新视野大学英语II Unit 5 Text A课文讲解

Unit 5 The money game

Text A Spend or save--The student’s dilemma


1.Do you feel as confused and manipulated as I do with this question, “Should I spend or should

I save?”



I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to defy common sense and contradict each other.

在动词think后面跟了一个由that引导的宾语从句,从句中有一个省去了that/which的定语从句修饰主语the messages。


The government tells us to spend or we’ll never get out of the recession.



At the same time, they tell us that unless we save more, our country is in grave danger.

在tell us后面跟了一个由that引导的宾语从句,从句中又包含一个unless引导的条件状语从句。

与此同时,他们又告诉我们,除非我们节省更多的钱,否则我们的国家会处于严重危险之中。Banks offer higher interest rates so we increase savings.



Then the same banks send us credit card offers so we can spend more.



2.Here’s another familiar example: If we don’t pay our credit card bill on time,we get demanding, nasty emails from the credit card company saying something like: “Your failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immediately or you’ll be in trouble!”

第一个冒号后面是一个简单句;两个冒号之间是一个包含一个if引导的条件状语从句的复合句,“saying something like”是一个现在分词短语作定语修饰emails。第二个冒号后面引号



Then, as soon as we pay, we get a follow-up email in a charming tone telling us how valuable a customer we are and encouraging us to resume spending.

这是一个复合句,前面有一个as soon as引导的时间状语从句,后面主句中有两个并列的V-ing短语“telling...and encouraging...”作定语修饰email,第一个V-ing短语中telling us后面跟了一个how引导的宾语从句。


Which depiction is correct: a failing consumer in trouble or a valued customer?



The gap between these two messages is enormous.(简单句)


3.The paradox is that every day we get two sets of messages at odds with each other.

这是一个复合句,句中有一个that引导的表语从句,从句中“at odds with each other”这个介词短语作定语修饰two sets of messages。


One is the “permissive” perspective, “Buy, spend, get it now. You need this!”



The other we could call an “upright” message, which urges us, “Work hard and save. Suspend your desires. Avoid luxuries. Control your appetite for more than you truly need.”

引号外面是一个复合句,主句的宾语前置,正常语序应该是:We could call the other an upright message,...。后面是一个非限制性定语从句。引号里面是四个祈使句,第四个祈使句当中有一个than引导的定语从句。


This message comes to us from many sources: from school, from parents, even from political figures referring to “traditional values”. (简单句)

这类信息来源甚多,有学校方面的,有家长方面的,甚至还来自提及传统价值观的政治人物。Hard work, family loyalty, and the capacity to postpone desires are core American values that have made our country great.

这是一个复合句,主句里有三个并列的名词短语作主语,后面跟了一个that引导的定语从句修饰core American values。


4.But the opposite message, advertising’s permissive message, is inescapable. (简单句)


Though sometimes disguised, the messages are everywhere we look: on TV, in movies, on

printed media and road signs, in stores, and on busses, trains and subways.

句子中though引导了一个让步状语从句,从句中省去了主语和谓语中的动词be,可以还原为:though they are sometimes disguised,后面的主句中包含一个everywhere引导的表语从句。


Advertisements invade our daily lives. (简单句)


We are constantly surrounded by the message to spend, spend, spend. (简单句)


Someone recently said, “The only time you can escape advertising is when you’re in your bed asleep!”

引号里面主语the only time后面跟了一个省去了when的定语从句,后面是一个when引导的表语从句。


5.It’s been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American will have seen 600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one million.



Each advertisement is doing its utmost to influence our diverse buying decisions, from the breakfast cereal we eat to which cruise line we will use for our vacation.

逗号前面是主句,后面是短语from...to...,里面包含一个定语从句(that/which) we eat修饰breakfast cereal;后面which...for our vacation是一个宾语从句。


There is no shortage of ideas and things to buy! (简单句)


Now, of course, we don’t remember exactly what the products were, but the essential message is cemented into our consciousness, “It’s good to satisfy your desires. You should have what you want. You deserve the best. So, you should buy it –now!”



A famous advertisement said it perfectly, “I love me. I’m a good friend to myself. I do what makes me feel good. I derive pleasure from nice things and feel nourished by them. I used to put things off. Not anymore. Today I’ll buy new ski equipment, look at new compact cars, and buy that camera I’ve always wanted. I live my dreams today, not tomorrow.”




