


May, 2014

Part 1:

(Q's about your personal background )

What’s your favorite subject/course? Do you think people who major in your field can find a job easily when they graduate? What subjects did you study at primary school?

What’s your hometown famous for? Is it good for young people? Can you tell me about some recent changes in your hometown? Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown? What's your favorite means of transport?

Does your Chinese name have any special meaning? Are there any important traditions about giving children their names in China?

(some other general Q’s about yourself and your life)

Do you live in a house or a flat? Have you ever considered moving to another place? Which is your favorite room in your house/ flat?

Do you prefer to live in a city or in the countryside? Are there any disadvantages to living in the countryside?

Do you have a bicycle? Do you think bicycles will become more popular in the future?

Have you ever travelled by train? Do people in your country like to travel by train?

Do you wear a watch? Why?

Why is it important to be punctual? Are you often late for things?

Do you have patience? Have you ever lost your patience?

Why is it important to be polite? Do you think people in your country are more polite than in the past?

How many languages can you speak? Do you want to learn another language? How are you going to learn it?

Do you often use dictionaries? Do you use paper dictionaries or electronic dictionaries? Why?

Do you like pets? Why do people keep pets? Do you like wild animals? Do you think zoos are still important today?

Do you like plants? Do you have any plants in your house / flat? How do you take care of the plants?

Do you like to walk in cities? How can large cities become more pedestrian-friendly and walkable?

Do you like to go out on sunny days? What do you usually do on sunny days? Do you think sunshine can make people happy and friendly? What’s your favorite kind of weather? Do you like rainy days?

Do you prefer to write letters or emails? Or would you prefer to use a mobile phone? Are postcards popular in your country?

Do you like writing? Do you think you're good at it?

How do you get news? How often do you read newspapers? Are you more interested in international news or news about your own country?

When do you do your housework? Do you think children should help their parents with housework?

Who cooks in your family? Can you cook? Do you want to take cooking classes? Are cooking shows popular in China? Do you think children should learn how to cook?

Do you often buy things online? Where do you usually buy clothing? What is your favorite kind of clothing? Do you think clothing is less expensive in China than in other countries? Do you often help your friends shop for clothing?

Do you like going to parties? Why? Do you prefer to go to parties with your family or with your friends? What do you dislike about parties?

Do you often visit your relatives? Who are more important to you – your friends or your relatives?

Which birthday left you with the deepest impression? Did you receive any gifts for that birthday? Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with your family members or your friends?

Do you like taking photos? What kind of camera do you have? Do you like to take photos outdoors or indoors? Is photography popular in China?

Do you like drawing and painting? What were your favorite kinds of drawings or paintings when you were a child? Do you think children can benefit from drawing and painting? What’r e your favourite colours?

Do you like art? Do you think art is difficult to understand?

What were your favorite childhood activities? Did you prefer outdoor activities or indoor activities?

What were your favorite toys when you were a child? What kinds of toys do Chinese children play with these days?

What games did you like to play when you were a child? What games do children play these days? What’re the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls? What are the most popular sports in China?

What kinds of advertisements are popular in China? Do you often buy advertised products?

Do you like history? Who’s your favorite historical figure? Do you like watching historical dramas? Do you like watching historical documentaries online?

May, 2014

Part 2:


Describe a beautiful house / flat.

(Keep in mind you can reuse the same ideas for different topic cards.) Describe a new house.

Describe a new place you moved to.

Describe a room that you use a lot / a room where you spend a lot of time. Describe a garden / park.

Describe a trip by public transport (such as bus or train).

Describe a holiday that you spent far away from home.

Describe a place where you experienced a new culture.

Describe a place far away from your home.

Describe a childhood trip / journey.

Describe a place you’ll travel to when you have a day off.

Describe a plan you made (not related to study or work).

Describe a library.

Describe a new school.

Describe a place where you studied or worked before.

Describe a shopping mall.

Describe a shopping street.

Describe a famous building in your city.

Describe an old building in your city.

Describe a tourist attraction you visited.

Describe an interesting foreign country you wish to visit.

