








1. What qualities should a leader have? 寄托家园1`(H V b;h$l~7C

B&H%P思路点评:easy-going, decisive, courageous, responsible, ambitious, perseverant, strong-willed等。M9M!@特别建议:建议每个特征下用3句左右展开说明。选择两个陈述即可。对于此类话题,还需要准备老师、朋友、同事、邻居。特别补充:最典型的句型A good leader is supposed to have at least the following two characteristics. The first one is …|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE

w2. Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth?

思路点评:问题问的比较绝对,所以最好选择no. 支撑观点可以从white lie说起,有时候人们需要说一些善意的谎言,举个例子就可以了,比如:某人的亲人生重病,隐瞒而不告诉对方。留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA,PcBC$C,D+FSQ$X

3. Reading:大学准备关闭学生的art gallery。留学,考

试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA M;|Z


Listening: 男生反对该决议:(1.) 该大学艺术系学生多,作品来源不成问题。( 2.) 学校的宣传做得不好,经常是展览结束后了,才有介绍文章出来,大家都不知道有展览。问的是男生的观点和理由。&K&|"^


4. Reading: 心理学一概念:讲你希望对方成为什么样的人,你就应该按照你希望他(她)成为的那个样子去对待他(她)。

Listening: 一个实验,有一组随机挑选的小学生,但教师被告知他们(她们)都是是精挑细选的优秀生。老师因此努力教学,经常鼓励,小学生短期内成绩提高。所以证明了阅读材料中理论的正确性。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREx FE)Y思路点评:通过查阅资料,得知本次考核的是概念:self-fulfilling prophecy 自我预期实现(心理学术语)7_ii%?&M,D\ d



5.男生参加校emergency response team,需要大量训练以达到国家标准,没有时间做literature reading,为此苦恼不已。女生给出两个解决办法:1. 放弃这个队明年再重新加入。男生说不行,如果这样,他队内位置会被别人取代。2. 与director 谈,要求用两学期而非一学期完成训练。问题是总结男生的问题和女生的建议,并说说自己的看法。cmY{2Nj

思路点评:学生的问题是ex-curricular activity + study的矛盾冲突,建议是C (change改变时间)+ C(求助某人)。特别关注CCA理论。1X-F/{0|2a }{7ZX%|特别建议:可以参照考过的机经,看看可不可以自己给建议,很多建议我们也是可以想出来的。,(m@!o/S5R-Jn!D B5~





1w/?4@ xN Z`

1: Describe a skill that you are good at, such as painting or sports. 寄托家园{ E8w CH@,RO思路点评:此题稍微转化,可以变成:你需要学习的一门技能是什么,题目出现过。比如可以说电脑技能、交际能力、驾驶技术、广播、弹钢琴等等。特别建议:对于不熟悉的题目要学会转化。当然如果要对话题了如指掌,脱口而出,就必须对一些常考话题的观点熟谙于心。BZo-u Ql&@特别补充:第一题中常考的话题是:人、物、事件、空间、学习、休闲

2: Should a person keep his or her spare time free or make a plan for it? 6pGl3D&C


赠送口语句型:可以使用句型。It would be better if you make schedules for your spare time because, in that case, you would know when to do what. 寄托家园

3. 阅读材料说学校要求志愿者要竞争社区服务。







思路点评:海洋和海洋生物学的知识经常被考到。多读一些海洋生物的文章。参考资料:老托福听力part C中学术话题。

相关材料补充:在阴暗冰冷的海底世界中,珊瑚礁毫无疑问更像一片仙境:五颜六色的海洋动物游弋于奇形怪状的珊瑚丛中,构成了美丽的海中热带雨林景观。珊瑚礁被视为地球上最古老、最多姿多彩也最珍贵的生态系统之一。珊瑚礁在全球海洋中所占面积虽然不足°0.25%,但它却是海洋中生物多样性和生产力最高的水域,许多海洋生物都选择珊瑚礁作为安身立命之所,珊瑚礁因而被誉为海洋中的“热带雨林”和海上长城。据科学家统计,超过四分之一的已知海洋鱼类靠珊瑚礁生活。在澳大利亚著名的大堡礁珊瑚群,至少生活着400多种珊瑚、1000¥多种鱼类和100多种软体动物。生活在珊瑚周围的鱼学名为珊瑚礁鱼,但常常被叫做热带鱼。它们的体态变化万千,色彩鲜艳夺目,并具有许多不同的生活形态:有的栖息在珊瑚的分枝间或礁洞里有的在珊瑚礁上巡游,有的则攀附在海扇或海鞭上,或潜伏于底质里。其生态行为和食性方面的特化都相当明显,为珊瑚礁生态系统增添了许多动态之美。热带鱼通过变色与伪装来保护自己。在深海,鱼类为保护自己,体色一般都很单调。但是游弋在珊瑚礁周围的鱼类,几乎都是色彩斑斓,体态万千。珊瑚鱼为了保护自己,它们的体色和周围环境极其相似,经常能以假乱真,躲避凶险.留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA'a+[ V*QA*p-W A

5 .一男遇到个难题,想去参加招聘会,因为毕业找工作对他来说非常重要。但是又碰巧是在饭店的打工时间。女同学给了两个方法:一是跟其他的co-worker调下时间,去招聘会,男说。老板已经很好了,没有安排他上课的时间工作,不好意思再换了。二是工作之前去招聘会,有些公司的老板还是会提前去招聘会的,到时候可以和那些老板谈一下。男的说,这个主意不错,但是如果好的公司在他走了以后才来怎么办?问题是总结男生的问题和女生的建议以及个人的观点。思路点评:学生碰到的问题是extra-curricular activity + job. 第五题的矛盾冲突通常体现在JECCA- Job, Exam/Experiment, Class, Course, Activity。记住五个字母,并总结相关方面的词汇,矛盾冲突听起来就会更容易些。,|&o c,KJw

