



AA少儿英语一级上Unit1 What’s your name?

Teaching aims and demands:

●Can ask the name of others

●Can ask the age of others

●Can simply introduce the name of yourself and others

●Can count the number1~~10

Important and different point:

●交际句型:What's your name?

I'm ..., You' re..., He's..., She's..., It's..., We're..., You're..., They

●交际词汇:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Teaching procedure:

Step1 Greetings

Because it is the first class, so the teacher can introduce

herself(himself),using the sentence pattern: “Hello, I’m JIQING, nic meet you!” Ss should answer together: Nice to meet you ,too.

Step2 Presentation

Teacher can prepare some name cards before class, write your name

and some of your Ss names on the cards. When the class begins, invite a

boy and a girl to the platform and give them their name cards, adhibit

each card on the coat.

Then begin from you . Point at your name card and say slowly and

mes. Then turn to the

clearly, “I’m JI QING.”. Repeat it two or three ti

boy and ask: “What’s your name?” Imply the boy answer the

question like you. Then do the same way to the girl.

Step3 Ask and answer.

Let the Ss do the following activity: Ask each pupil to take out a

piece of paper and a pen ,then go and ask his or her friend“ What’s

your name ?”.Tell the pupils to write down the names of his or her

friend in Pinyin .

Check some Ss by asking their names and one or two of their

friends’names. So Ss can know how to say “I’m…,He’s…,She’s…

After doing this, the teacher will add something new. Let the Ss

listen to you carefully. You say: “my name is JIQING, I’m 25 years

Meanwhile,write down the number 25 on the blackboard. Say


again “I’m 25 years old.” T hen ask one student “How old are

you?Are you 7 or 8?” Write 7 and 8 on the blackboard . Ask more Ss the

question like this. Step4 Chant

Do Part5. We can clap while chanting. First chant together, then in


Step5 Ask each other

Do the same activity as Step3.But the question is “How old are

you?”.S s will write down the numbers .Then check some Ss to see if they

are right .

Step6 Drill

1) Ask some student the questions:What’s your name?How old are

you? Then let the Ss ask the questions in pairs. Act it out in front of the


2)Ask a boy and a g irl to the platform,and say: “He is Liu Tong .She

is Wang Fang and I’m Ji Qing .Repeat this for some times. Then three Ss

form a group ,practice like this:“I’m …,She’s …,He’s ….Act it ou front of the class.

Step7 Count it and clap your hands

Teacher claps once while say “one”,then Ss follow .Claps twice

while say “two”. Just do this way until you clap ten times while you say

“ten ” .


*Listen and read after the tape of Unit 1

*Ask each other the name and age after class .

*Write your name in English on a piece of card and bring it to the

class next time .

AA少儿英语一级上Unit2 What’s this

Teaching aims and demands:




Important and difficult points:

●交际句型:What’s this?

Who’s jumping?


●学习音素:元音字母Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu

Teaching procedure

Step1 Warm up

Review Unit1.Teacher can ask Ss: What’s your name ?How old are you ?

What’s his name ? How old is he ?

Step 2 Sing the song

Hang the alphabet picture on the blackboard ,teach the Ss sing the

alphabetsong ,then teach the Ss to learn the letters .

Step3 Jump and say

Prepare some capital letter cards(including these words:BAG ,BEN ,KIM ,DOG, BUS),some small word cards before class.

After Ss sing the song ,ask three Ss to the front ,each one hand a

capital letter card and stand in a line .First,three Ss jump together ,then

jump one by one ,and then jump together again .At the same time ,other

-a-g,bag ”,then repeat .

Ss say “bag ,b

After this ,teacher find another six Ss to the front ,each one hand a

word card including the letter “A”,such as “cat ,bag ,hand , lamp ,man ,mat .” Teacher first let the first student jump and say

Bag!bag ,bag ,bag ”.Other Ss repeat . Finish other word cards in this way .

Next ,ask the Ss of group2(BEN )jump and say like what group1 just

did .

Step4 Presentation

Teacher can bring something to the class ,like a cup ,a brush ,an apple ,etc. Then the teacher hand a cup and ask a student “What’s this ?”and “What’s that ?”

Step5 Say the vowel sounds

Ask the Ss of each group to stand in front of the blackboard ,just let

the vowel sound jump, meanwhile ,teacher points at the sound and asks

Ss “What’s this?Who is jumping ?”

Step 6 Practise

See Part2 of this unit .Ss can read after the tape ,and then practise in

pairs .Act it out in front of the class.

Step7 Chant

Before doing this part ,teacher can give each student a letter card in

disorder ,one letter can be written more than once on the cards .When

chanting ,those Ss should stand up if they hear their letter in hand is


Step8 Find the big and small letters

Give big letters to a part of Ss and small letters to the other part .Let

the Ss with small letters run and find the big letters .If success, the big

and small letters will stand together in front of the class .At last ,Ss will

read these letters .


*Listen to the tape of Unit2 and read the alphabet

*Make four simple dialogues using “What’s this ?” ,“What”s that ?”

*Write down the 26 letters on your homework book .

AA少儿英语一级上Unit3 What colour do you like

The first class

Teaching aims and demands :



Important and different points:


What colour do you like? I like


Do you like black? Yes, I do./ No, I


●学习颜色:black, gray, white, orange, purple, brow, yellow, blue,

green ,red ,pink


Teaching procedure:

Step1 Warm up

Review Unit2.Ss can sing the alphabet song together before class.