Describe a city or town you wish to visit / you enjoyed visiting.


Describe a person you became friends with the first time when you met him/her. Describe a friend you haven’t seen for a long time.

Describe an occasion when you met an old friend of yours.

Describe a close friend of yours.

Describe a person you love spending time with.

Describe a person you spend a lot of time with.

Describe a friend you made recently.

Describe a good parent.

Describe a family member who helps you a lot.

Describe something you learned from a family member.

Describe something you like to do with the elderly people in your family.

Describe an interesting old man / an interesting old person.

Describe a very old person.

Describe someone who helped you study.

Describe an intelligent person.

Describe a teacher who taught you an important skill such as cooking, biking or swimming. Describe a skill you learned when you were a child.

Describe a training session.

Describe a positive experience in your childhood.

Describe an encouraging experience.

Describe a person you helped before.

Describe a conversation you had with a stranger.

Describe an interesting conversation.

Describe a teenager.

Describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle.

Describe a good way to stay healthy.

Describe a club (or a team) you belong to.

Describe a club programme you like.

Describe a singer or a band.

Describe a famous singer in your country.

Describe a comic star who’s popular in your country.

Describe a famous person in your country. / Describe a celebrity in your country. Describe a person you admire.

Describe a person who has an important job.

Describe an important person in your country.

Describe an ideal job.

Describe a job/an interesting thing you wish to do in the future.


Describe a picnic (or an outdoor meal) you had.

Describe an important plant in your country.

Describe a river / lake / sea.

Describe a place near water.

Describe a seaside place.

Describe your favorite weather.

Describe your favorite season.


Describe your favorite sport.

Describe a sport you like to watch on TV.

Describe a sports event.

Describe an outdoor activity (such as a sport or an outdoor game).

Describe a childhood game.

Describe something that helps you relax.

Describe your favorite leisure activity.

Describe a leisure activity near the sea.

Describe a healthy lifestyle.

Describe a song that is special to you / a song that means a lot to you.

Describe a book you enjoyed as a child (such as a storybook).

Describe a book that you read several times./ Describe a book you would like to read again. /

Describe a book you would recommend to others.

Describe your favorite childhood story.

Describe your favorite TV show.

Describe a film that you dislike.

Describe a TV show (or a film) that made you laugh.

Describe your favorite radio programme.

Describe a show / performance you watched.

Describe an interesting / impressive speech you listened to.

Describe a useful website.


Describe a group activity(a group game, a group presentation or a sports match …). Describe a group (or team) project.

Describe a time when you were very busy.

Describe something that kept you busy.

Describe a sports game / match / competition you watched.

Describe a competition you’d like to take part in.

Describe an event that changed your life.

Describe a school rule (that you agree or disagree with).

Describe a historical event. / Describe a historical event you’re interested in. Describe a disease many people suffer from.

Describe a decision that took you a long time to make.

Describe a wrong decision you made. / Describe a decision you have regrets about. Describe an important letter you received.

Describe a memorable birthday party.

Describe a time when someone took a photo of you.

Describe a party you want to throw for your friends / family.

Describe a special family event.

Describe a wedding.

Describe an occasion when you were dressed formally.

Describe a happy thing / a happy event in your childhood.

Describe something that can make you happy.

Describe your favorite subject.

Describe a subject you did NOT like in high school.

Describe a foreign language you wish to learn (not English).

Describe a recent change / a challenge in your life.

Describe an important message you received (by phone, email or text).

Describe a difficult thing that you did well.

Describe an interesting thing / an unusual thing you did recently.

Describe something you forgot to do.


Describe a popular product made in your country.

Describe a product made in your region.

Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device that is NOT a computer. Describe a piece of technical equipment you often use at home.

Describe something you can’t live without (that’s NOT a computer or a mobile phone). Describe something you bought but haven’t used much.

Describe a time when you saved money for something special.

Describe an ad that helped you buy something.

Describe a means of telecommunication (mobile phone, e-mail ...).

Describe something that helps you learn another language.

