

1.A stand-up comedian

2.Marty's still totally paranoid.

3.Are you through with that?

4.I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your heart in front of your

entire family!'

5.We're going in.

6.That puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?

7.They all had a thing for him.

8.I think it might take some of the heat off me.

9.Look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars, with

his museum, and his papers getting published.

10.S he's like this high-powered, driven career type.

11.I kind of gotta clean up now.

12.S o, got any advice? You know, as someone who's recently been-


13.S orry I'm late, I was stuck at work.

14.H ow could I forget?

15.B e back in a sec.

16.T hings change, roll with the punches.

17.S o. What have you been up to?

18.W hy are- why are you so tanned?

19.Y eah, well, uh, we're kind of a thing.

20.H e knows no-one's gonna say all those names, so they'll wind up

calling her Geller, then he gets his way!

21.W hy are you welling up?

22.Y ou know, if-if everything works out, and you guys end up getting

married and having kids.

23.I know it was a cheap shot, but I feel so much better now.


The One With the Sonogram at the End [Scene Central Perk, everyone's there.] Monica: What you guys don't understand is, for us, kissing is as important as any part of it. Joey: Yeah, right!.......Y'serious? Phoebe: Oh, yeah! Rachel: Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. Monica: Absolutely. Chandler: Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out. Ross: Yeah, and-and it's not that we don't like the comedian, it's that-that... that's not why we bought the ticket. Chandler: The problem is, though, after the concert's over, no matter how great the show was, you girls are always looking for the comedian again, y'know? I mean, we're in the car, we're fighting traffic... basically just trying to stay awake.(我的意思是,我们在车里努力挣扎,仅仅是为了保持清醒) Rachel: Yeah, well, word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone. Joey: (pause)....Are we still talking about sex? Opening Credits [Scene: Museum of Prehistoric History, Ross and a co-worker (Marsha) are setting up an exhibit which includes some mannequins of cave people.] Ross: No, it's good, it is good, it's just that- mm- doesn't she seem a little angry? Marsha: Well, she has issues. Ross: Does she. Marsha: He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at


101 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot-The Uncut Version) [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.] Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with! Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him! Chandler: All right Joey, be nice. So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk? (They all stare, bemused.) Phoebe: Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh! Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and- not having sex. Chandler: Sounds like a date to me. [Time Lapse] Chandler: Alright, so I'm back in high school, I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally naked. All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream. Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there. Joey: Instead of...? Chandler: That's right. Joey: Never had that dream. Phoebe: No. Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me. Monica: And they weren't looking at you before?! Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it, and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me! [Time Lapse, Ross has entered.] Ross: (mortified) Hi. Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. Monica: Are you okay, sweetie? Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and


老友记第一季第一集 中央咖啡馆 这没什么好说的 There's nothing to tell! 他不过是我的同事 He's just some guy I work with! 少来了你们都在约会了 C'mon, you're going out with the guy! 这个男人一定有什么问题 There's gotta be something wrong with him! 他是驼背吗戴着假发的驼背 So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? 等等他吃粉笔吗 Wait, does he eat chalk? 我只是不想你 Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through 重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙 what I went through with Carl 拜托各位放松点这甚至不算是约会Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. 只不过是两个人出去吃个饭 It's just two people going out to dinner 而且不会上床 and not having sex. 听起来像是和我约会 Sounds like a date to me. 于是我回到了高中学校 Alright, so I'm back in high school, 我站在食堂中间 I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria 然后发现自己全身赤裸 and I realize I am totally naked. 噢做过那种梦 Oh, yeah. Had that dream. 然后我低下头看见那里有一部 Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone 大哥大 there. -那话儿变成了-没错 - Instead of...? - That's right. -这种梦倒从未做过-没有 - Never had that dream. - No. 突然那电话响起来了 All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. 结果是我妈打来的 And it turns out it's my mother, 这非常非常奇怪 which is very-very weird because- 因为她从来不打电话给我 she never calls me! 嗨 Hi. 这家伙一张嘴打招呼我就想自杀This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. 你还好吧亲爱的 Are you okay, sweetie? 我感觉有人把手伸入我的喉咙 I just feel like someone reached down my throat 抓住我的小肠 grabbed my small intestine, 从我嘴里扯出来 pulled it out of my mouth 然后缠在我脖子上 and tied it around my neck... 饼干 Cookie? 卡罗尔今天把她的东西搬走了 Carol moved her stuff out today -我帮你泡杯咖啡-谢了 - Let me get you some coffee. - Thanks. 不不要别再净化我的灵气了 No, no don't! Stop cleansing my aura! 求你了别碰我的灵气好吗 No, just leave my aura alone, okay? 我会没事的好吧 I'll be fine, alright? 真的各位我希望她能幸福Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very happy. -不你不会-没错我不会的 - No you don't. - No I don't, 去她的她甩掉了我 to hell with her, she left me!