Step2 presentation

Prepare some balloons, papers and pictures with different colours。

The teacher can “blow the balloon and hang them up in front of the

ballons. What

blackboard. Teacher can say: “Look here, I’ve got many

colours are they? They’re black, gray, white, orange, purple, brown,

yellow,blue, green, red and pink. I like orange, green, and blue.”pointing at the balloon while saying this kind of colour。Teacher should

says slowly and clearly, so that the Ss can understand well. This action

can be repeated more than once. Then the teacher can ask the Ss:

“ What colour do you like ?”Ss can say: “I like blue.” Teacher can Ss in another way : “Doyou like blue?” If Ss say,“Yes ,I do.” T can give the student a balloon without blowing as a gift。Then repeat this

action more than once.

Step3 Drill

See part1.Let’s talk about the picture. Ss can read after the tape. Then practice in groups to discuss the colour you like.

Step4 Practice

教师可以让穿各种衣服的学生站成一排,然后问某个学生What colour do you like ?如果学生说I like blue,老师就让这个学生站到穿blue 衣服的学生的后面.然后再让该学生问其他同学,以此类推。最后看哪个颜色后面站的学生


Step5 Show colourful clothes

教师可让穿各种颜色衣服的学生站到前面来,站成一个圆圈,背朝里,然后让学生慢慢地转动。教师总是指着对着大家的那个颜色问What colour is it ? 学

It’s black等。

生们回答It’s white.或

Step6 Drill of Part2

See Part2.Ss read after the tape ,then practice in pairs .

Step7 Chant


Step8 Guess the right colour

See Part5 .3个人一组,打开教材,其中一人当裁判,一人闭上眼睛,另一

个人抓住闭眼睛学生的手,将其手放在一个颜色上问该学生,What colour is it ?

,裁判记上一分.共猜5次,最后看谁猜的分如果闭眼睛的学生说,It’s red .猜中了



*Read after the tape of this unit twice .

*Do the exercises of this unit.

*Use five kinds of colour to copy one sentences and decide which

colour you like best, second ,third ,fourth ,and fifth

AA少儿英语一级上Unit4 How many ducks are there?

教学目的和要求:*使学生能够掌握和使用How many句型



交际句型:How many dogs are there? There are two.




先用最简单的方式说,Look, everyone.This is a book. A book.接着再拿

起一本书说,two books, one b ook, two books.(pencil)….教本单元的单词。用本单元句型问学生How many dogs are there? How many chicks are



Desk,desks; chair, chairs; table, tables; door, doors; light, lights; window,

windows;pen, pens;pencil,pencils;book, books;bag, bags等.让学生感到英

语是一件十分容易的事.第二步遇到不规则名词复数时,教师就说,This is

different. You need to remember .但不要讲规则。因为规则很多, 有些规则所讲到的词是很难见到的.

教学活动1 Let’s count!

教师在讲数量时,可以说”1”时,让一个学生站起来;说”2”时, 让第2 个学生站起来以此类推.同时还可以让学生来数一下班级里的男学生或女学生.

教学活动2 Simon says

教师对学生说,Please go to the window. Let’s see what things are outside. How many are things教师这时才可以问How many trees are there in the school? How many bikes are there on the playground? How many

cars are there? How many people are there?等

教学活动3 Find the animals

关于主图的教学,教师可以先用简单的英语给学生讲这张图. 比

如,Now .Let’s look at the picture.There are many animals. Do you know what they are ? They’re bears, sheep, birds, butterflies, ducks, chicks, rabbits, mice and so on. Look, some children are watching the bears now.

Ok, now, let’s see, how many sheep are there? How many mice are there?等. 在教师做完示范之后, 让学生两人一组根据这张图进行Ask and answer练习, 并把数字写在相关名词的边框里.

教学活动4 Follow the rhyme

在学习第二部分时,教师可以先把这段内容当作CHANT来完成, 然后再来学唱这首歌. 教师边说边用手轻轻拍着桌子, 打着节奏.这样有利于学生记忆此


教学活动5 Listen and write

在练习听力,做练习时, 教师可以先让学生把书合上听录音带. 听了一两遍

以后,教师再让学生打开书, 边听边做练习.最后可以再让学生听一遍. 即使有的学生不能完全听懂, 也不必去翻译每一句话.不如让学生多听几遍.

补充内容: 单词lion, koala, bear, panda, zebra

课后作业: 数一数班级里的学生,桌椅并把数字写下来.

AA少儿英语一级上Unit5 Have you got any fish?


*使学生学会使用Have you got…句型




Have you got any fish?Yes , I have . No , I haven’t.

Let’s go bike-riding.

Where is it?There!

交际词汇:pen, desk, leg, pencil, egg, letter, bed, apple, map, bag, ruler, book, box, bookcase


可以先拿钢笔或铅笔问学生,Have you got a pen? Have you got a pencil? 之类的问题。当学生明白含义之后,可让学生互相问。把这个句型练习

得比较熟练后,再转移到教学主图上. 讲主图时, 因为内容和对话比较多,所以应注意引导学生.

教学活动1 Talk about the picture.

教师让学生看主图. 因为主图的内容较多, 学生肯定会认真观看主图上的内容. 教师先问学生,How many children are there in this picture? How many

boys and how many girls? How many cats are there? How many fish are

there?教师问完学生几个问题以后,就可以转移到具体的每幅图上.比如Now , let’s look at this boy and this girl.(用


They’re talking . The girl says, “Have you got a

The boy says, “I haven’t got a bike? Let’s g o bike-riding.” 