Describe someone who helped you learn a foreign language.

Describe an important kind of technology.

Describe a photo you like.

Describe a childhood toy. (a kite, a puzzle, try to solve a puzzle or try to solve a Rubik's Cube … Also for boys: a toy car, a toy airplane or a toy robot. Also for girls: a Barbie doll or a stuffed animal …)

Describe a gift you gave a friend.

Describe a gift you received.

Describe a gift you received when you were a child.

Describe a special item (or piece) of clothing. / Describe your favorite clothes or accessories. Describe a uniform.

Describe a vehicle you wish to buy.

Describe a means of public transport.

Day 10

Describe a place where people can enjoy music.

Describe a work of art such as a sculpture, a painting or a drawing.

Describe a museum.

Describe a family business.

Describe a science lesson.

Describe a science subject you studied in secondary school.

Describe a subject about which others get information from you.

Describe a special meal. / Describe a special meal you were invited to.

Describe a kind of food your hometown is famous for.

Describe a restaurant you like.

Describe an occasion when someone visited you.

Describe an old object your family has kept for a long time.


(一) 雅思口语的基本结构( basic structure) 连接词组( linking phrases ) First, firstly, initially, to begin with, I should begin by saying The first thing / point / issue / advantage /etc. I should / would like to mention / highlight is ... Second, secondly, next, a second point is, something else is, in addition (to that), not only that, but... Of course A second feature /Something else / Another point I would like to mention/ say/ is that ... 第三 Third, thirdly, consequently, I could also say ... After that, what 's more I shouldn 't forget to add / mention / say / comment that ... 最后

Finally, ultimately, last, last but not least, a final point I 'd like to make is, one last point I cold add is ... 表示转折 However, whereas, on the other hand, in contrast, despite (that) in spite of ( that), even though,, having said that, then again, nonetheless, even so, compared with, on the contrary, although, but, yet, still, instead of , at the same time 表示类似 Similarly, likewise, as well as (this), by a similar token..., in a similar way, moreover, besides (that), furthermore, 支持连接(supporting links ) 举例说明 For example, for instance, in fact, to illustrate this, one example of this is ... Case in point, namely, in particular, particularly, especially, such as, you know, like, What I mean by that is ... By that I mean... To be blunt, to be brief, to be more specific, to be more exact, to be more precise, in other words, I should


PAT的五月口语预测 May, 2014 Part 1: (Q's about your personal background ) What’s your favorite subject/course? Do you think people who major in your field can find a job easily when they graduate? What subjects did you study at primary school? What’s your hometown famous for? Is it good for young people? Can you tell me about some recent changes in your hometown? Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown? What's your favorite means of transport? Does your Chinese name have any special meaning? Are there any important traditions about giving children their names in China? (some other general Q’s about yourself and your life) Do you live in a house or a flat? Have you ever considered moving to another place? Which is your favorite room in your house/ flat? Do you prefer to live in a city or in the countryside? Are there any disadvantages to living in the countryside? Do you have a bicycle? Do you think bicycles will become more popular in the future? Have you ever travelled by train? Do people in your country like to travel by train? Do you wear a watch? Why? Why is it important to be punctual? Are you often late for things? Do you have patience? Have you ever lost your patience? Why is it important to be polite? Do you think people in your country are more polite than in the past?


2018年1-4月雅思口语新题预测:sleep 三立在线教育雅思频道为大家准备了2018年1-4月雅思口语新题预测:sleep,供同学们学习参考。每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月。每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%到40%的旧题,并且补充相应数量的新题,大家在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的机经版本。希望三立在线教育为大家提供的1-4月预测题对大家考试有所帮助。 雅思口语相关话题:Sleep 1. How many hours do you sleep every day? 2. Is it necessary to take a nap every day? 3. Do old people sleep a lot? Why? 4. How to have a good sleep? 5. Do you like to get up early in the morning? 6. Can you sleep well if you are in a noisy environment? How many hours do you sleep at night? What time do you go to bed? Do you have a nap during the day?

