7A Unit3 导学案

7A Unit3 导学案
7A Unit3 导学案

滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案编号7A0301课题Starter Unit 1 Welcome-speaking 主备人周敬张静审核人签名


滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案编号7A0302课题Reading I主备人周敬张静审核人签名


滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案编号7A0303课题Reading II主备人周敬张静审核人签名


滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案编号7A0304课题Grammar 主备人周敬张静审核人签名


滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案编号7A0305课题Integrated skills 主备人周敬张静审核人签名


滨海县第一初级中学初一英语导学案编号7A0306课题Study skills ~ Task 主备人周敬张静审核人签名


名著推荐与阅读 《水浒传》导学案及答案

名著推荐与阅读《水浒传》 一、目标导学 1.激发学生阅读全书的兴趣,初步学会读整本书,提高读整本书的能力; 2.了解小说作者及其创作的时代背景,了解故事情节,分析人物形象。 3.理解小说主题。 二、自主预学 1.一读课文,完成下列题目。 (1)给下列加点字注音。 厮.()聒.噪()腌臜 ..()臊.子()眼棱.()磐.儿()钹.儿()铙.儿() 赊.()趱.行()嗔.怒()恁.地() 怨怅.()逞.辩()罗唣.() (2)解释下列词语。 文书:懦弱: 苦楚:高抬贵手: 唱喏:诈死: 2.阅读“附录有关资料”。 (1)《水浒传》的作者_______,朝代______,它是我国第一部__________小说。 (2)《水浒传》是以________为主要题材,通过一系列__________的生动故事,揭示了当时的社会矛盾,暴露了____________,歌颂了____________。 (3)郑振铎先生在他的《中国文学研究》中曾以一条弧线表示《水浒传》的结构。这条弧线以____________为起点,步步上升,至梁山英雄排座次到达顶点,此后便逐渐下降,至____________降至终点。 3.三读课文,理清故事情节。 (1)速读《鲁提辖拳打镇关西》,理出小说故事情节。 故事的起因: 故事的发展: 故事的高潮: 故事的结局: (2)速读《智取生辰纲》,理出小说故事情节。 总揽全文故事情节:从人物活动看,可分为和两部分;从人物矛盾看,第一部分主要写的矛盾,而第二部分主要写的矛盾。如果从杨志一方的角度编拟本文提纲,讲讲杨志的故事,你可以这样编写:杨志慎押生辰纲→ →→→杨志误失生辰纲 三、互动探究 (一)交流讨论“自主预学”部分的知识点。 (二)合作探究。 1.感知全书。 (1)补全回目。


