Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix

2.1 marketing Mix

Product Attributes

Describe the main product features, major benefits received by those using the product, current branding strategies, etc.


Describe pricing used at all distribution levels such as pricing to final users and to distributors, incentives offered, discounts, etc.


Describe how the product is made accessible to final users including

channels used, major benefits received by distributors, how product is

shipped, process for handling orders, etc.


Describe promotional programs and strategies in terms of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations, how product is currently positioned in the market, etc.

Services Offered

Describe support services provided to final users and distributors before, during and after the sale


General Price Approaches includes: (1) the cost-based approach (cost-plus pricing, break-even analysis, and target profit pricing), (2) the value-based approach

(perceived-value pricing), and the (3) competition-based approach (going


A. C ost-Based Pricing

1.Cost-Plus Pricing:

?The simplest pricing method is cost-plus pricing adding a standard markup to the cost of the product. At the same time, cost as a

percentage of selling price is another commonly used pricing

technique in the restaurant industry. This approach is generally

inadvisable as it ignores any current demand.

?Furthermore, competition is not likely to lead to the best price. If it is used, consider it as a more effective technique to develop a target

price; adjusting for specific items.

?Reasons for its popularity include the higher certainty of costs

versus demand, and a reduction in price competition.

2. Break-Even Analysis: Break-even analysis is where the company tries

to determine the price at which it will break even.

3. Target Profit Pricing targets a certain return on the investment. .

Additionally, hotels use the concept of contribution margin to set rates

when demand drops. Hotels will set low rates, rationalizing

(reasonable) that at least they are covering their variable costs. This

can be effective if it creates additional demand.

B. V alue-Based Pricing

Companies base their prices on the product's perceived value.

Perceived-value pricing uses the buyers' perceptions of value, not the

seller's cost, as the key to pricing. When quality is related to price, the

company using perceived-value pricing must learn the value in the

customers' minds for different competitive offers. One method of

identifying how much customers are willing to pay involves using a

technique called trade-off analysis. This information provides an idea of

which features add more value than they cost.

C. C ompetition-Based Pricing

1. Competition-based price is based on the establishment of price largely

against those of competitors with less attention paid to costs or demand.

The firm might charge the same, more, or less than its major


2. The reasoning behind "going rate pricing" is that firms feel the pricing

represents the collective wisdom (knowledge) of the industry and

avoids harmful price wars.



Because pricing is a dynamic process, companies must design a pricing structure that covers all their products and a variety of constantly changing conditions (such as changes that occur as the product progresses through the stages of the product life cycle). Two primary strategies (market-skimming and market-penetration pricing) are

thoroughly discussed in this content.

The marketer wishing to explore pricing strategy options will find a wealth of alternatives from which to choose. The first major option will be pricing with respect to the product mix. Numerous forms of product-mix pricing strategies are examined within the context of the competitive environment. Examples include product-line pricing, optional-product pricing, captive-product pricing, by-product pricing, and product-bundle pricing. The average marketer does not use all of these methods; however, by studying the options available, the marketer enhances his or her ability to be creative with respect to pricing within the context of the product mix.

Sometimes, however, the firm must make adjustments in their pricing process and strategy. These adjustments are made to account for differences in consumer segments and changing situations. Adjustments can occur through discounts and allowances or by the desire to segment markets by price. Additionally, price has a psychological aspect that allows for adjustments just as geographical, promotional, and international relationships can alter pricing methods and strategies.

Reactions to price changes must be carefully studied. The reactions come from the firm, the consumer, the distribution channel, and the competition. Response must be carefully measured and be appropriate if marketing success is to be achieved. In conclusion, the chapter also touches on public policy with respect to pricing. Pricing does not occur within a vacuum. Once a price has been made (or adjusted), other components of the environment are affected. The reader will find that this chapter provides an excellent reference base from which to develop sound pricing strategy and policy.


