英美文学选读 习题4

英美文学选读 习题4
英美文学选读 习题4



Please comment on Alexander Pope’s literary achievements.

答:The only major languag

答案: An Essay on Criticism follows the neoclassicist tradition. The Rape of the Lock mocks the epic. He uses heroic couplet.



All of the following are stream –of- consciousness novels EXCEPT________.

A The Sound and the Fury

B Ulysses

C Mrs. Dalloway

D Jude the Obscure


答案: D


[3] How did the Lost Generation come into being in the literary history of the United States? Who were the leading figures of this literary movement?


答案:First World War|American|young men|disillusioned|expatriates|European countries|Pound|Frost|Fiztgerald|Hemingway|Faulkner



Had I as many souls as there be stars.

I’d give them all for Mephistophilis!

By him I’ll be great emperor of the world,

And make a bridge through the moving air

To pass the ocean with a band of men;

I’ll join the hills that bing the Africa shore

And make that country continent to Spain,

And both contributory to my crown;

The Emperor shall not live by my leave,

Nor any potentate of Germany.

Now that I have obtained what I desire

I’ll live in speculation of this art.

Till Mephistophilis return again.”

A. Identify the author and the title of the work from which the passage is taken.

B. Based on the passage, write down in one or two sentences the theme of the play.


答案:Dr. Faustus, Christopher Marlowe, Man's aspiration, bounding achievement


[5] _____ is the leading figure of the metaphysical school.

A John Milton

B John Donne

C John Bunyan

D John Keats


答案: B


[6] Please elaborate Wordsworth’s theory of poetry, taking examples from the poems you have learned to support your ideas.


答案:Lyrical Ballads|emotions|recollected|tranquility|I wandered lonely as a cloud|nature|individual|common speech


[7] Briefly introduce Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.


答案: Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evils; Songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of misery, disease, war and repression with melancholy tone; The two books hold the similar subject-matter, but the tone, emphasis and conclusion differ.


[8] ‘Is dying hard, Daddy?’

‘No, I think it’s pretty easy, Nick. It all depends. ’”


A. Who’s the author of the quoted part, and what’s the title of the work?

B. What was Nick preoccupied with when he asked the question?

C. Why did the father add “It all depends”after he answered his son’s question?


答案:Hemingway, Indian Camp|life and death|Death can be both easy and hard.



Among the following writers ________ is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th -century “stream - of - consciousness”novels and the founder of psychological realism.

A T. S. Eliot

B James Joyce

C William Faulkner

D Henry James


答案: D


[10] What are the features of Charles Dickens' novels?


答案:They provides a complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeoisie society. Many of them are about childhood experience and are famous for humor.



“I like to see it lap the Miles—

And lick the Valleys up—

And stop to feed itself at Tanks—

And then-prodigiosu step”

A. Please give the name of the author.

B. What idea does this poem express?


答案:Emily Dichinson, suspicion of the relationship between man and nature


[12] Which of the following writings is NOT completed by William Blake?

A Songs of Experience

B Songs of Innocence

C Marriage of Heaven and Hell

D Emma


答案: D


[13] Elizabeth Bennet is the heroine of Pride and Prejucide. What kind of character do you think Elizabeth Bennet is?


答案:Elizabeth is clever, alert, and observant. She is able to match wits with Darcy several times and with Colonel Fizwilliam, earning their respect and admiration.

Fearless and frank, not rattled by the attack of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, she wins a notable cictory, sending her ladyship away completely routed.

She is independent but not infallible in her judgement-- taken in by the charm of the worthless Wickham. She cannot be blamed for misjudging Darcy. She shows flexibility, discernment and honesty of mind when she reads Darcy's defense in his letter and admits the justice of much of what he says.

She is able to control her emotions at times of stress-- when she first encounters Darcy at Pemberley; when she realizes that she loves Darcy and has good reason to fear that she has lost

him, she waits without replying for time to bring a solution. She is witty, fun-loving, recognizing humor in herself and in others, but ridicuing only folly, nonsense, and inconsistencies. She recognizes the follies of her own family and their shortcomings as well as their virtues.


[14] When the minister spoke from the pulpit, with power and fervid eloquence, and, with his hands on the open bible, of the sacred truths of our religion, and of saint-like lives and triumphant deaths, and of future bliss of misery unutterable, then did Goodman Brown turn pale, dreading, lest the roof should thunder down upon the gray blasphemer and his hearers.


A. Identify the title of the short story from which this part is taken.

B. What had happened in the story before this church scene?

C. Why was Goodman Brown afraid the roof might thunder down?


答案:young Goodman Brown, attend a witches' party,shocked by the minister


[15] Within her little lyrics Dickinson addresses those issues that concern ______, which include religion, death, immorality, love and nature.

A the whole human beings

B the frontiers

C the African Americans

D her relatives


答案: A



What is the difference between the easy conceits and the difficult conceits employed in John Donne’s poetry?


答案: The former are mythology and natural objects, while the latter are concerned with law, psychology and philosophy|intellectual difficulties


[17] All of the following works are known as Hardy’s “novels of character and environment”EXCEPT ______.

A The Return of the Native

B Tess of the D’Urbervilles

C Jude the Obscure

D Far from the Madding Crowd


答案: D


[18] List three characters in Tess.


答案:Angel, Tess and Alec


[19] 9. The major theme of Jane Austen’s novels is_____.

A money

B power

C murder

D love and marriage


答案: D


[20] As a woman of exceptional intelligence and life experience, George Eliot shows a particular concern for _________.

A the feminism

B the education for women

C the destiny of women

D the low status of women


答案: C


[21] Jonathan Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose, and his best prose work is ______.

A A. “A Modest Proposal”

B B. “Of Studies”

C C. “Areopagitica”

D D. “Tradition and Individual Talent”


答案: A



William Faulkner once said that ________ is a story of “lost innocence,”which proves itself to be an intensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past.

A The Great Gatsby

B The Sound and the Fury

C Absalom, Absalom!

D Go Down, Moses


答案: B


[23] Who, disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used “i”instead of “I”to refer to himself as a protest against self-importance?