Do you think sleep is important? 雅思口语相关参考答案 Usually I sleep for seven to eight hours every day in order to let my body relax. But if I want to do something very important at night, I could only sleep for less than four hours. Yes, I believe that after having lunch at noon, it’s beneficial for body to take a nap, half of hour would be enough, to brace for the tasks in the afternoon. Yes, I guess the elderly people do need to sleep more. I believe the reason is that after years of working, stress and the natural process breaks down people’s body until all they want to do is sleep, consequently, their bodies take longer to recharge the batteries. I believe you have to follow several rules to get a good sleep regularly. Firstly, go to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time when you normally feel tired, so that you don’t toss and turn. Besides, make sure your bed is comfortable so that you can stretch and turn in bed comfortably. As well as that, stay away from big meals at night or try to make dinnertime earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, rich foods before bed.


雅思历年真题口语题目汇总 version 01old person describe an old man influenced you 1.who was he 2.when did you know him 3.what he did and explain why he influenced you part3 1.老人的经验有什么问题存在? 2.喜欢什么艺术品? 3.给老人拍照片时候注意什么呢? 4.你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 5.你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 6.老人在你们家有什么影响? 7.你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 8.他们对大家有什么影响? version 02 city 1.where it is located? 2. what special for you? 3. why you want to stay there? part 3 1.please compare 100 hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the future. 2.上海是个怎样的城市 3.都有那些著名建筑

4.你想为这个城市做些什么? 5.有哪些现象有待提高或者那些提倡 version 03 room part2: 1.what's your favorite room in your home 2.what it likes you live 3.what you do in the room normally and explain why you like it part3: 1.你认识你的邻居吗? 2.城市里的房子和乡村有什么不同? 2003年9月换题后的口语topic Old person Describe a older person you know You should say:Who he or she is How you know him or her How he or she is And explain what infection he or she give you and in what aspect Further question: 1、你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 2、你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 3、老人在你们家有什么影响? 4、你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 5、他们对大家有什么影响?


PAT的五月写作预测 1 Good health is a basic human need. Some people think that healthcare services should be provided by the government rather than by private companies. Do you agree or disagree? 2 Some people believe that only the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can succeed in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on mental attitudes. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 3 Animal experiments have been used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of many other products. Some people think that these experiments should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 4 Sending children to boarding schools is becoming increasingly popular. What are the causes of this trend? Do you think it is a positive or negative trend? 5 Today, many young people leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. What are the causes of this? Suggest some solutions. 6 Some people believe that students should study a wide range of subjects. Others, however, argue that students should focus on the subjects they are best at or they find most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 7 Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education. Some people think that universities should make it easier for them to access higher education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 8 Some parents today choose to send their children to private schools. Do the advantages of private schools outweigh the disadvantages? 9 Mobile phones and the Internet are useful tools. However, not many elderly people use them. In what ways can mobile phones and the Internet be useful to elderly people? How can elderly people be encouraged to use them? 10 Early technological developments helped ordinary people and changed their lives more than recent technological developments. Do you agree or disagree? 11 Cheap air travel is increasingly popular in the world today. To what extent do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?



General Introduction 标准:It's not what you say. It's how you say it. 流利度、语法、发音、词汇量 (7分是快速思考后较为连贯地说出来的,但中间会有呼吸和短暂思考需要的自然停顿。和考官的交流比较充分而且已经有一定的层次关系,但允许出现不导致严重误解的语法、用词或发音错误) 注意事项: 1. 注意一些小短语: work out let sb. down pile up liven up polish up (=improve) crack sb. up (=make sb. laugh) hand down from wind down (=relax) 2. 不要使用过于口语化的表示 eg. wanna, ain't, gal, yucky 3. 如果没有听懂考官问的问题 Could you please rephrase the question? Well, my best guess would be...... Part 1: Chat;确保每道题平均能回答3句话左右 Topics: Studies, Work, Buildings, People Entertainment, Weather & Seasons, Hometown, Reading & Writing Food, Age, Arts, Colours Nature, Collection, Clothing, Traveling Sports & Outdoor activities, Pets, Festivals & Holidays & Parties, Shopping


