get heat and keep room warm in winter, we can see the people is so intelligent at that time, they created the kang for us. There is a pole standing on the ground for smoke through .Near the top of the pole there are many boxes filled with food for feeding crows. It was said that Nuerhachu was saved by crows .Crows are considered sacred in Manchurian culture though in Chinese culture crows are regarded as birds bringing bad luck. All the chimney were built on the rear of Qingning hall from the ground with 11 layers .they represented the 11 emperors from Emperor Huangtaiji to the last emperor Puyi .This chimney was the highest one at that time .In Chinese ,the sound of chimney "tong" is the symbol of unity. To the north further is rear courtyard called Yuhua Garden. It is a really beautiful garden. These are the main scenes in the middle section of the palace. .

After visiting the middle section of the palace, let us turn to the eastern section .Its representative building is the Great Administration Hall flanked by Ten Princes Pavilions .This part was built in 1625, and they were the earliest building in Shenyang Imperial Palace .Great Administration Hall is the place ceremonies and handled state affairs .Great Administration Hall

was built with eight sides representing the style of military tent and also Eight Banner military system. The ten pavilions was special, five on each side, they were the commander’s office at that time. There are a story about the military system of early Manchurian Period .Nuerhachu divided his troops in four parts and each part has its own color banner .the four kinds of banner :red ,blue , white and yellow .As the troops expanded quickly ,another four parts were added and therefore another four kinds of banner were needed .Then there were altogether eight kinds of banner .This was the famous army” Eight Banner Army” .What a special army it is!

In the western section, the Book Source Pavilion, Theater Platform, (Jiayintang), (Yangxizhai) and Nine Halls will be discussed .The western section was built in Emperor Qianlong's reign from 1782 to 1783 .The Book Source Pavilion is built in 1773 and the largest encyclopedia library in Chinese history. This set of history books is composed of seven sections, more than 36,000 volumes. We can see that Book Source Pavilion covered with black tiles .In Chinese history, black refers water .The pavilion was built for storing books and its biggest threat was fire .So black tiles suggest water covering it on the top as a way of protection .Good Proserty Admiration Study was for Emperor reading while the Theater Platform was for Emperor, his empress and concubines watching plays.

I enjoy this palace, in Shenyang Imperial Palace we can see the traditional architecture up close and marvel at the treasures of the imperial family and its court .It pays to visit, as if we came to a world full of stories. Every building has special style and feature. Imperial Palace is one of the cultural relics in China and it is the symbol of this city .It is a good combination of different nationalities as well as a tourist attraction. What’more ,with the development of society, Shenyang Imperial Palace was declared a World Heritage Site in 2004 .Today ,the Imperial Palace is a public museum and World Heritage site ,attracting millions of tourists from around the world . As the cultural heritage it has made a good effect to the society. It is the symbol of the civilization. As a citizen I believe we should spare no effort to protect Shenyang Imperial Palace from now on.

I was deeply touched in this practice. Because during the practice we faced many problems, but our teacher encouraged us and let us have the confidence to overcome the problem .She taught us a lesson, It was called “where there is a will, there is a way” .This statement means that if you are really determined to do something, however difficult it may be, you will eventually find a way to do it well .The important point is that you must have the will to achieve it .What an impressive practice it is!


沈阳故宫,是中国现存两座古代帝王宫殿之一,也是举世仅存的满族风格建筑群,具有很高的历史价值、文化价值和艺术价值。下面是小编为大家找到的一篇关于介绍沈阳故宫的导游词范文,内容十分详细,希望你 们喜欢。 【欢迎词】 亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好!我姓x,是××旅行社的一名导游,大家叫我“x 导”好了。首先请允许我代表旅行社全体员工向各位的到来表示衷心的欢迎。 接下来我将带领大家游览的是沈阳故宫,希望我的讲解能给大家带来独特的体验。 【简介】 沈阳故宫,是中国现存两座古代帝王宫殿之一,也是举世仅存的满族风格宫殿建筑群,具有很高的历史价值、文化价值和艺术价值。2004 年,联合国教科文组织正式将沈阳故宫列入《世界遗产名录》。 沈阳故宫位于沈阳老城中心,即沈河区沈阳路。初建时叫“盛京宫阙”。清迁都北京后又称“陪都宫殿”“留都宫殿”,并被尊为“国初圣迹”。它始建于后金天命十年(1625 年),建成于清崇德元年(1636 年),是清太祖努尔哈赤和清太宗皇太极营造和使用过的宫殿。清世祖福临也在这里继位称帝,改元“顺治”,并于当年入关,统治全中国。清王朝入主中原后,康熙、乾隆、嘉庆、道光等皇帝曾先后10 次“东巡”盛京祭祖,都到此“恭瞻”,或驻跸处理朝政和举行盛大庆典,并有所扩建。沈阳故宫是清王朝定鼎中原前在东北地区的统治中心,也是清统一全国后东北地区的政治和经济中心。 沈阳故宫现占地面积 6 万多平方米,分为东路、中路和西路三部分。东路建筑,为努尔哈赤时期所建,具有浓郁的民族特色;中路建筑,主要是皇太极时期所建,曾演绎过许多历史故事;西路建筑,建于清乾隆年间,以储藏《四库全书》而闻名。我们按照时间顺序自东向西游览。


