

Text 1


从教数载,你一定收到过无数的请假条,请假的理由五花八门:自个儿生病;父母亲生病;爷爷奶奶生病;小狗生病;小猫生病;跌倒摔倒;闹钟未响;车船晚点……等等等等。当然,这些理由真真假假。要当面揭穿孩子们的谎话还真不是件容易的事。等等!干嘛一定要当面揭穿?这不,Ralph Mckee V ocational School的写作课老师Frank灵机一动:与其当面让孩子难堪,何不将计就计?一堂创意写作课由此而生。其实,教学也需要创意,你说呢?让我们都跟本文的作者Frank学学吧!


Excuses, Excuses1


Frank McCourt

My students forge (编造)the notes. I turned them into a lesson plan.

[1] I was in my third year of teaching creative writing at Ralph Mckee V ocational School in

Staten Island, New York, when one of my students, 16-year-old Mikey, gave me a note from his

mother. It explained his absence from class the day before.

[2] “Dear Mr. McCourt, Mikey?s grandmother who is eighty years of age fell down the stairs

from too much coffee3 and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could go to

my job at the ferry(渡轮)terminal(航空站). Please excuse Mikey and he?ll do his best in the future.

disguise: [dis'ɡaiz] v . 伪装;假装

forge: [f ?:d ?] v . 伪造

genuine: ['d ?enjuin] adj . 真实的 lunatic: ['lju:n ?tik] adj . 疯狂的;愚蠢的 epiphany: [i'pif ?ni] n . 顿悟

anthology: [?n'θ?l ?d ?i] n . 选集

P.S. His grandmother is ok.” I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk, using his left hand to disguise (伪装) his handwriting. I said nothing.

[3] Most parental-excuse notes I received back in those days were penned by my students. They?d been forging (编造) excuse notes since they learned to write, and if I were to confront (面对) each forger I?d be busy 24 hours a day.

[4] I threw Mikey?s note into a desk drawer along with dozens of (很多) other notes. While my classes took a test, I decided to read all the notes I?d only glanced at (看了) before. I made two piles, one for the genuine (真实的) ones written by mothers, the other for forgeries. The second was the larger pile, with writing that ranged from imaginative (想象地,虚假的) to lunatic (愚蠢的).

[5] I was having an epiphany (顿悟).

[6] Isn?t it remarkable (非凡的), I thought, how the students whined (发牢骚)and said it was hard putting 200 words together on any subject? But when they forged excuse notes, they were brilliant. The notes I had could be turned into an anthology (选集) of Great American Excuses. They were samples of talent never mentioned (提到) in song, story or study.

[7] Here was American high school writing at its best ---raw (未加工的), real, urgent (紧急的), lucid (清晰的), brief, and lying. I read:

[8] The stove (炉灶) caught fire and the wallpaper went up and the fire department kept us out of

[9] Arnold was getting off the train and the door closed on his school bag and the train took

it away, He yelled to the conductor who said very vulgar(粗俗的)things as the train drove


[10] His sister?s dog ate his homework and I hope it chokes him.

[11] We were evicted(赶出)from our apartment and the mean sheriff(州长)said if my

son kept yelling for his notebook he?d have us all arrested.

[12] The writers of these notes didn?t realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull:

“Peter was late because the alarm clock didn?t go off.”

[13] One day I type out a dozen excuse notes and distributed(分布)them to my senior

classes. The students read them silently, intently(专心). “Mr. Mccourt, who wrote these?” asked

one boy.

[14] “You did,” I said. “I omitted(省略)names to protect the guilty(内疚的). They?re

suppos ed to be written by parents, but you and I know the real authors. Yes, Mikey?”

[15] “So what are we supposed to do?”

[16] “This is the first class to study the art of the excuse note---the first class, ever, to

practice writing them. You?re so lucky to have your best writing and turned it into a subject

worthy of study.”

[17] Everyone smiled as I went on. “You didn?t settle for(满足于)the old alarm clock story. You used your imaginations. One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when they?re late or absent or up to some devilment(坏事). So try it now. Imagine you have a 15-year-old who needs an excuse for falling behind in English. Let it rip(let us begin)4.”

