




1.下列运算正确的是( )

A .3a 2-2a 2=1

B .(a 2)3=a 5

C .a 2·a 4=a 6

D .(3a)2=6a 2

2.下列计算错误的是( )

A .(5-2)0=1

B .28x 4y 2÷7x 3=4xy 2

C .(4xy 2-6x 2y +2xy)÷2xy =2y -3x

D .(a -5)(a +3)=a 2-2a -15

3.下列因式分解正确的是( )

A .a 4b -6a 3b +9a 2b =a 2b(a 2-6a +9)

B .x 2-x +14=(x -12

)2 C .x 2-2x +4=(x -2)2 D .4x 2-y 2=(4x +y)(4x -y)

4.将(2x)n -81分解因式后得(4x 2+9)(2x +3)(2x -3),则n 等于( )

A .2

B .4

C .6

D .8

5.若m =2100,n =375,则m ,n 的大小关系是( )

A .m>n

B .m

C .m =n

D .无法确定

6.已知a +b =3,ab =2,则a 2+b 2的值为( )

A .3

B .4

C .5

D .6

7.计算:(a -b +3)(a +b -3)=( )

A .a 2+b 2-9

B .a 2-b 2-6b -9

C .a 2-b 2+6b -9

D .a 2+b 2-2ab +6a +6b +9

8.在边长为a 的正方形中挖去一个边长为b 的小正方形(a>b)(如图甲),把余下的部分拼成一个长方形(如图乙),根据两个图形中阴影部分的面积相等,可以验证( )

A .(a +b)2=a 2+2ab +b 2

B .(a -b)2=a 2-2ab +b 2

C .a 2-b 2=(a +b)(a -b)

D .(a +2b)(a -b)=a 2+ab -2b 2

9.若x 2+mx -15=(x -3)(x +n),则m ,n 的值分别是( )

A .4,3

B .3,4

C .5,2

D .2,5


(a +b)2=a 2+2ab +b 2

(a +b)3=a 3+3a 2b +3ab 2+b 3

(a +b)4=a 4+4a 3b +6a 2b 2+4ab 3+b 4

(a +b)5=a 5+5a 4b +10a 3b 2+10a 2b 3+5ab 4+b 5

请你猜想(a +b)10的展开式第三项的系数是( )

A .36

B .45

C .55

D .66


11.计算:(x -y)(x 2+xy +y 2)=

12.分解因式:(a -b)2-4b 2=

13.若(2x +1)0=(3x -6)0,则x 的取值范围是.

14.已知a m =3,a n =2,则a 2m -3n = .

15.若一个正方形的面积为a 2+a +14

,则此正方形的周长为 . 16.已知实数a ,b 满足a 2-b 2=10,则(a +b)3·(a -b)3的值是 .

17.已知△ABC 的三边长为整数a ,b ,c ,且满足a 2+b 2-6a -4b +13=0,则c 为

18.观察下列各式,探索发现规律:22-1=1×3;32-1=2×4;42-1=3×5;52-1=4×6;….按此规律,第n 个等式为



(1)y(2x -y)+(x +y)2; (2)(-2a 2b 3)÷(-6ab 2)·(-4a 2b).


(1)982; (2)899×901+1.


(1)18a 3-2a ; (2)ab(ab -6)+9; (3)m 2-n 2+2m -2n.


(1)(2+a)(2-a)+a(a -5b)+3a 5b 3÷(-a 2b)2,其中ab =-12

(2)[(x +2y)(x -2y)-(x +4y)2]÷4y ,其中x =-5,y =2.

23.(8分)如图,某市有一块长为(3a +b)米,宽为(2a +b)米的长方形地块,规划部门计划将阴影部分进行绿化,中间修建一座雕像,求绿化的面积是多少平方米?并求出当a =3,b =2时的绿化面积.