*****大学2015-2016学年第一学期本科(C卷) 一、名词解释(每题5分,共30分) 1.Market Research 2.Customer Loyalty 3.Niche Marketing 4.Big Data 5.Integrated Marketing Communication 6.Bullwhip Effect 二、简答题(每题10分,共40分) 1.基于福特公司营销理念的变革过程,阐述对全面营销理念(Holistic Marketing)的理解。 2.牛仔裤一直都被认为是一种“没有架子”的服装,但服装市场中,不同牛仔裤之间价格 却天差地别,奢侈品牌的牛仔裤价格往往能够达到几万元,而在批发市场也有几十块钱的选择,这两者之间的区别在哪里?举例分析定价原理。 3.联想一次购物经历,列举哪些因素可能会影响消费者的最终决策。 4.下图是从一份问卷中截取的片段,请分析这一部分内容采用了哪些设计方法?简单阐述 背后的原理。如果让你来改进该部分的设计,你有什么建议?三、论述题(每题15分,共30分) 阅读两部分文字材料,针对以下两个问题,进行论述。 1.材料一中的“经济危机和危机后缓慢的恢复”,材料二中的“信息技术和碎片化”,这些 因素对市场营销重要么?同时提到的“价值观”呢?阐明观点。 2.材料一中的“千禧一代”,材料二中的“公司人”或“中产阶级”,都体现了哪些与营销 相关的知识?在创业者、营销经理、营销学者中选择其中一个身份,或者评价材料中的针对这些人群的营销策略,或者尝试自己设计针对这些人的创意、策略或研究。 材料一:共享经济,一个时代来临 早在2000年,杰里米·里金夫就在《使用权时代》里写道:“摒弃市场和产权交易,从观念上推动人际关系以实现结构性转变,这就是从产权观念向共享观念的转变。”做出预言的15年后,使用权的地位已经显现。在美国,最先接受这种财产观念的是生于1982年到2002年的“千禧一代”。他们是美国最新的一代,也是最“穷”的一代,当他们即将工作的时候,遭遇了经济危机和危机之后缓慢的恢复。根据美国的一项调查数据,2012年的失业人口中45%是18岁到34岁的美国人,而年轻人的就业率是过去40年中最低的。



态度attitude 品牌兴趣brand interest 品牌忠诚brand loyalty 企业市场business markets 影响中心centers of influence 有意劝服路径central route to persuation 认知cognition 消费行为consumer behavior 消费者决策过程consumer decision making process 消费者市场consumer markets 文化culture 现有顾客current customers 详尽可能性模型Elaboration Likelihood Model 环境因素environment 选择评估evaluation of alternatives 评估标准evaluative criteria 参考组evoked set 交换exchange 政府市场government markets 习惯habit 需要层次hierachy of needs 工业市场industrial markets 信息性动机informational motives

人际影响interpersonal influences 认知learning 市场market 卖主marketers 营销marketing 大脑档案mental files 动机motivation 需要needs 被动生成动机negatively originated motives 非人员影响nonpersonal influences 舆论领袖opinion leader 集团买主organizational buyers 感知perception 感知过滤perceptual screens 无意劝服路径periphial route to persuasion 个人过程personal processes 劝服persuasion 生理过滤physiological screens 主动生成动机positively originated motives 购后失调学说postpurchase dissonance 购后评估postpurchase evaluation 潜在顾客prospective customers 心理过滤psychological screens


