

2-1Old macdonald’s letter farm

Old macdonaled had a farm,ABCDE

Letters,letters in the hay FGHIJ


Pigs and ducks and bumblebess


ABCDEFG,letters I can sing

HIJKLMN ,soon I’ll learn to read


Learn your letter names with me

The animals like to read

Cows and horse in their stalls sing their letter names Chichens clunk the alphabet-learning is their game From ABC to XYZ learn them and you’ll succeed

Old macdonald guarantees-learning is the key

Old macdonaled had a farm,ABCDE

Letters,letters in the hay FGHIJ


Pigs and ducks and bumblebess


2-2 Ten in the bed

There were ten in the bed and the little on said

Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were nine in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were eight in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were seven in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were six in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were five in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were four in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were three in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were two in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were one in the bed and the little on said

Roll over roll over

Good night

2-3 Five little skunks

Five little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There were only four little skunks walking along with me.

One, Two, Three, four....

Four little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There were only three little skunks walking along with me.

One, Two, Three, oh.....

Three little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There were only two little skunks walking along with me.

One, Two, oh, oh.....

Two little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There was only one little skunks walking along with me.

One, oh, oh, oh.....

One little skunk went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shady spot to eat and a nice little place to play.

But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-

There were no more little skunks walking along with me.

There were no more little skunks walking along with me.

Well, now, the people were gone ad the park was empty.

It was quite a sight to see.

The five little skunks-they had disappeared.

There was no one left but me.

But, then I heard a funny noise and when I looked around, much to my surprise- five little skunks were standing there right before my very eyes! One, two, three,four, five little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.

We were looking for a shady spot to eat and a nice little place to play.

Well, we found a shady spot and we all sat down underneath a big old tree. And we had a picnic that day, the five little skunks and me!

And we had a picnic that day, the five little skunks and me!

2-4 The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell(dell: 有树木的小谷地)

The farmer in the dell

Hi-ho, the derry-o(derry:民谣,歌谣)

The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife

The farmer takes a wife

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The farmer takes a wife

The wife takes a child

The wife takes a child

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The wife takes a child

The child takes the dog

The child takes the dog

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The child takes the dog

The dog takes the cats

The dog takes the cats

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The dog takes the cats

The cat takes the rats

The cat takes the rats

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The cat takes the rats(rat: 鼠)

The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife

The farmer takes a wife

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The farmer takes a wife

2-5 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS On the first day of Christmas My true love gave to me:

A partridge in a pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas My true love gave to me:

Two turtle doves and



安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵4歌词 4-1-big rock candy mountain In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains, Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird s ings In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains, Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains,

磨出我的英文耳朵 D1 歌词

磨出我的英文耳朵歌词参考 : Track 1 Five little monkeys jumping on the bed “It’s time for bed, “said mama. So five little monkeys washed their faces, Brushed their teeth, and put their pi’s on. They kissed their mama and said, “Good night.”But guess what happened then… Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Two little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”


安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵3歌词3-1 I've been working on the railroad I've been working on the railroad All the live long day I've been working on the railroad Just to pass the time away Can't you hear the whistle blowing Rise up so early in the morn Don't you hear the captian shouting Dinah, blow your horn Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow your horn Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow Dinah, won't you blow your horn Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Someone's in the kitchen I know Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Strumming on the old banjo Fee fie fiddle iiee o Fee fie fiddle iiee o Fee fie fiddle iiee o Strumming on the old banjo 3-2 The Bear Went Over The Mountain The bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain To see what he could see To see what he could see To see what he could see The bear went over the mountain The other side of the mountain


安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵4歌词 4-1-big rock candy mountain In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains, Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains, Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! In the big rock candy mountain there’s a land that’s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, Where friends are around us and the sun shine every day. Oh, I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow, Where the rain doesn’t fall and the wind doesn’t blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountain! Oh, the buzzin’of the bees in the peppermint trees Round the soda water fountains,

