


08341228 易俊俊


译文1译: peanuts

译文2译:The peanut

译文3译:The peanut

分析:The+单数名词:以个别的、具体的事物来象征一类相关的综合的抽象事物。The Peanut 让人联想到各种有关花生的东西。而文章主要是赞扬花生这一物种的优良品格以及其所传达的精神,所以The Peanut比peanuts 要好。

译文3 Behind our house there was a patch of land. "It would be a pity to let it go wild.” said Mother. “I suggest that since you are all so fond of peanuts you should grow some there.”We children and the little maidservants were all delighted. Some of us bought seeds, some dug up the plot and others watered it. In just a few months we had a harvest.

分析:“屋后”从逻辑上讲应该是房子的”后面”Behind,而不是房间的”后部”At the back of。“有一亩空地”用lay比用was更具动感。将“半亩”译为“half a mu”不如将其虚化为“a patch of”. mu这个词虽说已存在于英语词汇中,

但是英美的很多词典并没有收入。另外,文中妈妈说的话很长,译文2和3译中把Mother said放在句中作为插入语,使句子的结构更加平衡也更符合英文的行文特点。“爱吃花生”应该表达的是一种习惯,而like to eat一般表示某次心血来潮的想法。因此,enjoy eating比like to eat要好。在翻译“我们姐弟几个”时my brother, sister and I显得比较冗长,而us/we children则简洁精练。但译文1后面的servant girls和译文3 the little maidservants均有丫环的意思,与文中意思相悖。中文喜用排比,或者“有的……有的……”句式,用some …Some… others 显然比we … 更加准确。翻译本段最后一句时,译文2和3使用we had a harvest 既简练又把“居然收获”的惊喜表达出来了。翻译本段最后一句时,译文2和3使用we had a harvest既简练又把“居然收获”的惊喜表达出来了。然而,就“开辟出来种花生吧”一句,两种译文似乎都不尽完美。译文2 let us open it up and make it a peanut garden.首先open sth up 是“打开、开发”的意思,一般意义比较抽象。另外garden虽然有花园菜园的意思。可是a peanut garden显得比较艰涩难懂。而译文3的peanut plot似乎更好一些,另外,译文1 have them planted here.又显得过于简单。


译文1:Mother said, “How about giving a party this evening to celebrate the harvest and invite your Daddy to have a taste of our newly-harvested peanuts?” We all agreed. Mother made quite a few varieties of goodies out of the peanuts, and told us that the party would be held in the thatched pavilion on the peanut plot. It looked like rain that evening, yet, to our great joy, Father came nevertheless.

译文2:"Let us have a party tonight to celebrate," Mother suggested, "and ask Dad to come for a taste of our fresh peanuts. What do you say?" We all agreed, of course. Mother cooked the peanuts in different styles and told us to go to the thatched pavilion in the garden for the celebration. The weather was not very good that night but, to our great delight, Dad came all the same.

译文3:Mother said, "Let' s have a harvest festival tonight and invite your father to taste our fresh peanuts. "We all agreed. Mother made a variety of dishes using our peanuts and instructed that the festival should be held in the thatched pavilion in the garden. The weather was not very good that evening, but even Father put in an appearance, which was a rare event.

分析:在母亲说要做收获节的时候,译文1用了How about 和invite 显得母亲说话比较温和。而刘用了Let us,ask,What do you say,显得母亲专横和语气生硬,没有了慈爱的意味。在表示“新”花生时,译文2和3用了fresh虽然没有错,可是不如译文1 newly-harvested地道。表达“母亲把花生做成好几样食品,译文2 cooked the peanuts in different styles”和译文3 made a variety of dishes using our peanuts”不如made quite a few varieties of goodies贴切,另外goodies指“好吃的东西”,常用于口语也复合整篇文章的风格。翻译最后一句“可是爹爹也到来,实在很难得!”译文1用了joy …Father… nevertheless喜悦的心情不如译文 2 delight …dad… all the same强烈,而译文3 which was a rare event.强调爹爹来的惊喜,但没有表达孩子得喜悦心情


译文1:“Do you like peanuts?” Asked Father. “Yes, we do!” We vied in giving the answer.” Which of you could name the good things in peanuts?” “Peanuts taste good,” said my elder sister. “Pean uts produce edible oil,” said my elder brother. “Peanuts are so cheap,” said I, “that anyone can afford to eat them. Peanuts are everyone’s favorite. That’s why we call peanuts good.”

译文2:"Do you like peanuts?” Dad asked. "Yes!" we all answered eagerly. "But who can tell me what the peanut is good for?" "It is very delicious to eat," my sister took the lead. "It is good for making cooking oil,” my brother followed. "It is inexpensive." I said. "Almost everyone can afford it and everyone enjoys eating it. I think this is what it is good for."

译文3:"Do you all like peanuts?”Asked Father.” Yes! “We all clamored to reply. "Who can tell me what’s good about peanuts?” They taste good,“said older sister.” They can be made into oil,“said older brother.”Everybody can afford to buy them, whoever they might be, and everyone likes them. That’s what’s good about peanuts,“said I.