2019年7月1日2日托福独立口语预测(网友版) 2017年7月1日/7月2日托福独立口语预测 S1 Among study, exercise and go shopping, which one would you like to doalone? Explain why. S1 Which of the following three do you think is the most important for agreat working environment, friendly coworkers, flexible hours or a helpfulboss? Please explain with details. 评析:托福口语的独立任务题中,三选一是近几年比较常见的问 题形式。这类题目在答题时,应注意选择有理由可说的一个,理由理 应简单易懂接地气,便于补充细节和例子。 S1 Some schools require students to finish a reading list during schoolbreaks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement. . S1 What should parents do to help their children to succeed in school? S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:all studentsshould attend social activities such as joining a club or a sports team atschool. 评析:无论第一还是第二题都应注重学生生活及教育类话题。 S2 Which one do you prefer: doing exercise everyday or only when you arefree? S2 Do you prefer to work at home or in an office? 评析:考生还应适当练习生活休闲类话题,其中很多素材是能够 通用的,比如使人放松、有益健康、扩大社交圈等等。


雅思历年真题口语题目汇总 version01old person describe an old man influenced you 1.who was he 2.when did you know him 3.what he did and explain why he influeced you part3 1.老人的经验有什么问题存在? 2.喜欢什么艺术品? 3.给老人拍照片时候注意什么呢? 4.你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 5.你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 6.老人在你们家有什么影响? 7.你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 8.他们对大家有什么影响? version02city 1.where it is located? 2.what special for you? 3.why you want to stay there? part3 1.please compare100hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the futu re. 2.上海是个怎样的城市 新东方批改网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/0614839693.html,),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划,

3.都有那些著名建筑 4.你想为这个城市做些什么? 5.有哪些现象有待提高或者那些提倡 version03room part2: 1.what's your favorite room in your home 2.what it likes you live 3.what you do in the room normally and explain why you like it part3: 1.你认识你的邻居吗? 2.城市里的房子和乡村有什么不同? 2003年9月换题后的口语topic Old person Describe a older person you know You should say:Who he or she is How you know him or her How he or she is And explain what infection he or she give you and in what aspect Further question: 1、你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 2、你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 3、老人在你们家有什么影响? 新东方批改网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/0614839693.html,),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划,


10月慎小嶷雅思大作文预测 1 Some people argue that air transport can bring us more choices while others claim it makes industrial and agricultural products cost more. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 1有些人认为,航空运输能够给我们带来更多的选择,而有些人则认为它增加了工业品和农产品的花费成本。讨论这两种意见,并给自己的观点。 2 The government should not put money in building theaters and sports stadiums. Instead, it should spend money on medical care and education. Do you agree or disagree? 2,政府不应该把钱花在在建设剧院和体育场馆上。相反,它应该花在医疗保健和教育上。你是否同意或不同意? 3 Some people believe rich countries and international organisations should give other types of help to poor countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 3,有些人认为富裕国家和国际组织应给予贫困国家其它类型的帮助而不是财政援助。你同意哪种观点? 4 Many people use distance-learning programmes to study at home while other people think that these programmes cannot bring as much benefit as attending college or university. What is your opinion? 4,很多人使用远程学习方法在家里学习,而其他人认为,这些方案不能带来像去大学或学院一样多的好处。你的意见是什么? 5 Some people think that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Others think that students of different abilities should be taught together. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 5有人认为,聪明的孩子应该单独授课和特殊的待遇。另一些人则认为,不同能力的学生也应被共同讲授。讨论这两种意见,并给自己的观点。


