
第4讲 免疫算法概要

第4讲免疫算法 学习目的:了解和掌握免疫算法的基本思想和流程,解决优化等实际问题 学校要点:一般免疫算法、免疫克隆选择算法、免疫网络算法,免疫调度算法,其他改进的免疫算法。免疫算法在调度等优化问题方面的应用。 内容概述:免疫算法没有统一的模式,即使在生物学基础上也不是统一的。它与遗传算法等传统自然计算或计算智能方法的差别在于,遗传算法、人工神经网络等方法是基于单一的生物学理论而发展,比如进化论、人脑的神经网络结构。而免疫算法的生物学基础是多样的,比如免疫网络、克隆选择理论、阴性选择等,基于这些免疫学理论或机制已经开发出多种形式的算法模型。它是人工免疫系统的主要研究内容,也是免疫计算的主要形式。免疫算法是面向问题的方法,因此从人工免疫系统发展以来,已经有许多用于不同领域的免疫算法开发出来[3][4][5][6][7],多数利用免疫系统的某一方面机制或原理设计新算法,或者改进现有技术。所依据的原理基本是传统的免疫学理论,因此免疫算法从启发源角度大致大致可以分为三类:免疫网络模型(分连续和离散两种形式)、克隆选择、阴性选择。代表性的主要有一般免疫算法[8]、早期的骨髓模型[9]、De Castro提出的克隆选择算法[10]、Forrest提出阴性选择算法[11],De Castro提出的人工免疫网络算法(aiNet)等[12]。此外,文献[13]中提出了B细胞算法,文献[14]最早提出了基于疫苗概念的免疫算法。文献[15][16]分别对免疫算法进行了较为深入的研究。多数免疫算法都是针对优化问题展开研究,具体见第9、10章。 上述免疫算法可进一步分为两类:基于群体的和基于网络的。第一类包括所有不考虑免疫网络的免疫算法,如阴性选择、克隆选择算法等,基于网络的算法是所有受免疫系统网络理论启发的算法。一般免疫算法本质上是基于网络的算法。 图4.1 免疫算法与搜索算法 4.1 一般免疫算法


文件头: 一个基于Matlab的人工免疫算法 %Immune Algorithm based on the immune network model for function f(x1,x2) optimum %copy right SCUT Guangxing Tan 2005.02.18 clear all; %Parameters Size=120; G=200; CodeL=15; E=round(rand(Size,2*CodeL)); %Initial Code %Main Program for k=1:1:G time(k)=k; for s=1:1:Size m=E(s,:); y1=0;y2=0; %Uncoding m1=m(1:1:CodeL); for i=1:1:CodeL y1=y1+m1(i)*2^(i-1); end x1=10.24*y1/65535.0-5.12;

m2=m(CodeL+1:1:2*CodeL); for i=1:1:CodeL y2=y2+m2(i)*2^(i-1); end x2=10.24*y2/65535.0-5.12; %f(X1,X2)=(a/(b+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))*(a/(b+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))+(x1*x1+x2*x2)*(x1*x1+x2*x2) %here -5.12=


