


I am grateful in the first place to my supervisor Professor Wang Yun, who has supported me all the time during the process of writing this paper. I appreciate her patience and cautiousness. I would not have accomplished this thesis successfully without her consistent help.

What’s more, I would like to acknowledge my school-Suzhou University of Science and Technology for granting me the precious chance to further my English study.In my process of writing and completing this paper,I have benefited a lot from the people around me. I want to thank you for the sterling help of my friends. Besides I want to thank the authors of books and papers that provide me with plenty of information and references.

Last but not least, I will give my gratitude to my family members, who have supported and encouraged me all the time.






According to the New College English Curriculum Requirements(2007:25), the student-oriented pattern has become the focus of classroom reform. More and more education workers shift their attention to the phenomenon of students’silence in EFL classroom. However, most of the research in this area focuses on theories and lacks deep studies from the empirical perspective. So, based on relevant theoretical research, this study takes students of Suzhou University of Science and Technology as our objectives and adopts a questionnaire to explore the factors causing students’ silence in EFL classroom.

Results of the study demonstrate that the reasons of students’ silence are not limited to teaching methodology, attitude on teachers’side and attitude, personality, motivation on students’side. There are also other related factors, which obstruct the efficiency in EFL classroom, and even can lead to a vicious cycle. Therefore, it is really critical to solve the problem. The exploration should be made from both sides of teachers and students, thus to break the ice of silence and create a harmonious and high-efficient EFL classroom.

Key words:EFL classroom; students’ silence; class engagement; empirical investigation


Introduction (1)

1. Theoretical background and literature review (2)

1.1 The definition of silence (2)

1.2 The characteristics of silence (2)

1.2.1 Positive silence (3)

1.2.2 Negative silence (3)

1.3 Classification of silence (4)

1.4 Relationship between silence and speech (5)

1.5 The current situation of silence study at home and abroad (6)

1.5.1 Studies at home (6)

1.5.2 Studies at abroad (7)

2. An empirical study of students’ silence in EFL classroom (8)

2.1 Research questions (8)

2.2 Research methodology (9)

2.2.1 Research subjects (9)

2.2.2 Research materials (9)

2.2.3 Research procedure (9)

2.3 Data collection and analysis (10)

2.3.1 Data collection (10)

2.3.2 Data analysis (10)

2.4 The findings (11)

2.4.1 Teachers’ aspects (11)

2.4.2 Students’ aspects (12)

2.4.3 Other aspects (12)

3. Some implications and suggestions for students and teachers (13)

3.1 For students (13)

3.2 For teachers (14)

Conclusion (15)

References (17)

Appendix1: (19)

Appendix2: (21)

Students’ Silence in EFL Classroom


In recent years, the phenomenon of students’silence has attracted researchers’attention. Most of them have studied the factors that influence students’ participation, such as teachers’ talk in ELF class, teachers’ questioning methods, etc, but few researches have explored from students’psychological perspective which is actually far more worthy of investigation.

Due to the new requirements of College English Requirements (2007:25), the pedagogical tendency in EFL class emphasizes on students’roles and aims to create a student-centered teaching environment. Thus, many teachers have introduced various means to encourage students’participation. It provides students with more opportunities but also much pressure. Students may employ silence as the form of communicative engagement and only a small proportion of students actively participate in class. On the other hand, many teachers consider silence as the opposite action or even the enemy of speech and few teachers have taken proper measures to resolve the problem. The misunderstanding or incomplete understanding of silence may lead to a vicious circle in ELF class.

Meyer (Kevin 2009:16) put forward the conception of Hypothesized Link between Silence and Learning. Furthermore, she defined silent engagement as a kind of communication. On this theoretical basis, more and more researchers divert their attention to the value of silence and explore the relationship between speech and silence in ELF class. The causes of students’ silence in ELF class are multidimensional due to different research angles and purpose.

In fact, silence has both negative and positive sides. As Dauenhauer (1980) claimed that “silence in its own right can be seen to make a positive contribution to the scope of the meaningful” (1980:104) Silence paves the way for the potency of language since silence gives both birth and conclusion to speech.

This thesis will be done on the basis of the previous studies related to the philosophy of speech and silence, factors influencing student participation and learning styles. In order to make the research have more practical significances, a series of surveys will be done with the form of questionnaires. The data will be collected to analyze the theories and hopefully some of them can be put into practice and help to put forward some suggestions in future teaching in ELF class.

1. Theoretical background and literature review

Silence is a means of powerful nonverbal communication, however to interpret silence in the most proper way, various connected aspects should be considered, including subjective and objective factors. The subjective factors include the feelings, personality, mutual relations and the degree of caring, while the objective factors are location, time, culture background etc. To dig out the root causes of students’ silence in EFL class, close attention should first be paid on the definition of silence.

1.1 The definition of silence

According to different purposes with various research frameworks, the definition of silence distinguishes from one and another.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Hornsby 2009:1408) defines silence as the following meanings: (1) complete absence of sound or noise; quiet; (2) refusal or failure to discuss something or answer questions about something;(3) complete quiet because nobody is talking; (4) a period of time in which everyone stops talking as a sign of respect and honor towards someone who has died; (5) failure to write a letter to someone, telephone them etc. Obviously, we must consider the actual situation to explain the proper meaning of silence.

In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistics: A Handbook for Language Teaching (Johnson & H 2003: 287-288), the notion of silence in communication is, as the case of speech, rule-governed, and it is also variable and cultural specific.

To have a better understanding and conductive study, Bruneau (1973:36) defined silence in three forms: Psycholinguistic silence; Interactive silence and Socio-cultural silence. Considering the human communication functions, every type has its particular definition.

As this paper aims to study students’ silence in EFL classroom, the definition of the interactive silences will be the core part. Interactive silence is the pausal interruption in dialogue, conversation, discussion, debate, etc. They can be related to affective, interpersonal relationships between people as well as to the exchange of information and/or problem solving (Bruneau 1973:29).

1.2 The characteristics of silence

If the ambiguous aspects of silence may be concluded clearly, further studies in this area can be made more smoothly. In high-context culture, silence usually indicates positive

meaning, and it is a special way to communicate. However, in low-context culture, silence is negative for the most part, and it is considered as a lack of communication. Jensen (1973:120-124) notes five different functions performed by silence. They are affecting, revelation, linkage, activating and judgmental. Basically, silence can be divided into two parts: positive silence and negative silence.

1.2.1 Positive silence

Silence can affect people. In some embarrassing situation, silence offer people some time for reflection and buffering. Nonverbal language can express the deepest fears and most intense joys. Silence can be understood as respect, acceptance or kindness in church or library .To sum up, silence, to some degrees, is the language of those strong passions: love, anger, surprise or fear. Silence is a common strategy to manage tense situations, especially for highly emotional people, who try to avoid using some improper words or exposing their ignorance.

Silence has revelation function. It may impart some information while preventing the disclosure of other (Jensen 1973:120). We can find clear implication in some situations. For example, silence can work as the conveyor of message in class, when students think about the answers to questions, the teacher often choose to be silent. Although the overall language environment is silent, students’ minds keep going on. We can call it revelation silence in this case.

In some cases, a kind of silence is called “linkage silence”.In the social culture, silence can act as a bond among people. This kind of silence is positive as is used to maintain social space or prevent interruption. Such as the situation that two strangers in elevators or crowded buses usually keep silent. This could also happen among intimate friends. They keep silent because they understand each other so well and there is no need putting thoughts into words.

Silence can lead to an assumption of assent and agreement with what has been said. The old sayings “silence is consent” expresses such meaning. To some degrees, silence can give us some hints from peoples’ response and help us make our judgment.

1.2.2 Negative silence

Silence can represent some negative feelings, such as hostility, defiance, coldness, scorn, or even hate.

Silence can represent dishonesty and lying. We all know at court, the jury and lawyer’s interpretation of the hesitant witness is often negative if they keep silent.

Silence can communicate an attitude of thoughtfulness and consideration or an

absence of thought or opinion (Jensen 1973:123).Silence has an activating function in EFL classroom. In traditional teaching pattern, the teacher plays the role as the center of class and dominates the teaching procedure, while the students are silent listeners or readers lacking of their own thoughts. With the promotion of new College English Curriculum Requirements, modern classrooms require students to play the major roles. Interactive class sh ould be teachers’ silence more than those of students. Teachers should change their authoritative roles and create students-centered classroom settings.

Silence can also be interpreted as disagreement and resentment (Jensen 1973:121). Besides this, silence also stands for dissent, or reservation and potential action. It will hinder the fluent communication.