特别补充:注意看,对方提出的两个建议都是从时间角度去考虑的,改变时间(change time)的建议和1月13日的考题建议一样。寄托家园c$xi1rjP

6.讲座:讲infant跟哪种care givers关系好寄托家园.M-h(U-N5Z|P

一种学说说,对于infant来说,谁给吃的,跟谁关系好,但是事实并不是这样。教授做了个实验.两个一样的monkey infants。给每一个monkey两care givers:一个是给infant特别舒服的环境,如有软软的毯子的。一个就是不给infant盖的

东西.两个infant分别是两种不同的care giver给吃的东西.然后infant有种行为是喜欢谁就向着谁爬,结果发现,不管是哪种care giver给infant吃的东西,infant 都爬向那个给舒服环境、给毯子盖的giver。寄托家园%n-?i(az2W问题是总结教授的讲座。|留学|签证|TO







口语4:学校新开CAFE building 在图书馆旁,男的说:好!原因1 可以方便学习中去吃东西,2、可以讨论project不怕打搅到别人。

口语5:人类的共享资源,慢慢被消耗,举例子:1 鱼,甚至海洋里的,被吃得终会有问题,2、村民捉动物来吃,有一天会被耗尽!




1 最喜欢的film的类型。

2 学校要不要要求学生穿校服。搞笑的是我太紧张了,以至于在准备时间内开始说,且本想说不要,结果说成了要,正在苦闷,发现在准备阶段,大喜。赶紧改为反对意见。

3 学校的libary要扩大空间。一是增加shelf,一是增加学生的自习空间。男的就说,这只是短期的嘛。首先,应该增加电子版图书取代现在的图书,又方便又节省空间;然后增加自习室就会停掉那个学生活动中心的计划,所以实际上学生的自习空间减少了。

4 短期记忆遗忘的问题。一个是decay,不用就忘了,比如你打电话,不记得号码;一个是interferance 新的信息覆盖了原来的,就忘了,举得的是去书店列书单的问题。搞不清楚举例子是不是举反了。赫赫。

5 问一个女生要写一个新闻稿,但与之相关的一个老师出去了,两个星期后才回来,似乎关系到一个课的enrollment的问题。有两个办法:一个是写成短的新闻,一个是跟教授联系,下次再发表。我就说选前面的那个,我觉得短篇能传播信息就好了。否则就不是新闻了。

6 做广告。有direct-fit和indirect-fit,前者是用于一个显著比别人好的特性的产品,如一辆省油的好车,就可以直接跟其他车比较说他好;后者,普通产品,无过人之处,但可以associate with mental benifit。比如给人感觉开这个车的人都很




1.你参加过的memorable的celebration or social events.描述一下为什么。




2.你prefer写信orE-mail联系呢还是打电话?,'C E&思路点评:这两个二者都可以说,也比较好说。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE!tz7m*d.R-`


写Email的好处:节省费用;可以润色信件,表达更完整,也可以更细腻;可以同时随信寄送贺卡、语音、文件等。留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAG@ m%\9UM)c"s-y(\7[

3.通知:学校禁止图书馆前操场开放,为了营造学术astomsphere. MM 严重质疑:1.学习运动一样重要2 地脏是那些过糜烂生活的人(深有同感……糜烂的情侣们很稀饭坐在操场上吃零食……)吃零食留下的不是运动员……[D @;Kv*w0| A

思路点评:最新政策:学校准备在图书馆前某种程度上禁止运动---学生反对说运动和学习同样重要;影响环境清洁--清洁不是运动惹的祸,而是那些情侣们。寄托家园5s0zgk9V ak;]


4.framing decision人做决定的时候总会受现有的information和issue的影响。教授讲了两个framing decision的不全面性:1.天气预报讲partly cloudy和partly sunny带伞的人不一样多;2.买药10%失败率和90%成功率对消费者的影响。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE

p:Y@7Ho-z9H思路点评:本题概念实际上是决策框架(Decision Frame). 是说人们常经由行动方案、不确定性及实际出象不同产生偏好之逆转。所谓的决策可以说就是选择,也就是说在事件的出象及出象的机率都知道时,由可行的方案中选择一个。在展望理论中,对于人们行为的处理方式则有所不同,作者首先定义了决策框架(Decision Frame),说明决策者对某一个特定选择的行动方案、报酬及情境的认知,决策者所选择的框架一部份是由问题的形成所控制,一部份是由规范、习惯及决策者的个人特征所决定的。,G#r1L4o.wA-W h



今天不考周六kao,教授为那些野外实习的同学提供了一次考试。男的觉得自己没理由选后者,being able to take exam。此题我水了……




留6 .effective老师的基本特性:1、鼓励而不是批评,教授讲自己的几何老师怎么鼓励她的2.regular feed-back,比如几何老师每天都改作业发下来,第二天学生就能在课上解决了。7D:aMrd:s思路点评:谈到了好的老师,题目相比以前要简单的多。而且大家听到谈论的老师的时候,自然也可以想到身边的老师具备的好的特征是什么,这两个特征都比较典型。

2008年2月24日新托福考试小黑老师口语点评(同2006年10月29日) 1. describe one object that has you value, and explain why. 留学,考