雅思口语备考 不算什么雅思大牛,基础算比较差,口语从5—6.5. 我先分享一下我和我身边的烤鸭在一开始考雅思时,口语存在的一些共性问题。如果你恰好也有这样的问题,也许这篇经验分享对你很有用。 问题: 1. 忐忑的看着上百的口语话题束手无策,总不能背一百多个话题素材吧。 2. 得知其他烤鸭都是背的liuwei、慎小嶷或在淘宝上买来的口语素材,我也跟着盲目的背吧。 3. 每次准备口语都是考试前半个月或者前一个星期,根据高频话题乱背素材。 4. 没有一套科学的口语练习方法,除了死记硬背的背素材好像也别无他法了。 5. 上过各种口语预测班或者突击冲击班(反正就是这个意思吧,告诉你几天就能突破多少分),你把它视为最后一根救命稻草,希望老师上课讲的预测话题能中。 6. 结课后,除了拿到一堆老师美曰其名的原创素材以外,真正有效的学习方法一点都没有。 7. 有多少个高频话题几乎就会背多少套素材,如果P2没考到自己准备的话题,只能跟考官大眼瞪小眼,或者不停的嗯..... 额..... i mean..... 最后以sorry,i don't know结尾. 8. 基本只会准备P1和P2的话题,从来不会去想P3会考什么,该怎么说。 9. 一开始只敢一个人默默的练习,不会找熟人来对练。甚至到考试前,都没有真正的跟人用英语对话交流过。 10. 因为素材背的太多,只要在背的过程中被打断了,就不知道后面该说什么了,彻底哑巴。 11. 知道你背的素材有很多人也在背,但自己就是懒,不愿意自己写素材,总安慰自己点不会那么背,考官应该听不出来。 说说你们中了哪几点或者全中.... 我想说的是,简直是为我量身打造的,我全都有!!全都有!!! 但是,这样的我都能考6.5分,不是说有多高哈,而是每个人都可以,千万不要怀疑自己的智商。 在说方法之前,我想说一下学口语的几个关键点,只要你能做到,短时间内6 分以上绝对没问题。 1. 一定要多说,如果想短时间内提分一定要找同伴或者外教对练。多说不是多背素材,而是看见一个话题不看任何素材,自己先说,如果第一遍磕巴,那就说到流利为止。然后再看看示范的答案,他们答案的大致方向是什么,再适当的修改一下自己答案就完美了. 2.素材最好自己准备,而且写的越详细越好!!因为可以嫁接话题,根本不需要背几十篇素材,你只需要按人,事,物分别准备1-2篇足矣串所有的高频话题。当然,除了那些比较特别的话题需要单独准备外。


A Good Law Describe a good law in your country. You should say what the law is how you first learned about this law who benefits from this law and explain why you think this is a good law. Part3 1.What role does law play in society? 2.If there were no laws, what do you think society (or life) would be like? 3.Can you give any examples of what is illegal in China? 4.Many people think that an occasional, minor breach of the law is ok. What do you think? Your First Cellphone Describe your first mobile phone. You should say: when you got it how you got it

what you used it for and explain how you felt when you got it. Part3 1.Are mobile phones very common in your country? 2.Do all types of people use mobile phones or is it mostly a case of certain types of people using them? 3.Do many old people use mobile phones? 4.Do you think old people find it easy to use a cell-phone? 5.At what age do people in your country usually get their first cell-phone? Another Culture Describe a place where you enjoyed learning about another culture. You should say: what place it was why you went there what you learned and explain why you enjoyed learning about this culture. Part3


雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语考试是考生与考官之间进行一对一交流的形式,考官对考生的英语口语水平进行考察。雅思口语考试分为三个部分,考生可以以此使用不同的口语表达技能。雅思考试口语部分将被录音。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语Part 1 雅思口语考试形式:考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生就日常性的观点和信息、常见的生活经历或情形以回答问题的形式进行交流的能力。 雅思口语Part 2 雅思口语考试形式:这部分为考生作个人陈述。考官会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔和草稿纸做笔记。答题任务卡上会给