Assessment item 2 Report 2 Task Having completed your first report you are now to complete a second marketing report for Bathurst Carbon Cutters (BCC). The firm has taken your view that marketing can be beneficial to society and their firm. The second report is on market segmentation, targeting and positioning. You are to segment the market, select target segment(s) and identify a position for the firm’s product. BBC provide push bikes for hire with the aim of reducing carbon emissions. They think people who use their products are largely business people and university academics/students. But they are unsure. Part 1: Profile three segments using the relevant theory. The three are (1) university students (2) university academics and (3) business people from Bathurst. Part 2: Target one or all of the segments and justify why you would target one or both segments. Part 3: Give an outline of how the products should be positioned for the segment(s) and give a brief description of the marketing strategy you would use to attain this positioning. Your report should cover the following areas of theory and apply the theory for BCC! Part 1: Market segmentation 1.Define the target marketing concept, discuss it’s use for BCC 2.Define mass, one-to-one and target ma rketing and it’s relevant to BCC 3.Outline market segmentation bases(geographic, demographic, psychographic & behavioural segmentation),e the segmentation bases to profile market segments(students, academics and business people) for BCC Part 2: Market Targeting

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications 习题及答案详解

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications 习题及答案详解

Chapter 17: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications GENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONS Multiple Choice 1. Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and making it accessible. Companies must also ________ with present and potential stakeholders, and the general public. a. attract b. reach c. relate to d. advertise to e. communicate Answer: e Page: 535 Level of difficulty: Easy 2. Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to ________, persuade, and remind consumers about the product and brands that they sell. a. inform b. reach c. attract d. interest e. none of the above Answer: a Page: 536 Level of difficulty: Easy 3. Marketing communications can contribute to brand equity by establishing the brand in memory and ________ a brand image. a. create interest b. communicate c. create demand d. crafting e. introducing Answer: d Page: 536 Level of difficulty: Medium 475


市场营销专业 百科名片 本专业培养具备管理、经济、法律、市场营销等方面的知识和能力,能在企、事业单位及政府部门从事市场营销与管理以及教学、科研方面工作的工商管理学科高级专门人才。 目录 市场营销专业(本科) 业务培养要求 本专业学生主要学习市场营销及工商管理方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到营销方法与技巧方面的基本训练,具有分析和解决营销问题的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力 1.掌握管理学、经济学和现代的基本理论、基本知识; 2.掌握市场营销的定性、定量分析方法; 3.具有较强的语言与文字表达、人际沟通以及分析和解决营销实际问题的基本能力; 4.熟悉我国有关市场营销的方针、政策与法规及了解的惯例和规则; 5.了解本学科的理论前沿及发展动态; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。 主干学科 经济学、工商管理 主要课程 管理学、微观经济学、宏观经济学、管理信息系统、统计学、会计学、财务管理、市场营销、经济法、、国际市场营销、市场调查、基础会计、金融概论、企业销售策划、商业银行实务、人力资源管理学、、、银行营销、、营销创新、、财政与税收。 主要实践性教学环节

包括课程实习和毕业实习,一般安排10--12周。 修业年限 四年 授予学位 管理学学士 就业去向 市场营销毕业生可以从事市场调研、营销策划、广告策划、市场开发、营销管理、推销服务和教学科 研等工作。市场营销人员是各个企业、特别是大型企业不可缺少的人才。根据我国有关资料统计,从20世纪80年代中期至今,我国企业界自办或协办的人才交流会约两千多场次,而每一次的人才交流会上,市场营销人员都是最受欢迎、最供不应求的人才, 随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,这种势头在未来将越来越猛烈。相近专业 工商管理、、财务管理、、旅游管理、、、电子商务、物流管理、等。 发展前景 市场营销学是经济管理类专业中比较实用的类型,在市场经济逐步完善的今天,对于作为独立经济实体的企业、公司,如果没有专业的市场营销人才,以科学、现代化的营销手段来“做生意”,肯定无法在竞争激烈的市场中生存。市场营销人员是各个企业、特别是大型企业不可缺少的人才,但由于培养数量一直跟不上,所以毕业生供不应求。 1、就业方向 市场营销是主要属于理论性的学科. 市场营销专业毕业后的主要择业方向是销售类的和市场类的工作。 销售类前期可能会辛苦一点从一个普通的业务员开始,慢慢积累经验建立自己的客户群,业绩突出的话可以提升到主管或销售经理,然后再向总监或者分公司负责人去发展。 市场类一般开始也会要求先熟悉业务,前期会有一段时间的销售过程,然后再转作市场,市场类主要以市场策划为主,负责公司市场调研、分析、针对市场制定适合的销售策略及公司发展规划。这类工作在销售中也会有涉及。销售跟市场工作的区别,销售工作前期比市场工作会辛苦困难些,但是成长起来后后期的发展和“钱”途要更大;市场工作相对销售工作的区别在于要比较稳定些,底薪会比较高一些,但是一般没有提成,只有奖金。一个成熟的销售人员跟市场人员比较起来,销售人员的收入和成长会更大。 2、选择企业: 营销人才需求很大,比较好找工作,对学历要求不很高.但是刚踏入社会选择私企的销售工作会比较好找些,毕竟国企和外企对销售人员的聘用要求会很高,也会比较严格些,竞争也更激烈。一般国企外企虽然待遇和福利会好些,但是招人都只会招有经验的销售人员,目前你的情况比较难进。 3、行业的选择及积累人脉

