


1. Where and when to go for the on-salary holiday _____ yet.

a. are not decided

b. have not been decided

c. is not being decided

d. has not been decided

2. Mary is the only one of the girls who _____ by the headmaster at the meeting.

a. uis praised

b. are praised

c. was praised

d. were praised

3. Mary is one of the girls who _____ by the headmaster at the meeting.

a. uis praised

b. are praised

c. was praised

d. were praised

4. All life on our planet _____, in one way or another, upon the sun.

a. depend

b. depending

c. depends

d. depended

5. Whisky and soda _____ always my favorite drink.

a. is

b. was

c. are

d. were

6. Kate as well as her sisters _____ interest in studing Chinese.

a. are

b. take

c. takes

d. is

7. More than one graduate _____ sent to the hardest place since 1979.

a. is

b. are

c. has been

d. have been

8. The secretary of the Party branch and director of the factory often _____ with the workers.

a. works

b. work

c. is working

d. are working

9. His family _____ always quarrelling among _____.

a. is; itself

b. are; themselves

c. is; themselves

d. are; itself

10. Some folk _____ never _____ with the present situation.

a. is; satisfying

b. are; satisfied

c. are; satisfying

d. is; satisfied

11. Each of the students in our class _____ great interest in English and they each _____ a copy of

A New English-Chinese Dictionary.

a. shows; have

b. have; has

c. is; have

d. takes; has

12. ---- _____ ypur clothes?

---- No, mine _____ hanging over there.

a. Is it; is

b. Are these; are

c. Is it; are

d. Are these; is

13. Either you or the headmaster _____ which student will go to attend that meeting.

a. is not decided

b. are to decided

c. are deciding

d. is to decided

14. All but one _____ here just now.

a. is

b. was

c. has been

d. were

15. Light and heat _____ often sent out together with heavy smoke.

a. is

b. was

c. are

d. being

16. No chair and no desk _____ permitted to be taken away from the reading room.

a. are

b. were

c. is

d. be

17. Strangely enough, a pair of new trousers _____ among the rubbish.

a. were found

b. was found

c. found

d. had found

18. Large quantities of fruit _____ all over the world from China today.

a. is shipped

b. are shipped

c. has shopped

d. have shipped

19. It _____ William and Carol who helped me the other day.

a. has been

b. are

c. was

d. were

20. Growing around the lake _____ wold flowers of different colors.

a. is

b. are

c. has

d. have

21. He dropped the _____ and brole it.

a. cup of coffee

b. coffee’s cup

c. cup for coffee

d. coffee cup

22. I will give you _____ to finish it.

a. two-weeks time

b. two weeks time

c. two weeks’ time

d. two week’s time

23. ---- What would you like to drink?

---- I’ll have _____, please.

a. a coffee cup

b. small coffee

c. a little coffee

d. a cup coffee

24. I, who _____ your teacher, will try my best to help you with your study.

a. be

b. am

c. are

d. is

25. Early to bed and early to rise _____ a good habit.

a. are

b. is

c. were

d. was

26. To play basketball and to go seimming _____ useful for character training.

a. was

b. is

c. are

d. were

27. The table is only _____ high.

a. two-foot

b. two foot

c. two-feet

d. two feet

28. They are _____ in name, but they are no longer in practice.

a. woman doctors

b. women doctors

c. women doctor

d. ladies doctors

29. The _____ we saw yesterday come out to the farm once in a while.

a. cow

b. dog

c. deer

d. horse

30. _____ are sold in the new store.

a. Man and child’s shoes c. Men’s and children’s shoes

c. Men and children shoes

d. Men’s and child’s shoes

31. A chemical works _____ built there.

a. is to being

b. have been

c. were to

d. has been

32. ---- Where’s your brother?

---- At ____.

a. Mr. Green’s

b. Greens

c. the Green’s

d. the Greens

33. The years had passed. I found she had _____.

a. a little white hair

b. some white hair

c. a few white hair

d. a few white hairs

34. If these shoes are too big, buy a smaller _____.

a. one

b. set

c. copy

d. pair

35. There are two _____ in our class.

a. Wang

b. Wangs

c. Wang’s

d. Wangs’

36. There are _____ of different presses. Now they are having a meeting in one of the _____


a. editor-in-chiefs; editor’s-in-chief

b. editors-in-chief; editors-in-chief’s

c. editor’s-in-chief; editor’s-on-chief

d. editor-in-chief’s; editor’s-in-chiefs

37. The manager has got a business _____ so the company is doing well.

a. idea

b. sense

c. thought

d. thinking

38. _____ friends Betty had made there were all invited to her birthday party.

a. Few of

b. Few

c. The few

d. A few

39. For the sake of her daughter’s health, she decided to move to a warm _____.

a. weather

b. temperature

c. season

d. climate

40. I saw Bob play the piano at John’s party and on that _____ he was simply brilliant.

a. scene

b. circumstance

c. occasion

d. situation

41. He left ______ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon.

He said he would keep ______.