、外文资料 License Plate Recognition Based On Prior Knowledge Abstract - In this paper, a new algorithm based on improved BP (back propagation) neural network for Chinese vehicle license plate recognition (LPR) is described. The proposed approach provides a solution for the vehicle license plates (VLP) which were degraded severely. What it remarkably differs from the traditional methods is the application of prior knowledge of license plate to the procedure of location, segmentation and recognition. Color collocation is used to locate the license plate in the image. Dimensions of each character are constant, which is used to segment the character of VLPs. The Layout of the Chinese VLP is an important feature, which is used to construct a classifier for recognizing. The experimental results show that the improved algorithm is effective under the condition that the license plates were degraded severely. Index Terms - License plate recognition, prior knowledge, vehicle license plates, neural network. I. INTRODUCTION Vehicle License-Plate (VLP) recognition is a very interesting but difficult problem. It is important in a number of applications such as weight-and-speed-limit, red traffic infringement, road surveys and park security [1]. VLP recognition system consists of the plate location, the characters segmentation, and the characters recognition. These tasks become more sophisticated when dealing with plate images taken in various inclined angles or under various lighting, weather condition and cleanliness of the plate. Because this problem is usually used in real-time systems, it requires not only accuracy but also fast processing. Most existing VLP recognition methods [2], [3], [4], [5] reduce the complexity and increase the recognition rate by using some specific features of local VLPs and establishing some constrains on the position, distance from the camera to vehicles, and the inclined angles. In addition, neural network was used to increase the recognition rate [6], [7] but the traditional recognition methods seldom consider the prior knowledge of the local VLPs. In this paper, we proposed a new improved learning method of BP algorithm based on specific features of Chinese VLPs. The proposed algorithm overcomes the low speed convergence of BP neural network [8] and remarkable increases the recognition rate especially under the condition that the license plate images were degrade severely.


智能控制课程综合报告 学院自动化学院 专业控制科学与工程 学号 学生姓名 指导教师 2016年6月7日

基于免疫优化算法的物流中心选址 1、建立模型 在物流配送中心选址模型中做如下假设 1).配送中心的规模容量总可以满足需求点需求,并由其配送辐射范围内的需求量确定。 2).一个需求点仅由一个配送中心供应。 3).不考虑工厂到配送中心的运输费用。 然后要从n 个需求点中找出配送中心,并向需求点配送物品。目标函数是各配送中心到需求点的需求量和距离的乘积之和最小。 目标函数如下: 2、问题的求解 2.1算法的实现步骤: 1).产生初始种群。 2).对上述群体中各个抗体进行评价。 3).形成父代群体。 4).判断是否满足条件,是则结束,反之,则继续下一步操作。 5).新种群的产生。 6).转去执行步骤2。 2.2流程图如图1-1: ∑∑ =ij ij i Z d w F

图1-1 算法流程图 2.3初始群体的产生 如果记忆库非空,则初始抗体群从记忆库中生成。 否则,在可行解空间随机产生初始抗体群。此处 采用简单的编码方式。每个选址方案可形成一个长度为P 的抗体(P 表示配送中心的数量),每个抗体代表被选为配送中心的需求点的序列。如:考虑包含31个需求点的问题,从中选取6个作为配送中心。抗体 [2,7,15,21,29,11]代表一个可行解。 2.4、解的多样性评价 1).抗体与抗原之间的亲和力 表示新的目标函数,分母的第二项表示对违反距离约束的解给予惩罚C 取比较大的正数。 2).抗体与抗体之间的亲和力 其反映抗体之间的相似程度,此处借鉴Forrest 等人提出的R 位连续方法计算抗体之间的亲和力,两个个体有至少R 位编码相同则两种抗体近似相同。 ∑∑∑∑--==)0.1min(1F 1v v ij ij ij i Z C Z d w A ∑∑=ij ij i Z d w F v F L k s v s v ,,S =