global marketing 习题和答案

Chapter 12 Global Placement and Distribution Channels Multiple Choice Questions 1.Lorenzo is assessing the internal factors that impact his channel development in the Middle East. Among other issues, he is considering _________________________________________. A. m arket penetration objectives and the financial strength of his firm B. l ocal regulations C. c onsumer shopping habits and market size D. t he stage of the product’s life cycle

2.Adeena is finalizing her distribution strategy in Indonesia, and is developing statistics regarding local regulations, the competitive climate, and consumer shopping habits there. Adeena is assessing ________________________. A. b oth internal and external factors B. t he stage of the product life cycle C. e xternal factors D. i nternal factors True / False Questions 3.Choosing indirect export as an international market entry mode will provide complete control of the foreign marketing strategy. True False 4.Strategic alliances and franchising agreements allow constant monitoring of sales activities abroad. True False

Marketing 试卷A 答案

Marketing 试卷A 答案 一、The single choice question 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 二、The multiple choice question 1. ABC 2. ABD 3. ABCDE 4. ABCDE 5. ABCD 三、Use the marketing principles to explain those words 1. Marketing: is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers’ requirements profitably Or Marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits....or sells itself’. 2. Product: anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need or a want. 3. MIS: marketing information system consists of people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute, needed, timely and accurate information to marketing decision makers 四、Short answer question 1. Outline the five steps in a typical consumer buying decision process. 1. Need recognition/problem awareness 2. Information search 3. Evaluation Of alternatives 4. Purchase 5. Post-purchase evaluation of alternatives 2. Please write down 8 key factors to set a price. 4 Internal factors – 1. Costs – 2. Marketing strategy – 3. Marketing Objectives –,anisational Considerations 4 External Factors – 5. Competition – 6. Type of Market –7.Environmental –8.Customer 3.What are 6 key promotional mix tools?