温庭筠《菩萨蛮》导学案 教学目标: 分析人物形象,把握思想感情 一、唐五代词概述: 1、花间词派:以唐温庭筠、前蜀韦庄为代表,以写男女相思离别为主要特征。温词秾艳华美,如簪花仕女,如富丽堂皇牡丹,“密而隐”富于美感的联想;韦词疏淡清秀,如淡妆美人,如清新明丽芙蓉,“显而疏”,易直接触发情感的感动。 2、二主一相:南唐词以宫廷为中心,以君臣为主体,以“二主一相”(中主李璟、后主李煜和中主朝宰相冯延巳)为代表,他们凭借共同的高雅而全面的文化修养和艺术情操,以及独特的个性禀赋和情感体验,赋予南唐词独特的感伤情调和开阔的词境(李璟和李煜以文雅的词风来表现深广的忧患意识,为词体注入个人和家国之感,拓展了唐五代文人词的艺术境界,开掘了唐五代文人词的抒情深度;朴素的语言和杰出的白描功夫,形成了他们“天然地,别是风流标格”。冯延巳词善于以阔大境界、层进手法写柔情,从而营造出一种浩浩莽莽的意境。),确立了他们结束“花间”开启“北宋”的承 上启下的词史地位。 二、作者介绍: 温庭筠:与李商隐并称“温李”,与韦庄并称“温韦”,他是第一个专力于“倚声填词”的诗人,其词多写花间月下、闺情绮怨,形成了以“绮艳香软”为特征的花间词风,被称为“花间派”鼻祖。 三、结合注解,理解词意: 小山重重叠叠,晨曦闪闪或明或灭,鬓边发丝飘过洁白的香腮似雪。懒得起来画一画蛾眉,整一整衣裳,梳洗打扮,慢吞吞意迟迟。 照一照新插的花朵对前镜又对后镜,红花与容颜交相辉映,刚穿上的绫罗裙襦,绣着一双双的金鹧鸪。 四、赏析课文: 1、概括上下片内容分析塑造了怎样的人物形象? 答:上片女主人公睡醒后娇慵的形象下片写了梳妆打扮的过程。这首词塑造了娇美又满怀幽怨的闺中贵妇的形象。 2、这首词通篇使用了怎样的修辞手法? 词的上片,写床前屏风的景色及梳洗时的娇慵姿态;下片写妆成后的情态,暗示了人物孤独寂寞的心境。全词委婉含蓄地揭示了人物的内心世界,并成功地运用反衬手法。鹧鸪双双,反衬人物的孤独;容貌服饰的描写,反衬人物内心的寂寞空虚。表现了作者的词风和艺术成就。 3、感情探究: 假借写女子,实际写作者自己仕宦之途的不得意,表现自己不被重用的感慨和悲哀。 【迁移训练】 眼儿媚(南宋)朱淑真 迟迟春日弄轻柔,花径暗香流。清明过了,不堪回首,云锁朱楼。


Unit3 My weekend plan导学案 一、课前三分钟: 1.一般现在时语法知识复习: 1)一般现在时表示什么? 2)我们所运用的频度副词有哪些? 3)一般现在时陈述句结构 2. Translate some sentences: 1)在周末你通常做什么? 2)我通常在周末做家庭作业. 3)你怎样去上学? 4)我经常乘公共汽车去上学. 5)你怎样到那? 二、Presentation: 1.Make a dialogue: 用所给词组小组内自编对话。watch TV read a book play chess listen to music fly kite do my homework What do you do on the weekend? I usually ... on the weekend. What does he/she do on the weekend? He/She often ... on the weekend. 2.Answer the question: What’s the date today? 3.Learn the new words: 1)visit my grandparents 例:What are you going to do ? I am going to visit my grandparents. 2)see a film 3)take a trip 4)go to the supermarket

4.结合给出的时间和所做的事情说句子 1)this morning read books 例:What are you going to do this morning? I am going to read books. 2)this afternoon play football 3)this evening clean my room 4)tonight watch TV 5)tomorrow write an-email 6)next week take pictures 7)this Saturday play chess 8)this Sunday visit grandparents 三、Practice 1.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I ___________ (visit) my friends this Monday. 2. She __________ (play )sport next Sunday. 3. Amy ____________(catch )butterflies this morning. 4. They __________(go) to the cinema tomorrow. 5. ____ you ___________( plant )trees this afternoon? 6. _____ John ___________( watch)TV tonight ? 7. I often ____(visit) my friends on Mondays. 8. Amy usually ______(catch) butterflies. 2.将下列单词排列成一个句子 1. what do going are afternoon to you this 2. I,going visit to am my this grandparents weekend 四、Homework: Make a plane of the National Day!


Unit 1 This is me! Comic strip & Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. know the two cartoon characters, Eddie and Hobo, and the six students at Sunshine Middle School; 2. greet each other properly in English; 3. introduce oneself to others in English. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: master, e-dog, good morning/good afternoon/good evening/good night 2. New structures: What’s your name? My name is … Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. III. Focus o f the lesson and predicted area of difficulty How to introduce each other and greet each other in English. IV. Teaching procedures Comic strip Step 1 Lead-in:Enjoy the video “make friends”. T: Today we’ll learn U nit 1 This is me! Do you like the song in the video? We are now new students at Donglin Middle School, and meet many new classmates. Do you want to make more friends? I’d like you to meet two new friends in our books. Do you want to know them? 【设计意图:由视频再到图片make friends引出不同人物的名字。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn some new words (1) Show some pictures of the two cartoon characters.