2. first observation can tell a person or you need to take more time to know

a person. Which one you support, and why?, @*BQ w(g'q


3. One university plans to build a new art building. |留学|签证

|TOEFL|GRE-fk#d'? F'EU#d(t

一个女学生支持这个计划,原因:1.现在的环境太dim,学艺术的学生在作画的时候需要明亮的光线,所以要造新楼。2. 吸引更多的学生入学。|留学|签证

|TOEFL|GRE\1b1Y(~ n4W







4. quoted out of context

做marketing的人常常引用名人的话,来证明自己的产品很好,但往往这种手段是断章取义. It’s misleading to potential customers. 寄托家园

*? tr


文章举例说以前有部movie,援引一个批评家的评论,但是断章取义误导消费者。口述:what is quoted out of context, and describle the example

思路点拨:术语:quoted out of context,意思是断章取义。

网络上找到的原文回顾:The movie producer quoted a very prominent movie critic’s review that the movie is “delightful”, in the ir local newspaper advertisement. Many people went for this movie because they believed that critic thought highly of this movie. But actually, the critic thought very negatively about this movie and it was the worst she had ever watched. She only meant th at the movie actress was “delightful”, not the movie!寄托家园


Gb5. the boy erased his paper on computer, no backup. He has to email the paper to his professor by midnight today.

The girl provided two suggestions: 1. call computer helpdesk, they have people to deal emergency after day hour,but it’s expensive. 2. ask his professor for extension

留学,考试,口述:what are the two suggestions? Which one you recommend?


6. introduce two types of innovation:

a. intentional: inventors identified the needs, they invent product to improve life or meet people’ needs. Example: the invention of bifocal eye glasses enables people to see distand and close-up objects only using one pair of glasses.

b. accidental: discovered by chance. The example is invention of X-rays during electricity experiment.

口述:describle two types of innovation and examples.


思路点拨:第六题出现的这类正反两个方面的词汇比较多,除了intentional和accidental,还有cutting and adding; moving and stable; color and shape; price and quality.等,建议同学们总结一下以往机经中出现的反义词组,并作为回忆题目的标志性词汇。

2008.3.2,j HP~


1,选一个最喜欢的工作,选择的原因W$Z \ cg


],| G%D'om:h @

3,关于学校health center的,熟悉,以前考过。阅读段是一个通知说以后这里只有每周周末开,原因有二,第一要雇佣医生什么的,费用太高,第二,平时同学都上课,也没有时间去。对话是一男一女学生,男的反驳这个通知,第一,HEALTH CENTER 太小了,也没有休息的地方,只有周末开会很拥挤;第二,周末大家一般都不会在学校,出去聚会啊、回家什么的,所以大家会很不方便,而且周末很少人去。问法还是以前的样子Y4CN JD o#S

4,group工作没有个人工作好,阅读段有两个原因,第一:GROUP工作会让工作效率低,因为每个人会依赖别人然后不会WORK TOO HARD。第二:个人工作会提高自己的独立性。听力段给了个切苹果tip apple的例子,证明这个观点。意思是有两组人,一组GROUP工作,一组个人工作(人数相同),最后计算每组的总数,结果第二组的更多一些。问,例子是怎么证明观点的,叙述两个原因。5,男女学生对话,关于一个论文,男的缺少材料,也找不到可以参考的书,但是说可以上网查,但是很费时间。所以女的给出主意,第一:忘了什么方法了,不过很贵,要两倍的价格。第二:说可以把自己的借给他,然后看完再还回来,他可以拿回去选择有用的部分抄取。问,两个solution都是什么,你喜欢哪个。6,两种人,一种靠自己,努力获得成功,赢得工作。另一种靠运气,如果成功了就会说运气真好,如果不成功就说bad luck,还会咒骂别的。问,这两种人分别什么样,描述。



1. Describe a place that you enjoyed to go when you were a child. Describe the place and explain why you liked to go there.

2. Some people think learning math and science is more important than learning art and literature, what do you think?|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREt#ZM^8h7e

3. 一段文章讲以后学校食堂在每个学期的最后一周改成cooking club,让cooking系同学来给大家做饭,练习他们技艺。同时,也要收additional charge 在这一周。&U/l4T]!c9v/L5bt

男生和女生对话。男生强烈支持this university plan,认为这个对学厨艺的学生来说太好了。女生说有什么好的,难道自己上课的时候不练习吗?男生说上课练习可以慢慢做,现场做就有时间压力,比若有人会排队等啊,所以锻炼人,而且还会出错误,这都能帮他们以后提高。女生说那收钱呢,你怎么看啊。男生说,你去过那些贵的餐馆没有啊?那里的菜多贵啊,咱们学厨子的同学能做类似的菜,你花很少的钱,吃类似的菜多美啊。女生赞同。

o.m\,B7v)[#T TM&_

问男生对这个Plan 的看法,怎么支持他的观点的。

4. 一个女生手腕扭了sprain her wrist,开始男生问你胳膊怎么了,女生说没事就是手腕扭了。说现在挺麻烦,因为我得在学校的violin quartet里表演(我当时不会说quartet, 舌头没绕过来,说了Performance)。女生想继续参加表演,因为不想let the other three down,不想让其他三个人失望,但是又怕自己好久

没练习了,影响表演质量。男生说那你没想过找人代替你吗,take your place,女生说,想过一个,JIM, 但是这个人不靠谱,not reliable, 每次排练都迟到always late for rehearsal, 别的忘了。


5. 读一个target marketing 的文章,先说一种叫什么marketing,再定义什么是target marketing. 然后一个老师出来解释target marketing,如何用在广告上,举了两个例子,一个公司卖手机,如果想卖年轻人,就要做面对年轻人的广告,比若有rock music,how much fun it is to use this phone,如果是卖商人how efficient to handle their work, save money,主题不同的客户群用不同的宣传方式。寄托家园)tPf2T)x/@:J^