A. words; his words

B. word; his word

C. word; word

D. the word; his word

42. The ______ in Tibet were set free after liberation.

A. serf

B. serves

C. serfs

D. serfes

43. It is bad ___to speak with your mouth full of food.

A. manner

B. manners

C. way

D. thing

44. In Britain ______ are all painted red.

A. letter boxes

B. letters boxes

C. letter box

D. letters box

45. She is the only one among the _____ writers who _____ stories for children.

A. woman; writes

B. women; write

C. women; writes

D. woman; write

46. My sister has two _____.

A. tooth-brushes

B. tooth-brush

C. teeth-brushes

D. teeth- brush

47 David is one of those people who ____ trouble in making up ____ .

A、have ; his mind

B、has; his mind

C、have; their minds

D、has; their minds

48 Jack as well as his two friends ____ .

A、is worthy of teaching

B、are worth teaching

C、is worthy to teach

D、is worth teaching

49 Her family ____ quite well ____ that her uncle has been ill.

A、was … besides

B、is …. but

C、are …. except

D、were … and

50 Everybody, men and women, old and young, ____ sports and games.


B、were enjoying


D、is enjoyed

51 A dress or a sock is called an article of ____ .





52 Although there are ____ almost everywhere, they can be brought under control.





53 Mechanics ____ a branch of physics concerned with the effects of forces acting on bodies.





54 Each of the books ____ worth reading.


B、have been



55 These books each ____ too much.




D、is costed


1-5 DCDCA 6-10 CCABB 11-15 ABDDA 16-20 CBBCB 21-25 DCCBB 25-30 CDBCB 31-35 DADDB 36-40 BDCDC 41——45 BCBAC 46——50 ACDCC 51——55 DDAAC


Before the 17th century, most of the native English speakers lived in England. After the 17th century, British people began to move to other ___66___ (country). Gradually, English was spoken there. At present ___67___ (many) people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before. ___68___ (luck), native English speakers can understand each other even if they don't speak the same kind of English. English ___69___ (change) and developed when cultures met and communicated with each other over the past centuries. The English ___70___ (speak) in England between about AD450 and 1150 was very different ___71___ the modern English we speak today. It was the new settlers that enriched the English language and ___72___ (especial) its vocabulary. The English language was settled by the 19th century ___73___ two big changes in English spelling happened. English now is also spoken as a foreign ___74___second language in South Asia. China may have the ___75___ (large) number of English learners. 66.countries 【答案】countryother修饰用复数形式,指其他的国家。故是可数名词,此处由【解析】考查名词。countries. 填67. more 【答案】than ever before可知含有和以前比较的意思,要用比较级考查比较级。根据句中的【解析】more. 表示更多的人,故填68. Luckily 【答案】“”Luckily. ,故填【解析】考查副词。此处单独使用作状语要用副词形式,指幸运的是69. has changed 【答案】over the past centuries可知与现在完成时连用,主【解析】考查时态。根据句意和时间状语has changed. 语是单数,故填70. spoken 【答案】Englishspeak是被动关系,此处是过去分词作定语,故填和动词【解析】考查过去分词。. spoken. 71. from 【答案】be different from“…”from. ,是固定短语。故填和【解析】考查固定短语。不同72. especially 【答案】especial“”especially“”。特殊的,特别的是副词是形容词;尤其,特别【解析】考查副词。“”especially. ,故填尤其,特别此处指新的定居者丰富了英语,尤其是它的词汇。表示73. when 【答案】“…”,从句时态是过去时,故填当【解析】考查连词。此处引导时间状语从句,表示时候when. 74. or 【答案】or. 【解析】考查连词。此处表示选择,指作为第一语言或第二语言被说,故填 75. largest 【答案】【解析】考查形容词最高级。因为中国人口最多所以说英语的人也最多,此处由the修饰用 I had just visited my best friend in hospital with my mum,___41___hadn't seen my friend since she'd gone into hospital six months earlier. I knew where she was coming from as she was___42___(grave)ill, but as I'd been visiting her every week I had stopped seeing the obvious; my friend___43___(lose)most of her body weight