6.What happens as we take in these contradictory but explicit messages?



What are the psychological and social consequences of this campaign to control our spending habits? (简单句)


On one hand, we want more things because we want to satisfy our material appetite.



Most of us derive pleasure from treating ourselves. (简单句)


On the other hand, a little voice inside us echoes those upright messages: “Watch out, take stock of your life, don’t let your attention get scattered. Postpone your desires. Don’t fall into debt. Wait! Retain control over your own life. It will make you stronger.”



7.Anyway, many of the skills you need as a successful student can be applied to your finances.



Consider your financial well-being as a key ingredient of your university education as money worries are extremely stressful and distracting.



They can make you feel terrible and hinder your ability to focus on your prime objective: successfully completing your education.



8.How can you be a smart and educated consumer? (简单句)


Many schools, community organizations, and even some banks offer financial literacy classes. (简单句)


Consider consulting with your school’s financial aid office or seek input from your parents or other respected adults in setting up a budget.



An additional option is finding a partner to help you stay on track and find pleasure in the administration of your own financial affairs.

这是一个简单句,a partner后面跟了一个不定式短语作定语,不定式短语当中to help后面是两个省去了to的不定式短语作宾补。


Most importantly, if you find yourself getting into financial trouble, don’t let your ego get in your way; urgently get help with tackling your problem before it spins out of control and lands you in legal troubles.



9.All this will help you become an educated consumer and saver. (简单句)


As you learn to balance spending and saving, you will become the captain of your own ship, steering your life in a successful and productive direction through the choppy waters.



新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第二册Unit5 Cliff Young, an unlikely hero翻译

U5 A Cliff Young, an unlikely hero 克里夫?杨,令人意想不到的英雄 Considered one of the toughest marathon events in the world, the 875-kilometer annual Australian race, a route from Sydney to Melbourne, is a harsh test of endurance for the world’s top athletes, regardless of their age. The young, super-fit runners train for months before a competition and are under contract to prominent sponsors like Nike and Adidas, who finance them and furnish them with a substantial support mechanism of money and equipment. The contest takes up to seven days to complete and is a challenging test of fitness and strength even for world-class athletes who compete for distinction and a cash prize. 澳大利亚一年一度的悉尼至墨尔本的马拉松比赛全长875 公里,被认为是世界上最艰难的马拉松赛事之一,对任何年龄段的世界顶尖运动员来说都是一项严酷的耐力考验。体能超好的年轻选手在赛前要进行数月的训练,而且还和像耐克和阿迪达斯这样著名的赞助商签约,这些赞助商通过强大的资金和装备支持机制为选手提供资助和装备。这项比赛历时七天,即使对那些为荣誉和奖金而赛的世界一流运动员来说,这项比赛也是对体能和力量的严峻考验。On the day of the race in 1983, Cliff Young, a toothless 61-year-old farmer and amateur runner, wearing rubber boots, and much older than the other runners, was in attendance. No one paid any attention to this odd-looking man who might as well have been invisible. The assembled crowd assumed Cliff was there to observe the race. When he asserted his intention to compete, the world-class athletes around him reacted with apparent disbelief and then with disrespect. Obviously, this was some sort of publicity trick. 1983 年比赛那一天,克里夫?杨,一个牙齿已全部脱落的61 岁的农民业余选手也来参加比赛。他脚穿橡胶靴,年龄也比其他选手大得多。没有人注意到这个外表古怪的老头,他就跟个隐身人差不多。聚集的人群以为克里夫只是来观看比赛的。当克里夫明确表示自己是来参赛的时候,他周围的世界级选手先是表示出明显的怀疑,继而予以鄙视。显然,人们认为这只是媒体的炒作而已。 But the press was curious, so as he took his number and moved into the crush of runners in their special, expensive racing gear, the camera focused on him and the assembled reporters shouted question after question at Cliff. They asked: "Who are you?""What are you doing?" 但是媒体记者颇为好奇,所以当克里夫领好自己的参赛号码,走进配备昂贵的特殊装备的参赛选手队伍时,镜头对准了他,聚集的记者们向他抛来一个又一个问题。他们问:“你是谁?”“你来做什么?” "I'm Cliff Young. I'm from a large farm where we raise sheep outside of Melbourne." “我是克里夫?杨。我来自墨尔本郊外的一个大农场,我们在那里养羊。” They went on, "What makes you think you can run this race? It takes a week to run this race on no more than six hours of sleep a night!" 他们接着问道:“你为什么认为自己有能力参加这项比赛?跑完全程要花一周的时间,而且每晚的睡眠不足六个小时。”