According to what has analyzed above, it can be concluded that “silence can perform a number of highly significant communicative functions”(Jensen 1973). However, the exactly meaning of silence should be embedded in the context. In other words, silence functions either positively or negatively, which should depend on the concrete context. What’s more, positive silence can transfer into negative silence in EFL class if the teachers failure to stimulate the students in correct direction.

1.3 Classification of silence

(1) Bruneau’s classification of silence.

Silence is to speech as the white of this paper to this print (Bruneau 1973:18). To have further study on silence, Bruneau summarizes three forms of silence as following:

(a)Interactive silences.

Interactive silence is the interruption in dialogue, conversation, discussion, debate, etc. They can be related to affective, interpersonal relationships between people as well as to the exchange of information and/or problem solving (Bruneau 1973:29). Compared with psycholinguistic, slow-time silences, interactive silences are longer. People can have second thoughts and make inferences, judgments and affective decisions in interactive silences. In class context, the typical examples of interactive silences are interactions between teachers and students. After putting forward a question, teachers may keep silence while students are thinking about the given questions. When teachers are teaching theoretical knowledge, students keep silent throughout the process.

(b)Psycholinguistic silence.

In a speech, hesitations often appear. In fact the hesitations in the speech are forms of silence. On the temporal sequence of speech, both encoders and decoders create necessary

and variable impositions of slow-time. Decoders intend to create mind-time (slow-time silence) for the decoding process.

(c)Socio-cultural silences.

Socio-cultural silence are those related to the characteristic manner in which entire social and cultural orders refrain from speech and manipulate both psycholinguistic and interactive silences (Bruneau 1973:36). When a teacher enters the classroom, students may turn to be silent immediately .The silence speaks, “We recognize and acknowledge your position by our silence.” Thus, teachers operate with discipline codes. S o it suggests that people use silence to show respectful acceptance for a social status. Silence is the expected response in many places, objects and events, such as Churches, courtrooms, libraries, hospitals, schools, funeral, battle sites, etc.

(2) Kurzon’s classification of silence

W ith the adoption of Grice’s distinction between natural and non-natural meaning, Kurzon (1995:35-41) classifies silence into two categories as intentional and unintentional silence. Intentional silence refers to silence intentionally used as a strategy, while the unintentional silence is caused unintentionally, because of extreme anxiety, embarrassment or panic (Kurzon 1995:42).

Kurzon(1992:37) gave 3 modal interpretations of silence:

Internal (willingness): I will/ shall not speak.

1) Intentional:

External: I must/ may not speak.

2) Unintentional: “I cannot speak” or “I am not able to speak”.

The intentional silence is internal for the silent person that means the speakers decide not to voice by themselves. On the other hand, external silence with the meaning of “I must/may not speak” implies an external reason that forces the person n ot to voice.

Unintentional silence is supposed to be explained as “I cannot speak” or “I am not able to speak”, which can be resulted from psychological inhibitions that may prevent students from speaking out their ideas in class.

1.4 Relationship between silence and speech

In order to expand the framework for students’participation and have better understanding on how students perceive and approach learning in EFL class, the comparative analysis should be made between binary thinking about the speech and silence in EFL class and the existing philosophical literature on the relationship between speech

and silence.

Some creative works on speech and silence outline fundamental philosophical thoughts about the important role that silence plays in communication. Silence, like speech, can function as a means through which meaning and knowledge are constructed (Acheson 2008b). Thus, rather than regarding silence negatively as the absence of speech, silence ought to be recognized as an embodied and active, not passive, gesture (Acheson 2008a). In fact, silences can serve communicative functions (Acheson 2008a&2008b) The relationship between silence and speech doesn’t completely opposite to each other, instead, it is far more complex and complicated because silence is intertwined with discourse. Just as Jaworski (1993:34) noted, “silence and speech do not stand in total opposition to each other, but form a continuum of forms ranging from the most prototypical instances of silence to the most prototypical instances of speech” According to the argument from Jaworski(1993:17) that regarding silence only as a background to speech would be a drastic oversimplification. “Silence and speech are two intersecting and equally relevant communication categories”

The other perspective is that speech and silence form a dialectical relationship with one another. Clair (1998: xiii) argued that silence and voice “should be thought of less as bifurcated concepts and more as self-contained opposites”. She explained, “Silent practices are pervasive and interwoven with linguistic practices” (1998:20) More specifically, “silence and discourse are bound up in innumerable ways. Their many nuanced meanings and functions are woven together into a complex tapestry” (1998:38)

1.5 The current situation of silence study at home and abroad

1.5.1 Studies at home

Chinese students’ silence in EFL class has already drawn many Chinese language scholars’attention. The case of oversea Chinese students’silence in EFL class provides breakthrough in the study area. From the investigation of three Chinese students in American classroom, Liu (2002:38) makes an analysis on the basis of interview and observation data. She finds Asian students’ participation code is closely influenced by five major categories:

Pedagogical factors (e.g. teaching patterns, participation grading, and chances to speak up),

Cognitive factors (e.g. background knowledge, previous learning experience, or psychological readiness),

Affective factors (e.g. motivation ,anxiety, encouragement),

Linguistic factors (e.g. language proficiency, communicative capability, or accent).

Socio-cultural factors (e.g. face-saving strategies, politeness strategies concept of status and identify, personality and gender. ),

Jackson (2002:65-84) focuses on a study on the taciturnity of Chinese students from the ethnographic angle. The participants are in four sections of an English-medium undergraduate business course in Hong Kong. The research consists of observations, interviews, and videotapes. Jackson finds that students’active interaction level is determined by mixtures of affective, educational and socio-cultural factors. During the procedure of interview, several types of answers can be mainly summed up: Both male and female interviewees express that the fear of embracement counts as the main reason they remain silent. They choose to be silent when they want to avoid telling some stupid answers or exposing their ignorance in front of the whole class and teachers.

The participants also hold the view that their lacking of self-confidence stop them from speaking up, even challenging their classmates or professors.

Some traditional cultures such as the thinking of Confucian on harmony and face-saving strategies may have impacted their perception of what appropriate conduct is in class context. The second thought may lead to the loss of opportunities of participation.

GAO Gui-ling’s draws similar conclusion from her studies (2008:102-104). She explains that traditional culture affects students’ learnin g habit. Due to the traditional teaching patterns, it is quiet common for students to obey the class regulation that students just follow teachers and do not challenge authority.

LI Nai-gang (2008:243-245) does a series of survey to find out the relationship between students’ silence and politeness strategy. Silence can function as both positive and negative politeness strategy. Given the situation that students hope to be accepted, respected and admired by others, then silence acts as positive. While on the other hand, silence can be seen as a kind of negative politeness strategy. In Li’s survey he finds that students pay more attention to their own negative face rather than partner’s especially their teachers’ face. Moreover, silence is regarded as a kind of off-record strategy or be understood as “Don’t Do the FTA” strategy

1.5.2 Studies at abroad

In order to find out the reasons for students’silence, some language scholars have done much experiment with multiple perceptive.

Reda (2002) conducts the res earch on students’ silence by examining the impacting

factors of teachers and pedagogies which will lead students to decide whether to speak or to be silent in class. From the results, she finds that “small gestures” encourag e students to speak, which actually reflects the cultivation of teacher-student relationships. Teachers’questioning method and attention on feedback will produce psychological hint on students. The positive hint will promote active engagement in class.

Nakane (2005:75-100) focuses on a typical case analysis. On the basis of the former research, she explores three Japanese students in Australian university in a narrow way What she has found indicates that Japanese students’ participation is strongly influenced by immediate contextual factors , including the participant structures, main topic, and co-participants’ understanding and performances. She draws the conclusion from the Japanese students’case that silence can be co-constructed in ongoing negotiation of participation in the classroom.

Tatar (2005:284-293) makes the qualitative descriptive multi-case study of four Turkish graduate students’ classroom participation experiences. S tudents’ own perceptions are taken into account.

Tater summarizes that to non-English-speaking students, there are five dimensions of silence. Those include silence as:

(a) a means of participation;

(b) a face-saving strategy;

(c) a reaction to others’ contributions;

(d) a product of a feeling of inarticulacy;

(e) a sign of respect for authority and concern for others.

2. An empirical study of students’ silence in EFL classroom

S tudents’ silence is a common phenomenon in classroom context in university. The whole research will revolve around the factors related with students’silence. In order to make theoretical analysis more closely combined with actual situation, the means of questionnaires is employed to collect data for analyzing the factors which may impact students’ participation in EFL classroom.

2.1 Research questions

This thesis aims to investigate the causes of students’silence in EFL class and the procedure those factors affect students’ silence. There are two main questions to explore as below:

(1)What are the factors that correlate with students’ silence?