第二节名词与主谓一致 名词可分为专有名词(Proper Noun)和普通名词(Common Noun),专有名词主要指人名、地名及其他专有名称,如China ,Columbus , Hong Kong , Tom , Diana等。普通名词是一类人 或东西,或一个抽象概念,如book,joy等。普通名词可分为以下四类: 1.个体名词(Individual Noun):表示某类人或事物中的个体,如:women,pig,treed,desk,pen。 2.集体名词(Collective Noun):表示个体的人或事物组成的集合体,如:people,family,audience,crowd,flock,swarm。 3.物质名词(Material Noun):表示一定形态的物质名称,如:water,air,glass,paper,salt。 4.抽象名词(Abstract Noun):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念及学科、疾病等名称 的词,如:work,peace,democracy,truth,joy,fear。 个体名词和集合名词一般可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和 抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。 一、集体名词的数 1. 通常作不可数名词的集体名词 clothing 衣物furniture家具baggage/luggage行李equipment设备 jewelry 珠宝traffic交通information 信息foliage叶子,植物 machiner y 机械merchandise商品produce产物scenery风景 这类集体名词的用法与不可数名词相当。 形式上总是单数,没有复数形式,作主语时,谓语用单数。如: Our clothing protects us form cold.衣服保护我们免受寒冷。 The machinery is made in China.这些机器是中国制造的。 不可直接与a(n)或数词连用。表数量时用much, little, some, a piece of, an article of等。如:Each room has four pieces of furniture.每间房有四件家具。 若需用代词,用单数代词,如: Do you want to see my jewelry It is in the box.你想看我的珠宝吗它在我的箱子里。 2. 通常作复数的集体名词 police警察cattle牛,家畜poultry 家禽vermin害虫 clergy神职人员militia民兵 这些集体名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数。如: The police are looking for him.警察当局正在找他。 The cattle provide us with milk,0eef and hides.牛给我们提供牛奶、牛肉和皮革。 3.既可作单数也可作复数的集体名词 people人们,人民,〔C〕民族herd牧群flock羊群family家庭,家人 team队government政府crowd人群committee委员会 council理事会crew全体人员staff全体职员party党员 firm商号company公司jury陪审团couple对,双 board董事会group团体gang一伙media媒体army军队enemy敌军union联盟audience听众 public公众,人群mankind人类,〔C〕男子


蚄主谓一致 蚈1.主谓一致是指英语中谓语在人称、数及意义方面要与作主语的名词或代词一致。 肈2.主谓一致分为语法一致、意义一致、就近一致。 螃(1)语法一致原则:主语和谓语在语法形式上保持一致。主语为单数,谓语用单数;主语为复数,谓语用复数。 螃I often help him and he often helps me. 聿(2)意义一致原则:主语和谓语在意义上单复数一致。主语为单数,谓语用单数;主语为复数,谓语用复数。 薆The police are searching the woods for the murderer. (3) (4)蒂就近一直原则:当主语有两个或两个以上时,谓语动词由靠近它的主语确定。 蕿并列主语的谓语一致 1. 2.芆And 羄(1)两个单数名词用and连接,表示不同概念时,谓语用发复数。 芁Tom and Jack are close friends. (2) (3)虿两个单数名词用and连接,表示同一歌人、同一个物,同一个概念,或表示不可分割的整体时,谓语用单数。 蚇The singer and dancer is to attend our evening party. (4) (5)蒁被every,each,many a,no等限定的单数名词由and连接时,谓语仍用单数,其中,后一个限定词可以省略。 肀every ……and ……every,each……and……each,no……and……no, many a……and……many a。 蝿Each boy and (each) girl has an apple. (6) (7)肈一个单数名词被几个用and连接的并列形容词修饰时,可以指一件事或几件事,这种名词作主语,要根据意义一致的原则决定单复数。 膃Simple and plain living is a fine quality.生活简朴一种优良品质。