问老师怎么样通过例子来解释target marketing的。,{6|:|

iS r-q&X

6. 老师讲intrinsic value and extrinsic value, 然后各自举例子说明什么行为是extrinsic, 比如让小孩倒垃圾,小孩也愿意去到,但是原因是因为能拿零花钱,不是自己发自内心的喜欢。讲intrinsic value, 举例子说自己喜欢去gym只是因为喜欢自己healthy,去了就开心。和OG的听力practice 3一样,不过是简单版。2008/3/14 美国


1 说一个小时后喜欢玩的游戏,为什么喜欢|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE1q!o%f#s7a3g\



2 一个男生和一个女生的对话一个女生电脑坏了,想修,修了不保证perfect 工作什么数据资料很重要啊,想买新的,贵,假期想去旅游


3 看一段话一个通知,management department的,说了解各国文化的必要性,所以系里要送学生去各个国家实习,报效费用|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE/v\{U4a;\w)q




5 先讲有些生物含毒来捕食或保护自己,举了两个例子,分别是蛇,和蜜蜂,蛇为了捕食,它麻痹兔子什么的,吃,蜜蜂保护自己,让抓它的鸟儿痛留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAE

g FS)[

ques:差不多就是概括原文一下,qq |_0V6r C

6 先讲了下生物种的共生关系,host和second**,就是寄主和寄生者,寄主提供合适的生存环境,寄生者不会对寄主造成危害,然后举个例子,寄托家园.C}v;M q t


ques:也是差不多概括原文|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE N-^3W'I ~)I.K

|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE/PeY eX^?



] 1. Describe an art such as song or painting that gives you long lasting impression.t1I%b



2. 有人認為打開了一本書之後就應該一口氣把這本書看完,也有人就覺得可以分幾次讀完。請你說說你更喜歡哪一種方式,為什麼?

3. 閱讀:學校圖書館因為空間有限,將reference和journal改成online,不再提供紙本的材料。這樣一來節省空間,二來方便學生。, n@UT3u








P w

4. 閱讀:講了生態學中的cyclic population change,說在一個生態系統(ecosystem)中,生物之間的數量(population)是互相影響的,捕食者(predator)和被捕食者(prey)的數量有一個均衡點。留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA

y O:Rl ~$d-i/Zn


(1)prey (mice)多,predator食物充足,population 增加;留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAc1sD S


(2)prey少了,predator食物減少了,population 減少;,1?B$e q

i/PP P6m

(3)predator少了,prey又開始多起來了,如此迴圈,population 平衡。

教授說實際上第三階段就是第一階段,因為是cyclic,不斷重複這三個階段。問題:結合對話和閱讀材料說說population cycle change的定義和例子。



5. 男生急著要完成藝術paper,但必需要去museum才能完成,而museum 明天就要關門了,只能今晚去,可是這個男生今晚又有課要上。寄托家园3O!g+S~)F/A

女生給了兩個建議:留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAAXK.Z t/P


(1)向負責paper 的教授請求延遲交,男生說這樣教授會生氣的;,(o3?~4o#G(gh7bTW

(2)向今晚上課的老師請假,然後去museum,缺的內容可以回來再抄筆記,(男生從不缺課,上課的老師會體諒他)。,+L;A LQ-|!Bw!C

6. 心理學中的reinforcement,分為positive reinforcement和negative reinforcement兩種,即增加能夠激發個人興趣的東西和消除自己不喜歡的東西。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE!I?hta


(1)positive(add the pleasure):早起獎勵自己好的food,這樣就可以讓你喜歡早起這種behavior。,o


G(D Y4q$jY\

(2)negative(remove the unpleasant behavior),不喜歡早上shower,那麼可以改在晚上,這樣人也就不會那麼討厭早起了。留


7V*@#B gdE0K





U N3X;m Lmv

Task 1


Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★[2008.3.29北美]






Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old people to receive high education and to get a university degree. Use specific reasons to support your answer. ★[2008.3.29北美]寄托家园L[,KrC cj$_

Task 3





美]Qo-KFy s'}g+i

K-d i-S


Task 4

【课文要点】:advancing crediting:是如何让小孩能够表现的好。小孩对praise 的不同反映,你要是事先表扬他们,再让他们做什么,他们就不太听话。你要是等做完事情后在表扬他们呢,他们就能够表现的好。【教授举例】:教授讲一组

个实验:第一次,把小朋友放一个房间里,给他们糖吃,大部分小孩子们都把糖纸扔地上DRORP ON THE GROUND,后来老师教导他们说要爱干净,要保持环境NEAT,很舒服。还表扬那些表现好(behavior proper),保持环境的小朋友,说他们是干净的小孩。过了一段时间,再做这个试验,大部分小朋友就都把糖纸仍在垃圾桶里。★[2008.3.29北美]


Task 5留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA X+N MAV


|TOEFL|GRE fh3TiiA-M2c




寄托家园(VJLQ%p~zq tK I;N

Task 6

【讲课要点】:动物欺骗捕食者predator以保护自己defense的两种方法behavior:举了一个动物(蛇),说是这个动物用2种方法:、第一种、威胁fool。说是做出它们要反击的动作(bite),其实它们不是真的要bite。,w ~6D+lu






4^ kwJr:^8Zh)pC


4. REWARD对于行为的两种影响。一种是促进,因为把不愿意做的事情做了。


5. 问题,女生把书落在同学家,而同学这个星期不在家。女生赶不上写paper 解决方法,一开车找同学要key,二是找附近学校图书馆,因为本校图书馆没有。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE-H)}2]:vw2{{



6. 奥卡姆剃刀法则。这个有意思。寄托家园l^ `![(^

Occame's Razor指越简单的往往最好的。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREyx,[fF#q Lecture解释,说简单指假设越少,解释越可信。举例,家里树着火了,一种是有人故意纵火,但是这个需要很多假设为前提,另一种是雷电劈的,这个不需要假设。因此后一种解释更好.