新视野大学英语II Unit 5 Text A课文讲解

Unit 5 The money game Text A Spend or save--The student’s dilemma 花钱还是存钱,学生进退维谷 1.Do you feel as confused and manipulated as I do with this question, “Should I spend or should I save?” 引语外面是一个复合句,包含一个比较状语从句,引语是一个选择疑问句。 你是不是跟我一样对“我应该花钱还是存钱”这个问题感到困惑,且有被操纵的感觉? I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to defy common sense and contradict each other. 在动词think后面跟了一个由that引导的宾语从句,从句中有一个省去了that/which的定语从句修饰主语the messages。 我觉得我们从生活的环境里所获得的信息似乎是有违常识、互相矛盾的。 The government tells us to spend or we’ll never get out of the recession. 这是一个并列句,两个并列分句由并列连词or连接。 政府告诉我们要花钱,否则我们将永远走不出衰退。 At the same time, they tell us that unless we save more, our country is in grave danger. 在tell us后面跟了一个由that引导的宾语从句,从句中又包含一个unless引导的条件状语从句。 与此同时,他们又告诉我们,除非我们节省更多的钱,否则我们的国家会处于严重危险之中。Banks offer higher interest rates so we increase savings. 这是一个并列句,两个并列分句由并列连词so连接。 银行提供较高的利率以增加储蓄。 Then the same banks send us credit card offers so we can spend more. 这是一个并列句,两个并列分句由并列连词so连接。 然后,同样是这些银行又提供信用卡让我们可以花更多的钱。 2.Here’s another familiar example: If we don’t pay our credit card bill on time,we get demanding, nasty emails from the credit card company saying something like: “Your failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immediately or you’ll be in trouble!” 第一个冒号后面是一个简单句;两个冒号之间是一个包含一个if引导的条件状语从句的复合句,“saying something like”是一个现在分词短语作定语修饰emails。第二个冒号后面引号


Unit 1 Text A 一堂难忘的英语课 1如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。对他而言,我是一个乏味的怪物:一个他不得不听其教诲的父亲,一个还沉湎于语法规则的人,对此我儿子似乎颇为反感。 2我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。这个学生刚从欧洲旅游回来。我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?” 3她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!” 4没了。所有希腊文明和罗马建筑的辉煌居然囊括于一个浓缩的、不完整的语句之中!我的学生以“哇!”来表示她的惊叹,我只能以摇头表达比之更强烈的忧虑。 5关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're 之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary 之间显而易见的差异。由于这些知识缺陷,他们承受着大部分不该承受的批评和指责,因为舆论认为他们应该学得更好。 6学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。举例来说,杂货店的指示牌会把他们引向stationary(静止处),虽然便笺本、相册、和笔记本等真正的stationery (文具用品)并没有被钉在那儿。朋友和亲人常宣称They've just ate。实际上,他们应该说 They've just eaten。因此,批评学生不合乎情理。 7对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。学校应对英语熟练程度制定出更高的标准。可相反,学校只教零星的语法,高级词汇更是少之又少。还有就是,学校的年轻教师显然缺乏这些重要的语言结构方面的知识,因为他们过去也没接触过。学校有责任教会年轻人进行有效的语言沟通,可他们并没把语言的基本框架——准确的语法和恰当的词汇——充分地传授给学生。 8因为语法对大多数年轻学生而言枯燥且乏味,所以我觉得讲授语法得一步一步、注重技巧地进行。有一天机会来了。我跟儿子开车外出。我们出发时,他看到一只小鸟飞得很不稳,就说:“它飞的不稳。”(It's flying so unsteady.)我小心翼翼地问:“儿子,鸟怎么飞?” “有问题吗?我说得不对吗?(Did I say anything incorrectly?)” 他一头雾水。“太好了,你说的是incorrectly 而不是incorrect。我们用副词来描述动词。所以,要用unsteadily 来描述鸟飞,而不是unsteady。” 9他对我的纠正很好奇,就问我什么是副词。我慢慢解释道:“副词是用来修饰动词的词。” 这又导致了他询问我什么是动词。我解释说:“动词是表示行为的词,例如:爸爸开卡车。‘开’是动词,因为它是爸爸在做的事。”