104 The One With George Stephanopoulos Monica: Alright. Phoebe? Phoebe: Okay, okay. If I were omnipotent for a day, I would want, um, world peace, no more hunger, good things for the rain-forest...And bigger boobs! 如果有一天 我变得全能,我要世界和平,不再有饥饿,雨林不再遭受破坏,还有更大的胸部 [ɑ:m?n?p?t?nt]全能的,权力无限的 Ross: Yeah, see..you took mine. Chandler, what about you? Chandler: Uh, if I were omnipotent for a day, I'd..make myself omnipotent forever. Rachel: See, there's always one guy. (Mocking) "If I had a wish, I'd wish for three more wishes." “给我一个愿望,我就要更多的愿望” All: Hey Joey. Hi. Hey, buddy. Monica: Hey, Joey, what would you do if you were omnipotent? Joey: Probably kill myself! Monica: ..Excuse me? Joey: Hey, if Little Joey's dead, then I got no reason to live! Ross: Joey, uh- OMnipotent. Joey: You are? Ross, I'm sorry.. Monica: How does she do that? Ross: I cannot sleep in a public place. Monica: Would you look at her? She is so peaceful. Phoebe: (waking and startling them) Oh! What whatwhat! (i) Ross:It's okay, y'know, you just nodded off again. 你只是又打瞌睡了 Monica: What's going on with you? Phoebe: I got no sleep last night! Ross: Why? Phoebe: My grandmother has this new boyfriend, and they're both kind of insecure in bed. Oh, and deaf. So they're constantly, like, having to reassure each other that they're having a good time. You have no idea how loud they are! 我祖母交了