2008/4/26 北美


1 . liked activity when you were child

2. when on a trip, you prefer just look or keep a journal and take picture, why Jc)N?n

3. policy about fine arts, 学校要求必修3个艺术课,音乐舞蹈表演雕塑,学生不喜欢,觉得选择太少,被局限了,选了必修,自己想选得就选不到了;他学banking, 要上finance 的课,太累了,不能选;他根本不enjoy雕塑,浪费,stressful寄托家园_(@\!H)@n



5. 口语第五题好像是解释self-bias这个名词,通过一个实验,把人分成两组,一组告诉他们得了high score,一组告诉他们得了low score,然后,问他们觉得这个自己在这个项目中的表现,high score一组就说done well, 自己hard-working 什么的,另外一组就会把原因归咎在其他因

6.Animal behavior, sending signal when danger, a alarm signal, birds cry

B chemical substance release from skin, fish



1 favorite room in a house. (不用说了,jj)8h


2 旅行的时候喜欢直奔目的地还是沿路观光(虽然是jj,但我觉得好难说啊==)3阅读是关于election result 要delay 的通知,给出两个原因,一个是选举当天,图书馆的选区从一楼移到二楼,第二个是cafeteria 提前一个小时关门。

听力里男生很不以为然。说图书馆选举当天一楼举行什么reception,非常crowed,还是二楼好(没听懂@@!),而且cafeteria 就算8点就关门了,但其实7点以后就没人去了。就算有人8点去,还有别的地方可以投选票,所以不会影

响选举结果。寄托家园EK b A,yO0v)q


听力,教授举了两种duck 的例子,说虽然它们生活在一个pond里,又一样吃虫子,但它们的竞争并不是很激烈。以为一种c duck 有long bill,所以它可以伸到deep water 里捉虫子,主要在池塘中间取食。而另一种r duck 的bill 比较short 和broad,所以在shallow water里捉虫子,主要在池塘的edge取食。寄托家园3v}R%JS+c

5男的说自己没有lead actor了,原来的那个脾气太坏,不干了;代替的人又生病了。然后自己提了两个solution,一个是自己演,但又当director 又当actor 很辛苦。第二个是跟原来的actor 谈谈,挽留他。但担心其他人因为无法忍受那个人而不乐意。|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE{jU~kS({ {,o

6关于demand 的概念。然后讲为什么当price rise 的时候demand decrease。给了两个原因。一是因为消费者会买更便宜的东西substitute, 比如coffee 贵了就喝更便宜的tea. 而是即便人们还是买同样的东西,但在他们收入不变的情况下,能购买的数量少了,所以demand decrease了。

2008/05/03 北美




1. Describe a recent experience 开始讲了还没想好讲什么,最惨的就是这一题了,哭死了。寄托家园]-C


2. Agree or disagree: family member is more important than young adults|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE2J5p-k.J#V7N}9J

3. business school 提出a new requirement: Students musthave one semester to work in order to gain working experience. Reading passageindicates 2 advantages: leadership and organization skill + keep a relationshipwith the company which might be your future work place.留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,

加拿大,USA Tlg2|(o+N:V#V

Female student disagree with the new policyfor following 2 reasons. First, her older brother told her that students alwaysdo some basic job such as copying that is not familiar with the leadership.Second, there are a lot of students and there are not enough positions forthem.

4.关于plant 如何保护自己不被insect吃。Professor讲了2种方法:第1种physical,第2种chemical。具体没听清,乱说的。寄托家园&BX6x3}#pj}-b

5.Female student has a problem, that is herapartment(old house) without water for 2 weeks, and she would like to move outof it. Then she provides 2 solutions by herself.留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA"x+AO-S&^8S+}-O!Dj

First, live with her friends. Yet, thereare already 4 persons there, so it will be crowded.|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE;e#H+j(z ^m"P3iA

Second, live in a hotel. That will costsome money and her budget....留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA)Cs.Ta0u-F

6.In a film class. About “×shot”(一个term)就是讲before action提供background的scene. Then theprofessor gives an example. a city with old fashioned buildings, which gives a backgroundof 1940s. Gloom and dark scene which makes him has a gloomy mood.

2008/05/09 北美


1.describe a special friend, why she/he is special to you?寄托家园

x|9U J'cB&E\]H|

2. u prefer to be a lead or support member in a group project?留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAENCe0YpgG


2都不是健康食品。女生反对。弄脏了环境是因为垃圾桶太少了,也有健康食品,像水果和果汁,它就经常买T/a1u.?Au N

4. 老师讲很多famer 讨厌在他们的crops 旁边长weeds,但是其实它有助于crops 成长。用咖啡举例子,帮助protect fertilized soil wont be flashed away by water. Protect coffee's leaves not be eaten by,xr.P7x(P&G-U


6.缺 e R)e xo!w/?z

先说口语:2r0| GRW K


1描述一下你的一个special friend, 和这个朋友为什么special to you

|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRE.h1g7w/}/j)Nj S

2在一个group 里,你是愿意当leader 还是group member, why?Q.j"`f&YIq Z I

#W}B5Qb P+c4{

3 passage: 一个学生给校报写的一封信,要求取缔校园里的food cart,原因:1由于food cart 的存在,买完吃的后乱丢的垃圾破坏了校园的环境 2 food cart 买的都是垃圾食品,学校应该取缔它,好迫使学生去dining room 吃salad 一类的健康食品。,D