课本中多项式与多项式相乘是利用平面几何图形中的面积来表示的,例如:(2a+b)(a +b)=2a2+3ab+b2就可以用如图①②所示的图形的面积来表示.






x 3-y 3 (a +b )(a -3b ) __x ≠-12且x ≠2__ __98

__ __4a +2__

__1000__ __(n +1)2-1=n (n +2)__

解:原式=x 2+4xy 解:原式=-43

a 3

b 2 解:原式=9604 原式=810000

解:原式=2a (3a +1)(3a -1) 解:原式=(ab -3)2 解:原式=(m -n )(m +n +2)

解:原式=4-2ab ,当ab =-12

时,原式= 解:原式=-2x -5y ,当x =-5,y =2时,原式=0

解:绿化面积为(3a +b )(2a +b )-(a +b )2=5a 2+3ab (平方米).当a =3,b =2时,5a 2+3ab =63,即绿化面积为63平方米

解:(n +7)2-(n -3)2=(n +7+n -3)(n +7-n +3)=20(n +2),∴一定能被20整除 解:(1)(a +2b )(2a +b )=2a 2+5ab +2b 2


(3)(答案不唯一)(a +2b )(a +3b )=a 2+5ab +6b 2,如图⑤


新人教版八年级上册英语第八单元精选练习题附答案Unit 8How do you make a banana milk shake? 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 01基础过关 Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.How much is the ________(食盐)? 2.Would you like to buy some ________(蜂蜜)? 3.People like eating ________(西瓜) in summer. 4.I ________(添加) some beef to the soup just now. 5.Does your brother like ________(酸奶) very much? Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 spoon,peel,pour,shake,finally 6.Jane ________ the bottle before she drink the orange juice. 7.________,we arrived at the train station at 4:30 p.m. 8.Go to the store and get two ________ this afternoon. 9.Look!Bill is ________ water into the pot. 10.Can you help me to ________ two potatoes,Jim? Ⅲ.单项选择。 ( ) you give me ________ ten minutes,I'm sure I will do better. A.some B.another C.more D.any ( ) is the cat's food and don't forget ________ it on time. A.to feeding B.feed C.feeding D.to feed

入侵检测技术 课后答案

精品文档 . 第1章入侵检测概述 思考题: (1)分布式入侵检测系统(DIDS)是如何把基于主机的入侵检测方法和基于网络的入侵检测方法集成在一起的? 答:分布式入侵检测系统是将主机入侵检测和网络入侵检测的能力集成的第一次尝试,以便于一个集中式的安全管理小组能够跟踪安全侵犯和网络间的入侵。DIDS的最初概念是采用集中式控制技术,向DIDS中心控制器发报告。 DIDS解决了这样几个问题。在大型网络互联中的一个棘手问题是在网络环境下跟踪网络用户和文件。DIDS允许用户在该环境中通过自动跨越被监视的网络跟踪和得到用户身份的相关信息来处理这个问题。DIDS是第一个具有这个能力的入侵检测系统。 DIDS解决的另一个问题是如何从发生在系统不同的抽象层次的事件中发现相关数据或事件。这类信息要求要理解它们对整个网络的影响,DIDS用一个6层入侵检测模型提取数据相关性,每层代表了对数据的一次变换结果。 (2)入侵检测作用体现在哪些方面? 答:一般来说,入侵检测系统的作用体现在以下几个方面: ●监控、分析用户和系统的活动; ●审计系统的配置和弱点; ●评估关键系统和数据文件的完整性; ●识别攻击的活动模式; ●对异常活动进行统计分析; ●对操作系统进行审计跟踪管理,识别违反政策的用户活动。 (3)为什么说研究入侵检测非常必要? 答:计算机网络安全应提供保密性、完整性以及抵抗拒绝服务的能力,但是由于连网用户的增加,网上电子商务开辟的广阔前景,越来越多的系统受到入侵者的攻击。为了对付这些攻击企图,可以要求所有的用户确认并验证自己的身份,并使用严格的访问控制机制,还可以用各种密码学方法对数据提供保护,但是这并不完全可行。另一种对付破坏系统企图的理想方法是建立一个完全安全的系统。但这样的话,就要求所有的用户能识别和认证自己,还要采用各种各样的加密技术和强访问控制策略来保护数据。而从实际上看,这根本是不可能的。 因此,一个实用的方法是建立比较容易实现的安全系统,同时按照一定的安全策略建立相应的安全辅助系统。入侵检测系统就是这样一类系统,现在安全软件的开发方式基本上就是按照这个思路进行的。就目前系统安全状况而言,系统存在被攻击的可能性。如果系统遭到攻击,只要尽可能地检测到,甚至是实时地检测到,然后采取适当的处理