分析:首先,这是一段父亲和孩子们之间的对话,翻译时应做到动活泼。“争着答应”用vied in giving the answer.更加有动感。而clamored to reply则突出吵闹,虽有动感,但未有争先恐后的画面感。“把花生的好处说出来”用name the good 也显然比直接翻译成what the peanut is good for和what’s good about peanuts更加灵活流畅。当翻译“气味很美”时,taste good比delicious to eat更加地道。另外,在翻译“姊姊说”“哥哥说”时译文2按照逻辑对顺序进行了增译took the lead……

followed是其文的一大亮点。在译“花生很便宜”时,“inexpensive”比“cheap”更好。因为通过查阅字典我发现Inexpensive:(adj.) low priced; not expensive 主要表示“廉价的,不贵的”。而Cheap: (adj.) low in price; worth more than the cost offering good value则有更多意思“廉价的,实惠的,价钱好的。表示花生人人吃得起,译文2和3的afford it比译文1的afford to eat them更加简洁。最后表示“这就是它的好处” 刘的译文中That’s why we call peanuts good更注意人物语言的口语化。


译文1:"It's true that peanuts have many uses, " said Father, "but they're most beloved in one respect. Unlike nice-looking apple, peaches and pomegranates, which hang their fruit on branches and win people's instant admiration with their brilliant colors, tiny little peanuts bury themselves underground and remain unearthed until they're ripe . When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground, you can never immediately tell whether or not it bears any nuts until you touch them. "

译文2:"Peanut is good for many things, " Dad said, "but there is one thing that is particularly good about it . Unlike apples, peaches or pomegranates that display their fruits up in the air, attracting you with their beautiful colors, peanut buries its fruit in the earth. It does not show itself until you dig it out when it is ripe and, unless you dig out, you can’t tell whether it bears fruit or not just by its frail stems above ground.”

译文3:Father said, "In fact the peanut has many uses, but the most valuable thing about this little nut is this: it' s not like the apple, peach or pomegranate , flaunting their bright , beautiful fruits on their branches for all to see and admire. The peanut lies buried in the soil, waiting until it is ripe before letting people dig it up. If ever you come across a shy peanut plant you cannot immediately tell whether or not it has any nuts. You have to find th em to be certain.”

分析:译文1的It's true that将原文固然两字的情感表现出来了。而“可贵”的翻译,”good”的意思较广泛,不够准确;”beloved”亦欠妥当;”valuable”突出了其可贵以及独特之处。“鲜红嫩绿”用”beautiful”不够准确;用”brilliant,shining or bright in colors”准确且符合原文意思。“羡慕的心”仔细推敲前后句的意思,这里应该是指高调的吸引人的注意,与后文花生的低调形成对比。”admire”只是一般

的欣赏或羡慕之情,描述的较平淡;而”win people's instant admiration”中的动词突出了其主动性,具有拟人化,更加生动形象。对于“它只把果子埋在地底,等到成熟,才容人把它挖出来”这句的翻译。译文2的翻译信息不够完整,而译文1和译文3又略显啰嗦。最后一句,译文1 用了条件状语从句,句式简洁而逻辑清晰。译文2则略显啰嗦冗长。另外,译文1的翻译寓意深刻,与原文平实而深刻的风格相符合。

译文1总结:译文1整体都尽量保持着与原文的朴实无华、清新自然以及中文的自然与原汁原味。即使在汉语与英语的表达方式上有所差异,但是译文 1 在此既体现中文的简练准确又能显示英语的表达方式。90