出一个话题和需要在个人陈述中包含的要点,并在最后提示考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。有效地使用答题任务卡上的提示可以帮助考生思考讲述的话题、组织内容、并持续地陈述2分钟时间。在准备时间内做一些笔记也可以帮助考生安排好陈述的结构。考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后考官会要求考生就相关内容讲述1-2分钟。考官会在2分钟后打断考生,并在最后提问一两个问题作为结束语。 考试时间有多长:3-4分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察得是考生(在没有任何其它提示的情况下)就一个特定的话题进行较长时间的陈述的能力,考察考生是否能恰当地运用语言、是否能连贯地组织自己的观点。考生有可能需要联系自己的经历来完成这部分内容。 雅思口语Part 3 雅思口语考试形式:在这部分考试中,考官和考生将对第二部分中涉及的话题进行讨论,讨论将为更加广泛和抽象,在恰当的时候还会更加深入。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。 雅思口语范文:describe something made you laugh


前言 ?出于对剑桥雅思的爱恨交加,出于对那些需要完成留学梦移民梦的人的感同身受,出于对那些在烤鸭路上屡战屡败屡败屡战的人的精神支持,出于对那些仍在迷茫、仍在盲目背单词、仍在疯狂买参考书、仍在迷恋机经的人的劝勉与鼓励,出于对网络上面所谓出售雅思写作7分资料的虚假广告的无比痛恨,出于对某些所谓名师名校培训机构的不齿不屑,出于那些迷恋习惯背诵范文依赖别人的鸭子们的真诚忠告,出于对那些急需在7月1日之前考到雅思4个7(澳洲会计毕业生,你懂的)的人的理解和帮助,出于上天对我的眷顾和怜悯,出于·········出于因为我曾经也是这么一种人,也是有这么一种经历,我决定,无偿地,毫无保留地,完整地分享我在过去三月自己总结的雅思复习计划和资料(本人曾经的弱项是写作和口语(对,是曾经,哈哈!),所以,我的资料绝大多数都是写作和口语)~~~ ?争取写一篇最全最好的雅思写作经验分享,和更多的鸭友们远离全聚德烤鸭店的火海! 从4年前为了完成踏进悉尼大学的留学梦,到现在努力实现的澳大利亚梦,雅思成为了一个绕不开的情意结。其中走了特别多的弯路,摔了特别多的跤,失去了很多,也收获了很多。从当初的总分6.5而单科不低于6分的大学门槛到现在的A类4个7的独木桥,对于这个来自英国的―老熟人‖,可谓百般滋味在心头。雅思的备考也是一种―被烤‖,在烤鸭过程中,一不小心,有可能首先被这只鸭给烤焦了。焦虑,迷茫,急躁,失落,绝望,期待,紧张,亢奋,XX失调等所有更年期综合症状都会在备考的过程中轮番上映。 从2010年12月到2011年2月底,我一共参加了4次雅思考试(12月11日,1月22日,2月12日和2月26日),成绩为: 12月11日:听力:7.0,阅读:6.5,写作:6.0,口语:6.0 01月22日:听力:6.5,阅读:7.0,写作:6.0,口语:7.0 02月12日:听力:7.0,阅读:7.5,写作:6.5,口语:8.5 02月26日:听力:7.0,阅读:7.5,写作:7.5,口语:7.0 03月05日:听力:7.0,阅读:7.5,写作:7.0,口语:8.0 可以说,在过去的三个月里面,我感受过裸考过后无言以对的惶恐,体味过努力过后略有进步的喜悦,忍受着就差0.5、与目标无比接近却未能接近的失落,最后,苦尽甘来。因为这次考试,至少再一次让我确信‖天道酬勤―。NO SWEAT, NO SWEET; NO PAIN, NO GAIN。