Now I’ll ask you some quest ions. Please bike .Let’s go fishing.” 

answer my questions. What are they doing? What dose the boy say? What does the girl say?然后再将学生的视线转移到中间,看看两只猫在做什么. 教师继续问学生, What does the cat say? What does the boy answer?讲此课文时, 可不必按录音的顺序进行,吸引学生注意力为原则,引导他们看不容易


教学活动2 Learn the words

将课文中所需要的单词卡片准备好, 面朝下, 放在讲台上. 将学生分成两组, 每组的学生先上来一个, 各翻开一张卡片, 并用英语说出该单词, 说对的组得1分. 说完之后, 各组的第二个人上来继续做. 最后, 看哪个组得分多.

教学活动3 Say and point

在上述活动进行之后, 就可以用听音指认的方式来做课文中第4部分和练习第1题. 教师说出一个单词,让学生迅速指出来.

教学活动4 Talk in pairs

让学生两人一组进行对话练习.其中一个人问Have you got any pens?

Have you got any books?另一个人回答,Yes, I have . No, I haven’t.然后对方再以同样的方法问一遍. 看看谁问的问题多.


补充内容: a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves, a pair of shorts, a scarf

Homework : Draw an interesting picture like anyone in this unit and

write a dialogue for them.


AA少儿英语二级上Unit1 Where are you going?





交际句型:--------------Where are you going?

----------------I' m going to school.

交际词汇:post office, market, zoo, park, bus station, cafe, supermarket, hospital, cinema, bank, library, shop

复习内容:物主代词my, your, his, her, their, our, its


上课时,首先让大家看自己手中的图片,并对大家说:Hi, everyone, I've got many pictures. They are places. Do you know what they are? Now, look

at this one.(拿出一个大家比较熟悉的地点---医院)This is a hospital. Do you this one? Very good. It's a school. It's a school. We are now in the school.


介绍时要注意与学生在情感上的交流。如:This is a supermarket. Have you ever been to a supermarket? What can you buy in the supermarket?

Is it far from your home? 等。语言要尽量简练,否则学生会有很多的听觉障碍。

学生把所有的地点学说几遍之后,教师说:Now I put these pictures in different places. And I'm going to ask you a question. Where are you going? You tell me , "I'm going to the bank." Then you go and stand near

the bank. Let's see which place has more people. Do you understand?

Who wants to try first? OK, come here please. Everybody, listen! " Where are you going. Lin Feng?" "I'm going to the zoo." Very good. Now

you can go to the zoo and stand here. Do you understand us now?


教师可以对学生说:Now I want you to work in pairs. One of you may ask questions and the other answer questions with these words. Let's see

who can answer more questions. 这样通过大量的练习,学生就能进一步掌


教学活动1 Find your way!



教师给学生发出指令,Turn left, turn right, go straight, make a left/right

turn. 等学生对这些指令比较熟悉之后,教师找一个学生问:Where are you

going to the hospital.这时,教师让学生到黑going?另一个学生回答:I’m


教师可以这样说:Ok, XXX, please come here. Tell us how you can get

to the hospital.学生可以:You go straight, turn right and then go straight,

turn left and go straight again. The hospital is there.第一个学生做完之后,


教学活动2 Flip pictures and answer questions.


组的学生上来一个人随意翻一张,教师就可以问问他(她)问题。如:Have you been to the post office? Do you often write letters? What can you buy in

the post office?等。



Zoo. Do you often go to the zoo? Do you like animals? What's your

favourite animal?

School. Do you go to school every day? When do you usually go to school? Do you like your school?

Library.Do you often read in the library? Do you often go to the library? Do you often borrow books?

Park. Do you often go to parks on Sundays? Which is your favourite

park? Is the park near your home?

Shop. Do you go to shops? Are they near your home? What can you

buy in the shops?

Bus station. Do you often take a bus? Is the bus very crowded? Is it

very expensive?

Cinema. Do you like to go to movies? Is the cinema near your home? Whom do you often go with?

Supermarket.Do you like to go to the supermarket? Is it big or small? Are there many things in the supermarket?

Hospital. Do you often go to the hospital? Do you like to go to the hospital? Is it far very far from your home?

Cafe. Do you like to drink coffee? Is there a cafe near your home?

Are there many people in it?

Exercise 2.

1 Tom: Where are you going, Fred?

Fred: I'm going to school. Are you going to school, Tom?

Tom: No, I'm not going to school. I'm going to the hospital.

2 Daisy: I like reading books. Let's go to the library, Jane!

Jane: But I'm going to the library. I'm going to the zoo. I like watching animals. Let's go to the zoo, Daisy. You

can read books there and I can watch animals.

Daisy: Good. Let's go.

3 John: Jim is going to the post office and Sam is going to the cinema, and where are you going, Ben?

Ben: I'm going to the supermarket. Where are you going , John?

John: I'm going to the library.

4 Daisy: Where is Jill going, Mary?

Mary: She is going to the bus station. She's going to meet her brother there.

Daisy: But her brother is at school now. Let's go and tell Jill now.

Mary: OK. Let's go.

Exercise 3.

Yes .No. No. Yes. No. No. Yes. Yes.

Exercise 4



1 Find out:

(1)How long will it take to go to your home by bike?

(2)Which is the shortest way to go home?

(3)Which is the quickest way to go home?

2 Everybody prepares some cards. Write a word of a place on each

card and bring them to the class next time

3. Look at the example and make sentences.

Example: This is Mary’s bag.

This is her bag


This is Harry’s dog.


This is Pat and Nancy’s school.


This is Jack and my class.


That is Jenny and your room.