沈阳故宫导游词(中英文对照) 门作为古代建筑中重要的组成部分,同样也是等级制度直观体现。如我们常听说的“柴门”,柴门是用柴木搭建的一个只有门框的门,这也是等级地位最低的门。再有单开门,**门。有钱有势人家的门要高出地面修建在台基上。我们眼前这座大清门是五间硬山顶的屋宇式的大门,中间三间为门,南北都设有台阶,两梢间有槛墙木窗,皇家的大门明显异于常人。大清门虽然只是出入宫殿的通道,但作为皇宫的门面装饰也力求华丽美观。除黄绿两色的琉璃瓦屋顶和檐下的雕梁画栋外,最引人注目的要算是墙体四角的琉璃“墀头”,每组都由上下相联的四部分组合而成,黄、蓝色调为主,间以红、白、绿等色,浮雕云龙飞凤,瑞兽奇花,鲜艳多彩,烧造精致,虽然不处于建筑的中心部位,却成为最亮丽斑斓的艺术杰作。这座门为什么叫做“大清门”哪?正统的说法是清朝的国号为“清”,宫殿的门又叫国门,所以叫“大清门”。还有个传说:这座宫门在建成以后并没有名称,只是叫做“大门”。后来崇德元年皇太极改国号为“大清”以后,听说明朝北京皇城的正门叫做“大明门”,为了针锋相对,克其锋芒,就把这座大门命名为“大清门”。古时上朝之时文武大臣按照文东武西排列站在大清门前两侧侯朝议事。在大清门的东侧有一座封闭的院落——太庙。所谓“太庙”即皇帝奉祀祖先的宗庙。清朝有太庙制度始于崇德元年皇太极改元称帝之时,前殿供奉太祖努尔哈赤和太后。叶赫纳拉氏(皇太极生母)神位,后殿则供奉努尔哈赤以上四代祖先,即猛哥帖木儿、福满、觉昌安、塔克世及其妻的神位。太庙建成后,每年逢

清明、除夕等日,皇太极都要亲自前往焚香祭祀。顺治迁都北京后,先是把太祖朝的神位移往北京太庙,原来的盛京太庙因为只剩下四祖神位,改称为“四四祖庙”。清朝历代皇帝东巡祭祖陵的皇帝在进入沈阳故宫之前,都要先到庙中向自己祖先的玉宝玉册上香行礼。 (中路)我们走进大清门,在右侧有一个沈阳故宫的微缩,可以领略沈阳故宫的全貌。穿过大清门我们来到了沈阳故宫中路的头道院落。我们正面的建筑就是沈阳故宫的“金銮殿”——崇政殿。兴建之初名字叫做“正殿”。崇德元年定名为崇政殿。崇政殿为五间九檩硬山式建筑,殿顶铺黄琉璃瓦,镶绿剪边,正脊饰五彩琉璃龙纹及火焰珠。其中请各位游客注意的是殿顶的琉璃瓦,有去过北京故宫的朋友一定会清楚地记得北京故宫的琉璃瓦是黄色的,而沈阳的琉璃瓦是黄色镶绿剪边。这是沈阳故宫与北京故宫的重要差别之一。我们走上台基。在台基两侧分别有用于计时的日晷,和存放标准计量单位的嘉量亭。此外台基上四口盛满清水的大缸大家知道是做什么用的吗?当然不是皇帝养金鱼的鱼缸。这四口缸被称作是“吉祥缸”古代称它是“门海”,是古代皇宫中重要的防火设施。那又有朋友问了,冬天北方的天气很冷,水都会结冰。没关系,缸下可以点燃炭火既可以化冰,又可取暖。我们走上须弥座。头上牌匾用满文和汉文书写的“崇政殿”,请看左边的满文,我们有个形象的比喻“中间一根棍,两边都是刺,加上圈和点,就是满文字儿”。沈阳故宫的牌匾都是满文在左,汉文在右。而北京故宫的牌匾都是汉文在左,满文在右。这是沈阳故宫与北京故宫的差别之二。崇政殿内现在的陈设是乾隆东巡后按照北京故