(2)How do teachers and students perceive students’ silence?

2.2 Research methodology

2.2.1 Research subjects

The research was done in Suzhou University of Science and Technology. The subjects were chosen from juniors and sophomores from English major. This research lasted from March to May of 2013 for two months. Specifically, the research subjects involved 94 students from 4 different classes. Among them were 58 females and 36 males. The participants age in the range from 20 to 22. Juniors and sophomores were selected to attend the survey considering they have adapted themselves to the university life and study and they all have at least eight years’English learning experience at school. English major students attend many English related courses and there exists much more opportunities to observe and investigate classroom interaction between teachers and students and among students.

2.2.2 Research materials

Referred to the previous studies of Meyer (2009:173-180), questionnaire was designed to provide the thesis with the results of investigation from real English teaching and learning condition. Contents and questions can refer to Appendix 1.

The questionnaire items were responded to on the Likert Scale five-point. Likert items are appropriate for measuring opinions, beliefs, and attitudes (DeVellis 2003). DeVeills (2003:159) explained that “although, strictly speaking, items using Likert or semantic differential response formats may be ordinal, a wealth of accumulated experience supports applying interval-based analytic methods to the scales they yield”.

2.2.3 Research procedure

94 participants were given questionnaire and finished in 20 minutes before class begins to ensure enough time for consideration. The questionnaire included 30 questions and all the questions were specially designed in Chinese in order to make sure the participants can comprehend and understand the meaning of every question. All questionnaires were done anonymously to collect the participants’ nature voice about the issue.

The variables in the survey aim to investigate the students’understanding of the phenomenon of silence and explore the factors which will influence students’ engagement style in EFL classroom.

2.3 Data collection and analysis

2.3.1 Data collection

There were 94 participants from 4 classes of English majors taking part in the survey. All of the questions in the questionnaire were designed as the form of clicking the proper answers simply from students’ first impression and nature response. Participants completed the questionnaires independently and students would not be influenced by each other. After collecting all the questionnaires and summing by Likert Scale, the author input all the data into the computer and made statistical procedures through the program of EXCEL.

2.3.2 Data analysis

The questionnaire consists of 30 items and the author will adopt the Likert-Scale five-point measure questionnaire data to explore the factors that influence students’performance in EFL classroom. Students are asked to click their frequency of behavior, from1 (never) to 5 (very often), or their level of agreement from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5(strongly agree)

Table 1 Likert-Scale five-point

never barely sometimes often very often

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree disagree neither agree or

disagree agree strongly


1 2 3 4 5

The score is used to record the degree of frequency of each item and the 30 items in the questionnaire can be divided into the following categories:

Table 2 Data analysis of questionnaires

Perceptive of the item Item number Perceptive of the item Item number Students’ anxiety 13,14 Teachers’questioning



Students’ personality 15 Teachers ’attitude26,29 Students’ motivation 6,8, Teachers’ feedback28 Students’ attitude 1,2,3,4,7,19,20 Teachers’ wait-time 27 Students’ self-esteem 9,12,25 Design of task 5,16

Classroom atmosphere 23 Class structure 21,22

Class size 24 Culture factors 11,12,17,18

2.4 The findings

2.4.1 Teachers’ aspects

The results of data analysis demonstrate that students’ silence resulted from teachers’reasons may consist of four aspects: teachers’questioning method, teachers’attitude, teachers’ wait-time and teachers’ feedback.

According to the result of Question 30, 55.32% of students agree that “Teacher gives few open questions in class”. It is obvious that students’ attention and degree of interest in class can be improved and i nappropriate way of questioning partly leads to students’ silence in EFL class.

Question 26 and Question 29 focus on the perspective of teachers’ attitude in class. As to Question 26 “Te acher does know my name or student number”, in the interview with some English teachers, it can be found that most teachers admitted that they did forget students’ names in class. Because a teacher is often in charge of several classes consisting of many students, such cases cannot be avoided completely. Because of such situation, students may feel ignored or not valued by teachers, thus they choose to keep silent instead of participating actively. Due to the data of Question 29, 51.06%of students hold the opinion that teachers always call those top students to answer questions. Generally, most of the teachers make efforts to treat all the students fairly and provide them equal opportunities to engage in class. However, in real EFL classroom, it is not so practical to follow the rules. Nunan (1991:136-145) claims that teachers tend to pay attention to some particular area like the front and middle part in classroom. This can explain teachers’unintentional actions which may result in students’ silence from psychological level.

As to Question 27, this indicates the factor of teachers’ wait-time in EFL classroom.

55.32% of participants agree that “teacher offer them enough time for thinking after asking questions”. Because of the face theory, most students choose to keep silent until they make full preparations for the question and this contributes to students’ silence.

59.57% of students admitted that “Teacher often give positive feedback like encouragement or praise after answering questions”. so basically teachers’ feedback cannot account as the main cause of the phenomenon of students’ silence in EFL classroom.


有效英语课堂的教学方法 (一)抓好语法教学 现行英语教材所涉及的内容多,课时又极有限。 小学英语与初中英语教材,在编写内容上重复的较多,如音标、字母、日常口语、对话等相当一部分七年级课本中的单词和句子,在小学课本中均已出现。中小学英语教材的衔接上存在着脱轨现象,严重地违反了教育学原理。 语法项目等比较复杂,学生不易掌握。 语法揭示了语言的内在规律。对于学习者来说,一定的语法知识有助于更正确和更标准地使用语言。而对于外语学习来说,语法学习则是掌握一门语言的捷径。 近些年英语教学方法不断翻新,英语课成了“四不象”。一部分教师,尤其是刚走上讲台的教 师,容易走极端。在英语课上几乎不讲语法,上课就是全盘西化的授课方式,这种课实质上是很不走俏的课,费时低效不说,学生易“走火入魔”,或容易造成“两极分化”。 交际教学法是美国社会语言学家海姆斯在1972年提出的。后来在此理论基础上,肯纳尔(Canale)和斯温(Swain)进一步完善了他的理论,他们认为交际能力应包括四个方面的 内容:语法能力、社会语言能力、话语能力和策略能力。 笔者认为:在语言教学过程中,不讲语法和语法讲的较少的作法是很危险的。英语对于学生们来说,有许多陌生的地方,如单词难记,句子结构不容易掌握。所以,在教学中,要腾出时间补上语法教学这一课。语法教学,也不能脱离语境——如能将语法知识融入语言材料中,通过阅读材料分析重点内容、强化难点等方法,让学生明白其中的内容。选取的材料应有趣:与学生生活有关的小文章、诗词、对话等,都可以用。也可选取英美小说简易本中的东西,让学生读。网络上、报纸上许多与学生所学知识有关的材料也可以拿来用。 应该注意教材上每单元的Grammar Focus ,让学生明白句意,再出现一些例句,归纳词 和句的用法。让学生象学古汉语那样,字词都一一去推敲。另外,让学生做点语法练习。这样做,有百益而无一害。语法教学在基础英语教学中不能缺少,方法应多样。学生通过贴近生活的感知、理解来学习和使用语法,而不是孤立的拿句子就事论事。 所以我们既不要谈语法“色变”,也不要脱离语言实践,而津津乐道于语法。 (二)加大背诵力度 “熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会偷”。从孩子一开始学英语,就要注意指导学生去背诵。刚开始时,只需让学生背一两句话,逐渐地加大力度。由背句子,背对话,再到背诵长文章,教师要坚持每天督促学生朗读背诵。 学生一旦养成此学习习惯,教学就成功了一半。


