



【Abstract】According to the differences between punctuation marks in English and those in Chinese as well as differences when they are actually used, the article mainly discusses in detail the proper use of some common punctuation marks easily ignored in English writing, especially comma, semicolon and colon. And examples are given to show that punctuation marks are important and erroneous expressions should be avoided. So as to try our best to perfect the English writing.

【Key words】English writing Punctuation Rules of applying







(…),exclamation mark感叹号(!),full stop/period句号(.),hyphen 连字号(-),italics/underlining斜体/下划线,parentheses/brackets括号(( ) [ ] { } ),question mark问号(?),quotation marks 引号(‘ ’

“ “),semicolon分号(;),slash斜线号(/)。










John, James, and Harry have come.





While she is reading Gone with the Wind, I am cooking.(斜体)或Gone

with the Wind(下划线),或“Gone with the Wind”(引号),或Gone with the Wind(黑体),或Gone with the Wind(黑体加下划线),或GONE WITH THE





1. 逗号(Comma)“,”



(1)用于并列分句的连接词(and, but, or, for, so, nor, or yet)前。例如:

I have explained this work to Richard, but he still doesn’t understand it.


TV stations provide people with news, music, drama, sports and comedy.



This is Miss. Chen, the new director of our company.


When he can not use his eyes to guide his steps, he will walk

straight only if he takes a step of the same length with each foot.

The speaker, after glancing at his note, began to speak.




He decided that he will make his children’s decisions for them, because they are not mature enough to make their own.


“My car’s parked out side,”he told her.

It reads, “Wet Paint.”


On Sunday, April 12th, 2001. 2001年4月12日星期六。

502 North olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33402, U.S.A. 美国佛




Dear Professor,

Yours sincerely,




(1)两个并列的独立分句之间如不用连词(and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet),则应用分号。例如:

For fifteen years the painting stood in the attic; even Mr. Kirk forgot it.[2]


Autocratic power springs from the will of the ruler; but democratic power rises from the will of the people.[3]


Before he came, we had expected him to help us; but when he was with us, he didn’t do much.

Ishmael, the narrator, goes to sea, he says, “whenever it is a damp, drizzly November” in his soul; and Ahab, the captain of the ship, goes to sea because of his obsession to hunt and kill the great albino whale, Moby Dick.[3]

(4)用于由how ever, then, for example, for instance, namely, that

is(to say), in fact, e. g.等连接词列出的第二个独立分句之前。例如:

The painting was valuable; in fact, the museum offered five thousand dollars for it. [3]


Five students from Class Ⅲ won prizes in the competition; two

ClassⅠ; none from ClassⅡ.



Here you can do whatever you want: read books, play tennis, take a walk after supper and so on and so forth.(解释前一个句子)

He isn’t going to join our firm: we couldn’t offer him a big enough salary.(表示原因)


He offered me the choice of any one of the gifts: a ring, a neck lace, a car and a house.(列举的事物前)


Shakespea re said: “Neither a borrower nor a lender is.”(直接引语前)

In his famous speech he said: All men are created equal and must

enjoy equally the rights that are inalienably theirs.(较长引语)


The match began at 00:45 A.M.


Dear Mr. Hu:


He answered: “Ok, ok, look here.”


He has only one pleasure: eating.






1 赵国梅.封闭式英文标点的句法意义及使用[J].解放军外语学院学


2 阮继.中英文标点符号的使用比较[J].中山大学学报论丛,2002.22(2):294

3 Martin W D. Practical English handbook[M]. Houghton: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974:235~236、238

4 毛荣贵.英语写作漫谈[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社,1999:107

5 薄冰.英语语法[M].北京:开明出版社,2000:601~602

6 张道真.实用英语语法[M].北京:外语教育与研究出版社,1999:128

7 雷智勇.最新标点知识及运用[M].北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,1998:8~9