A Cummings

B Wallance Stevens

C F. Scott Fitzgerald

D Ernest Hemingway


答案: A


[24] Melville is best - known as the author of his mighty book, ________, which is one of the world’s greatest masterpieces.

A Sister Carried

B Song of Myself

C Moby - Dick

D The Marble Faun


答案: C


[25] _____ is NOT a dramatist who holds the central position in American drama in the modernistic period.

A A. Sinclair Lewis

B B. Eugene O’Neill

C C. Arthur Miller

D D. Tenessee Williams


答案: A



Washington Irving was one of the first American writers to earn international fame and was regarded as _____.

A father of American drama

B father of American poetry

C father of American literature

D father of short stories


答案: D


[27] Romance, a popular literary form in the medieval period reflects a ________ age.

A chivalric

B heroic

C realistic

D modern


答案: A


[28] George Bernard Shaw’s career as a dramatist began in 1892, when his first play ____ was put on by the Independent Theatre Society.

A A. Candida

B B. Widower’s Houses

C C. Mrs. Warren’s Profession

D D. The Apple Cart


答案: B



Henry Fielding’s ________ brings him the name of “Prose Homer”.

A The History of Jonathan Wild the Great

B The History of Amelia

C The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

D The History of Joseph Andrews


答案: C



Literature of Neoclassicism is different from that of Romanticism in that _______.

A the former celebrates reason, rationality, order and instruction while the latter sees li

B the former is heavily religious but the latter secular

C the former is an intellectual movement the purpose of which is to arouse the middle class

D the former advocates the “return to nature”whereas the latter turns to the ancient Greek


答案: A


[31] George Bernard Shaw’s ______ is a grotesquely realistic exposure of slum landlordism.

A Widower’s House

B Mrs. Warren’s Profession

C The Apple Cart

D Getting Married


答案: A


[32] Symbolism and complex narrative are employed more richly in D. H. Lawrence’s ________, which are generally regarded as his masterpieces.

A Women in Love

B Sons and Lovers

C Lady Chatteley's Lover

D Farewell to Arms


答案: A



In Hardy’s Wessex novels, there is an apparent ______ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.

A humorous

B romantic

C nostalgic

D sarcastic


答案: C



Nathaniel Hawthorne was affected by ________’s transcendentalist theory and struck up a very intimate relationship with him.

A H. W. Longfellow

B Walt Whitman

C R. W. Emerson

D Washington Irving


答案: C


[35] The Sun Also Rises casts light on a whole generation after WWI and the effects of the war

by way of a vivid portrait of “______.”

A the Lost Generation

B the Beat Generation

C the Babybooming Age

D the Jazz Age


答案: A


[36] The protagonist of the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”is a kind of tragic figure caught in a sense of deafened idealism and tortured by unsatisfied desires. Of the following descriptions of him, which isn’t suitable for him?

A He is neurotic.

B He is self-important.

C He is illogical.

D He is a man of action.


答案: D



In Death in the Afternoon ________ presents his philosophy about life and death through the depiction of the bullfight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy.

A. William Faulkner &nbs

A William Faulkner

B Jack London

C Ernest Hemingway

D Mark Twain


答案: C


[38] In Tender is the Night, ______ traces the decline of a young American psychiatrist whose marriage to a beautiful and wealthy patient drains his personal energies and corrodes his professional career.

A Dreiser

B Fitzgerald

C Faulkner

D Jack London


答案: B


[39] William Wordsworth, Coleridge and _______ are known as the “Lake Poets”.

A A. George Gordon Byron

B B. Robert Southey

C C. Percy Bysshe Shelley

D D. John Keats


答案: B



________ is not a fictional character in The Scarlet Letter.

A Hester

B Arthur Dimmesdale

C Roger Chillingworth

D Ishmael


答案: D


[41] In William Blake’s later period, he wrote quite a few prophetic books including the following writing EXCEPT _____.

A The Book of Urizen

B The Book of Los

C Milton

D Lyrical Ballads


答案: D


[42] ____ is Hemingway’s firt true novel, which portrays “The Lost Generation”.

A A. For Whom the Bell Tolls

B B. The Old Man and the Sea

C C. The Sun Also Rises

D D. A Farewell to Arms


答案: C



All of the following poems by William Wordsworth are masterpieces on nature EXCEPT


A “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”

B “An Evening Walk”

C “Tinter Abbey”

D “The Solitary Reaper”


答案: D



_________ is a play based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for knowledge and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.

A Tamburlaine

B Hero and Leander

C Dr. Faustus

D Amores


答案: C


[45] All of the following statements about the Victorian period is true EXCEPT ______.

A England was the “workshop of the world”.

B The early years was a time of rapid economic development as well as serious social problem

C Towards the mid -century, England had reached its highest point of development as a world

D Capitalism came into its monopoly stage, the gap between the rich and the poor was further


答案: D


[46] As a critic of music and drama, ________ held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people.

A Yeats

B Oscar Wild

C Bernard Shaw

D Milton


答案: B



The assertion that poetry originates from “emotion recollected in tranquility”belongs to ______.

A Wordsworth

B Coleridge

C Shelley

D Blake


答案: A


[48] ______ is a poem based on a traditional Spanish legend of a great lover and seducer of women.

A Adonais

B Don Juan

C Prometheus Unbound

D The Revolt of Islam


答案: B


[49] Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between ____ and _____ centuries.

A 14th; mid-17th

B 16th; mid-17th

C 14th; mid-18th

D 16th; mid-19th


答案: A


[50] Charlotte’s works are famous for the depiction of the life of ______ working women, particularly governesses.

A the middle - class

B the lower class

C the upper - middle - class

D the upper - class


答案: A


[51] 8. A good style of prose“proper works in proper places”was defined by_____.

A Milton

B Fielding

C Swift

D John Donne


答案: C


[52] _____, the pioneering woman who, according to D. H. Lawrence, was the first novelist that “started putting all the actions inside”.