一、选题工作的重要性 1、在毕业论文工作布置后,每个人都应遵循选题的基本原则,在较短的时间内把选题的方向确定下来。老师给的选题仅是确定选题大致范围,学生可以从选题指南中选题,也可以在本学科领域内自拟题目,但自拟题目不能脱离本学科领域。 2、选题不等于论文的最终题目,只是一个规划、预想。举例。 3、选题是论文撰写的前提和第一步,它实际上就是确定“写什么”的问题,亦即确定研究的方向和范围。如果“写什么”都不明确,“怎么写”就无从谈起。 4、毕业论文的选题的重要性。是一门课,拿毕业证和学位证,进个人档案,有人抄袭实际是遭受“终身追捕”。 5、教师指导,但关键是自己努力。不能依赖老师。缺乏研究分析,不加思索,信手拈来是自己对自己不负责。文章的观点、论据、论证方法“胸中无数”,材料的准备不足,勉强提笔来写,就会感到困难重重,可能推倒重来,将来极度被动,影响顺利毕业。 二、选什么样的题 1、选择具有现实意义的题目。 我们选的题目,应是与社会生活密切相关、为众人所关心的问题,是亟待解决的问题。这类问题反映着一定历史时期和阶段社会生活的重点和热点。我们运用自己所学的理论知识对其进行研究,提出自己的见解,探讨解决问题的方法,才有意义。 2、小的理论问题。 学术论文要具有一定的理论性。其形式还是内容都和工作总结、调查报告有着重要区别。非学术论文是对学术论文的一种传播和宣传、介绍,而不是原始性的创造。比如报纸杂志上刊登的评论、政论等是典型的非学术性论文。非学术论文的主要功能是对学术性论文的稀释和宣解,但有时也可能会成为学术性论文的先导。 注意三点:第一,非理论问题不应该选。第二,重大理论问题不好选(有些政治局考虑的问题,我们选了做不下来)。第三,特别敏感政治问题建议不要选。 3、自己能做下来的题目。 知己知彼,量力而行。所谓“知己”,首先,要充分估计到自已的知识储备情况和分析问题的能力。如果理论基础比较好,又有较强的分析概括能力,那就可以选择难度大一些、内容复杂一些的题目;如果自己觉得综合分析一个大问题比较吃力,那么题目就应定得小一些,便于集中力量抓住重点,把某一问题说深说透。所谓“知彼”,一是要考虑到是否能找到资料。


157 2012年 Vol.27 No.9南昌教育学院学报 外语研究收稿日期:2012-08-18 作者简介:申静静(1983-),女,江西赣州人,讲师,从事英语教学方向的研究。 一、英语教学课堂的现状 如今的高级(大学)英语教学过程中,教学中学生的沉默是作为老师的我们最头疼的事情,想尽办法想把课堂的气氛调动起来,学生就是不愿意发言回答问题,不积极主动地配合、参与进来。语言的学习是一个很繁琐的学习过程,对英语的学习,不仅要大量的背诵单词,还要掌握好英语语法结构,更重要的是大量的阅读,英语课堂要求一个书声琅琅的课堂氛围,但是在对如今的高级英语教学过程中,老师提问一个问题,下面很大一部分学生都沉默不语,更有甚者在看其他的书籍,几乎没有人主动站起来回答问题,没办法了就点名让学生回答,被点到的学生很多都是支支吾吾回答不出来,更有甚者直接说不知道,下面的学生急急忙忙在书本上找答案,完全不配合英语的教学。课堂英语教学气氛十分冷淡,只有作为教师的我们一个人滔滔不绝地讲授着,完全达不到英语教学的目的。这是一个很残酷但又是真实存在的现状。 二、导致英语教学课堂沉默的因素 英语教学是一个老师跟学生相互配合学习的过程,一个巴掌拍不响,老师、学生要相互配合才能使学生更好地学到知识,达到教学的目的。因此,英语教学课堂中学生的不积极配合,也是老师跟学生两方面的问题,下面就从两个方面进行探讨。 (一)老师的问题 在英语课堂出现的学生不配合老师授课,不积极参与课堂当中有相当大的因素来自于老师。老师的讲课方式是否受到学生的喜欢,老师的讲课内容及其深浅程度是否为学生所接受,学生是否感兴趣,是否让学生认为有用,是否为学生所快速掌握,等等都是关键的问题。只有由浅渐深地引导学生学习,才能被学生所接受,讲课的内容太过深奥,学生学不会就会产生厌学的情况,还有就是老师对课堂的组织能力,课堂也是一个活动,任何活动的成功都源于活动组织者本身的组织水平,在英语教学课堂上,老师既是主角也是配角,主角占有着很大的比例,因为老师是授课者,学生是听课者,授课者不发表任何观点。因此老师一定要有一定的课堂控制和组织能力。 (二)学生自身的问题 一个巴掌是拍不响的,课堂主体是学生,因为学生来到英语课堂听课的目的就是为了学到英语知识,对英语课堂学生沉默,不积极回答问题的现象,解铃还须系铃人,还得从学生这里寻找答案。 1.缺乏自信。有一大部分学生认为自己的英语水平不高,不能很好地表达自己的思想,从而选择沉默,探究其深层原因 是缺乏自信。在课堂上,面对那么多同学,心理紧张,害怕找不到相应的词语,害怕表达不准确,害怕不但得不到老师的关怀和引导,甚至还要受到老师的批评,同学的嬉弄。害怕站起来主动回答问题会出错,在全班人面前丢脸,会受到学生嘲笑,这些都会使学生产生挫败感。 在心里自认为站起来回答问题,还不如听别人回答问题好,只有被要求站起来回答问题才扭扭捏捏地站起来,其实回答的对,只是因为自身的原因,对自己不自信。这些都使学生在英语课堂上保持沉默。 2.性格差异。有证据证明,外向性格的人在发展人与人之间语言交流技巧方面有优势。而另一方面,内向性格的人一般被认为很害羞,在公众场合说话时没有自信,不愿意炫耀。当老师让他们回答问题的时候,他们还会因为害怕而什么也说不出来,窘迫得使脸通红。尽管我们无意识对性格内向进行贬抑,但性格内向很容易造成他们在课堂上一语不发。 3.沉闷的课堂气氛。造成学生在课堂上沉默的另一个原因是很多学生对课堂气氛不满意,没有达到他们的期望值,他们认为课堂缺少合作与平等的气氛,使人感到紧张和沉闷,在这种课堂环境中,很多学生的应对之一就是保持沉默,这样造成了一个恶性循环,使少数积极的学生的自我意识也会越来越强,也不愿意主动回答老师的提问,使英语课堂气氛更加沉默。 三、解决英语课堂教学沉默的对策 (一)帮助学生克服自身,增强自信心 针对学生那一方面,老师应该帮助他们正确认识错误, 使他们认识到错误对学习者来说是必不可少的。犯错误既是儿童习得母语,也是学习者学习第二语言所采用的一个策略。出错是语言学习过程中的一部分,进而提高学生的自信心。提升了学生的自信心,学生就有信心学好英语这门课程,进而消除学生因不自信而导致的学生不参与课堂活动,使课堂沉默的现象。 (二)鼓励学生积极参与,多提出问题并进行口头表扬 老师要注重鼓励学生说出自己的想法,尊重学生的每一句话,鼓励大家互相交流,甚至允许挑战教师的权威。鼓励学生对不懂的、有疑问的地方要及时想老师请教。对踊跃发言回答问题,积极参与课堂活动的学生要给予口头语言或者其他方面的表扬,人们都喜欢听好话,一句不起眼的表扬有时候就能起很大的作用。学生回答问题不管对与错,都要进行口头表扬,重在参与,学生得到一次表扬就会在其内心世界期待下一次表扬,就会积极地参与课堂活动,对消除英语课堂沉默现象有很 大的帮助。 对消除英语课堂中学生沉默的研究 申静静 (江西省赣州市赣南师范学院 江西赣州 341000) 摘 要:在任何时间、任何地点,冷场都是要不得的,在教学中冷场更是要命的,作为一名英语教师,传道解惑是我们的本职,在英语教学方面就要求有一个热闹而不喧哗,严肃而不冷淡的教学气氛,但是在大学高年级英语教学中,对学生提问一个问题,下面学生都默不作声,原本准备好的教学方案无法正常进行,十分尴尬,不能活跃教学氛围,使学生积极参与进来,使整个英语教学不能达到一个很好的教学效果。 关键词:英语教学;教学课堂;消除;沉默 中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-6757(2012)09-0157-01 (下转第159页)


如何改善高中英语课堂沉默现象 本文针对笔者在平时教学活动过程中了解到的课堂教学沉默现象,结合自身教学实践,从教师和学生的角度分析了沉默产生的原因,并提出了改进策略。 一、课堂沉默的定义 根据Troike对交际行为的划分,课堂沉默可以被定义为教师和学生之间的无声的或者非语言交流的课堂教学环境的交际行为。课堂教学活动是师生之间相互作用的过程,它的交际主体是教师和学生,因此产生了教师和学生、学生和教师两种形态的交际链。课堂沉默可以视为在课堂发出的无声且无固定语义的非语言交流行为。从广义上来讲,它指课堂教学中所有的一切沉默的现象。而从狭义上来讲,它指的是单一的教师提问学生无应答,或者教师发出指令,学生讨论时出现沉默的现象。本文将从狭义层面就课堂沉默现象进行探讨。 二、课堂沉默现象的描述与分析 笔者将结合教学过程中的一系列关于课堂沉默的教学案例和教师设置任务所存在的问题,从教师和学生的角度分析原因并提出改进策略。 1. 教师在教学活动开始之前没有为学生搭建有效的语言支架而引发的课堂沉默 教师在教学过程中为了体现以学生为本的教学理念,常常让学生在语言学习中自主构建知识,但在活动前教师没有给学生任何铺垫,或未能有效搭建语言支架,因此导致了课堂沉默现象。 【案例】 某教师在教学译林版《牛津高中英语》模块十第一单元Reading之后,要求学生用自己的语言复述课文,并让学生以讨论的形式开始,然后自己以作文的形式写下来。此时教室里一片寂静,时间长达5分钟。这位教师也不断地到学生当中去指导,但是学生还是讨论不起来,整个过程相当尴尬。 【问题分析】 很显然,由于该教师没有及时地帮学生整理并且加工所学知识,新授课的内容还未能


