


Book 1, unit 1

Reading: Bodies of law

common law 习惯法,普通法,判例法 based on customs civil law 成文法,大陆法,民法

criminal law 刑法 deal with crimes

codify 编纂

code 法典

disputes 争执,纠纷

Types of law

bill 议案;法案.a formal statement of a proposed new law that is discussed and then voted on

regulation 规章 carry out the intent of the law

ordinance (地方)条例 enacted by a town,city or country government directive 指令(如:欧盟指令) establish policies

statutes 成文法 formal written law

provision 规章、条例




Speaking1 : Explaining what a

law says

stipulate 规定

provide 语气弱于stipulates

specify 明确规定

Types of courts

appellate court 受理上诉法院 review cases heard in a lower court

crown court 刑事法庭 hear serious criminal cases

high court 高等法院 the highest court in a jurisdiction

supreme court 最高法院

juvenile court 青少年法庭 try a person under the age of 18

lower court 下级法庭 hear a case for the first time

magistrates' court 地方法院,地方治安法庭 small crimes are tried in the UK moot court 模拟法庭 students argue hypothetical cases

small-claims court 小额补偿诉讼法院 limit amount of money

tribunal 特别法庭,专门法庭 legal problems of a particular type Speaking2: Civil court systems

expert witness 专家证人 a person who has specialised knowledge of a particular subject

appellant 上诉人 appeals a decision to a higher court advocate 诉讼律师 plead cases in court

Listening: Documents in court

affidavit 法庭宣誓, 口供 swear officially to tell the truth injunction 禁令 stop sb doing something

writ 传票 involved sb in a legal process

pleading 诉讼;诉讼文件 set forth the cause of action client 诉讼当事人,委托人

Book 1,Unit 2

Reading: Legaleducation - a

call to the Bar

the Bar 1.大律师职业(可出席高等法庭)(尤指资格)the profession of barrister 2.律师职业 the profession of any kind of lawyer

disbar 取消(某人)的律师资格 to stop a lawyer from working in the legal profession,especially because he or she has done sth illegal

LLB Legum Baccalaureus法学学士vocational 职业的,职业技术的

barrister 大律师,出庭律师,辩护律师(在英国有资格出席上级法庭进行辩护) a lawyer in Britain who has the right to argue cases in the higher courts of law

Inns of Court 律师学院(尤指英国伦敦四个培养律师的组织)(in England) the four private unincorporated societies in London that function as a law school and have the exclusive privilege of calling candidates to the English bar.They are Lincoln's Inn,Inner Temple,Middle Temple.Gray's Inn

Bar Vocational Course 法律职业课程

call to the bar 获得律师资格 allowed to work as a qualified barrister

pupillage 1.大律师见习期 a period during which a lawyer trains to become a barrister by studying with a qualified barriser 2.大律师实习制度 3.学生时期(尤指接受某人教育) a period during which you are a student,especially when you are being taught by a particular person

apprenticeship 1.学徒期 a period of time working as an apprentice 2.学徒工作 a job as an apprentice

barristers' chambers 大律师事务所

solicitor 1.事务律师,诉状律师(代拟法律文书、提供法律咨询等的一般辩护律师)a lawyer who prepares legal documents, for example for the sale of land or buildings,advises people on legal matters,and can speak for them in some courts of law 2.推销员 a person whose job is to visit or telephone people and

try to sell them sth 3.(城镇或政府部门负责法律事务的)法

务官 the most senior legal officer of a city,town or

government department

Legal Practice Course(LPC) 法律实践课程

trainee solicitor 实习律师

law school 法学院

juris doctor(J.D) 法律博士(美)基础的法律学位,专供非法学毕业的本科毕业生修读,毕业生可以申请入读专业法律证书(P.C.LL.)以图取得香港律师资格,香港中文大学和香港城市大学均设有此课程,2009年起香港大学亦开办此课程。

bar examination 律师资格考试 in the USA,an important test taken by

law-school graduates which,when passed,qualifies a person to practise law

liaison 1.联络;联系 a relationship between two organizations or different departments in an organization,involving the exchange of information or ideas 2.联络员;联系人

counsel 1.法律顾问;律师 a lawyer or group of lawyers representing sb in court 2.劝告,建议 advice,especially given by older people or experts


Associate 合伙人,同事,朋友 2.准会员 adj.合伙的,共事的,有关连的Full Partner (法律)无限责任合伙人

Paralegal n.法律事务助理 adj.辅助律师业务的

Real Property n.不动产,房地产

Salaried Partner (法律)受薪合伙人

litigation n.诉讼;打官司the process of making or defending a claim in a court of law

practitioner n.从业人员(尤指医学或法律界的)a person who works in a profession;n习艺者,专门人才a person who regularly does a particular activity,especially one that requires skill

transaction n.交易,业务,买卖a piece of business that is done between people,especially an act of buying or selling ; n.办理,处理the process of doing sth

trade-mark 商标a name,symbol or design that a company uses for its products and that cannot be used by anyone else;n.特征,标记a special way of behaving or dressing that is typical of ab and that makes them easily recognized

infringement 侵犯权益to limit ab's legal rightsn.触犯法规to break a law or rule ;

landlord n.房东,地主a man from whom you rent a room,a house,etc;n.店主,老板a man who owns or manages a pub or a guest house

tenant n.房客,租户,佃户a person who pays rent for the use of a

room,building,land etc;v.(作为租赁者)居住,工作to live or

work in a place as a tenant

Language Focus

barrister 出庭律师a lawyerwho is admitted to plead at the bar and argue cases in superior courts.

attorney 1.代理人,法律事务代理人 a legal agent 2. 律师 a lawyer in-house counsel 法律顾问 lawyer suppling advices for corparaton

solicitor 1.事务律师(英)lawyer who consults with clients and prepare documents but is not heard in High Court2.(美)首席法务官main legal officel of the government

corporate lawyer 法务Setting up a business venture for the company defence laywer 辩护律师 a lawyer of a defendant

government lawyer 政府律师 lawyer work for government

patent lawyer 专利律师 a lawyer who drafts and prosecutes patent applications and represents inventors in infringement suits and interference hearings

tax lawyer 税务律师 lawyer helping with tax issues

trial lawyer 出庭辩护律师 defence for the defendant on the court Unit 3

Reading: Introduction to

constitutional law

US Constitution 美国宪法

article 1.(报纸、杂志的)文章a piece of writing;2.物品;物件object;3.正品;真货the genuine article;4.(契约、文件的)条款、条文、项目a section of a formal agreement or document;5.见习契约Someone who is in articles is being trained as a lawyer or accountant by a firm with whom they have a written agreement;6.冠词

amendment 1.(法令或法规的)修正条款,修正案a section that is added to

a law or rule in order to change it;2.修改,修订a change is made to a piece of writing.