2016考研英语作文:标点符号使用规则 考研英语大纲对于考研英语写作的评分标准有明确规定,其中一项标准表述如下"标点符号反映语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,要视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。如书写较差,以致影响读者理解,将分数降低一个档次"。还有一些考生英语基本功不太扎实,在进行英语写作时甚至出现一"逗"到底的情况,没有养成正确的书写习惯。在此为2016考研考生编写此文,希望大家在基础阶段能够夯实基本功,踏实复习。 一、标点符号 标点符号有助于明确或强调句子的意思,而且,考研英语作文评分标准中要求考生在写作时使用的标点符号要正确,因而有必要学会正确使用各种英文标点符号。此处提出一些基本规则,在学习写作时应特别注意并牢记。 1. 结构完整的句子,不论长短,后面都用句号。 2. 不要用逗号连接两个并列句;应用逗号加连词,或用分号。

3. 把逗号和句号分清:逗号带个小尾巴(,)句号是个黑圆点(.),不是一个圆圈(。),中文的句号才为小圆圈。 4. 在疑问句后用问号,但在改为间接引语的问句后不用问号: "Have you done your exercise?" the teacher asked. The teacher asked whether we had done our exercises. 5. 感叹句只用在需要强调的感叹句或表示强烈感情的词语后面。不要用得太多。 6. 直接引语应放在两个引号之间。说话人和表示"说"的动词可放在引语前面、后面或中间: She said, "We have decided to take the exa mi nation." "We have decided to take the examination," she said. "We have decided, "she said, "to take the examination."

摘要】根据中英文标点符号本身的差异以及运用规则上的不同,对英文写作中常见的又容易被忽视的几种标点符号的运用规则,尤其是逗号、分号和冒号进行分析和探讨,并结合例句说明标点符号的重要性和正确表达方式,以提高英文写作的质量。 【关键词】英文写作标点符号运用规则 【Abstract】According to the differences between punctuation marks in English and those in Chinese as well as differences when they are actually used, the article mainly discusses in detail the proper use of some common punctuation marks easily ignored in English writing, especially comma, semicolon and colon. And examples are given to show that punctuation marks are important and erroneous expressions should be avoided. So as to try our best to perfect the English writing. 【Key words】English writing Punctuation Rules of applying 英文写作作为一种重要的交流手段,使用日益频繁。现在很多情况下都离不开英文写作,如学术著作、论文等,国内很多中文期刊也要求写英文摘要。但是许多作者经常混淆了中文与英文标点符号的运用规则,常常出错。中文与英文标点符号虽然有很多相同之处,但是仍存在很多差异。本文针对英文写作中常见的却往往又被大家所忽视的一些标点符号的运用规则进行说明。 一、中英文基本符号比较 英文中到底有多少种标点符号,目前国内众说纷纭,有的说13种(毛荣贵,1999),有的说16 种(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第四版)),有的说20种(薄冰,2000)。不管它究竟有多少种,总之,“标点符号是书面语中不可缺少的部分,用来表示停顿、语气以及词语的性质和作用”(《标点符号用法》,国家语言文字工作委员会,1990)。基于此,本文先对中文与英文的基本标点符号做一个简单比较,以说明二者的异同。 英文主要标点符号有以下14种左右(张道真,1999):apostrophe撇号(’),colon冒号(:),comma逗号(,),dash破折号(—),dots省略号(…),exclamation mark感叹号(!),full stop/period句号(.),hyphen 连字号(-),italics/underlining斜体/下划 线,parentheses/brackets括号(( ) [ ] { } ),question mark问号(?),quotation marks 引号(‘ ’ “ “),semicolon分号(;),slash斜线号(/)。 中文主要标点符号有16种左右(雷智勇,1998):点号7种:逗号、顿号、分号、冒号、句号、问号、感叹号;标号有9种:引号、括号、破折号、省略号、间隔号、单书名号、双书名号、着重号和连接号。 对比《标点符号用法》(国家语言文字工作委员会,1990)和文献,[1,2]我们会发现中英文标点符号的一些异同点。有些标点符号它们从形式到功能,中文和英文都相似,如句号、问号、感叹号、冒号、分号、引号、圆括号;有些却有所差异。例如:省略号、破折号、连接号、间隔号等,中文和英文的书写格式有差别;顿号、书名号等,仅中文所特有;撇号、斜线号等,为英文所特有;而逗号、方括号等,中文和英文的用法有较大的差异。限于篇幅,本文就英文写作中常常出错而又容易被大家所忽视的五个标点符号,具体谈谈其运用规则。 二、英文中没有而常被错用的符号 1.顿号(、) 英语里没有顿号,表示并列的词语或结构时英语用逗号。例如: John, James, and Harry have come. 2.书名号(《》)