新视野三版读写2 U5 翻译讲解 Part 1 The Age of Discovery, also called the Age of Exploration, is a historical period of European global exploration that started in the early 15th century and continued until the 18th century. 大发现年代,也被称为大勘探年代,是欧洲进行全球勘查的一个历史时期,始于15 世纪初并一直持续到18 世纪。 It is usually regarded as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era, in the context of emerging western imperialism and economic competition between European kingdoms seeking wealth through the establishment of trade routes and colonies. 这一时期通常被认为是中世纪和近代之间的桥梁,当时西方帝国主义刚兴起,欧洲各王国之间正在经济上互相竞争,他们想通过建立贸易路线和殖民地来寻找财富。 Among many great explorers during this period, the most outstanding one was Christopher Columbus since he discovered the New World. 在这一时期众多伟大的探险家中,最杰出的是克里斯托弗?哥伦布,因为他发现了新大陆。 European overseas expansion led to the rise of colonial empires, with the contact between the Old and New Worlds producing the exchange: a wide transfer of plants, animals, foods, culture, and so forth. 欧洲的海外扩张导致了殖民帝国的崛起,旧大陆与新大陆的接触也促成了两边的互相交换:大量的植物、动物、食物、文化等得到迁移。 This represented one of the most significant global events concerning ecology, agriculture, and culture in history.

新视野大学英语读写教程2 unit5 课后习题及答案

新视野大学英语读写教程2 unit5 课后习题及答案(翻译)Vocabulary Ⅲ. 1.After a while as an ambulance driven, you get hardened to what you see at accidents. 作为一个救护车司机一段时间后,你得到坚强在你所看到的事故中。 2.My sole object was to get shelter from the snow, to get myself covered and warm. 我的唯一目的就是为了避开雪,让温暖覆盖我。 3.If was take all the facters into account, his chances of winning the election were slim. 如果是把所有的模型考虑,他赢得大选的机会渺茫。 4.It will only weaken his position if he continues to stick to his strange ideas. 它只会削弱他的立场,如果他继续坚持他的奇怪的想法。 5.Literally thousands of people watched the football game. 数千人观看了足球比赛。 6.The most noticeable change was in my younger brother, who had grown quite a bit and was now a third-grader. 最明显的变化是在我的弟弟,他已经足够大了,现在是三年级学生。7.I am supposed to be resting and relaxing, but it is just a whole bunch of different things that have happened.


新视野大学英语第三版2读写教程 课文Text A翻译 Unit 1 Text A 一堂难忘的英语课 1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。对他而言,我是一个乏味的怪物:一个他不得不听其教诲的父亲,一个还沉湎于语法规则的人,对此我儿子似乎颇为反感。 2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。这个学生刚从欧洲旅游回来。我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?” 3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!” 4 没了。所有希腊文明和罗马建筑的辉煌居然囊括于一个浓缩的、不完整的语句之中!我的学生以“哇!”来表示她的惊叹,我只能以摇头表达比之更强烈的忧虑。 5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。由于这些知识缺陷,他们承受着大部分不该承受的批评和指责,因为舆论认为他们应该学得更好。 6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。举例来说,杂货店的指示牌会把他们引向stationary(静止处),虽然便笺本、相册、和笔记本等真正的stationery(文具用品)并没有被钉在那儿。朋友和亲人常宣称 They've just ate。实际上,他们应该说 They've just eaten。因此,批评学生不合乎情理。 7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。学校应对英语熟练程度制定出更高的标准。可相反,学校只教零星的语法,高级词汇更是少之又少。还有就是,学校的年轻教师显然缺乏这些重要的语言结构方面的知识,因为他们过去也没接触过。学校有责任教会年轻人进行有效的语言沟通,可他们并没把语言的基本框架——准确的语法和恰当的词汇——充分地传授给学生。 8 因为语法对大多数年轻学生而言枯燥且乏味,所以我觉得讲授语法得一步一步、注重技巧地进行。有一天机会来了。我跟儿子开车外出。我们出发时,他看到一只小鸟飞得很不稳,就说:“它飞的不稳。”(It's flying so unsteady.)我小心翼翼地问:“儿子,鸟怎么飞?” “有问题吗?我说得不对吗?(Did I say anything incorrectly?)” 他一头雾水。“太好了,你说的是incorrectly而不是incorrect。我们用副词来描述动词。所以,要用unsteadily来描述鸟飞,而不是unsteady。” 9 他对我的纠正很好奇,就问我什么是副词。我慢慢解释道:“副词是用来修饰动词的词。” 这又导致了他询问我什么是动词。我解释说:“动词是表示行为的词,例如:爸爸开卡车。‘开’是动词,因为它是爸爸在做的事。” 10 他开始对表示行为的词产生兴趣,所以我们又罗列了几个动词:“飞行”、“游泳”、“跳水”、“跑步”。然后,他又好奇地问我,其他的词有没有说明它们的用法和功能的名称。这就引发了我们对名词、形容词和冠词的讨论。在短短十分钟的驾驶时间内,他从对语法一无所知到学会了句子中主要词语的词性。