译文3总结; 译文3语言上有些过于精简,原文的有些信息翻译的不够完整。但原文的基本感情基调是一致的,语言简洁明了。85

散文翻译 - 落花生

落花生 我们家的后园有半亩空地。母亲说:“让它荒着怪可惜的,你们那么爱吃花生,就开辟出来种花生吧。”我们姐弟几个都很高兴,买种,翻地,播种,浇水,没过几个月,居然收获了。 己译:At the back of the house was half mu of spare land. Mom said, ”What a pity to leave it without any plants. Since you all like peanuts, why not cleaning some field for peanuts.”We all siblings happily bought seeds, dug the field, sowed the seeds and watered. They got harvest in a few short months. 范译:At the back of our house there was half a mu of vacant land. "It's a pity to let it go to waste like that," Mother said. "Since you all enjoy eating peanuts, let us open it up and make it a peanut garden.”At that my brother, sister and I were all delighted and so were the young housemaids. Some went to buy seeds, some dug the ground and others watered it and, in a couple of months, we had a harvest! 母亲说:“今晚我们过一个收获节,请你们的父亲也来尝尝我们的新花生,好不好?”母亲把花生做成了好几样食品,还咐附就在后园的茅亭里过这个节。 Mother said: ” Let’s celebrate the harvest, inviting your father to have a taste, shall we? ”Mom cooked them into several dishes, and told to celebrate it at the thatched Pavilion of the back yard. "Let us have a party tonight to celebrate," Mother suggested, "and ask Dad to come for a taste of our fresh peanuts. What do you say?" We all agreed, of course. Mother cooked the peanuts in different styles and told us to go to the thatched pavilion in the garden for the celebration. 那晚上天色不大好。可是父亲也来了,实在很难得。 The weather was bad that night, but what made it rarely was that dad was there. The weather was not very good that night but, to our great delight, Dad came all the same. 父亲说:“你们爱吃花生吗?” My dad asked:” Do you like peanuts?” "Do you like peanuts?" Dad asked. 我们争着答应:“爱!” We all rushed to answer: “Yes!” "Yes!" we all answered eagerly. “谁能把花生的好处说出来?” “Who can tell me the good point of peanut?” "But who ran tell me what the peanut is good for?" 姐姐说:“花生的味儿美。” My sister said:”Peanuts are delicious.” "It is very delicious to eat," my sister took the lead. 哥哥说:“花生可以榨油。” “They can be squeezed with oil,” my brother said. "It is good for making cooking oil,”my brother followed. 我说:“花生的价钱便宜,谁都可以买来吃,都喜欢吃。这就是它的好处。”


《落花生》翻译比较与赏析 08341228 易俊俊 标题:落花生 译文1译: peanuts 译文2译:The peanut 译文3译:The peanut 分析:The+单数名词:以个别的、具体的事物来象征一类相关的综合的抽象事物。The Peanut 让人联想到各种有关花生的东西。而文章主要是赞扬花生这一物种的优良品格以及其所传达的精神,所以The Peanut比peanuts 要好。 译文3 Behind our house there was a patch of land. "It would be a pity to let it go wild.” said Mother. “I suggest that since you are all so fond of peanuts you should grow some there.”We children and the little maidservants were all delighted. Some of us bought seeds, some dug up the plot and others watered it. In just a few months we had a harvest. 分析:“屋后”从逻辑上讲应该是房子的”后面”Behind,而不是房间的”后部”At the back of。“有一亩空地”用lay比用was更具动感。将“半亩”译为“half a mu”不如将其虚化为“a patch of”. mu这个词虽说已存在于英语词汇中,

但是英美的很多词典并没有收入。另外,文中妈妈说的话很长,译文2和3译中把Mother said放在句中作为插入语,使句子的结构更加平衡也更符合英文的行文特点。“爱吃花生”应该表达的是一种习惯,而like to eat一般表示某次心血来潮的想法。因此,enjoy eating比like to eat要好。在翻译“我们姐弟几个”时my brother, sister and I显得比较冗长,而us/we children则简洁精练。但译文1后面的servant girls和译文3 the little maidservants均有丫环的意思,与文中意思相悖。中文喜用排比,或者“有的……有的……”句式,用some …Some… others 显然比we … 更加准确。翻译本段最后一句时,译文2和3使用we had a harvest 既简练又把“居然收获”的惊喜表达出来了。翻译本段最后一句时,译文2和3使用we had a harvest既简练又把“居然收获”的惊喜表达出来了。然而,就“开辟出来种花生吧”一句,两种译文似乎都不尽完美。译文2 let us open it up and make it a peanut garden.首先open sth up 是“打开、开发”的意思,一般意义比较抽象。另外garden虽然有花园菜园的意思。可是a peanut garden显得比较艰涩难懂。而译文3的peanut plot似乎更好一些,另外,译文1 have them planted here.又显得过于简单。 选段二:妈妈说:“今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们的新花生,如何?”我们都答应了。母亲把花生做成好几样食品,还吩咐这节期要在园里的茅亭举行。那晚上的天色不大好,可是爹爹也到来,实在很难得! 译文1:Mother said, “How about giving a party this evening to celebrate the harvest and invite your Daddy to have a taste of our newly-harvested peanuts?” We all agreed. Mother made quite a few varieties of goodies out of the peanuts, and told us that the party would be held in the thatched pavilion on the peanut plot. It looked like rain that evening, yet, to our great joy, Father came nevertheless. 译文2:"Let us have a party tonight to celebrate," Mother suggested, "and ask Dad to come for a taste of our fresh peanuts. What do you say?" We all agreed, of course. Mother cooked the peanuts in different styles and told us to go to the thatched pavilion in the garden for the celebration. The weather was not very good that night but, to our great delight, Dad came all the same. 译文3:Mother said, "Let' s have a harvest festival tonight and invite your father to taste our fresh peanuts. "We all agreed. Mother made a variety of dishes using our peanuts and instructed that the festival should be held in the thatched pavilion in the garden. The weather was not very good that evening, but even Father put in an appearance, which was a rare event.