4. Read and choose the best answer.

AA少儿英语二级上Unit2 What's the weather like today?教学目的和要求:





交际句型:What's the weather like today?

It's cloudy and windy.

It's going to rain.

How is the weather on Monday?

交际词汇:weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, rainbow, wet, cold,

hot, sky, away, always, laugh, sing, shout, cry, heavy, light


上课时,首先拿一张适合当地天气的图,如刮风、下雨或晴天等,然后问学生:What's the weather like today? What's the weather like today? 边说边指着外面的天气,然后再指着自己手里的晴天图说:It's sunny.It's sunny.Now answer my question all together. What's the weather like today?教师讲的时候要注意用手势引发学生回答问题。学生熟悉几遍以后,教

师让学生看另外一张图并对学生说:Look, it's windy.说话的同时做出刮风的姿势。然后教师将图片贴在黑板上,并在旁边写上“上海”,在问学生,What's the weather like in Shanghai?

教师边说边启发大家用刚才学过的巨性,It's winday.用这样的方法还可以把其他的单词一一介绍出来。然后看第二部分。

第一部分。Oh, we have nice pictures here. Look at the first part. There

is a boy playing on the sand near the sea, right? What's the weather like

here?问完之后,教师期待着学生回答It's sunny.教师应用快慢结合的问句来问学生。接着,可结合当日的上课的天气,指着窗户问:What's the weather like outside today?然后再指图片:What's the weather like here? What is the

boy doing? Good. Who is in the clouds? (It's an angel.) Do you know


本文由tongmanni贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 剑桥少儿英语预备级教案 剑桥少儿英语预备级(A)Unit 1 Greetings 剑桥少儿英语预备级 一、Teaching aims and demands: 1)can use simple English greet others 2) can say“Good morning!” “Good afternoon “Good evening” 3) Can read the new words about letter A a 4) can speak out the sentences of part 7 二、Important and difficult points: What‘s this? It’s the letter Aa. Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening . Hello! Hi! Slide 三、Teaching Steps : Step1 Greetings: Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls how are you today? …… Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence. Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them. Hello Ming Ming Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang …… Step 3: Presentation Show the students some pictures about morning and ask, what’s the picture say? Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word. Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening. Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairs Step 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like? Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a. Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times . Step 7 Teach them how to write letter Aa Step 8 :Do some exercises 1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students’ book 2) match them 3) Good morning Hello! Good night. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good morning. Hello! Good night. Good afternoon! Good evening. 剑桥少儿英语预备级上 Unit 2 who is the first 一、Teaching aims and demands : *They can understand some simple actions and do it ; *They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”,” Come here “, “Go back “., * Can understand the meaning of “up “and “”down”. *Can read B b and some new words about Bb *Can read the sentences of part 5 二、Important and difficult points What’s this? Stand up. Sit down. Come here. Go back Hands pens pencils feet cat snail back bee ball beef 三、teaching method: 本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的, “玩中学,学中玩” 。教师一到课堂里就可 以边做手势边说,Now ,stand up ,sit down, Stand up! sit down.说的时候可以先慢后快,也可以让学生无法预料。大家基本上不 出什么错误的时候,教师就可以跑到教室的后面叫一个同学说,Come here! Come here! 等到学生来了之后,教师可以说 Go back. Go back. Go back.然后再叫另外的同学,在这四个句子中来回变换花样,最好是时常有所变化。 等大家熟悉了以后, 、 让大家一起来说顺口溜,Up, Up, stand up. Down, down, sit down. Here, here, come here. Back ,back, go back.边说边做动作。然 后教师开始用实物来做替换练习。如,Hands up! Hands down. Hands up, hands down. Books up .Books down .等等。 当大家累了的时候,就让大家休息一下,来给图画着色。着色之后再让大家相互观看,看谁色彩上的好。接下来便是教字母 的时间。教师首先让学生们看两个字母的卡片或形象的图片(猫和蜗牛) 。边看大写 B 的时候,边说 Big B is a cat.然后拿小 写 b 说,Small b is a snail. The cat and the snail .They are the letter Bb,等.让大家反复说,反复练习,然后,让小组的同学进行朗 诵比赛,看看哪个组最好。在学字母的时候,注意把这几个词给学生,让他们练习一下。其中还有:bee, ball, beet 字母组合 等。在适当的时候,让学生放松一下,可以随时让他们做一些动作,即复习了所学内容,有有助于学生上课保持新鲜感,更 有兴趣参与到学习中来。 请一个学生到讲台上去做动作,其他同学在下面说他做的动作,看谁说得最快最准确,老师可适当给予奖励。然后再换其他 同学去,做到充分练习。



剑桥少儿英语预备级上教案 Unit1 Greeting 第一课时教学设计方案 题目:Unit1 Greeting 教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我 介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情 景中听懂、会说 Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。 教学难点:自我介绍用语I’m …的发音不容 易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不 可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。 教具准备: 1教材相关人物的面具或头饰 2为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应 的道具 3教材相配套的录音带 教学过程:

1.热身 (Warm-up) (1)先给学生播放卡通片,了解所学语言运 用的环境。内容为“迪士尼英语”中第一课的片 段(Magic English----Hello)学生在他们喜爱 的卡通节目中了解、学习打招呼用语Hello./Hi ,边看卡通边说英语。学习语言的同时,了解语言 所用的环境,兴趣与语境同时创设,学习与兴趣 同时存在。[本部分内容根据各校情况可自行改变,用图片来代替,或直接进入下一环节。] (2)通过看卡通片告诉学生“卡通”一词的 发音是由英语单词Cartoon一词的发音直接翻 译过来的。在现实生活中,我们还有许多的类似 之处,有时我们甚至直接用英语的单词来代表某 物如CD, VCD, DVD等等。 (3)由于学生是第一次正式接受英语课的学习,教师可在此基础上采取交谈的方式与学生讨 论一下英语的作用以及学习英语的意义。不妨请 学生说说他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语单 词或日常用语。利用教科书开始的蝴蝶页Welcome to English 彩图中呈现的我们生活中学 生已经会说或较熟悉的词汇如 CD, VCD, DVD, OK!