如何打造有效有趣的 英语课堂

作为一名小学英语教师,面对的是天真活泼的儿童,他们对新鲜事物有浓厚兴趣又有其特有的不稳定性,不能持久地对某一固定对象保持极其浓厚的兴趣。一名合格的英语老师就要想法设法地帮助学生构建知识结构,使学生主动参与,乐于学习,学会探究。学生基于自身的兴趣,在教师的指导下通过自己的努力和亲身的体验,主动获取知识或信息,应用知识或信息去解决问题,完成交际任务,从而在愉悦的学习气氛中获得语言知识,活用语言技能。所以我认为,在英语教学中加入适当的游戏有利于培养学生的兴趣,符合"乐学"原则。游戏教学方法强调了学生的主体性,要求学生共同参与,而不是教师唱独角戏,体现了教师主导与学生主体作用的发挥。使学生在玩中学、学中玩。 一、转变角色,树立创新教学观念。 课堂教学是一门科学,也是一门艺术。爱因斯坦曾说过:“教学中无论是运用课文中美的东西去感染学生,还是教师用组织教学的艺术美作用于学生,都要把学生的热情激发出来,让学生将学校规定的功课当作一种礼物来领受。”课堂教学的艺术美,能增强学生积极参与学习活动的意识,提高学习兴趣、领略成功的喜悦,在融洽的教学氛围中,得到全面的发展,取得教与学的最佳效果。教师不但要遵循上课的规律去引导学生、传授知识,更要艺术地运用有声语言和身势语言培养积极民主的课堂气氛,苏霍姆林斯基说过:“教师的教学语言修养在极大程度上决定着学生在课堂上脑力劳动的效率。”教师亲切而自信的目光、期待而专注的眼神可以使

学生产生安全感,消除恐惧感,缩短教师与学生的感情距离。教师热情洋溢的微笑、友善慈祥的面容可以使学生获得最直观、最形象、最真切的感受;潇洒得体的身姿手势,无时不在感染着学生,可以使学生加深对知识点的理解、记忆。 例如,教授第一课时,老师考虑到这节课是学生第一次接触外语的见面礼,正面的教育效益将会加强教学效果,就十分注重教态的影响。以整洁朴素的衣着、饱满的精神状态进入课堂,脸上洋溢着微笑,一声亲切的“Hello,I’m Miss Wang”拉开了这节课的序幕,也带出了这节课其中一个学习内容。学生看到老师笑容满脸,亲切感油然而生,见老师落落大方的样子,个个也跃跃欲试大胆地用“Hello,I am……”介绍自己,没有丝毫的矫揉造作,而且很快就琅琅上口。在操练本课的课堂常规用语时,老师脸上略带严肃地说:“Class Begins”,马上挺立腰杆,两手紧贴裤缝站好,学生起立后,又以亲切的口吻向学生问好:“Good morning,class.”学生回答后,老师随即报以深深的一鞠躬以示还礼。这些都是教师在课堂教学中很细微的教态。正因为有这些良好的教态,才能让学生勇敢地开口讲第一句英语,才能让学生懂得师生互敬的基本礼仪,才能让学生萌发学习外语的兴趣。这节课学生很快就掌握了英语课堂的师生问候语。在以后的教学中,每逢上英语课师生问好时,学生们都报以90度的鞠躬回礼,在游戏或表演时学生都大胆使用英语会话,从不瑟瑟缩缩。因此,创设一种新型的师生关系,从"师道尊严"向师生平等转变。教师应扮演多种角色,这些角色随课堂教学需


对消除英语课堂中学生沉默的研究摘要:在任何时间、任何地点,冷场都是要不得的,在教学中冷场更是要命的,作为一名英语教师,传道解惑是我们的本职,在英语教学方面就要求有一个热闹而不喧哗,严肃而不冷淡的教学气氛,但是在大学高年级英语教学中,对学生提问一个问题,下面学生都默不作声,原本准备好的教学方案无法正常进行,十分尴尬,不能活跃教学氛围,使学生积极参与进来,使整个英语教学不能达到一个很好的教学效果。 关键词:英语教学;教学课堂;消除;沉默 一、英语教学课堂的现状 如今的高级(大学)英语教学过程中,对教学中的学生沉默是作为老师的我们最头疼的事情,想尽办法想把课堂的气氛调动起来,学生就是不愿意发言回答问题,不积极主动地配合、参与进来。语言的学习是一个很繁琐的学习过程,对英语的学习,不仅要大量的背诵单词,还要掌握好英语语法结构,更重要的是大量的阅读,英语课堂要求一个书声琅琅的课堂氛围,但是在对如今的高级英语教学过程中,老师提问一个问题,下面很大一部分学生都沉默不语,更有甚者在看其他的书籍,几乎没有人主动站起来回答问题,没办法了就点名让学生回答,被点到的学生很多都是支支吾吾回答不出来,更有甚者直接说不知道,下面的学生急急忙忙在书本上找答案,完全不配合英语的教学。课堂英语教学气氛十分冷淡,只有作为教师的我们一个人滔滔不绝的讲授着,完全达不到英语教学的目的。这是一个很残酷但又是真是存在的现状。 二、导致英语教学课堂沉默的因素 英语教学是一个老师跟学生相互配合学习的过程,一个巴掌拍不响,老师、学生要相互配合才能使学生更好的学到知识,达到教学的目的。因此,英语教学课堂中学生的不积极配

合,也是老师跟学生两方面的问题,下面就从两个方面进行探讨。 (一)老师的问题 在英语课堂出现的学生不配合老师授课,不积极参与课堂当中有相当大的因素来自于老师。老师的讲课方式是否受到学生的喜欢,老师的讲课内容及其深浅程度是否为学生所接受,学生是否感兴趣,是否让学生认为有用,是否为学生所快速掌握等等都是关键的问题。只有由浅渐深的引导学生学习,才能被学生所接受,讲课的内容太过深奥,学生学不会就会产生厌学的情况,还有就是老师对课堂的组织能力,课堂也是一个活动,任何活动的成功都源自于活动组织者本身的组织水平,在英语教学课堂上,老师既是主角也是配角,主角占有着很大的比例,因为老师是授课者,学生是听课者,授课者不发表任何观点,学生听什么?因此老师一定要有一定的课堂控制和组织能力。 (二)学生自身的问题 一个巴掌是拍不响的,课堂主体是学生,因为学生来到英语课堂听课的目的就是为了学到英语知识,对英语课堂学生沉默,不积极的回答问题的现象,解铃还须系铃人,还得从学生这里寻找答案。 1.缺乏自信? 有一大部分学生认为自己的英语水平不高,不能很好地表达自己的思想从而选择沉默,探究其深层原因是缺乏自信。在课堂上,面对那么多同学,心理紧张,害怕找不到相应的词语,害怕表达不准确,害怕不但得不到老师的关怀和引导,甚至还要受到老师的批评,同学的嬉弄。害怕站起来主动回答问题会出错,在全班人面前丢脸,会受到学生嘲笑,这些都会使学生产生挫败感。?在心里自认为站起来回答问题,还不如听别人回答问题好,只有被动的要求站起来回答问题才扭扭捏捏的站起来,其实回答的很对,只是因为自身的原因,对自己不自信。这些都使学生在英语课堂上保持沉默。


毕业论文开题报告研究方法与手段 篇一:开题报告中研究思路与研究方法的写法参考开题报告中研究思路与研究方法的写法参考 XX-02-15 19:51:02| 分类:毕业论文 | 标签: |字号大中小订阅 研究思路 研究方法 (1)模糊层次分析法="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 本论文考虑到绿色造船评价指标既有定量指标又有定性指标,可以借助模糊评价方法的处理方式,将一些模糊的概念转化成定量的数据。此外,为了表达综合评价目标的层次性,考虑采用层次分析方法,建立评价对象和评价指标体系。因此,本文结合了层次分析法和模糊评价法的优点,采用模糊层次分析方法对船 舶建造的绿色度进行综合评价。 (2)理论研究与实证研究相结合的方法 绿色造船评价指标体系的研究注重理论与实证两种研究方法的结合,对现实中改善船舶建造活动与环境的关系,具有一定的评价和指导意义。本文采用该方法,界定了绿色造船的定义以及综合评价目标等相关概念(第2、3章);构建了绿色造船评价指标体系;结合模糊层次分析法,构建了