A A. George Eliot

B B. Jane Austen

C C. Mrs. Gaskell

D D. Charlotte Bronte


答案: A


化学选修四第三章练习题 一.选择题(每小题3分,共60分,每小题只有一个正确答案) 1、pH相同的氨水、NaOH和Ba(OH)2溶液,分别用蒸馏水稀释到原来的X、Y、Z倍,稀释后三种溶液的pH仍然相同,则X、Y、Z的关系是() A. X=Y=Z B.X>Y=Z C.X<Y=Z D.X=Y<Z 2、现有浓度为1 mol/L的五种溶液:①HCl,②H2SO4,③CH3COOH,④NH4Cl ⑤NaOH,由水电离出的C(H+)大小关系正确的是() A.④>③>①=⑤>②B.①=②>③>④>⑤ C.②>①>③>④>⑤D.④>③>①>⑤>② 3、下列方程式书写正确的是() A.HCO3-在水溶液中的电离方程式:HCO3-+H2O H3O++CO32- B.H 2SO3的电离方程式H2SO32H++SO32- C.CO 32-的水解方程式:CO32-+2H2O H2CO3+2OH- D.CaCO3的电离方程式:CaCO3Ca2++CO32- 4、下列事实一定能说明HF是弱酸的是() ①常温下NaF溶液的pH大于7;②用HF溶液做导电性实验,灯泡很暗; ③HF与NaCl不能发生反应;④常温下0.1mol/L的HF溶液的pH为2.3 ⑤HF能与Na2CO3溶液反应,产生CO2气体⑥HF与水能以任意比混溶 ⑦1mol/L的HF水溶液能使紫色石蕊试液变红 A.①②⑦B.②③⑤C.③④⑥D.①④ 5、下列反应达到平衡后增大压强或降低温度,平衡都向正反应方向移动的是() A.2NO2(g)N2O4(g);ΔH<0 B.3O2(g)2O3(g);ΔH>0 C.H2(g)+I2(g)(g);ΔH<0 D 2NH3(g) 3H2(g) + N2(g) ;ΔH>0 6、一定量混合气体在密闭容器中发生如下反应:xA(g)+yB(g) zC(g),达平衡后测得 A气体的浓度为0.5mol·L-1;恒温将密闭容器的容积扩大两倍并再次达到平衡时,测得A的浓度为0.3mol·L-1。则下列叙述正确的是( ) A 平衡向右移动 B. x+y >z C. B的转化率提高 D .C的体积分数增加7.反应:A(g)+3B(g)2C(g);△H<0达平衡后,将气体混和物的温度降低,下列叙述中正确的是() A.正反应速率加大,逆反应速率变小,平衡向正反应方向移动 B.正反应速率变小,逆反应速率加大,平衡向逆反应方向移动


1. The 18th-century England is known as ( ) (浙0710) A. the Age of Puritanism B. the Age of Reason C. the Era of Capitalism D. the Age of Glory 2. English Enlighteners in the 18th century held ________ as the yardstick for the measurement of all human activities and relations. (一)1 A. property B. education C. emotion D. reason 3. In the Enlightenment Movement, the progressive representatives intended ______. (浙0810) A. to call the people to fight against poverty and hardship B. to tell people to economize and to accumulate wealth C. to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas D. to instruct people to obtain their present social status through hard work 4. As to education, the enlighteners thought that ______. (浙0310) A. human beings were limited, dualistic, imperfect, and not capable of rationality and perfection through education. B. universal education was unnecessary. C. if the common people were well educated, there would be great chance for a democratic and equal human society. D. most of the human beings were perfect themselves, so only a few needed further education. 5. Why did the enlighteners regard education the major means to improve the society and the people? ( ) (浙0710) A. Because most of the human beings were perfect themselves, so only a few needed further education. B. If the common people were well educated, there would be great chance for a democratic and equal human society. C. Because universal education was limited , dualistic, imperfect, and unnecessary. D. Because human beings were not capable of rationality and perfection through education. 6. About reason , the enlighteners thought _____. (浙0210) A. reason or rationality should be the only, the final cause of any human thought and activities B. reason couldn't lead to truth and justice C. superstition was above reason and rationality D. equality and science is contrary to reason and rationality 7. In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about the tendency of ( ) A. realism B. puritanism C. neoclassicism D. romanticism 8. Which of the following statements about Neo-Classicism and Enlightenment Movement is true? A. The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the


人教版选修4第三章《水溶液中的离子平衡》测试题(A 卷) (时间45分钟,满分100分) 一、选择题(1--6只有..1.个.选项符合题意,7-10有2.个.选项符合题意,每小题5分,共50分。) 1. 用水稀释0.1mol/L 氨水时,溶液中随着水量的增加而减小的是( ) A .) O H NH () OH (23?-c c B . ) OH ()O H NH (23-?c c C .c (H +)和c (OH -)的乘积 D .OH -的物质的量 2. 某学生的实验报告所列出的下列数据中合理的是 A .用10mL 量筒量取7.13mL 稀盐酸 B .用托盘天平称量25.20g NaCl C .用广泛pH 试纸测得某溶液的pH 为2.3 D .用25mL 滴定管做中和滴定时,用去某浓度的碱溶液21.70mL 3. 下列溶液加热蒸干后,能析出溶质固体的是 A .AlCl 3 B .KHCO 3 C .Fe 2(SO 4)3 D .NH 4HCO 3 4. 一定量的盐酸跟过量的铁粉反应时,为了减缓反应速度,且不影响生成氢气的总量,可向盐酸中加入适量的 ①NaOH 固体 ②H 2O ③NH 4Cl 固体 ④CH 3COONa 固体 ⑤NaNO 3固体 ⑥KCl 溶液 A .②④⑥ B .①② C .②③⑤ D .②④⑤⑥ 5. 在25℃时,100mL 0.4mol/L 的盐酸与等体积0.6mol/L 的氢氧化钠溶液混合后,溶液的pH 值为 A .6 B .5 C .12 D .13 6.下列方程式书写正确的是( ) A.HCO 3-在水溶液中的电离方程式:HCO 3-+H 2O H 3O ++CO 32- B.H 2SO 3的电离方程式H 2SO 32H ++SO 32- C .CO 32-的水解方程式:CO 32-+2H 2O H 2CO 3+2OH - D.CaCO 3的电离方程式:CaCO 3 Ca 2++CO 32- 7. 氢氰酸(HCN )的下列性质中,可以证明它是弱电解质的是 ( ) A .1mol/L 该酸溶液的pH 约为3 B .HCN 易溶于水 C .10mL 1mol/L HCN 恰好与10mL 1mol/L NaOH 溶液完全反应 D .在相同条件下,HCN 溶液的导电性比一元强酸溶液的弱 8..下列溶液中有关物质的量浓度关系正确的是( ) A .pH=2的HA 溶液与pH=12的MOH 溶液任意比混合: c (H +) + c (M +) == c (OH -) + c (A -) B .pH 相等的CH 3COONa 、NaOH 和Na 2CO 3三种溶液: c (NaOH)<c (CH 3COONa)<c (Na 2CO 3) C .物质的量浓度相等CH 3COOH 和CH 3COONa 溶液等体积混合: c (CH 3COO -) +2c (OH -) == 2c (H +) + c (CH 3COOH) D .0.1mol ·L -1的NaHA 溶液,其pH=4:c (HA -)>c (H +)>c (H 2A)>c (A 2-) 9. 盐酸、醋酸、纯碱和碳酸氢钠是生活中常见的物质。下列表述正确的是( ) A .在NaHCO 3溶液中加入与其等物质的量的NaOH ,溶液中的阴离子只有CO - 23和OH -