bill of rights 权利法案

judicial review 司法审查、复审review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of so me other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the decision of a trial court

due process 正当程序,正当法律程序,法定诉讼程序the administration of justice according to establish rules and principles

separation of powers 政权分离

division of powers (中央及地方的)分权

checks and balances (政府机关彼此之间的)相互制衡

limited government 有限政府

source 1.来源;产地;2.寻找(产品或货源的)货源;3.消息来源;消息人士;(论文中引文的)出处、原始资料 a person or book that provides information for a news story or for a piece of research.4.(困难的)根源、原因 a difficulty's cause.5.(河流的)源头

precedent 前例、先例 If there is a precedent for an action or event, it has happended before, and this can be regarded as an argument for doing it again

issue 1.重要问题;议题;争论的问题 an important subject;2.首要事项;要点;问题的要害;3.(报刊的)期,号,版次the version of magazine or newspaper;4.发表,发布。make a statement or a warning known formally or publicly;5.向...颁发;(正式)发给;6.(液体声音气味)流出、发出、冒出issues from=comes out of 7.争论中的,讨论中的at issus=being argued about;8.使...引起关注;在...上跳起争论make an issue of something;9.不同意;对...持争议take issue with someone or

something=disagree with them;10.在...方面有困难have issues with=have problems connected with

state constitution 州宪法mundane subjects 平凡的人Key terms:Principles of the constitutional law(BY 陈宁怡2012301180)

separation of powers 1.分权。即将政府机构一分为三:立法、行政和司法。每一个分支都有特定的职责范围,任何其他分支不得侵犯。 2.分权与制衡原则。美国宪法所确立的一项原则。依布兰迪斯(Brandeis)大法官所言,这一原则在1787年制宪会议上采纳,其目的不在于提高政府效率,而在于保护人民免受暴政或独裁专制之苦。

division of powers <美>(联邦宪法规定的联邦和州之间的政府权力划分);分权

checks and balances 制衡原则;制约与平衡原则。之每一政府部门皆具有对抗其他任何部门行为的能力,从而不致出现任何单一部门操纵整个政府的权力和职能的理论。如在美国,行政部门可通过行使否决权[veto power]制约立法机关;而只要达到充分多数,立法机关则可推翻任一否决。

limited government 有限政府Unit 4 Company Law legal entity 法律实体

legal person 法人Legal persons are of two kinds: natural persons –people – and juridical persons– groups of people, such as corporations, which are treated by law as if they were persons. While people acquire legal personhood when they are

born, judicial persons do so when they are incorporated in accordance with law.

personal liability 法律责任 The legal bound obligation to pay debts.In law, a person is legally liable when they are financially and legally responsible for something..

corporate veil 公司屏障(保护持股人免受独家业主造成的企业破产所带来的损失) Its purpose lies in the fact that under the special circumstance of law, the creditor can investigate control shareholder's legal liabilities through the“corporate veil”to make creditor gain more forceful protection.

certificate of incorporation 公司注册证书[登记执照],a signed statement by the Registrar of Companies that a company is duly incorporated

board of directors 董事会A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization. Other names include board of governors, board of managers, board of regents, board of trustees, and board of visitors. It is often simply referred to as "the board".

memorandum of association 公司章程A legal document setting up a corporation — either with or without limited liability — and including the company's name, purpose, and duration.

duty of care 谨慎责任a requirement that a person act toward others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would. If a person's actions do not meet this standard of care, then the acts are considered negligent, and any damages resulting may be claimed in a lawsuit for negligence.

company formation 成立公司 Company formation is the term for the process of incorporation of a business in the UK. It is also sometimes referred to as company registration. These terms are both also used when incorporating a business in the Republic of Ireland. Under UK company law and most international law a company or corporation is considered to be an entity that is separate from the people who own or operate the company.

bonus 奖金 A premium paid in addition to what is due or expected

liquidation 清偿;结算;清算;1. The act of determining by agreement or by litigation the exact amount of something (as a debt or damages) that before was uncertain. 2. The act of settling a debt by payment or other satisfaction. 3. The act or process

of converting assets into cash, esp. to settle debts.

legal entity 法律实体

certificate of incorporation 公司注册证[登记执照],法人认可证,公司章程;

A certificate of incorporation is a legal document relating

to the formation of a company or corporation. It is a license

to form a corporation issued by state government. Its precise

meaning depends upon the legal system in which it is used.

statutory form 法定形式

As for the application materials that are complete and

consistent with the statutory forms or that have been

supplemented by the applicant in light of the relevant

requirements, it shall acceptthem.

memorandum of association 公司章程,公会规约; The memorandum of association of a

company, often simply called the memorandum (and then often

capitalised as an abbreviation for the official name, which

is a proper noun and usually includes other words), is the

document that governs the relationship between the company

and the outside. It is one of the documents required to

incorporate a company in the United Kingdom, Ireland, India,

Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and is also used in many

of the common law jurisdictions of the Commonwealth.

authorized capital 法定资本,额定资本,认可资本;

nominal capital 名义资本

The par value of shares of stock a corporation has issued.

articles of association 公司章程[执照];

In corporate governance, a company's articles of association

is a document which, along with the memorandum of association

form the company's constitution, defines the

responsibilities of the directors, the kind of business to

be undertaken, and the means by which the shareholders exert

control over the board of directors.



The official rules and regulations which govern a

corporation's management. Drawn up at the time of

incorporation, along with the charter. extraordinary gengral meeting 特别大会

An extraordinary general meeting, commonly abbreviated as

EGM, is a meeting of members of an organisation, shareholders of a company, or employees of an official body, which occurs

at an irregular time. The term is usually used where the group

would ordinarily hold an annual general meeting (AGM), but

where an issue arises which requires the input of the entire membership and is too serious or urgent to wait until the next AGM. Members and/or shareholders must be informed of the purpose of the EGM so that they may attend in a position where they can discuss and exercise intelligent judgment, otherwise any resolutions passed are invalid.

annual general meeting (AGM) 年度(股东)大会,周年股东大会An annual general meeting (commonly abbreviated as AGM, also known as the annual meeting) is a meeting that official bodies, and associations involving the general public (including companies with shareholders), are often required by law (or the constitution, charter, by-laws etc. governing the body) to hold. An AGM is held every year to elect the board of directors and inform their members of previous and future activities. It is an opportunity for the shareholders and partners to receive copies of the company's accounts as well as reviewing fiscal information for the past year and asking any questions regarding the directions the business will take in the future.

board of director 董事会

A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization.

duty of care 注意义务

fiduciary duty 诚信义务

conflict of interest 利益冲突

balance sheet 资产负债表

profit-and-loss account 损益类账户

bonus issue 红股,或bonus share

capitalisation issue 资本化发行

liquidation 清算

auditor 审计员

director 董事;经理指挥公司业务,构成董事会,为公司决策机构board

of directors 主管;指导者;管理者 officer

liquidator n.清算人;清算事务管理人,亦称receiver

managing director 总经理,常务董事 someone who controls resources and expenditures

promote ①促进者;倡导者;推动者②(公司等的)发起人,创办人③推销商④(议案的)提出者,提案人⑤(古)刑事诉讼告发人⑥(英)教会案件的上诉人

proxy 代理人;代表,尤用于公司法中 授权 授权委托书;代理委托书

receiver ①涉讼财产管理人②破产财产管理人③<英>接受赃物者④<


shareholder n.股东;股票持有人 share: 股份 份额

UNIT 7 CONTRACT LAW:Contract Formation

acceleration n.提前到期,加速到期Clause in a contract requiring the obligor to pay all or a part of a payable amount sooner than as agreed upon the occurrence of some event or circumstance stated in the contract, usually failure to make payment.


assignment n.(财产的)转让,让与Clause prohibiting or permitting assignment under certain conditions.


confidentiality n.保密条款,机密,机密性Clause concerning the treating of information as private and not for distribution beyond specifically identified individuals or organizations, nor used other than for specifically identified purposes.


consideration n.对价,约因Clause expressing the cause, motive, price or impelling motive which induces one party to enter into an agreement.


Force Majeure n.不可抗力Clause designed to protect against failures to perform contractual obligations caused by unavoidable events beyond the party’s control, such as n atural disasters or wars.

Liquidated Damages n.约定违约金,约定违约赔偿金Clause referring to an amount predetermined by the parties as the total amount of compensation a non-breaching party should receive if the other party breaches a part of the contract.