人教版八年级英语上册Unit4单元检测卷 (考试时间:100分钟卷面分值:130分) 一、语法与情景对话(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下列各题,从A、BC、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。 ( )1. --Do you like _______TV show The Reader? --Yes. I think it's _______most interesting TV show. A. the; / B. a: the C. the: the D. a; / ( )2. _______interesting for us to watch game shows. A. He B. That C. This D.It ( )3.- -Li Hua speaks English _______XiaoLin. -- I don't think so. I think Li Hua does better than Xiao Lin. A. as good as; a lot B. as well as; much C. as good as; a little D. as well as; more ( )4.--_______ is it from your home to school? --It's about two kilometers. A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often ( )5. --How does your father go to work?--On foot. Our house is_______ his office. A. far from B. different from C. similar to D. close to ( )6. --Is there a cinema around here? --_______ A. Yes, please B. Yes. Sun Cinema is around here. C. Go down this street D. Sounds good ( )7. --Why did you _______Mike for the job? --Because he is serious enough. A. dislike B. act C. share D. choose ( )8. There are_______ books in this bookstore. And they are cheap. A. all kind of B. kinds of C. all kinds of D. kind of ( )9. Parents play an important role in_______their children. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching ( )10. --What do you think of the movie Zootopia? --It is _______one I've ever seen. A. more exerted B. more exciting C. the most excited D. the most exciting ( )11. Which is_______ the sun, the moon or the earth? A. smaller B. smallest C. the smaller D. the smallest



三年级语文试题 (考试时间80分钟,满分100分) 第一部分积累与运用 一、下面每道小题 ....中,都有 ..一个字的读音是错的。请你把它找出来,并把这个答案在序号前的括号里。(8分) 【】1. ào zhí níng mù A.奥数 B.繁殖 C.年龄 D.闭幕 【】2. shòu xiǎnɡ mó luó A.野兽 B.享受 C.模板 D.陀螺 【】3. zènɡ juàn hào quān A.捐赠 B.倦怠 C.符号 D.圈养 【】4. yù kān tánɡ lì A.偶遇 B.宽裕 C.糖果 D.严厉 二、下面每道小题 ..一个词语含有错别字。请你把它找出来,并把这个答案在序号前....中,都有 的括号里。(8分) 【】5.A即使 B波滔 C辛苦 D克服 【】6.A大厅 B思索 C警惕 D神洲 【】7.A莲篷 B晴朗 C青山绿水 D情人 【】8.A摇头摆尾 B身强力壮 C始忠如一 D鸡飞狗跳 三、下面每道小题 ...?请你把它找出来,并把这个....中,哪一个词语和加点词语的意思最接近 答案在序号前的括号里。(8人) 【】9. 焦急 A 焦虑 B 急忙 C 急迫 D 着急 【】10.称赞 A称号 B称呼 C赞扬 D赞成 【】11.谦虚 A 谦让 B 虚心 C 诚实 D 虚荣 【】12. 信口开河 A 高谈阔论 B 无所不谈 C 头头是道 D 胡说八道