名词与主谓一致 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

专题七名词与主谓一致一、考情分析 近年来对名词的考查主要集中在名词词义辨析及并列主语的主谓一致上,其次是名词所有格、抽象名词和物质名词的具体化以及不定数量的词或词组与名词的搭配关系上。 考查考生在理解题干内容的基础上对词汇或语法知识的掌握情况,加重对语境理解及语言知识相融合的考查。 二、名词的数 英语中大多数可数名词都可以通过加-s或–es的方法变为复数名词。不可数名词(抽象或物质)没有复数形式,专有名词一般只有单数形式,只有少数专有名词才有复数形式。 (一)规则变化 (二)一些特殊情况 1. 合成名词变为复数时,通常把主体名词变为复数,如果没有主体名词,将最后一部分变为复数。如: Sons-in-law, passers-by, story-tellers,housewives等

2. family, team, class, group, government, crowd, audience等作主语时,如果作为整体看待,谓语动词用单数,如果看成成员,谓语动词用复数。 某些集体名词,如people, polic, youth, cattle等及clothes, trousers, shoes, glasses 作主语时,谓语用复数。若这类名词与a pair of 等词连用时,谓语动词往往用单数。 3. 单、复数同形的名词如means(方法)作主语时,应根据意义决定谓语动词的单复数。 4. 有些名词呈现了复数形式,如news,manners, politics, physics 等但并不表示复数概念。 5. 有些名词总是在使用时用其复数形式,如thanks, regards, congratulations, goods, works, tears, instructions, directions, respects 等。 6. 有些短语要求用名词复数形式. 如 make friends with shake hands with take pains to do sth. make both ends meet … (三)名词与表示数量的词或短语的搭配


名词与主谓一致 1. Where and when to go for the on-salary holiday _____ yet. a. are not decided b. have not been decided c. is not being decided d. has not been decided 2. Mary is the only one of the girls who _____ by the headmaster at the meeting. a. uis praised b. are praised c. was praised d. were praised 3. Mary is one of the girls who _____ by the headmaster at the meeting. a. uis praised b. are praised c. was praised d. were praised 4. All life on our planet _____, in one way or another, upon the sun. a. depend b. depending c. depends d. depended 5. Whisky and soda _____ always my favorite drink. a. is b. was c. are d. were 6. Kate as well as her sisters _____ interest in studing Chinese. a. are b. take c. takes d. is 7. More than one graduate _____ sent to the hardest place since 1979. a. is b. are c. has been d. have been 8. The secretary of the Party branch and director of the factory often _____ with the workers. a. works b. work c. is working d. are working 9. His family _____ always quarrelling among _____. a. is; itself b. are; themselves c. is; themselves d. are; itself 10. Some folk _____ never _____ with the present situation. a. is; satisfying b. are; satisfied c. are; satisfying d. is; satisfied 11. Each of the students in our class _____ great interest in English and they each _____ a copy of A New English-Chinese Dictionary. a. shows; have b. have; has c. is; have d. takes; has 12. ---- _____ ypur clothes? ---- No, mine _____ hanging over there. a. Is it; is b. Are these; are c. Is it; are d. Are these; is 13. Either you or the headmaster _____ which student will go to attend that meeting. a. is not decided b. are to decided c. are deciding d. is to decided 14. All but one _____ here just now. a. is b. was c. has been d. were 15. Light and heat _____ often sent out together with heavy smoke. a. is b. was c. are d. being 16. No chair and no desk _____ permitted to be taken away from the reading room. a. are b. were c. is d. be 17. Strangely enough, a pair of new trousers _____ among the rubbish. a. were found b. was found c. found d. had found 18. Large quantities of fruit _____ all over the world from China today. a. is shipped b. are shipped c. has shopped d. have shipped 19. It _____ William and Carol who helped me the other day. a. has been b. are c. was d. were 20. Growing around the lake _____ wold flowers of different colors. a. is b. are c. has d. have


高一英语语法填空专题练习 (10篇) (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 一 once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money. 二· Crying marriage? 31 (surprise), isn’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, and 32 (remain) in fashion 33 the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a 34 (necessary) to marriage procedure. It is very much 35 same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding. 36 , the bride’s neighbors would look down upon 37 as a poorly cultivated girl and she would become the laughingstock of the village. In fact, there were cases 38 which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony. In a word, crying at wedding is a 39 by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words. However, in the 40 (arrange) marriages of the old days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life. 三 In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are neccessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear ______31________spoken.. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. _____32_______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success _____33_______ language learning. _____34________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____35________(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______36_________meaning, studying the dictionary


