
















看到这个似乎矛盾命题后就会有疑问,按一般的道理:既然7C比6A 好,那么自然6C要比5A好。其实这个观点并不矛盾,我们从三一口语考试的分级框架来分析:它分为预备级(1-3),初级(4-6),中级(7-9)和高级(10-12),四个级别分别再细化为3级,总共12级。










1) 考官
















三一口语五年级常考话 题 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

三一口语五级常考话题 节日 Where did you go last Spring Festival? What kinds of legal holidays and festivals are there in China? Which festival is important for the Chinese people? Is the Spring Festival today celebrated in the same way as when you were a child? What’s the difference between Christmas and Chinese Spring Festival? Do you think national celebrations are important? Why or why not? 交通 What is your favorite way of transportation? What are the disadvantages of it? Why do you like this way of transportation? Tell me something about your car (小心考官这么问),可以反问:What do you want to know about my car? What do you think of the transportation system in your country? Can you imagine what transportation will be like in the future? What kind of transportation do the people usually take in your city? How do you go to work or school every day? What do you usually do when taking a train or a bus? Can you drive a car? Why do you think are cars becoming more and more popular these days? Is parking a problem in Beijing? What’s the problem with Beijing’s traffic jam? Do you think how the traffic problems can be best solved? Can you compare different types of transportation in your country? Do you think the traffic problem will be better or worse in the future? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of the public transportation? How has transportation changed in the last 20 years? 庆祝活动 How do you celebrate your birthday party? What do you want to do in the future? (用将来时和if条件句回答)


三一口语考试中需要注意的 5 个细节(一) 1. Say hello and goodbye to the examiner. Just tell the examiner your Chinese name.( 首先要和考官打招呼, 只需要告诉考官你的中文名字即可.) 2. When answering questions, do not only say " yes" or " no". Try to keep talking and not to stop.( 在回答问题的时候,不要单纯只说"是", 或"不是", 要围绕这一话题尽可能多的论述.) 3. Meanwhile, don't be nervous when you interrupted by the examiner.( 同时, 如果在论述的过程中被考官打断了,也不要紧张.) 4. If you do not hear the questions clearly just ask the examiner to repeat that.( 如果你没有听清楚考官的问题, 可以让他重复一次.) 5. Don't tell lies and give original and interesting ideas.( 不要说谎, 要给出考官比较新颖的和有趣的观点考点内容 1. 三一口语四级考试中的时态问题:三一口语四级对于考生来说,主要侧重于一般过去时,一般将来时两种基础时态。2. 首先,三一口语新大纲要求like 要求掌握like to do sth/ li ke doing sth. 本质来说,大纲中并没有实质增加新的考点,只是更加完善了like 的用法 三一口语四级考试第一部分需要注意:(二) 1. Greetings Good morning / afternoon! How are you?/ How are you doing? Fine. Thank you very much. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too. Glad to see you./ Me, too. Which school / grade are you in? Why do you take GESE exam? Nice day, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s war m and sunny. 2. If you don’t understand the examiner’s question, don’t worry and you can say: Would you please rephrase that? What do you mean by XX? I’m sorry, I can’t catch you. Would you please repeat that? Would you please say that again? 3. Gap Fillers ①表示正在思考:Let me see./ How to say/ It is not easy to say/ It is hard to say ②表示陈述事实:you know/ to be honest/ to be frank/ to tell you the truth/ in fact ③表示要表达自己的看法:in my opinion/ I think ④表示解释自己的句子:what I mean is / that is to say / what I want to say is 4. Brain storm and Talk around I’ve got an egg in my hand. So imagine how many ways you can use it in. You don’t know the word “watch”, but you should say something to make the people understand what you mean. 5. 四级对话话题范例:四级对话话题范例:Can I have your Topic form, please? Yes, here you are. I’m going to talk about New York. Do you know ? Where did you go for your holiday I went to Benidorm. last year? …. 三一口语考试技巧:(三) 三一口语四级的考试时间为十分钟,前五分钟是自选话题的部分,后五分钟是对话的部分。这两部分都非常的重要,因为这两部分各占考试分数的百分之五十。那么如何让学生在短短的十分钟内充分的展现自我,给考官留下深刻的印象,在所有的学生中脱颖而出?1.自选话题自选话题在选材时一定要慎重,尽量选一些很新颖的话题,当考官一看到你的自选话题时马上就能抓住他的眼球,这样考官会觉得你的选材很有新意。但是新颖并不是越奇特越好。在选材时还要注意所选题材一定是学生亲身经历的,而且在他的头脑中有深刻的印象。这样在和考官交流时学生才能有话可说。自选话题的选材一定要适合孩子。有些家长盲目求新,为孩子选择了一些较难的话题,因为孩子的年龄较小,认知性有限,较难的话题会影响孩子的发挥,自然也就会影响到孩子的成绩。在和考官分享自选