课程名称:市场营销学 课程主要内容:通过学习本课程使学生掌握市场营销的基本理论和方法。本课程的主要内容:市场营销的基本概念,影响营销活动的环境,目标市场选择、市场调查,对市场营销的4P策略及品牌策略进行了深入分析和探讨。 课程名称:管理学 课程主要内容:通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握现代管理的基本理论、基本方法,确立科学的管理理念为其进一步学习专业理论课打好必要的基础。本课程的主要内容:管理学的基本概念、知识、思想;企业管理的基本知识;预测决策的基本理论和方法;计划工作的方法与原理;组织工作的原理与方法;领导与控制的基本理论与方法。 课程名称:市场调查与预测 课程主要内容:学习市场信息基本知识及市场信息收集,加工的基本方法.掌握调研方案设计,实地调查,调查资料的分析,预测及调查报告的写作。使学生能够独立的设计调查问卷,进行实地的市场调研工作。 课程名称:企业定价 课程主要内容:本课程是市场营销专业的专业核心课。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握企业定价的基本原则和方法,能够根据产品和环境进行及时的价格调整。本课程主要讲授的内容包括市场经济体制下,价格职能、价格形成等价格理论策略、价格信息、价格预测、价格策略、价格调整等企业定价知识与技巧。 课程名称:推销学 课程主要内容:本课程是市场营销专业的专业核心课。通过本课程的学习,使学生基本具备从事推销工作的素质和能力。本课程讲授的主要内容包括推销理论、推销心理、推销策略与技巧,并涉及推销观念、推销方式、消费心理、推销礼仪、面谈技巧及推销工作的组织和管理等方面的知识。 课程名称:国际市场营销 课程主要内容:本课程是市场营销专业核心课。通过讲授这门课,可以使学生掌握国际市场营销学知识体系和研究方法,使学生牢固树立以国际市场上的跨文化消费者或顾客为中心的营销理念,系统掌握国际市场营销的基本有理和方法。本课程讲授的主要内容包括国际市场营销的内容体系的构成;国际市场营销相关概念与知识概述;国际市场营销环境分析;国际市场信息;国际市场营销战略规划;国际市场商品销售等。 课程名称:广告学 课程主要内容:本课程是市场营销专业的专业核心课。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握现代广告的核心理论及基本运作方式。本课程讲授的主要内容包括从


一、词汇词组(10个,英翻中) job title 职别 personnel manager 人事主管 packaging 包装 marketing director销售主管 publicity controller 宣传主管managing director 常务董事 layout 布局,安排,版面设计 house style 印刷风格,独特风格,排字风格 letterhead 信头 logo 专用标记,标记,商标 records for the files 文件记录 trade exhibition 商品交易展览会company stand 公司展位 delivery date 交货日期 printed matter 印刷品 relative merits 优缺点 head office 总公司 board 董事会 health and safety provisions 健康与安全规定 safety regulations 安全规程,安全规定 divisional personnel manager 部门人事主管 clerical grades 文书人员职系abbreviations 缩写,缩写词 make a firm offer 下订单 staff turnover 员工交替 parking lot 停车场 concentric circles 同心圆 fiscal year 财政年度,会计年度 Branch Offices 分支机构 General manager 总经理 marketing dept. 营销部 photocopying room 影印室 purchasing dept. 采购部 sales dept. 销售部 shipping agent 运货代理商 freight forwarder 货运代理行,转运行shipping lines 航运公司 customs officer 海关人员 duty checking 关税检查 Chamber of Commerce 商会 Certificate of Origin 货物原产地证明书insurance broker 保险经纪人 credit insurance 信用保险 Bill of Lading 提货单 Sea Waybill 海运单 Air Waybill 空运单 Shipping Note / Shipment Advice 装船通知单 Dangerous Goods Note 危险物品通知单 Certificate of Insurance 保险证明order book 订货簿 shipping date 船期,装船日期 money-back warranty 退款保证 Samples of Merchandise 货物样品 public relation 公共关系 in good shape 完整无损,处于良好状态,健康情况良好 sole supplier 唯一供给者 trade journal 行业杂志 yellow page 电话黄页 confirmed irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销的保兑的信用证 import license 进口许可证 special introductory price 新产品特价bill of exchange 汇票 house bills 公司汇票 inventory position (BR. stock position) 库存水平 interest charges 利息费用bad debt 呆账(收不回的账) debt collection agency 债务托收代理trade&bank reference 银行征信(银行提供有关商号信誉等情况) pay-back date 付费日期 business card 名片 二、缩写(5个) PS -- postscript p.p. -- per pro (on behalf of) c.c. or cc -- Carbon copy to (often now a photocopy) – or cubic centimeters Ref. -- Reference (number) ASAP -- as soon as possible Rd -- road CEO -- chief executive officer MD -- managing director


市场营销试卷六(Marketing paper six) The score marking reviewer, multiple-choice questions: (choose only one answer to each question, each of 1 points, 20 points) 1."market" means all the demand for a commodity or service (D). A. individual consumer, B. producer, C. social group, D., reality and potential buyer the Maslow hierarchy of needs, the highest level of demand is (D). A. social needs B. respect, need C. security, need D. ideal 3.,the core of marketing is (A). A. Exchange activities, B. sales activities, C. production activities, D. promotions 4. , the prominent feature of marketing concept is (D). A. takes product quality as the center and B. as the center of the product price C.takes product output as the center and D. as the center of consumer demand 5.,when the enterprise produces and manages many kinds of products or many brands, should take (D) the management organization structure.