高中化学选修4第三章单元测试题 (时间:100分钟共100分) 相对原子质量:H 1 O 16 Na 23 S 32 K 39 Ag 108 I 127 Ba 137 第I卷(选择题共50分) 一.选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题2分,共20分。每小题只有一个 ....选项符合题意) 1、在pH=1的无色溶液中能大量共存的离子组是 A、NH4+.、Mg2+、SO42-、Cl- B.Ba2+、K+、OH-、NO3- C. Al3+、Cu2+、SO42-、Cl- D.Na+、Ca2+、Cl-、AlO2- 2、纯水在20℃和80℃时的pH A.前者大B.后者大C.相等D.无法确定 3、能正确表示下列反应的离子方程式是 A.铁跟盐酸反应:2Fe + 6H+=2Fe3+ + 3H2↑ B.磷酸二氢钙溶液跟氢氧化钙反应:H2PO4—+ 2OH—=PO43—+ 2H2O C.碳酸钙跟醋酸反应:CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH=Ca2+ + 2CH3COO—+ H2O + CO2↑ D.铜片跟稀硝酸反应:Cu + NO3-+ 4H+=Cu2++ NO↑+ 2H2O 4、用已知浓度的NaOH溶液滴定待测浓度的盐酸(盐酸置于锥形瓶中),以下操作会造成所测盐酸溶液浓度偏低的是 A.酸式滴定管未用待装溶液润洗 B.碱式滴定管未用待装溶液润洗 C.锥形瓶未用待装溶液润洗 D.在滴定前滴定管尖嘴部分有气泡,滴定后气泡消失 5、下列物质的水溶液能导电,但属于非电解质的是 A.CH3CH2COOH B.Cl2 C.NH4HCO3 D.SO2 6、将0.l mol·L-1醋酸溶液加水稀释,下列说法正确的是 A.溶液中c(H+)和c(OH-)都减小B.溶液中c(H+)增大 C.醋酸电离平衡向左移动D.溶液的pH增大 7、从下列现象可以判断某酸是强酸的是 A.加热该酸至沸腾也不分解 B.该酸可以与石灰石反应放出CO2 C.该酸可以把Al(OH)3沉淀溶解 D.该酸浓度为0.1 mol·L-1时的pH为1 8、常温下某溶液中由水电离产生的[H+]=1×10-5mol·L-1,则下列叙述正确的是 A.PH值为5 B.一定是酸溶液 C.可能是强酸的酸式盐溶液D.PH值可能为9


English Literature Questions on The Canterbury Tales 1. Lines 1-18 are the introduction to the weather. Why did the author write so many words to describe it? To answer why so many pilgrim go to the Canterbury at the same time. 2. Summarize the main idea of lines 19-34. A group of pilgrims came across at the Canterbury and go together. 3. How many people are there in the group of pilgrims? Thirty 4. Based on Prioress 's portrait, can you give a possible reason why she is undertaking this pilgrimage? She wants to look for the worldly love. 5. What details does the narrator use in describing the Prioress, and in what order? 1, Facial expression2,voice 3,etiquette 4 ,sympathy and charity 5 ,appearance 6,dress 7 ,personal accessories.. 6. Why does the Wife of Bath go on pilgrimage?


化学选修4 第三章章末测试卷 命题:梁亮审题:邹爱民时间:90分钟分值:100分 一、选择题(本题包括16个小题,每小题3分,共48分) 1.水是最宝贵的资源之一。下列表述正确的是() A.4 ℃时,纯水的pH=7 B.温度升高,纯水中的c(H+)增大,c(OH-)减小 C.水的电离程度很小,纯水中主要存在形态是水分子 D.向水中加入酸或碱,都可抑制水的电离,使水的离子积减小 2.下列物质的水溶液中只存在一种分子的是() A.NaF B.NaHS C.HNO3D.HClO 3.常温下,向20 mL 0.2 mol·L-1 H2SO3溶液中滴加0.2 mol·L-1 NaOH溶液。有关微粒的物质的量变化如图所示。(其中Ⅰ表示H2SO3,Ⅱ代表HSO-3、Ⅲ代表SO2-3)。根据图示判断正确的() A.当V(NaOH)=0时,由水电离出的c(H+)=1.0×10-7 B.当V(NaOH)=20 mL时:c(Na+)>c(HSO-3)>c(H+)>c(SO2-3)>c(OH-) C.当V(NaOH)=40 mL时2c(Na+)=c(SO2-3) D.当V(NaOH)=40 mL后,继续滴加NaOH溶液,溶液的温度会继续升高 4.下列溶液一定呈中性的是() A.pH=7的溶液B.c(H+)=c(OH-)=10-6mol/L的溶液 C.使酚酞试液呈无色的溶液D.由强酸与强碱等物质的量反应得到的溶液 5.常温下下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是() A.pH=1的溶液中:Fe2+、NO-3、SO2-4、Na+ B.由水电离出的c(H+)=1×10-14mol/L的溶液中:Ca2+、Cl-、HCO-3、K+ C.c(H+)/c(OH-)=1×1012的溶液中:NH+4、Cl-、NO-3、Al3+ D.c(Fe3+)=0.1 mol/L的溶液中:K+、ClO-、SO2-4、SCN- 6.下列有关溶液中粒子浓度的关系式中,正确的是() A.pH相同的①CH3COONa、②NaHCO3、③C6H5ONa三种溶液中的c(Na+):③>②>① B.0.1 mol·L-1某二元弱酸强碱盐NaHA溶液中:c(Na+)=2c(A2-)+c(HA-)+c(H2A) C.下图中pH=7时:c(Na+)>c(CH3COO-)>c(OH-)=c(H+) D.上图中a点溶液中各离子浓度的关系是:c(OH-)=c(H+)+c(CH3COO-)+2c(CH3COOH) 7.对于常温下pH=3的乙酸溶液,下列说法正确的是()