英语语法主谓一致 指的是谓语动词在人称和数上必须与主语保持一致。处理主谓一致问题,可依据三项原则:语法上一致、意义上一致和就近一致。根据这些原则,总结如下: 一.谓语动词用单数 (1)以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语、动名词短语或从句作主语时,谓语动词一般要用单数动词。 例如:To work hard is necessary.努力工作是必要的。 Reading without comprehension is no good.只读不理解是不好的。 It pays to work hard. 天道酬勤。 (2)事件、国家、机构名称、书刊及其他作品的名称(专有名词)用作主语时,谓语动词用单数。例如:The United States was formed in 1776.美国于1776年成立。 The New York Times still has a wide circulation.纽约时报发行量仍然很大。 Roots is a novel about a black family.《根》是一部关于(美国)黑人家庭的小说。 (3)表示时间、距离、金额、重量、面积、体积、容积等度量的名词短语做主语时,谓语用单数。 例如:Two weeks was too long.两周太长了。 Ten dollars is a small sum.十美元是个小数目。 Five times five makes twenty five.五乘以五是二十五。 One and a half bananas is left on the table.一只半香蕉留在桌子上。 4)表示学科和某些疾病名称的名词是复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 例如:Linguistics is a branch of study on human language.语言学是人类语言中的一个分枝。(5)有些名词形式是复数,意义为单数,作主语时,要求单数动词。 例如:The chaos was stopped by the police.混乱被警察阻止了。 The news is a great encouragement to us.这新闻对我们来说是一个很大的鼓舞。 Her present whereabouts is still unknown.她目前的行踪仍然不明。 (6)主语是单数时,尽管后面跟as well as (以及),no less than (不少于……,多达),rather than(而不是),more than(不止是,超过),but(除了),except(除……外),besides( 加之,还有),with(和……一起,和……一块儿),along with(跟……一起),accompanied by ( 由……陪同),combined with(加上),in addition to(除……以外),including(包括),together with(与……一起)等,谓语动词仍用单数形式。 (7)某些不定代词,如:either,neither,each,one,other,another,anybody,anyone, anything,somebody,someone,something,everybody,everyone,everything,nobody,no one,nothing 等,当他们作主语时,其谓语动词通常用单数形式。 例如:Each of the boys has an apple.每个孩子都有苹果。 Somebody is using the phone.有人正在用电话。 Everything around us is matter.我们周围一切都是物质。 但是口语中当either或neither后+of+复数名词(或代词)作定语时,其谓语动词也可用复数。例如:Is (Are)either of the boys ready?两个男孩都准备好了吗? Neither of the novels is (are)interesting.哪一本小说都没意思。 (8)集合名词作主语表示整体概念时,动词用单数谓语形式。 例如:The government is made up of senior members of the four main right wing parties. 这届政府由四个主要右翼党的高级官员组成。 His family is not very large.他的家庭并不太大。 The staff of our school is opposed to the drastic changes in the system of education.


集合名词的主谓一致 篇一:集合名词做主语的主谓一致问题 集合名词做主语的主谓一致问题 1. 通常用作复数的集合名词 police(警察),people(人),cattle(牛,牲口)等集合名词,总是表示复数意义,用作主语时,其谓语要用复数: The police were after him. 警察正在追捕他。 People are beginning to talk about her. 人们开始议论她。 Cattle feed on grass. 牛吃草。 注goods(货物), clothes(衣服)只有复数形式,且只表示复数意义: Such clothes are very cheap. 那样的衣服很便宜。 All the goods have been sent to them. 所有的货物都给他们送去了。 2. 只用作单数的不可数集合名词 clothing(衣服),poetry(诗歌),baggage / luggage(行李),furniture(家具),machinery(机械),scenery(景色),jewellery(珠宝),equipment(设备)等集合名词通常只用作不可数名词,表示单数意义,用作主语时,其后谓语动词用单数形式: Our clothing protects us from against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。