伦敦三一口语实用经典话题:Manners ★以下是###少儿英语频道为大家整理的《伦敦三一口语实用经典 话题:Manners》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 What do you think are some good manners? What do you think are some bad manners? Can you think of some good manners that are bad manners in another country? What are the titles of some books on manners? Have you ever read them? What are some good manners for using a cell phone? What are some good table manners? What are some good party manners? Is kissing in public good manners? Do you say "hi" to people even if they are strangers? Why? Why not? Do you listen to other's people conversations on the street? Do you think it is good manners to hug or kiss another person in greeting? Do you let people pass you when you are driving in your car? Is it considered a good manner? Do you honk your horn to people when you drive? Why are manners important?


Trinity圣三一英语口语考试(GESE)--国际认可的测评标准 Trinity圣三一英语口语考试的相关介绍: ?1、Trinity圣三一英语口语考试的由来: 伦敦圣三一学院(Trinity),自1877年开始组织英文口语考试,并成为国际认可的考试项目之一,每年有来自60多个国家得500000位考生参加考试,包括奥运会金牌得主刘璇等。圣三一英语口语等级考试,全名Graded Examinations in Spoken English,简称GESE,共有12个等级。圣三一考试证书在世界各地均被认可为能够听明白英语,自信开口说英语的一项证明。考生与来自英国本土,并具有高级认证资格的考官进行一对一谈话方式的考试,从而准备测试学生面对面交谈的英语运用能力。 ?2、考试涉及哪些内容? 考官选用一个适合考生级别的话题作为引导,使考生得以充分展示语言运用能力。在每一个不同考试级别中,考生通过一连串的情景会话和聆听测试,以展示他们英语口语的流畅程度及准确性。考试大纲内清楚介绍对于每一级别考生的要求。 ?3、什么人适合参加考试? 该考试适合不同年龄及水平程度的学生。不论是学生、在职人士,或任何希望提升英语能力的人士。圣三一口语考试(GESE)特别适合需要在工作,学习或履行方面运用或展示英语交谈能力人士。圣三一口语考试(GESE)并没有对特定的年龄祖应参加的考试级别做硬性规定。 Trinity圣三一英语口语考试的权威性: 圣三一考试证书在世界各地均被认可为能够听明白英语,自信开口说英语的一项证明,被数以千计的学校、高等学府、公司以及教育机构所认可和使用。 ●英国以及其他国家的众多高等学府,均接受圣三一的测试等级作为入学就读的外语要求标准。 ●在中国以下机构均使用并认可:北京教育考试学院(BEEA)、香港考试及评核局(HKEAA)、香港英文中学议会及香港职业英语运动、中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会(NFLTRA)、中国运动教育基金(CAEF)、英孚教育(EF)。 ●该考试受到众多跨国企业认可能够帮助学生在未来的职业生涯获得更多的机会,这些企业包括:阿根廷航空公司Aerolineas Argentinas,德国银行Deutsche Bank,雀巢Nestle,西门子Siemens和大众Volkswagen,安万特Aventis,Clariant。 通过圣三一考试的学生将会获得国际认可的证书,这个证书可以帮助他们:1、申请到海外学校、大专或者大学就读 英国以及其他国家的众多高等学府,均接受圣三一的测试等级作为入学就读的外语要求标准,比如英国伯明翰大学、伦敦大学以及邓迪大学等。 2、申请跨国公司职位 跨国企业的雇主也认识到圣三一考试证书的持有者能很好的完成要求有效运用口语进行沟通的任务,譬如:阿根廷航空公司Aerolineas Argentinas,德国银行Deutsche Bank,雀巢Nestle,西门子Siemens和大众Volkswagen,安万特Aventis,Clariant。 3、通过国际标准见证他们的英语进步