磨耳朵英语儿歌03.Down by the Bay

Down by the Bay Down by the Bay 到那海湾边 Where the watermelons grow, 西瓜生长的地方, Back to my home, 回家了 I dare not go, 我不敢去 For if I do, 如果我做 My mother will say, 我妈妈会说 "have you ever seen a snake baking a cake down by the bay.?" 你有看到一条蛇在海湾边吃蛋糕吗? Down by the bay. 到那海湾边 Where the watermelons grow, 西瓜生长的地方, Back to my home, 回家了 I dare not go, 我不敢去 For if I do, 如果我做 My mother will say, 我妈妈会说 Have you ever seen a frog walking his dog down by the bay?" 你有看到一只狐狸在海湾边遛狗吗? Down by the bay. 到那海湾边 Where the watermelons grow, 西瓜生长的地方, back to my home 回家了 I dar not to go, 我不敢去 For if I do, 如果我做 My mother will say, 我妈妈会说 Have you ever seen a mouse painting his house down by the bay?" 你有看到一只老鼠在海湾边粉刷房 子吗? Down by the bay. 到那海湾边 Where the watermelons grow, 西瓜生长的地方, Back to my home, 回家了 I dare not go, 我不敢去 For if I do, 如果我做 My mother will say, 1


英语启蒙:磨耳朵要不要抠单词 时学校给的那些小诗歌则完全找不到感觉。原因在哪里?也是因为输入的种类不同。孩子脑子里从来没有存储过的类型,直接让他输出,这是不可能的,所谓种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。所以,想让孩子将来能输出什么,就要让孩子先有这些语音信号的积累。更多孩子,一直按照中式英语的路子学习。结果就是,通过各种听力教材积累了很多的单词和句型,但是听力理解能力上不去,听不懂英语故事,原版书读不出来。这样下去,即使进行了专门的口语训练,也会因为听力理解能力的欠缺而无法提升。语感的问题涉及到大脑的机理,我不是专家,不敢妄加解释。但是从安妮和小宝的情况看,他们从小就一直坚持听那些当时根本听不懂意思的儿歌甚至脱口秀,最后的结果就是,日积月累,他们很容易听得懂长句的歌词,并且还能够自主地模仿。也就是说,孩子即使没有理解快速的语音资料的中文意思,但是通过大量的听,他的辨音能力提高了,就能够把语音中的元素区分开来。这也可以解释为什么同样去找外教上课,有的孩子很快就能输出,有的孩子很久都没有办法输出。说到底,是英语泛听量的问题。同样,孩子看动画片也是这个道理。有些成人说,动画片那么快,我都看不懂,问他什么意思,他更说不出来,这是不是无效输入呢?也许,从这部片子来看,孩子没有完全明白。但是,我们会发现一个有趣的现象,那就是如果看了一段时间动画片之后,回头再听一些慢速的儿歌,孩子会觉得很容易,能轻松地唱出来了。这时候就有人说了,虽然孩子不需要看明白,可是我的孩子看到难度大的动画片就不愿意看,说听不懂。那怎么办呢?这其实就是孩子的中文思维在起作用。越大的孩子,对情节理解要求越高,对中文思维也越依赖。