[18] The students produced a variety of excuses, ranging from a 16-wheeler crashing into a house to a severe case of food poisoning(中毒)blamed on the school cafeteria. They said, “More, more. Can we do more?”

[19] So I said, “I?d like you to write---”And I finished, “…An Excuse Note from Adam 5 to God? or …An Excu se Note from Eve 6to God.?” Heads went down. Pens raced across paper.

[20] Before long the bell rang. For the first time ever I saw students so immersed(沉浸)in their writing they had to be urged to go lunch by their friends: “Yo, Lenny. Come on. Fini sh it later.”

[21] Next day everyone had excuse notes, not only from Adam and Eve but from God and Lucifer.One girl defended (辩护)the seduction(魅力)of Adam on the grounds that Eve was tired of lying around Paradise(仙境)7 doing nothing, day in and day out(日复一日). She was

also tired of God sticking his nose into their business.

[22] Heated discussions followed about the relative guilt and sinfulness of Adam and Eve. No one said anything negative(消极的)

about God, though there were hints. He could have been more understanding of the plight of(的

[23] I asked the class to think about anyone in history who could use a good excuse note. I

wrote suggestions on the board: Eva Braun, Hitler?s girlfriend. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg8,

executed for treason(判处叛国罪). Judas. Attila the Hun, Lee Harvey Oswald. Al Capone.

[24] “Yo, Mr. McCourt, could you put teachers up there?” said a student.

[25] And then I heard, “Mr. McCourt, the principal(主要的)is at the door.”

[26] My heart sank as the principal entered, along with the superintendent(负责人)of

schools. Neither acknowledged me. They walked up and down, peering at papers(看报纸). The

superintendent picked one up, showed it to the principal.

[27] The superintendent frowned(皱了皱眉头). The principal pursed his lips 9. On their

way out, the principal said the superintendent would like to see me.

[28] Here it comes, I thought. The reckoning. The principal was sitting at his desk; the

superintendent was standing. “Come in,” said the superintendent. “I just want to tell you that that

lesson, that project, whatever the hell you were doing, was topnotch(最高质量的)10. Those kids

were writing on the college level.”

[29] He turned to the principal and said, “That kid wr iting an excuse note for Judas.

Brilliant. I just want to shake your hand,” he said, turning back to me. “There might be a letter in

your file attesting(证明)to your energetic and imaginative teaching. Thank you.”

[30] God in heaven. High praise from an important person. Should I dance down the hallway,

or lift and fly? Next day in class, I just started singing.

[31] The kids laughed. They said, “Man, school should be like this every day, us writing

excuse notes and teachers singing all of a sudden(突然地).” Sooner or later(早晚有一天), I figured, everyone needed an excuse. Also, if we sang today we could sing tomorrow, and why not? You don?t need an excuse for singing.

N o t e s

1.This text is excerpted from Teacher Man, 2005 memoir written by Frank McCourt which describes and reflects on his teaching experiences

in New York high schools and colleges.

2.Frank McCourt, born in 1930 in Brooklyn, New York, began a process of self-education and improvement that led, eventually, to a career as

a high-school teacher.

3.too much coffee: she drank too much coffee.

4.Let it rip: let us begin.

5.Adam: Adam was the first man in the world according to Bible.亚当

6.Eve:Eve was the first woman who lived with Adam in the garden of Eden. 夏娃

7.Paradise:Paradise is a place where good people will live in happiness. 天堂

8.Judas. 犹大,叛徒。Lucifer: 魔鬼,撒旦

9.…pursed his lips: 撮起嘴唇

10.topnotch: excellent

P h r a s e s a n d E x p r e s s i o n s

be evicted from to be forced to leave somewhere 驱逐,赶走glance at to give a quick short look 一瞥

turn into to change into 进入, (使)变成be worthy of deserving respect, admiration or support: 值得的

R e a d i n g C o mp r e h e n s i o n

Choose the best for each of the following.