正确规范使用英语标点符号 一、什么时候要大写? 1.在句子的开头 It's cold today. 2.第一人称“I” I live in a big city. 3.专有名词 - names and titles: Sarah, Mr Stevens, Doctor Roberts - places and countries: London, England, - nationalities and languages: He is French, She speaks Italian - companies, products and brands: Microsoft, Coca Cola - institutions: The Ashmolean Museum, The Department of Trade - religions and religious festivals: Christianity, Ramadan - abbreviated names: The BBC 4.书名、广播电视节目、报纸和杂志名称 The Simpsons, The Times. 5.星期和月份 Wednesday, August 10th. 6.历史时期或事件 The Russian Revolution 7.河流山川和其他地理区域 The Amazon, The Middle East

8.地址 Flat 2, 16 London Road. 二、什么时候用逗号? 1.在列表中区分单独的项 We need coffee, tea, sugar and milk. 美式:"We need coffee, tea, sugar, and milk." 注意:英式英语通常不会在"and”之前使用逗号,不过在美式英语中是可以的噢。 2.区分意义上的从句 Do you know the answer, or should I ask Tony? 注意:如果从句太短,就不必使用逗号了。 "I was tired so I went home." 3.在介绍性短语后 Unfortunately, I cannot send you the information. 4.在主句中的插入语前后 Some children,if they are gifted, attend special schools. 5.在非限制性定语从句前后 The factory workers, who were in a meeting, decided to accept the pay offer. = All the factory workers were in a meeting. 注意:限制性定语从句不使用逗号。 6.数字中 5, 890, 2811 10, 050

英文论文写作中标点符号应注意的事项 Punctuation Bad punctuation can often make even the best writing unintelligible. On the other hand, good punctuation can make your meaning clear and your language effective. English punctuation generally differs from that of other European languages; even though there is often considerable room for personal preferences, a mastery of the basic rules is indispensable. There is one overriding principle: to use the bare minimum of punctuation necessary to keep the writing intelligible. The following list of rules makes no claim to exhaustiveness. I. The Apostrophe (‘) 1. men’s, women’s, children’s, people’s It is correct to write this area’s problems, meaning “the problems of this area”, and these areas’ problems, meaning “the problems of these areas”: in fact, putting apostrophes anywhere else would be wrong. But the plurals of man, woman, and child are exceptions to this general rule: thus we write the men’s wives, the women’s husbands, the children’s mothers, and nothing else. Another important exception is the word people when it denotes the plural of “person”: thus we would write these people’s behavior, meaning “the behavior of these persons”, but these peoples’ behavior, meaning “the behavior of these peoples” (i.e. eth nic groups). Other irregular plurals are treated in the same way as men, women, children, and people: above all the plurals of ox, sheep, goose and mice (e.g. the oxen’s pasture, the sheep’s wool, the geese’s flight, the mice’s tails).

《美国大学英语写作》中标点符号的使用规则 一、标点符号的运用 1.引号的用法 (1)用于引用某说话人或作者的话 1)被引用的句子首字母需要大写 e.g. Ben Franklin wrote, “To lengthen thy life lessen thy meals.” 2)如果引用部分被隔开,后半部分的引用部分首字母不需要大些,除非前一部分的话已经说完整而引用的后半部分又是另一个新句子 e.g. “Did you know,” said the nutrition expert, “that it?s healthier to be ten pounds overweight ?” “If I go with you to the dinner party,” my friend said, “you must promise not to di scuss politics.” 3)引用部分如需和句子其他部分隔开要使用逗号 4)引号总位于句子标点符号的外面 (2)用于标出短篇作品的名称 文章标题、报纸、杂志、书名等一般需要用引号标出,也可以在名称下加下划线。在使用电脑写作时,可以用斜体字来表示这些名称。 e.g. the article “The Problem of Acid Rain” in the magazine Newsweek (3)话里有话,或者话里需要引用使用单引号 e.g. The physics professor said, “For class on Friday, do the problems at the end o f the chapter titled …Work and Energy.?” 2.逗号的用法 (1)在并列句中,连词(and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet)的前面用逗号: He asked the question in a loud voice, but no one answered.