市场营销专业介绍 主修课程: 市场营销基础知识、电子商务、市场调查与分析、推销实务、商务礼仪、市场调查与预测、推销语言技巧、谈判与推销技巧、广告学、公共关系学、营销心理学、公关礼仪等。 人才培养规格 1.德育目标:使学生具备高尚的道德品质,健康的身心素质,高雅的文明气质,融洽的协作精神,具有强烈的自信心、责任心、事业心以及奉献精神。 2.职业道德规范:诚实守信,尽职尽责;努力学习,提高技能;尊重客户,文明服务;遵纪守法,廉洁奉公;顾全大局,团结协作;勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗。 3.通用知识:具有良好的思想品德、良好的职业修养;具有一定的社会主义法制观念和意识;具有良好的人文素质与语言、文字表达能力;具有一定的外文阅读能力和简单的外语交流能力;具有基本的计算机操作技能和应用能力;掌握为达到本专业培养目标所需要的文化基础知识。 4.关键能力:具备营销管理基础理论知识;具有一定的经济分析能力;掌握市场营销、企业营销管理等方面的基本知识并能进行实际操作的能力;掌握现代营销的基本知识、方法和手段。 5.专业单项技能与知识: (1)产品销售能力:包括寻找顾客、商务洽谈、货品管理、签订合约等能力。 (2)市场分析能力:包括市场调研、消费者行为和心理分析等能力。 (3)营销策划能力:包括产品策划、渠道策划、市场推广策划等能力。 (4)营销管理能力:包括客户管理和销售人员管理能力。 6.专业综合技能与知识:具有社会交往的文字和口头表达能力;有组织才能和公关能力;具有一定法律知识;创业开拓能力、创新能力、自学能力、独立工作能力、预测能力、良好的协调能力、分析解决实际问题的能力和较强的实践动手能力 就业方向: 初始就业岗位


Marketing Revision Part II Chapter 8 Product, Services, and Branding Strategies: Building Customer Value 1) We define a ________ as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need. A) private brand B) service variability C) service D) product E) service encounter Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 224 AACSB: Communication Skill: Concept Objective: 8-1 2) ________ are a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything. A) Line extensions B) Services C) Brands D) Consumer products E) Supplements Answer: B Diff: 1 Page Ref: 224 AACSB: Communication Skill: Concept Objective: 8-1 3) A product is a key element in the ________. At one extreme, it may consist of pure tangible goods or at the other extreme, pure services. A) market offering B) brand equity C) brand extension D) co-branding E) value chain Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 224 AACSB: Communication Skill: Concept Objective: 8-1


市场营销专业职业发展的??路径 精明的营销?员会根据市场调研和经验研究消费者的购买?为,制定成功的营销策略,让企业从众多竞争企业中脱颖?出,增加企业销售额和利润。市场营销的功能在这?很好地凸显了。?前业界所?临的挑战是企业利润的增长,?业合并,新技术的诞?,经济的总体状态让市场营销?员变得更加有价值。 营销策划 营销策划,是在营销理念基础上的策划.营销策划是根据企业的营销?标, 以满?消费者需求和欲望为核?,设计和规划企业产品、服务和创意、价格、渠道、促销,从?实现个?和组织的交换过程。。营销策划适合任何?个产品,包括?形的服务,它要求企业根据市场环境变化和??资源状况做出相适应的规划,从?提?产品销售,获取利润。营销策划的内容包含市场细分、产品创新、营销战略设计、营销组合4P战术等四个??的内容 营销策划职业发展路径: 营销经理——营销项?经理—区域营销经理 市场研究 在市场调研部门,新产品的概念、名字、市场定位都会被测试。市场调研经常包含对消费者?为的全?理解以及了解消费者购买产品的缘由和?途。诀窍就是找到和利?这些信息卖出更多产品。 可就业的职位: Management Analysts (管理分析?员)