注:本文来自网络 《剑桥国际少儿英语》第一册教案Array Unit 3 Favorite toys 单元目标语言:语词car, ball, doll, computer, bike, train, black, brown, white, grey, tortoise, two, toys 结构What’s your favorite toy My favorite toy is… in, on, under, next to, Where’s your… Is your (bag) under your (chair) 单元技能目标: 听能够听懂问候的常用语,教师和课本上的指令语,玩具,四种颜色,介词的位置,辨别/t/的发音 说能够就玩具的话题进行简单回答,用介词表示方位,说一首有关颜色的歌谣,能唱一首关于介词位置的歌曲 读能认读出阿拉伯数字 写能正确涂色,能写出数字,能圈出所要选择的项目 第一课时Lesson 1

课堂教学过程(40 mins) 回答问题,问候其他人。 听懂问题,理解游戏规则,能根据指令做动作。 唱歌。复习打招呼和人物名字。复习歌曲。 跟读单词。呈现新词。

跟读This is a (car).并做动作。 翻开书,找到正确的页码。 找到星星,说:Here it is. 指出书中相应的物品。 跟读单词。也可以用简笔画在黑板上慢慢地画,让学生享受猜测的乐趣。 学生很容易混淆ball 和doll,教师在此可以强调首字母发音,帮助学生区分连个单词。 用句子和动作继续熟悉新词This is a (car). 教师可以把页码写在黑板上,提示学生。


Unit5 My body and the monster’s Aims and demands *使学生掌握常用的关于身体器官的词汇 *使学生学会使用I have got/He has got…句型描述身体器官 交际句型: I have got two hands/two ears…… What can you see? ----I can see a book. We can see/hear… with our eyes/ears……. Touch your hair/nose… 交际词汇:hair, eye, mouth, head, nose, ear, hand, arm, neck, leg, foot, finger, knee, toe, shoulder see, smell, hear, taste ,touch Teaching procedure: The first class Step 1 warm up 1)复习上一单元的内容,对重点交际句型进行回顾。可以在回顾时播放上一单元的sing部分。 2)问同学们我们身体有几对耳朵,几只眼睛,几只手,几根手指……让同学用英语数字回答,进而导入今天的课程。 Step 2 learn the words 1)hair, eye, mouth, head, nose, ear, hand, arm, neck, leg, foot, finger, knee, toe, shoulder结合书本,在教授对应单词的时候,指出相对应的身体部位。如: T:这是老师的手,This is my hand. 手就是hand。大家和老师一起念两遍。 大家有几只手? S:两只。 T:大家可以说I have got two hands. 2)拿出怪兽的图片,问大家“怪兽有几只眼睛?几只手?几只脚?”引导学生回答“he’s got three hands, four feet……”,提醒大家foot 注意在说两个或两个以上的时候要说feet. Step 3 practice 和小朋友们玩Touch your head/ear…的游戏。先由老师说,touch your head…等依次说出相应的器官名称,请全体同学用手指出相应的位置。再由小朋友两个一组,一个问,一个指。五分钟左右的练习时间,然后老师进行检查,拿出卡片,先让这组小朋友从图说出英文,然后请他们按照刚才练习的样子,一个发指令,一个指出相应部位。一共5个词,完全正确的组老师分别给盖一个印章。(印章集满五个就可以在下课后得到一份小礼物) Step 4 review 老师说汉语的身体器官,然后请大家说出相对应的英文。 Homework


《剑桥国际少儿英语》第一册教案 Unit 1 Hello! 单元目标语言:单词: one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,red,yellow,pink,blue,green,orange,purple,rainbow 人物:,,Stella,Simon,Suzy 句型: Hello!Hi!/What’s your name My name is…/ How old are you I’m.../What colour is it It’s...单元技能目标: 听: 能够听懂简单的问候常用语,数字1-10,,七种颜色,辨别/s/的发音 说: 能够就名字,年龄,颜色的话题进行简单回答,说一首有关数字的歌谣,能唱一首关于颜色的歌曲 读:能认读出阿拉伯数字 写:能正确涂色,能写出数字,能圈出所要选择的项目 第一课时 Lesson 1 课堂教学过程

回答问题,问候其他人。说hello,hi歌谣学会说“你好”。会说歌谣 stands in the circle,then,students sing the , students the student should 问别人叫什么名字及回 答。 Sing the song and do the actions. Play the game and answer the question. 能就你叫什么名字会 问会答。 会唱这首简单的歌 曲。 ? 能听懂“Stand up./Sit down”的意思。

greet 说出star家庭的人名 向star家庭问好 扮演star家庭人物并问 对方名字。 认识star家庭人物。 学会询问对方的名 字。 第二课时 Lesson 2 课堂教学过程