外教一对一https://www.360docs.net/doc/5614080279.html, “听英语,磨耳朵”到底在磨什么? “听英语,磨耳朵”的说法,很多年轻的家长并不陌生,但是“磨什么”却常常令家长感到困惑。 实际上,家长需要了解,孩子在幼儿阶段听英语、磨耳朵主要是要达到三个目的: 第一,通过听,熟悉英语特有的语音语调和韵律节奏,增强语感。 让孩子在听力敏感期自然而然地熟悉英语特有的语音语调和韵律节奏、不仅能令孩子讲一日纯正、漂亮的英语,信心十足,而且能有效地提高孩子的阅读能力和写作能力。语感是看不见、摸不着却客观存在的对语言的感觉。即便是阅读,也会伴随着大脑中的“语音激活”,因此对英语韵律节奏和意群的良好感觉能提高阅读流畅度,同时也能让英语写作顺畅、自然。 第二,通过听和看,获得“可理解性输入”,积累英语听说词汇。 人的大脑具有探索语言意义的本能需求。孩子学习语言时不会去关注抽象的语法,而是自然而然地关注形象的语义。我们让孩子通过“听”感受英语语音语调和韵律节奏时,要有意识地通过肢体语言、情境、图片或视频,让孩子感受和理解语义,获得“可理解性输入”,逐步积累听说词汇。这些听说词汇,在孩子掌握了自然拼读技能之后,就会转化为读写词汇。 第三,听辨单词中的单个音素,培养音素意识。 很多家长会觉得“培养音素意识”听起来比较专业,有些望而生畏。其实,这很好理解,最简单、最直白的说法就是:让孩子具有英语单词是由“音素”组成的意识,区别于我们传统意义上理解的,英语单词是由“字母”组成的。英语单词从书面上看是由单个字母组成的,实际一整个单词的发音与字母本身无关,而由字母或字母组合表示的发音组合而成。 举个最简单的例子:cat这个单词的整体发音,由/k/ /a/ /t/ 三个音素组合而成,而不是由c, a, t三个字母名组合而成。除了意识到口语中的单词是由“音素”组成的,孩子还要学会对单词中的音素进行听辨和操作(切分、组合、替换等)。以dog一词为例,音素的听辨是指听到dog一词,要能听辨出这个单词由三个音素构成,分别是/d/ /o/ /g/;音素的切分(segmenting)就是dog --> /d/-/o/-/g/;音素的组合(blending)就是/d/-/o/-/g/ --> dog; 音素的替换就是/d/-/o/-/g/ --> dog, /d/-/o/-/t/ -->dot。我们将切分、组合、替换音素等能力,统称为对音素的操作能力。需要特别注意的是,对音素的听辨和操作是在听说层面进行的,不涉及书面上的字母识别和字母书写。 英语是表音文字,口语中的单词是由音素组成的,字母或字母组合直接、自然地表示发音。学习自然拼读的过程就是:建立书面文字中的字母或字母组合与听说层面的音素的对应关系,并把字母或字母组合按照音形对应规则拼读、拼写出来。所以我们说,培养辨音能力,实际上是在为拼读、拼写作准备,也是在为阅读和写作作铺垫。 文章来源:https://www.360docs.net/doc/5614080279.html,


0-3岁的英语启蒙,重点是磨耳朵:儿歌、童谣、韵律诗、动画片、图画书的音频等等,都可以作为磨耳朵的素材。不同类型的资源有不同的特点。 一、听力辨音类音视频 歌曲Songs: 1、《语感启蒙》:安妮和小宝小的时候看的是清华幼儿英语出版的《语感启蒙》,其中的36首儿歌因为有视频能对应所以非常受孩子们的欢迎,目前遗憾的是他们当时非常喜欢的2004版已经绝版了。 2、欧美经典儿歌(Wee sing):这里面的歌曲都是原汁原味的,国内有引进版,也深受孩子们的喜爱。其中的For baby/Animals尤其适合小宝宝的启蒙。 3、美国出版的Read and Sing Along 系列,每张光盘配有一本绘本,对于情境对应非常有价值。在图书馆成为借阅量最高的资源之一。目前这个系列已经被引进到国内,作为安妮花英语自然拼读教材的配套资源。60首儿歌配套16本儿歌绘本,称为《安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵1、2》,另外还有20本被收录在《安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵3、4》中,2013年3月份出版。 以上歌曲类的素材总计有1/200首之多,基本涵盖了英语母语国家孩子的常见儿歌。很多孩子因为听过甚至会唱这些儿歌,所以到了英语环境和英语母语的孩子在一起就觉得非常亲切,便于融入。 儿歌类资源一般可以作为背景音乐使用,不必特别强求固定时间播放,具体播放时间,以大人孩子都感到愉悦为原则。 童谣/韵律诗等Chant/ Rhyme/Poem 这些资源和儿歌的区别在于没有音乐,适合早期的磨耳朵或者是自主阅读开始之初的韵律节奏训练。这部分内容,国内过去重视不多。所以集中的素材很少。有些散落于各种教材之中,不好搜集。安妮在加拿大学校曾经专门对这部分有训练,我在过去的博文和国外孩子同步的英语韵律节奏训练资源中对这些资源做过整理。后来应大家的要求,我们有汇总了更多国外孩子耳熟能详的韵律诗,做成诗集绘本,成为《安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵5、6》,将随同《安妮花英语自然拼读2》套装同步于2013年2月上市。 0-3岁宝宝使用这类资源时,和儿歌同样的方式,听就可以。很多孩子听力辨音能力好了之后就会不自觉地复述,这种韵律节奏感对综合语感以及今后的阅读能力提高都非常有意义。这也是北美学校用他们作为素材的原因。 动画片/广播节目/新闻/脱口秀/书籍等任何类型音频 各种语音类型在辨音能力最强的时期(据报道,国外研究证明9个月以后孩子的辨音能力呈下降趋势),会提高孩子的辨音能力。这类内容适合小宝宝,尤其是一岁以内的小宝宝。因为这个阶段他们对情节没有要求,音频里讲的是什