《林教头风雪山神庙》第一课时导学案班级:组别:姓名: 学习目标 1、理清文章情节发展脉络,积累字词 2、分析林冲的性格特点,把握他被逼上梁山的心理过程。 3、认识封建社会的罪恶本质以及被压迫者走上反抗道路的必然性。 重点难点 1、分析林冲的性格特点,把握他被逼上梁山的心理过程。 2、认识封建社会的罪恶本质以及被压迫者走上反抗道路的必然性。 学法指导 1、提前预习,结合注释并利用工具书扫除语言障碍。 2、了解小说情节,感知人物性格。 3、结合课后练习,思考小说主题。 知识链接 一、作者简介 施耐庵,元末明初人(约1296─1370),钱塘(杭州)人,曾中元朝进士,在钱塘做过两年官,因与当道不合,弃官闲居在苏北故乡。代表作《水浒》。《水浒》是一部著名的描写农民革命的长篇小说,作者是在民间故事、话本、杂剧等集体创作的基础上再创作而成的。《水浒》艺术地再现了梁山泊农民起义队伍的产生、发展和失败过程。它愤怒地揭露了朝庭的腐败和官吏豪绅的罪恶,热情歌颂了起义英雄的反抗斗争,也具体描述了起义军失败的悲惨结局。 二、作品简介 《水浒传》和《红楼梦》《三国演义》《西游记》并称为四大名著,代表了中国古典小说的最高成就。《水浒》不是作者独立创作的作品,而是在民间故事、话本、杂剧等集体创作的基础上再创作而成的。它所写宋江起义的故事源于历史真实。在《宋史》中的《徽宗本纪》,《侯蒙传》,《张叔夜传》及其他一些史料中都曾提及。从南宋起,宋江的故事就在民间广泛流传。元代出现了大批的水浒戏。这说明水浒故事是在不断发展中丰富和完善的。 《水浒传》原名《忠义水浒传》,甚至就叫《忠义传》。在小说里有一批“大力大贤有忠有义之人”,他们未能“酷吏赃官都杀尽,忠心报答赵官家”,却被奸臣贪官逼上梁山,沦为“盗寇”。《水浒》是我国文学史上第一部以农民起义为题材的优秀长篇小说,它艺术地概括了历史上农民起义发生、发展直至失败的过程。通过对农民起义者不同反抗道路的详尽描写,热情讴歌了他们的造反精神和优秀品质,描绘了农民革命的理想,深刻反映了广阔的社会生活。 林冲是《水浒》中的重要人物之一。他原是东京八十万禁军教头,受人敬重,有个美满的小家庭。他对封建统治阶级抱有幻想,本无造反之心。然而奸臣高俅(高太尉)的干儿子高衙内蓄意霸占林冲的妻子,多次调戏都遭到抗拒,但高俅仍不死心,于是他利用权势指使他的狗腿子陆谦(陆虞候)、富安等人设下毒计,诬陷林冲手执利刃故入军机重地白虎节堂,图谋行刺,把他送交开封府发落。开


Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 3 Language in use 学案 一学习目标:To master the words, phrases and sentences To describe something about Spring Festival 二课前预习合作探究 (一)复习Unit 1 和Unit 2 中的单词、短语和句子。 (二)预习自测: I根据音标写出单词 1.[?l?nt?n]_________ 2.[d??in]___________ 3.[?s?l??bret]___________ 4.[?h?ri]_______ 5.[?h?p?n]__________ 6.[?fest?v?l]________ 7.[tr??d???n?l]_________ 8.[kwait]_______ 9.[?pr?uɡr?m]________10.[mi:n]__________ 11. [tel] __________12. [swi:p] __________ II根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1. It’s a t____________ to eat dumplings and watch fireworks during Spring Festival. 2. The floor is not clean. Please help me to s _____________ it. 3.All the students are standing on the playground. What is _________(发生)? 4.Wang Gang often __________(帮助)Qiu Yan with her English. 5. Everyone wants to be with their family at Spring F________. 6. Some students are ________________(装饰) the classroom with pictures. 7. Please take these __________________(饺子) to your grandma. 8. How many ________________(灯笼) are there in the tree? 9. The boys are l_____________ a dragon dance. 10. They bring us good l________ all the year round. III翻译句子 1 我的妈妈正在厨房做饭。 My mother ____ _____ _____ _____ in the kitchen . 2 你正在为春节做准备吗? Are you ______ ______ _____ the Spring Festival ? 3 春节前几天,我们通常打扫房子,扫去不好的运气。 In ____ _____ _____ before Spring Festival , we usually clean our house and ______ _____ bad luck . 4 在这张照片上,我的父母和我正在拜访我的叔叔们和姑姑们。 In the photo, my parents and I _____ _____ ____ _______ and aunts . 三、语法点拨 见光盘“现在进行时与一般现在时的区别” 巩固练习 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. My friends _____________(not play)football on Sunday. 2. He often _________(swim)in the river every Sunday.


《水浒传》名著阅读学案(人教版九年级 选修导学案) 九年级语文课型阅读教学课授课时间2010.11序号 【作者简介】施耐庵(约1296~1370)中国元末明初作家。名子安,一说名耳。兴化(今江苏兴化县)人,原籍苏州。相传施耐庵是《水浒传》的作者。明嘉靖十九年(1540),高儒《百川书志》载:“《忠义水浒传》100卷。钱塘施耐 庵的本。罗贯中编次。”嘉靖四十五年郎瑛在《七修类稿》 中说:此书为“钱塘施耐庵的本”。万历年间,胡应麟在 《少室山房笔丛》中指出:“武林施某所编水浒传,特为盛行。”今人一致认为施耐庵是《水浒传》作者。 【作品简介】《水浒传》以梁山泊起义叙写了农民反封 建斗争发生、发展和失败的全过程,以深刻的思想、广泛的 内容、杰出的艺术谱出封建社会农民起义的英雄史诗、革命 悲剧,反映出没落衰败的封建社会深重的剥削和残酷的压迫 激化着阶级矛盾,反动统治的黑暗腐朽造成广大人民的反抗 斗争。写起义发生是“乱自上作”。统治者上起皇帝、大臣,下至地方贪官污吏、土豪恶霸乃至吏役狱卒,全国上下,朝 廷内外,形成统治网,公然用恶。像梁中书两年就搜刮几十 万贯给丈人蔡京庆贺生日,贿赂公行;高俅为报私仇迫害王进,为高衙内霸占人妻而害林冲,逼得本不想反的人不得不反,揭示出起义发生的真正原因是“官逼民反”。小说真实