高中化学选修4第三章测试题 一、选择题:(本题包括16小题,共48分) 1.水是一种极弱的电解质,在室温下,平均每n个水分子中只有1个水分子发生了电离,则n的值是()A.1×10-14B.55.6×107C.107D.55.6 2.下列溶液一定是碱性的是()A.pH=8的某电解质的溶液 B.c(OH-)>1×10-7mol/L C.溶液中含有OH-D.溶液中c(OH-)>c(H+) 3.已知某温度下,四种一元弱酸的电离平衡常数为:K a(HCN)=6.2×10-10mol/L、K a(HF)=6.8×10-4 mol/L、K a(CH3COOH)=1.8×10-5mol/L、K a(HNO2)=6.4×10-6mol/L。物质的量浓度都为0.1 mol/L 的下列溶液中,pH最小的是()A.HCN B.CH3COOH C.HF D.HNO2 4.0.1 mol/L K2CO3溶液中,若使c(CO32-)更接近0.1 mol/L,可采取的措施是()A.加入少量盐酸B.加KOH固体C.加水D.加热 5.在已达到电离平衡的0.1mol/L的醋酸溶液中,欲使平衡向电离的方向移动,同时使溶液的pH 降低,应采取的措施是()A.加少量盐酸B.加热C.加少量醋酸钠晶体D.加少量水6.将足量的BaCO3粉末分别加入下列溶液中,充分溶解至溶液饱和。各溶液中Ba2+的浓度最小的为()A.10 mL 0.2 mol/LNa2CO3溶液B.40 mL水 C.50 mL 0.01 mol/L 氯化钡溶液D.100 mL 0.01 mol/L盐酸 7.下列有关滴定操作的顺序正确的是() ①检查滴定管是否漏水;②用蒸馏水洗涤玻璃仪器;③用标准溶液润洗盛装标准溶液的滴定管, 用待测液润洗盛待测液的滴定管;④装标准溶液和待测液并调整液面(记录初读数);⑤取一定体积的待测液于锥形瓶中;⑥滴定操作 A.①③②④⑤⑥B.①②③④⑤⑥C.②③①④⑤⑥D.④⑤①②③⑥ 8.要使K2S溶液中[K+]/[S2-]的比值变小,可加入的物质是()A.适量盐酸B.适量NaOH溶液C.适量KOH溶液D.适量KHS溶液 9.在Ca(OH)2(K sp=5.5×10-6)、Mg(OH)2(K sp=1.2×10-11)、AgCl(K sp=1.56×10-10)三种物质中,下列说法正确的是()A.Mg(OH)2的溶解度最小B.Ca(OH)2的溶解度最小 C.AgCl的溶解度最小D.同下Ksp越大的溶解度也越大 10.在室温下,等体积的酸和碱的溶液混合后,pH一定少于7的是()A.pH=3的HNO3跟pH=11的KOH B.pH=3的盐酸跟pH=11的氨水 C.pH=3硫酸跟pH=11的NaOH D.pH=3的醋酸跟pH=11的Ba(OH)2


( ) OP 选修 2-2 第三章复数测试题 时间:120分钟 总分:150分 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共 60 分) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 答案 1.i 为虚数单位, 1-i 2 =( ) 1+i A .-1 B .1 C .-i D .i 2.设复数 z =1+ 2i ,则 z 2-2z 等于( ) A .-3 B .3 C .-3i D .3i 3.若复数 z =(x 2-4)+(x -2)i 为纯虚数,则实数 x 的值为( ) A .-2 B .0 C .2 D .-2 或 2 4. 如右图,在复平面内,向量→ 对应的复数是 1 → → -i ,将OP 向左平移一个单位后得到O 0P 0,则 P 0 对 应的复数为( ) A .1-i B .1-2i C .-1-i D .-i 5. 已知 a ,b ∈R ,i 是虚数单位,若 a -i 与 2+b i 互为共轭复数, 则(a +b i)2=( ) A .5-4i B .5+4i C .3-4i D .3+4i 6.复数 z =1+i ,z 为 z 的共轭复数,则 z z -z -1=( ) A .-2i B .-i C .i D .2i 7. z 是 z 的共轭复数,若 z +z =2,(z -z )i =2(i 为虚数单位),则 z =

( ) A.1+i B.-1-i C.-1+i D.1-i 8.满足条件|z-1|=|5+12i|的复数z 在复平面上对应Z 点的轨迹是( ) A.一条直线B.两条直线C.圆D.椭圆 9.定义运算|a b|=ad-bc,则符合条件|1-1|=4+2i 的复数z c d 为( ) z z i A.3-i B.1+3i C.3+i D.1-3i 10.已知复数z1=a+2i,z2=a+(a+3)i,且z1z2>0,则实数a 的值为( ) A.0 B.0 或-5 C.-5 D.以上均不对11.复数z 满足条件:|2z+1|=|z-i|,那么z 对应的点的轨迹是( ) A.圆B.椭圆C.双曲线D.抛物线 12.设z 是复数,α(z)表示满足z n=1 的最小正整数n,则对虚数单位i,α(i)等于( ) A.8 B.6 C.4 D.2 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90 分) 二、填空题(每小题5 分,共20 分) 13.复数i2(1+i)的实部是. 14.复数z=2+i (i 为虚数单位),则z 对应的点在 第 1+i 象限. 15.设a,b∈R,a+b i=11-7i (i 为虚数单位),则a+b 的值为1-2i .