英国英语和美国英语标点符号的差异 1.引号的用法:①属于引语的逗号、句号在美国英语中位于引号内,而在英国英语中多位于引号外;②引语内再套用引语时,美国英语中双引号在外单引号在内,而英国英语中的单引号在外、双引号在内。 在美国英语中,如果省略号恰好在句尾,就用四个点,如I…d like to...that is...if you don…t mind.... 2.冒号的用法:①在小时与分钟之间,美国英语多用冒号,英国英语多用句号;②美国 英语中,信件或演说词的称呼语之后用冒号,而在英国英语中多用逗号。 中英文标点符号的差异 汉语中目前使用的标点符号是参考借鉴西文的标点体系而制定的,它既保留了西文标点的 主体特征,又带有与汉语语言特点相适应的特色。因而,中英文标点符号之间存在着一定的差异。 ⒈汉语中的某些标点符号为英语所没有。 ⑴顿号(、):顿号在汉语中起分割句子中的并列成分的作用;英语中没有顿号,分割句中的并列成分多用逗号。如: She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box. 注意:类似的情况下,最后一个逗号后可加and,这个逗号也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box. ⑵书名号(《》):英文没有书名号,书名、报刊名用斜体或者下划线表示。如: Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》 Winter…s Tale / Winter…s Tale 《冬天的童话》 The New Y ork Times / The New Y ork Times 《纽约时报》 另外,英语中文章、诗歌、乐曲、电影、绘画等的名称和交通工具、航天器等的专有名词也常用斜体来表示。 ⑶间隔号(?):汉语有间隔号,用在月份和日期、音译的名和姓等需要隔开的词语的正中 间,如"一二?九"、"奥黛丽?赫本(人名)"等。英语中没有汉语的间隔号,需要间隔时多用逗点。 ⑷着重号:有时汉语用在文字下点实心圆点表示需要强调的词语,这些实心点就是着重号。而英语中没有这一符号,需强调某些成分时可借助文字斜体、某些强调性词汇、特殊句型、标点停顿等多种方法。 ⒉英语中的某些标点符号为汉语所没有。 ⑴撇号--Apostrophe(…) ⑵连字号--Hyphen(-) ⑶斜线号—V irgule or Slash(/):该符号主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于标音,如bed /bed/。 ⒊某些符号在汉英两种语言中的形式不同。 ⑴中文的句号是空心圈(。) 英文的句号是实心点(.)。

英语写作中标点符号的正确使用 跟汉语写作一样,标点符号在英语书面表达中同样表示句子与句子之间和句子成分之间的关系,从而使所表达的内容清楚明白,使读者容易理解。常用到的标点符号主要有以下几种:句号. 一般用于句尾,表示一句话说完后的停顿,主要用于陈述句,以及一些缩略词中。?如: Kn owledge comes from practice。知识来自实践。?Mr., No。等?逗号,?较多使用于句中,表示短促的停顿。如:?He comes in,found a seat,sat downand began tolisten carefully。他进来,找了个位子,坐下,开始认真听起来.问号??用在各种疑问句句尾,以及一些表示强调的祈使句句尾。 如:What would youprefer, coffee ortea?你想要点什么,咖啡还是茶??Be quiet, please! 大家请安静!?惊叹号!?主要用在感叹句句尾。?如:What an h onest boy Joe is!?分号;?表示停顿,这一停顿比逗号长,同时要比句号短。一般用于连接两个意思相关的分句。?如: It was getting dark; we must leave at once. 天快黑了,我们得马上走。?冒号: 一般用于直接引语前,列举事项及解释前文。 如:Mumsaidto us: “youmustgoto bedbefore 10:00p。m.”?妈妈对我们说:“你们十点以前必须上床睡觉。” Thereare three things I like most: reading,playing thepianoand surfing on the Internet.?我最喜欢的事情有三件:读书、弹钢琴、上网。?We learn foreign language for a clear purpose:to learnmore and help ourselves。?我们学习外语有一个明确的目标:多学,帮助我们自己。 引号“ " 用于直接引语,引用别人说过的话,及书名、剧句等,此外还用在一个词或者短语两端,引起注意,表示强调。?如:She said:“I have called you,but you were out。”?她说,“我给你打过电话,可你不在家。" I have seen the film“ WaterlooBridge” twice.?电影《魂断蓝桥》我看过两次. How do you spell theword“dollar”? “dollar”这个词怎么拼??破折号 --- ?一般用于解释前文,?如:The suggestions-——both Li Ming’s and minewere accep