1. According to the passage, the teacher _______.

A. is angry with his students

B. does not like his students forging excuse notes

C. blames the parents

D. teaches a successful writing class 2. Mikey missed school______.

A. because his grandmother fell down from the stairs

B. because he did not like his teacher

C. because his parents wanted him to be home

D. because he did not want to go to school 3. When the students forged the excuse notes, they were _______. A. very smart and imaginative B. bored C. indifferent D. excited

4. The principal of the school ____________. A. blamed the teacher for what he had done in class B. praised the teacher for what he had done in class C. was disappointed with the teacher D. fired the teacher

√ √

√ √

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The students enjoyed the teacher?s writing class very much.

B. The students were very creative in forging excuse notes.

C. The teacher enjoyed teaching writing.

D. The students did not enjoy the teacher?s writing class.

V o c a b u l a r y

I Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1. A number of ___D___works of art have been sold as genuine.作为真正的

A. false

B. beautiful

C. famous

D. forged

2. To __B_____ one?s power is to commit a crime and eventually end up in jail.

A. accuse指责

B. abuse 虐待;辱骂

C. deduce推断

D. excuse借口

3. Seeing the speeding car, the policeman ___B___the driver to pull up at the curb.

A. reckoned 估计

B. beckoned 示意

C. softened

D. stiffened

4. Unfortunately, he hit a traffic jam and missed the train_B___ a few minutes.

A. with

B. by

C. before

D. for

5. She gave a clear and __A____ account of her plans for the company?s future.

A. lucid

B. dull

C. unclear

D. ambiguous

6. Isn?t it rather ___C____ to talk about how much money you earn?

A. polite

B. boring

C. vulgar庸俗的

D. pleasant

7. The books will be __D___ free to local schools.

A. contributed贡献

B. tribute颂辞;证明

C. attributed 把…归于

D. distributed

8. The editor required him to __A____ some details各种细节of the article.

A. omit省略

B. permit许可证

C. summit最高级的;政府首脑的

D. illuminate 阐明

9. Few of us can be unmoved by the ___C____ of the Romanian orphans罗马尼亚孤儿.

A. light

B. might

C. plight困境

D. moonlight

10. I have to _B_____ my reputation.名声

A. detect发现

B. protect

C. intact完好无缺

D. prevent阻碍

II Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.

1.I know why this happened. You don?t have to find any ___excuse___.

2.He was __evicted_____ from the pub for drunken and violent behavior.

3.This emperor is said to have paid many personal visits to various counties __disguise___ as an ordinary citizen.

4.Every year she makes a large donation to a _worthy____ cause.

5.Children often have very vivid __imagination_______.

T r a n s l a t i o n

Put the following paragraphs into Chinese.

Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness(渴望)and knowledge and quickness(迅速地)make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author?s or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.


天津大学 研究生英语考试 听力Unit6

姓名:……学号:…… 学院:….. 专业:….. 指导老师:…… Unit 6Time traveler 1. What was the guy doing when he suddenly found himself in a completely different world? What year is it in this different world? Answer: The guy was just about to give his wife a present for her birthday ,and there were thunders and lightening. Then all of a sudden, he found himself in a completely different world. It is the year 2000 i n this different world. 2. What are some of the cultural shocks he’s experienced in this world? Answer: He traveled from the year 1900 to the year 2000, so he experienced many cultural shocks when communicating with others.He felt confused about the ID card, the driver licence, the credit card, ATM card and something like that. He misunderstood the meaning of the restroom and the bathroom. Also he could not understand the meaning of a mall or food court. He couldn’t read the menu and thought a hotdog as a real dog. What’s more, he was curious about the cellphone because he had never seen it before. 3. Some science fictions on time travel are mainly about cultural shocks. Can you conceive of a time traveler of our time going back to 1960’s or even earlier, or vice versa? What would be some of the cultural shocks the traveler would encounter? Make a list of them or conceive a conversation as the traveler first sets foot in the different world. Answer: Recently, many TV plays, based on a series of experiences of a time traveler, such as The Palace and Startling by Each Step, arouse a great upsurge in time traveling. In fact, I can’t conceive of a time traveler of our time going back to 1960’s or even earlier,but these TV plays really appeal to me. For example, the leading lady in Startling by Each Step, traveled from our time back to Qing dynasty. Of course, a time traveler will encouter many cultural shocks. When one travels in a completely different world, he will feel like a fish out of water. He may misunderstand what others said, and can’t communicate well with others.