三一口语五年级常考话 题 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

三一口语五级常考话题 节日 Where did you go last Spring Festival What kinds of legal holidays and festivals are there in China Which festival is important for the Chinese people Is the Spring Festival today celebrated in the same way as when you were a child What’s the difference between Christmas and Chinese Spring Festival Do you think national celebrations are important Why or why not 交通 What is your favorite way of transportation What are the disadvantages of it Why do you like this way of transportation Tell me something about your car (小心考官这么问),可以反问: What do you want to know about my car What do you think of the transportation system in your country Can you imagine what transportation will be like in the future What kind of transportation do the people usually take in your city How do you go to work or school every day What do you usually do when taking a train or a bus Can you drive a car Why do you think are cars becoming more and more popular these days Is parking a problem in Beijing What’s the problem with Beijing’s traffic jam Do you think how the traffic problems can be best solved Can you compare different types of transportation in your country Do you think the traffic problem will be better or worse in the future What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of the public transportation How has transportation changed in the last 20 years


三一口语一级测试题库1.What’syourname? 2Howoldareyou? 3Howareyou? 4What’sthenumber?(in20) 5Whatcolorisit? 6What’sthis?(birdduckdinosaur) 7Whatisit?(toothbrush,boatbike) 8Canyoutouchyourears? 9Canyouraiseyourhand? 10Doyouhaveabike? 11.Howmanyearsdoyouhave? 12.Whatisthis/that?Whatarethese/those? 13.Isitbig/small? 14.Thisishis/herbook. 15.Theyare… 16.Whatareyouwearing?IamwearingaTshirt,pantsandshoes. Listenandrespond https://www.360docs.net/doc/cc16359489.html,etothetable. 2.Showmeyourhands.Pointtothewindow. 3.Givemethepen.Touchthebook. 4.Standup.Turnaround.Pleaseclapyourhands.

三一口语二级测试题库 1.Whoisyourbestfriend? 2.What’she/shelike? 3.Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily?Whoarethey? 4.Howmanyroomsarethereinyourhouse? 5.Whatdoyoudointhelivingroom/bedroom/bathroom/kitchen/diningroom?Whatdoyou haveinyourbedroom? 6.Haveyougotapet?Yes/Canyoudescribeit?No/Doyouwanttohaveone? 7.Whereistheturtle?In/On/Nextto/Infrontof/Behind/Under 8.What’sthisnumber? 9.Twentyplus/minusoneis..? 10.Arethereany....?No,therearen’tany... 11.Whatdayisittoday? 12.DoyoulikeSunday?Why? 13.Whenisyourbirthday? 14.Areyoutalkingnow? 15.Whattimedoyouusuallygetup/gotoschool/havelunch/gotobed? 16.Whatisyourhobby? 17.Canyouswim/skate/playbasketball? 18.Whoisyourbestfriend?Canyoudescribeyourbestfriend? 19.Whatdoesyourfather/motherdo?Howoldishe/she?Canyoudescribeyourfather/mother? 20.Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear?Whichseasondoyoulikebest? 21.Whatisthedatetoday?Howmanydaysarethereinaweek? 22.WhenisTeacher’sDay? 三一口语三级测试题库 1.Whatareyoudoingnow?IshewatchingTV?Isshedoinghishomework? 2.Whendoyougetupeveryday? 3.Whatdoyoudoat6o’clockintheevening? 4.WhatdoyouusuallydoonSunday?