英文文献 英文资料: Artificial neural networks (ANNs) to ArtificialNeuralNetworks, abbreviations also referred to as the neural network (NNs) or called connection model (ConnectionistModel), it is a kind of model animals neural network behavior characteristic, distributed parallel information processing algorithm mathematical model. This network rely on the complexity of the system, through the adjustment of mutual connection between nodes internal relations, so as to achieve the purpose of processing information. Artificial neural network has since learning and adaptive ability, can provide in advance of a batch of through mutual correspond of the input/output data, analyze master the law of potential between, according to the final rule, with a new input data to calculate, this study analyzed the output of the process is called the "training". Artificial neural network is made of a number of nonlinear interconnected processing unit, adaptive information processing system. It is in the modern neuroscience research results is proposed on the basis of, trying to simulate brain neural network processing, memory information way information processing. Artificial neural network has four basic characteristics: (1) the nonlinear relationship is the nature of the nonlinear common characteristics. The wisdom of the brain is a kind of non-linear phenomena. Artificial neurons in the activation or inhibit the two different state, this kind of behavior in mathematics performance for a nonlinear relationship. Has the threshold of neurons in the network formed by the has better properties, can improve the fault tolerance and storage capacity. (2) the limitations a neural network by DuoGe neurons widely usually connected to. A system of the overall behavior depends not only on the characteristics of single neurons, and may mainly by the unit the interaction between the, connected to the. Through a large number of connection between units simulation of the brain limitations. Associative memory is a typical example of limitations. (3) very qualitative artificial neural network is adaptive, self-organizing, learning ability. Neural network not only handling information can have all sorts of change, and in the treatment of the information at the same time, the nonlinear dynamic system itself is changing. Often by iterative process description of the power system evolution. (4) the convexity a system evolution direction, in certain conditions will depend on a particular state function. For example energy function, it is corresponding to the extreme value of the system stable state. The convexity refers to the function extreme value, it has DuoGe DuoGe system has a stable equilibrium state, this will cause the system to the diversity of evolution. Artificial neural network, the unit can mean different neurons process of the object, such as characteristics, letters, concept, or some meaningful abstract model. The type of network processing unit is divided into three categories: input unit, output unit and hidden units. Input unit accept outside the world of signal and data; Output unit of output system processing results; Hidden unit is in input and output unit, not between by external observation unit. The system The connections between neurons right value reflect the connection between the unit strength, information processing and embodied in the network said the processing unit in the connections. Artificial neural network is a kind of the procedures, and adaptability, brain style of information processing, its essence is through the network of transformation and dynamic behaviors have a


外文原文与译文 外文原文 Neural NetworkIntroduction 1.Objectives As you read these words you are using a complex biological neural network. You have a highly interconnected set of some 1011neurons to facilitate your reading, breathing, motion and thinking. Each of your biological neurons,a rich assembly of tissue and chemistry, has the complexity, if not the speed, of a microprocessor. Some of your neural structure was with you at birth. Other parts have been established by experience. Scientists have only just begun to understand how biological neural networks operate. It is generally understood that all biological neural functions, including memory, are stored in the neurons and in the connections between them. Learning is viewed as the establishment of new connections between neurons or the modification of existing connections. This leads to the following question: Although we have only a rudimentary understanding of biological neural networks, is it possible to construct a small set of simple artificial “neurons” and perhaps train them to serve a useful function? The answer is “yes.”This book, then, is about artificial neural networks. The neurons that we consider here are not biological. They are extremely simple abstractions of biological neurons, realized as elements in a program or perhaps as circuits made of silicon. Networks of these artificial neurons do not have a fraction of the power of the human brain, but they can be trained to perform useful functions. This book is about such neurons, the networks that contain them and their training. 2.History The history of artificial neural networks is filled with colorful, creative individuals from many different fields, many of whom struggled for decades to