Shenyang Imperial Palace Hello, everyone! Please allow me to express a warm welcome on behalf of Shenyang citizens. I'm with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from now on I will show you around Shenyang Imperial Palace, where the founder of Qing Dynasty Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji lived. Shenyang Imperial Palace, Fuling tomb and Zhaoling Tomb made in the early period of Qing Dynasty are the three famous historical sites in Shenyang. Shenyang Imperial Palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 and was roughly accomplished in 1636 during the reign of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had come back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. They were Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. Therefore, until 1783 the palace was finally finished. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the two royal palaces well kept in China. The other one is Forbidden City in Beijing. Shenyang Imperial Palace was entitled "Historic Culture Relics Preserved Buildings" in 1961 by the State Council. This palace is an emperor museum combining the architectural styles of the minorities of Man, Han and Mongolia. This palace covers an area of 60,000 square meters, comprising over 20 courtyards, 300 houses and 70 buildings. The whole construction is divided into three sections: the east, middle and west. First let's pay a visit to the buildings in the middle section. The layout of middle section is similar to a Chinese compound with three courtyards. The first courtyard is the office area. It starts from the Grand Qing Gate on the south and ends at Holy Administration Hall. From Phoenix Tower to Purity and Tranquility Hall is the residential area. They all lay out on the same line. The main entrance to the palace is the Grand Qing Gate, also called Meridian Gate because the emperor considered himself as the son of Heaven and the palace should be the center of universe .The Grand Qing Gate was built in 1632 and it was the place where the civilian officials and military ministers to present themselves before the emperor daily .The special feature of the gate is the tile color. They are all yellow tiles but engraved with green borders. Yellow symbolizes the ground and the royal right while green represents sea and mountains. The combination of them means controlling the vast areas on the earth. The building to the east of Grand Qing Gate is called Ancestor Temple (Taimiao)with yellow tile roof, where Nuerhachi's descendants offered sacrifices to their ancestors for blessings. So Ancestor Temple is the most important. Please follow me into the gate. This path in the middle links the gate to Holy Administration Hall with Flying Dragon Pavilion (Feilongge)and Flying Phoenix Pavilion (Xiangfengge)on each side. The Hall of Holy Administration is the main building in the middle part of the palace and it was the center of the military, administrative affairs in early Qing Dynasty and had witnessed many national ceremonies. Flying Dragon and Flying Phoenix Pavilions were for storing music instruments. Holy Administration Hall was Emperor Huangtaiji's office. In front of the hall are Rigui and Jiangliang, which were used as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. In accident construction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area is in the rear. Since we have visited the place where the Emperors worked and now we'll pay a visit to the


沈阳故宫社会实践报告 篇一:沈阳社会调查报告 篇一:沈阳市社区服务调查报告。。12号 沈阳市社区服务调查报告 ---以百花社区为例 社会本111班 12号董方也摘要 社区服务作为一种面向全社区成员、提高社区居民生活质量的社会福利服务,在广东省不同的地区有着不同的发展状况与发展水平。在广州,社区服务有一定的资金保障与专业人员,服务水平相对较高;在东莞,社区服务更多地顾及外来工群体;在普宁,社区服务兼顾老人服务就再就业服务;在阳江,资金来源相对缺失,专业人员相对较小。在社区服务比较中可以看出,资金问题是基础,专业人员是关键,党的作用是核心。加强社区间的合作,加强社区间的资源共享,将有助于将来服务型社区的建设。 关键词:社区服务;比较;资金;老年人 abstract 前言 社区服务是在政府的指导与扶持下,在民政部门的倡导