Unit 1 Greetings Teaching aims and demands: *使学生能用简单的英语跟别人打招呼 *使学生能分别说出早晨好、下午好及晚上好的问候用语 *使学生能模仿发出字母Aa及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第7部分所给的句子 Teaching contents: Words:Hello! Hi! Kitty Baby Doggie morning noon afternoon evening teacher slide ape ace alien sun moon stars Stences:Hello,Ming Ming. What's that?It's the letter A. Good morning/afternoon/evening! A is the slide. Slide on the A. Song:Good morning to you! Teaching focus: *使学生能用简单的英语介绍自己并也能跟别人打招呼 *使学生能分别说出早晨好、下午好及晚上好的问候用语 Teaching difficulties: *能较熟练地读出第七部分的句子 *正确区分英语中的早上、中午、下午和晚上的表达方式 Teaching tools: CAI pictures tape-recorder Teaching steps: Period 1 Teaching contents: Words:Hello!/Hi!(补充I'm….) Daily English:Class begins! Stand up! Teaching targets: *使学生学会开学基本的师生问候语 *使学生能用简单的英语互相打招呼 Teaching difficulties: hello中e的发音 Teaching steps: Step 1:Introduction 1)T:小朋友,大家好!欢迎各位小朋友来到新的学校,也祝贺你们成为一名真正的小学生。首先,我先介绍一下自己。Hello,boys and girls,I'm your English teacher.My English name is ***.(WB:***)You can call me ***. teach:*** Ss:***( 齐读)(指名读) T:刚才老师讲的英语可能同学们都听不懂,那是因为大家还没有学会,只要大家以后上课能认真听讲,努力地学习,相信以后小朋友的英语会比老师的更棒的!今天是我们的第一堂英语课。首先我们先学一学如何用英语打招呼!


Unite1.subject,Geography,Science,Art,Music,Maths,Chinese,History,without, pass,twice,route,step,keep,share,other,even,best,friend,secret,lot,different,stuck, sad,problem,rich,poor,tooth,no matter 句型:what is your fovourite subject? Music is my favourite subject./My favourite subject is Music./I like Music best. 语法:1.定语从句、状语从句:When you pull the letter out of the bag, say three words with this letter. Best friends like to stay with you no matter if you are rich or poor. A best friend is someone who keeps secrets. 2.介词后动名词:Can you go to each class without passing any class twice? This is great game to play with your friends, with everyone taking a turn. 3.过去分词做定语Best friends think you’re the coolest—even when you have a piece of egg stuck in your teeth all day. People in your group stay together and make a short story with all the given sentences. Unit 2 过生日January, February, March,April,May,June,July, August, September,October,November,December,present,buy,think,choose,aunt,uncle, right,person,wish,blow out candles,sing a song,give present,make a wish,pick 句型:When is your birthday? Would you like to come to my birthday party? 语法:1.介词和日期、时间的基本搭配关系 At搭配时间点: at six o’clock, at noon(morning 和afternoon的交点),at night。注:at Christmas 和at Easter 是指圣诞节或复活节这个时节,而非一天,而on Christmas Day则是一天。 On搭配某一天、某一天的朝夕、形容词修饰的某一朝夕(实际上也是某一天的朝夕):On October 1st, on Friday, on the morning of October 1st, on Sunday morning, on the following morning, on a fine morning, on a quiet evening, on New Year’s Day. In搭配比一天更长或更短的一段时间。In the morning, in summer, in December, in 2008, 另外,相对时间tomorrow 、yesterday等加朝夕不用介词。yesterday evening, tomorrow morning, last night。2.Wish 后从句中动词的虚拟形式: Unite3场景:讨论天气:weather天气band乐队rainbow 彩虹raindrop 雨点hear听见sound声音put on穿上戴上chant说唱anywhere任何地方什么地方fall down落下loudly大声地quietly悄悄地静静地fog雾-foggy有雾的bring带来bright明亮的–brightly明亮地scarf围巾wind 风—windy有风的sunny晴朗的stay停留last week上周yesterday昨天cloud云---cloudy多云的dark clouds乌云snow雪—snowy下雪的storm暴雨–stormy 暴风雨的rain 雨–rainy下雨的shower淋浴阵雨wild野生的Tibet西藏sunshine 阳光overhead在头上see—saw—seen看见 句型:What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天的天气怎么样?


剑桥少儿英语二级教案 剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit1 Where are you going? 教学目的和要求: 1)使学生掌握本单元的重点句型 2)使学生初步学会并掌握有关地点的名称 3)使学生能用所学的句型、所学的地点名称做替换练习 交际句型:--------------Where are you going? ----------------I' m going to school. 交际词汇:post office, market, zoo, park, bus station, cafe, supermarket, hospital, cinema, bank, library, shop 复习内容:物主代词my, your, his, her, their, our, its 具体教学方式: 上课时,首先让大家看自己手中的图片,并对大家说:Hi, everyone, I've got many pictures. They are places. Do you know what they are? Now, look at this one.(拿出一个大家比较熟悉的地点---医院) This is a hospital. Do you this one? Very good. It's a school. It's a school. We are now in the school.按照此种方法,可以把单词一一介绍给大家。 介绍时要注意与学生在情感上的交流。如:This is a supermarket. Have you ever been to a supermarket? What can you buy in the supermarket? Is it far from your home? 等。语言要尽量简练,否则学生会有很多的听觉障碍。 学生把所有的地点学说几遍之后,教师说:Now I put these pictures in different places. And I'm going to ask you a question. Where are you going? You tell me , "I'm going to the bank." Then you go and stand near the bank. Let's see which place has more people. Do you understand? Who wants to try first? OK, come here please. Everybody, listen! " Where are you going. Lin Feng?" "I'm going to the zoo." Very good. Now you can go to the zoo and stand here. Do you understand us now? 教师带领学生做几个示范之后,可以让某个学生到前面来做同样的练习。待大家都理解了意思之后,教师应给学生一些时间做小组练习,然后再进行抽查。教师可以对学生说:Now I want you to work in pairs. One of you may ask questions and the other answer questions with these words. Let's see who can answer more questions. 这样通过大量的练习,学生就能进一步掌握该课的句型和单词。最后 教师可以让学生两人一组迅速到前面来表演一下。 教学活动1 Find your way! 教师将各种地点用透明胶带贴在黑板上,然后叫全班学生站起来跟着自己做动作。