《落花生》的作者许地山(1893-1941)笔名就叫“落华生”,他取这个笔名,说明他崇尚“落花生”的精神:生长在泥土里,不好看,但是很有用,词浅而意深。作者在生活中,正是这样,追求多做贡献,做有用的人,而不计报酬。他的夫人曾回忆说:“豪华酒楼没有他的足迹,乘轮船、火车都是买普通票,喜爱与劳动人民接触,对人真挚谦虚,对名利从来淡薄。” 许地山出生于台湾,1921年入燕京大学攻读,毕业后曾去美国哥伦比亚大学和英国牛津大学深造。归国后又回到燕京大学当教师。 1935年,香港登报征聘文学院教授,许地山以杰出的才能应聘,任香港大学中文学院主任。他在教育、生话及工作中,从不崇拜任何偶像,不盲目信赖任何权威,他鼓励学生独立思考。 许地山在香港还兼任香港中英文化协会主席,努力开展进步文化活动。 卢沟桥事变后,许地山走出书斋,积极投入抗日救亡运动。他团结爱国志士,教育革命青年,写文章、做讲演,宣传抗日。当时为抗日工作从北方到南方的人,大多经过香港,他们人生地疏,又不懂粤语,许地山热情地为他们解决困难

或给予资助,他家成了迎来接往的接待站。 许地山从1921年起开始写小说、散文、诗歌、剧本,并从事翻译工作。.他的作品无论长短篇,都文字简洁,有独特风格,引人入胜。著名作家郁达夫夸奖他的小说:“像这样坚实细致的小说,不但在中国小说界不可多得,就是寻遍1940年的英美小说界,也很少有可以和他比并的作品。”他写的《春桃》,描写了生活在社会最底层的老百姓的生活。 许地山1941年8月4日因病逝世,宋庆龄、郁达夫、徐悲鸿等都送了花圈。郭沫若在悼文中这样写道:“他不仅是一个诚实的创作家,真挚的学者,而且是一个极其健全的社会人……他有献身精神,对于名利竞逐,极其恬淡……” 许地山生前是老舍的好友,他逝世后,老舍先生曾流着眼泪说:“地山是我的绝好朋友,他竟死了”, 许地山——落华生,他的一生做到了“对人有好处”。 花生又名落花生,属蝶形花科落花生属一年生草本植物。原产于南美洲一带。世界上栽培花生的国家有100多个,亚洲最为普遍,次为非洲。据中国有关花生的文献记载栽培史约早于欧洲100多年。花生被人们誉为“植物肉”,含油量高达50%,品质优良,气味清香。除供食用外,还用于印染、造纸工业。花生也是一味中药,适用营养不良、脾胃失调、咳嗽痰喘、乳汁缺少等症。花生的栽培管理技术性也相对较


散文汉译英佳作赏析:许地山《落花生》 落花生 The Peanut 许地山 Xu Dishan 我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:“让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然称们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。”我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园;过不了几个月,居然收获了! At the back of our house there was half a mu of vacant land. "It's a pity to let it go to waste like that," Mother said. "Since you all enjoy eating peanuts, let us open it up and make it a peanut garden.” At that my brother, sister and I were all delighted and so were the young housemaids. Some went to buy seeds, some dug the ground and others watered it and, in a couple of months, we had a harvest! 妈妈说:“今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们底新花生,如何?”我们都答应了。母亲把花生做成好几样食品,还吩咐这节期要在园里底茅亭举行。 "Let us have a party tonight to celebrate," Mother suggested, "and ask Dad to come for a taste of our fresh peanuts. What do you say?" We all agreed, of course. Mother cooked the peanuts in different styles and told us to go to the thatched pavilion in the garden for the celebration. 那晚上的天色不大好,可是爹爹也到来,实在很难得!爹爹说:“你们爱吃花生么?” The weather was not very good that night but, to our great delight, Dad came all the same. "Do you like peanuts?" Dad asked. 我们都争着答应:“爱!” "Yes!" we all answered eagerly. “谁能把花生底好处说出来?” "But who ran tell me what the peanut is good for?"


许地山《落花生》翻译赏析(张培基译) 原文: 落花生 许地山 我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:“让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然称们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。”我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园;过不了几个月,居然收获了! 妈妈说:“今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们的新花生,如何?”我们都答应了。母亲把花生做成好几样食品,还吩咐这节期要在园里的茅亭举行。 那晚上的天色不大好,可是爹爹也到来,实在很难得!爹爹说:“你们爱吃花生么?” 我们都争着答应:“爱!” “谁能把花生的好处说出来?”。 姊姊说:“花生的气味很美。” 哥哥说:“花生可以制油。” 我说:“无论何等人都可以用贱价买它来吃;都喜欢吃它。这就是它的好处。” 爹爹说:“花生的用处固然很多;但有一样是很可贵的。这小小的豆不像那好看的苹果、桃子、石榴,把它们的果实悬在枝上,鲜红嫩绿的颜色,令人一望而发生羡慕的心。它只把果子埋在地的,等到成熟,才容人把它挖出来。你们偶然看见一棵花生瑟缩地长在地上,不能立刻辨出它有没有果实,非得等到你接触它才能知道。” 我们都说:“是的。”母亲也点点头。爹爹接下去说:“所以你们要像花生,因为它是有用的,不是伟大、好看的东西。”我说:“那么,人要做有用的人,不要做伟大、体面的人了。”爹爹说:“这是我对于你们的希望。” 我们谈到夜阑才散,所有花生食品虽然没有了,然而父亲的话现在还印在我心版上。译文:

Peanuts Behind our house there lay half a mu of vacant land. Mother said, “It’s a pity to let it lie waste. Since you all like to eat peanuts so much, why not plant some here?”That exhilarated us children and our servant girls as well, and soon we started buying seeds, ploughing the land and watering the plants. We gathered in a good harvest just after a couple of months! Mother said, “How about giving a party this evening to celebrate the harvest and inviting your Daddy to have a taste of our newly-harvested peanuts?” We all agreed. Mother made quite a few varieties of goodies out of the peanuts, and told us that the party would be held in the thatched pavilion on the peanut plot. It looked like rain that evening, yet, to our great joy, father came nevertheless. Night sky is not very good, but the father has come, it is hard to come by. “Do you like peanuts?” asked Father. “Yes, we do!” We vied in giving the answer. “Which of you could name the good things in peanuts?”“Peanuts taste good,”said my elder sister. “Peanuts produce edible oil,” said my elder brother. “Peanuts are so cheap,” said I, “that anyone can afford to eat them. Peanuts are everyone’s favorite. That’s why we call peanuts good.” “Peanuts are so cheap,” said I, “that anyone can afford to eat them. Peanuts are


落花生_叙事抒情散文700字 黑瓦覆着红墙,绿叶映着黄花。几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥?农务已完各自归,归去闲暇辄相思。若是相思则披衣,绿蚁新醅酒,红泥小火炉,炉边言笑无厌时。 乍暖还寒的早春,我前往位于江西农村的外婆家。到达时已是薄暮,夕日欲颓,鄱阳湖上沉鳞竞跃。晚上,我枕着涛声滚滚,看着星汉灿烂。不知不觉间,江上烟波已轻轻将我包围,带我进入梦乡…… 实是欲界之仙都!我能来到这人间天堂,还得托寒假的福——我放假了,爸爸妈妈却不得空,只得把我交给外婆。 第二天,晓雾将歇,猿鸟乱鸣。我起了个大早,外婆此时已在田里忙碌了。我过去帮忙,她正在采摘花生,她用手拉着叶子,上下使劲,一株花生便从土里钻了出来,跳进盆里,和它的伙伴们拥抱。我学着她的样子,慢慢使劲,一丝不苟,但却拔断了。外婆没有责怪我,她把花生刨出来:“这样来,一会儿就能一个一个地摘下来了!”她脸上云淡风轻,但我却涨红了脸。我小心翼翼,终于成功地剥了一株完整的花生出来。外婆看了看我,露出欣慰的笑容。 回到房里,外婆下厨房去炒花生,而我在客厅剥生的吃,同我平时吃的不大一样,有着劳动的幸福在里面呢!花生炒好后,我掰开一1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考

粒,放进嘴里,是“馨香盈口腔”,这馨香里透着外婆满满的爱。 时光像这奔腾的长江水,不舍昼夜地流。假期要结束了,我该回福州了。临行前一天,我枕着涛声,目光恋恋不舍地趴在满天星斗上,城市里的光污染日益严重,星星都羞涩地躲了起来。 几天后,我收到了一个包裹,我打开一看,是一包落花生,轻拈一颗,放进嘴里,清香沁心。脑海中不觉想起外婆在地里辛勤劳作的模样,两鬓的银发,长满老茧的双手,说话时脸上挂着的慈笑……恍惚间,好似外婆在对我说:“傻孩子,发什么愣啊,快点吃呀……” 我眼眶微湿,咀嚼口中的落花生,感受那爱的馨香! ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2


落花生翻译比较与赏析 《落花生》翻译比较与赏析苏慧敏2004020337 商英学院 04英语国际贸易3班前言 这是一篇比较赏析为了阅读的方便我将其按照原文的顺序分析。因为篇幅的关系我 只选了前面几段赏析。下文中画线表示译的好的部分数字表示建议改进的地方。翻 译原文落花生许地山我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说“让它荒芜着怪可惜既然称们 那么爱吃花生就辟来做花生园罢。”我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买 种动土的动土灌园的灌园过不了几个月居然收获了妈妈说“今晚我们可以做一个收 获节也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们的新花生如何”我们都答应了。母亲把花生做成好几样 食品还吩咐这节期要在园里的茅亭举行。那晚上的天色不大好可是爹爹也到来实在 很难得爹爹说“你们爱吃花生么” 我们都争着答应“爱” “谁能把花生的好处说出来”。 姊姊说“花生的气味很美。” 哥哥说“花生可以制油。” 我说“无论何等人都可以用贱 价买它来吃都喜欢吃它。这就是它的好处。” 爹爹说“花生的用处固然很多但有一样