c (NH ? H O) B . 人教版选修 4 第三章《水溶液中的离子平衡》测试题( A 卷) (时间 45 分钟,满分 100 分) 一、选择题(1--6 只有 1 个选项符合题意,7-10 有 2 个选项符合题意,每小题 5 分,共 50 分。) 1. 用水稀释 0.1mol/L 氨水时,溶液中随着水量的增加而减小的是( ) A . c (OH - ) 3 2 c (NH ? H O) 3 2 c (OH - ) C .c (H +)和 c (OH -)的乘积 D .OH -的物质的量 2. 某学生的实验报告所列出的下列数据中合理的是 A .用 10mL 量筒量取 7.13mL 稀盐酸 B .用托盘天平称量 25.20g NaCl C .用广泛 pH 试纸测得某溶液的 pH 为 2.3 D .用 25mL 滴定管做中和滴定时,用去某浓度的碱溶液 21.70mL 3. 下列溶液加热蒸干后,能析出溶质固体的是 A .AlCl 3 B .KHCO 3 C .Fe 2(SO 4)3 D .NH 4HCO 3 4. 一定量的盐酸跟过量的铁粉反应时,为了减缓反应速度,且不影响生成氢气的总量,可向盐酸中加入 适量的 ①NaOH 固体 ②H 2O ③NH 4Cl 固体 ④CH 3COONa 固体 ⑤NaNO 3 固体 ⑥KCl 溶液 A .②④⑥ B .①② C .②③⑤ D .②④⑤⑥ 5. 在 25℃时,100mL 0.4mol/L 的盐酸与等体积 0.6mol/L 的氢氧化钠溶液混合后,溶液的 pH 值为 A .6 B .5 C .12 D .13 6.下列方程式书写正确的是( ) A.HCO 3-在水溶液中的电离方程式:HCO 3-+H 2O H 3O ++CO 32- B.H 2SO 3 的电离方程式 H 2SO 3 2H ++SO 32- C .CO 32-的水解方程式:CO 32-+2H 2O H 2CO 3+2OH - D.CaCO 3 的电离方程式:CaCO 3 Ca 2++CO 32- 7. 氢氰酸(HCN )的下列性质中,可以证明它是弱电解质的是 ( ) A .1mol/L 该酸溶液的 pH 约为 3 B .HCN 易溶于水 C .10mL 1mol/L HCN 恰好与 10mL 1mol/L NaOH 溶液完全反应 D .在相同条件下,HCN 溶液的导电性比一元强酸溶液的弱 8..下列溶液中有关物质的量浓度关系正确的是( ) A .pH=2 的 HA 溶液与 pH=12 的 MOH 溶液任意比混合: c (H +) + c (M +) == c (OH -) + c (A -) B .pH 相等的 CH 3COONa 、NaOH 和 Na 2CO 3 三种溶液: c (NaOH)<c (CH 3COONa)<c (Na 2CO 3) C .物质的量浓度相等 CH 3COOH 和 CH 3COONa 溶液等体积混合: c (CH 3COO -) +2c (OH -) == 2c (H +) + c (CH 3COOH) D .0.1mol ·L -1 的 NaHA 溶液,其 pH=4:c (HA -)>c (H +)>c (H 2A)>c (A 2-) 9. 盐酸、醋酸、纯碱和碳酸氢钠是生活中常见的物质。下列表述正确的是( )


人教版高中化学选修四第三章《水溶液中的离子平衡》测试试题(含答案)第三章《水溶液中的离子平衡》测试题 一、单选题(每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.关于强弱电解质及非电解质的组合完全正确的是( ) A B C D 强电解质NaCl H2SO4CaCO3HNO3 弱电解质HF BaSO4HClO NaHCO3 非电解质Cl2CS2C2H5OH SO2 A.A B.B C.C D.D 2.25℃时,水的电离可达到平衡:H2O H++OH-△H>0,下列叙述正确的是( ) A.向水中加入少量固体硫酸氢钠,c(H+)增大,K w不变 B.向水中加入稀氨水,平衡逆向移动,c(OH-)降低 C.向水中加入少量固体CH3COONa,平衡逆向移动,c(H+)降低 D.将水加热,K w 增大,pH不变 3.向 10 mL pH=12的某碱溶液中加入10 mL pH=2的盐酸,充分反应后滴入酚酞试液,溶液变红,则此碱一定是( ) A.一元强碱 B.多元强碱 C.弱碱 D.任何强碱 4.下列说法正确的是() A.在弱酸HA的溶液中存在三个平衡,HA的电离平衡,H2O的电离平衡,A-的水解平衡B.可利用反应2CO(g)=2C(s)+O2(g) (ΔH>0、ΔS≤0)来消除CO污染 C.除去Cu粉中混有的CuO,可将混合物加入稀硝酸中,充分反应后过滤、洗涤 D.根据过渡态理论,反应物转化为生成物的过程中要经过能量较高的状态 5.判断下列化学基本概念的依据不正确的是( ) A.溶液的酸碱性:溶液中c(H+)和c(OH-)的相对大小 B.强弱电解质:溶液的导电能力大小 C.离子化合物:化合物中是否含离子键 D.氧化还原反应:元素化合价是否变化 6.下列离子方程式正确的是( ) A.NaHS溶于水: NaHS = Na+ + H+ + S2- B.Al(OH)3电离: H2O+AlO2-+H+=Al(OH)3=Al3++3OH- 1/ 11