和组织下,以街道和居委会为依托,以社区居民的自助互助为基础,关注弱势群体,面向全体居民,以提高社区居民生活质量为目的的社会服务活动。 但是,社区服务在呈现我国国情下应有共性的同时,服务的方方面面均存在这差异。在不同的社区,不同的经济发展水平,不同的社会文化背景,社区服务资金投入差异明显,社区服务水平差异明显,社区服务方式差异明显,社区服务特色也有所不同。研究探讨社区服务问题,如果单单对单一社区进行调查研究,由于单一社区具有若干的特性,因此并不能全面反映社区服务问题。 1、一、沈阳社区服务的现状 (一)、总体概况 就沈阳社区而言,社区服务发展已初具规模,但是,从社区居民多层次、多方面的服务要求出发,对比其他国家和地区的社区服务发展经验,应该承认,目前其发展尚处于启动阶段,社区内的大量资源还没有被发掘出来,发展中仍然面临一些困境。从有关资料来看,这些困境在我国其他城市社区服务的发展过程中也不同程度的存在,其带有一定的普遍性。 1、老年人服务


辽宁英语导游词 篇一:辽宁省导游词概况 辽宁省简称辽,位于中国东北地区南部,南临渤海、黄海,西南与河北省交界,西北与内蒙古自治区毗邻,东南隔鸭绿江与朝鲜半岛相望。辽宁地理位置优越,从地形上分为三大区域:东部辽东丘陵区、中部辽河平原区、西部辽西丘陵区,是东北地区的经济中心和交通、通信枢纽。 辽宁共有14个省辖市,省会设在沈阳。全省总面积14.8万平方公里,总人口4374万。 辽宁省属于温带大陆性季风气候,夏季多为偏南风,炎热短促,冬季多为偏北风,寒冷稍长。 辽宁历史悠久,古文化源远流长,是中华民族灿烂文化的发祥地之一。8000年前的中华龙在阜新诞生,7000年前的太阳鸟在沈阳腾飞,朝阳牛河梁红山文化又把中华5000年文明推向一个新的高峰。 “辽远也,远在九州以东。”因此辽宁最早叫辽东。战国时期归属燕国,根据当时的习惯山南水北谓之阳,因在太子河北面所以被称为辽阳。在清代被称为盛京、奉天。民国初期仍沿袭清制,直到1929年东北易帜后由张学良改称辽宁,取辽河流域永远安宁之意。 东北三大名山:千山708米、医巫闾山867米、长白山(吉林) 辽宁省沿海城市众多,港口密集,交通发达,公路密集居全国之首,

拥有中国第一条高速公路——沈大高速公路,是新中国工业崛起的摇篮。 现在沈阳造币厂生产硬币。 协调合作,遵守纪律是现代化大生产的必备素质,从而培养出辽宁人宽容、质朴、勤勉的性格,因此辽宁人会无遮无拦、不加掩饰的把喜怒哀乐传递给你。辽宁是出总理的地方,周恩来少年时代曾在铁岭、沈阳读书求学,李鹏、温家宝、李克强都曾在辽宁工作过。 辽宁的土特产和水产品驰名中外,主要有人参、鹿茸、五味子、林蛙、海参、鲍鱼、扇贝、老龙口陈酿、道光廿五百年贡酒等。抚顺煤精雕刻、鞍山岫岩玉雕、辽西玛瑙雕刻 辽宁省是中国文物大省之一,有世界文化遗产6处:故宫、福陵、昭陵、清永陵、五女山山城、绥中九门口长城(万里长城中唯一的水上长城、辽宁的第一项世界遗产)。辽宁省自然风光秀丽,人文景观和自然景观极其丰富:有精美的辽代建筑奉国寺和辽阳白塔,还有中国目前保存最为完整的四座古城之一的兴城古城(辽宁未来的世界遗产)等。辽宁是清王朝的发祥地,沈阳故宫、关外三陵(永陵、福陵、昭陵)、抚顺赫图阿拉古城等名胜古迹驰名中外。沈阳的张氏帅府及“九丶一八”历史博物馆、盘锦辽沈战役纪念馆,都著称于世。大连金石滩,、蛇岛、本溪水洞、鸭绿江、医巫闾山、千山、凤凰山、五女山、海棠山、盘锦红海滩、冰峪沟等名山秀水、奇石异洞,遍布全省各地,闻名遐迩。 沈阳国际冰雪旅游节,大连啤酒节、国际服装节,鞍山千山国际旅游


