


Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.

It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil.The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.

So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly。






励志演讲稿200字(一) 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学,大家好! 我是五(3)班的***。我很荣幸当上升旗手,在我心目中,升旗手是一个神圣、光荣的职位。我是一个阳光男孩,虽然成绩一般,但我一定会努力学习,更上一层楼。我的兴趣爱好很广泛,有画画、写作、体育运动等等。我的愿望是当一位画家,用自己的笔画出祖国的千山万水,画出一草一木,画出一沙一石。我的座右铭是:立志读尽人间书,发奋识遍天下字! 我最盼望的事情是有一天能亲手把五星红旗升起来。今天,我的愿望终于实现了。老师们、同学们,我一定不辜负大家对我的希望,努力进取,为学校添光彩。 谢谢大家! 励志演讲稿200字(二) 两个人,两支笔,两支新的钢笔。 其中一个人拿着他的笔,全伸入墨水瓶里,使劲挤了很多下,墨水仿佛把笔里的每一个缝隙都死死地塞满了。笔外也沾了许多,纸都被它全浸透了。刚写下一行字,突然发现笔尖悬着一大滴墨水,还没反应过来,那大滴墨水就滑了下来。刚写的在完完全全墨水吞噬了,本子也不行了。真是赔了夫人又折兵啊! 另一个呢?恰恰相反——只挤了半笔墨水,笔外也没有沾多少,写下的字也好。这,多好啊! 相比之下,只是要多加一次罢了。 我在想——那第二个人,难道真的只是避免了废掉一张纸吗、一滴墨汁吗?那第一个人难道真的只是缺少了一张纸、一滴墨汁吗?…… 谢谢大家! 励志演讲稿200字(三) 大家好!

我是住在大森林中打的蟋蟀,今天我向大家说说我的住宅想有舒服的住宅,一定自己挖掘的,不可以随遇而安。 先慎重的选择地址,一定排水优良并且有温和的阳光,不可以用现成的洞穴,要从大厅一直到卧室洞里一定弯弯曲曲,在长也不过几寸长,一指宽,出口的地方一定有一草当做门,掩盖着洞口,洞里一定要干净。 屋子可以没有什么布置,但是一定简朴,干净,干燥,累了,可以在未完工的家门口休息,余下的时间修理今天做一点,明天做一点。 我不是挖掘技术专家,我的工具是那么软弱,人们对我的劳动成果感到惊其,其时是我坚持不懈。 谢谢大家! 励志演讲稿200字(四) 老师们,同学们,大家好! 今天我看了本《100个励志故事》的书,其中的故事都很感人,尤其是孟轲逃学这个故事让我有了很深的印象,故事告诉我们学习一定要不怕苦、不怕累,千万不能半途而废,要勤奋学习。像爱迪生说的:“天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的勤奋。”他告诉我们天才不是天生的而是勤奋得来的,象陈景润、鲁迅、范仲淹等他们的成功背后都付出了无数的艰辛和汗水。我在城市的宣传墙上看到,上面写着:“一日之计在于晨、一年之计在于春、一生之计在于勤。”这几句话使我感悟到在新的一年里要有自己的目标,然后靠自己的努力奋斗,去实现自己的目标,只有勤奋学习才能掌握更多的知识,通过努力做一名励志少年。 谢谢大家! 励志演讲稿200字(五) 老师同学们: 大家好!