对话:女同学反对取缔food cart. 原因: 1垃圾问题是因为没有垃圾箱造成的,不应该怨food cart 2 food cart买的不都是垃圾食品,还有juice, friut之类的,上课来不及时从那经过买点东西吃就不用饿着听课了

4false signaling, 文字部分:虫虫交配是要先给异性发信号,包括释放chemical, certain sound,和忘了.可是predator会寄托家园#]'fN(}V



lecture: 老师举例解释false signaling:母蛾子要找公蛾时就防出一种味:一种chemical, 不巧有一种怪蜘蛛发现这个秘密,它就学人家母蛾子放味,然后傻傻的公蛾寻着味道就往蜘蛛这边飞,飞啊飞一头扎进蜘蛛网,然后蜘蛛就把它吃了,YdXB'MM3w




Solution:1放在外面锁起来--可是这是新车,她怕被雨淋出锈_9[!r\6} q



6杂草(weed):我们大众都傻傻的认为杂草的生长是对农作物有害的,因为它们抢夺营养,其实不然,适量的杂草实际有易于作物生长.教授以coffee plant 为例给了两个原因1杂草根可以帮coffee plant 把土hold 住,防止水土流失2吃coffee 叶的虫虫更喜欢吃杂草,所以杂草可以防虫



1. Describe a job or career that you admire but do not want to take,'X@8D#v'g fk-o

2. Some people think that students should study during weekends, but others think that they should relax and to socialize...留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA Z S%v+ikl^t

3. Summer storage policy|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREP



The woman thinks it does not make sense留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,


1.Agree or disagree:technology devices distance people far more now than before. 2.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the most important class can't be learned in the classroom? 3.People who live in small towns are nicer than those who live in big cities,agree with disagree 4.Do you agree with the statement:it is easier for people today to lead a healthy life than people of100years ago. 5.Your university plans to open a cafe inside the campus library.Do you think this is a good idea?Explain why or why not? 6.Some people like having a wide variety of friends and acquaintances they can spend time with.Others like to spend most of their free time with the same small group of close friends.Which do you prefer?Explain why. 7.Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee: performance during the interview or education background? 8.Imagine you're provided with two job offers,one travels a lot with more money, one with less business trips and less money. 9.Which one do you agree?Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children. 10.Some schools decide to expel students from school,if they are caught cheating in the exam.Do you think this is a good idea or not? 11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Employees shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours. 12.Agree or disagree:if children do well in school,parents should give them money as rewards? 13.Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown.Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns.Which do you prefer and why?Include details and examples in your explanation. 14.Your professor suddenly cancels the class for today.Would you prefer to go shopping with your friends or prepare for the exam? 15.Some people believe it is important for universities to provide funding for


35个新托福口语高频真题加答案模板→(作者:秋姐) 特点: 1. 高频 2. 代表性 3. 话题丰富---TASK1包括人物类、物品类、地方类、事件类和其他类话题,TASK2包括教育类、科技类、媒体类、文化类、生活类和工作类话题。 4. 8句无敌模板标准 优势: 1. 语言地道 2. 精准用词 3. 漂亮句型 4. 实用模板 5. 高分必备 适合人群: 1.正在备战新托福的同学。 2.对口语感到迷茫的同学。 3.想获得高分的同学。 使用方法: 1. 认真研读。 2. 总结出地道表达和模板。 3. 根据自己的情况相应减量。 4. 适当更改,避免重复。 学之所得: 1. 拿到经典之作。 2. 熟悉各种题材。 3. 得到原始库存。 4. 开始储备未来。 Task 1 【人物类】about people 1. What charactereristics do you think a good teacher should have?(06. 3.3; 07. 11.3考题)

Sample answer: In my view, a good teacher should have different characteristics. First, a good teacher should be faithful and dedicated to the job. If a teacher is faithful to the job, then s/he never cheats and will be impartial(偏向)and students will respect such a teacher. If a teacher is dedicated towards his/her work, then s/he will teach with his/her heart. Another most important characteristic of a good teacher is patience. Teachers should never lose their patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way. Most of all, a good teacher should update his/her knowledge ‘cause further learning can make a good teacher re-discover the beauty of the teaching profession. 2. What are important characteristics you look for in friends?(06. 5.12; 06. 6.24; 07.1.27考题) Sample answer: I think what makes a good friend is someone who is honest, supportive, and has a good sense of humor. I just look for someone who's honest to me no matter what. He should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell me my short-comings at my mouth, but never praises me in front of me. It is a well known saying that "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED." Therefore, a friend should stand by you in the hour of any sort of need. I just think that a good friend won't leave me if I'm in trouble. They can be my friends in sunshine and in shade, care for me even when the times are bad and even more when the times are great. Also, I'd love to spend more time with someone who can make me laugh and is fun to be around. 3. Describe a person that influenced you most.(06. 5.26; 06. 3. 17;06.10.22考题;与06.5.26类似) Sample answer: The person that really influenced me most was Ms. Xing---my college teacher who taught us English literature. Her class was quite different from the other teachers. In her class we were not expected to sit there and listen. We had to get more involved in the class activities, like discussions, comments or debates sometimes. Our creativity and imagination were developed enormously through the active participation. On the other hand, she let us think more about life by sharing her experiences and more importantly, she taught me how to live on my own. So that's why I was greatly influenced. Not only did she give me knowledge, but also she gave me courage and confidence as well.


选择agree or disagree, prefer or not 1.Q:“Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. 2.Q:Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truth? 3.Q:Some people gather a lot of information before traveling. Others prefer to go straight to the place they plan to. Which do you think is better and why? 4.Q:Some people plan every detail of their vacation in advance. Others prefer to leave most details flexible or open to chance. Which do you think is better and why? 5.Q:Which do you prefer to communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone? 6.Q:you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. 7.Q:Some people think universities should spend money on academic programs. Other people disagree and think that universities should use their funds to provide more entertainment activities like building musical or camera center? Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.