世界遗产景区的保护与可持续发展——以沈阳故宫为例-旅 游管理 世界遗产景区的保护与可持续发展——以沈阳故宫为例 李婉娜 作者简介:李婉娜,女,1977年5月,汉族,辽宁沈阳,硕士研究生,辽宁现代服务职业技术学院,讲师,研究方向:景区管理、旅游地理课程研究。 项目来源:辽服院级教改课题《“项目教学法”在我院《景区服务与管理》课程改革中的探索与实践》项目编号:20131004。 申遗成功后,面对日益增长的客流量,如何在确保古建筑和文物安全的基础上,对景区进行保护,为游客提供更优越和轻松的游玩观光体验,成为沈阳故宫博物院实现智慧化可持续发展面临的主要问题。本文针对沈阳故宫景区遗产保护过程中存在的问题,提出了自己的相关对策建议。 世界自然遗产和文化遗产是大自然和人类文明的杰作,是人类祖先留给我们的宝贵财富,有效的保护世界遗产,就是保护人类文明和生存环境。从上个世纪八十年代开始我国掀起“申遗”热,截止到2014年6月,随着大运河和丝绸之路成功申遗,我国共有47处景区被列入《世界遗产名录》,仅次于意大利,成为世界遗产的第二大国。沈阳故宫于2004年7月1日作为中国明清故宫扩展项目申遗成功,成为我国世界文化遗产中的一员。“申遗”成功十多年来,沈阳故宫游览人次由2004年的67万人次上升为2013年的128万人次,游客增长率为91%,接近翻番。2014年8月,沈阳故宫一个月内接待的参观人数达到26.5万人次,比去年同期增长21%,创历史新高。面对日益增长的客流量,如何在确保古建筑和文物安全的基础上,对景区进行保护,为游客提供更优越和轻松的

游玩观光体验,成为沈阳故宫博物院实现智慧化可持续发展面临的主要问题。 一、沈阳故宫景区发展概况 沈阳故宫又名盛京宫阙,是清入关前的帝王宫殿和入关后的留都宫殿,坐落于沈阳古城中心,紧邻中街繁华地带,是国内仅存的两座古代帝王宫殿建筑群之一。“一朝发祥地,两代帝王城”的清前文化背景下,沈阳故宫神秘而多彩,集满、汉、蒙等多民族文化于一体,是融合关东少数民族特色的古代建筑杰作。 上个世纪的沈阳故宫经历了四次大的劫难,从世纪之初沙俄侵略军对沈阳故宫的洗劫,到袁世凯政府强征珍宝,从日伪军队使国宝外流,到国民党政府秘密的转运,多灾多难的沈阳故宫到解放前夕基本已经成为一座“空城”。据了解,除了这几次“灭顶之灾”外,若干次小规模的破坏也使沈阳故宫雪上加霜。新中国成立后,沈阳故宫迎来了新生。党和政府极为重视古建筑的保护,为维护和修缮故宫的古建筑连年拨出专款,使过去断壁残垣、野草丛生的故宫建筑群重新恢复了黄瓦朱墙、整洁庄严的昔日风采。沈阳故宫景区的修缮维护在妥善保护历史古迹的同时还为博物院的陈列展览提供了必要的场所。随后,北京故宫向沈阳故宫调拨了大批文物,使得沈阳故宫文物数量迅速增加,现已达到两万余件,为了解和研究清代历史和艺术的发展,提供了宝贵的资料。后随着轿马场、南朝房、奏乐亭等附属建筑的收回,东侧宫墙外消防队的迁移等使得故宫景区恢复了较为完整的历史风貌。 今日的沈阳故宫,进入了一个全新的历史阶段。2000年沈阳故宫成为国家4A 级景区,2004年成为世界文化遗产项目。沈阳故宫占地面积6.6万平方米,是北京故宫的十二分之一,但是却集满、汉、蒙等多民族建筑特色于一体。东路建筑是1625年清太祖努尔哈赤时期所建,以大政殿和呈八字形排列的十王亭为主


