

第51卷第12期烟草科技Tobacco Science &Technology Dec.2018V ol.51No.12中国细支烟专利技术研究热点及趋势分析



450001摘要:为准确把握细支烟技术在我国的专利申请现状、研判今后的发展趋势,对1985—2017年国家知识产权局公开公告的134件相关专利进行统计分析。结果表明:①2013—2017年,细支烟专利的申请量逐年快速增加,技术正处于快速成长期。②国内烟草行业在该领域的专利申请占总量的81.3%,其中江苏中烟工业有限责任公司(江苏中烟公司)的申请量最多,其次是河南中烟公司、湖北中烟公司和云南中烟公司。国内其他单位的申请总量较少,各单位的申请量均在3件以内。③专利申请所覆盖的IPC 种类趋于稳定,其中A24D (细支烟滤棒)仍将是今后一段时期细支烟领域的研发热点,A24B (细支烟加工工艺)小类可能是今后潜在的研发热点。④国内烟草行业和国内其他单位均比较重视包装、加工方法或设备和滤嘴3个方面的专利申请,但二者在包装和滤嘴方面的技术侧重不同。


中图分类号:TS45文献标志码:B 文章编号:1002-0861(2018)12-0065-07

Analysis of research focus and trend of Chinese patents related to slim cigarettes WANG Jinbang,QIU Jiqing,ZHENG Xinzhang,LIU Yali,ZHENG Lu,HONG Qunye,ZHANG Shihua,WANG Zhibo *Zhengzhou Tobacco Research Institute of CNTC,Zhengzhou 450001,China

Abstract :A total of 134patents related to slim cigarettes were published by State Intellectual Property Office from 1985to 2017.These patents were statistically analyzed to investigate the status quo and to forecast the development trends.The results showed that:1)The total number of slim cigarette patents raised markedly and continuously from 2013to 2017.The technology for slim cigarettes was still in a rapid development period.

2)The number of patents applied by domestic tobacco industry accounted for 81.3%of the total number.Among them,China Tobacco Jiangsu Industrial Limited Corporation possessed the largest number of application,followed by China Tobacco Henan Industrial Limited Corporation,China Tobacco Hubei Industrial Limited Corporation and China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Limited Corporation.Furthermore,the amount of patents applied by the other domestic companies was relatively small,less than 3patents for each applicant.3)The IPC types of slim cigarette patents tended to be stable.A24D (slim cigarette filter)technology would still be the hot research topic in the following period,and A24B (processing methods of slim cigarette)may also be a potential research focus.4)Both of the domestic tobacco industry and the other domestic companies paid more attention to the packaging,processing methods or equipment,and the filters of slim cigarettes.However,as to the specific technology in the field of packaging and cigarette filter,both applicants differed from each other.Keywords :Tobacco;Slim cigarette;Patent analysis;Research focus



com ;*通信作者:汪志波,E-mail:wzb0622@,

引文格式:王金棒,邱纪青,郑新章,等.中国细支烟专利技术研究热点及趋势分析[J ].烟草科技,2018,51(12):65-71.(WANG

Jinbang,QIU Jiqing,ZHENG Xinzhang,et al.Analysis of research focus and trend of Chinese patents related to slim

cigarettes [J ].Tobacco Science &Technology,2018,51(12):65-71.)DOI:10.16135/j.issn1002-0861.2018.0355


卷烟。2014年,国家局下发了《关于规范和支持细支烟发展的通知》,明确了细支烟周长标准为17mm 左右,上、下限标准分别为18、16mm 。细支烟万方数据