老友记第一季 第三集笔记

【103】The One With The Thumb antique’s NO.3 The One With the Thumb 前两回合(101、102)已经基本上把Friends的主要人物和性格特点展现出来了,从103开始,观众的重点可以放在情节的铺开上,这部情景剧每一集都有一个或者多个故事,但又都同前面的故事相衔接,因此既可以独立成章,又保持了连贯性,这也是能够经久不衰的原因之一吧。 这集的主要情节如下:Ross终于发现真相:童年时的爱犬Chichi死掉了、而不是被送往农场养老,当年被父母善意的欺骗了。Chandler戒烟失败,众人皆不满,于是他巧妙的将矛头指向各人的缺点,籍此转移了注意力。Phoebe从银行得到一笔飞来横财,她去投诉,反而阴差阳错获得更多赔偿;她将钱悉数送人,对方报以一罐苏打水——开罐饮用时发现了一根拇指在里头,饮料公司赔偿给她更多美刀。Monica的新男友Alan大受其余五人爱戴,但Monica最终还是决定和他分手,不料Alan如释重负,原来他早就受不了Monica的五个朋友了。 1. Phoebe: Um, not so good. He walked me to the subway and said 'We should do this again!' Phoebe同一个男人出去约会回来告诉大家,那个男人怎么和她说的。“We should do this again”,表面上好像是以后我们还应该再继续约会,其实这是dating language,往往都是反着说的,近年来网路上有很多类似的帖子,大家可以找来看看,很搞笑的。Phoebe说完之后,大家都明白了,只有可爱的Rachel 傻乎乎的不明所以,还在那里夸好,于是大家只好半是卖弄半是教她的举了其他一些例子。比如“I t's not you'”就是“It is you”,“You're such a nice guy”意思是“I'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you”等等。恋爱中的人们想必能够理解这些吧,是不是经常听到女娃娃讲“I hate u”? 2.Joey: Yeah. Cushions the blow. 可怜的Rachel问是不是只有她是颗嫩草,善解人意的Joey来了这么一句,意思是take it easy.想想看吧,cushion是垫子的意思,用垫子承接打击,当然是放轻松点的意思咯。这可以作为固定用法记下来。 3.Monica: I mean, why should I let them meet him? I mean, I bring a guy home, and within five minutes they're all over him. I mean, they're like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd . Paula: Listen. As someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef, I'll tell you: that is not such a terrible thing. I mean, they're your friends, they're just looking out after you. Coyote是一种产于北美大草原的小狼,可以和hyena一起记忆。Pick off the weak members of the herd,摘取、挑选弱处下手的意思。在Paula的回答中,她先摆了一下自己的老资格“As someone who’s seen more than her fair share of bad beef”(意即作为一个见了过多臭牛排的厨师来说,别忘了,她和Monica 都是厨师这重身份,这里她用bad beef比喻那些不怎么样的男人),然后告诫Monica这没什么大不了的,不是什么糟糕的事情,毕竟他们是你的朋友,在你身后帮你留神着呢。 4.Paula: Well, you do realize the odds of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy .odds这里的意思是可能的机会、几率,相当于Chance。记住一个词组odds and ends,是零碎的东西的意思,经常能看到报纸或者杂志用这个词组作为一个栏目名称。整句话翻译过来就是:如果他们永远不能见到那个家伙,你会发现(他们完全接受他的)机会几乎没有。Slim的变形slimmer这里表示非常渺茫的意思。 5.Monica: (to Alan) Thanks. I'll call you tomorrow. (Alan exits, to all) Okay. Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm? 这段话很多人讨论过,主要集中在Alan-bashing上,其实之前Monica已经是下了很大的决心要带Alan同大家见面,心里已经做好了被挖苦的准备了(之前的wine guy,还有那个说话漏风的家伙等等一定让她被讽刺的很不爽),不过这次大家总算给足了面子,包括为


第一季第一集 [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.] Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with! Joey: Come on, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him! Chandler: All right Joey, be nice.? So does he have a hump A hump and a hairpiece Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk (They all stare, bemused.)困惑的; 茫然的; 不知所措的 Phoebe: Just, because I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh! Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and- not having sex. Chandler: Sounds like a date to me. [Time Lapse] Chandler:Alright, back in high school, I am standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realized I am totally naked. All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream. Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there. Joey: Instead of... Chandler: That's right. Joey: Never had that dream. Phoebe: No. Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me. Monica: They were looking at you before! Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it, and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me! Weird: 怪诞的; 神秘而可怕的; 超然的; 古怪的; 离奇的 [Time Lapse, Ross has entered.] Ross: (mortified) Hi. Mortified: 1.使受辱,伤害(人的感情) 2.克制,抑制(肉体、情感等) Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. Monica: Are you okay, sweetie Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck... Chandler: Cookie Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today. Joey: Ohh. Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee. Ross: Thanks. Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.) Pluck: 采; 摘; 拔; 弹, 拔(乐器的弦)


The One With the Blackout [Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is introducing Phoebe, who is playing her guitar for the crowd.] Rachel: Everybody? Shh, shhh. Uhhh... Central Perk is proud to present the music of Miss Phoebe Buffay. (applause) Phoebe: Hi. Um, I want to start with a song thats about that moment when you suddenly realize what life is all about. OK, here we go. (plays a chord, then the lights go out) OK, thank you very much. [Scene: The ATM vestibule of a bank, Chandler is inside. The lights go out, and he realizes he is trapped inside.] Chandler: Oh, great. This is just... (Chandler sees that there is a gorgeous model inside the vestibule with him. He makes a gesture of quiet exuberance.)