Entire Agreement n.完整条款Clause stating that the written terms of an agreement may not be varied by prior or oral agreements because all such agreements have been consolidated into the written document.

severability n.(合同的)可分性Clause providing that, in the event that one or more provisions of the agreement are declared unenforceable, the balance of the agreement remains in force.

Termination n. 结束结局终点Clause outlining when and under which circumstances the contract may be determined.

Payment of Costs n.诉讼费的缴纳Clause setting out which party is responsible for payment of costs related to the preparation of the agreement and ancillary documents.

Express contract n.明示合同,明约A contract whose clause is set clearly by both parties orally or in written form.

Implied contract n.默认契约A contract which is set according to the behavior of two parties and the environment during the formation of the contract, although there was no obvious words presented.

Statute of fraud n.防止欺诈法英国1677年通过的一部制定法。该法由诺丁汉勋爵制定,原名为《Act of the prevention of Frauds and Perjuries》,立法宗旨是在证据不发达的时代,当事人又无法提供合适证人的情况下,减少合同欺诈。

Real property n.不动产Property consisting of land or buildings.

formation n.订立,形成The action of forming or process of forming of a contract

Third-party beneficiary contracts n.第三人受益合同A contract in which the person who get the benefit or compensation is another person rather than either part

Assignment of rights n.权力的转让A clause which regulates the change of the owner of a particular right

Delegation of duties n.责任的委托To give certain duty or obligation to someone else other than two parties of the contract.

delegate n.代表A person sent or authorized to represent others.Vt.委任,托付

assignee n.代理人,受托人A person to whom a right or liability is legally transferred or a person appointed to act for another.

Illegality of the subject matter n.标的物的违法性When either the subject matter(e.g. the sale of illegal drugs) or the consideration of a contract is illegal

Fraud in the inducement n.引诱性的欺诈When one party is intentionally misled about the terms, quality or other aspect of the contractual relationship that leads the party to enter into the transaction.

duress n.威胁,逼迫When one party induces another into entering into a contact by use or threat of force, violence, economic pressure or other similar means.

Lack of legal capacity n.法定能力的缺乏When one party does not have the ability to enter into a legal contract, i.e. is not of legal age, is insane or is a convict or enemy alien.

Reading:Introduction to

contract formation

enforceable 可实施的something can be enforced

party 1、当事人one who takes part in a transaction 2、政党,党派one by or against whom a lawsuit is brought

offeror 要约人one who makes an offer

accept 接受,承接agree to take something offered to you offeree 受约人one to whom an offer is made

consideration 1、考量something motivates a person to do something 2、支持be adequate to support the bargained-for exchange between the parties

gift 1、赠与物the voluntary transfer or property to another without compensation 2、多次转让物a thing so transferred

donation 1、捐赠物a gift to charity 2、捐赠行为a method of acquiring benefice by deed of gift alone

counter offer 反要约put forward disagreement to the offer

rejection 1、(合同中)拒绝签约a refusal to accept a contrctual offer

2、拒收a refusal to accept tendered goods as contractal performance

essential term use be equal to fundamental term 合同必备条款a contractual provision that must be included for a contract to exit and to avoid fraud

price 价格,价钱the cost at which something is bought or sold subject matter 标的物the thing in a contract,which the duty or right has

been asserted

indefinite 模糊的,不明确的not exact or clear



negotiate 1.谈判;洽谈;协商;议定talk about a prlblem or a situation such as a business arrangement in order to solve the prlblem or complete the arrangement 2.通过谈判(或协商)达成 3.转让;兑现;议付

bid 1.要约;出价指买方向卖方提出的价格,尤其是拍卖或招标中投标人报出的价格。卖方的要约为“offer”;买方的要约为“bid”。An offer to pay a particular amount of money for something that is being sold.2.投标指人们就按特定价格履行工程合同、劳动合同或提供原材料及货物合同所发出的要约。公共合同[public contract]一般就从所提出的、相互竞争的多个报价中选择中标者。

bidding phase 招标阶段

client 委托人聘请或雇佣律师、会计师、建筑师等专业人士,以获取专业建议和帮助的个人或团体a client of a professional person or organization is a person or company that receives a service from them in return for payment

Writing:An informative


agreement 协议;协定指两人或多人就其与过去或将来实施行为相关的权利和

义务等内容而形成的双方合意[mutual assent]。该词既可用于指

无对价的非正式协议,如君子协议等,也可用于指有对价支持的合法的正式协议,而合同[contract]一词则仅用于指后者,故凡合同均为协议,但并非每一份协议均为合同 a formal decision about future action that is made by two or more countries, groups, or people

franchise 1.公民的选举权the right to vote in an election 2.特许;特许权政府授予个人或团体的做某事的特权,而非公民普遍享有的权利3.特许使用权;特许经营权an authority that is given by an organization to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls 4.特许协议5.特许经营人所经营的业务

covenant 1.盖印合同;盖印契约2.合同;协议a formal written agreement between two or more people or groups of people which is recognized in law 3.违反盖因合同请求赔偿损失之诉4.盟约;公约;条约;专约

contract 合同;契约a legal agreement, usually between tow companies or between an employer and employee, which involves doing work for a stated sum of money

consent 同意;赞同;答应;允许;合意指一个智力正常的人对他人的建议自愿作出理智的选择,即同意的意思表示,并不存在胁迫、欺诈或错误理解等情况give someone permission to do it, agree to do it or to allow it to be done

injunction 禁制令法院签发的要求当事人做某事或某行为或者禁止其做某事或某行为的命令 a court order, usually one telling someone not to do something

permission 授权;许可;批准if someone who has authority over you gives you permission to do something, they say that they will allow you to do it

withdraw 1.撤走2.从……取走3.从银行中提款take money out of a bank account 4.从竞争或申请中退出stop taking part in an activity or organization

breach 破坏;违犯;违反;不履行;侵害if you breach an agreement,

a law, or a promise, you break it

breach of contract 合同一方当事人未能履行合同条款、允诺或条件

unwarranted 未担保的;无担保的

amend 1.修改;修订;修正;改正if you amend something that has been written such as a law, or something that is said, you change it in order to improve it or make it more accurate 2.改进;改善;改良

enter into 1.加入;(与他人)联合2.达成(协议);结成(关系)rescind 撤销;解除;废除if a government or a group of people in

power rescind a law or agreement, they offically withdraw

it and state that it is no longer valid terminate 结束,终止end completely

renew 更新;续展;展期;延长(执照、合同的)有效期when you renew something such as a licence or a contract, you extend the period of time for which ti ts valid

encrypt 把……译成密码;加密if a document or piece of information is encrypted, it is written in a special code, so that only certain people can read it

Translation Skill

state 法令;规章;成文法 a rule or law which has been made by a government or other organization and formally written down

mandatory 1.法定的if an action or procedure is mandatory, people have to do it, because it is a rule or a law 2.(刑罚)强制性的if a crime carries a mandatory punishment, that punishment is fixed by law for all cases, in contrast to crimes for which the judge or magistrate has to decide the punishment for each particular case

accountable 负有责任的if you are accountable to someone for something that you do, you are responsible for it and must be prepared to justify your actions to that person

trustee 受托人someone with legal control of money or property that is kept or invested for another person, company, or organization

veil 1.掩饰物you can refer to something that haids or partly hides a situation or activity as a veil 2.面纱a piece of thin soft cloth

invoke 1.求助于(法律)if you invoke a law, you state that you are taking a particular action because that law allows or tells you to 2.援引if you invoke something such as a principle, a saying, or a famous person, you refer to them in order to support your argument

compulsory 强制性的if something is compulsory, you must do it or accept it, because it is the law or because someone in a position of authority says you must

unlawful 不合法的if something is un lawful, the law does not allow

you to do it

Book2 Unit 1

Model Penal Code(MPC) 模范刑法典(美国法律协会制定的一部示范性法律文件)

a statutory text which was developed by the American Law Institute (ALI) in 1962. The Chief Reporter on the project was Herbert Wechsler