我的雅思经验谈 M 2012.8.4 昨晚查了雅思成绩,L7R8.5W6S6,总成绩7(7月21号北语)。对我的水平来说,还算不错的成绩吧,不过我觉得单项有点低,全靠阅读超水平发挥,其他三项都没有达到我的预期目标。之前就下决心,如果考试过了7,就也像其他考鸭一样,写写经验,现在如愿以偿了,我就来总结一下,毕竟准备雅思的这几个月还是有很多回忆的,很难忘的一段经历吧,我觉得在最后的一个月,我拿出了准备高考的劲头来准备,所以如果考的不理想,我心里还是会很不舒服的,现在的结果还好吧,没有太差。 备考的过程中我走了很多弯路,也有一些经验教训,所以拿出来跟大家分享一下,希望大家把它做为一个前车之鉴,不要走同样的弯路了。主要从以下几个方面来说说: 1时间安排参考书目准备策略 我是4月1号下定决心报考雅思的,本打算用两个多月的时间准备,六月份考完,可是因为六月份听说要开题,怕时间来不及所以最后报了7月21号的。这段期间,基本没有什么重要的事情,我主要的精力都放在了雅思上边。开始的时候一点都不知道雅思到底是什么,只知道听说读写都要考,我觉得我的英语水平属于中等,也很喜欢学习英语,所以我觉得三个月的时间足够了。不过最后一个月的时候,我才发现,我有点高估自己了。因为我开始定的目标是7.5分,L&R8分以上,W&S7分以上。可是练习的时候才发现真的很差劲,只是觉得雅思真的是对英语能力的考验,单纯的想通过技巧得高分是不可能的,必须要有一定的英语能力基础。 闲话少说,我按照我的备考时间规划来详细说一说我是怎么准备的: 1.1前期:201 2.4.1-5.1——了解雅思是什么,看经验贴,选择适合自己的参考书籍。 首先是网上了解雅思,我主要就看了雅思的官网,大致了解了一下。然后人人网的雅思主页,大家都尊称“雅思哥”的主页,看了一些经验、介绍,还有在百度搜索了一些资料。然后我根据其他人的经验,去图书馆借阅他们提到的书籍,根据自己的喜好,做出取舍。(PS:我准备雅思没有买一本书,基本都是从图书馆借的,觉得自己很幸运。)准备的过程中觉得王陆老师和慎小嶷老师的博客也不错,不过时间紧迫,开始的时候也不知道,就没有看。时间充分的同学看看。 这段时间主要还是提高自己的能力,因为好久没有学习英语了,就是偶尔看看外文电影,培养下语感,其他时候都没怎么看过书了。我就在这段时间每天抽一定时间练练听力啊之类,主要提高自己的英语能力,这段时间先没有做真题。 经过我自己挑选,觉得还不错,或者我使用过的书有: 剑桥雅思真题4-8,必不可少,最后冲刺的时候每天必看的。(我没有买书,就是用电子版打印的,从同学那拷的听力) 剑桥雅思真题全解。只做题,不对题,或者不知道自己错在哪、为什么错,还不如不做。所以必须也要有配套的全解。喜欢用电子版的也可以用电子版,我是喜欢看纸质版的,所以


第一份 Part one In this part, the interlocutor asks questions on a number of work-related and non-work-related subjects to each candidate in turn, you have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions. Part two The candidate chooses one topic and speaks about it for approximately one minute. One minuts' preparation time is allowed. A personal management: the importance to a company of having well-motivated staff B strategic planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises C Sales:How to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately Part Three In this part of the test, candidates are given a topic to discuss and are allowed 320 seconds to look at the prompt card, before talking together for about three minutes, afterwards, the examiner asks more questions related to the topic. For two candidates Health and Fitness Facilities You company is considering providing a fitness centre on the premises to help employees improve their health and fitness. You have been asked to make recommendations for this scheme. Discuss, and decide together: ●What benefits the centre would bring for the company ●How to promote the need for health and fitness to all staff For three Candidates Health and Fitness Facilities Your company is considering providing a fitness centre on the premises to help employees improve their health and fitness. You have been asked to make recommendations for this scheme. Discuss, and decide together: ●What benefits the centre would bring for the company ● Which types of facilities could be included ●How to promote the need for health and fitness to all staff Follow-on questions ●Would company fitness facilities be equally popular among all staff?Why ?why not? ●Should employees have to pay to use health and fitness facilities? Why /why not? ●What other ways are there for companies to encourage their employees to remain fit and healthy? ●Sh ould companies include employees' families in their health and fitness provision ? why ? why not? ●Is the welfare of employees an appropriate concern for companies? Why? Why not?