四、下面每道小题 ...?请你把它找出来,并把这个答....中,哪一个词语或成语填入画线处最恰当 案在序号前的括号里。(10分) 【】13. 我的邻居王奶奶是个特别的人。 A留心 B 专心 C 耐心 D 热心 【】14. 缸里的几条金鱼非常。 A 可爱 B 热爱 C 心爱 D 喜爱 【】15.南沙群岛中的岛屿、礁盘,就像在海上撒下了一串串晶莹的珍珠。 A 水天相接 B 星罗棋布 C 井井有条 D 连绵起伏 【】16. 节日期间,超市里的商品降价促销!大门才打开,顾客们便。 A 倾巢而出 B 鱼贯而出 C 鸡飞狗跳 D 群龙无首 【】17. 台湾的翠玉白菜是由雕成的。 A 能工巧匠 B 巧夺天工 C 美轮美奂 D 流光溢彩 五、古诗文积累。(9分) 下面二道小题中,哪个选项符合题目要求?请你把它找出来,并把这个答案填在括号里。 18.如果你的同学学习不认真,总想着玩乐,你会真诚地劝诫(jiè)他:“”。()2分 A 长江后浪推前浪,世上今人胜古人 B 若使年华虚多过,到老空留后悔心 C 三百六十行,行行出状元 D 冰生于水而寒于水,青出于蓝而胜于蓝 19、下面诗句中,哪句是描写春天景色的?()2分 A 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。 B 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。 C 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。 D 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。 20.默写贺知章的《咏柳》(要注明诗人的朝代)。(5分)


人教版八年级下册英语第 八单元测试题附答案The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

人教版八年级下册英语第八单元测试题附答案 听力部分(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分) ( )1. ( ),I did. B.No,I haven't. C.It's great! ( ) music is my favorite. B.I like listening to music. C.Music can help me relax. ( ) read it in the library. B.I have read it before. C.It's interesting. ( ),I will. B.No,I don't like it. C.Yes,it's The Eagles. Ⅱ.听短对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分) ( ) Sawyer. B.Harry Potter. C.Robinson Crusoe. ( ) B.English. C.German. ( ):15. B.8:00. C.7:45. ( ) he had a bad cold and had to see the doctor. B.Because he felt cold and went to buy a coat. C.Because he had to go to see his sister. ( ) school. B.In the hotel. C.At home. Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( ) is coming? A.National Day. B.The teacher's birthday. C.Teachers' Day. ( ) will they buy? A.Some flowers. B.A new CD. C.A bag. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。 ( ) is the girl worrying about? A.She can't invite her friends to the party. B.She can't go to her friend's party. C.She can't find a good place for the Thanksgiving dinner. ( ) long will the party last? A.For four hours. B.For five hours. C.For six hours. ( ) can help the girl?


第1章入侵检测概述 思考题: (1 )分布式入侵检测系统(DIDS )是如何把基于主机的入侵检测方法和基于网络的入侵检测方法集成在一起的? 答:分布式入侵检测系统是将主机入侵检测和网络入侵检测的能力集成的第一次尝试,以便于一个集中式的安全管理小组能够跟踪安全侵犯和网络间的入侵。DIDS的最 初概念是米用集中式控制技术,向DIDS中心控制器发报告。 DIDS 解决了这样几个问题。在大型网络互联中的一个棘手问题是在网络环境下跟踪网络用户和文件。DIDS 允许用户在该环境中通过自动跨越被监视的网络跟踪和得到 用户身份的相关信息来处理这个问题。DIDS是第一个具有这个能力的入侵检测系统。 DIDS解决的另一个问题是如何从发生在系统不同的抽象层次的事件中发现相关数据或事件。这类信息要求要理解它们对整个网络的影响,DIDS用一个6层入侵检测模 型提取数据相关性,每层代表了对数据的一次变换结果。 (2)入侵检测作用体现在哪些方面? 答:一般来说,入侵检测系统的作用体现在以下几个方面: 监控、分析用户和系统的活动; 审计系统的配置和弱点; 评估关键系统和数据文件的完整性; 识别攻击的活动模式; 对异常活动进行统计分析; 对操作系统进行审计跟踪管理,识别违反政策的用户活动。 (3)为什么说研究入侵检测非常必要? 答:计算机网络安全应提供保密性、完整性以及抵抗拒绝服务的能力,但是由于连网用户的增加,网上电子商务开辟的广阔前景,越来越多的系统受到入侵者的攻击。为了对付这些攻击企图,可以要求所有的用户确认并验证自己的身份,并使用严格的访问控制机制,还可以用各种密码学方法对数据提供保护,但是这并不完全可行。另一种对付破坏系统企图的理想方法是建立一个完全安全的系统。但这样的话,就要求所有的用户能识别和认证自己,还要采用各种各样的加密技术和强访问控制策略来保护数据。而从实际上看,这根本是不可能的。 因此,一个实用的方法是建立比较容易实现的安全系统,同时按照一定的安全策略建立相应的安全辅助系统。入侵检测系统就是这样一类系统,现在安全软件的开发方式基本上就是按照这个思路进行的。就目前系统安全状况而言,系统存在被攻击的可能性。 如果系统遭到攻击,只要尽可能地检测到,甚至是实时地检测到,然后采取适当的处理措施。入侵检