根据教育部《西南大学关于选拔普通高校优秀考生进入研究生阶段学习的通知》文件精神,结合学校实际,对普通高校毕业生进入硕士阶段学习提出如下要求。 一、报考事项安排 1.每年报考我校的考生很多,要早复习,早准备。按照考试范围复习。 2.我校考生,到学校考试中心,办理内部试卷。 3.每年有很多考生,不知道考试重点范围,不知道考试大纲要求,盲目复习,浪费时间和精力,复习效果很差,影响考试。 4.每年有很多考生,选择错误的复习资料,解题思路及讲解答案都是错误的,具有误导性,不利于复习。 5.学校为考生正确复习,印刷内部试卷。 6.内部试卷:包含考试范围、历年真题、考试题库、内部复习资料。 7.专业课,学校出题。一定要按照内部试卷复习,每年都有原题出现。 8.内部试卷联系QQ363.916.816张老师。学校安排邮寄,具体事项联系张老师。 二、选拔对象条件 1.普通高校本科毕业生,主干课程成绩合格,在校学习期间未受到任何纪律处分。 2.身体健康状况符合国家和学校规定的体检要求。 三、招生专业计划 1.招生要求和专业,详见《教育部选拔普通高等学校本科毕业生进入硕士阶段学习招生及专业总表》。 2.学校计划招收全日制硕士研究生和非全日制硕士研究生,《硕士学位研究生招生专业目录》公布的拟招生人数(含推免生),实际招生人数将根据国家下达我校硕士学习阶段招生计划、各专业生源情况进行适当调整。我校部分专业将另设计划用于接收调剂生,具体事项及拟招生人数将在初试成绩公布后另行通知。 四、报名资格审核 1.报考考生按照《教育部选拔普通高等学校优秀毕业生进入研究生阶段学习专业对照及考试课程一览表》以下简称《专业对照及考试课程一览表》选择报考专业,并填写《教育部普通高等学校毕业生进入研究生阶段


2013—2014学年第一学期 离线作业 科目:大学英语III 姓名:李冬军 学号: 1524582 专业:车辆工程2015-26班(专本) 西南交通大学网络教育学院 直属学习中心

大学英语III第1次作业主观题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “How to Keep Healthy”. You should write no less than 80 words. What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly. What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends. By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.


西南大学2019年 公费(免费)师范毕业生攻读非全日制教育硕士专业学位研究生招生简章《国务院办公厅关于转发教育部等部门教育部直属师范大学师范生公费教育实施办法的通知》(国办发〔2018〕75号)提出:“原签订《师范生免费教育协议》且正在履约任教的免费师范生,一律依照公费师范生政策管理,相关各方权利和义务以签订补充协议的方式予以明确”、“公费师范生按协议履约任教满一学期后,可免试攻读非全日制教育硕士专业学位。公费师范生本人向本科就读的部属师范大学提出申请,经任教学校考核合格并批准,部属师范大学根据任教学校工作考核结果、本科学习成绩等进行综合考核后,录取为非全日制硕士研究生,以非全日制形式学习专业课程。任教考核合格并通过论文答辩的,授予相应的学历、学位证书。”根据教育部统一安排,西南大学免试招收我校毕业的公费(免费)师范生攻读非全日制教育硕士专业学位。 欢迎我校公费(免费)师范毕业生积极报考! 一、招生宗旨 支持公费(免费)师范毕业生结合中小学教育教学工作实际继续深造和专业发展。通过教育硕士研究生的培养,使公费(免费)师范毕业生具备先进的教育理念,良好的职业道德和创新意识,扎实的专业知识基础,较强的教育教学实践反思能力,为将来成长为优秀教师和教育家奠定坚实基础。 二、招生专业 招生专业代码及名称招生学部、院代码及名称联系人及联系电话045102学科教学(思政)332马克思主义学院蒲老师(023-********) 045103学科教学(语文)308文学院陈老师(023-********) 045104学科教学(数学)314数学与统计学院景老师(023-********) 045105学科教学(物理)315物理科学与技术学院熊老师(023-********) 045106学科教学(化学)316化学化工学院张老师(023-********) 045107学科教学(生物)317生命科学学院刘老师(023-********) 045108学科教学(英语)310外国语学院蒋老师(023-********)


1hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is what are the diseases that are genetically determined than developed because of unhealthy lifestyle.as everybody know that leukemia[l?'kim??] is a seldom cured disease .all the people are afraid to be attacked by it. leukemia is a kind of polygenic [,p?li'd?enik] diseases,genetic [d??'n?t?k] defeat and radiation[,red?'e??n],drugs can spur the gene to change it’s state.not only leukemia,but also Malignant [m?'l?gn?nt] disease, endocrine ['?nd?kr?n] disease, autoimmune [,?to?'mj?n] disease have the characteristic that can be influenced by external environment such as unhealthy lifestyle.so don’t think ourself as gene-safety guies,we should take care of ourselfes and develop good habbits to safe oufself against such recurring [r?'k???] illness 2 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is what kind of person do you think you are,and what kind of life do you want to live? I believe that I don’t be clear what kind of person I am,my friend used to describe me as susceptible [s?'s?pt?bl], optimistic,brave humorous girl,maybe the gene of happiness comes from my parents and the environment I live in ,I am also a luck dog,somebody would give me a hand when I get trouble!all of you is my luck star! I used to dream i work in clean workplace and my co-workers are friendly,everyday I go to work with confidence and perform excellently.in holidays ,I wish traveling to many scenic['s?n?k] spots with my honey.i hope I can possess a healthy lifestyle and live to enjoy life! 3 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is do you believe that a person’s potentialities are limited by his genes? I don’t agree this opinion,Genes can give a person the initial character,but it doesn’t means the person keep the charater in his whole life,he will develop his potential along with his world view, experience in life .the potential is just like a mobilphone,some functions of the mobilephone is set in factory-fresh state but a lot of additional fuctions are researched and developed by the person who use it ,the person is the environment .so gene is only the part of potential but is not the determinant [d?'t?m?n?nt].the potential is decided by how we choose the way that we belong.because we are thoughtful humanbeings 4 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is anything we can do to upgrade ourseves? I have four points to answer this question,first I consider confidence is the chief factor to upgrade ourseves,keeping confident means you give yourself endless power to fulfill your dream,second,giving yourself a regular and healthy lifestyle in order to keep mental health and physical healty. a saying says The body is revolution in capital. this can help you focus attention to your career.third.be kind to your co-workers and friends,because all the people around you is are your luck star ,they take new opinion and surprise to you,you will be lonely and helpless without them.fourth,keep serious about the work your engaged in,when you work please don’t distract your attention to other things . keep high efficient is a good way to improve ourself. and to chieve your goals? 视频2、 1 hello everyone ,my name is A,my topic is enagine that you were one of the passengers on a hijacked plan,what would you do? oh dear ,it is horrible to imagine I was countered by a hijack,if I encounter a hijack,the fisrt thing I do is keeping silence and cast about for ideas to delay the game.then I will catfootedly ['k?t,futid]悄悄地dial 110 to let the police to know what is going on.next I will listen to the bandit’s words and give all my money to the bandits and go along with the crowd waiting the policemen to rescue us frightened birds.