2-1Old macdonald’s letter farm Old macdonaled had a farm,ABCDE Letters,letters in the hay FGHIJ With a KLMNOP Pigs and ducks and bumblebess QRSTU and VWXYZ ABCDEFG,letters I can sing HIJKLMN ,soon I’ll learn to read With an OPQRSTUVWXYZ Learn your letter names with me The animals like to read Cows and horse in their stalls sing their letter names Chichens clunk the alphabet-learning is their game From ABC to XYZ learn them and you’ll succeed Old macdonald guarantees-learning is the key Old macdonaled had a farm,ABCDE Letters,letters in the hay FGHIJ With a KLMNOP Pigs and ducks and bumblebess QRSTU and VWXYZ 2-2 Ten in the bed There were ten in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out


1 Good Morning Good morning. Time to get up. 早上好,起床啦! I don't want to get up. I'm sleepy.我不想起来,好困啊! Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. I'll tickle you. 那我就挠痒痒,挠痒痒了啊。 Hurry and get up, sleepyhead. 快点起床,瞌睡虫! Good morning! 早上好! Good afternoon! 中午好! Good evening! 晚上好! Good night! 晚安! 2 wash your face Go wash your face. 快去洗脸吧。 Go wash your face. 快去洗脸吧。 Yes, Mommy. Yes. 好的,妈妈,好的。 I will wash my face. 我这就去洗脸。 Go brush your teeth. 快去刷牙吧。 Go brush your teeth. 快去刷牙吧。Okay, Daddy. Okay. 好的,爸爸,好的。 I will brush my teeth. 我这就去刷牙。face 脸 feet 脚 hands 手 hair 头发 3 Breakfast Time Mommy! Mommy!I am Hungary. 妈妈,妈妈,我饿了。 Breakfast is ready. Come and eat. 早餐做好了,过来吃吧。 Yum! Yum! Breakfast! I am full. 真好吃啊,我吃饱了。 第二小节:Lunch 午餐 第三小节:Dinner 晚餐 4 You Look Great Put on your dress. Wow! 穿上裙子,哇! Put on your hat. Yeah! 戴上帽子,哇! My little princess! 我的小公主! You look good! Thank you! 你太漂亮了!谢谢! Put on your T-shirt. Wow! 穿上T恤,哇! Put on your pants. Yeah! 穿上裤子,哇! My little prince! 我的小王子! You look great! Thank you! 你太帅啦!谢谢! hat 帽子 dress 连衣裙 skirt 短裙 blouse 女式衬衫 T-shirt T恤 pants 裤子 cap 无边帽