老友记第一季 第二集笔记

【102】The One With The Sonogram At The End antique’s No.2 The One With the Sonogram at the End 上集说道Rach和Ross分别经历了感情镇痛,这一集开始,Ross得知前妻Carol有了身孕,被迫同Carol的同志伴侣Susan一起,陪Carol参加助产训练班。Ross和Monica的父母来吃饭,由于Monica从小就在家里不如Ross优秀,所以再次感到巨大压力,只好抖出Ross 和Carol的事情。Ross和Rachel同病相怜,Rachel把戒指还给Barry, 结果发现,Barry不仅没有寻死觅活,反而过的很开心,原来他已经和Rachel的伴娘Mindy好上了。这一集里面我选了十多个句子简单讲解下。(PS:上次写了一之后,很多坛子上的朋友提出了很多意见,大部分我都虚心接受了,在修订版中,我会都改正过来。我的英语估计也就四级水平,所以所写的只能是抛砖引玉。其实这里很多英语高手,希望大家能一起Continue...如果可能的话,我想联系一下朋友,看看是否可能结集出版。) 1.Rachel: Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. 几个好朋友在一起聊性的话题,Monica说男人不懂接吻的重要性,Joey根本不屑一顾,于是Rachel说了这样一句话,意思是:初吻可以让你明白一切。呵呵,是不是想起自己的初吻了? 2.Chandler: Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out. Chandler也发表了自己的观点,他说接吻很大程度上像是序幕(an opening act),像是你听Pink Floyd的音乐会之前不得不忍受的笑星们的表演一样。Pink Floyd是美国一支很著名的乐队。能听出Chandler的潜台词吧? 3.Marsha: Well, she has issues. Issues在这里是烦恼、问题的意思,以后碰到别人好像闷闷不乐的时候,你就可以上前来上一句Do you have any issues? 4.Carol: Marty's still totally paranoid.Carol去Museum里找Ross,Ross非常尴尬,于是没话找话问Carol的家人怎么看待她是Lesbian的事儿,于是Carol告诉他,马堤仍然神经兮兮的。Paranoid这个单词是类似妄想狂的意思,有点histerical的意思。 5.Rachel: Oh, like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough, having to give it back to him... 'Hi Barry! Remember me? I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your heart in front of your entire family!' Oh God and now I'm gonna have to return the ring, without the ring, which makes it so much harder...这里“stomp on one’s heart”stom p是用脚踏的意思,可以想象用脚踏在心上是什么意思了吧,对,就是让人心碎的意思。 6.Chandler: Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?“kinda”在片中出现的次数非常频繁,也是口语中非常实用的词语,意思是有一点儿,相当于kind of.这句话的意思比较令人费解,结合场景,这里应该是Chandler挖苦Monica不该早些把枕头提前完全搞好。In perspective这里是提前的意思。 7.Monica: I know this is going to sound unbelievably selfish, but, were you planning on bringing up the whole baby/lesbian thing? Because I think it might take some of the heat off me.Ross和Monica的父母来看望他们,由于从小父母就喜欢Ross(因为Ross成绩优异,为人老实,而


The One With the Thumb [Scene: Central Perk, everyone but Phoebe is there.] Phoebe: (entering) Hi guys! All: Hey, Pheebs! Hi! Ross: Hey. Oh, oh, how'd it go? Phoebe: Um, not so good. He walked me to the subway and said 'We should do this again!' All: Ohh. Ouch. Rachel: What? He said 'we should do it again', that's good, right? Monica: Uh, no. Loosely translated 'We should do this again' means 'You will never see me naked'. Rachel: Since when? Joey: Since always. It's like dating language. Y'know, like 'It's not you' means 'It is you'. Chandler: Or 'You're such a nice guy' means 'I'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you'. Phoebe: Or, or, y'know, um, 'I think we should see other people' means 'Ha, ha, I already am'. Rachel: And everybody knows this? Joey: Yeah. Cushions the blow.(众所周知) Chandler: Yeah, it's like when you're a kid, and your parents put your dog to sleep, and they tell you it went off to live on some farm. Ross: That's funny, that, no, because, uh, our parents actually did, uh, send our dog off to live on a farm. Monica: Uh, Ross.