八年级上英语unit4单元测试题 放城中学刘奎斌 一、选择填空。(每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 1. Peter is ________of the three boys, but he’s _______than the other two. A. the tallest, younger B. taller, older C. tallest, younger D. tall, oldest ( ) 2. ________ the best movie theatre?—Showtime Cinema A. Where’s B. How’s C. What’s D. Who’s ( ) 3. This theatre has _______ seats than that one. A. comfortable B. the most comfortable C. more comfortable D. the more comfortable ( ) 4. The People’s Cinema is close _______ my home. A. in B. out C. to D. of ( ) 5. —These moon cakes are delicious. —Yes. But I think the ones with nuts are __ of all. A. delicious B. the most delicious C. more delicious D. the delicious ( ) 6. The weather in Beijing is colder than ________. A. in Hainan B. Hainan C. that in Hainan D. that of Hainan ( ) 7. You can buy ticket _________ here. A. the most quick B. the more quick C. the most quickly D. the more quickly ( ) 8. _________ talent show was a great success. A. Last week’s B. Last weeks C. Last weeks’ D. Last week ( ) 9. —Who do you think is actor? —I think Zhao Benshan is. A. the most funny B. most funny C. the funniest D. funniest ( ) 10. Of the two Australian students, Masha is _______ one. I think you can find her easily. A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest ( ) 11. —The weather is _________ today than yesterday. A. bad B. worse C. badder D. badly ( ) 12. Shu-how Lin is now one of _________ basketball players in the NBA. A. popular B, more popular C. the most popular D. the popularest ( )13. .We decide _________ to Beijing tomorrow. A. going B. go C. to go D. goes ( )14. They make the little boy_ _________ the room every day A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. cleaning ( )15. What do young people think places in town ? A. for B . over C. of D. out 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


六年级数学期末考试试卷 (考试时间100分钟,满分100分) 班级: 姓名: 一、填空题。(第5题3分,其余每空1分,共计22分) 1. 火车速度是汽车速度的74.把 速度看作单位“1”, 速度是它的7 4 . 2. 4 3 吨=( )千克 15分=( )时 3. 一个圆的直径是4厘米,它的周长是( )厘米,面积是( )平方厘米。 4. 16是20的( )%,20比16多( )%。 5. ( )÷8 = ( ) 4 = =( )% = ( ):( )。 6. 80的60%是( );( )的80%是60。 7. 在3:2中,如果前项加上6,要使比值不变,后项要加上( )。 8. 在○里填上“>、<、=” ×117○ 8÷12○% 1÷125○1 115×○11 5 9. 元旦期间,一家商场原价100元的毛衣只售85元,算一算,这种毛衣打( )折销售。 10. 从一个边长是10分米的正方形纸里剪一个最大的圆,这个圆的周长是( )分米,面积是( )平方分米。 11. 有2分和5分的硬币共18枚,一共6元钱。5分的硬币有( )枚。 二、判断题。(每题1分,共计5分) 1.某班男、女生人数的比是7:8,男生占全班人数的 15 7 。 ( ) 2. 半径是2厘米的圆,它的周长与面积相等。 ( ) 3. 0和1都没有倒数. ( ) 4. 生产101个零件,全部合格,合格率是101%。 ( ) 5. 所有圆的周长和它的直径的比值都相等。 ( ) 三、选择题。(每题1分,共计6分) 1.李冬坐在教室的第二列第四行,用数对(2,4)来表示,王华坐在第六列第一行,可以用( )来表示。 A.(1,6) B. (6,1) C.(0,6) D. (6,0) 小六数学 第 1 页