All their baggage was stolen. 他们所有的行李都被偷了。 The furniture is convenient to move. 这家具搬起来很方便。 All the machinery in the factory is made in China. 这个工厂所有的机器都是中国产的。 3. 既可表示单数意义也可表示复数意义的集合名词 family(家庭),team(队,队员),class(班,班上的全体学生),crowd(人群),government(政府),crew(乘务员),committee(委员会),audience(听众),public(公众)等集合名词,当它们表示整体意义时,表单数意义,当它们强调个体意义时,表示复数意义:Her family is a large one. 她的家庭是一个大家庭。 Her family are all tall. 她的一家人都很高。 The team is the best in the league. 这个队在联赛中打得最好。 The football team are having baths. 足球队队员们在洗澡。 It was late, but the audience was increasing. 时间很迟了,但听众人数却在增加。 The audience were all moved to tears. 听众都感动得流了泪。 注有时没有特定的语境,用单复数谓语均可以: The audience was (were) very excited by the show. 观众对演出甚感激动。 The public has (have) a right to know what’s in the report. 公众有权知道这篇报告的内容。


高一英语语法填空专项练习 (一) 第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Do you ever wonder why you yawn? Why do you open your mouth wide and take a deep breath? Well, a scientist at the University of Maryland is searching for the answer. Professor Robert Provine has been studying yawning for the past two years. But he says he still does not know 31 people yawn. In fact, no one seems to know much about it. Professor Provine’s students have helped him find out more about yawning. They agreed to 32 (watch) while sitting alone in small rooms. In the rooms, they watched television programs, or pictures of people yawning. Or they just sat and 33 (think) about yawning. Students also kept records of when they yawned throughout the day. The professor says he has learned 34 number of things from these experiments. He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping. His students yawned most just before sleeping or 35 waking from sleep. He also found that people yawn much when they are __36 (bore ) or not interested in what they are doing. Now, Professor Provine is planning future experiments to help him find the purpose of yawning. He said there is some evidence 37 yawning is linked to 38 (excite). Yawning is common among runners 39 (wait) to begin a race. It is also common among people waiting to make a speech. Professor Provine says he is most interested in learning why seeing someone yawn makes others yawn as well. He says almost anything connected with yawning can make people yawn. As a matter of fact, I found 40 yawning a lot as I prepared this report. I wonder if hearing it can make you yawn. If it does, excuse me, if you did yawn, write and tell me. 答案:31.why 32.be watched 33.thought 34.a 35.after 36. bored 37.that 38.excitement 39.waiting 40.myself (二) 第二节语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分) Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis(重视)on food. Considered to be an important part of each day, __31 __(eat) is far beyond simply meeting a need. However, people are living in fast-paced society now, so they hardly have time to enjoy their food. They need fast food. That is _32_ China’s fast-food market expands. A foreign fast-food restaurant __33__(call)KFC arrived in China first, quickly followed by _34_ such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. __35__ the development of China, foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed __36__ (grow) in China. However, these “junk foods”have long been criticized by health experts because __37__ can’t provide balanced nutrition(营养). The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains a food colouring, Sudan I , __38___can cause cancer. In fact, China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes. Among them, dumplings, soybean milk and noodles are __39__ most popular. Compared with foreign fast food, those traditional ones are healthier. __40__ many Chinese still enjoy the special taste and the good environment in the foreign fast-food chains even though there exist some potential(潜在的)risks. 第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或

英语语法 名词做主语时的主谓一致原则

名词做主语时的主谓一致原则 一、如果主语是不可数名词,动名词,不定式或从句的时候,谓语动词用单数. Smoking is not a good habit. To live happily needs a lot of things. What I said is true. 二、如果由and连接的两个做主语的单数名词指的是同一个人或物的时候,用单数动词. The singer and songwriter is dead. The science and technology plays an important part in China. Bread and butter(=buttered bread) is a good food for patients. “War and Peace” is the best book I have ever read. 如果由and连接的两个或更多的主语之前有each, every, many a/an, no的时候用单数名词. Every boy and girl in the class works very hard. Each minute and second is valuable to us.

三、主语是单数, 后面跟有with, along with, together with,besides, as well as, but, except, no less than,rather than, more than, like, including, in addition to 的时候, 谓语动词用单数. Jack with his family wants to go to China. He, as well as you, is very honest. No one but I is a student. Her brother, together with his wife and children, was killed in the accident. The father, rather than the brothers, is responsible. 四、由some, any, no, every构成的复合代词(sb,sth---)和each, either, neither, one, the other, another, little, a little, much, no one, nothing做主语的时候,谓语动词用单数. Each of you is cleverer than me. Neither student has passed the exam. Is anybody here? 五、both, few, a few, several, many以及others做主语的时候, 永远用复数动词. Several friends were invited to the party.