基于人工神经网络的预测研究文献综述专业:电子信息工程班级:08级2班作者:刘铭指导老师:熊朝松 引言 随着多媒体和网络技术的飞速发展及广泛应用,人工神经网络已被广泛运用于各种领域,而它的预测功能也在不断被人挖掘着。人工神经网络是一种旨在模仿人脑结构及其功能的信息处理系统。现代计算机构成单元的速度是人脑中神经元速度的几百万倍,对于那些特征明确,推理或运算规则清楚地可编程问题,可以高速有效地求解,在数值运算和逻辑运算方面的精确与高速极大地拓展了人脑的能力,从而在信息处理和控制决策等方面为人们提供了实现智能化和自动化的先进手段。但由于现有计算机是按照冯·诺依曼原理,基于程序存取进行工作的,历经半个多世纪的发展,其结构模式与运行机制仍然没有跳出传统的逻辑运算规则,因而在很多方面的功能还远不能达到认得智能水平。随着现代信息科学与技术的飞速发展,这方面的问题日趋尖锐,促使科学和技术专家们寻找解决问题的新出路。当人们的思想转向研究大自然造就的精妙的人脑结构模式和信息处理机制时,推动了脑科学的深入发展以及人工神经网络和闹模型的研究。随着对生物闹的深入了解,人工神经网络获得长足发展。在经历了漫长的初创期和低潮期后,人工神经网络终于以其不容忽视的潜力与活力进入了发展高潮。这么多年来,它的结构与功能逐步改善,运行机制渐趋成熟,应用领域日益扩大,在解决各行各业的难题中显示出巨大的潜力,取得了丰硕的成果。通过运用人工神经网络建模,可以进行预测事物的发展,节省了实际要求证结果所需的研究时间。 正是由于人工神经网络是一门新兴的学科,它在理论、模型、算法、应用和时限等方面都还有很多空白点需要努力探索、研究、开拓和开发。因此,许多国家的政府和企业都投入了大量的资金,组织大量的科学和技术专家对人工神经网络的广泛问题立项研究。从人工神经网络的模拟程序和专用芯片的不断推出、论文的大量发表以及各种应用的报道可以看到,在这个领域里一个百家争鸣的局面已经形成。 为了能深入认识人工神经网络的预测功能,大量收集和阅读相关资料是非常必要的。搜集的资料范围主要是大量介绍人工神经网路,以及认识和熟悉了其中重要的BP网络。参考的著作有:马锐的《人工神经网络原理》,胡守仁、余少波的《神经网络导论》以及一些相关论文,董军和胡上序的《混沌神经网络研究进展和展望》,朱大奇的《人工神经网络研究现状及其展望》和宋桂荣的《改进BP算法在故障诊断中的应用》,这些


基于异构网络环境的人工免疫系统及其算法研究综述 摘要:人工免疫作为一种新型的研究领域,有着广泛的应用范围,人工免疫算法的研究也已成为人工智能研究领域的一个重要内容,它突出地体现了现代科学发展的多层次、多学科和多领域的相互渗透、相互交叉和相互促进的特点。因此,将人工免疫系统的原理应用在计算机领域有着重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。本文详细介绍了几种常见的免疫算法机理,并指出了人工免疫系统的研究方向。 关键词:人工免疫系统,人工免疫算法 1、人工免疫系统介绍 1.1 人工免疫系统 20世纪70年代,Jerne[1,2]首先提出了人工免疫系统的网络假说,并以此开创了独特型网络理论。独特型网络理论为人工免疫系统以后的应用和研究提供了理论指导,并发展成为人工免疫的基础理论之一。 Perelson[3]在独特型网络理论的基础上进一步给出了免疫网络的数学框架,从而加快了人工免疫系统在计算机科学方面的发展。1986年,Farmer【4】基于免疫网络的假说,构造了一个免疫系统的动态模型,并提出了一些学习算法的构造思想。此后Forrest 又提出了阴性选择算法,他的工作对于人工免疫系统的发展尤其是在信息安全领域应 用的发展具有十分重要意义。随后的研究者不断从生物免疫系统中吸取精髓,使之广泛用于优化、数据分析、机器学习、聚类分析、模式识别、故障诊断、机器人控制、自适应控制领域、计算机及网络安全领域等各个应用领域。人工免疫系统主要关注的是用计算和数学模型对免疫学进行模拟,更好地了解免疫系统。人工免疫包括:免疫系统,遗传系统和神经系统。 按照目前人们普遍接受的观点,基于免疫系统仿生机理开发的入工免疫系统[9-12]的理论研究主要在集中在人工免疫网络模型 和人工免疫算法两个方面。针对人工免疫网络模型的研究多集中在以Jerne的独特性免疫网络为基础的不同模型仿真实验上。而针对人工免疫算法的研究主要是在已有系统 模型的基础上,制定一些目的性较强的计算方法或实施策略,主要包括免疫遗传算法、克隆选择算法、阴性选择算法和免疫学习算法等。 1.2 人工免疫系统处理特性 从信息处理的角度上分析,人工免疫系统具有如下特点: (1)多样性:免疫系统抗体库的多样性特征,能及时对不同类型的入侵抗原进行有效的保证和消除。 (2)容错性:免疫系统在分类和响应中突发的一些比较小的信息处理错误不会使整个信息处理结果造成严重影响。 (3)分布自律性:免疫系统没有集中控制系统,它是由许多局部的并且相互作用的基本信息单元联合起来达到对全局的保护。 (4)动态稳定性:免疫系统要消除各种外来的不断变化的入侵抗原,并保持整个系统的稳定。 (5)自适应鲁棒性:免疫系统具有非常强的自我学习能力,并且通过此学习使其成为能够随环境不断变化而不断改变和完善的一个自适应型的鲁棒进化系统。 2、免疫算法[6-8]介绍 人工免疫系统是借鉴免疫系统机理特点和功能的智能系统,具有广泛的应用和理论基础。在此着重阐述免疫算法的研究和AIS的应用研究。 2.1 免疫遗传算法 为了使遗传算法在个体多样性和群体收敛性之间取得平衡,并克服遗传算法的缺