新视野大学英语第三版读写教程2 UNIT5演讲词(含翻译)

UNIT5 Good morning,everyone! Today I want to talk about campus loans. (PPT1)Next, I will use three question words for analysis. what、why and how.(PPT2) The first part is that what is campus loan?(PPT3) Campus loans are financial service platforms that provide services such as installment and cash consumption for college students. And in fact, most of the campus loans are to solve the financial problems and meet the high consumption demand for the advanced irrational consumption. The second part analyzes the reasons for campus loans based on the three perspectives of students, schools and society. (PPT4)Student's consumption concept changes now. More and more people like to buy luxury goods, such as electronics, cosmetics, clothes, game skins and so on.(PPT5) University supervision loopholes make campus loans available and it lacks education about campus loans.(PPT6) In the society, the laws and regulations on campus loans are not perfect. Of course, Besides, Campus loan has own advantages. such as:fast,convenient and simple.(PPT7) The last part. As a college student, what should we do about campus loan? In my opinion. First, Improve self-control ability and establish correct consumption concept. Second, Pay attention to personal credit and establish a solid view of honesty.At last, Correct learning attitude

思维导图在大学英语阅读教学中的应用——以《新视野大学英语读写教程2》Unit 5 Section A为例

思维导图在大学英语阅读教学中的应用——以《新视野大学英语读写教程2》Unit 5 Section A为例 作者:董喜春 来源:《校园英语》 2020年第37期 文/董喜春 【摘要】针对大学生英语阅读中文章篇章结构把握不清的问题,提出在英语教学中采用思 维导图的方法来解决。以《新视野大学英语读写教程2》中课文为例来说明思维导图在大学英 语教学中的应用方法,该方法分为四步,这四步分别为,把握好文体特点、画文体脉络图、引 导学生理清文章脉络和学生绘制思维导图。 【关键词】英语阅读;逻辑;思维导图 【作者简介】董喜春(1980-),女,汉族,陕西西安人,西京学院外国语学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语语言与文化、大学英语教学方法研究。 【基金项目】该文章是校级教学改革《思维导图在英语读写教学中的应用研究》(JGYB1933)的阶段性成果。 一、引言 分析我校大学英语四级考试结果,发现学生阅读失分较多,尤其是涉及文章的篇章结构的 题目,失分特别多。有关文章篇章结构的问题主要有:阅读时对语篇的宏观结构、上下文的衔接、逻辑不清。针对这些问题,目前在大学英语阅读教学中采用产出导向 (POA)、翻转课堂、 任务型教学法等方法,采取以上教学理论和方法有助于学生在词汇、句法、语法的正确运用, 有助于提高学生的语言交际能力,但是不能有效解决学生在英语阅读中对英语语篇宏观结构、 衔接、逻辑不清的问题。为了解决学生在英语阅读宏观结构不清的问题,将组织性思维工具——思维导图引入大学英语阅读教学中通过图文并茂的方式帮助学生,构建可视化的文章思路结 构脉络图,有助于帮助学生实现从发散性到系统化思维的培养和提升,从而帮助学生培养语篇 宏观的结构思维能力。 二、思维导图概述 思维导图又名心智图,是托东尼·博赞提出。思维导图具有三个主要特征:第一,思维导 图使用颜色;第二,思维导图从中心发散;第三,思维导图使用线条、符号、词汇和图像,遵 循一套简单、基本、自然、易被大脑接受的规则。 思维导图体现了知识可视化理论、加工层次理论和建构主义学习理论,从知识可视化角度,思维导图用于阅读教学中将复杂的英语语篇结构采用图式进行呈现,充分调动了学生的视觉感官,通过数字、图片及线条等可视化元素提高学生的学习效率。思维导图在加工层次理论上, 通过对英语语篇以树状图形式不断地进行深层次的加工,不仅可以提高学生的记忆力,也可以 培养学生语篇结构性思维、谋篇布局的意识。思维导图用于阅读教学,极大地促进了生生之间,师生之间的沟通,每个学生绘制的思维导图为教师因材施教及学生自身更新知识体系奠定了基础,更好地实现了建构主义学习理论。