监禁 the act or process of confining someone felony 重罪 a serious crime usu. Punishable by

imprisonment for more than one year


轻罪 a crime that is less serious than a felony

and is usu. punishable by fine,penalty,forfeiture

or confinement in a place other than prison(such

as a county jail) preponderance of the evidence 优势证据 The greater weight of the evidence, not

necessarilyestablished by the greater number of witnesses testifying to a fact but by evidence

that has the most convincing force.

strict-liability crime 严格责任的犯罪 a crime that does not require a mens rea element,such as traffic offenses and

illegal sales of intoxicating liquor

actus reus 犯罪行为 【Law Latin "guilty act"】the wrongful

deed that comprises the physical components of a

crime and that generally must be coupled with mens rea to

establish criminal ability

mens rea 犯意 【Law Latin"guilty mind"】the state of mind

that the prosecution,to secure a conviction, must prove that

a defendant had when committing a crime

omission 疏忽,遗漏 the neglect to perform what the law


jaywalking 走路不遵守交通规则 walking across a street outside

of marked cross-walks and not at a corner and/or

against a signal light

petty theft 小偷小摸 a theft of a small quantity of cash or of

low-value goods or services

entrapment 警察圈套(诱捕) a law-enforcement officer's or

government agent's inducement of a person to

commit a crime, by means of fraud or undue persuasion,in an

attempt to later bring a criminal prosecution against that


adversarial system 对抗制 a legal system where two advocates represent their

parties' positions before an impartial person or group of

people, usually a jury or judge, who attempt to determine the

truth of the case

inquisitorial system 纠问制

Listening1 ,speaking and


rebuttal rebut /r ??b ?t/ v

to prove that a statement or a charge made against you

is false

= refute

>rebuttal n [U and C] 辩驳,反驳

parole n.假释,假释期,假释证


adj.获得假释(者)的,假释的permission for someone to leave prison, on the condition that they promise to behave well

on parole 假释 un&v

confrontation 1.a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groups

She had stayed in her room to avoid another confrontation. confrontation with/between

an ideological confrontation between conservatives and liberals

2.a fight or battle

military/violent/armed confrontation

Japan seemed unlikely to risk military confrontation with Russia. 此处取第一个意思,对质

premeditated /pri??med?te?t?d US pr?-/ adj 预谋的

a premeditated crime or attack is planned in advance and done deliberately

premeditated murder

parole permission for someone to leave prison, on the condition that they promise to behave well

on parole 假释 un&v

confrontation 1.a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groups

She had stayed in her room to avoid another confrontation. confrontation with/between

an ideological confrontation between conservatives and liberals

2.a fight or battle

military/violent/armed confrontation

Japan seemed unlikely to risk military confrontation with Russia. 此处取第一个意思,对质

discharge 【SHOOT】 [T] formal 此处作shoot之义

to fire a gun or shoot an arrow etc

A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.

premeditated /pri??med?te?t?d US pr?-/ adj 预谋的

a premeditated crime or attack is planned in advance and done deliberately

premeditated murder

Reading2:parties to a crime

Culpability 有罪;应受惩处(性)Blameworthiness;应受谴责(性);有责(性)除法定的严格责任的刑事案件外,行为人应受刑事处罚还必须具备法律可能要求的蓄意、明知、放任或过失等主观上的犯罪构成要素 the quality of being culpable.Except in cases of absolute liability, criminal culpability requires a showing that the person acted purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently with respect to each material element of the offense.

Principal a.1主要的,首要的,最重要的Chief; primary; most important;(地位、级别等)最高的2资本的;本金的;可生息的财产的

n.1首长;负责人;首领;长官;主管人2(中小学)校长;(英)大学校长3本金;资本;可生息的资本(或财产);(股票、债券等的)票面价值4(代理关系中的)本人;委托人;被代理人One who authorizes another to act on his or her behalf as an agent.5主债务人(=principal debtor)One who has primary responsibility on an obligation, as opposed to a surety or indorser6主犯指实施犯罪行为或在现场帮助或者唆使他人实施犯罪行为的罪犯,与从犯(accessory)相对。One who commits or participates in a crime7(在具结保释中的)被保释人 8 The corpus of an estate or trust. [Cases: Trusts 1. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion §§ 1–9, 14–18.] 9 The amount of a debt, investment, or other fund, not including interest, earnings, or profits.

Accessory n1、附属物;从物 Something of secondary or subordinate importance.

.2、附件;零件 3从犯帮助实施犯罪行为者。Criminal law. A person who aids or contributes in the commission or concealment of a crime. ?An accessory is usu. liable only if the crime is a felony.从犯又分为事前从犯和事后从犯【accessory before the fact】和事后从犯【accessory after the fact】在美国,大多数州一般只对重罪的从犯追究刑事责任。在英格兰,以前只对重罪的从犯追究刑事责任。在英格兰,以前只在重罪上对主犯和从犯有所区分,但在叛逆罪中,所有的参与者都是主犯。在轻罪中,在重罪中会是事前从犯的被视为主犯;在重罪中会是事后从犯的则不视为犯罪,除非有事实证明构成了实质上的犯罪。1967年《刑法》【criminal law act】颁布后,共同犯罪人一般只划分为主犯和同谋犯。在苏格兰,主犯和从犯的区别,只在于主要参与与辅助参加之分,在刑事责任上没有去别。

a. 附属的,从属的,附加的;同谋的

Accessory after the fact Accessory after the fact:事后从犯即明知犯罪已经实施,帮助犯罪人逃脱逮捕或惩罚者。在美国,根据的大多数州刑事法律的规定,对于事后从犯作单独处理,有4条要求:①他人已经实施了重罪,而且必须在从犯实施之前已经完成②从犯不能与主犯同罪③从


故意《模范刑法典》【Model Penal Code】认为事后从犯其实不是



Execution n.处死刑,处决,死刑,执行,行刑

Conspiracy n.共谋,串通

Acquit v.无罪释放

Convict n.罪犯



seizure n.扣押,抢夺

curtail vt.剥夺??特权等,缩减formulate vt.制定

suspicion n.怀疑,嫌疑


detention n.拘押,羁押,扣押exclude vt.排除

intervene vt.干涉,介入,调停

warrant n.根据,证据,委任状,正当理由


disarm vt.消除??的怀疑

custody n.保管,监护,拘留,抚养权proposition n.主张

criminal trespass 非法侵入他人土地房屋罪

hearsay 1.传闻证据 Testimony that is given by a witness who relates to what others have said. 2.非直接证据 In federal law, a statement offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted;secondhand evidence.

sustain 1.保持,维持,使持续不断: To support or maintain, esp. over

a long period .2.给…以力量(或勇气、信心等),鼓励,使振作 To nourish and encourage; lend strength to .3. 蒙受,遭受(损失等):To undergo; suffer .4.确认,认可;(法院)确认…正当(或正确);准许: (Of a court) to uphold or rule in favor of .5. 证实To substantiate or corroborate .6.支援;救济 To persist in making (an effort) over a long period .

overrule 1.驳回,批驳;拒绝 To rule against; to reject .2. 宣布…无效(Of a court) to overturn or set aside (a precedent) by expressly deciding that it should no longer be controlling law .