管理分析?员就职于不同的?业,包括管理类、科研类以及技术类的咨询公司,电脑系统设计以及相关服务?业,联邦、州以及地?政府机构等。 Marketing and Survey Researcher(市场调研研究员) 市场调研研究员就职于不同的?业,包括管理类、科研类以及技术类的咨询公司,保险公司,电脑系统设计以及相关服务?业,其他需要市场调研和民意调查的专业性、科研类或技术类服务性?业等。 市场研究职业发展路径: 分析师---?级分析师---市场研究经理---?级市场研究经理---市场研究副总监---总监---VP---MD 营销咨询 尽管许多知名的咨询公司都有许多在相应领域内咨询专家,但许多咨询公司仍然聘请许多在市场营销领问题??有建树的?才,这些公司需要那些在品牌,市场研究,持续的关系营销,价格策略以及Business to Business营销??的?才,这些咨询公司倾向于招收那些有市场营销经验的?才。 营销咨询职业发展路径: AE客户经理---?级客户经理---分析师---市场研究助理---咨询顾问---?级咨询顾问-咨询总监 ?告 我们?多数?所熟悉的?告包括电视?告,杂志?告,这些都是由?告公司制作的,这些?告公司有??的创意团队和业务经理负责相应的品牌。但是?告公司不是营销策略唯?的来源。Account executives(AEs)(业务经理)的?作根据公司??的不同通常会负责?


Marketing: An introduction Assessment 1 - Outcome covered 1 Assessment instructions Before answering the following questions you should read the accompanying case study (Day Dream Toy Company). The case study outlines background information about the company and you should make reference to the organisation in answering the questions. The same organisation is used in Assessment 2 of this unit. 1 Identify three key characteristics of the marketing concept. 2 Explain and give examples of the key factors influencing the micro and macro environment of Day Dream Toys. 3 Explain why market research and the information gathered are important to an organisation like Day Dream Toys. 4 Explain how Day Dream Toys might collect and use market research information. Include one quantitative and one qualitative research technique in your response. 5 Explain the process of market segmentation and targeting, and the benefits of segmentation and targeting to Day Dream Toys.