Unit Five Section A 优雅的双手 我从未见过克拉克夫人,但看过她的医疗记录和上一位值班医生交给我的报告后,我知道她今晚会去世。 她屋里唯一的光线来自一台医疗设备,它闪着红光,似乎在发出警告。我站在那里,一股怪味刺激着我的鼻子,我想起了过去闻到过的腐烂的气味,我闭上了眼睛。我嘴里有一股从胃里返上来的酸味。我伸手去开灯。灯静静地照亮了整个病房,我走回病床边,用无动于衷的、医生的目光观察着病人。 克拉克夫人已奄奄一息了。她一动不动地躺着:骨瘦如柴的身体使她的头显得特别大;皮肤呈暗黄色,松松地裹在嶙峋的、连毛毯也遮掩不住的骨骼上;她的右臂平伸在床边,被无情地用胶带固定在一块板上,以便能固定针头使液体滴入;左臂横放在深陷的胸部,胸口随着不均匀的呼吸一起一伏。 我伸手去触摸她放在胸口的细长手指。冰凉冰凉的。我忙将手移到她的手腕,去感觉那微弱的脉搏。 克拉克夫人将头稍稍转向我,微微地睁开眼。我俯过身去,勉强听见她微弱的声音:“水。”我从桌上拿起一杯水,用手指封着吸管的一端,滴了几滴凉凉的水到她的嘴里,以缓解她的干渴。她没有用力去吞咽,因为力气不够。“还要,”那干涩的声音说。于是我们又重复了一次。这次她终于咽了一些,并轻轻说了声:“谢谢,你。” 她虚弱得没法交谈,因此没等她要求,我就开始做她所需要的。我像抱孩子似的把她抱起来,给她翻了个身。除了一件浅色的病号服,她什么也没穿。她又小又轻,像遭受了严重饥荒一样。我打开护肤霜的瓶盖,揩了一些在手心。为了不伤着她,我小心翼翼地把护肤霜擦在她发黄的皮肤上。她的皮肤松松地在骨头上滑动,背上每块骨头的轮廓都能清楚地摸到。当我把枕头放在她两腿之间时,发现它们也是冰凉的,直到把手移到她膝盖以上的部位,我才感受到血液供给生命的热度。 而后,我挪了把椅子面朝她坐在床边,握住她那只没被固定的手,此时我又一次注意到她细长的手指。很优雅。一时间,我突然想知道她是否有家庭,接着我发现病房里没有花,没有孩子们画的彩虹和蝴蝶,也没有卡片。房间中没有任何迹象表明她是一个被人爱着的人。她似乎读懂了我的心思,平静地回答我说:“今天……我让……家里人……都……回家……不想……他们……看见……”她耗尽了最后的那点力气,再也说不下去了。但我已然明白她做了些什么。我不知道说什么好,所以什么也没说。她好像又看穿了我的心思:“你……留下……” 时间似乎停滞了。在一片寂静中,我感觉自己的脉搏加快了,我听到自己的呼吸开始伴随着她那不均匀的呼吸一起一落。我们互相对视,不知怎么的,我们都意识到,这是两个生命间的一个特殊时刻。她那细长的手指很轻易地就拢住了我的手,我微笑着慢慢点了点头。无需任何语言,我从她发黄的眼睛中感受到了她对我的谢意,她慢慢闭上了眼睛。 不知过了多长时间,她又睁开了双眼,只是这一次目光里没有任何反应,只有空洞的凝视。没有一点先兆,她那细弱的呼吸停止了。很快,微弱的脉搏也消失了。一颗泪珠从她的左眼中流出,滑过脸颊,落在枕上。我开始轻声哭泣。对这位迅速走进又走出我生活的陌生人,我心间涌起了一股感情。她的痛苦结束了,可她的生命也结束了。我依然握着她的手,渐渐地,我意识到我并不害怕这种感情之战,意识到这实际是她赐予我的特殊荣幸,而且我还乐意再来一次。克拉克夫人没有让她的家人目睹这一幕他们或许无力面对的人生插曲,却与我分享了它。她不想让家人看着她死去,然而她也不愿孤独地离去。不应当有人孤独离去的,我很高兴能守候在她身边。 两天后,我在报上读到了克拉克夫人的消息。原来她是7个孩子的母亲、18个孩子的祖母、教会里的活跃分子、社区志愿者协会的领导人、音乐会钢琴演奏家、从教30余年的钢琴教师。 是啊,她的手指是那样细长而优雅。 Section B 充满爱心的决策 假设你90岁的母亲最近得了中风。她是个惯用右手的人,如今却不能移动她的右胳膊和右腿──对她