cross-examine n.盘诘;反复询问The questioning of a witness at a trial or hearing by the party opposedto the party who called the

witness to testify.Also termed cross-interrogation

trustee 1、受托人,one having legal title to property holds it in trust for the benefit of another and owes a duty to that beneficiary 2、破产管理人,a person to administer the bankruptcy estate during a bankruptcy case

Language Focus

Homicide n杀人The killing of one person by another 指一人导致或促使他人死亡的一般用语。该词是中性词,只描述客观行为,而对其道德或法律性质并没有做出判断。杀人并不必然构成犯罪,在依法执行死刑、自卫以及作为追捕逃犯的唯一可能手段时,杀人则是合法的。但如果一人蓄意、明知、轻率或疏忽致使他人死亡的,该人则犯有杀人罪。英美普通法和制定法都把杀人分为谋杀【murder】和非预谋杀人【manslaughter】.在苏格兰,杀人分为有罪杀人【cuplable homicide】、正当杀人【justifiabe homicide】以及意外、疏忽或可宽恕杀人【accidental,negligent,or excusable homicide】

杀人者,a person who kills another

First-degree 一级 An incremental measure of guilt or negligence; a level based on the seriousness of an offense.

Premeditated murder 预谋杀人 Done with willful deliberation and planning; consciously

considered beforehand

Felony-murder 重罪谋杀 Murder that occurs during the commission of a dangerous felony (often

limited to rape, kidnapping, robbery, burglary, and arson).

Second-degree murder <美>:二级谋杀罪 Murder that is not aggravated by any of the circumstances of first-degree murder 大多数州把谋杀罪分为





的重罪-谋杀。对二级谋杀罪通常处以终身监禁(=murder in the second degree)

Voluntary manslaughter 非预谋故意杀人激情杀人是非预谋故意杀人的典型形式,即被告人因受到强烈的刺激,致使其在盛怒心理下实施的故意杀人行为。

involuntary manslaughter 过失杀人罪 Homicide in which there is no intention to kill or do grievous

bodily harm, but that is committed with criminal negligence or during the commission of a crime

not included within the felony-murder rule.

manslaughter 非预谋杀人罪The unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought. — Also

termed (in some jurisdictions) culpable homicide

bribery 贿赂罪n. The corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private favor for official action. ?

Bribery is a felony in most jurisdictions.

battery 欧击罪;(侵权法)非法侵犯n.1.Criminal law. The use of force against another, resulting in harmful or offensive contact.

sexual assault 性侵犯1.ASSAULT. 2.RAPE.

robbery 1、抢劫、抢掠 The illegal taking of property from the person of another, or in the person'spresence, by violence or intimidation;2、加重的盗窃罪 aggravated larceny.Also termed (in Latin) crimen roberiae.

interference in the judical process 干涉司法程序 Obstructing service of process, to interfere with the service of a court-authorized document, civil or criminal, such as a summons or a subpoena.

intimidation 1. 威胁;威逼(做某事):the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something 2.威胁 the feeling of discouragement in the face of someone's superior fame or wealth or status etc.3. 恐吓the feeling of being intimidated; being made to feel afraid or timid 4.威胁;威逼(不做某事) a communication that makes you afraid to try something

assault 1.伤害罪close fighting during the culmination of a military attack.2.侵犯人身,(尤指未遂的)殴打;(用言语等的)威胁,胁迫 a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped.3.性侵犯 the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will

burglary 盗窃;入室抢劫犯 Knowingly entering or remaining in a building or dwelling, without authority and with intent to commit any felony or theft therein.

criminal trespass 1、非法侵占罪,an unlawful act against the property of anoother 2、非法侵入罪,an unlawful act against the person

theft 偷窃罪,any act or instance of stealing, including larceny,burglary, embezzlement,and false pretenses

kidnapping 绑架罪,1、将人劫持并运至他国(早期)abducting a person and sending the person to another country 2、以暴力或欺骗的手

段劫持他人,seizing and taking away a person by force or fraud

arson 1、恶意焚烧他人的住宅或宅第内附属建筑,the malicious burning of someone else's dwelling house or outhouse(common law) 2、恶意焚烧自己或他人的财产,the intentional and wrongful burning of someone else's property or one's own

property(modern statutes)

license 1、许可,特许。a permission 2、许可证,the certificate or

document evidencing such permission

patent 1、特许,许可,the governmental grant of a right 2、特许状,许可证the official document so granting 3、专利权,the right to exclude others from doing something

employ 1、雇佣,to hire 2、使用,利用,to make use of 3、使用,职业,to use as an agent in transacting business 4、使从事于,to entrust witn the performance of certain acts

vend 1、出售,出卖,to transfer to another for money or other thing

2、贩卖,叫卖,to make an object of trade by hawking

3、公开陈述,公开出版,to utter publicly or publish broadly

lease 1、租赁合同,a contranct 2、租赁权 a conveyance plus all covenants attached to it 3、租赁物,the real property 4、租赁,租借, behavior

grant 1、同意,允许,an agreement2、让与,the formal transfer of real property3、财产转让证书,the document by which a transfer is effected 4、转让的财产或财产权利,the property of property right so transferred

trust 1、信托,a property interest held by one person at the request of another for the benefit of a third party 2、信托关系,a relationship 3、信托财产,the property

transfer 1、转换,转移,any mode of parting with an asset in an asset

2、流通,negotiation of an instrument according to the forms of law

3、转让,a conveyance of property or title from one person to another

contract 1、合同,an agreement between two or more parties 2、合同书,the writing that sets forth such an agreement

sentence n. 1、宣判The judgment that a court formally pronounces after finding a criminal defendant guilty;2、判决 the punishment imposed on a criminal wrongdoer . — Also termed judgment of conviction.

crime 1、违法行为、犯罪An act that the law makes punishable;2、刑事诉讼标的 the breach of a legal duty treated as the subject matter of a criminal proceeding. — Also termed criminal wrong.

deterrence n.1、恐吓 The act or process of discouraging certain behavior, particularly by fear; 2、(刑法)威慑力 esp as a goal of criminal law, the prevention of criminal behavior by fear of punishment.

legislators n.1、立法者 One who makes laws within a given jurisdiction;

2、有立法权的主体a member of a legislative body.— Also termed lawmaker.