Trinity College Examination-Graded 6 Part one 一.Travelling Questions: 1.How often do you travel around? I often take a trip every summer vacation 2.Why do you like travelling? Traveling is so popular and prevalent in the modern society. Traveling is considered as a style of fashion. Traveling can widen my knowledge and broaden my visions. Through traveling we can acquire the knowledge of geography, customs, local distinctive. 3.Where did you go last summer/winter? 4.Who did you travel with? 5.How long did you stay there? 6.Why did you choose that place? 7.Tell us your experiences about that place (food, accommodations, sceneries, public transport, local customs & residents) 8.What is the special about that place 9.Where are you going to travel next vacation? 10.H ave you ever been abroad before? 11.H ow is that place comparing with Beijing?


难忘的第一次口语考级作文1000字 “十点二十了,张睿,别看电影了,要迟到了!”门外突然传来老妈的吼声! 沉浸在电影情景的我被吓了一跳,手慌脚乱地关上电脑,抄起餐桌上的坐公交车的二元钱,便奔向洋话外语。 路上,心沉甸甸的。因为今天要去洋话外语圣三一口语考试呢。老师特意嘱咐一定要优秀通过,万一……越想越害怕! 不一会儿就来到了休息处,我要十一点才考,便松了口气,因为自己还能再好好复习下。 有好几个人正在一旁认真的复习着,眼睛死死得盯着一大堆资料。我找了个偏的地方坐下,却很难静下心来,脑袋被各种奇怪的念头占满了。 “这个口语到底是怎么考呢?那个考官凶吗?万一答不上来怎么办呢……“时间一分一秒地过去了,不知不觉就到了十一点。老师轻声说:”张睿,请做好准备,还差一分钟。“我猛一抬头,真希望老师在开玩笑,快速瞄了一眼墻上的挂钟,确实只有一分钟了。 慢吞吞地收好东西,挪到了考场门前,班里的Tom刚好出来,他手捂胸,眼睛睁得大大的,嘴巴张大喘着粗气。看着他那故意夸张的搞怪样子,我的心像兔子似的怦怦直跳。 硬着头皮走了进去,不禁惊呆了!这儿是学校图书馆,以前桌子椅子横七竖八,书也比较乱,地板有点黑乎乎的,可现在桌椅整齐摆放,书分类整齐的靠在书柜上,地板似乎被大水冲过似的,没有一丝灰尘。一看这情景,让我倒吸一口冷气。 一位女考官静静地坐在那,微卷的头发和大大的眼睛都是漂亮的金色,四五十的样子,手有点枯,额头上布满了田埂般得皱纹。 她微微抬了抬头,用那真诚的眼神看着我,嘴角稍微向上扬了一下,冲我微笑地打了招呼,我狂跳的小心脏节奏稍微慢了点。 她轻轻地翻了一下资料,示意我坐下。“Hello"用不失温柔的声音和我打招呼,并接着问了我一大串各种问题。我把手偷偷藏在桌下,右手紧紧地捏着左手手指尖,手心有点微润。 我故作轻松地一一回答问题。见我前面的都答对了,她咧开嘴冲我一笑,并赞许地点了点头,让我崩紧的弦慢慢松了。 “Itis,no,Thereare……。"我的心咯噔一下,糟糕!把单复数弄混了。可教官只是微微皱了眉头,马上便舒展了,并用鼓励的眼神示意我继续说下去,一股暖流涌上了心头。最后她习惯地看了一下表,时间刚好到,便热情地跟我再见。 这第一次的口语过级真是让我难忘,下一次我可不会这么紧张了。