新视野大学英语第二册Unit5课文翻译 新视野大学英语第二册Unit5课文翻译 下面是新视野大学英语第二册Unit5课文翻译,这个单元的课文都跟对孩子的教育有关,欢迎大家阅读! 我女儿抽烟。 她做作业时,脚搁在前面的长凳上,计算器嗒嗒地跳出几何题的答案。我看着那包已抽了一半、她随意扔在手边的“骆驼”牌香烟。 我拿起香烟,走到厨房里去仔细察看,那里的光线好一点──谢天谢地,香烟是有过滤嘴的。 我心里十分难过。 我想哭。 事实上,我确实哭过。我站在炉子旁边,手里捏着一支雪白的香烟,制作得非常精致,但那可是会致我女儿于死地的东西啊。 当她抽“万宝路”及“普雷厄尔”牌香烟时,我硬起心肠,不让自己感到难过。我认识的人当中没有人抽这两种牌子的香烟。 她不知道我父亲、也就是她外公生前抽的就是“骆驼”牌香烟。 但是在他开始抽机制卷烟之前──那时他很年轻、也很穷,眼睛炯炯有神──他抽的是用“阿尔伯特亲王牌”烟丝自己手工卷的香烟。 我还记得那鲜红的烟丝盒,上面有一张维多利亚女王丈夫阿尔伯特亲王的照片,他身穿黑色燕尾服,手里拿着一支手杖。 到40年代末、50年代初,我的家乡佐治亚州的伊腾顿已没有人 再自己手工卷烟了(而且几乎没有女人抽烟)。

烟草业,再加上好莱坞电影──影片中的男女主角都是烟鬼──把像我父亲这样的人完完全全争取了过去,他们无可救药地抽烟抽 上了瘾。 然而我父亲从来就没有像阿尔伯特亲王那样时髦过。他还是一个贫穷、过于肥胖、为养活一大家人而拼命干活的男人。他是黑人, 嘴里却总叼着一支雪白的香烟。 我记不清父亲是什么时候开始咳嗽的。 也许开始时并不明显,只是早晨一下床点燃第一支香烟时才有点微咳。 到我16岁,也就是我女儿现在这般年纪时,他一呼吸就呼哧呼 哧的,让人感到不安;他上楼时每走三、四级楼梯就得停下来休息一 会儿, 而且,他常常一连咳上一个小时。 肺部的病痛把我父亲折磨得虚弱不堪,一个严冬,他死于被称为“穷人之友”的疾病──肺炎。 他咳嗽了这么多年,我想他的肺部已没有什么完好的地方了。 去世前几年,他的呼吸已经很虚弱了,他总得倚靠着某个东西。 我记得有一次全家聚会,当时我女儿才两岁,他抱了她一会儿,好让我有时间给他俩拍张照片。但是很明显,他是费了好大劲儿的。 生命行将结束前,他才戒了烟,主要是因为他的肺功能已极度受损。 戒烟后他的体重增加了几磅,但当时他太瘦了,所以没人注意到这一点。 我到第三世界国家去旅行时,看到了许多像我父亲和女儿那样的人。 到处都有针对他们这两类人的巨大广告牌:强壮、自信或时髦的成熟男人,以及漂亮、“世故”的年青女子,都在吞云吐雾。