punishment 刑罚n. A sanction — such as a fine, penalty, confinement,


一、律师部分 案件受理费court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂important and complicated case 案由cause of action 案子case 包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits 被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件) 被上诉人appellee ?p??li: 被诉人respondent; defendant 本案律师councel pro hac vice 本地律师local counsel 毕业证diploma; graduation certificate 辩护词defense; pleadings 辩护律师defense lawyer 辩护要点point of defense 辩护意见submission 财产租赁property tenancy 裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定) 裁决书award(用于仲裁) 裁决书verdict(用于陪审团) 采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence 草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests 查阅法条source legal provisions 产权转让conveyancing 出差go on errand; go on a business trip 出国深造further study abroad 出具律师意见书providing legal opinion 出示的证据exhibit 出庭appear in court 传票summons; subpoena 答辩状answer; reply 代理词representation 代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate 代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations 代理仲裁agency for arbitration 代写文书drafting of legal instruments 待决案件pending case 当事人陈述statement of the parties 第三人third party 吊销执业证revocation of lawyer license 调查笔录investigative record 调查取证investigation and gathering for evidence 调解mediation 调解书mediation 二审案件case of trial of second instance 发送电子邮件send e-mail 法律顾问legal consultants 法律意见书legal opinions 法律援助legal aid 法律咨询legal counseling 法庭division; tribunal 法学博士学位LL.D (Doctor of Laws) 法学会law society 法学课程legal courses 法学硕士学位LL.M (Master of Laws) 法学系faculty of law; department of law 法学学士学位LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) J.D ( juris doctor缩写,美国法学学士) 法学院law school 法院公告court announcement 反诉状counterclaim 房地产律师real estate lawyer; real property lawyer 非合伙律师associate lawyer 非诉讼业务non-litigation practice 高级合伙人senior partner 高级律师senior lawyer 各类协议和合同agreements and contracts 公安局Public Security Bureau 公司上市company listing 公诉案件public-prosecuting case 公证书notarial certificate 国办律师事务所state-run law office 国际贸易international trade 国际诉讼international litigation 国内诉讼domestic litigation 合伙律师partner lawyer 合伙制律师事务所law office in partner-ship; cooperating law office 合同审查、草拟、修改contract review, drafting and revision 会见当事人interview a client 会见犯罪嫌疑人interview a criminal suspect 兼职律师part-time lawyer 监狱prison; jail 鉴定结论expert conclusion 缴纳会费membership dues 举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi 决定书decision


一、律师部分 案件受理费 court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂 important and complicated case 案由 cause of action 案子 case 包揽诉讼 monopolize lawsuits 被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件) 被诉人 respondent; defendant 本地律师 local counsel 毕业证 diploma; graduation certificate 辩护词 defense; pleadings 辩护律师 defense lawyer 辩护要点 point of defense 辩护意见 submission 财产租赁 property tenancy 裁定书 order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定) 裁决书 award(用于仲裁) 裁决书 verdict(用于陪审团) 采信的证据 admitted evidence; established evidence 草拟股权转让协议 drafting agreement of assignment of equityinterests 查阅法条 source legal provisions 出差 go on errand; go on a business trip

出具律师意见书 providing legal opinion 出示的证据 exhibit 出庭 appear in court 传票 summons; subpoena 答辩状 answer; reply 代理词 representation 代理房地产买卖与转让 agency for sale and transfer of real estate 代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization,trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate andincorporations 代理仲裁 agency for arbitration 代写文书 drafting of legal instruments 待决案件pending case 当事人陈述 statement of the parties 第三人 third party 吊销执业证 revocation of lawyer license 调查笔录investigative record 调查取证 investigation and gathering for evidence 调解 mediation 调解书 mediation 二审案件 case of trial of second instance 发送电子邮件 send e-mail 法律顾问legal consultants 法律意见书 legal opinions


法律英语实用单词讲解 accord释义:accord在普通英语中的含义是符合,一致,在法律英语中则表示和解或和解协议,指指债务人和一个债权人达成的、以偿还部分债务免除全部债务责任的协议。如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。 acquire释义:acquire在普通英语中的含义是获得,获取,而且通常指通过后天的努力获得。在法律英语中通常指对公司的购买,收购,我们通常所说的M&A,即是acquire的名词acquisition和merger 的缩写。如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。 act释义:act在普通英语中的含义是行动,行为,在法律英语中通常理解为作为,与不作为forbear 相对应。如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from action释义:act在普通英语中的含义是行动,在法律英语中则理解为诉讼,相当于suit或lawsuit,如initiate an action提起诉讼,win an action在诉讼中获胜,defend oneself in an action在诉讼中为自己辩护等。 adopt释义:adopt的最常见含义是采用,通过,如adopt a law通过一项法律,adopt a proposal 采纳一个建议等,这种用法在法律英语中也较为常见。另外,adopt在法律英语中可能会用到一个含义是收养,如adopt an orphan according to law根据法律规定收养孤儿。 admission释义:admission是admit的名词,在普通英语中的含义是承认或接纳。在法律英语中,则通常是法律程序中的一个用语,意思是采纳,采信(证据),如The defendant challenged the admission of the evidence by the court on the ground that the evidence was irrelevant.被告以证据没有相关性为由反对法院对其予以采信。 affect释义:affect是普通英语中最常见最普通的单词之一,意思是影响,通常用在口语和非正式的场合中。但在法律英语,affect(本义没有改变,仍然是影响),确实非常正式的用法,通常不能用influence 等单词替换。如The failure of either party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same.任何一方在任何时候未要求另一方履行本协议任一条款,并在不影响其以后强制执行该条款的权利。 affiliate释义:affiliate是法律英语的常见单词之一,意思是关联方,关联公司,也可以associate或connected person表示。如“Affiliate” means any person or company that directly or indirectly controls a Party or is directly or indirectly controlled by a Party,including a Party's parent or subsidiary, or is under direct or indirect common control with such Party.“关联公司”指直接或间接控制一方(包括其母公司或子公司)或受一方直接或间接控制,或与该方共同受直接或间接控制的任何人或公司。 agent释义:agent也是法律英语中常见单词之一,意思是代理人,代理商,通常指商业代理,如果指非商业性质的代理,如替别人出席会议等,则可用proxy。 例句:Nothing in this Agreement or in the performance of any of its provisions is intended or shall be construed to constitute either party an agent, 1egal representative, subsidiary,joint venturer,partner,employer,or employee of the other for any purpose whatsoever. 参考译文:本协议的任何内容或本协议任何条款的履行,无意表示、亦不应被理解为任何一方为任何目的可以充当另一方的代理人、法定代表、子公司、合营方、合作伙伴、雇主或雇员。


法律英语词汇大全完美 版 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

法律渊源s o u r c e o f l a w 制定法 statute 判例法 case law; precedent 普通法 common law 特别法 special law 固有法 native law; indigenous law 继受法 adopted law 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 原则法 fundamental law 例外法 exception law 司法解释 judicial interpretation 习惯法 customary law 公序良俗 public order and moral 自然法 natural law 罗马法 Roman Law 私法 private law 公法 public law 市民法 jus civile 万民法 jus gentium 民法法系 civil law system 英美法系 system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系 civil law system 普通法 common law 大陆法 continental law 罗马法系 Roman law system 衡平法 equity; law of equity 日尔曼法 Germantic law 教会法 ecclesiastical law 寺院法 canon law 伊斯兰法 Islamic law 民法法律规范 norm of civil law 授权规范 authorization norm 禁止规范 forbidding norm 义务性规范 obligatory norm 命令性规范 commanding norm 民法基本原则 fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则 principle of equality 自愿原则 principle of free will 公平原则 principle of justice 等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange 诚实信用原则 principle of good faith 行为 act 作为 ac 不作为 omission 合法行为 lawful act 违法行为 unlawful act 民事权利权利能力 civil right 绝对权 absolute right 相对权 relative right 优先权 right of priority 先买权 preemption 原权 antecedent right 救济权 right of relief 支配权 right of dominion 请求权 right of claim 物上请求权 right of claim for real thing 形成权 right of formation 撤销权 right of claiming cancellation


一、 action 诉讼 to bring an action/lawsuit against sb. 向某人提起诉讼,到法院告某人 defendant 被告 appellant 上诉人 appellee 被上诉人 cause of action 案由 transaction 交易 to join sb. as plaintiff/defendant 与某人共同起诉、把某人作为第三人被告合并起诉to make a complete determination of a controversy彻底解决争端 to be liable 负有责任 to rest on 依靠,依赖 adversary 敌手,对手;敌对的 adversary system 抗辩制 advocate 用户,提倡;拥护者,辩护者 produce 拿出,出示 evidence 证据 inquisitorial 纠问的 civil law tradition 大陆法传统 presentation 介绍,陈述 intervene 干涉,介入 safeguard 预防措施,保证条款;保护 prevalence 流行,盛行 manifold 多种多样的 contest 比赛 interested 有利害关系的 resolution 解决 to bear the burden of 承担 to reduce... to 把.....降为,把......归纳为 unbiased 无偏见的 satisfy 满足,符合 critic 批评者 merit 事实真相,是非曲直 phase 阶段 reside 属于,归于 affirmative 肯定的,积极的 join 合并 to be liable to sb. for sth. 因某事对某人负有责任 to rest on 依靠 to reside in/with 属于 二、 allege 声称 allegation 声称 injury 伤害