1.I want to make a banana milk shake, but I don’t know______milk I need. A.how many B.how long C.how much D.how fast 2.Remember______off the lights when you leave the classroom. A.turn B.to turn C.turning 3.Cut______these bananas and apples. Let’s make fruit salad. A.up B.down C.into D.off 4.—______did you work out the problem in such a short time? —With Mr.Li’s help. A.When B.Where C.How D.Which 5.I can’t see anything in the room. Please help me______the lights. A.turn on B.turn up C.turn down D.turn off 6.______ wake up your sister,Ben.She needs a good sleep. A.Don’t B.Doesn’t C.Aren’t D.Can’t 7.My father bought two______when he came back from Guilin. https://www.360docs.net/doc/222500349.html,k B.bread C.watch D.dictionaries 8.When it’s spring in China,the season in Australia is______. A.spring B.autumn C.summer D.winter 9.The well(井)was full______water and he covered it______the lid(盖子). A.with;for B.with;with C.of;with D.with;by 10.She will make a banana milk shake.She needs three bananas,a cup of milk and two______. A.spoon of honey B.spoons of honeys C.spoons of honey D.spoon of honeys 11.Would you like to add______to the salad? A.many more honey B.many honeys C.more honey D.much honeys 12.—I want to______some sugar______the coffee. —Sorry.We don’t have any sugar.What about honey? A.added;to B.added;in C.add;to D.add;in 13.______play with fire.______with fire is dangerous. A.Don’t;Playing B.Not;Playing C.Don’t;Play D.Not to;To play 14.—You can cut up these vegetables at first,and then you have to______. —Yeah,I see.Thanks. A.mix they up B.mix up they C.mix them up D.mix up them 15.His eyes were______tears when he heard the exciting news. A.covered with B.agreed with C.full of D.full with Ⅱ完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) My son likes sandwiches very much.So I told a story about sandwiches yesterday.The word“sandwich”is an English word.Sandwich was an English16.He lived in England about two hundred years ago.Sandwich had a lot of17.He was very rich(富有的).But he liked18 cards for money.He often played19day and night.20day he played for twenty-four hours without stopping.He did not21the card table to eat.He asked his man to22him some meat


Unit 4单元综合检测 (考试时间:100分钟, 满分:120分) 第一部分听力(25分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ). Because they’re ou r friends. they’re dogs. we don’t have animals. ( ) year. 1921. the future. ( ) beautiful. hope not. , they did. ( ) must be fun. you think so ’m sorry to hear that. ( ) agree with you. . looks like a plate.Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分) ( ) are they going the park. the zoo. the farm. ( ) are they talking about . . countryside. ( ) was Alice’s sister doing when the UFO took off out of the window. TV. books.

( ) is the boy going to Egypt with parents. sister. friends. ( ) are they talking about map. . Great Wall. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) ( ) will our life be like without TV . . . ( ) many problems are there with TV in the passage . . . ( ) you get fatter if you watch TV too much , we will. , we won’t. don’t know. ( ) other things can we do according to the passage the Internet. pictures. football. ( ) can you make your life more interesting TV less. TV more. watching TV. Ⅴ. 听短文,填空。短文读三遍。(5分) The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders in the world. It is about 21 miles long. The 22 Chinese began to build such walls from 600 B. C. The first emperor, Qin Shihuang 23 the old walls together. Since then, people 24 the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation. Every year many people find great pleasure visiting the wall. But some sections of the wall are 25 out. People begin to protect and rebuild the Great Wall recently. 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( ) used the computer for shopping, _______ she ’t she she ’t she ( ) must _______ the traffic lights when you cross the road. attention to attentions to attention on attentions on ( )3.—_______ is not easy to draw pictures with this pen. —You are right. ( )4.—How many students are there in your school —_______ students, I think. of thousands thousand thousands of ( )5.—Where are you going to work next year —_______ Maybe Hefei or Nanjing. ’m not so sure. think so. ’s a good idea. hope not. ( ) and Jane were talking in the kitchen _______ I was reading the newspaper.