化学选修四第三章水溶液中的离子平衡练习题 一、选择题 1.物质的量浓度相同的三种钠盐,NaX 、NaY、NaZ的溶液,其pH依次为8、9、10,则HX、HY、HZ的酸性由强到弱的顺序是 、HZ、HY 、HY、HX 、HY、HZ 、HZ、HX 2.25℃时,相同物质的量浓度①KNO3 ②NaOH ③NH4Ac ④NH4Cl 溶液中,水的电离度由大到小排列顺序正确的是 A.①>②>③>④ B.④>③>①>② C.③>④>②>① D.③>④>①>② — 3.常温下,下列溶液中各组离子一定大量共存的是 A.使甲基橙呈红色的溶液中:Na+、AlO2—、NO3—、CO32— B.c(ClO-)=mol·L-1溶液:Na+、SO32-、S2-、Cl- C.含有mol·L-1的溶液:Na+、Fe3+、、SCN- D.=mol·L-1的溶液:Na+、K+、CO32-、NO3— 4.已知常温下,AgBr的K sp=×10-13mol2·L-2、AgI的K sp=×10-17mol2·L-2下列说法正确的是: A.常温下AgI水溶液中,Ag+和I-浓度的乘积是一个常数 B.常温下,在任何含AgI固体的溶液中,c(Ag+)=c(I-)且Ag+与I-浓度的乘积等于×10-17mol2·L-2 ( C.常温下,将1mL ×10-2mol/L的KI与AgNO3溶液等体积混合,则生成AgI 沉淀所需AgNO3溶液的最小浓度为×10-14 mol/L D.向AgI饱和溶液中加入AgBr固体,c(I-)不变,K sp值不变 5.用标准的盐酸滴定未知浓度的NaOH溶液,下列操作不会引起实验误差的是 A.用蒸馏水洗净酸式滴定管后,装入标准盐酸进行滴定 B.用蒸馏水洗净锥形瓶后,再用NaOH溶液润洗,后装入NaOH溶液进行滴定 C.用碱式滴定管取mL NaOH溶液放入用蒸馏水洗净的锥形瓶中,再加入适量蒸馏水进行滴定 D.用酚酞作指示剂滴至红色刚变无色时即停止加盐酸 6.25 ℃时,在mol·L-1的硫酸溶液中,水电离出的H+浓度是 , A.5×10-13 mol·L-1B.mol·L-1 C.1×10-7 mol·L-1D.1×10-12 mol·L-1 7.下列说法正确的是


《英美文学选读》期末考试练习 一、搭配题 二、判断题 1.( F ) Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Antony and Cleopatra are Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies. 2.(T ) The Elizabethan Drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. 3.( T) Paradise Lost is a long epic divided into 12 books. 4.( F) Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack, and A Journal of the Plague Year are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people. 5.( T) Jonathan Swift defined a good style as “proper words in proper places.” 6.( T ) Henry Fielding has been regarded by some as “Father of the English Novel.” 7.( F) William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge are regarded as the “Lake Poets.” 8.( T ) The British Romantic period is an age of prose. 9.( T ) The major theme of Jane Austen’s novels is love and marriage. 10.( T ) The Victoria period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history. 11.( F ) Far from the Madding Crowd is Thomas Hardy’s first novel. 12.( T ) Modernism rose out of skepticism and disillusion of capitalism. 13.( T ) The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself. 14.( T) The early poems of Pound and Eliot and Yeats’s matured poetry marked rise of “modern poetry.” 15.( T ) Shaw’s plays have one passion, and one only, that is, indignation. 16.( F) Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies. 17.( T ) The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation. 18.( T ) Paradise Lost is John Milton’s masterpiece. 19.( F ) Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack, and A Journal of the Plague Year are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people. 20.( T ) In Jonathan Swift’s opinion, human nature is seriously and permanently flawed. 21.( T) Henry Fielding was the first to write specifically a “comic in prose.”


高中化学选修4 第三章测试题 一、选择题:(本题包括16 小题,共48 分) 1.水是一种极弱的电解质,在室温下,平均每n 个水分子中只有1 个水分子发生了电离,则n 的值是 ()A.1×10-14 B.55.6×107 C.107 D.55.6 2.下列溶液一定是碱性的是()A.pH=8 的某电解质的溶液 B.c(OH-)>1×10-7mol/L C.溶液中含有OH- D.溶液中c(OH-)>c(H+) 3.已知某温度下,四种一元弱酸的电离平衡常数为:K a(HCN)=6.2×10-10 mol/L、K a(HF)=6.8×10-4 mol/L、K a(CH3COOH)=1.8×10-5 mol/L、K a(HNO2)=6.4×10-6 mol/L。物质的量浓度都为0.1 mol/L 的下列溶液中,pH 最小的是()A.HCN B.CH3COOH C.HF D.HNO2 4.0.1mol/L K CO3溶液中,若使c(CO32-)更接近0.1 mol/L,可采取的措施是() 2 A.加入少量盐酸B.加KOH 固体C.加水D.加热 5.在已达到电离平衡的0.1 mol/L 的醋酸溶液中,欲使平衡向电离的方向移动,同时使溶液的pH 降 低,应采取的措施是()A.加少量盐酸B.加热C.加少量醋酸钠晶体D.加少量水6.将足量的BaCO3粉末分别加入下列溶液中,充分溶解至溶液饱和。各溶液中Ba2+的浓度最小的为 ()A.10 mL 0.2 mol/LNa2CO3溶液B.40 mL 水 C.50 mL 0.01 mol/L 氯化钡溶液D.100 mL 0.01 mol/L 盐酸 7.下列有关滴定操作的顺序正确的是() ① 检查滴定管是否漏水;② 用蒸馏水洗涤玻璃仪器;③ 用标准溶液润洗盛装标准溶液的滴定管, 用待测液润洗盛待测液的滴定管;④ 装标准溶液和待测液并调整液面(记录初读数);⑤ 取一定体积的待测液于锥形瓶中;⑥ 滴定操作 A.①③②④⑤⑥B.①②③④⑤⑥C.②③①④⑤⑥D.④⑤①②③⑥ 8.要使K S 溶液中[K+]/[S2-]的比值变小,可加入的物质是() 2 A.适量盐酸B.适量NaOH 溶液C.适量KOH 溶液D.适量KHS 溶液 9.在Ca(OH) (K sp=5.5×10-6)、Mg(OH)2(K sp=1.2×10-11)、AgCl(K sp=1.56×10-10)三种物质中,下列说 2 法正确的是()A.Mg(OH)2的溶解度最小B.Ca(OH)2的溶解度最小 C.AgCl 的溶解度最小D.同下Ksp 越大的溶解度也越大 10.在室温下,等体积的酸和碱的溶液混合后,pH 一定少于7 的是() A.pH=3 的HNO3跟pH=11 的KOH B.pH=3 的盐酸跟pH=11 的氨水