10 2 The One With the Sonogram at the End [Scene Central Perk, everyone's there.] Monica: What you guys don't understand is, for us, kissing is as important as any part of it. Joey: Yeah, right!.......Y'serious Phoebe: Oh, yeah! Rachel: Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. Monica: Absolutely. Chandler: Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out. Ross: Yeah, and-and it's not that we don't like the comedian, it's that-that... that's not why we bought the ticket. Chandler: The problem is, though, after the concert's over, no matter how great the show was, you girls are always looking for the comedian again, y'know I mean, we're in the car, we're fighting traffic... basically just trying to stay awake. Rachel: Yeah, well, word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone. Joey: (pause)....Are we still talking about sex Opening Credits [Scene: Museum of Prehistoric History, Ross and a co-worker (Marsha) are setting up an exhibit which includes some mannequins of cave people.] Ross: No, it's good, it is good, it's just that- mm- doesn't she seem a little angry Marsha: Well, she has issues. Ross: Does she. Marsha: He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet! Ross: Marsha, these are cave people. Okay They have issues like 'Gee, that glacier's getting kinda close.' See


The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.] Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with! Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him! Chandler: All right Joey, be nice. So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?(驼背还是秃头?) Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk? (They all stare, bemused.) Phoebe: Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh!(我不希望她走我和Carl的老路) Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and- not having sex. Chandler: Sounds like a date to me. [Time Lapse] Chandler: Alright, so I'm back in high school, I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally naked. All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream. Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there. Joey: Instead of...? Chandler: That's right. Joey: Never had that dream. Phoebe: No. Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me.

friends-1 老友记 第一季 第一集 单词

Friends 1S-1E Words and phrase 1.gotta=got to 必须,一定,得I ‘ve gotta/I gotta go 我得走了口语 词,非正式,下同 2.there is something wrong with 跟什么有关系 3.hump n. &v. 驼背adj. 激动的,生气的hump is not good for people’s temperament. 4.chalk n.粉笔 5.go through 经历,经过,完成 6.totally adv.完全地,非常地 7.naked adj.赤裸的 8.turn out 结果是 9.it’s my mother 指代不确定人称时,使用it’s 10.w eird adj.古怪的,不可思议的 11.w anna= want to 12.s weetie 甜心,指代亲昵的词语:dear,honey,babe 13.i ntestine n.小肠 14.m ove the stuff out 把行李搬走 15.l et me get you some …让我带给你(饮料,事物等) 16.t o hell with her 去她的 17.l esbian n.女同性恋 18.f ixate on 关注=focus on=pay attention to

19.I wish I was …虚拟语气,be使用过去式 20.T ake it pretty well/serious 把这件事情看得很轻松/严肃对待 21.J oint adj.共同的,联合的n.俱乐部,关节 22.H ormone Cn.荷尔蒙 23.B ridesmaid n.新娘bridegroom n.新郎 24.G orgeous adj.华丽的,动人的 25.T urn on开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等);(使)感兴趣;(使)兴奋 26.A nd then 然后 27.F reaked out 吓坏了(为表礼貌,freaking在英文里常常代替了 fucking) 28.W hen it hits me 突然想到 29.G et out of here 离开这里 30.K inda=kind of adv.有一些区别于a kind of 一种 31.D rift apart 疏远 32.I ssue Cn.问题,事情(作文里可常用) 33.O rgan n.器官,风琴 34.G et married/marry sb. 35.I t matters to sb. 对…有影响,matter v.起作用,有影响 36.P ush down 推下 37.W hat if 要是…又怎样 38.M etaphor n.比喻 39.E stablish v.创立,创建,被安排好