幼儿英语启蒙磨耳朵3个阶段的正确做法 家长们都知道幼儿英语启蒙要先从磨耳朵开始,那家长们清楚磨耳朵3个阶段的正确做法是什么吗? 今天小唱就给大家详细地说一下该怎么磨耳朵吧! 首先,不同年龄段、不同的英语听力水平,采用的磨耳朵方法有所不同,具体是怎么区分的呢? 1、裸听法(0-1岁) 裸听是什么意思呢?其实很好理解,就是说什么都不懂,纯听音频。 当然,这个方法只适合0-1岁这个阶段,因为对于磨耳朵而言,这一时期十分宝贵,孩子的自主意识尚未形成。 而且裸听法操作非常简单,因为这一年龄段资源接纳度最高,儿歌童谣、新闻广播、各类脱口秀节目,一切音频来者不拒,父母在选材上无须下很大功夫,原汁原味的任何资源都行,要做的只是定时开关、培养孩子听英语和使用音频的习惯。 但是别看方法简单,效果却是不容小觑的! 央视纪录频道播放过这样一部纪录片,六个月大的婴儿可以辨识150种声音的差别,在大多数人以为孩子只会吃、睡的时候,恰恰是宝宝大脑发育最快的时候,所以千万别再说:他这么小,能知道什么! 1岁以下大量的音频输入能在大脑中形成语音储备,为学习外语打下坚实的基础。

0-1岁启蒙的孩子,从裸听开始,以培养韵律节奏感为目的,多听儿歌、童谣及韵律诗,同时尽可能扩大资源广度,泛听英语母语国家的各种英语资源。 2、跟听法(1-3岁) 1岁以上的孩子,自主意识逐渐增强,对故事情节及文字有理解的需要,如果完全无法理解音频内容,学习兴趣很难保持,因此,磨耳朵的方送也应进行相应的调整,采用跟听法。区别于裸听法,跟听法以情境对应为前提,通过阅读、观看动画等方式,在理解音频文字含义或剧情的基础上进行音频输入,在听的同时,大脑中能投射相应的画面,完成视觉对应。 因此,这里的跟听,跟的是看过的动画资源、读过的各种绘本。当然,儿歌童谣以及演唱版绘本音频仍然可以保持裸听。 3、混听法(3-6岁) 随着孩子听力的提升,慢慢能做到裸听部分绘本音频或动画音频,这一时期,可以裸听+跟听同时进行,也就是混听。 有妈妈不禁会问,怎么判断孩子具备了裸听的能力呢?很简单!每次给孩子听绘本音频时,在这些音频中间,悄悄塞上两三个没有阅读过的绘本音频,孩子没兴趣时他会自动跳过,等到有一天他愿意听,说明时机到了,那么,可能感兴趣的各类题材、各类风格都可以尝试。 因此,混听阶段资源范围更广,尤其那些概念抽象、远离生活的题材,对扩展知识面、提高听力水平十分有好处。

磨耳朵英语儿歌歌词08.Six little ducks

Six little ducks Six little ducks that I once knew, 我曾经知道六只小鸭子, Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too, 胖的,瘦的,还有漂亮的, But the one little duck with the feather on his back, 但是在他的背上插根羽毛的这只小鸭子, He led the others with a quack, quack, quack! Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack! 他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子! 嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫! He led the others with a quack, quack, quack! 他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子! Down to the river they would go. Wibber-wobble, wibble-wobble,to and fro, 他们沿着河流往下游。摇摇摆摆走向前。 But the one little duck with the feather on his back, 但是在他的背上插根羽毛的这只小鸭子, He led the others with a quack-quack-quack! quack, quack quack! quack, quack quack! 他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子! 嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫! He led the others with a quack-quack-quack 他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子! Home from the river they would come 他们要从河边回家了 Wibber-wobble, wibble-wobble,ho-hum-hum! 摇摇摆摆,哼哼哈哈 But the one little duck with the feather on his back, 但是在他的背上插根羽毛的这只小鸭子, He led the others with a quack-quack-quack! quack, quack quack! quack, quack quack! 他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子! 嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫! He led the others with a quack-quack-quack! quack, quack quack! quack, quack quack! 他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子! 嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫! He led the others with a quack-quack-quack! quack, quack quack! quack, quack quack!