数学评价模型(第4 章)。最后,结合实例进行验证研究(第5章)。 (3)定性与定量分析相结合的方法 本文在研究过程中,重视并力求结合定性分析与定量分析进行研究。本文根据绿色造船的三大特征,构建了绿色造船评价指标体系(第3章)。采用模糊层次分析法确定了各个评价指标的权重,并结合专家打分法和中国节水技术政策大纲、《工业企业厂界噪声标准》、《大气污染物综合排放标准》等权威统计数据给予评价指标以定量的数值,最终得出定量的综合评价结果(第4章)。 (4)比较研究的方法 比较研究方法[32]是确定事物之间共同点和差异点的一种逻辑方法。在现实中,比较研究法几乎成为认识事物最常用的一种方法。本文在总结绿色造船定义中大量采用比较研究法,通过横向比较找出绿色造船和一般造船的共同点与不同点以及中、日、韩三国造船现状的比较(第2章);然后,将众多绿色度评价方法进行比较,比较各个评价方法的优点和缺点,为绿色造船评价指标体系选择适 当的评价方法,从而使综合评价结果更具科学性与合理性(第4章)。 (5)归纳与演绎相结合的方法 归纳与演绎相结合的方法是一种辩证逻辑的方法。本文


浅析高校外语课堂沉默的原因及应对_英语 论文 3.学生的自身因素起重要作用 学生是听课的主题,是知识的接受者,他们的自身因素明显地对他们的课堂表现起重要作用。学生的内因多种多样,有个人兴趣、课程准备、语言功底不足、焦虑、缺乏技巧训练、缺乏信心、挫败经历、反馈信息和接收方式等。 调查发现,高达98%的学生认为自己英语功底直接影响自己上课的积极程度。如果学生英语能力强,就会有更多自信,更敢于表达思想并且与老师产生互动。反之,英语能力弱的同学则缺乏发言的勇气。此外,高达95%的学生表示,如果他们缺乏课前准备,如该预习的内容没有做,老师布置的课前准备没有完成,

他们上课会处于消极的状态,很有可能保持沉默。缺乏技巧训练,不能得到话轮,是70%以上学生的问题。他们可能在日常生活中就缺少把握说话机会的技巧。72%的学生认为自己沉默与缺乏自信有关。即使有好想法,但因害怕说错被同学嘲笑,许多同学缄口不语;也有人觉得自己英语发音不好,说出来后怕被同学嘲笑。当老师提问时,如果给任何提示,许多学生没有信心可以给出令老师满意的答案,当有提示时,他们会对自己的答案更有把握,所以会更积极。这三种情形都说明信心的重要性。与缺乏相似,79%的学生感到焦虑阻碍了他们自如回答老师的提问,他们过于紧张,即使知道答案,也保持沉默。 调查还发现,在学生自身因素中,有三点不被大多数学生认同。其中,高达85%的学生不认同自己沉默是因为老师过分严厉,这进一步证明了老师因素不是学生沉默的主要原因。同时51%的同学不觉得老师授课方式与自己接受方式差异很大,也不觉得上课时老师只喜欢和一小部分同学交流,这再次说明,老师因素不占主导地位。


《有效的英语课堂教学》-精品刚开始看这本书时觉得应该和其他书的理论差不多的泛泛而谈,随着自己阅读的深入,感觉这本书其实很不错的。读了这本书有种豁然开朗的感觉。以前也在相关的教育教学书籍中看到过关于课堂教学方面的理论知识,强调教学的艺术性,课堂教学的效率问题,可是更多的流于理论上的说教,让人无法真正了解课堂教学的有关细节的琢磨与把握。而这本书如在我的道路上亮起一盏灯,尤其是对我这种刚参加工作不久的教师而言,的确是收获多多。 “运用丰富的肢体语言和精彩的语言创设情境”,本书中谈到的这一点对我的触动很深。师生之间每时每刻都在进行心灵接触,在众多渴求知识的目光里,老师是他们眼中的一盏灯,任何语言及表情都会产生一连串的连锁反应。要在课堂上创造一种轻松的、幽默、宽容的气氛,教师的身体语言必不可少。教师的身体语言即教态是无声的语言,它能对教学情境起到恰到好处的补充、配合、修饰作用,可以使教师通过表情让情境的表现更加准确、丰富,更容易为学生所接受。精彩、恰当的表情和动作能引起学生的注意,让复杂的东西变得简单起来。英语是语言教学,英语教学更需要丰富的面部表情和肢体动作的配合。教师亲切而自信的目光、期待而专注的眼神可以使学生产生安全感,消除恐惧感,缩短教师与学生的感情距离。教师热情洋溢的微笑、友善慈祥的面容可以使学生获得最直观、最形象、最真切的感受;潇洒得体的身姿手势,无时不在感染着学生,可以使学生加深对知识点的理解、记忆,引导学生全身心地投入到情境中去。

作为教师,我们知道,教学的主战场在课堂,开展有效的课堂教学就是要提高课堂45分钟效率,让学生真正成为课堂的主人。课堂是教师教和学生学的时空场所,是有效提升教学质量的重要舞台。课堂教学效果的优劣关涉到教师生命价值的展现,对教师自身的发展也有着重要影响。有效的课堂教学应当是师生能够平等交往、高质互动的真实的课堂,是师生能够充分展现个性魅力与智慧、演绎生命价值并最终实现共同发展的课堂;有效的课堂教学是师生能够感受幸福,共享智慧,充满诗意,成为师生共同的精神家园的课堂。备课备课,原来并不容易。 教学是让学生高尚和聪明的艺术。每一位教师都应该成为教学艺术家,充分发挥自己的艺术创造力,在“三尺讲台”上尽情展示艺术才华,使课堂真正成为师生提高修养、探求知识、陶冶情操的艺术殿堂。读书,使我明白了很多道理。可以说是读书让我明白了一个教师的伟大,明白了教书育人的乐趣。相信在以后的教学生涯中,我还会不断地读书,用读书来充实我的教学,我的人生。


大学英语课堂沉默现象解析 【摘要】大学英语课堂中的沉默现象通常被认定为师生间的失败交流,往往反映出学生对课堂提不起兴趣,甚至对抗的消极心理。本文首先介绍了课堂沉默的两种表现形式:积极沉默和消极沉默,总结出引发大学英语课堂上消极沉默现象的几种原因,最后提出了一些教师教学策略。 【关键词】课堂沉默;积极沉默;消极沉默;教学策略 一、引言 教师们经常抱怨学生在课堂上表现静寂和沉默。对于教师提出的问题,学生经常三缄其口,沉默不语,让彼此都陷入尴尬的境地。这种大学英语课堂上外语教师单一“演说”的教学模式已经无法满足当今外语课堂的基本要求了,本研究旨在从学生的角度分析大学生在英语课堂上保持沉默的表现及原因,并试图提出相关策略。 二、课堂沉默与教师提问策略 课堂沉默从广义上讲包含课堂教学中所有沉默现象,而狭义上单指课堂提问或课堂讨论中学生的沉默。本文将从狭义层面就课堂沉默现象进行论述。 (一)学生课堂沉默的两种表现 以课堂效应的不同为依据,刘向前提出了两种表现形

式:积极沉默和消极沉默。(1)积极沉默。沉默是指学生将老师所授知识进行接收→分析→归纳→运用。其表现形式为:学生对教师问题的积极思考;学生认真倾听和思考教师或其他同学的讲述或回答。可见,必要的沉默使学生在有限的时间内消化吸收学到的知识,努力思考后形成自己独有的分析。(2)消极沉默又呈现两种表现形式:有些学生总是被动地接受教师填鸭式的教育,羞于自我表达,导致课堂教学死气沉沉;表面看来课堂气氛活跃,实际上是某些学生反复发言,其他学生则保持沉默。这两种表现形式极大地影响了教师顺利完成课堂的教学任务。因此,应探其原因并采取对策,提高外语教学氛围,最终实现外语教学质量的提高。 三、大学生英语课堂保持沉默的原因 (一)课堂环境 很多学生认为大学英语课堂给人紧张和沉闷的感觉,教师一味填鸭式教学,忽视学生感受,多数学生则保持沉默,这样一来那些主动回答问题的学生的自我意识就会越来越强,也不愿意主动与教师互动。从学生角度看,教师应该努力营造一个自如宽松的英语学习氛围,鼓励学生积极地回答课堂问题。 (二)学生 少数学生由于害羞,自尊心太强,羞于在全班同学面前回答老师的提问;自信心不足。很大一部分学生缺乏自信,