附录二英文参考文献原文 Artificial Neural Networks Artificial Neural Networks - Basic Features Composed of a large number of processing units connected by a nonlinear, adaptive information processing system. It is the basis for modern neuroscience research findings presented, trying to simulate a large neural network processing, memory, information processing way of information. Artificial neural network has four basic characteristics: (1) non-linear non-linear relationship is the general characteristics of the natural world. The wisdom of the brain is a nonlinear phenomenon. Artificial neural activation or inhibition in two different states, this behavior mathematically expressed as a linear relationship. Threshold neurons have a network with better performance, can improve fault tolerance and storage capacity. (2) non-limitation of a neural network is usually more extensive neuronal connections made. The overall behavior of a system depends not only on the characteristics of single neurons, and may primarily by interaction between units, connected by the decision. By a large number of connections between the cells of non-simulated brain limitations. Associative memory limitations of a typical example of non- (3) characterization of artificial neural network is adaptive, self-organizing, self-learning ability. Neural networks can not only deal with the changes of information, but also process information the same time, nonlinear dynamic system itself is also changing. Iterative process is frequently used in describing the evolution of dynamical systems. (4) Non-convexity of the direction of the evolution of a system, under certain conditions, will depend on a particular state function. Such as energy function, and its extreme value corresponding to the state of the system more stable. Non-convexity of this function is more than one extremum, this system has multiple stable equilibrium, which will cause the system to the evolution of diversity. Artificial neural network, neural processing unit can be expressed in different objects, such as features, letters, concepts, or some interesting abstract patterns. The type of network processing unit is divided into three categories: input units, output units and hidden units. Input unit receiving the signal and data outside world; output unit for processing the results to achieve the output; hidden unit is in between the input and output units can not be observed from outside the system unit. Neurons and the connection weights reflect the strength of the connections between elements of information representation and processing reflected in the network processing unit


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:神经网络介绍 文献、资料英文题目:Neural Network Introduction 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期:2017.02.14