篇一:英语演讲稿1分钟 亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 我想请问大家,如果我打开地图,请你为我指出,你最喜欢哪个国家?也许你会指自由自在的美国,也许你会指浪漫的法国,也许你还会指神秘的埃及。可是在我们的心中,却永远忘不了一个令人骄傲的国度,那就是我们的祖国——中国! 我们伟大的祖国是最大的国家之一。它的人口超过12亿。北京是他的首都。想必大家都知道,中国历史悠久,在1949年以前,我们曾是一个很软弱贫穷的国家,这些都已成为过去,中国现在是一个强大的发展中国家。事实证明,中国是强大的不可战胜的。 如果有人问起,我会自豪地说,我是中国人。中国我为你骄傲。 谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕! hello, everyone 自我介绍 i’d like to ask you to point out your favorite country if here is a map. maybe you will choose the united states for the freedom; maybe you will choose french for the romantic. i’d like to say that these are nice countries for traveling. but there is one country in the bottom of my heart, and i will be proud of her forever, that’s china---my motherland! our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. it has a population of over thirteen hundred million. beijing is its capital. it’s needless to say that china has a long history.now china is a strong and developing country. facts have proved that china is a powerful, invincible. if anyone asked, we will proudly say that i am chinese.i am proud of you-----china. i am a primary school student now; i know that all of us are the future of our nation. so, what we need to do is to study hard step by step, listen carefully in the class and do homework everyday so that we can dedicate ourselves to our nation when we grown up! that’s my speech! thank you for listening. 篇二:新大学生英语一分钟演讲稿 新大学生英语一分钟演讲稿 yes,we can this is for my people who just lost somebody, your best friend, your baby, your man or your lady. lift your head to the sky, we will never say bye. these are words of the song bye-bye. every time when i hear it, i’ll always lose myself in grief recalling the tough time we came through in 2011. the snow storm, the tibet issue, the obstruction to the olympic torch relay,the earthquake……time dates back to the day the horrible earth quake occurred in sichuan, tens of thousands of people lost life and families. i’ll never forget those days i sat front of the tv, moved by people never gave up under ruins even there’s little hope to survive. i’ll never forget those days most newspapers and websites were all in black and white. i’ll never forget those days i had my black coat on, writing down my best wishes to the suffering people. at the same time, i also remember those days my friends abroad told me that they joined in the protest against western world’s bias on china and the fight against the tibetan separatists. i can still remember the day when i went to see the torch


高中英语演讲稿 高中英语演讲稿1 Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,”Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.” Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go


高中生励志主题英语演讲稿 英语演讲能够促进学生口头表达和写作能力的提升。同议论文一样,英语演讲稿也具备论点鲜明、逻辑性强等特点,但绝不是一般的议论文。范文大全为大家整理了高中生励志主题英语演讲稿3篇,希望对你有帮助。 高中生励志主题英语演讲稿篇1 Dear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I\d like to talk something about English. I love English. English language is noe the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure. When I y mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs y colorful dream in the English etimes, I ade more and more friends as proved my oral English. I hope I can travel around the eday. I erica to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I y bike in Cambridge university, I , such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan. I knoe e too. 高中生励志主题英语演讲稿篇2Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody! My name is XX, and going to talk about today is in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I