本科法学专业毕业论文指导 关于《本科法学专业毕业论文指导》,是我们特意为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。 导语:在毕业的时候,每一个法学院的学生都要写作毕业论文,都存在一个怎样写作毕业论文的问题。我做这个题目的报告,就是用我在学习、研究民商法中怎样写作法学论文,以及在做法学院教授的工作中,怎样指导法学院学生写作毕业论文的经验和体会。希望对大家能够有所帮助。 关于毕业论文的选题 法律的学习和研究,以及写作法学论文,最重要的是选题。一般的学习法律者除外,凡是涉及到法律要深入做的时候,那么,无论确定专门的学习、研究方向,还是写作论文、谋划长篇巨制,都首先面临的是选题的问题。 法学院学生写作毕业论文,同样也是这样。因此,法学院学生写作毕业论文,首先要确定好选题,然后才能开始进行毕业论文的搜集资料、谋篇布局、开始写作。不然的话,上来就写,写完了就撕,很难写出好的作品,毕业论文也就很难过关。 有些同学经常到了开题的时候,找到我,央求说,老师给我出一个题目吧!可是,论文题目不是那么好出的,而且学生自己究竟对什么问题感兴趣、有积累,并不完全清楚,还是要靠学生

自己好好地进行选题。 一、作毕业论文选题的一般考虑 法学院学生,尤其是硕士研究生,在开始进行学习的时候,首先就是要确定自己的研究方向。 在指导硕士研究生合博士研究生的研究和学习刚刚开始的时候,第一件事就是要确定研究的方向。例如有的学生愿意做抽象的民法研究工作,我给他确定民法总论的研究方向。 为什么要给他确定这个方向,就是因为我对他的学习和研究很了解,他对民商法的基本问题都是很精通的,基础很好,尤其是处理具体问题,应用民商法的理论得心应手,这也使他在同学中的威信很高。这个同学是很有才气的,要研究一个一般的题目是很不成问题的。所以,选择民法总论这个方向给他,既有难度,他又是能够胜任的。 还有一个同学,他的特点是修养很好,基础很好,特别是在哲学的层次上,有很敏感的感觉,也是很有前途的。而民法哲学这个题目是很难做的,几乎是一个新的领域,现在没有多少人能把这个问题做得好。他有这个实力,那就让他做。应当说,在选择方向上,因为都是民商法专业,选择什么专业,只要结合自己的特点、长处和爱好,就行了。 二、更重要的是选择具体的题目。 选题,就是选择什么样的专题确定为自己学习、研究的具体方向。法律的问题内容极其繁杂,就是确定一个大的方向,里边


《提高英语课堂教学有效性研究》开题报告 一、课题研究目的和意义: 自学校开设英语学科以来,在学校领导及教研部门领导的关心支持下,自己在英语教学上发展比较平稳,教学质量比较稳定,为了总结经验,发现缺漏,及时弥补,我对自己所任班级的教学成绩进行了调查分析。调查情况分析显示,我所任班级的学生成绩优的占67%,不及格的占7%,其余为及格和良。这说明在整体良好的后面,还有不足之处,这就让我对自己的课堂教学有了新的审视,即课堂教学的实效性问题,因此,如何优化课堂教学,提高课堂教学的实效性成了我研究的课题。 二、理论依据: 英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程:又是他们磨砺意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富生活经历、开发思维能力、发展个性和提高人文素养的过程。在小学三、四年级要达到一级目标,五、六年级要达到二级目标。对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。乐于了解异国文化、习俗。 那么如何达到这些目标,就要求我们教师能够在课堂操练上进行有效的研究,使学生能够扎实有效的完成学习任务。

三、课题研究的目标 1、通过实验,营造起有利于学生能进行有效学习、自主的氛围,让学生“愿学、乐学”,从而激发起学生对英语学习的兴趣,使他们形成积极主动的学习态度。 2、通过实验,帮助学生有意识地形成良好的学习习惯。因为学生只有有了良好的学习习惯,有效学习英语才能真正得到保证。 3、通过实验,有意识地帮助学生在学习过程中掌握英语学习的方法和学习策略。这与新课标所倡导的“不仅要教会学生知识,更重要的是让学生懂得如何去学习”这一理念所吻合。如果我们的学生在离开校园使能够回答“我今后怎么学英语”这一的问题,这种能够在没有老师指导的情况下仍然充满信心地面对英语学习的话,这才说明我们的教学是有成效的,这才是英语有效教学的真正含义。 4、通过实验,使学生自主学习英语能力形成的同时,不断发展他们的思维,培养他们的创新意识和创新能力。我们知道,学生在学习中学会了思维,教学的有效性就得到充分体现。有句话说得好:“好学贵知疑,知疑贵问师”“小疑获小进,大疑获大进”。教师在教学过程中要经常引其疑,析其疑,鼓励学生积极思考,解决问题,从而培养学生的发散思维和创新思维,最终提高学生的自主学习能力,提高教学的有效性。 四、研究内容: (一)加强课前备课的质量 有效教学理论作为“新课改”的理论基础之一,其核心问题就是


本科毕业论文开题报告任务书 本科毕业论文开题报告任务书 开题报告内容 1.选题背景(含国内外相关研究综述及评价)与意义。 对于电影片名的误译及对策的课题,国内外学者都有很多研究,国内学者付有龙、冯小霞、刘显才等对英文电影片名的翻译及误译都有深入研究;国外学者也就这一方向有相关研究,如 peter.newmark, lynn.andrew和 cattrysse.patrick 等的研究较为深入,他们关于英文电影名称的特点与功能﹑电影名称的误译以及翻译方法的研究具有代表性。 国内学者付有龙就电影片名的误译方面做了相关研究,他在电影评价上发表的《电影片名误译及其翻译方法》得出电影片名的误译是由多方面因素引起的,包括:对电影文化内涵缺乏了解,过度追求商业利润,过分追求系列模式化等。国外学者cattrysse.patrick 的talking about the movie name translation 对电影片名翻译的原则和方法提供了更好的论证,他认为电影片名的翻译应该遵循翻译的原则,而且不同类型的电影片名应该用适合的翻译方法来翻译,这样才可以更好地避免误译的发生。 论文具有一定的学术性、现实性、前沿性、针对性或新颖性;与社会、生活相结合,论文研究的英文电影片名的误译现象越来越受到学术界重视,与人们生活息息相关。根据国内外学者的研究,论文分析了英文电影片名的特征和功能,为研究英文电影片名的翻译提供更好的基础,透析英文电影片名的误译现象和误译原因,总结英文电影片名翻译的原则和适合不同英文电影片名翻译的翻译方法。该

论文的研究有利于减少误译引起的麻烦,提高英文电影片名的翻译水平,从而更好地减少文化隔阂,有利于电影业的更好发展。 2. 选题研究的方法与主要内容。 在收集资料,阅读相关文献的基础上,与指导教师讨论,共同确定选题,列出论文提纲,并拟采用例证法,分析法,比较法,推导论述法等方法进行论文撰写。论文主要研究英文电影片名的误译以及对误译提出的对策,通过综合归纳英文电影片名的特点、作用,结合英文电影片名的翻译原则以及翻译方法,以rain man, bad company,american beauty, original sin等多部外国电影片名的翻译为实例,试图从电影片名翻译错误的视角,就英文电影片名的误译以及对策这一论题进行深入探讨,旨在达成减少英文电影片名的误译以及减少误译带来的麻烦,从而更好地发挥电影片名的作用以及使外国电影更好地被中国人接受和认可的目的。 3. 研究条件及可能存在的问题。 通过专业学习,具备基本英语语言技能和专业知识,拥有所选课题需要的部分资料和相关理论书籍,校图书馆和网络有丰富的资料可查询。同时,有指导教师的指导和帮助,能够顺利完成论文写作。 对于论文,可能存在的问题有相关文献和著作收集不足;理论理解、分析不够深刻、透彻;理论研究较为肤浅;理论联系实际不够;缺乏充分、全面的实践证明等问题,但是论文将尽量减少类似问题发生,尽量完善各方面。 参考文献: andrew, lynn. happreciating cinema. beijing: foreign language teaching and research press, xx.