07-1 PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points) Section A (0.5 point each) 21. If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive forpath-breaking innovation will eventually dry up. A. investment B. resource C. inspiration D. stimulus 22. These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despitethe appalling workingconditions. A. bewildering B. exasperating C. dismaying D. upsetting 23. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting andphotography. A. all at once B. by and by C. to some extent D. on the whole 24. The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about theconsequences. A. optimistic B. anxious C. uncertain D. scared 25. There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents' wishes. A. enhanced B. revised C. alternated D. modified 26. The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery. A. arisen from B. contributed to C. patched up D. participated in 27. Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurorsprevailed. A. resigned B. compromised C. persisted D. dominated 28. Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jeffersoncontended that the countryshould remain chiefly agricultural. A. inclined B. struggled C. argued D. competed 29. There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company. A. on occasion B. at present C. by now D. for sure 30. TWA was criticized for trying to cover up the truth rather than promptly notifyingvictims' families. A. briefly B. quickly C. accurately D. earnestly Section B (0.5 point each) 31. New York probably has the largest number of different language _________ in the world. A. neighborhoods B. communities C. clusters D. assemblies 32. Nuclear wastes are considered to _____ a threat to human health and marine life. https://www.360docs.net/doc/2b11365780.html,pose B. impose C. expose D. pose


一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. –What time is it? –____________________. (A) My watch keeps good time (B) My watch is five minutes fast (C) My watch says three o’clock (D) I say three o’clock 正确答案:C 解答参考:[第三单元] 本题问句是“现在几点钟”,C项“我的表是三点钟”。A项“我的表走时准确”,B项“我的表快五分钟”,D项“我说是三点钟”都不符合习惯表达法。 2. –Could you tell me the time, please? –____________________. (A) Yes, I can (B) No, I can’t (C) It’s four thirty (D) It’s Friday 正确答案:C 解答参考:[第三单元]C 本题仍是问时间,回答应该直接告诉对方时间,故C项正确。 3. –What day is tomorrow? –Today is Tuesday. So it’s________. (A) Monday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Saturday 正确答案:B 解答参考:[第三单元]B 本题问“明天是星期几”,回答“今天是星期二,所以明天是星期三”。 4. –When is your birthday? –____________________. (A) It’s April 18th (B) It’s Sunday (C) It’s August


Text 1 导语: 从教数载,你一定收到过无数的请假条,请假的理由五花八门:自个儿生病;父母亲生病;爷爷奶奶生病;小狗生病;小猫生病;跌倒摔倒;闹钟未响;车船晚点……等等等等。当然,这些理由真真假假。要当面揭穿孩子们的谎话还真不是件容易的事。等等!干嘛一定要当面揭穿?这不,Ralph Mckee V ocational School的写作课老师Frank灵机一动:与其当面让孩子难堪,何不将计就计?一堂创意写作课由此而生。其实,教学也需要创意,你说呢?让我们都跟本文的作者Frank学学吧! Text Excuses, Excuses1 2 Frank McCourt My students forge (编造)the notes. I turned them into a lesson plan. [1] I was in my third year of teaching creative writing at Ralph Mckee V ocational School in Staten Island, New York, when one of my students, 16-year-old Mikey, gave me a note from his mother. It explained his absence from class the day before. [2] “Dear Mr. McCourt, Mikey?s grandmother who is eighty years of age fell down the stairs from too much coffee3 and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could go to my job at the ferry(渡轮)terminal(航空站). Please excuse Mikey and he?ll do his best in the future.


ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAM FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS TIANJIN UNIVERSITY Jan. 23rd, 2008 PART 1: Listening Comprehension (10%) Section A (5%) Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 long conversations and 1 short passage. The conversations and passage will be read only ONCE. At the end of each conversation or the passage, there will be questions. After each question there will be a pause. You must read the 4 suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation: 1. A. Because she hasn’t got ready yet. B. Because she is waiting for David. C. Because she is waiting for a taxi to pick her up. D. Because it is raining very hard. 2. A. They are going to see film downtown. B. They are going to call on the Johnsons. C. They are packing and going on their holiday. D. They are going to buy an umbrella. 3. A. It was left in David’s office. B. It was left in Kate’s office. C. It was lost in the train some day. D. It was left with the Johnsons. Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation: 4. A. Doctor and nurse. B. Librarian and library patron. C. Forest ranger and hiker. D. Nurse and patient. 5. A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday. D. Tuesday. 6. A. An allergy to animals. B. A reaction to toxic chemicals. C. An allergy to food. D. Contact with a noxious plant. Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following passage: 7. A. They are the highest. B. They are most challenging and popular. C. They are covered by snow all the year round. D. They are like paradise. 8. A. Anxious and worried.