200字励志演讲稿 自信与自卑、自负,虽然只有一字之差,但精神境界根本不同,结果也大相径庭。 自信是成功的第一秘诀,它不仅是对自己能力的信任,更是对自己所追求目标的坚定信 念。有了它,才能驶向胜利的彼岸。当中国革命处于低潮时,毛泽东坚信“星星之火,可以 燎原”;当敌人日搜夜捕,陈毅“屡不得脱”时,他满怀自信,高唱“血雨腥风应有涯”,“人 间开遍自由花”!陈毅的《梅岭三章》就是撼人心魄的自信之歌、胜利之歌!著名科学家门捷 列夫说得好:“只有自信,才能让人在最佳的心理状态下工作,而不致被怀疑吞食你的想象力”。 苏格拉底也说:“一个人是否有成就,只要看他是否具有自尊和自信。”总之,自信是指向胜 利的导航塔,是前进的不竭动力。 自负者与自信者也格格不入。自负与自卑都是极端心理,自负者在取得一些成绩后沾沾 自喜,甚至目空一切,妄自尊大。这些人就算是先前取得一些成就,也只是昙花一现。历史 上的教训值得我们记龋楚汉相争时,项羽在推翻暴秦的残酷统治的斗争中起了不可低估的作 用,但暂时的军事优势使他盲目自负,自封“霸王”,结果被刘邦打败,昔日不可一视的英雄, 落得自刎乌江的下常三国时的曹孟德折戟沉沙,覆军于赤壁,又是一个自负导致失败的教训。 由此可见,正确估价自己的长处和成绩,正视自己的短处和不足,划清自信与自负的界限, 对一个成功者来说真的很重要。 怎样看待自信、自卑、自负,其中充满辩证法。我们要相信自己,却不自负;要正视不足, 却不自卑。选择自信,战胜自卑,远离自负,这是新世纪的要求,是追求完美人格的要求。 “数风流人物,还看今朝”,毛泽东充满自信的名言,将永远激励我们前进。篇二:励志演讲 稿200字 励志演讲稿200字 > 【励志演讲稿200字范文】 两个人,两支笔,两支新的钢笔。 其中一个人拿着他的笔,全伸入墨水瓶里,使劲挤了很多下,墨水仿佛把笔里的每一个 缝隙都死死地塞满了。笔外也沾了许多,纸都被它全浸透了。刚写下一行字,突然发现笔尖 悬着一大滴墨水,还没反应过来,那大滴墨水就滑了下来。刚写的在完完全全墨水吞噬了, 本子也不行了。真是赔了夫人又折兵啊! 另一个呢?恰恰相反——只挤了半笔墨水,笔外也没有沾多少,写下的字也好。这,多好 啊! 相比之下,只是要多加一次罢了。 我在想——那第二个人,难道真的只是避免了废掉一张纸吗、一滴墨汁吗?那第一个人难 道真的只是缺少了一张纸、一滴墨汁吗?...... 谢谢大家! 亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在这条人生的长河中,我始终告诉自己,如果你是金子,到哪都能发光,只要你斗志昂 扬的面对生活、面对工作,你就会有所获得。 作为一名共产党员,,心中无不闪烁着梦想,那么现在就是我们努力实现梦想的时候了。 我们要做的有很多很多。纵使艰难险阻,也要努力前行:追求卓越,真诚回报,释放青春能 量,点燃创业梦想。或许我们成不了伟人,纵使我们平淡一生,但这都不要紧,群星闪烁时 我们同样灿烂,这样的平凡其实是一种伟大。 我选择了共产党,从某种意义上来说,就已经选择了奉献。青春不是人生的一段时期, 而是心灵的一种状况。如果你的心灵很年青,你就会常常保持许多梦想。大家都知道我们企 业的精神:务实、敬业、创新、高效,虽然我们工作在不同的岗位,但我们拥有一个共同的


大学英语一分钟演讲稿英语演讲稿 1 分 钟 this is for my people who just lost somebody, your best friend, your baby, your man or your lady. lift your head to the sky, we will never say bye. these are words of the song bye-bye. every time when i hear it, ill always lose myself in grief recalling the tough time we came through in xx. the snow storm, the tibet issue, the obstruction to the olympic torch relay ,the earthquaketime dates back to the day the horrible earth quake occurred in sichuan, tens of thousands of people lost life and families. ill never forget those days i sat front of the tv, moved by people never gave up under ruins even theres little hope to survive. ill never forget those days most newspapers and websites were all in black and white. ill never forget those days i had my black coat on, writing down my best wishes to the suffering people. at the same time, i also remember those days my friends abroad told me that they joined in the protest against western worlds bias on china and the fight against the tibetan separatists. i can still remember the day when i went to see the torch relay at hangzhou with heart shaped stickers on cheek. i wore the t-shirt with words light the passion, light the dream . when the torch passed by, we cheered go china, go beijing, sang the national anthem again and again, waving flags, dancing, hugging, clapping. it was the opening ceremony of xx beijing olympic games which shocked the whole world and told the entire human yes, we can. yes, we can, because we are united and brave yes, we can because we have trust and love yes, we can because we are the member of the great nation china