是很可贵的。这小小的豆不像那好看的苹果、桃子、石榴把它们的果实悬在枝上鲜 红嫩绿的颜色令人一望而发生羡慕的心。它只把果子埋在地的等到成熟才容人把它 挖出来。你们偶然看见一棵花生瑟缩地长在地上不能立刻辨出它有没有果实非得等 到你接触它才能知道。” 我们都说“是的。”母亲也点点头。爹爹接下去说“所以你们 要像花生因为它是有用的不是伟大、好看的东西。”我说“那么人要做有用的人不要 做伟大、体面的人了。”爹爹说“这是我对于你们的希望。” 我们谈到夜阑才散所有 花生食品虽然没有了然而父亲的话现在还印在我心版上。本文是1892-1941的一篇 久为流传的散文。作者回忆自己童年时代的一个小小片段以朴实无华、清新自然的 笔调从花生的平凡而有用谈到做人的道理富于哲理反映他身处旧社会的污泥浊流而 洁身自好、不慕虚名的思想境界。标题落花生刘士聪先生下称”刘”译The Peanut 张 培基先生下称”张”译: Peanuts 分析The Peanut 让人联想到花生的种类。例如the rich 或者 the poor 从整体来看文章主要是赞扬花生这一物种的优良品格所以The Peanut

落花生 张培基译文 The Peanut

The Peanut Xu Dishan At the back of our house there was half a mu of unused land. “It’s a pity to let it lie idle like that,” Mother said. “Since you all enjoy eating peanuts, let us open it up and make it a peanut garden.” At that my brother, sister and I were all delighted and so were the young housemaids. And then some went to buy seeds, some began to dig up the ground and others watered it and, in a couple of months, we had a harvest! “Let us have a party tonight to celebrate,” Mother suggested, “and ask Dad to join us for a taste of our fresh peanuts. What do you say?” We all agreed, of course. Mother cooked the peanuts in a variety of styles and told us to go to the thatched pavilion in the garden for the celebration. The weather was not very good that night but, to our great delight, Father came all the same. “Do you like peanuts?” Father asked. “Yes!” We all answered eagerly. “But who can tell me what the peanut is good for?” “It is very delicious to eat,” my sister took the lead. “It is good for ma king oil,” my brother followed. “It is inexpensive,” I said. “Almost everyone can afford it and everyone enjoys eating it. I think this is what is good for.” “Peanut is good for many things,” Father said, “but there is one thing that is particularly good about it. Unlike apples, peaches and pomegranates that display their fruits up in the air, attracting you with their beautiful colors, peanut buries its fruit in the earth. It does not show itself until you dig it out when it is ripe and, unless you dig it out, you can’t tell it bears fruit or not just by its frail stem quivering above ground.” “That’s true,” we all said and Mother nodded her assent, too. “So you should try to be like the peanut,” Father went on, “because it is useful, though not great or at tractive.”


话说宝玉在林黛玉房中说"耗子精",宝钗撞来,讽刺宝玉元宵不知"绿蜡"之典,三人正在房中互相讥刺取笑。 杨宪益:Pao-yu,as we saw, was in Tai-yu?s room telling her the story about the rat spirits when Pao-chai burst in and teased him for forgetting the “green wax” allusion on the night of the Feast of Lanterns. 霍克斯: We have shown how Bao-yu was in Dai-yu?s room telling her the story of the magic mice; how Bao-Chai burst in on them and twitted Bao-yu with his failure to remember the …green wax? allusion on the night of the Lantern Festival; and how the three of them sat teasing each other with good-humored banter. 对比分析:杨宪益和霍克斯在翻译“耗子精”采用来了不同的处理方法,前者使用了异化”rat spirits”,后者用的是归化法”magic mice”,使用归化法更受英美读者的亲乃。但是二者同时采用了增译法,增添了the story,原文并没有。在翻译“宝玉不知绿烛之典”的“不知”,英文1用的是“forgetting”,而译文2用的是“with failure to ”,显然译文2更符合英美的表达习惯。 那宝玉正恐黛玉饭后贪眠,一时存了食,或夜间走了困,皆非保养身体之法。幸而宝钗走来,大家谈笑,那林黛玉方不欲睡,自己才放了心。 杨宪益:Pao-yu felt relieved as they laughed and made fun of each other, for he had feared that sleeping after lunch might give Tai-yu indigestion or insomnia that night, and so injure her health. Luckily Pao-chai?s arrival and the lively conversation that followed it had woken Tai-yu up. 霍克斯: Bao-yu had been afraid that by sleeping after her meal Dai-yu would give herself indigestion or suffer from insomnia through being insufficiently tired when she went to bed at night, but Bao-chai?s arrival and the lively conversation that followed it banished all Dai-yu?s desire to sleep and enabled him to lay aside his anxiety on her behalf. 对比分析:译文一对原文语序进行了调整,先说了“放心”,再说“担心”,但并不如不调整顺序的逻辑强。译文二只是用了一个“but”就把原文意思分层了两层,逻辑更加清晰,符合西方人注重逻辑的习惯。原文中的“谈笑”是动词,而两个译文版本都是译的“the lively conversation”,是名词,体现了汉语重动态,英文重静态的特点。 忽听他房中嚷起来,大家侧耳听了一听,林黛玉先笑道:"这是你妈妈和袭人叫嚷呢。那袭人也罢了,你妈妈再要认真排场她,可见老背晦了。" 杨宪益:Just then, a commotion broke out in Pao-yu?s apartments and three of th em pricked up their ears. “It?s your nanny scolding Hai-jen,” announced Tai-yu. “There?s nothing wrong with Hai-jen, yet your nanny is for ever nagging at her. Old age has befuddled her.”