英语写作里标点符号用法总结 ⑴考研英语写作标点符号用法:句号 句号,通常表示一句话已经说完了,这个阶段告一段落了,所以它的英文是period.句号通常用于以下情况:. Semicolon 分号 ①陈述句后; ②语气缓和的祈使句; ③间接问句后; ④省略词后一般用句号,此时的句号叫缩写符,如Mr. Dr.,这时这个缩写符是要加的;但是像不加”.”也是可以的。 ⑵考研英语写作标点符号用法:逗号 当一句话还没有说完时,可以使用逗号表示停顿。但是在英语中,绝不能用逗号连接两个句子,要想连接一定要使用连词才可以。逗号常用于以下情形: ①并列句中,连词前面用逗号。但只有逗号,没有单词是不可以的。如: When I open the door, I find some food on the table. ②状语从句或短语,放在主句的主语前面时,要用逗号。如: To catch the bus, I get up early. ③插入语前后应用逗号,如: She, I think, is a beautiful lady.

④日期当中使用逗号,英文的日期表达顺序和中文不一样,中文通常是从大到小,而英文通常是从小到大。如:月,日,年May 1,20XX;日,月,年 1 May, 20XX-7-6 ⑤非限制性定语从句中,也需要用逗号将主句和从句分隔开。如: As is known, the moon goes around the earth. ⑶考研英语写作标点符号用法:顿号 英文中无顿号,想要表示停顿,只能使用逗号,这是中文和英文差距非常大的地方。 ⑷考研英语写作标点符号用法:问号 问号是表示提问的。通常在疑问句后用问号,若疑问句被改为间接引语的话,就不用问号。 ⑸考研英语写作标点符号用法:感叹号 感叹号在考研英语写作中要少用。因为通常感叹句、祈使句后感叹号比较多。而考研英语作文多为议论文,态度较客观,所以应该少用感叹句。 ⑹考研英语写作标点符号用法:引号 引号,主要出现在引语中。当引用别人的话的时候,可以使用这个符号。 以上这些标点符号是我们在考研英语写作中会经常用到的,虽然较为简单,但不能轻视,须知“千里之堤,毁于蚁穴”,只有充分掌握,才能不出现一系列的因果性问题。老师祝“天下有

标点(Punctuation)好好玩 一、Apostrophe (')省字符号、所有格符号 这个标点在中文里是没有的;但在英文里却随处可见。主要用在下列几方面: * 表示所有格(所有格的变化也不少,详细情形容后再谈) * 缩写式 * 表示一些数字、字母、日期、缩写的复数形式 1.1 所有格(Possessives):(注意:下列所有格只用在动物方面) 1.1.1 在名词(有生命的)后加上's 表示单数所有格: 1. Sarah's coat is black.莎拉的外套是黑色的。(Sarah's=莎拉的) 2. The boy's hat.(这男孩有一顶帽子) 3. The boy's hats.(这男孩有好几顶帽子) 4. Jones's office.(Jones 只有一个音节,结尾是s, 所有格加's) 5. Jones'sweet tooth is legendary. (Jones 的结尾是s, 而接下来的词又以s开始,那么,所有格就只加' 喔,真好玩!) 6. Moses' mouth is wide. (Moses 的尾音有重复的z音,所有格只加') 7. Louis' candy is sticky. (Louis有不止一个音节,结尾s,所有格只加' 。为什么呢?好玩极了!) 8. My mother-in-law's house.(monther-in-law 之类的复合名词,所有格's加在结尾处) 9.The Surgeon General's report is due soon. (Surgeon General是复合词,同上。) ======= 哎呀!是不是觉得很乱?让我们归纳一下: A. 一般单数名词(有生命的!),所有格只在结尾加's (第1-3句) B. 如果单数名词尾是s, 或ce,所有格只加'或's (第4句) C. 如果单数名词尾是s, 而跟着是以S开头的词,所有格只加' (第5句) D. 如果单数名词尾音有重复的s或z音,或是eez音,所有格只加' (第6句) E. 如果B项的名词只有一个音节(syllable),所有格只能加's(第4句) F. 如果B项的名词有二个以上音节,所有格则只加'(第7句) G. 复合词类处理法同A。(第8-9句) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1.1.2二人(或其他动物)以上的所有格表示法: 1. The boys' shoes.(在复数boys尾加上'而不是's 喔) 2. The women's bags. (woman 的复数是women, 所有格是's) 3. The children's caps. (child 的复数是children,和women同类型,所有格加