-1- 演讲稿(一) What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , sex or personality. Friendship can be pure. We hear , nowdays, however, how one can be cheated by friends. Many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money. It is doubtful that is real friendship. Having friends, one can be find happiness. If you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. When you are happy , they share it with you. They are also there for you to chat with at any time. It is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says" to love each other is easy but to make friends is hard", So, it is vital that we should get along with our friends. In my opinion ,it is a shame to deceive your friends . The world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship 翻译 友谊是什么?友谊是一种不需要钱或者物质来维持的人与人之间的关系。无论人们的背景 年龄 性别或者个性怎样,友谊的维系需要感情多过财富。 友谊应该是纯洁的。然而,现今我们常常听到的是一个人怎样被他的朋友所欺骗。许多人与人走近是因为他们拥有很多的金钱。而这是否是真正的友谊令人怀疑。 通过交朋友,一个人会感到快乐。如果你有麻烦,你的朋友会帮助你,至少会支持鼓励你。当你开心时,他们会与你分享。他们会在任何时候倍你聊天。 正如谚语说的:爱别人是容易的,但与人交朋友是困难的,这是一种奇妙的感觉。所以,与我们的朋友走近是相当重要的。我认为欺骗朋友是可耻的。如果这个世界充满友谊,那么这个世界将会更加美丽。 演讲稿(二)


高中英语励志演讲稿 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 高中英语励志演讲稿 Eagle acquired in a strong wind and rain in the wings, the plum blossom in full bloom in the cold weather assail the nostrils of the fragrance. In today’s competitive times, we will not be timid, looking over, we will learn to survive in the competition, in the face of adversity in life to write music. As a philosopher said: The above on the fate of the people, confidence is the key to the fate! Thorns in front of any problems, we will hold it constant. Xue-Hai vast, we have to do down the brave sailors, wind and the waves, the future together, the ancient saying goes: The trials and tribulations, as in Ru Yu. “Youth in the footsteps of firms


励志演讲稿200字 >【励志演讲稿200字范文】 两个人,两支笔,两支新的钢笔。 其中一个人拿着他的笔,全伸入墨水瓶里,使劲挤了很多下,墨水仿佛把笔里的每一个缝隙都死死地塞满了。笔外也沾了许多,纸都被它全浸透了。刚写下一行字,突然发现笔尖悬着一大滴墨水,还没反应过来,那大滴墨水就滑了下来。刚写的在完完全全墨水吞噬了,本子也不行了。真是赔了夫人又折兵啊! 另一个呢?恰恰相反——只挤了半笔墨水,笔外也没有沾多少,写下的字也好。这,多好啊! 相比之下,只是要多加一次罢了。 我在想——那第二个人,难道真的只是避免了废掉一张纸吗、一滴墨汁吗?那第一个人难道真的只是缺少了一张纸、一滴墨汁吗?...... 谢谢大家! > 【青春励志演讲稿200字】 亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在这条人生的长河中,我始终告诉自己,如果你是金子,到哪都能发光,只要你斗志昂扬的面对生活、面对工作,你就会有所获得。 作为一名共产党员,,心中无不闪烁着梦想,那么现在就是我们努力实现梦想的时候了。我们要做的有很多很多。纵使艰难险阻,也要努力前行:追求卓越,真诚回报,释放青春能量,点燃创业梦想。或许我们成不了伟人,纵使我们平淡一生,但这都不要紧,群星闪烁时我们同样灿烂,这样的平凡其实是一种伟大。 我选择了共产党,从某种意义上来说,就已经选择了奉献。青春不是人生的一段时期,而是心灵的一种状况。如果你(转载于:励志爱国演讲稿200字左右)的心灵很年青,你就会常常保持许多梦想。大家都知道我们企业的精神:务实、敬业、创新、高效,虽然我们工作在不同的岗位,但我们拥有一个共同的家,在这里,我们信守同样的共产主义精神,写下同样的奉献承诺,拥有同样的壮美青春。 亲爱的朋友们,这是一次演讲,更是一次告白。当我满带着青春的气息,怀揣着沉甸甸的梦想与信念站在这里的那刻,我的内心是如此的坦荡与激昂,那种难以形容的兴奋与紧张,我真诚的邀请你们一同分享。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! > 【200字励志演讲稿】 老师同学们: 大家好! 理想是人生的太阳,没有阳光的普照、生命的作用,地球就会变成石头。对人类来说,没有理想就等于没有灵魂。 俄国的文学家列夫·托尔斯泰说过:理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。张闻天说过:生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。英国心理学家和教育学家佛来明曾说过:人一旦失去理想,失去了精神上的追求,人类就变得无知,社会也将会变得漆黑一团。因为理想是信念、信仰、道德、责任、风尚、习惯所形成的一种意识,它直接支配着一个人实践活动的方向和效果。谢谢大家!篇二:爱国演讲稿200字爱国演讲稿200字 各位老师,各位同学: 大家好!