化学选修4课本课后练习题答案 第一章第一节(P.6) 1. 化学反应过程中所释放或吸收的能量,叫做反应热,在恒压条件下,它等于反应前后物质的焓变,符号是ΔH,单位是kJ/mol。例如1 mol H2 (g)燃烧,生成1 mol H2O(g),其反应热ΔH=-241.8 kJ/mol。 2. 化学反应的实质就是反应物分子中化学键断裂,形成新的化学键,重新组合成生成物的分子。旧键断裂需要吸收能量,新键形成需要放出能量。当反应完成时,若生成物释放的能量比反应物吸收的能量大,则此反应为放热反应;若生成物释放的能量比反应物吸收的能量小,反应物需要吸收能量才能转化为生成物,则此反应为吸热反应。 第二节(P.10) 1. 在生产和生活中,可以根据燃烧热的数据选择燃料。如甲烷、乙烷、丙烷、甲醇、乙醇、氢气的燃烧热值均很高,它们都是良好的燃料。 2. 化石燃料蕴藏量有限,不能再生,最终将会枯竭,因此现在就应该寻求应对措施。措施之一就是用甲醇、乙醇代替汽油,农牧业废料、高产作物(如甘蔗、高粱、甘薯、玉米等)、速生树木(如赤杨、刺槐、桉树等),经过发酵或高温热分解就可以制造 甲醇或乙醇。由于上述制造甲醇、乙醇的原料是生物质,可以再生,因此用甲醇、乙醇代替汽油是应对能源危机的一种有效措施。 3. 氢气是最轻的燃料,而且单位质量的燃烧热值最高,因此它是 优异的火箭燃料,再加上无污染,氢气自然也是别的运输工具的优秀燃料。在当前,用氢气作燃料尚有困难,一是氢气易燃、易爆,极易泄漏,不便于贮存、运输;二是制造氢气尚需电力或别的化石燃料,成本高。如果用太阳能和水廉价地制取氢气的技术能够突破,则氢气能源将具有广阔的发展前景。 4. 甲烷是一种优质的燃料,它存在于天然气之中。但探明的天然 气矿藏有限,这是人们所担心的。现已发现海底存在大量水合甲烷,其储量约是已探明的化石燃料的2倍。如果找到了适用的开采技术,将大大缓解能源危机。 5. 柱状图略。关于如何合理利用资源、能源,学生可以自由设想。 在上述工业原材料中,能源单耗最大的是铝;产量大,因而总耗能量大的是水泥和钢铁。在生产中节约使用原材料,加强废旧钢铁、铝、铜、锌、铅、塑料器件的回收利用,均是合理利用资源和能源的措施。 6. 公交车个人耗油和排出污染物量为私人车的1/5,从经济和环 保角度看,发展公交车更为合理。 第三节(P.14) 1. C(s)+O2 (g) == CO2 (g) ΔH=-393.5 kJ/mol 1


新课标选修4第三章《水溶液中的离子平衡》测试题 一、选择题(每小题有1.~.2.个. 选项符合题意,) 1、氨水中所含有的分子和离子有( ) ① 4NH ②H 2O ③NH 3 ④NH 3·H 2O ⑤H + ⑥OH - A.①②③ B.②③④⑤ C.②③④⑤⑥ D.①②③④⑤⑥ 2、某酸溶液中C(H +)=0.1mol ·L -1,则该酸溶液的物质的量浓度 ( ) A .一定等于0.1mol ·L -1 B .一定大于0.1mol ·L -1 C .一定小于0.1mol ·L -1 D .无法确定 3、下列溶液中导电性最强的是( ) A .101L mol L .醋酸 B .010124..L mol L H SO 溶液 C .0501..L mol L 盐酸 D .43P 1.02O H L mol L 溶液 4、下列溶液一定呈中性的是( ) A .pH=7的溶液 B .c(H +)=c(OH -)=10-6mol/L 溶液 C .使石蕊试液呈紫色的溶液 D .酸与碱恰好完全反应生成正盐的溶液 5、下列方程式书写正确的是( ) A.HCO 3-在水溶液中的电离方程式:HCO 3-+H 2O H 3O ++CO 32- B.H 2SO 3的电离方程式H 2SO 3 2H ++SO 32- C.CO 32-的水解方程式:CO 32-+2H 2O H 2CO 3+2OH - D.CaCO 3的电离方程式:CaCO 3=Ca 2++CO 32- 6、下列有关“电离平衡”的叙述中正确的是 ( ) A .电解质在溶液里达到电离平衡时,溶质电离出的离子浓度相等 B .电离平衡时,由于分子和离子的浓度不断发生变化,所以说电离平衡是动态平衡 C .电离平衡是相对的、暂时的,外界条件改变时,平衡就会发生移动 D .电解质达到电离平衡后,各种离子的浓度不再变化 7、为了配制NH 4+的浓度与Cl - 的浓度比为1:1的溶液,可在NH 4Cl 溶液中加入: ①适量的HCl ; ②适量的NaCl ; ③适量的氨水; ④NaOH A .①② B .③ C .③④ D .④ 8、在室温下等体积的酸和碱的溶液,混合后pH 一定等于7的是( ) A. pH=3的硝酸和pH=11的Ba(OH)2溶液 B. pH=3的盐酸和pH=11的氨水 C. pH=3的硫酸和pH=11的KOH D. pH=3的醋酸和pH=11的KOH 溶液 9、下列事实一定能说明HF 是弱酸的是( ) ①常温下NaF 溶液的pH 大于7; ②用HF 溶液做导电性实验,灯泡很暗;