2016-2017年度 小学五年级下册期末试卷 一.填空 1.12有( )个因数,17有( )个因数。 2.能同时被2、3、5整除的最大两位数是( )。 3.已知a =2×2×3×5,b =2×5×7,a 和b 的最小公倍数是( ),最大因约数是( )。 4.把两个棱长是10厘米的正方体粘合成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积是( ),体积是( )。 5.把3米长的绳子平均分成7段,每段长是全长的) ( )( ,每段长( )米。 6.在a 5 里,当a 是( )时,这个分数是5,当a 是( )时,这个分数是1。 7. )() ( 15)(2416 )(8 3== ÷==←填小数。 8.三个连续奇数的和是177,这三个数的平均数是( ),其中最大的数是( )。 9.在下面每组的○里填上“>”、“<”或“=”。 413 8 29 3 716 8428 31 50173 3.34 10.3.85立方米=( )立方分米 4升40毫升=( )升 二、判断(对的打“√”,错的打“×”) 1.两个质数的积一定是合数。( ) 2.一个假分数不能化成整数就一定能化成带分数。( ) 3.长方体的6个面一定都是长方形。( ) 4.五角星是轴对称图形,它只有1条对称轴。( ) 5.做一个零件,甲用了21小时,乙用了31 小时,甲的效率高。( ) 6.把分数的分子和分母同时加上4,分数的大小不变。( ) 7.大于51而小于5 3 的分数有无数个。( ) 8.一个正方体的棱长之和是12厘米,体积是1立方厘米。( ) 三、选择(在括号里填上正确答案的序号) 1.下面几个分数中,不能化成有限小数的是( )。 A.53 B.62 C.81 D.28 7 2.一个分数化成最简分数是13 4 ,原分数的分子扩大为原来的4倍后是96,那么原分数的分母 是( )。


新人教版八年级下英语第八单元练习题 一、单项选择 ( )1. I have learned a lot on my homeland _______. since then long ago night ( ) you_____ been to New York---Not,_______. ; never ; ever ; yet ; yet ( ) you yesterday evening, but you were not in. --- Sorry, I_______ in the shop with my mother. ; am ; will be ; was calling; have been ( ) he______the book three times, he hopes to read it again. B. reads C. has read read ( ) Zhengzhou since he finished his college. working worked worked ( ) number of the fans_______from his homtown. The number of them_______large. ; is ; are ; is ; are ( )7.—Dave,we’ll leave in 10 you ready --No,I________our guide book and towels yet. ’t pack ’t pack packed ’t packed ( )8. Prison Break is the best American TV play that I ______these years. B. will watch C. have watched D. was watching ( )9. Where are you going for your holiday --Well, we _______ yet. A. haven’t decided B. hadn’t decided C. don’t decide D. didn’t decide ( ) this book for two weeks. I have to return it now. A. borrowed B. kept C. have borrowed D. have kept ( ) have finished my homework. --When ___ you ___ it A. have; finished B. do; finish C. did; finish D. will; finish ( )12. He’s never seen a three-D movie at the cinema,_______ A.hasn’t he B.has he C.isn’t he D.is he ( ) great progress in the last three years. B. had made C. has made D. were making ( )14. Is _______ to the music a good way _______ ; relax ;to relax listen ;to relax listen; relaxing ( ) story made me_______. I have cried many times. sad sad feel sad sad ( )16. ---Whose book is this---It must ______ Mary. I saw her read it this morning. to to ( )17. Both his parents look sad. Maybe they ______ what happened to him. know C. have known D. had known ( )18. I began watching here an hour ago, by now nothing _____ yet. A. happens happen happened ( )19. --Where is Ben--He ___ to the teachers’ office. He will be back soon.