如何进行有效的英语课堂教学 在日常教学中,我们常常会遇到这样的困惑:一节课自己认为备课充分,知识讲解透彻,应该有很好的教学效果,而事实上呢?学生一个个无精打采,兴趣不浓,教学效果不佳,究其原因,是一个值得我们深思的问题,那么如何才能搞好小学英语课堂教学呢?通过认真反思英语课堂教学的几个重要环节,我认为一个英语教师在课堂上要认真采用一种新的教学方法——课堂生活化。即教师应在《新课标》指导下,努力创设生动和真实的语言环境,让学生在自主学习、合作学习、探究学习中逐渐产生对英语的兴趣和爱好,形成在动态真实环境中使用英语进行活动的积极性,让生活走进课堂。 一、激发兴趣,启发思维能力 兴趣是最好的老师,如果学生对英语学习产生了兴趣和期待,就会不自觉地形成一种渴求接受新知识的内在需要和强大动力。如我在教学动词短语watch Tv 、listen to music、swim时,让生边做动作边教学,学生兴趣很高,在真实语境中完成了英语学习,提高了学生的语言交际能力。 二、运用实物、挂图、简笔画、卡片等巧设情境 在小学英语中大部分单词都是表示具体事物的。因此我们在教学的尽量运用实物、挂图、简笔画、卡片等进行直观教学,这样能激发学生学习的直接兴趣,从而掌握有关的单词和知识,比如四年级第一模块中,教学这些形容词时,师可以先用简笔画画出来或用表情来让生猜。如cute 、cool 、nanghty时,画一个戴着眼境,牛仔帽

的男孩,学生一看就知道他很酷,这时我马上教授单词cool。还可以让生扮演一下,这样就把形容词也教了,从而完成了教学任务,当然巧设这种良好的语言情境,作为教学的示范者,组织者,监督者,对英语老师的要求将更高,更具有挑战性,他必须具备协调、促进、指导的整体作用,才可能创设好情境,从而保持课堂的动态平衡,激活学生主体,活化课堂教学。 三、利用角色扮演,模拟生活进行语言实践 小学生天真可爱,喜欢模仿别人,虽然角色扮演时不是很到位,但教师可以根据其内容让生扮演简单的角色,如我在教学四年级module7 unit1描述过去发生的事情时,让生分别扮演Mr smart做饭、Ms smart打电话、Amy看电视、Tom帮助爸爸等这一幅画,然后请生用英语描述出来,他们兴趣很高,就连班上最差的学生也愿意用“主语+b e+v过去式”句型来形容,这些角色扮演,不但使学生牢固的掌握用动词过去式来描述过去发生的事情这个句型,也培养了生的表演能力,寓教于乐。 四、组织符合学生生活经验的活动、游戏,培养学生的合作精神 为了让生在课堂中不感到拘束,乐于参与学习,我们教师应从学生的生活经验出发,多设一些游戏,使生享受到轻松愉快的学习氛围,现在的孩子很多都以自我为中心没有合作精神,所以我们除了传授知识,还要培养他们的合作精神,我们可以采用小组合作学习的形势,开展游戏活动,如我在教学新单词时,先告诉每一小组的第一个同学一个刚学的单词,八个同学在教师指令下同时将这个单词告诉自己后


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f28501111.html, 大学英语课堂沉默现象分析与对策 作者:邓菁菁 来源:《校园英语·下旬》2014年第07期 【摘要】现如今大学英语课堂沉默现象普遍出现,影响正常教学,这引起了教师们的注意。为此,本文对该现象发生的原因进行分析,并提出一些见解,期待能改善该现象提高教学质量。 【关键词】大学英语课堂课堂沉默成因分析 大学英语课堂沉默现象是一个很普遍的问题,这也是让大学英语教师们感到挫败和棘手的一大难题。作为一门语言类学科,教师与学生,学生与学生之间的互动是优质英语课堂的重要组成部分。语言是交际工具,语言习得需要不断地练习和交流。Allwirght (1980)曾表示课堂互动对于提高学生的语言水平起着非常重要的作用。国内外相关研究表明积极的课堂互动对于学生的表达能力有提高作用,反之消极的沉默现象会对英语教与学带来负面影响,降低教学效果,不利于学生的语言学习。在实际教学中大学英语教师经常会面临这样一种景象:当教师提出问题或发起讨论时,大多数学生都会默不作声或迅速低下头,课堂气氛瞬间沉闷压抑,令教师陷入尴尬境地,不论教师如何努力和鼓励都难以调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性。这种影响教学的课堂沉默现象的产生不是偶然的,原因可大致包括一下几部分:以教师为中心的教学模式,学生的表达能力不足,应试教育不注重语言的输出,中国传统思想抑制学生课堂表达,学生性格特征和焦虑,教师提问技巧策略和教师教学风格等方面。本文就大学英语课堂沉默这一现象进行的成因进行分析并提出先关解决问题的看法和见解。 一、课堂沉默的定义 “沉默”的词义是一言不发,不再说话即交流中言语声音的缺乏和中止。根据塞维尔·特勒 克(1982)对交际行为的区分我们得知“沉默是交际主体所表现出来的无声且无固定语义的非言语行为。”课堂教学活动是教师和学生互动的交际过程,交际的主体可以是教师,以教师为主导交流或学生作为交际的主体对教师进行交流。课堂的沉默是由交际主体所发出的无声且无固定语义的非言语行为。通常情况下教师沉默的现象很少出现,所以我们在本文主要探讨的就是以学生为主体的沉默交际行为,即学生在课堂互动和教师提问时的沉默。根据课堂效应的不同,我国学者刘向前(2005)在关于课堂沉默现象的研究中讲“沉默”分为两种类型:积极性沉默和消极性沉默。 积极性沉默是一种正常的教学现象,即学生对教师所授知识接受并将提出的问题进行思考,自我消化分析且归纳应用的必要过程。其表现形式多样:1.学生在获得教师提出的问题后,进入积极思考的沉默现象;2.学生对教师或者其他同学的陈述或表达进行专注聆听和思考消化的沉默。这样的沉默是课堂活动中积极的一面,它是学生在课堂过程中正面的表达和反馈,也是学生融入课堂的一种表现。因为作为听众是需要花费时间和精力对说话者的内容进行


本科毕业论文开题报告任务书开题报告内容 1.选题背景(含国内外相关研究综述及评价)与意义。 对于电影片名的误译及对策的课题,国内外学者都有很多研究,国内学者付有龙、冯小霞、刘显才等对英文电影片名的翻译及误译都有深入研究;国外学者也就这一方向有相关研究,如,和等的研究较为深入,他们关于英文电影名称的特点与功能﹑电影名称的误译以及翻译方法的研究具有代表性。 国内学者付有龙就电影片名的误译方面做了相关研究,他在电影评价上发表的《电影片名误译及其翻译方法》得出电影片名的误译是由多方面因素引起的,包括:对电影文化内涵缺乏了解,过度追求商业利润,过分追求系列模式化等。 国外学者的talking about the movie name translation对电影片名翻译的原则和方法提供了更好的论证,他认为电影片名的翻译应该遵循翻译的原则,而且不同类型的电影片名应该用适合的翻译方法来翻译,这样才可以更好地避免误译的发生。 论文具有一定的学术性、现实性、前沿性、针对性或新颖性;与社会、生活相结合,论文研究的英文电影片名的误

译现象越来越受到学术界重视,与人们生活息息相关。根据国内外学者的研究,论文分析了英文电影片名的特征和功能,为研究英文电影片名的翻译提供更好的基础,透析英文电影片名的误译现象和误译原因,总结英文电影片名翻译的原则和适合不同英文电影片名翻译的翻译方法。该论文的研究有利于减少误译引起的麻烦,提高英文电影片名的翻译水平,从而更好地减少文化隔阂,有利于电影业的更好发展。 2. 选题研究的方法与主要内容。 在收集资料,阅读相关文献的基础上,与指导教师讨论,共同确定选题,列出论文提纲,并拟采用例证法,分析法,比较法,推导论述法等方法进行论文撰写。 论文主要研究英文电影片名的误译以及对误译提出的对策,通过综合归纳英文电影片名的特点、作用,结合英文电影片名的翻译原则以及翻译方法,以rain man, bad company,american beauty, original sin等多部外国电影片名的翻译为实例,试图从电影片名翻译错误的视角,就英文电影片名的误译以及对策这一论题进行深入探讨,旨在达成减少英文电影片名的误译以及减少误译带来的麻烦,从而更好地发挥电影片名的作用以及使外国电影更好地被中国人接受和认可的目的。 3. 研究条件及可能存在的问题。