沈阳故宫英语导游词 Shenyang Imperial Palace Hello, everyone! Please allow me to express a warm welcome on behalf of Shenyang citizens. I’m with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from now on I will show you around Shenyang Imperial Palace, where the founder of Qing Dynasty Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji lived. Shenyang Imperial Palace, Fuling tomb and Zhaoling Tomb made in the early period of Qing Dynasty are the three famous historical sites in Shenyang. Shenyang Imperial Palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 and was roughly accomplished in 1636 during the reign of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had come back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. They were Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. Therefore, until 1783 the palace was finally finished. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the two royal palaces well kept in China. The other one is Forbidden City in Beijing. Shenyang Imperial Pa lace was entitled “Historic Culture Relics Preserved Buildings” in 1961 by the State Council. This palace is an emperor museum combining the architectural styles of the minorities of Man, Han and Mongolia. This palace covers an area of 60,000 square meters, comprising over 20 courtyards, 300 houses and 70 buildings. The whole construction is


沈阳故宫 位于山海关外的“关东第一重镇”沈阳,清代称为“盛京”。在这座中国历史文化名城的古城中心,坐落着一处保存完好的古代皇家宫殿建筑群──清盛京故宫。 许多人都知道,在北京辉煌的紫禁城里有一座故宫,通常称之为“北京故宫”,而按照比较正规的叫法应是“明清故宫”。那么,沈阳故宫与北京故宫有什么不同、它们之间又是怎样的关系呢?简单地说,北京故宫是明清两代全国性政权的皇帝宫殿,而沈阳故宫则是清统一全国之前在东北建立的地方政权宫殿,也是清入关后的“陪都宫殿”。北京故宫建于明朝初年而沈阳故宫建于明朝末年,就明朝说沈阳故宫要晚于北京故宫;但沈阳故宫的皇帝是清朝北京故宫皇帝的祖先,就清朝而论沈阳故宫又要早于北京故宫。 当然,两座故宫在建筑规模、宫殿样式、装饰艺术、使用制度、典藏文物等方面还有许许多多的不同。沈阳故宫绝不是北京故宫的简化或缩小,而是在不同地域条件、不同民族风格的基础上形成的独具特色的宫殿建筑体系,在世界优秀文化遗产中具有自身的历史价值和艺术价值。下面,就让我们穿过三百多年的历史烟云,仔细地领略这座“关东汗王宫”的独特风采。 一、沈阳故宫的创立和发展 沈阳故宫始建于公元1625年,至今已经历了三百多年的沧桑岁月。其间有清朝开基创业的金戈铁马、康乾盛世的太平笙歌、清末民初的风云动荡和新中国成立后的重获新生,透过这里的红墙绿瓦,可以找寻到一幅丰富多彩的历史画卷。 1、满族的崛起和建国 在中国东北地区的“白山黑水”之间,早在两千多年前就生活着一个以精于骑射狩猎著称的古老民族,从远古到明代,他们先后以肃慎、挹娄、勿吉、末曷、女真为本民族的名称。建立沈阳故宫的满族就是由明代末年女真人为主体的发展而成的。 十六世纪末至十七世纪初,原本处于“各部蜂起、互争雄长”分裂衰落状态的女真人,在本民族杰出首领努尔哈赤领导下,逐渐走向统一,在明朝辽东地区重新崛起。当时的女真人分作建州、海西、“野人”三大部分,都置于明朝政府的管辖之下。其中的 建州女真、海西女真分别居住在今辽宁省东北部和吉林省东南部山区,除传统的渔猎、采集外,由于受临近的汉人和朝鲜人先进文化影响,农耕经济也相当发达:而生活在黑龙江、乌苏里江流域广大地区的“野人女真”,则仍处于比较原始的社会状态。努尔哈赤的家族属于建州女真宁古塔部,往在今新宾永陵镇一带。公元1583年,25岁的他因父亲和祖父被明朝军队误杀,起兵攻打帮助明军的苏克苏浒河部图伦城主尼堪外兰,在