三一口语7级 自选话题

独家珍藏:三一口语7-9级的考试自选话题 说到这具体的考试环节其实就只是一个培训的问题了,不过最大的难点还是自选话题的甄选的问题,下面我给大家一些很好的选择, Selecting a topic(话题选择) Anything you can talk about Blog. Senior citizen's life in Beijing How to reduce work pressure shopping on line Comment on a movie my holiday plan How to save water should we compete all the time? Should Chinese people be encouraged to buy cars? My plan of starting a private business I hate car alarms 以上这些话题比较新颖,并且很适合孩子谈论。到了7级,孩子不但要注重话题的质量,还要注重话题的深度。 下面向大家展示三一7级中的一个话题:“童年记忆”,大家在备考时,可以参考下面的形式: Early Memories My Arrival to Britain When I was four years old, my father was sent to work in Britain so he took me

and my mother with him to London. We got to London on a mid-summer's evening but the sky was still quite light. My father told me that London is much nearer to the North Pole than Beijing, so day is much longer than night in summer, while night is much longer than day during the winter. London is a really big city with lots of cars and heavy traffic. My first impression of London was old and crumbling unlike Beijing, where there are lots of new and modern buildings. Did you like the school life there My father put me in a primary school which is called Our Lady Roman Catholic Primary school. The first several months were quite hard to me. I could not understand what they were talking about and what I knew were simple words like toilet, water, good morning and bye-bye. The teachers and classmates were very kind to me and step by step I made progress with my English. I made lots of friends there. This photo was taken when I was in Year One. Look, here's my best friend Laurie Rankin. She once invited me to her birthday party. These two are Alexandra Craze, (Alex for short) and Ivana Nicolaou. This is our teacher Miss Clarke. And look, that's me! Back then as you see from this picture my hair was very short, I looked really like a boy. When I was in reception I was in the nativity play. I was to be one of the three wise men giving out gifts when'Jesus'was born. The school organized lots of Activities like visiting London Zoo, Tate Modern Museum and going to the church. This photo was taken by my mother in the school sports day. I won three races. What did you do in the weekends? Nearly every weekend my parents took me out to parks. There are lots of parks in London and my favorite is the Greenwich Park. Greenwich Park is well-known for its Observatory and Greenwich Meantime. There is also a playground and a deer park within it. In the deer park there are lots of deer and squirrels. The squirrels like


三一口语二级考试复习 每天必问: 1、Is it Saturday? No, it isn’t. It’s Sunday. 2、Where is the apple? The apple is in the box. 3、Where is the cat? The cat is under the box. 4、Is she behind the door? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 5、What is she doing? She is singing. 6、What is he doing? He is reading. 7、How many people are there in your family? There are three people in my family. 8、Who are they? They are my father, my mother and me. 9、Do you have any friends? Yes, I do. 10、Who is your best friend? Pony is my best friend. 复习: 1、Tell me about your best friend. 2、Tell me about your father. 3、Tell me about your mother. Who is your English teacher? Tell me about her. My best friend is Pony. (男孩)He is short and thin. (He is not tall.) He has short black hair. He has two big eyes. He wears a green shirt and a pair of grey trousers. (女孩)She’s pretty. She’s not tall and not short. She has two big eyes. She has long red hair. She wears a red shirt and a yellow skirt. 4、Tell me three kinds of animals. Cat, dog and monkey. 5、What are you wearing?

伦敦三一口语话题:Martial Arts

伦敦三一口语话题:Martial Arts ★以下是###少儿英语频道为大家整理的《伦敦三一口语话题:Martial Arts》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 Have you ever studied a martial art? Can you name any Japanese/Chinese/Korean martial arts? Which martial art is best in your opinion? Why? Do you like fighting? Do you often fight? Have you ever been in a fight? Did you win? Do you think its useful to study martial arts? Who is your favorite kung fu movie actor/actress? Do you like Hong Kong kung fu movies? What is your favorite kung fu movie? Do you know anything about martial arts history? What? Do you think its important to preserve tradition in martial arts? How many different kinds of kung fu have you heard of? Do you know how to use any traditional weapons? Which traditional weapon do you think is the coolest? How does kung fu/tae kwon do/aikido compare to western boxing?