英语散文赏析《落花生》双语散文阅读 Peanuts Xu Dishan 我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:“让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然你们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。” 我们几姐弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园;过不了几个月,居然收获了! Behind our house there lay half a mu of vacant land. Mother said, “It’s a pity to let it lie waste. Since you all like to eat peanuts so very much, why not plant some here?” That exhilarated us children and our servant girls as well, and soon we started buying seeds, ploughing the land and watering the plants. We gathered in a good harvest just after a couple of months! 母亲说:“今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们的新花生,如何?”我们都答应了。母亲把花生做成好几样的食品,还吩咐这节期要在园里的茅亭举行。 Mother said, “How about giving a party this evenin g to celebrate the harvest and inviting your Daddy to have a taste of our newly-harvested peanuts?” We all agreed. Mother made quite a few varieties of goodies out of the peanuts, and told us that the party would be held in the thatched pavilion on the peanut plot. 那晚上的天色不太好,可是爹爹也来到,实在很难得! It looked like rain that evening, yet, to our great joy, father came nevertheless. 爹爹说:“你们爱吃花生吗?” “Do you like peanuts?” asked father. 我们都争着答应:“爱!”


《落花生》两英译本的对比分析 【摘要】本文对张培基先生和刘士聪先生对《落花生》的英译本从接受美学的角度进行了对比分析。通过分析原文的写作目的,风格和语言特点从而对翻译的分析打下良好基础。举例对翻译的段落进行了对比分析,反映了译者的期待视野影响翻译目的,职业经历和翻译的基本观点影响期待视野。这一点对于文本不确定性和语义空白点的具体化十分重要。 【关键词】《落花生》;张培基;刘士聪;接受美学;翻译对比 一、原文的介绍 《落花生》是中国著名作家许地山创作的一篇具有深远意义的散文。他回忆了童年时发生的一件小事。父亲通过一件关于花生的小事讲述了生活哲理。 原文具有以下几个功能: 1、信息功能:它描述了童年发生的一件事及花生的特点和用途。 2、审美功能:文章的语言简单朴素清新自然。语言特点,内容和风格相得益彰,形成了浓厚的艺术吸引力。 3、表达功能:这篇散文表达了作者崇高的思想,即便是在动荡浑浊的旧时代,还应保持个人节操。 4、祈使功能:虽然描写的是不起眼的花生,却在字里行间向大家传递了人生哲学。那就是“那么,人要做有用的人,不要做伟大、体面的人了。” 二、两英译本对比分析 张先生和刘先生在翻译时都保留了原文的风格和特点。但他们的翻译风格还是有些不同的。 他们的期待视野影响其翻译目的。他们的职业经历影响他们翻译期待视野。张先生和刘先生都曾在出版社做过编辑,都潜心研究翻译事业。但是不同的是刘先生还有翻译教学的经历。和张先生相比,他更算的上是一个翻译教育学者。他投身于翻译教学和其他英语相关的学科研究中。从以上可以推断出,可能刘先生在翻译过程中遵循的规则更加严格,并且会更加的客观,也就是说学术的客观性会比较多,在翻译中自己主观理解的加入可能较少。这里有一个例子。原文:“那晚上的天色不大好,…”刘先生译文:“The weather was not very good that night but,….”张先生译文:“It looked like rain that evening,….”而“天色不太好”并不代表就是要下雨了。虽然对于这一句的翻译并不影响整体,但是作为一个翻译来说,并不应该加入过多的理所当然的想象。 除了翻译家的职业经历会影响他们的翻译表现和态度,他们对于翻译的基本看法,也会影响翻译工作。刘先生认为翻译的最高境界是对原文韵味的再现。译作“韵味”就是原作的艺术内涵通过译文准确而富有文采的语言表达时所蕴含的艺术感染力,这能引起读者的美感共鸣。除此之外,刘先生还强调要把译文作为独立的文本来看待。具体说来就是对译文美感和韵味的展现虽是从词句入手的,同时还应注意译文包括内容和风格的整体效果。当两者有了矛盾,要变通前者来适应后者。从以上不难看出,刘先生在翻译时非常注重两方面,一是对原文韵味的保留,也就是原文内容中所蕴含的艺术吸引力的保留,另一方面就是对翻译整体效果的追求要超越对词语句子的效果的追求。