申明:本机经资料整理者Daisy。资料来源于互联网。不做任何盈利性用途。 Activities: 1.If your high school has after-school activities, which activity would you like to choose? 2.Describe an organization you would like to join. 3.Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Explain why you enjoy doing this activity in your school. Include specific reasons and details to support your response. Experiences: 1.Which period of your life do you think the most difficult:Childhood, juvenile or adult? 2.What will you suggest your friend if he comes to your country to study aboard?


2.job through which you can get a lot of money or to find a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Objects/things/situations: 1.Describe an important letter or poem or story or essay you have written. 2.Your university is planning to prevent students from bring their own computers into classroom. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this program? 3.Is it beneficial for students to have computer? Describe both advantages & disadvantages. 4.Talk about a book you have not read but you want to read because it is important. 5.College students should not be allowed to keep


新托福口语T a s k3解析之题目中的“不变” -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

学生信件主要包括以下两种: complaint letter / student proposal 二、不变之处:考点之话题场景 场景归纳 Task 3 主要内容出处为校园生活,下面笔者想通过归纳TPO真题给大家分享主要的校园场景话题分类。让大家能够对托福口语中的校园生活场景有进一步的认识。 主要归纳为: 1. 活动、计划或者课程的取消 TPO 2 — elimination of bus service TPO 3 — hot breakfast eliminated TPO 7 — sculpture course will be discontinued TPO 23 — no more international news 2. 地点或者人物等要素的改变 TPO 5 — university dining hall being transformed into the Campus Dining Club TPO 10 — art work being displayed at lobby TPO 12 — changes of college radio station TPO 17 — multi-person study tables being changed into personal cubicles TPO 18 — university choir entering off-campus singing competition TPO 21 — weekly newspaper being changed into daily e-mail TPO 22 — campus tour guides being changed 3. 校园扩建、改善、整修、关闭 TPO 11 — dormitory renovation TPO 13 — new athletic stadium being built TPO 15 — campus running tail being paved with cement TPO 16 — improvement of student health service TPO 24 — close of campus coffee house

托福口语机经第四批 答案

1.Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is beneficial 2.Do you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date? Well, for me , I prefer to finish my work as quickly as possible for several reasons. First of all, I don’t like to be rushed. Starting as soon as possible allow me to make a schedule to follow. With my own plan, I can manage the task step by step, which won’t make me feel tense. Furthermore, it allows me to prepare enough to finish the task. With good preparation, I can just finished the work efficiently. Thus,I can save a lot of time to do other things. In some cases, a flood of works may overwhelm you at the same time, it is wise to cope with them as soon as you can. 3.One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend? I think I will give three reasons to my friend if he is going to study math as his major. First, he need to be patient. Math is a basic subject of many fields. However, it is also very difficult. To be a good learner in math , he should calm down and concentrate on the math problem. Second, cooperation is also very important. He can found a math team. During the learning process, they can help each other to get better results. Third, he may learn some other subject as well if he get free time. Math is basic subject and it can be applied to many other areas. Put it into practice and he will learn much more. 4.Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up money until they can afford it. Which would you do and why? For me, I think premature consumption, which means people can borrow money from other people or banks to buy things, is very fashionable and reasonable. As long as I have a steady job, I would choose to borrow money to buy things like a car ,a house and so on. It may be too expensive for me right now, for example, a house. But I really need it. It may take a long time for me to save money to buy it. If I buy it in advance, I can enjoy a comfortable life for a long time. And another reason is thatI will be pushed to work harder if I borrow money from others. Driven by some pressure, I may try my best to achieve myself. 5.Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular and how they are different


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A


2020年1月托福口语机经预测 Task 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to maintain relationship with family members than with friends. When handling with difficult situations in life, do you think it’s better to use humorous attitude or serious attitude? School shouldn‘t allow young students to use calculator during exam. Do you agree or disagree ? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Kids should be allowed to keep pets. Some parents prefer to help their kids to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves, which one do you think is more reasonable and why? Do you agree or disagree: students should watch teacher‘s lectures in video version instead of attending classes?

新托福口语Task 3解析之题目中的“不变”

新托福口语Task 3解析之题目中的“不变” 朗阁海外考试研究中心吴微微 新托福口语中的Task 3,这是很多同学既喜欢又害怕做的一个题。经过2个独立题,大家终于不用再纠结15秒钟要快速想话题的环节了。在Task 3 中,大家不需要构思自己的观点,只需根据阅读和听力材料进行话题的概述。但又让大家害怕的是,Task 3 是一个综合题,需要大家结合阅读和听力进行作答。这就涉及到大家的综合听力、阅读和口语能力。阅读材料仅有45秒钟的时间进行阅读。读完很容易出现的情况是忘记阅读内容,或者就是45秒钟的时间内很多同学根本抓不住阅读重点。此外,对于听力内容有些同学也会很紧张。 阅读和听力的内容一直在变,应该如何备考第三题,去抓住那些变化的点呢?带着这些疑问,笔者将通过归纳Task 3 的场景,让大家能够提高一个高度,从更本质的方面去看待问题,了解第三题中的不变之处。 一、不变之处:考点之话题形式 话题介绍 首先给大家介绍一下整个话题涉及几个主要部分以及内容,如下表: Task 3话题介绍 阅读听力准备回答 时间:45s 时间:60s 时间:30s 时间:60s 形式: 1.校园通知 2.学生信件形式: 1.男女学生对话: 反对或者同意阅读内 容 整合阅读和听力笔记 1.总结阅读部分 2.概括主要说话人观 点 注: 校园通知通常有以下形式:announcement / policy / notice / decision / plan 学生信件主要包括以下两种: complaint letter / student proposal 二、不变之处:考点之话题场景