盘点英语写作中标点符号的使用技巧 【 - 英语写作指导】 英语四六级写作中标点符号的使用技巧 I have recently received some enquiries from new clients asking me to help them with their writing skills in English。 最近,我收到一些客户的询问,请求我帮助他们解决英语写作技巧的问题。 This gave me an idea of starting a new series entitled English Writing Skills. In this series I will explore the different techniques that are required to produce good writing both in academia and business. The areas I plan to cover will vary from developing arguments through the use of linkers, punctuation, spelling and correct register (formal versus informal)。 这让我有了开始一系列名为英语写作技巧的主意。在这个系列中,我将提出不同的写作技巧,能够满足学术和商业领域的写作需求。这个系列我计划通过连接词、标点符号、拼写和准确定位(正规和不正规比较)来覆盖各种不同的论据。 If there are any aspects of writing that you’d like me to write about, please do let me know and I will happily add it to the series。 如果你想要我说明关于写作的某些方面,请告诉我,我非常乐意

Punctuation 1.period|full stop。用于陈述句和间接疑问句中 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e417941121.html,ma,①用于每一个单词,词组,或者从句后面 ②主句前面的状语要用逗号隔开 ③并列句用逗号隔开 ④在用于镶嵌句中不影响原句意义的非限定词短语分句前后 ⑤在直接引用前面用逗号隔开 3.semicolon;①分隔没有并列连词连接的两个关系紧密的独立分句 ②当连接副词连接两个独立分句分号置于连接副词前后面是逗号 ③分隔已经包含逗号的一系列项 4.colon:①在一个完整的句子后面的解释和列举 ②连接两个独立的分句第二句是对前一句的解释或总结 ③时间,比赛分数,圣经的章节以及商业的问候语 5.quotation marks“”①引号里面还有引句的时候用单引号区别 ②短的出版物加双引号(文章) ③表示特殊意义的词用双引号 6.underlining and italics(用于印刷品) 7.dash---a pair of hyphens①用于表达突然间的停止在想法里或者语调上 ②引导对之前一系列总结的从句这些名词是从句主语 ③解释前文 8.hyphen- 9.ellipsis points… 10.apostrophe’ 11.brackets[] 12.parentheses() 13.exclamation marks! 14.question marks? 15.slash/ diction 1.definition of diction 2.level of words ①formal words a use b structure ②common words ③colloquial words ④slang words jargon and dialectal words (non-standard words) 3.the meaning of words ①denotation ②connotation