老友记第一季 第九集笔记

【109】The One Where Underdog Gets Away antique’s NO.9 The One Where Underdog Gets Away 本集故事情节如下:Joey为卫生机构的海报当模特,后来方知那是治疗性病的广告,被大家嘲笑而且也泡不到妞。Ross发现Susan在为Carol肚里的孩子念书听,不甘示弱决定照做。感恩节即将到来,因父母外出,R&M开始准备自己的感恩节大餐;Phoebe要和他俩一起庆祝,因为她向来同祖母一起过感恩节,而祖母的新男友用阴历不用阳历,他们家将在12月才过感恩节。Joey也加入了,因为他家里人以为他有性病。Chandler力图抵制感恩节因为当年他的父母在节日那天宣布离婚;Rachel的如意算盘则是和家人去山里滑雪。庆典游行当中大气球脱线飞走了;大家都跑上楼顶去看热闹,结果忘带钥匙全被关在了Monica的门外;晚饭烧焦了,Rachel误掉了班机,大家只好吃Chandler的奶酪三明治和洋葱小食品作为晚餐。 1. Rachel: It's so that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family. See, every year we go skiing in Vail, and normally my father pays for my ticket, but I sort of started the whole independence thing, you know, which is actually why I took this job. 我们都比较熟悉so…that句型,也比较熟悉to do sth so that+从句的形式,这里so that使用方式在口语中也比较常见,也是表达因果关系的联词。V ail,指美国Colorado州的滑雪圣地,关于Vail mountain的相关介绍可以查阅https://www.360docs.net/doc/f34730187.html,/internetworks/home.html上的具体内容。 关于英美的主要节日,这里也做一个介绍: New Years Day:新年,元旦,1月1日;St.Valentine's Day:圣瓦伦丁节(情人节)2月14日;All Fools's Day or April Fools's Day:愚人节4月1日;Good Friday:耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五);Easter:复活节(春分月圆后第一个星期日,4月);Easter Monday复活节后的星期一;Holy Thursday:耶稣升天节(复活节后的40天的星期四);May Day or Labour Day:五一劳动节;the Spring Bank Holiday:春假(英国5月最后一个星期一);Mother's Day:母亲节(5月第二个星期日);Memorial Day:阵亡将士纪念日(美国,5月26日);Independence Day:美国独立纪念日(7月4日);the Summer Bank Holiday:夏季公假(英国,8月最后一个星期一);Columbus Day:哥伦布日(10月12日);Halloween:万圣节前夕(10月31日);Hallowmas:万圣节(11月1日);Armistice day or Veterans Day:第一,二次世界大战的停战纪念日(11月11日);Thanksgiving Day:感恩节(在美国是11月的第二个星期一);Christmas Eve:圣诞节前夜(12月24日);Christmas Day:圣诞节(12月25日);Boxing Day:节礼日(圣诞节次日,如遇星期日,推迟一天)。 本集故事就发生在Thanksgiving(感恩节)的大背景下,这个节日始于1621年。那年秋天,远涉重洋来到美洲的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。1863年,美国总统林肯正式宣布感恩节为国定假日。届时,家家团聚,举国同庆,其盛大、热烈的情形,不亚于中国人过春节,在美国甚至比圣诞节还要隆重,这个节日里面,饭桌上火鸡(Turkey)和南瓜饼(Pumpkin Pie)是必不可少的菜肴,因此又叫火鸡节,这些希望能够在观看的时候慢慢体会。 2. Ross: Will you make the mashed potatoes with the lumps?感恩节的食品里也少不了土豆的身影,因为父母去了波多黎各(Porto Rico),所以这次的盛宴将由Monica来筹备,Ross就提出了要他喜欢的马铃薯泥、土豆泥(mashed potatoes),没想到后面Joey和Phoebe也先后提出了要求,此乃后话,且不表。Mash,意为捣碎,加上-ed,动词形容词化,修饰potatoes。 3. Monica: And I assume, Chandler, you are still boycotting all the pilgrim holidays.英美很多节日都和宗教有关系,所以Monica这里说“pilgrim holidays”,pilgrim意思是朝圣者、旅行者或者清教徒的意思。Boycott 本来是一个人名,后来演变成专有名词,意思是“拒绝出席、拒绝参加、抵制反抗、经济制裁”等。