高中英语演讲稿一分钟 篇一:高中英语演讲稿一分钟 新一分钟英语演讲稿ladies and gentlemen:on behalf of my colleagues, i wish to give my warm eongratulations on thc holding of the photo exhibitionscenery of yunnan, guizhou and sichuan.talking of scenery and landscape, there are many similarities and contrasts between 中国 and canada. both have land masses that are among the worlds largest. both have some of the world s most impressive mountains, rivers and lakes. but each has things that are special to itself. the chinese are surprised by the fact that canadian fur traders of the early years were actually able to sail on canoes from the atlantic to the pacific through thousands upon thousands of lakes spread out from eastern to western canada, while canadians find the mountains drawn by chinese painters on scrolls utterly surreal. no chinese visitors would leave canada


高中英语演讲稿5分钟 篇一:高中四分钟英语演讲 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程: /(报名址)怎样准备高中英语演讲 敢于演讲取决于自己的精神,自己要有一种渴望表现自己的冲动,要有一种希望阐述自己观点的愿望和一颗热情澎湃的激动的心! 经常演讲,则要抓住机会演讲,寻找机会演讲,创造机会演讲!大部分高中生面子薄,总是抓不住机会来表现自己,更不用说积极的创造了。don’t be shy,just try! 如果你已经敢于演讲并希望经常演讲,那么应该要善于演讲。何谓善于演讲?善于演讲,就是懂得演讲的方法。什么是演讲的方法?我认为要想掌握真正的演讲方法,最重要的应该是懂得演讲不是仅仅的演讲,演讲是一种艺术,他是语言所迸发出的美的火花!要想掌握演讲的方法,你应该热爱演讲,你必须记住,attitude is everything! 演讲的具体技巧: 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英 1.在有了好的心态后,演讲稿就成为了第二要点。首先

你要明白,演讲稿不是普通的英文文章,它是一篇热情洋溢,激情四射的阐述你的观点的文章,它必须能够吸引听众的注意!一篇好的演讲稿应该能够很清楚的一开始就让听众知道你在说什么,做到这一点并不容易,因为有时太过于直接会让大家感到突如其来,应该有一定的缓冲。我看了很多外国名人的演讲后总结出以下几种形式: ①. 问候天气,然后转入正题。 ②. 寒暄。如:good morning!i’m very glad stand here and give you a talk. ③. 开门见山。如:good morning!today i stand here to talk about 有了好的开头,在演讲稿中,为了调动大家的激情,可以多运用排比句,在这点上美国的著名演讲家:martin luther king,jr.可以称的上是专家。 2.演讲稿写好后,你应该背过它,这是最起码的要求!因为如果拿着稿子去演讲的话,听众大都会认为你准备不充分,一开始就无法被你的内容所吸引。同时,这也会给别人一个信号:你的信心不充足。所以,背过它,背的滚瓜烂熟!这才能保证别人会被你吸引住。 3.背过了演讲稿,是处理它的时候了,什么地方该停顿,什么地方语气该加重,什么地方要快读,什么地方要慢读,都要细细斟酌!可以这么说,语气在很大的程度上决定你演讲的成功!