地叙写了起义斗争的发展过程:从个人反抗到集体反抗,从 分散斗争到有组织斗争,规模从小到大。鲁智深、林冲、武 松等开始都是个人抗争,只为逃避官府缉捕而找安身立命之地;虽有梁山、二龙山、桃花山等许多山头,但彼此孤立, 不能抵御逐步升级的官府“进剿”;晁盖、吴用、宋江上山 以后,以梁山泊为中心,联合各山头,形成强大统一的组织,取得大规模战争的胜利,挫败官府和朝廷的“进剿”,揭示 出农民革命斗争的规律。小说还叙写了起义的失败结局。梁 山英雄排座次后,“八方共域,异姓一家”,“哥弟称呼, 不分贵贱”的要求已经实现。农民革命的平等、平均主张, 使斗争只能有三种前途:一是像方腊称王后被镇压;二是像 李逵说,夺位自己当皇帝;三是像宋江“全伙受招安”。受 招安有总结农民革命经验教训,探索出路和寓意。宋江受招 安后,朝廷想“尽数剿除”,派去征辽、征方腊,梁山好汉 死伤离散,剩下的宋江、卢俊义、吴这样领袖人物,也被御 赐药酒毒死或伤心自杀。一场惊天动地、轰轰烈烈的起义,108位英雄只落得风流云散的悲剧结局。对这一英雄悲剧结局,学术界有不同说法,但对施耐庵总的思想倾向却看法一致:揭露批判封建统治的罪恶,赞扬颂美梁山英雄的反抗斗争。 【书名由来】《水浒传》是我国古代文学史上四大名著 之一。该书的作者是施耐庵,而书名却是罗贯中所起。作者


Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Period 1 (new words) 单词拼写 1.He has been collecting s________ since he was eight years old. 2.There is a b________ on the Center Street; you can buy some books there. 3.The supermarket is _______(在…旁边) the flower store. 4.Excuse me, where is the ______________(洗手间) 5.The National Day is coming. I want to send some ________(明信片)to my friends. 6.P______ me, could you tell me where the washroom is? 7.Do you know how to get to the b___________? I want to take a shower. 8.Chinese people n_________ have three meals a day. 9.Tom s_______ to see the house but Ann was against it. 10.I see the Twins p____ by my house every day. 11.She and her ______(职员) wrote that letter. 12.My son likes eating ________.(葡萄)tell me 13.Could y ou tell me the way to the _______(中心的) Park?https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b14218713.html, 14.Excuse me, can you tell me if there is a post office n________? 15.Jim, please help me get the m______ from the mail boxes.---OK. 16.Go e______ the Main Street, and you can see a supermarket in the _______(角落) 17.I live near the supermarket. It’s very c__________ for me to buy things. 18.It’s important to know how to ask for help p__________. 19.You can ask d______ questions when you speak to your friends. 20.The answers to the questions are c________. You are right. 21.The _______(发言人) in the meeting can speak many kinds of foreign languages. 22.Could you tell me your e-mail a_______? I want to send you a mail. 23.He will go to France and take a c_______ in art and design. 24.Is there an u__________ parking lot over there? 25.Our teacher gave us some r_________ about our homework. 26.“Excuse me,could you please tell me where the bookstore is?” is a polite way to ask for d_________. 27.People like to take the u________ bus when they are off from work. 28.The things in that shopping mall are really i___________. Many people can afford them. 29.Students should be pol ite to their teachers, because they don’t like i________ students. 30.The tourists like to go to the park, because the sights there are really f__________ Period 2 (SectionA 1a-2d) 英语如何问路和指路 (1)Excuse me. Could you tell me to the bookshop? (2)Excuse me. Could you tell me how the bookshop? (3)Excuse me. Could you tell me how to the bookshop? (4)Excuse me. Could you tell me the bookshop ? (5)Excuse me. is the way to the bookshop, please?

牛津译林版7A Unit3 Grammar教案(英语教案)

7A Unit 3 Grammar I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.distinguish the subject forms of personal pronouns from the object forms; 2.remember all the personal pronouns; 3.express themselves by using personal pronouns correctly. II. Teaching contents 1.Subject form: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they 2.Object form: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty How to use the subject form and object form correctly IV. Teaching procedures A Personal pronouns (subject form) Step 1 Lead-in Read a passage and find the personal pronouns in it. T: Hello, boys and girls. Yesterday we learned Reading ‘Welcome to our school’. Do you still remember what the name of Millie’s school is? Yes, it’s Sunshine Middle School. Now Millie is telling us about her