My favorite computer game 1、What my favorite computer games is I’ve been interested in computer games for … years. I prefer “Seer”to other kinds of games. I began to play it when I was in Grade Three. I will experience the adventure in the computer game. I usually play computer games twice a week. Seer is a kind of space science fiction game. I think it is the most exciting game I’ve played so far because there are many levels and I can experience the exploration of space in the Seer spaceship in the game. 反问:Do you like playing computer games? 2、Who I played computer games with last weekend Last weekend, I played computer games with my friend Lucy at home. I prefer playing with her because we have a lot of fun together. She’s a very nice girl. She has never been angry with me. When I made a mistake in playing games she would help me. We had a good time last week. I will play computer games with her when we have time. 问:Did you play any interesting computer games with your friend? 3、What my parents think of playing computer games


三一口语2级 U1 Family 1.words mother father brother sister grandpa grandma aunt(婶婶) uncle(叔叔)cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹)niece 侄女nephew 侄子parents 父母grandparents 祖父母son 儿子daughter 女儿wife 妻子hunsband 丈夫 2. Sentences 1)How many people are there in your family? There?re four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my older brother and me. 2)Who are they? They are my father, my mother, my older brother and me. My brother is___ years old. I?m___ years old. 3)Talk about your family. / Can you ( tell me) say sth. about your family? There?re four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father?s a manager(经理). My mother?s a housewife(家庭主妇).My brother is _ years old. I?m a student. I?m in Zhong Guancun No.3 primary school. I?m in Grade 3 class 9. I like English very much.

GESE 三一口语考试简介

英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE) 考试项目的引进 英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Spoken English)是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的英语口语等级考试体系。目前已在亚洲、欧洲、拉美几十个国家和地区开展这项考试。1999年,北京教育考试院与伦敦三一学院正式签署合作协议,在北京地区引进该项考试。 考试的权威性 北京教育考试院主要负责北京地区各级各类学历和非学历教育考试及招生的管理和研究工作;管理和承办中外合作教育考试。每年举办升学、自学专业课、证书等考试近80种,参加考试的人数达百万人次以上。 伦敦三一学院(TCL-Trinity College London)是经英国政府批准、为英国文化委员会承认的考试机构。伦敦三一学院在世界各地举办音乐、戏剧、英语口语等多类考试,是英国英语口语考试和授予英语教师资格证书的主要机构之一,也是英语考试服务系统的主要国际承办者之一。1995年,伦敦三一学院因其英语教育方面的成就获得英国女王嘉奖。 英语口语等级考试的特点 1、面向社会适应不同年龄、不同学历、不同英语水平的英语学习者和使用者。 该项考试分四段十二级:预备级(1-3级)、初级(4-6级)、中级(7-9级)、高级(10-12级)。各级考试都实行一对一面试。从5分钟(1级)简单问答到25分钟(10级以上)的交谈,随着级别的升高,考试时间、内容和考核项目也逐渐增加。 2、自选级别、自备话题 考生可根据考试手册对各级要求的描述,结合自己的学习、实践经历,选择一个合适于本人的级别参加考试。 从四级开始,考生自选并准备谈话题目。考官针对考生所选的话题和文章在交谈和问答中完成考试要求。 考官力求为考生营造一个和谐友好的英语谈话氛围,从而使考生增强自信心,获得较好的成绩。 3、组织方式灵活机动 1)全年接受集体或个人报名。 2)考试时间根据人数和报名单位需要而定。 4、保证考试质量 1)考官 1-9级考试由经过英方严格培训和考核的中方考官担任;10-12级由英方考官担任。 2)考试成绩 考官根据考生水平从听力理解、语音、词汇、语法结构和交际策略等方面分项打分,通过了考试的考生给予通过(Pass)、良好(Merit)、优秀(Distinction)三个水平段的评定。 3)考试质量监控 考试全程录音。根据中英双方协议有关规定,由英方专人审听;中方专家对中方考官进行经常性指导。 4)考试成功率高 根据集体报名单位要求举办《级别要求专题讲座》,为考生选择适合自己的级别提供参