三分钟青春高考励志英语演讲稿三篇 导读:本文三分钟青春高考励志英语演讲稿三篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 1经典励志演讲稿We Are The World ,We Are The Future Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life. A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除把握青春演讲稿100200字 篇一:青春励志演讲稿200字 励志演讲稿200字 >【励志演讲稿200字范文】两个人,两支笔,两支新的钢笔。其中一个人拿着他的笔,全伸入墨水瓶里,使劲挤了很多下,墨水仿佛把笔里的每一个 缝隙都死死地塞满了。笔外也沾了许多,纸都被它全浸透了。刚写下一行字,突然发现笔尖 悬着一大滴墨水,还没反应过来,那大滴墨水就滑了下来。刚写的在完完全全墨水吞噬了, 本子也不行了。真是赔了夫人又折兵啊!另一个呢?恰恰相反——只挤了半笔墨水,笔外也没有沾多少,写下的字也好。这,多好 啊! 相比之下,只是要多加一次罢了。我在想——那第二个人,难道真的只是避免了废掉一张纸吗、一滴墨汁吗?那第一个人难

道真的只是缺少了一张纸、一滴墨汁吗?......谢谢大家! >【青春励志演讲稿200字】亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在这条人生的长河中,我始终告诉自己,如果你是金子,到哪都能发光,只要你斗志昂 扬的面对生活、面对工作,你就会有所获得。作为一名共产党员,,心中无不闪烁着梦想,那么现在就是我们努力实现梦想的时候了。 我们要做的有很多很多。纵使艰难险阻,也要努力前行:追求卓越,真诚回报,释放青春能 量,点燃创业梦想。或许我们成不了伟人,纵使我们平淡一生,但这都不要紧,群星闪烁时 我们同样灿烂,这样的平凡其实是一种伟大。我选择了共产党,从某种意义上来说,就已经选择了奉献。青春不是人生的一段时期, 而是心灵的一种状况。如果你的心灵很年青,你就会常常保持许多梦想。大家都知道我们企 业的精神:务实、敬业、创新、高效,虽然我们工作在不同的岗位,但我们拥有一个共同的 家,在这里,我们信守同样的共产主义精神,写下同样的奉献承诺,拥有同样的壮美青春。亲爱的朋友们,这是一


高中英语演讲稿5分钟 高中英语演讲稿5分钟: Hello!Everyone. Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance, we should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition, we should smile and appear friendly. After all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence. Another important step is developing more consideration for other. We should always put others first and place their interests before our own. However, no matter what we do, we must not gossip. Above all,


高中英语演讲稿范文 篇一:高中英语口语演讲稿 中学英语口语演讲稿 没主题吗? 你是要中学的还是大学的?第一篇: 中学版 ibelievemydream我相信我的梦想hellogoodeveningeveryone!mynameis....你好晚上好大家好!我的名字是 (i) msohappythaticanbeadmittedbymydreamedschool.thenewcampusgiv es meanewstartsoihaveadreamthatthefuturemecanriseoutthissmallw orld

andholdaplaceofmyself,afterseveralyears’experience.我太高兴了,我可以承认我的梦想学校。新校园给了我一个新的开始,所以我有一个梦 想,今后我可以摆脱这个小世界和举行地点的我,经过几年的经验。为了使这一梦想成真,我问自己,不仅集中了我的注意学习,因为我应该面对所有的社 会不仅是我的教科书或我的同学。ithinkcollegeisalsoasmallsocietywhereicanimprovemyself.fore xampleishouldlearnhowtogetalongwithotherthoughimaydisliketh em,orhowtodealwiththingsthatiusedregardasworthleand soon.. 我认为,大学也是一个小社会里,我可以提高自己。例如我应该学会如何相处与其他虽 然我可能不喜欢他们,或如何处理的事情,我使用方面的毫无价值的,等 等..thenisincerelyhopeicanfindmytruefriendssothatwecanstrug gleforour