剑桥少儿英语unit 1教案

Unit 1 Hello!(共1.5h) 1. 教师自我介绍(5m) I’m Windy. 打招呼 Hello!/Hi!(两人对话,一升一降。教师逐个跟学生打招呼,之后同桌互练习,赞美学生, Good! Excellent! Great! Clever! Smart! Good boy! Give me five!) 2. 带上名字打招呼 A先给学生起好英文名,写好贴在胸口。带着学生读几遍,让学生熟悉自己的英语名字的发音。(5m) B逐个向学生介绍自己。(5m)— Hello,Aa,I’m Karen. — Hi,Karen. 让学生熟练句型 Hello, I’m ... 和 Hi C 击鼓传沙包,鼓声停,传到沙包的学生自我介绍,其余学生回应打招呼。(10m)— Hello, I’ m Tom. — Hi, Tom. 3. 学习对话:打招呼和告别(10m) — Hello, Tom. — Hello, Mary. — Bye. — Bye-bye. 教师逐个跟学生互动,之后同桌之间互动,别忘了赞美学生哦~ (共35m) 4. 教学生写字母 Aa Bb Cc 教师板书三个字母的书写顺序,学生模仿。(10m) 学生基本会模仿和认读之后,做游戏。分成两组,由教师做出三个字母的卡片,两组学生比赛看谁先认出并写出来。(10m) 布置作业 1. 复习第一节课内容(15m)对话: —Hello!—Hi! —Hello, I’m Karen. —Hi, Karen. —Hello,Tom! Hello, Mary. 书写字母 Aa Bb Cc 2. 字母 Aa Bb Cc(10m) Aa is ant. Bb is bird. Cc is cock. 3. 歌曲 Hello, Minho!(20m) 学会歌曲后,把Minho名字换成同桌的名字。


[标签:标题] 篇一:剑桥预备级公开课教案 一.开场 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to Lucy English. Now let me introduce myself first. My name is Lucy, my Chinese name is Ge Rile, and I’ve been teaching kids English for about ten years. And for today, I hope we can have a wonderful time together. Now, let’s begin today’s class. Thank you. 二.Greeting: 1.Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! My name is Lucy. So, I say: Hello, everyone. You say: Hello, Lucy. Let’s have a try: Hello, everyone. (Hello, Lucy.) 2.(对每一个学生单独打招呼) Hello,XXX. (Hello, Lucy.) (奖励给每个对话的学生一个sticker: Good job! A sticker for you!) 3. 今天谁得的sticker最多,就可以到Lucy这儿换奖品哦~ Hello, everyone! (Hello, Lucy) 三.Chant: <Walking, walking> Now, everybody, stand up! Let’s do a chant! (让学生排成一排)Stand in a row! (老师站到侧面) Face to Lucy. (挨个纠正) “Walking, walking, ready? Go !” “Walking, walking, walking, walking Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop Running ,running, running, running, running, running Now let’s stop! Now, let’s stop!” (第一遍,慢!第二遍,稍快!第三遍,自由发挥!) Well done! Very good, everyone! (对一个学生打招呼,并给sticker) Hello, XXX. (Hello, Lucy) Good! A sticker for you! Go back to your seat! 四.字母Aa 1.“ABC Song” 大家都听过字母歌(Alphabet Song) Today we are going to learn a letter. 老师拿出Aa的字母卡。 Follow me: A-A-A 2. Let’s write the capital A. Look at me: (老师做straight line的动作) straight line的动作。Straight line! Straight line! One straight line, two straight lines, three straight lines. Show me your fingers.


剑桥少儿英语预备级教案 剑桥少儿英语预备级(A)Unit 1 Greetings 一、Teaching aims and demands: 1)can use simple English greet others 2) can say“Good morning!”“Good afternoon “Good evening” 3) Can read the new words about letter A a 4) can speak out the sentences of part 7 二、Important and difficult points: What‘s this? It’s the letter Aa. Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening . Hello! Hi! Slide 三、Teaching Steps : Step1 Greetings: Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls how are you today? …… Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence. Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them. Hello Ming Ming Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang …… Step 3: Presentation Show the students some pictures about morning and ask, what’s the picture say? ---- Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word. Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening. Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairs Step 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like? Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a. Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times . Step 7 Teach them how to write letter Aa Step 8 :Do some exercises 1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students’ book 2) match them 3) Good morning Hello! Good night. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good morning. Hello! Good night. Good afternoon! Good evening. 剑桥少儿英语预备级上Unit 2 who is the first 一、Teaching aims and demands : *They can understand some simple actions and do it ; *They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”,” Come here “, “Go back “., * Can understand the meaning of “up “and “”down”. *Can read B b and some new words about Bb *Can read the sentences of part 5 二、Important and difficult points What’s this? Stand up. Sit down. Come here. Go back Hands pens pencils feet cat snail back bee ball beef 三、teaching method: 本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的,“玩中学,学中玩”。教 师一到课堂里就可以边做手势边说,Now ,stand up ,sit down, Stand up! sit down.说的时候可以先慢 后快,也可以让学生无法预料。大家基本上不出什么错误的时候,教师就可以跑到教室的后面叫一个同学说,Come here! Come here! 等到学生来了之后,教师可以说Go back. Go back. Go back.然后再叫另外 的同学,在这四个句子中来回变换花样,最好是时常有所变化。等大家熟悉了以后,、让大家一起来说顺 口溜,Up, Up, stand up. Down, down, sit down. Here, here, come here. Back ,back, go back.边 说边做动作。然后教师开始用实物来做替换练习。如,Hands up! Hands down. Hands up, hands down. Books up .Books down .等等。 当大家累了的时候,就让大家休息一下,来给图画着色。着色之后再让大家相互观看,看谁色彩上的好。 接下来便是教字母的时间。教师首先让学生们看两个字母的卡片或形象的图片(猫和蜗牛)。边看大写B 的时候,边说Big B is a cat.然后拿小写b说,Small b is a snail. The cat and the snail .They are the letter Bb,等.让大家反复说,反复练习,然后,让小组的同学进行朗诵比赛,看看哪个组最好。在