育明教育中国考研专业课辅导第一品牌 育明教育官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/2b11365780.html, 1 育明教育天津分校2015年天津外国语大学考研辅导必备 天津分校地址南京路新天地大厦2007 专注考研专业课辅导8年天津地区专业课辅导第一品牌2015年考研天津外国语大学14年研究生入学英语翻译基础专业考试真题 第1页(共3页) 天津外国语大学 2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:英语翻译基础 (注意:答案必须写在答题纸上) (考试时间180分钟总分150分) I.Translate the following words and expressions into the respective target language(40points). 1.shadow banking 2.drones 3.Edward Snowden 4.federal deficit

育明教育中国考研专业课辅导第一品牌 育明教育官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/2b11365780.html, 2 5.Likonomics 6.toxic politics 7.all-time high8.Learning City 9.puppy love10.Schengen Visa 11.subway salmon12.selfie 13.Obamamania14.connotation 15.cohesion and coherence16.discourse analysis 17.translation studies18.Esperanto 19.denotation20.GMO crops 21.中国梦22.反“四风”运动 23.光盘行动24.城镇化 25.中国式过马路26.幸福指数 27.“中国好声音”28.机构改革 29.雾霾30.十八届三中全会 31.正能量32.创新驱动发展战略


《大学英语IV》第1次作业 ***(学号:********) 41. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “My I deal Job”. You should write no less than 100 words. My ideal job is to be able to work this morning, 9:00, 5:00 pm from work, there is a bright and spa cious office, there is a beautiful female secretary, wages 20,000 yuan, from time to time and then s ent some incentive shuttle bus to and from workthe weekend to rest without overtime, and can be paid leave, five insurance payments, on the whole, God, I'm not dreaming. 《大学英语IV》第2次作业 ***(学号:********) 41. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “My Favorite Means of Getting Information”. You should write no less than 100 words. My favorite means of access to information on the network, the network information very broad c overage, has a collection of all walks of life, the search method is very simple, with a computer ca n sit at home, do not have to run between the Library. But the search also requires skill, such as ke ywords, search keywords is incorrect, it will affect the search results. 《大学英语IV》第3次作业 ***(学号:********) 41. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “H ealth and Wealth”. You should write no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the o utline given below. 1) 有人认为健康重要,而有人认为财富重要; 2) 你的观点。 If you have a day in front of the health and wealth of trade-offs, I would not hesitate to choose hea lthy, alive in my mind is the greatest wealth, only to have a strong physique, we are better able to e njoy, if webody as a whole by the disease plagued, even if there is no amount of money, what with


?问题1 按照研究的目的和功能,教育研究方法可以分为() 答案 所选答案: 基础研究和应用研究 ?问题2 下面哪种方法属于实证研究方法 答案 所选答案: 观察 ?问题3 访谈者在没有征求访谈对象意见的情况下,悄悄地将访谈内容进行了录音,这种做法有可能违背了教育研究的基本原则是 答案 所选答案: 伦理原则 ?问题4 下面哪一种方法属于定量研究 答案 所选答案: 内容分析法 ?问题5 样本总数为N=1000,样本容量是n=100,求出间隔1000÷100=10,于是每隔10个抽取一个样本,连续抽样100次。这种抽样方法是 答案 所选答案: 等距随机抽样 ?问题6 研究问题与研究假设的关系是

答案 所选答案: 研究假设的叙述是直接从研究问题的叙述中产生的 ?问题7 下列属于一次文献的是 答案 所选答案: 专著和论文 ?问题8 直接记录事件经过、研究成果、新知识、新技术的文献,具有创造性,有很高的直接参与和借鉴使用价值,但储存分散,不够系统,这类文献是 答案 所选答案: 一次文献 ?问题9 按照文献中所提供的与主题有关的参考文献去查找文献的方法称为 答案 所选答案: 逆查法 ?问题10 在观察研究中,着重记录某种有价值的行为的记录方法是 答案 所选答案: 轶事记录法 ?问题11 在教育研究中主张把经验论和唯理论结合起来的是 答案 所选答案: 亚里士多德 ?问题12