法律英语高频词汇 发回重审 remand a lawsuit for a new trial 发货人 consignor, shipper 发生法律效力 be legally effective 发现 discovery 发行审核委员会 the Issuance Examination Commission 发展规划 development plan 罚款 Fin 法案 bill 法定部门 statutory machinery 法定代表律师 Official Solicitor 法定代表人 legal representative 法定代理人 legal agent 法定继承 legal inheritance 法定继承人 legal heir 法定监护人 legal guardian 法定期限 time limit provided by law 法定义务 legal duty 法定语言 legal language 法定主管当局 statuory authority

法官法 judges law 法官考评委员会 committee for the examination and appraisal of judges 法规 laws and regulations 法纪 Law and Discipline 法纪监督 supervision over legal discipline 法理背景 jurisprudential background 法理背景 jurisprudential base 法理学 jurisprudence 法令 decree 法律程序文件 written process 法律冲突 conflict of laws 法律服务所 Legal Service Office 法律概念 legal concept 法律顾问处 Legal Consultant Office 法律后果 legal effect 法律解释权 power of law interpretation 法律面前人人平等 equality before the law 合法的 legitimate 法律上的财产处分 legal disposition of property



法律英语常用词汇大全 一、律师部分 案件受理费court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂important and complicated case 案由cause of action 案子case 包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits 被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件) 被上诉人appellee 被诉人respondent; defendant 本案律师councel pro hac vice 本地律师local counsel 毕业证diploma; graduation certificate 辩护词defense; pleadings 辩护律师defense lawyer 辩护要点point of defense 辩护意见submission 财产租赁property tenancy 裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定) 裁决书award(用于仲裁) 裁决书verdict(用于陪审团) 采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence 草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests 查阅法条source legal provisions 产权转让conveyancing 出差go on errand; go on a business trip 出国深造further study abroad 出具律师意见书providing legal opinion 出示的证据exhibit 出庭appear in court 传票summons; subpoena 答辩状answer; reply 代理词representation 代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate

法律英语词汇大全 完美版

法律渊源s o u r c e o f l a w 制定法 statute 判例法 case law; precedent 普通法 common law 特别法 special law 固有法 native law; indigenous law 继受法 adopted law 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 原则法 fundamental law 例外法 exception law 司法解释 judicial interpretation 习惯法 customary law 公序良俗 public order and moral 自然法 natural law 罗马法 Roman Law 私法 private law 公法 public law 市民法 jus civile 万民法 jus gentium 民法法系 civil law system 英美法系 system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系 civil law system 普通法 common law 大陆法 continental law 罗马法系 Roman law system 衡平法 equity; law of equity 日尔曼法 Germantic law 教会法 ecclesiastical law 寺院法 canon law 伊斯兰法 Islamic law 民法法律规范 norm of civil law 授权规范 authorization norm 禁止规范 forbidding norm 义务性规范 obligatory norm 命令性规范 commanding norm 民法基本原则 fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则 principle of equality 自愿原则 principle of free will 公平原则 principle of justice 等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange


法律英语词汇表(一) 法律英语词汇表,绝非原创,转自葵花论坛(yuan-ge) 本词汇表来自何家弘的法律英语教材,是由葵花论坛的同学们整理录入,提供给大家共享。 A absolute proof 绝对证明 absolute property 绝对财产(权) abstract of title 产权书摘要 acceleration clause 提前(偿还)条款 acceptance 承诺 accident report 事故报告 accident insurance 意外保险 accusation 指控;控告 accusatorial procedure 控告程序 accusatorial process of proof 控告证明过程(程序) accusatorial system 控告或诉讼程序 accused 被指控者 accuser 控告人 acknowledgement 认知(书) acquittal 无罪判决 act 条例;作为 Act for the prevention of Frauds and Perjuries 《预防诈欺和伪证条例》 action 诉讼;作为 actual losses 实际损失 adjudication 裁决;裁定 administrative law 行政法 administrative law judge 行政法法官 administrative procedure 行政程序 administrator 管理人;监管人 admissible 可采的 admissibility 可采性 admit 采用;允许 adoption 收养 adulterous conduct 通奸行为 ad valorem property tax 从价财产税 adversarial hearing 对抗式听证会 adversarial process 对抗式程序 adversary 对手 adversary trial system 对抗式(或抗辩)审判制度 advocacy 出庭辩护;诉讼代理 advocate 辩护人;诉讼代理人 affidavit 正式书面陈述 affirm 维持(原判)


法律英语词汇的特点及其翻译 Ξ 李 丽 (三峡大学外国语学院教师 香港中文大学翻译系博士生 香港沙田) 摘 要 法律文件的英汉翻译在中国发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文从四个方面归纳法律英语词汇的特点,即专业性、正式性、客观性及准确性,并进一步探讨具体的法律词汇翻译的方法和对策。关键词 法律翻译 法律词汇特点 翻译方法 翻译策略 Abstract Translation of legal documents is now playing an ever -increasing role in China.This paper first surveys four primary characteristics of legal vocabulary ,namely ,professionalism ,formalism ,objectivity and exactitude ,followed by a presentation and discussion of s pecific strategies and methods of translating legal vo 2cabulary between English and Chinese. K ey Words Legal translation characteristics of legal vocabulary translation methods translation strate 2gies 随着中国加入WTO ,世界经济一体化,中国与世界的交往和联系越来越多。法律文件的翻译将会在社会生活中扮演很重要的角色。要做好法律文件的英汉翻译,我们必须了解法律英语的一些特点。所谓法律英语,“是指法律界通用的书面英语(包括法律、法规、条例、规章、协定、判定和裁定等),尤其是指律师起草法律文件(合同、章程、协议、契约等)惯常使用的语 言。”[1] 法律英语在词汇、句式等方面都有它自己的特点。本文尝试归纳出法律英语在词汇方面的四大特点,并进而探讨一些具体的翻译方法和策略。1 专业性 “法律语言部分地是由具有特定法律意义的词组成,部分地是由日常用语组成。具有特定法律意义的词,在日常用语中即使有也很少 使用,如预谋、过失、非法侵害等。”[2] 除了具有特定法律意义的词之外,很多在日常生活中普遍应用的词汇,一旦到了法律文本中,便具有了区别于日常意义的法律意义。这也就是我们常 说的法律词汇的“专业性”。下表列举部分英语单词的普通意义和法律意义: 英语单词 日常意义法律意义adverse 相反的非法的battery 电池伤害、人身攻击condemn 谴责判刑、定罪declaration 声明、宣言申诉书exhibit 展出物证hear 听见听审immunity 免疫力豁免权leave 离开休庭proceed 进行起诉report 报告揭发sentence 句子判决undo 解开勾引、诱奸vacation 假期休庭期warrant 保证拘捕令 除了这些普通词汇所具有的专业意义之外,法律英语中还保留了一些外来词和旧体词,这也是法律词汇专业性的一个体现和标记。 外来词:现代法律词汇中保留一些来自拉文的词汇,如: ad hoc 专门地bona fide 真诚地 de facto 事实上的inter alia 除了别的因素以外in re 关于 mutatis mutandis 已作了必要的修订pari passu 按相同比例per se 自身pro bono 为了公益pro rata 按比例 第18卷3期2005年8月 中国科技翻译CHIN ESE SCIENCE &TECHNOLO GY TRANSLATORS JOURNAL Vol.18.No.3 Aug.2005 收稿日期:2005—03—09/14