外文文献翻译 注:节选自Neural Network Introduction神经网络介绍,绪论。 History The history of artificial neural networks is filled with colorful, creative individuals from many different fields, many of whom struggled for decades to develop concepts that we now take for granted. This history has been documented by various authors. One particularly interesting book is Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research by John Anderson and Edward Rosenfeld. They have collected and edited a set of some 43 papers of special historical interest. Each paper is preceded by an introduction that puts the paper in historical perspective. Histories of some of the main neural network contributors are included at the beginning of various chapters throughout this text and will not be repeated here. However, it seems appropriate to give a brief overview, a sample of the major developments. At least two ingredients are necessary for the advancement of a technology: concept and implementation. First, one must have a concept, a way of thinking about a topic, some view of it that gives clarity not there before. This may involve a simple idea, or it may be more specific and include a mathematical description. To illustrate this point, consider the history of the heart. It was thought to be, at various times, the center of the soul or a source of heat. In the 17th century medical practitioners finally began to view the heart as a pump, and they designed experiments to study its pumping action. These experiments revolutionized our view of the circulatory system. Without the pump concept, an understanding of the heart was out of grasp. Concepts and their accompanying mathematics are not sufficient for a technology to mature unless there is some way to implement the system. For instance, the mathematics necessary for the reconstruction of images from computer-aided topography (CAT) scans was known many years before the availability of high-speed computers and efficient algorithms finally made it practical to implement a useful CAT system. The history of neural networks has progressed through both conceptual innovations and implementation developments. These advancements, however, seem to have occurred in fits and starts rather than by steady evolution.


基于神经网络和遗传算法的模糊系统的自动设计摘要 本文介绍了基于神经网络和遗传算法的模糊系统的设计,其目的在于缩短开发时间并提高该系统的性能。介绍一种利用神经网络来描绘的多维非线性隶属函数和调整隶属函数参数的方法。还提及了基于遗传算法的集成并自动化三个模糊系统的设计平台。 1 前言 模糊系统往往是人工手动设计。这引起了两个问题:一是由于人工手动设计是费时间的,所以开发费用很高;二是无法保证获得最佳的解决方案。为了缩短开发时间并提高模糊系统的性能,有两种独立的途径:开发支持工具和自动设计方法。前者包括辅助模糊系统设计的开发环境。许多环境已具有商业用途。后者介绍了自动设计的技术。尽管自动设计不能保证获得最优解,他们仍是可取的手工技巧,因为设计是引导走向和依某些标准的最优解。 有三种主要的设计决策模糊控制系统设计: (1)确定模糊规则数, (2)确定隶属度函数的形式。 (3)确定变化参数 再者,必须作出另外两个决定: (4)确定输入变量的数量 (5)确定论证方法 (1)和(2)相互协调确定如何覆盖输入空间。他们之间有高度的相互依赖性。(3)用以确定TSK(Takagi-Sugeno-Kang)模式【1】中的线性方程式的系数,或确定隶属度函数以及部分的Mamdani模型【2】。(4)符合决定最低套相关的输入变量,计算所需的目标决策或控制的价值观。像逆向消除(4)和信息标准的技术在此设计中经常被利用。(5)相当于决定使用哪一个模糊算子和解模糊化的方法。虽然由数种算法和模糊推理的方法已被提出,仍没有选择他们标准。[5]表明动态变化的推理方法,他依据这个推理环境的结果在性能和容错性高于任何固定的推理的方法。 神经网络模型(以更普遍的梯度)和基于遗传算法的神经网络(最常见的梯度的基础)和遗传算法被用于模糊系统的自动设计。基于神经网络的方法主要是用来设计模糊隶属度函数。这有两种主要的方法; (一)直接的多维的模糊隶属度函数的设计: 该方法首先通过数据库确定规则的数目。然后通过每个簇的等级的训练来确定隶属函数的形式。更多细节将在第二章给出。 (二)间接的多维的模糊隶属度函数的设计: 这种方法通过结合一维模糊隶属函数构建多维的模糊隶属度函数。隶属度函数梯度技术被用于调节试图减少模糊系统的期望产量和实际生产所需的产出总量的误差。 第一种方法的优点在于它可以直接产生非线性多维的模糊隶属度函数;没有必要通过结合一维模糊隶属函数构建多维的模糊隶属度函数。第二种方法的优点在于可通过监测模糊系统的最后性能来调整。这两种方法都将在第二章介绍。 许多基于遗传算法的方法与方法二在本质上一样;一维隶属函数的形式利用遗传算法