人教版英语八年级上册 Unit4 检测题

2020-2021第一学期人教版新目标八年级上册Unit4 检测题 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) (略) 二、单项填空(共10小题,计10分) 16.Sun Cinema is the ______ one in town. A. cheapest B. cheaper C. cheap 17.Town Cinema has the shortest _____ time to buy tickets. A. wait B. to wait C. waiting 18.—Hello! I’m a reporter. Can I ask you ____ questions? —Sure. A. any B. a C. some 19. You can sit the most______ because They have the_____seats. A. comfortable;bigger B. comfortably; biggest C. comfortably;big 20.Thanks for _____ me the good news. A.telling B. told C. tell 21.—_____ do you think of 970AM? —Pretty good. A. What B. How C. What about 22. It’s always interesting ____ other people _____ their talents. A. to watch;are showing B. to watch; show C. watch; to show 23.Talent shows are getting _______. A. more and more popular B. more popular and more popular C. popular and popular


1.直接写出得数。(每题1分,共计12分) 67 ÷3= 35 ×15= 2-37 = 1+2%= 78 ÷710 = 5÷23 = 43 ×75% = 78 ×4×87 = 65-21= 6.8÷10%= 4.5+21= 83×3 2= 2.解方程。(每题3分,共计6分) (1) x -27 x=1 14 (2) (1-25%)x =72 3.能简算的用简便方法计算。(每题4分,共计12分) (1)72 ×58 -32 ÷85 (2)45 ÷[(35 +12 )×2] (3)258×99 + 25 8 4、只列式不计算。(每题3分,共计6分) (1)已知两个因数的积是8 5 ,一个因数是15,求另一个因数多少? (2)比某数的20%少0.4的数是7.2,求某数。(用方程解) 1.画出下面图形的所有对称轴。(3分) 六、解决问题。(共计23分) 1、安乐乡去年造林15公顷,今年造林18公顷,今年比去年增加了百分之几?(4分) 2、学校里有篮球、足球、排球共180个,已知篮球、足球、排球的比是5:4:3,三种球各有多少只?(4分) 3、安乐乡要修一条路,第一周修了全长的15%,第二周修了全长的1 3 。还剩3100米没有修,请问这条路全长多少米?(5分) 4、鸡兔同笼,有25个头,80条腿,鸡兔各有多少只?(一只鸡有2条腿,一只兔子有4条腿)(5分)

福州体育运动学校2011—2012学年第一学期金水湖基地 六年级数学试卷参考答案与评分标准 一、填空题。(第5题3分,其余每空1分,共计22分) 1、汽车 火车 2、750 41 3、12.56 12.56 4、80 25 5、4 2 50 4 8(最后两个空答案不唯一) 6、48 75 7、4 8、< < > > 9、八五 10、62.8 314 11、8 二、判断题。(每题1分,共5分) 1、√ 2、× 3、× 4、× 5、√ 三、选择题。(每题1分,共计6分) 1、B 2、A 3、B 4、C 5、A 6、D 四、计算。 1、直接写出得数。(每题1分,共计12分) 72 9 711 1.02 45 215 1 4 31 68 5 4 1 2、解方程。(每题3分,共计6分) (1) x -27 x=1 14 (2) (1-25%)x =72 7 5 x=114 …………(1分) 75%x=72…………(1分) x=114 ÷75 ……(2分) x=72÷0.75……(2分) x=101 ………… (3分) x=96…………(3分) 3.能简算的用简便方法计算。(每题4分,共计12分) (1)72 ×58 -32 ÷85 =72 ×58 -32 ×5 8 …………(1分) =(72 -32 )×5 8 ………… (2分) =2×5 8 …………………… (3分) =45 …………………………(4分) (2)45 ÷[(35 +12 )×2] (3)258×99 + 25 8 =45 ÷(1011 ×2)……(1分) =25 8×(99 + 1)……(1分) =45 ÷511 ……………(2分) =258×100………………(2分) =114 …………………(4分) =32………………………(4分) 4、只列式不计算。(每题3分,共计6分) (1)85 ÷15 (2)20%x-0.4=7.2 五、实践操作。(共计8分) 1.画出下面图形的所有对称轴。(3分) 2.描出下列各点并依次连成封闭图形,再根据对称轴画出它的轴对称图形。(5分) 5 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A (2,9) B (0,3) C (5,2)