2016级八班名著专题复习 七下名著《骆驼祥子》阅读导学案参考答案 一、《骆驼祥子》概述 (一)主要内容: 本书主要描述了旧时代北平城的一个人力车夫祥子的故事,祥子来自农村,他老实、健壮、坚忍,如同骆驼一般,来到北京拉洋车。他自尊好强,最大的梦想是拥有自己的一辆车。他的希望一次一次地破灭,他与命运的抗争最终以惨败告终。他买车经历了“三起三落”:第一次,他攒了三年钱,买了一辆车,但被大兵抢走了;第二次,车没买上,钱被孙侦探敲诈去了;第三次,用虎妞的钱买了车,虎妞难产死后,他卖了车去安葬虎妞。经历了“三起三落”祥子失去了生活的信心,自暴自弃,堕落沉沦。整部书在波澜壮阔、曲折动人的故事叙述中,为读者展示了一幅幅具有浓郁的北京风情的人物画与世态图。通过写祥子的遭遇,老舍无情地批判了当时的社会----它不让好人有出路, (二)主要人物及性格特征: 祥子:初来北京时,老实健壮,坚忍勤劳,自尊好强,吃苦耐劳,凭自己的力气吃饭,经历了“三起三落”后,祥子变成了麻木、潦倒、狡猾、好占便宜、吃喝嫖赌、自暴自弃的行尸走肉。 虎妞:车主刘四的女儿,长着虎牙,虎头虎脑的女人,管理车间的工人,大胆泼辣且有点变态。她没有嫌弃祥子的贫穷出身,不顾刘四反对,放弃富裕的生活,嫁给祥子,最后难产而死。 刘四:残忍霸道的车主。旧社会的袍哥人物,改良办起了车厂,为人耿直,性格刚强,从不肯在外场失面子。为了追求财富,不惜牺牲女儿的青春。因女儿结婚,失去了金钱的来源,就断绝了与女儿的关系。封建思想是他忘记了亲情,最终他也变得孤苦无依。 小福子:一步步走向毁灭的人。一个善良、可悲的人物,先是被父亲卖给了一个军官,军官被调走后她又回到了娘家,此时母亲已被父亲打死。父亲酗酒成性,家里没有经济来源,不忍看着两个弟弟挨饿,她被迫走上了卖身的道路,最后被父亲卖到了窑子了,上吊自杀了。小福子所走的路也许就是大杂院里的女孩的必经道路,她们没有过错,但是她们的出身注定了她们的悲惨命运。她的死使祥子彻底失去了生活的希望。 曹先生:受到政治迫害的大学教授。在政治、艺术上并没有高深的见解,不过能把所信仰的那点东西体现在生活小事中,他希望自己能成为一个真正的革命战士,又知道自己没有这个能力。他对于像祥子一样的下层劳动人民表现出一定的关心和同情,不但在生活上帮助祥子,还在精神上鼓励祥子,并给他出一些好的主意。可以说,他是一个较为正直和进步的旧知识分子。 (三)主要事件: 1、祥子绰号来历 2、怒辞杨宅 3、曹家遭险 4、无奈结婚 5、祥子买车三起三落 (四)艺术特色:


《菩萨蛮》教学学案 靖安中学彭丽 一、教材分析 《菩萨蛮》是人教版高中语文选修教材《古代诗歌散文欣赏》诗歌部分的一首词。这首词通过描写一个闺中女子起床、梳洗、画眉等一系列的动作,含蓄地表达了女主人公孤独寂寞。它选自中国最早的一本词集——《花间集》;它的作者是被誉为花间派鼻祖的温庭筠。 一首好词,本身就有一种魅力,你读它,就会被它吸引,被它感动,《菩萨蛮》就是这样一首好词。通过学习这首词,能够激发学生对传统文化的热爱,拓宽文学欣赏的眼界,丰富内心的感情世界,培养健康高尚的审美情趣,提高文学素养。 二、学情介绍 我所教学的对象是高二的理科生,他们在高中语文必修四曾经系统的学习过词,在选修课本诗歌部分也学习了很多词人的作品,对词有了一些基本的了解。 但是,大多数理科生,他们平常没有时间也没有兴趣去看文学类的书,更别说古典诗词了,课后没有得到很好的补充与扩展,不符合语文学习一定要多读、多思、多写的要求,诗歌鉴赏能力还是相对薄弱。 从做诗歌鉴赏题目来看,通常是失分很多的一个题型。 所以激发他们对诗词的兴趣,提高他们诗歌鉴赏能力很有必要。 三.教学目标 根据以上对教材分析、学情介绍以及《高中语文新课标》对古诗词学习的的要求,我确立了本课的三维教学目标:

①在因声求气、吟咏诗韵中背诵出这首词。 “背诵得多,灵巧的修辞、优美的语言、铿锵的声韵、向上的精神、口诵心维,不知不觉,就能变成自己能力的一部分”。提高学生诗歌方面的能力背诵可谓必不可少。 ②学会鉴赏诗词的基本方法,理解作品的丰富内蕴和深层意义。 《高中语文新课标》明确提出,学生要“学习鉴赏诗歌的有关基本方法,注意从多个角度和层面发现作品的意蕴,不断获得新的阅读体验”。而且“能否发现作品的丰富内蕴和深层意义”也是《新课标》评价学生鉴赏诗歌能力的一个重要方面。所以我设置了教学目标二,又因为本文主题的含蓄性,所以这也是本课教学的重点与难点。 ③在体会文本的语言、音律、情感之美的过程中,培养学生对古诗词的热爱。 古诗词是我们中华民族五千年灿烂文化的结晶,是我们的宝贵财富。一个没有传统的民族是可怜的,一个拥有传统却不知道珍惜、热爱的民族是可悲的。所以我设置了教学目标三。 四、教法与学法 从孔子的“不愤不启,不悱不发”到“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,百花齐放的语文教学模式背后支撑的基本方法还应是“诵读法”和“启发式教学法”,这两个方法迢递千年,是中国传统教育思想的精华。所以教法我采用诵读教学法和启发式教学法,学法采用诵读法和自主合作探究法。“自主合作探究”也是新课标对学生的基本要求。 五、教学过程 教学过程主要由新课导入、自主诵读、合作探究、课堂小结、课后作业五个