从英汉对比的角度赏析诗歌翻译 诗歌堪称中国文化的一朵奇葩,唐代诗人李白以豪放不羁的文笔蜚声中外,其很多作品都是家喻户晓的经典之作,其中《望庐山瀑布》更是被称作七言绝句之首。有不少学者将这首诗翻译成英文介绍给西方读者。本文从诗歌的可译性出发,着重从内容、形式和风格三个方面对《望庐山瀑布》的几个英译本进行比较分析,进而探讨汉英两种语言的差异和中西文化的差异。 标签:《望庐山瀑布》诗歌可译性汉英语言差异 中国古典诗歌文字隽永,意境深远,与其它文学作品如小说、散文等相比文字简练,内容含蓄,有人称赞其为“空中之音,相中之色,水中之月,镜中之象”。李白的诗歌更是如此,在中国甚至世界文学上都享有很高的声誉。基于此,各种语言版本的李白诗歌便一一呈现在读者面前,尤其是英译本引起了学者广泛关注。但是,要从内容、形式和风格等方面把李白诗歌豪放不羁的意境英译出来,难度不容小觑。笔者认为,在翻译诗歌时译者的任务就是进行“移植”,即用另一种语言把诗歌的神韵翻译出来,让其在不同文化背景下生根发芽。 本文以著名学者许渊冲、王守义&John Knoepfle(以下简称为王诺合译)的两个英译本为例,从英汉对比的角度进行研究,并从原诗和译诗的内容、形式和风格三个方面来分析英汉两种语言的差异及其对翻译的影响。 一、内容差异 翻译就是一种语言忠实地再现另一种语言所表达的内容、思想和感情。而内容即指作品所叙述的事实、说明的事理、描写的景物以及文字的叙述,在说明和描写之中反映作者思想、观点、立场、所流露的感情等。 译诗应首先忠于原作,译出作品的内容应与原作的思想内容保持一致。在翻译诗歌作品时,刘重德认为我们应做到:“信于内容,达如其分,切合风格(信达切)。”[1]刘认为在这三者中,“信于内容”应排在第一位。著名学者许渊冲也认为:“翻译唐诗要尽可能传达原诗的‘意美’‘音美’和‘形美’。……最重要的是‘意美’,其次是‘音美’,再次是‘形美’”[2]分别由许渊冲与王诺合译的《望庐山瀑布》的两个英译本都较好地展现了原诗的内容。 原诗的第一句主要描写了瀑布的背景——日照香炉生紫烟。笔者调查发现,很多人误以为“香炉”是寺庙中焚香的器皿,事实上,此句中的香炉峰为庐山西北部的一座山峰,因形似香炉且在山上经常笼罩着云烟而得名。因此,如果译者对此不了解,就很容易把“香炉峰”误译为“香炉”。此外,一个“生”字把处于静态的香炉峰活生生地展现在了我们面前。在许先生的译文中,他用了英文动词“exhales”(意为“呼气、散发”)将香炉峰拟人化,使读者感觉到此景好似就在眼前。而王诺合译的译文则用了动词“rise”,同样表达了烟雾氤氲环绕庐山的景象,但是不如许先生的“exhale”贴切恰当。笔者分析发现,在许先生的译文中,原诗


原文:It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. 译文:世事皆利弊并存。 赏析:原句结构比较特殊("It is ... that ..."),理解起来有点困难。“对谁都没有好处的风才是坏风”,也就是说大多数情况下风对人都是有好处、有坏处,在引申一步就是成了上面的译句。林佩耵在《中英对译技巧》一书中(第68页)还给了几个相同结构的英文句子。翻译的前提是理解。有人指出。市面上见到的翻译作品,有好多都带有因理解不正确而产生的低级错误,“信”都谈不上还妄谈什么“达”和“雅”!初学翻译的朋友,在理解原文上当不遗余力。 2.原文:Their language was almost unrestrained by any motive of prudence. 译文:他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,全然不考虑什么谨慎不谨慎。 赏析:如果硬译,译文势必成了“他们的言论几乎不受任何深思熟虑的动机的约束”。译者本其译,化其滞,将原句一拆为二,充分运用相关翻译技巧,译文忠实、通顺。 3.原文:Get a livelihood,and then practise virtue. 译文:先谋生而后修身。(钱钟书译) 赏析:原句是祈使句,译句也传达出了训导的意味。用“谋生”来译“Get a livelihood",用“修身”来译“practise virtue",可谓精当。巧的是,原句七个词,译句也是七个汉字。 4.原文:I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support ofwater. 译文:我喜爱那洁净的暖风吹拂在我的皮肤上使我陶然欲醉,也喜爱那清亮的流水把我的身