场景归纳 Task 3 主要内容出处为校园生活,下面笔者想通过归纳TPO真题给大家分享主要的校园场景话题分类。让大家能够对托福口语中的校园生活场景有进一步的认识。 主要归纳为: 1. 活动、计划或者课程的取消 TPO 2 — elimination of bus service TPO 3 —hot breakfast eliminated TPO 7 —sculpture course will be discontinued TPO 23 — no more international news 2. 地点或者人物等要素的改变 TPO 5 — university dining hall being transformed into the Campus Dining Club TPO 10 — art work being displayed at lobby TPO 12 — changes of college radio station TPO 17 — multi-person study tables being changed into personal cubicles TPO 18 — university choir entering off-campus singing competition TPO 21 — weekly newspaper being changed into daily e-mail TPO 22 — campus tour guides being changed 3. 校园扩建、改善、整修、关闭 TPO 11 — dormitory renovation TPO 13 — new athletic stadium being built TPO 15 — campus running tail being paved with cement TPO 16 — improvement of student health service TPO 24 — close of campus coffee house 4. 时间、费用的增加或减少 TPO 4 — evening computer classes being added TPO 6 — history seminar should be shorter TPO 19 — fee increase for recreation center use 5. 学习或校园生活环境的改善 TPO 8 — music coming into cafeterias


2019年8月21日托福口语机经(完整版) T1.If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1、 A recycle program 2、 Teaching children about vegetable growing 3、 3、Teaching children about healthy eating T2.Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others, however, believe that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better? T3.学生建议学校决定取消poetry reading 因为上课的学生太少了这样既能够节省钱学生如果要读的话能够去图书馆或者自己听CD对话 中女生说这样不好第一很多学生不知道有reading这回事,所以学校能够增强海报网页等宣传第二如果去图书馆的话,学生就缺少了live performance 不能表达感情之类的。 校刊上注销来一封信,托福机经阅读的内容就是这封信,大概是说一 个女孩觉得既然学校最近在想办法减少开支,那么她认为取消诗歌会 是个好办法。诗歌会很少有人去,学校完全能够把诗歌朗诵录成CD放在图书馆,如果有人想听就去图书馆听CD。接下来的托福机经听力对话内容是一男一女谈论这封信,女孩是逗哏,她认为不应该取消诗歌会。诗歌会人少的原因是学校没有好好宣传,所以学校应该多贴海报 通知,她相信只要宣传到了人会很多的。而且听CD并不能看到朗诵者的眼睛和其他肢体语言,也不能和身边的人一起分享你的感受。

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试口语机经预测 雷哥托福

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试口语机经预测|雷哥托福 在托福考试前夕,同学们的心情都会比较紧张。为了帮助大家缓解紧张的氛围,雷哥托福小托君为大家带来了考前机经,希望通过这些内容的整理和学习,能够帮助大家做好考前冲刺!2018年9月8日和9月9日托福口语考试机经,希望考生在得到很好的命中率之余,能够多掌握托福考试口语真题的答题方法。 Task 1 1. Describe a common mistake that experienced teacher often make. 2. Which of the following classes would you like to take? 1) history of science 2) art history 3) science of the 20th century? 3. When do you think is a good time for a person to learn a second language? 4. Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students, an outdoor camping night, a music festival for students to experience the local culture or a computer game competition in the dormitory. Which one do you think it's the best to establish new friendship and solidarity among students and why? 5. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and a kind of gift that’s common. 6. Which of the following three would you choose to do in summer vacation? Working as a librarian, painter in an art center, or life guard in the natatorium?


16.01.9 S1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? S2: Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are good examples for young people. 16.01.23 S1: Which one of the following history courses should be added: history of science, art history or modern history of the 20th century? S2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which one do you prefer and why? 16.01.24 S1: If you were to do a volunteer job in the community, which one of the following jobs would you li ke to choose? 1. clean up the park, 2. plant trees, 3. build a bicycle lane. S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools and universities are successf ul because they hire experienced professors? 16.02.27 S1: What hobby would you suggest your friend who is busy with his or her work to take up? S2: Which one of the following two factors is more important to the success of an artist? natural tal ent or hard work 16.02.28


新托福口语考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心 考试日期:2015.03.28 题号内容 Question 1 If you were making a donation, which of the following organizations will you donate to? 1) city library; 2) animal shelter; 3) environmental protection group; Question 2 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should have some work experience such as part time jobs before entering the university? Question 3 Reading part Listening part 【学生倡议】: A student suggests that the psychology department should create a students' magazine for two reasons. 1. It can show the students that their hard work is put into papers and study; 2. It will honor the students whose papers are selected. 【学生态度】:The woman holds a positive idea. 1. Having papers published will show their outstanding academic background and will be good for their future career; 2. It can also provide a model of paper writing for new students studying psychology. Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion. Question 4 Reading part Listening part 【名词解释】:Consistency bias: People incorrectly remember their past attitudes and behavior. 【教授举例】: The professor's brother teaches math at a university. He didn't like the new principle at first. Then the principle made some changes such as equipping the classrooms with computers, which made him think positively about the principle. And when he was told that he didn't like the principle before, he was surprised and said he didn't remember ever saying it. Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。 Question 5 【学生困难】:The girl's problem is that it's raining outside and she doesn't have an umbrella, but she has to go back to the dorm to get the book for her history paper due tomorrow.