高中英语励志演讲稿样本3篇 High school English inspirational speech sample 演讲人:JinTai College

高中英语励志演讲稿样本3篇 前言:演讲是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针 对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进 行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。本文档根据题材主题演讲内容要求展开说明,具 有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘 Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:高中英语励志演讲稿范文 2、篇章2:高中英语励志演讲稿模板 3、篇章3:高中英语励志演讲稿模板 篇章1:高中英语励志演讲稿范文 Ladies and Gentlemen: My topic is Honesty. As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News, I visited Dr. James Gilman, the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and we are looking at a dragon’s tooth. This is a true story. /chuzhong/chusan/ 65 years ago, James lived in Qingdao. Then he was only 5 years old. He often visited the


关于青春励志演讲稿200字 励志演讲稿 青春演讲稿 青春励志演讲稿 理想演讲稿 梦想演讲稿 态度演讲稿 励志语录 励志的句子 励志个性签名 励志座右铭

励志名言 励志美文 胡克-哲杨(上图) 人生路,处处风雨阻,莫畏难,有志事竟成.就是这样一句话带给我无尽的遐想.生活本来就是一条曲折而漫长的征途,既有荒凉的大漠,也有深长的峡谷,既有横阻的高山,也有断路的激流,生活本来就是一片广袤的天地,绝不会永远鲜花繁盛,蝶飞凤舞,它还会有风刀霜剑,冰雪封路.生活从来就不只是斑斓的彩梦,荣誉的鲜花,成功的微笑;它还会有酸涩的泪滴,紧锁的愁眉,和断肠的苦洒……

挫折像一块石头".对于弱者来说是绊脚石,让你却步不前,但是对于强者来说是垫脚石,使你站的更稳,更高……试问:天下谁能不走弯路谁没有遇到过困难,谁没尝国跌跤的滋味但是不管怎样,你都要去面对困难,拿出作为一个人的全部勇气和力量去拼搏,拼搏会使你潇洒地甩掉困难,会使你创造出新的自我,会使你的人生更加灿烂辉煌. 请记住:"人生路处处风雨阻,莫畏难有志事事成!" 什么是祖国?祖国就是我们脚下的这片土地和土地上的人们,是每一个中国公民,是我们整个中华民族。祖国是我们大家的家。 祖国在那里?祖国就在我们面前,就在我们的教室里,就在我们的校园里,就是我们每天面对的同学、老师、家人。祖国的兴亡是我们 每一个人的责任,是我们每个人每天的行为积累起来的。 中国是由56个民族组成的大家庭,各族人民互相融合成为 伟大的中华民族,创造了光辉灿烂的文化,为全人类的发展做出了

伟大的贡献。伟大的民族必定有伟大的民族精神,伟大的时代需要伟大的民族精神。民族精神是什么?诗人艾青写道“为什么我的眼里常含着泪水,因为我对这土地爱得深沉”,我认为这是对我们民族精神的最好解释,那就是热爱自己的祖国——爱国主义。在五千多年的历史长河中,中华民族形成了以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的伟大的民族精神。 中华民族有着注重团结的悠久历史和优秀传统。在历史发展的长河中,各民族人民之间相互融合,和睦相处,同舟共济,共同进步,孕育、培养和形成了一种崇高而朴实的民族团结意识。正是这种民族团结意识,使中华民族几千年来始终没有解体,始终没有屈服,始终傲然屹立于世界民族之林。国家的统一、民族的团结,是几千年来中华儿女的共同愿望,这种共同愿望,决定了中国历史发展的主流和方向。依靠万众一心、共赴国难的民族团结意识,中华民族无所畏惧地战胜了一个又一个困难,排除了一个又一个障碍,勇往直前。坚持民族团结意识,是中华民族生存、发展、繁荣、昌盛的根本保证。