剑桥少儿英语预备级教案 B

Unit 1 School is fun. 重点词汇: 【默写】包bag,书book,钢笔pen,铅笔pencil 【认读】文具盒pencil-case,橡皮eraser,尺ruler,黑板blackboard 【复习】操场playground,游泳池swimming pool,教室classroom,花园garden 重点句型: 你能看见什么?What can you see? 我能看见一本大书。I can see a big book. 这是我们的游泳池。This is our swimming pool. Unit 2 Classroom Olympics 重点词汇: 【默写】一one,二two,三three 【认读】单脚跳hop,跳jump,碰touch,接住catch,数count,踢kick,停stop 【复习】一one,二two,三three,四four,五five,六six,七seven,八eight Unit 3 You and I 重点词汇: 【默写】我I,你you,他he, 【认读】她she,它it,我们we,他们they 重点句型: 你和我you and I 他和她he and she 我们和你们we and you 它和他们it and they Unit 4 They are my friends. 重点词汇: 【默写】我是I am,他是he is,她是she is 【认读】他们是they are,我们是we are,尼克Nick,帕特Pat,汤姆T om,看电视watch TV,来come,玩play 重点句型: 你好,我是尼克。Hello I’m Nick. 她是帕特。S he’s Pat. 她是我的朋友。She is my friend. 他是汤姆。He’s T om. 他是我的朋友。He is my friend. 我们都是朋友。We are all friends. 他们都是朋友。They are all friends. Unit 5 I like dogs. 重点词汇: 【默写】猫cat,狗dog,鸭duck, 【认读】兔rabbit,鼠mouse,鹦鹉parrot,蜘蛛spider 【复习】乌龟turtle,蛇snake 重点句型: 你喜欢什么动物?What animal do you like? 我喜欢狗。I like dogs. 我喜欢猫。I like cats. 我喜欢鸭子。I like ducks. 我喜欢乌龟。I like turtles. 我喜欢兔子。I like rabbits. Unit 6 Do you like oranges? 重点词汇: 【默写】苹果apple,香蕉banana,桔子orange 【认读】桃子peach,梨pear 【复习】菠萝pineapple,柠檬lemon,芒果mango 重点句型: 你喜欢桔子吗?Do you like oranges? 是的,我喜欢。Yes I do. 你喜欢菠萝吗?Do you like pineapples? 不,我不喜欢。No I don’t. Unit 7 What’s Bobby doing? 重点词汇: 【默写】卧室bedroom,浴室bathroom, 【认读】客厅living room,厨房kitchen,餐厅dining room,洗wash,吃eat, 睡sleep,玩play,看watch,做do 重点句型: 波比正在做什么?What’s Bobby doing? 他正在洗澡。He’s taking a bath.


精品文档 《剑桥国际少儿英语》第一册教案 Unit 7 Wild animals! 一、教学内容 剑桥国际少儿英语Unit 7,Page 40-Page 42. 二、目标语言 重点语言:crocodile,elephant,giraffe,hippo,monkey,snake,tiger,arm,foot,feet,hand,leg,tail,They’ve got…,They haven’t got…,Have theygot…? 补充语言:funny,a lot 复习:颜色,形容词,head,nose,mouth,eyes,ears,teeth,knee,shoulders,toes,Whathashegot…? 三、教学目标 1.认知目标:会识别,能听懂,会说关于动物和身体部位的单词 2.能力目标:能用学过的语言向他人描述各个动物的特征,学以致用,把语言运用到真实生活。 四、教具准备 1.PPT课件。 2.关于动物的单词卡片(crocodile,elephant,giraffe,hippo,monkey,snake,tiger)。 。 1

欢迎下载 精品文档 3.自制的关于动物和身体部位的单词卡。 4.信封一个,道具手掌两个。 五、教学过程 1、【warm-up热身】 ①Greeting T:Good morning! Ss:Good morning! T:Nice to see you again. Ss:… ②Free talk T:Areyouhappyonyoursummerholiday?Wheredidyougo on your summer holiday? 设计意图:让学生讨论暑假去了哪里,用生活真实情景为引出新内容做铺垫。 2、【Presentation呈现】&【Practice操练】 Page 40,Part 1:Listen and touch呈现 ①T:I went to the zoo on my summer holiday.引出动物园zoo ②T:What animals can you see at zoo?呈现动物园地图,让学生猜各个区域有什么动物。在每个区域里标上数字,让学生选数字引出动物 ③“What’sthisanim al?”通过各种方法引出动物(听声音,