The more we sing together The more we get together, together, together. The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. For your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends. The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. The more we get together, together, together. The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. For your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends. The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. Row, row, row your boat Row, Row, Row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Life is but a dream. If you’re happy and you know it If you're happy, and you know it, Clap your hands.(Clap! Clap!) If you're happy, and you know it, Clap your hands.(Clap! Clap!) If you're happy, and you know it, Then, your face will surely show it, If you're happy, and you know it, Clap your hands.(Clap! Clap!) If you're happy, and you know it, Stomp your feet.(Stomp! Stomp!) If you're happy, and you know it, Stomp your feet.(Stomp! Stomp!) If you're happy,and you know it,Then, your face will surely show it, If you're happy,and you know it,Stomp your feet.(Stomp!Stomp!) If you're happy,and you know it,Shout "Hoo-ray!"(Hoo-ray!) If you're happy,and you know it,Shout "Hoo-ray!"(Hoo-ray!) If you're happy,and you know it, Then, your face will surely show it, If you're happy,and you know it,Shout "Hoo-ray!"(Hoo-ray!) If you're happy,and you know it, Do all three.(Clap! Clap!Stomp!Stomp!Hoo-ray!) If you're happy,and you know it, Do all three.(Clap! Clap!Stomp!Stomp!Hoo-ray!) If you're happy,and you know it, Then, your face will surely show it, If you're happy,and you know it,Do all three.(Clap! Clap!Stomp!Stomp!Hoo-ray!) It’s Raining, It’s pouring It’s Raining, It’s pouring, the old man is snoring. Bumped his head and he went to bed,

魔耳国际英语——幼儿情景英语 Unit 1

Unit 1 Hello! 单元教学目标 语言技能听做能够听懂简单的课堂用语和指令,并根据指令做游戏。 说唱能够有节奏的说唱本单元英语韵律和歌谣。 玩演学习本单元的小故事并能在老师的引导下复述对话,表演本单元的英语对话视听能够听懂并看懂本课VCR(教学光盘) 读写能模仿或填充字母A、B 语言知识字母A、B 词汇 基本词汇Bunny, Dobby, Donnie, Genie 理解词汇Mommy, Daddy, Honey 句型I am... 功能 Greeting each other Introducing oneself Counting the people 话题 Friend members Names Numbers 学习策略1.学习数字1-3,并能运用到课堂指令中; 2.初步认识贯穿全册书里的四位魔耳小精灵Bunny, Dobby, Donnie, Genie 3.认知字母AB 4.能够做课本或者活动手册上相应地听圈、贴说、听连、做手工等活动。 情感态度1.建立基本的课堂常规,激发学生学习英语的兴趣; 2.学会在班级里与老师和其他小朋友交往; 3.给每个学生取英语名字。 语言材料Chant Hello Chant Hello, Hello! How are you today? Hello, Hello! Please come and play. Song Good Morning Good morning. Good morning to you, to you and to you. Good morning. Good morning to you and to you. Nancy, Judy and Margaret. Peter, Dandy, Paul and John. Good morning. Good morning to you and to you.