黄州西湖中学高一英语学科导学活页案年级:_______ 班级:______ 学生姓名:________ :___月___日

2.Act I, Scene 3第一幕,第三场 观察理解: 1) This sad scene ended the movie. 2) What a fantastic mountain scene! 3) The criminal fled the scene. 知识小结: scene _______________ on the scene _______________ behind the scenes________________ 比较归纳: 1)Mary walked round the town, looking at the sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点。 2) The view makes this a good location for a house. 景观使得此处成为建房的好地点。 3) There are some pretty scenes in the park. 公园里有几处美丽的景色。 4) We all enjoy mountain scenery. 我们都喜欢山景 知识小结: sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数。 view主要指从某处看到的东西或景象,有时也指“风景”,尤指自然美景(fine natural scenery)。 scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等。 scenery 是表示“风景”的集合名词(不可数),主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑。即学即练: 1) The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking _______ in the world. 2) We had a good _______ of the town from the top of the hill. 3) Switzerland is famous for its watch making and beautiful_______. 4) Reporters were soon on the ________ after the accident. 3.At this moment, they see a penniless young man wandering on the pavement outside their house.(p17) 这时他们看到一个身无分文的年轻人在房子外面的人行道上游荡。 观察理解: 1) I wander in the boundless huge crowd, rain, I said days crying! 2) He wandered from the subject. 3) My attention wandered. 知识小结: wander______________ wander in/through/around…____________ wander from/off_______________ 即学即练: 1) A man was found _______________________. 人们发现有个人在乡间漫步。 2)如果你不认真的话,就会离题的。 __________________________________________________ 4. It is Henry Adams, an American businessman, who is lost in London and does not know what he will do.(p17) 他叫亨利·亚当 斯,一个美国商人,在伦敦迷了路,不知道该怎么办。 观察理解: 1) He was lost in the forest for three days and nights and was finally rescued by his friends. 2) He was lost in reading his book that he missed the train. 知识小结: be lost in__________________ 5. Permit me to lead the way, sir. (p18) 先生,请让我来带路吧。 观察理解: 1) They permitted her to leave. 2) I don't think they would permit this. 3) We'll discuss both questions if time permits. 4) Have you got a permit to fish in this lake? 知识小结: Permit________________ permit (doing) sth ______________ permit sb to do sth _____________ 即学即练: 1)Please ________________ you dome advice. 请允许我向你提些意见。 2)Do you _________________ into the hall. 你们允许他们进会议厅来吗? 6. The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. (p19) 第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时 候,一艘船发现了我。 观察理解: 1) His boots were spotted with mud. 他的靴子上沾有泥渍。 2) The scandal spotted his character. 那件丑闻玷污了他的人格。 3) My father spotted several spelling mistakes in my composition. 4) The boy's white shirt was marked up with spots of ink. 5) This is the spot where the two trucks collided. 6) He was killed on the spot. 知识小结: spot n____________________ spot v____________________ on the spot________________ in a spot _________________ be spotted with sth _________________ 即学即练: 1)我在人群中认出了他。 ___________________________________ 2)他们用绿色涂料装饰墙壁。 _______________________________ 3)Now we are really ________________. 现在我们的处境的确很艰难。 7. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. I went to the American embassy to seek help. 事实是我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我 衣冠不整的原因了。 观察理解: 1) He accounted himself lucky. 2) He was accounted a first-rate actor. 3) He could not account for his absence from school. 4) Too much rain accounted for the poor crop. 5) The accounts show we have spent more than we received. 6) He got angry on this account. 7) John gave us a detailed account of his plan. 8) I have an account with a bank in London 知识小结: account v____________________ account n____________________ account for___________________ 拓展: 1)on account of因为;由于 We're late on account of the bad traffic. 我们迟到是因为交通拥 挤。


7 A Unit 3 Welcome to our school The first period: Comic strip& Welcome to the unit Teaching aims: ( 1)、Learn some new words: “Which ,best ,so, biology ,geography ,history, Date ,meeting ,o’clock, OK ,gate” (2)、Learn some new phrases: School Open Day/ the parents’ meeting /at the school gate (3)、Learn some sentence patterns: Which of the subject do you like best? What’s the date today?/ What time is it? Importance & difficulty 1.Talk with the simple present tense. 2. How to master these new phrases. Teaching procedures: Step I Presentaion. In school, there are many subjects. What is your favourite one? Which is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is …. Step II Practise Would you like to play a game to learn about your classmates’ favourite subjects? Let’s do chain work! Please ask the questions one by one. Sample conversation S1:Which of the subject do you like best? S2:I like …best. S1:Why? S2:Because it ….Which subject do you like best? S3:I like…best. S2:Why? S3:Because it…. Step III Presentaion 1The teacher asks:Eddie is a lovely dog. Do you know his favourite subject? Which is his favourite subject? Listen to the tape and answer this question. 2 Act in pairs. 3 Suppose you are Hobo. When you hear Eddie’s words, what do you think of him? What will you say to Eddie? Please continue writing Eddie and Hobo’s conversation. Step IV Presentaion 1The teacher asks:You study at ….Middle School for many days. Do you like your new school? Do you tell your parents about your new school? What do you tell them? Students answer:I like my school. I tell my parents about classmates and sports. 2The teacher says: I am teaching English now. So I am your English teacher. Who is this teacher?