沈阳故宫作文三篇 游览沈阳故宫作文(一) 今日阳光明媚,万里无云,到沈阳旅游的我们有幸参观了这座工业城市中的“中国第二故宫”。 沈阳的故宫实际上是清朝入关前由清太祖努尔哈赤、清太宗皇太极建造的皇宫,是中国现存完整的两座宫殿建筑群之一。沈阳故宫占地6万平方米,与北京故宫72万平方米的占地面积,简直是天差地远。但比起北京故宫的殿宇巍峨,富丽堂皇,沈阳故宫则更显玲珑有致,风格独特,结构紧凑,比北京故宫千篇一律的雕梁画栋更具特色。 沈阳故宫最独一无二的宫殿就是大政殿。这个宫殿是一个融和了四种族元素的建筑。它的屋顶是八角攒尖顶,屋顶和屋檐组合在一起,看上去就像是皇帝头上戴的帽子一般。表姐开玩笑地说:“如果我们去和这个大政殿合张影,就相当于把清朝皇帝的帽子带回家啦!”这一妙言反大家逗得捧腹大笑。随后,我们进入大政殿内部参观。只风宫殿正中央有一个金碧辉煌的高台,高台上设有一个雕刻着龙凤、祥云等图案的精美龙椅,龙椅在阳光的映射下,表面的镀金层闪着金光,异常耀眼,恍惚中我似乎看到了清太祖努尔哈赤坐在龙椅上,目光炯炯,野心勃勃,那锐利的眼神如同刀锋一般,他遥望京城,仿佛又在酝酿着一个新的作战计划…… “喂,我刚才听了导游讲解,很有意思哦!”表妹的一声“呼唤”把我从无限沉思中拉回现实世界。还没等我反应过来,(她)就不由分说地拉着我,带我去听导游讲解。“你们看,”导游指着大殿内环绕着龙椅并支撑着大殿屋顶的几根琉璃柱。“这几根装饰着精细、华美且具有象征性图案的琉璃柱,是典型的满族风格。”随后,她又领着我们来到大殿门前,“大家知道这座宫殿的哪个地方是按汉族的建筑风格来建造的呢?”于是,众人冥思苦想,却得不到答案。导游见状,便揭开谜底:“答案就是大殿门前的两根高大、刻有巨龙的红漆木柱。中国古代有‘以龙为天’的说法,所以在两根擎天柱上分别刻上一条巨龙。大家注意门前汉白玉台阶和栏杆上的花纹,这就是藏传佛教的图案了。”“还有一种族元素呢?”我不禁提问。“大家仔细观察,会不会觉得大政殿的结构有点像蒙


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/de16327284.html,) 〔介绍沈阳故宫作文〕 沈阳故宫始建于后金天命十年(1625年)是清太祖迁都 之际草创,清崇德元年(1636年)由皇太极建成。小编收集了介绍沈阳故宫作文,欢迎阅读。 ▲第一篇:介绍沈阳故宫 20015年9月份,我和我的妈妈、姑姑、姑父一起去游了沈阳故宫。 远远望去高大的宫门金碧辉煌、巍峨壮观。进了大门,里面的景色非常美丽,各种花儿都有,白的、红的、黄的、淡紫的……漂亮极了。广场中间还有大炮,那炮管很粗很粗。

一会儿,就到了皇上的宫殿,远远的就看见了龙椅,我想那龙椅大概是用纯金做的吧?因为我看到龙椅闪着金光。龙椅的旁边有两个大花瓶,花瓶上雕刻着美丽的花纹。大概是锦泰蓝的吧?那工艺非常精美。大殿里到处是金碧辉煌,富丽堂皇。看着大殿里的一切,我仿佛看到了那威严的皇帝坐在龙椅上,底下的臣子在那里三呼万岁。 宫殿外面的两个大柱子上也雕刻着两条飞舞的龙,那龙在云雾里翻滚,金色的龙鳞在阳光下熠熠生辉。 我们再去了后宫,那里是皇后的寝宫,那里也是非常富丽,各种摆设还是照原来的样子摆放。有桌子、椅子还有床,那床据说是用名贵的楠木作做成的,床板的四周都雕刻了美丽的花纹。 我们还游了御花园、皇上妃子们的寝宫。这里的故宫跟北京的故宫差不多壮丽。

▲第二篇:介绍沈阳故宫 沈阳故宫始建于后金天命十年(1625年)是清太祖迁都 之际草创,清崇德元年(1636年)由皇太极建成。1644年, 大清迁都北京,“沈阳故宫”从此成为“陪都宫殿”。“沈阳 故宫”是清太祖努尔哈赤和清太宗皇太极修建并使用过的宫殿,距今巳有360余年的历史。在全国现存宫殿建筑群中,它的历史价值和艺术价值仅次于北京故宫居全国第二位。它是中国历史上最后的一个封建王朝的发祥重地,也是清统一中国后东北地区政治经济中心。 沈阳故宫占地6万多平方米,有楼台殿阁各式建筑70 余座,由20多个院落组成,总计房屋300多间。故宫按自 然布局分为中路、东路和西路三部分。 中路:是太宗皇太极时期的大内宫阙。南端是大清门,也是故宫的正门。向北依次是崇政殿、凤凰褛、清宁宫,它们都排列在一条中轴线上,两侧还有一些对称式的附属建筑。