磨出我的英文耳朵1 部分翻译

1) 五只小猴子床上跳 妈妈让五只小猴子去睡觉,他们洗了脸,刷了牙,穿上了睡衣,亲了妈妈,和妈妈道了晚安。但是他们很淘气,不停地在床上乱跳,结果一个个都摔下来,撞破了脑袋。妈妈没有办法,只好给医生打电话。医生说,不要再让猴子们在床上蹦了....... 2) 宾果 当看到这三张图片的时候,记得在缺失字母的地方拍手并学狗狗叫噢! 一个农夫有一只狗,它的名字叫“Bingo”,B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O, 它的名字叫Bingo。 3) 在海湾边 在海湾边,那儿生长着西瓜,我不敢回家,因为要是我回家,我妈妈会说:“在海湾边,你曾见过蛇烤蛋糕吗?” ……“你曾见过青蛙遛狗吗?” ……“你曾见过老鼠粉刷自己的房子吗?” ……“你曾见过戴帽子的猫吗?” ……“你曾见过跳吉格舞的猪吗?” ……“你曾见过哞哞叫的牛吗?” ……“你曾见过会吃饭的鱼吗?” 4) 穿过烟囱 我听到圣诞老人穿过烟囱爬到我家的声音,他吃了我一块饼干,用礼物填满我的圣诞袜,还把礼物放在圣诞树下,然后,一眨眼就消失了,多么奇妙的圣诞夜啊! 5) ABC 童谣 玛丽有只小羊羔,它的羊毛白如雪,不管玛丽去哪里,小羊羔都会跟着她。 牧羊女丢了她的羊群,不知道到哪里去找,不用管它们了,它们会摇着尾巴回家的。 Humpty Dumpty整天坐在墙头上,一不小心掉下来摔碎了,国王所有的马匹和军队都不能把它拼在一起。 Muffet坐在矮凳上吃着凝乳和奶酪,一只蜘蛛爬过来,把Muffet吓跑了。 我的小狗到哪儿去了?到哪儿去了呢?短短的耳朵,长长的尾巴,我的小狗,它能到哪里去呢?滴答滴答滴,老鼠爬上钟,挂钟敲了一下(当),老鼠吓跑了。滴答滴答滴! 你看,猫儿在拉小提琴,牛儿跳上了月亮。小狗看到这场景哈哈笑,盘子和勺子都跑掉了。多么稀奇啊。 6) 快乐的玩耍时间 淘气的孩子们,不想休息,不想保持安静,更不想上床睡觉,整天就想着玩耍、玩球、赛跑,因为他们觉得这才是最好玩、最有趣的事情呢!


磨耳朵考研英语单词文 字版 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

abandon the search was abandoned when night came. abide I have to abide by the contract that I have signed. able(to) who is able to answer the question. abolish slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century. about(to) just when I was about to give up,I finally succeed. above(all) these two systems have disadvantages and above all the units have no practical sizes. abrupt the mystery novel came to abrupt end without explaining the crime. absent I asked him a question,but he looked at me in an absent way and didn’t answer. absorb he was completely absorbed in his book. abstract I’ve made an abstract of this article.(abstract抽象;摘要) absurd their demands are absurd.(absurd 荒唐的) abundant china has abundant supplies of oil and gas. abuse don’t abuse animals. academic they have been academic exchanges between the two universities. accelerate the heat accelerated the reaction. accept the new theory has been widely accepted. access graduate students have free access to the reading room. accessory the accessories of the car include the heater and radio.(accessory附件;帮凶) accident Columbus discovered American by accident in 1492 ad. accommodate this elevator accommodates twelve people.(accommodate 容纳;提供住处) accommodation the high cost of accommodations makes the traveling in the US expensive. (accommodation住处)accompany our orders must be accompanied by(附上) cash. accomplish has he accomplished his aim? accordance he didn't act in accordance with the orders that were given to him. according to according to my watch,it's 4 o'clock accordingly the world is changing rapidly,our plan must change accordingly.(accordingly 相应地) account he can't account for(说明原因/负责任) the mistake. on account of the harvest was poor on account of (由于)the failure of rains. take into account such a theory must take the experimental results into account.(take into account 考虑)accumulate snow accumulated to a depth of five feet. accuse some country do not accuse those persons who make private videos and records. accustom we are accustomed to get up early. ache my stomach aches. achieve only practice can achieve mastery.(mastery 精通) acknowledge he acknowledge their help in his speech.(acknowledge 承认;感谢)