业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习市场营销及工商管理方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到营销方法与技巧方面的基本训练,具有分析和解决营销问题的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力 1.掌握管理学、经济学和现代市场营销学的基本理论、基本知识; 2.掌握市场营销的定性、定量分析方法; 3.具有较强的语言与文字表达、人际沟通以及分析和解决营销实际问题的基本能力; 4.熟悉我国有关市场营销的方针、政策与法规及了解国际市场营销的惯例和规则; 5.了解本学科的理论前沿及发展动态; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。 主干学科:经济学、工商管理 主要课程:管理学、微观经济学、宏观经济学、管理信息系统、统计学、会计学、财务管理、市场营销、经济法、消费者行为学、消费心理学、国际市场营销、市场调查、基础会计、金融概论、企业销售策划、商业银行实务、人力资源管理学、市场调查与预测、分销渠道管理、银行营销、现代推销技术、营销创新、广告理论与实务、财政与税收、公共关系学。 主要实践性教学环节:包括课程实习和毕业实习,一般安排10--12周。 修业年限:四年 授予学位:管理学学士 毕业生毕业后应具备 掌握本专业必需的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能;熟悉相关经济法规、政策;具有一定的市场调查研究、市场开发和促销等市场营销工作必备的能力。 修业年限:四年, 就业去向:市场营销毕业生可以从事市场调研、营销策划、广告策划、市场开发、营销管理、推销服务和教学科研等工作。市场营销人员是各个企业、特别是大型企业不可缺少的人才。根据我国有关资料统计,从20世纪80年代中期至今,我国企业界自办或协办的人才交流会约两千多场次,而每一次的人才交流会上,市场营销人员都是最受欢迎、最供不应求的人才, 随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,这种势头在未来将越来越猛烈。相近专业 工商管理、会计学、财务管理、人力资源管理、旅游管理、商品学、审计学、电子商务、物流管理、国际商务等。 发展前景:市场营销学是经济管理类专业中比较实用的类型,在市场经济逐步完善的今天,对于作为独立经济实体的企业、公司,如果没有专业的市场营销人才,以科学、现代化的营销手段来“做生意”,肯定无法在竞争激烈的市场中生存。市场营销人员是各个企业、特别是大型企业不可缺少的人才,但由于培养数量一直跟不上,所以毕业生供不应求。 什么是市场营销: (1)市场营销是一个综合的经营管理过程,贯穿于企业经营活动全过程。 (2) 市场营销是以满足顾客需要为中心来组织企业经营活动,通过满足需要而达到企业获利和发展的目标。 (3) 市场营销以整体性的经营手段,来适应和影响需求。综上所述,我们可以对市场营销作出这样的概括,市场营销是企业以顾客需要为出发点,有计划地组织各项经营活动,为顾客提供满意的商品和服务而实现企业目标的过程。 市场营销专业是需求较大的专业,各类企业均需要,就业前景很广阔,历年平均就业率达9 7%左右。市场营销专业近几年就业率:2002年97% 2003年96.5%2004年97.8%。我国市场经济的不断完善,市场营销已经渗入到各种各样的企业里,不仅是外资企业、民营企业,国有企业也都在讲市场营销。人们对市场营销的观念也将有更深的认识,所以对这方面人才的需求将继续看好,并有继续升温的可能。并且,随着我国住房制度的商品化发展和商品房信贷业务的日益红火,购买商品房已成为绝大多数国人的首选投资,房产商之间的竞争也越来越激烈,其中最有效的促销手段就是聘用房产推销员。而随着小轿车的大幅降价及国民收入的逐年增加,小轿车在21世纪进入中国三分之一以上家庭已不再是神话,因此,汽车营销人员也将走俏职场。再有保险推销人员在经历了20世纪90年代的"艰苦创业"之后,也将成为21


营销用语 营销组合(marketing mix) 服务市场(served market) 公司销售预测(company sales forecast) 购买概率量表(purchase probability scale) 环境预测(environmental forecast) 连锁比率法(chain ratio method) 先导指标法(leading indicator) 最低市场需求(market minimal) 合格有效市场(qualified available market) 可扩展市场(expandable market) 渗入市场(penetrated market) 市场潜量(market potential) 需求的营销敏感性(marketing sensitivity of demand)有效市场(available market) 不可扩展市场(nonexpendable market) 顾客化营销(customized marketing) 突出属性(salient attributes) 消费者选择的分取模式(disjunctive model ) 消费者选择的期望值模式(expectancy value model)意见领导者(opinion leader) 意见追随者(opinion follower) 购买意图(purchase intention) 认知冲突(cognitive dissonance) 认知的使用效果(perceived performance) 认知风险(perceived risk) 全面成本领导(overall cost leadership) 聚焦战略(集中化战略)(focus) 差异化战略(differentiation) 自然环境(natural environment) 宏观环境(macro environment) 技术环境(technological environment) 经济环境(economic environment) 人口统计(demography) 人口统计环境(demographic environment) 文化环境(cultural environment) 政治环境(political environment) 法律环境(legal environment) 营销中介机构(marketing intermediary) 组织购买(organizational buying) 定位不足(under positioning) 定位过分(over positioning)