t h e i e 法律英语 法律渊源 source of law 制定法 statute 判例法 case law; precedent 普通法 common law 特别法 special law 固有法 native law; indigenous law 继受法 adopted law 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 原则法 fundamental law 例外法 exception law 司法解释 judicial interpretation 习惯法 customary law 公序良俗 public order and moral 自然法 natural law 罗马法 Roman Law 私法 private law 公法 public law 市民法 jus civile 万民法 jus gentium 民法法系 civil law system 英美法系 system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系 civil law system 普通法 common law 大陆法 continental law 罗马法系 Roman law system 衡平法 equity; law of equity 日尔曼法 Germantic law 教会法 ecclesiastical law 寺院法 canon law 伊斯兰法 Islamic law 民法法律规范 norm of civil law 授权规范 authorization norm 禁止规范 forbidding norm 义务性规范 obligatory norm 命令性规范 commanding norm 民法基本原则 fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则 principle of equality 自愿原则 principle of free will 公平原则 principle of justice 等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange


法律渊源source of law 制定法statute 判例法case law; precedent 普通法common law 特别法special law 固有法native law; indigenous law 继受法adopted law 实体法substantial law 程序法procedural law 原则法fundamental law 例外法exception law 司法解释judicial interpretation 习惯法customary law 公序良俗public order and moral 自然法natural law 罗马法Roman Law 私法private law 公法public law 市民法jus civile 万民法jus gentium 民法法系civil law system 英美法系system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系civil law system 普通法common law 大陆法continental law 罗马法系Roman law system 衡平法equity; law of equity 日尔曼法Germantic law 教会法ecclesiastical law 寺院法canon law 伊斯兰法Islamic law 民法法律规范norm of civil law 授权规范authorization norm 禁止规范forbidding norm 义务性规范obligatory norm 命令性规范commanding norm 民法基本原则fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则principle of equality 自愿原则principle of free will 公平原则principle of justice 等价有偿原则principle of equal value exchange 诚实信用原则principle of good faith 行为act 作为ac 不作为omission 合法行为lawful act 违法行为unlawful act 民事权利权利能力civil right 绝对权absolute right 相对权relative right 优先权right of priority 先买权preemption 原权antecedent right 救济权right of relief 支配权right of dominion 请求权right of claim 物上请求权right of claim for real thing 形成权right of formation 撤销权right of claiming cancellation


常用法律英语词汇 Ab initio 从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。 Accused 被告Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Respondent(答辩人)。 Acquittal 罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。Acquittal是名词。 Adjourn 休庭,押后法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭30分钟,称为“adjourned for 30 minutes”。如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“adjourned to a date to be fixed”。 Affidavit 誓章以宗教仪式发誓后签署的书面证供称为Affidavit,而以真诚发誓所签署的证供称为Affirmation,两者的格式用词有些分别,但主要作用相同。 Allegation 声称诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:The Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendant’s breach of contract,原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。Allegation是名词。Assault 殴打,侵犯以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为Assault,一般性质的殴打,称为“Common Assault”;严重者称为Aggravated Assault;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为Indecent Assault。As is 现状“As is”常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。“The prop erty is and will be sold on an “as is” basis …”即物业将会以其现状出售。 Bail 保释刑事案中的疑犯或被告,可以暂时被释放。保释可以是有条件的,也可以是无条件的。保释的条件包括缴交指定金额的保释金、提供人事担保及定时向警署报到等。 Balance of Probabilities 可能性较高者这是民事案件中举证的标准,法庭对原告和被告所提出的证据,认为那一方的可信性较高,便会判处该方胜诉。相对刑事案而言,民事案中败诉的后果一般都只是经济利益,所以法庭对举证的要求,相对也较刑事案为低。 Beyond reasonable doubt无合理疑点这是刑事案件中举证的标准,控方向法庭提出的证据,必须是在合理的情况下并无疑点,法庭才会判处被告有罪。刑事罪的后果对被告而言,较为严重,举证标准的要求也因此而较民事案严格,如果法庭认为证据有任何疑点,都会将疑点的利益“benefit of doubt”归于被告。 Binding 有约束力的“binding”通常的解释是连结一起,但法律上则多用作有约束力的,例如:This provisional agreement is a binding contract。这份临时协议是有法律约束力的。 Body Corporation


法律英语专业词汇大全 一、律师部分案件受理费court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂important and complicated case 案由cause of action 案子case 包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits 被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件) 被诉人respondent; defendant 本地律师local counsel 毕业证diploma; graduation certificate 辩护词defense; pleadings 辩护律师defense lawyer 辩护要点point of defense 辩护意见submission 财产租赁property tenancy 裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)裁决书award(用于仲裁)裁决书verdict(用于陪审团)采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence 草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equityinterests 查阅法条source legal provisions 出差go on errand; go on a business trip 出国深造further study abroad 出具律师意见书providing legal opinion 出示的证据exhibit 出庭appear in court 传票summons; subpoena 答辩状answer; reply 代理词representation 代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate 代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization,trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate andincorporations 代理仲裁agency for arbitration 代写文书drafting of legal instruments 待决案件pending case 当事人陈述statement of the parties 第三人third party 吊销执业证revocation of lawyer license 调查笔录investigative record 调查取证investigation and gathering for evidence 调解mediation 调解书mediation 二审案件case of trial of second instance 发送电子邮件send e-mail 法律顾问


LESSON1 合同法□□□□□□lawContract 财产法□□□□□□Property law 信托法□□□□□□lawTrust 侵权法□□□□□□lawTort 宪法□□□□□□law Constitutional 刑法□□□□□□Criminal law 行政法□□□□□□Administrativelaw 国际法□□□□□□International law 金融衍生产品市场□□□□□Financialderivative market □□□□□□动产Personal property □□□□□□不动产property Real 担保(复数形式证券)□□□□□□Security □□□□□□先例Precedent □□□□□□实体法Substantivelaw

□□□□□□程序法Procedurallaw □□□□□□公法Publiclaw 私法□□□□□□Private law □□□□□□刑法Criminal law □□□□□□民法,大陆法lawCivil □□□□□□普通法Common law □□□□□□自我防卫defenseSelf □□□□□□强迫Duress □□□□□□遵循先例decisisStare □□□□□□司法管辖权法域/Jurisdiction □□□□□□财政诉讼法院The Exchequer □□□□□□王座法院King`sThe bench □□□□□□普通诉讼法院Common pleas □□□□□□领地法院Manorial courts □□□□□□男爵法院courtsBaronial

□□□□□□海事法院courtsAdmiral`s(maritime)□□□□□□同业行会,行会Guild □□□□□□王室猎场法院Forestcourts □□□□□□书面命令,令状Writ 判例汇编□□□□□□reportLaw □□□□□对适用法律的裁决of lawFindings □□□□□□对事实的决定factofDeterminations □□□□□□教会法lawCanon □□□□□□自然法lawNatural □□□□□□实证主义Positivism □□□□□□法典化Codification □□□□□□汉谟拉比法典of HammurabiCoreThe 3LESSON □□□□□□联邦制Federalism □□□□□□初审法院Trial court □□□□□□廉洁行为Good behavior