英语写作中的标点符号用法(一)逗号的用法 1. 在并列连词(and, but, for, nor, or, yet )前使用,用来连接句中的各分句。 In fact you do, but you may not remember me. (p17 全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)英语第一册(下)Senior English for China Student’s Book 1B 以下标有页码未特别注明出处的皆出自本书) 2. 用逗号来分隔一系列单词、词组和从句。 In summer, people like to go sailing, swimming, horse-riding and rock-climbing in the mountains. (p42) Red, pink, yellow and white roses filled the huge vases. (牛津现代高级英汉双解词典第6版附录4 标点使用法) In the summer of 1984, many trees died. 3. 逗号用来分隔与句子其他部分密切相连的简短插入语或旁白。(较长的,更为突兀的或复杂的插入成分的则用破折号或圆括号。) Chemical fertilization,for example, helps to produce better crops, but is harmful to the environment. (p45-46) 4. 在并列形容词,即分别修饰同一个名词的形容词之间使用逗号,但也有的形容词之间不加逗号的。 For men, heroism was usually described as bravery and the active, successful overcoming of adversity. 5. 用逗号来分隔非限定性修饰语,即该修饰语对于句子的意义并非必不可少。非限定性修饰语与限定性修饰语的区别在于,它即使被省略,也不会改变句子的主要意思。 (1) 同位语 Ma De, former Party secretary of Suihua, in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, was charged with taking bribes worth 6.03 million yuan during his 10 years in various government positions. (China Daily July29, 2005) At the World Park, one of the largest theme parks in China, visitors can look at buildings, castles and statues from more than thirty countries. (P66)注意:限定性同位语不用逗号隔开。 US President George W. Bush said on Wednesday that he looked forward to meeting President Hu Jintao later this year. (China Daily July29, 2005) (2) 从句 A brief comparison with the most famous chivalric drama, which was written fifteen years earlier, clarifies the uniqueness of Thon’s play. 与那部最着名的,完成于十五年前的骑士剧的简短比较,表明了索恩这部剧作的独特性。 When they discovered it about 1,000 years ago, they called it Aotearoa, which means “Land of the long white cloud”. (P38) (3) 副词短语和从句 Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. (P59)He was born in Yidu, Shandong Province. (P48) By the way, did you hear about Sue’s car? Oh, so that’s where it was.

英语学术写作(English for Academic Writing) 练习(一)标点符号的使用 (1)逗号的使用 例句1:The specimens, each of which was cruciform, weighed 90–100 g.. = The specimens were cruciform and weighed 90–100 g. 例句2:X not Y was the most useful. = X, not Y, was the most useful. 1. This device, as is well known, will separate X from Y. 2. Let us strengthen, by means of the circuit of Fig. 3b, the example given in the previous subsection. 3. This book, which is aimed at non native researchers, contains a series of exercises practicing writing skills. 4. This paper, which is an amplified version of a paper presented at the Third Conference on Writing, is divided into five main parts. 5. The results of the survey, once they have been processed, will be used to make a full assessment of the advantages of such an approach. 6. Let us take into consideration, using the data given in Table 1, the most important parameters. 7. Artists have always experimented with a variety of organic natural materials for use as paint binders and varnishes and as ingredients for mordants.

英文书写中常见十大标点符号用法详解 一、句点 1.句点用于当一句话完全结束时。 2.句点也可以用于英文单词的缩写。如:Mrs. | Dr. | P.S. 等。但要注意的是当缩写 的字母形成了一个单词的时候就不要使用句点。如:IBM, DNA 等。 二、问号 问号要用在一个直接的问句,而不是间接的。 如:How will you solve the problem?是正确的用法,但用在I wonder how you will solve the problem?就不对了,应该使用句点而不是问号。 另外,在客气的用语中,也是用句点而不是问号。 如:Will you please give me a call tomorrow. 三、感叹号 感叹号用于感叹和惊叹的陈述中,在商业写作中要注意感叹号的应用,因为不恰当的使用会显得突兀及不稳重。 四、分号 1.与中文一样,分号用于分隔地位平等的独立子句。在某些情况下,使用分号比使用句点更显出子句之间的紧密联系,另外分号也经常与连接副词thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在这些词语之前)。 如:I realize I need exercise; however, I’ll lie down first to think about it. 2.在句子中如果已经使用过逗点,为了避免歧义的产生,就用分号来分隔相似的内容。 如:The employees were Tom Hanks, the manager; Jim White, the engineer; and Dr. Jack Lee. 需要注意的是:一个完整的句子以大写字母开始,以句点结束。写英文时用逗点代替句点、分号、冒号或破折号叫“逗号错”,这正是中国学生所要避免的。 请比较下列例句:

英文写作中的标点符号问题 关键词】英文写作标点符号运用规则【Abstract 】According to the differences between punctuation marks in English and those in Chinese as well as differences when they are actually used, the article mainly discusses in detail the proper use of some common punctuation marks easily ignored in English writing, especially comma, semicolon and colon. And examples are given to show that punctuation marks are important and erroneous expressions should be avoided. So as to try our best to perfect the English writing. 【Key words 】English writing Punctuation Rules of applying 英文写作作为一种重要的交流手段, 使用日益频繁。现在很多情况下都离不开英文写作,如学术著作、论文等,国内很多中文期刊也要求写英文摘要。但是许多作者经常混淆了中文与英文标点符号的运用规则,常常出错。中文与英文标点符号虽然有很多相同之处, 但是仍存在很多差异。本文针对英文写作中常见的却往往又被大家所忽视的一些标点符号的运用规则进行说明。 一、中英文基本符号比较英文中到底有多少种标点符号, 目前国内众说纷纭,有的说13种(毛荣贵,1999), 有的说16种( 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第四版)), 有的说20种(薄冰,2000) 。不管它究竟有多少种,总之, “标点符号是书面语中不可缺少的部分, 用来表示停顿、语气以及词语的性质和作用” ( 《标点符号用法》,国家语言文字工作委员会,1990) 。基于此, 本文先对中文与英文的基本标点符号做一个简单比较, 以说明二者的异同。 英文主要标点符号有以下14种左右(张道真,1999):apostrophe 撇号('),colon 冒号(:),comma 逗号(,),dash 破折号(一),dots 省略号(…),exclamatio n mark 感叹号⑴,full stop/period 句号(J,hyphe n 连字号 (-),italics/underlining 斜体/ 下划线,parentheses/brackets 括号(()[] { } ),question mark I、可号(?),quotation marks 弓丨号(‘' ““),semicolon 分号(;),slash 斜线号(/)。 中文主要标点符号有16种左右(雷智勇,1998): 点号7种:逗号、顿号、分号、冒号、句号、、号、感叹号;标号有9 种: 弓号、括号、破折号、省略号、间隔号、单书名号、双书名号、着重号和连接号。 对比《标点符号用法》(国家语言文字工作委员会,1990)和文献,[1,2] 我们会发现中英文标点符号的一些异同点。有些标点符号它们从形式到功能, 中文和英文都相似,如句号、、号、感叹号、冒号、分号、弓号、圆括号; 有些却有所差 异。例如:省略号、破折号、连接号、间隔号等, 中文和英文的书写格式有差别顿号、书名号等,仅中文所特有;撇号、斜线号等,为英文所特有;而逗号、方括号等,

美国大学英语写作中标点符号的使用规则 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

一、标点符号的运用 1.引号的用法 (1)用于引用某说话人或作者的话 1)被引用的句子首字母需要大写 如果引用部分被隔开,后半部分的引用部分首字母不需要大些,除非前一部分的话已经说完整而引用的后半部分又是另一个新句子 .“Didyouknow,”saidthenutritionexpert,“thatit’shealthiertobetenpoun dsoverweight” “IfIgowithyoutothedinnerparty,”myfriendsaid,“youmustpromisenott odiscusspolitics.” 3)引用部分如需和句子其他部分隔开要使用逗号 4)引号总位于句子标点符号的外面 (2)用于标出短篇作品的名称 文章标题、报纸、杂志、书名等一般需要用引号标出,也可以在名称下加下划线。在使用电脑写作时,可以用斜体字来表示这些名称。 话里有话,或者话里需要引用使用单引号 ‘WorkandEnergy.’” 2.逗号的用法

(1)在并列句中,连词(and,but,or,for,so,nor,yet)的前面用逗号:Heaskedthequestioninaloudvoice,butnooneanswered. Comeearly,oryou’llmisstheshow. (2)状语从句或短语(介词短语、分词短语)在主语之前或在句子中间时,后面用逗号 在句中起同样作用的一系列词语或短语要用逗号分开。 前面的都好可以省去,不过一般都会使用逗号。 (4)插入语的前后用逗号分开 Thedirector,infact,hasdoneverylittlework. Yourwork,I’msorrytosay,isnotsatisfactory. (5)非限定性从句或短语和句子的主要部分之间要用逗号隔开WangLing,whoisthebestsingeroftheclass,willteachustosingthesong. 3.冒号 (1)引进解释 引进引语 引进一个list 公事信函中的称呼之后;演讲稿中听众的称呼之后 分号