编号:沈阳故宫导游词英文版 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 X X公司

沈阳故宫为清朝初期的皇宫,大家知道怎么向外国友人介绍吗?以下是整理的沈阳故宫导游词英文版,欢迎参考。 篇一:沈阳故宫导游词英文版 Hello, everyone! Please allow me to express a warm welcom#e on behalf of Shenyang citizens. I’m with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from now on I will show you around Shenyang Imperial Palace, where the founder of Qing Dynasty Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji lived. Shenyang Imperial Palace, Fuling tomb and Zhaoling Tomb made in the early period of Qing Dynasty are the three famous historical sites in Shenyang. Shenyang Imperial Palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 and was roughly accom#plished in 1636 during the reign of Nuerhachi and Huangtaiji. After them four emperors of Qing Dynasty had com#e back from Beijing to this palace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. They were Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. Therefore, until 1783


沈阳故宫的英文作文例文 本文是关于故宫的话题作文文章,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Mukden Palace Mukden Palace is one of China's two remaining palace buildings, Mukden Palace covers an area of more than 60 thousand square meters, there are 114 ancient buildings, more than and 500, has been well preserved, is a contains rich historical and cultural connotation of the ancient ruins. According to construction layout and construction time , it was divided into three parts East , Middle and West . In West , there are theater, JiaYinT ang, WenSuGe and YangXiZhai, they were built in 1782, the emperor often read and watch plays on there , these houses are also used to store The Si Ku Quan Shu. In middle ,there are DaQingMen, Chongzheng house, Phoenix building, Qingning house built in 1627 to 1635, they are the places where the emperor deal with government events, hold a banquet and imperial concubines live in. In east, Grand Hall and Ten King Pavilion were built by Nurhachi in 1625. They are the places where the emperor held a ceremony and the BaQi minister's office.


沈阳故宫建筑图解细说(一)-----满族风格的帝王宫殿群 (2011-10-22 20:07:31) 转载▼ 分类:历史记忆 标签: 沈阳故宫建筑 图解细说 实景拍摄 历史记忆 原创摄影 杂谈







故宫英文导游词 北京故宫英文导游词 Ladies and Gentlemen: My name is ___ , welcome to the palace museum I am very pleased to be your guide. Before the visiting I’d like to remind you the museum is the fire-control area. Please don’t smoke . The palace museum also known as the Purple Forbidden City,it is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China. The construction of the palace started in 1406 in the Ming dynasty. It took 14years to complete. For five centuries, it continued to be the residence of 23 emperors till 1911. .At present, the palace is an elaborate museum that presents the Chinese traditional architecture and court treasures . In 1987, it was listed as apart of world cultural heritage by UNES CO Now standing in front of us is the Meridian Gate which is the main entrance for the Former Imperial Palace. It is so named because the emperor considered himself the ‘Son of the Heaven’ and the Palace the center of the universe, hence the north-south a_is as the Meridian line. Beyond the Meridian Gate we can see the Inner Golden Water River. Why did people dig a river channel here It has two reasons: first, it functions as decoration for the imperial palace; second, it is used for the fire control. The river is spanned by five bridges, which symbolize the five virtues preached by Confucius: benevolence, righteousness, intelligence, and fidelity. The river takes the shape of a bow and the north-south a_is is its arrow. This layout shows that the emperors ruled the country on behalf of Heaven. Now we have been in the outer court of the palace. At the north end of the courtyard ,one after another, stand the three main halls: the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony and the Hall of Preserving Harmony. Now let’s visit the Hall of Supreme Harmony first. The Hall of Supreme Harmony , rectangular in shape, 27 meter in height, 2300 square meters in area, is the largest and the most important hall in the palace comple_. It is also China’s largest e_isting wooden structure palace. This hall used to be the throne hall for ceremonies, such as the Spring Festival, the emperors birthday and enthronement, and the dispatch of generals to battles. On such coactions, there would be an imperial guard of honor standing in front of the Hall and e_tending all the way to the Meridian Gate. Just imagine, what a grand sight it was. The hall of the Central Harmony is smaller and square with windows on all sides. Usuallythe emperor rehearsed for ceremonies here.Behind the Central Harmony Hall is the Hall of Preserving Harmony in which banquets and imperials e_aminations were held here 。