II. Listening Skills 1. M: The police gave a few tickets out last week along Highway 15. W: In fact, quite a few tickets were given on that road. Q: What does the woman mean? 2. M: Who do you think is the smartest student in the class? W: Mary is second to none. Q: What does the woman say about Mary? 3. W: What are you so happy about? M: Instead of being given an even dozen, we’ve been given a baker’s dozen. Q: Why is the man so happy? 4. M: We have had a lot of rain over the last few years. W: But nothing like this. Q: What does the woman mean? 5. M: What effect has the booming economy had on interest rates for loans? W: The interest rates have skyrocketed! Q: What does the woman mean? 1. A 2. B 3.B 4.D 5.C III. Listening In Task 1: Dogs aren’t allowed here! Manager: I’m sorry. Miss, but dogs aren’t allowed in this theater. Mary: But I have a ticket for him. Manager: I’m very sorry, but animals aren’t permitted. Mary: You don’t understand. This is a special case. My dog is so well trained and so intelligent that he’s almost human. Manager: I see that you have an exceptional animal, but… Mary: I promise you that if there is any problem we’ll leave the theater immediately. I promise you that this dog isn’t like any other dog you’ve ever seen. Manager: Well…all right. I’ll let you go in, since the theater is almost empty tonight. But your dog will have to behave himself, or you will have to leave. Mary: Thank you very much. 1. allowed movie theater 2. a ticket 3. well trained intelligent human 4.any problem leave the theater any other dog seen 5. almost empty Task 2: Put the cat out! A couple was going out for the evening to celebrate the wife’s birthday. While they were getting ready, the husband put the cat out. The taxi arrived, and as the couple walked out of their home, the cat ran back into the house. Not wanting their car to have free run of the house while they were out, the husband went back upstairs to chase the cat out. The wife, not waiting it known that the house would be empty, explained to the taxi driver, “He’s just going upstairs to say goodbye to my mother.” A few minutes later, the husband got into the car, and said, “Sorry it took it so long. The stupid old thing was hiding under the bed, and I had to poke her with a stick to get her to come out!” 4-1-3-5-2-6 D) She was ill-treated at home. Task 3: A Sudden Change in the Parrot’s Attitude A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of this bird’s mouth was rude. John tried every method to change the bird’s attitude by constantly saying polite words, playing soft music, and anything he could think of to set a good example. Nothing worked. Finally, John got fed up and he yelled at the parrot. And the bird yelled back. John shook the parrot, and the bird got angrier and ruder. Finally, in a moment of desperation, John put the bird in the refrigerator freezer. For a few minutes, John heard the bird scream and kick. Then suddenly there was silence. Not a sound for over a minute. Fearing that he’s hurt the bird, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out and said, “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I am truly sorry, and I will do everything I can to correct my poor behavior.” John was greatly surprised at the bird’s change of attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had caused such a sudden change in his behavior, the bird continued, “May Ii ask why you put the chickens there and what they did wrong?” 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A IV. Speaking Out Model 1 The dog will be company for her. John: Se-Jin, come shopping with me. I’m buying a present for my mother. Se-Jin: What are you getting her? John: I’ve got just the perfect idea. A dog. Se-Jin: A dog? Would she like that? John: She’ll love it. My dad works long hours each day, and I think with me away at school, she is a bit lonely. And I’ll just get a small one, a Pekinese.


新视野大学英语读写教程 2 unit5 课后习题及答案(翻译)Vocabulary Ⅲ. 1.After a while as an ambulance driven, you gethardenedto what you see at accidents. 作为一个救护车司机一段时间后,你得到坚强在你所看到的事故中。 2.My sole object was to get shelter from the snow, to get myself covered and warm. 我的唯一目的就是为了避开雪,让温暖覆盖我。 3.If was take all the facters into account, his chances of winning the election were slim. 如果是把所有的模型考虑,他赢得大选的机会渺茫。 4.It will only weaken his position if he continues to stick to his strange ideas. 它只会削弱他的立场,如果他继续坚持他的奇怪的想法。 5.Literally thousands of people watched the football game. 数千人观看了足球比赛。 6.The most n oticeable change was in my younger brother, who had grown quite a bit and was now a third-grader. 最明显的变化是在我的弟弟,他已经足够大了,现在是三年级学生。 7.I am supposed to be resting and relaxing, but it is just a wholebunch of different things that have happened.