在教育研究的选题和设计阶段,研究者应当完成的主要任务是 答案 所选答案: 撰写研究报告 ?问题13 教育年鉴属于 答案 所选答案: 三次文献 ?问题14 下面是关于三次文献特点的表述,不正确的是 答案 所选答案: 浓缩性 ?问题15 根据访谈过程中是否有严格设计的访谈提纲,可以把访谈调查分为答案 所选答案: 结构性访谈调查和非结构访谈调查 ?问题16 教育调查研究中,要保证结论的科学性,问卷的回收率至少要 答案 所选答案: 50%以上 ?问题17 下面关于行动研究的阐述,不正确的是 答案 所选答案: 行动研究就是在行动中,对行动和为了行动的研究


2015天津大学考研复试英语翻译经验分享 从天津大学考研历年考生答题的情况看,英译汉部分得分几乎每年都是3-4分。英译汉之所以难,究其原因是英语和汉语之间的差异太大。既有语言表达方式方面的不同,又有思维逻辑以及文化习俗等方面的不同。这些都造成了理解和表达上的重重困难。思博天大考研网老师们总结了英译汉的难点在试题中主要反映在以下几个方面: 1.依赖上下文理解单词和句子 英语词汇一个词语有很多的词性以及一个词语有很多的意思。因此,词义对上下文的依赖性。因此考生必须十分谨慎,对原文的词义做深入细致的分析,根据语境确定词性和词义。 举个例子:concern这个单词既可以做名词也可以做动词。这就要根据语境去判断。 2.抽象名词偏多 抽象名词是表达抽象概念的名词,它的翻译是非常复杂的问题,需要上下文来确定其汉语意思。翻译时,我们遵循的原则就是把抽象名词转化成具体名词。有时要增词翻译或者改换说法。比如unemployment这类抽象名词。可以翻译为“失业现象”。 3.后置定语长 英语句子的中心词很多受修饰语修饰,最常见的是定语。前置定语一般是由单词充当,较为简单,考生也易掌握。而后置定语则有短语或句子充当。由于后置定语在汉语中是没有的,所以称为了英译汉的又一大考点。 4.长难句多 英译汉试题的划线部分共约150词,平均一句30词,且结构复杂,内容抽象,都是典型的长难句。英语长句主要长在修饰成分上,这些修饰成分可能是词、短语或从句或从句套从句。希望广大考生注意。 近些年,考研英语中翻译的考查更侧重于考生综合运用语言的能力。近些年,考研英语中翻译的考查更侧重于考生综合运用语言的能力,按照考研英语大纲的要求,考生需要准确理解结构较复杂的英语文字材料。 句子结构是天大考研复试英语大厦的支柱,学会分析句子结构是学好英语的必要前提。英文是一种结构严谨的形合性语言,大部分的英文正式材料基本上是用复杂长句写成的。语法在平时的复习中,也是基础。语法的掌握是为分析句子,从而对原句结构进行精确的拆分服务的。熟练的掌握语法,是准确的翻译句子的前提之一。意群的整体翻译必须掌握重要语法得分点的翻译规律和技巧。众语法中,考生应该重视定语和定语从句,以及定语从句中限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的位置处理、分词和介词短语作后置定语的翻译、状语的翻译定位和顺序、名词性从句的翻译。被动语态、虚拟语气和倒装结构的翻译为关键得分点。同时,能够正确处理否定结构、并列结构的译文句式选择。 经过一段时间的复习备考之后,考生接触过大量的英文材料,具备了一定的词汇和语法知识,许多单词看起来都很面熟,但事实上离真正掌握和熟练运用的差距还很大。因此,虽然说心里明白,其实只是认识英文,并没有完全读懂原文的意义。另一方面,由于考生平时缺乏翻译练习和实践,缺乏对英汉两种语言差异性的认识,往往“只见英文不见中文”或者
