

Unit 1 a Teamwork


Poland 波兰

Wroclaw 弗罗茨瓦夫(波兰西南部城市)Warsaw 华沙(波兰首都)

Czech 捷克


work towards a common objective 朝着共同的目标努力share information 共享信息

different points of view 不同的观点

(be) under pressure 有压力

teamwork n . 团队合作

toiletries n . 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆用品公司

major brands 主导品牌

sales department 销售部门

company culture 公司文化(也作enterprise culture) expatriate n . 旅居海外的,移居国外的management consultant 管理顾问

managerial skills creative thinking 管理技能

team building 团队建设

effective management style 有效的管理方式

food and accommodation 食宿

a survival course 生存技巧培训课

profile n . 简介、小传、概况

board games 董事会竞赛游戏、管理层竞赛游戏simulation n . 模拟训练

marketing mania 营销激情

go for profit 追求利润

behind schedule 进度落后与计划、迟于预定时间stick to the schedule 严格按计划进行

co-operative 齐心协力的

have communication problems 交流有困难

attach importance to team building 重视团队建设develop team work 开拓团队协作

an effective team 精锐的团队

a high-performance unit 高效的团队

exchange of views 交流看法

emphasize team spirit 强调团队精神

share the same values 具有相同的价值观collective efforts 共同努力

work in a team 团队合作

co-operate with each other 相互合作

share ideas 交流想法

help each other with homework 做作业时相互帮助

test each other on texts covered 对已学的课文相互检测

e-mail each other 互相发电子邮件

learn from other people’s strong points 学人所长

find out what problems you have 找出自身的缺点

Unit 1 b Communication


Ericsson 全名为Ericsson Telecommunications,(瑞典)爱立信电讯公司Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)

Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)

Scandinavian 斯堪的纳维亚(北欧地区,包括挪威、瑞典、丹麦、冰岛等国家)Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦首都)

Danish Telecommunications Trade Fair 丹麦电子通讯交易会


international communication 国际交流

official language 官方、正式语言

language skills 语言技能

exceed vt . 超越、超过

over-estimate vt . 过高地估计

manageable adj . 便于管理的

understate vt . 打着折扣地说、轻描淡写地说

culture-specific 某一文化所特有的

work environment 工作环境

the business world 商界

seminar n . 研讨会、讨论会

management n . (企业、机关的)管理人员、经理部

follow-up evaluation 后续评估

supplier n . 供应商

department training budget 部门培训预算

deadline n . 最终期限

voice mail 语音信息

answering machine 录音电话(英国英语用answer phone)

half-year sales report 半年度销售报告

complimentary ticket 免费赠送的票

native speaker 操本族语的人

time schedule 时间安排表

snail-mail 传统的信件(因其投递速度慢而以“蜗牛”snail喻之)

time-consuming 费时

save time/trouble 省时间,不麻烦

raise the efficiency in your work 提高工作效率

in written form 以书面的形式

refer to it any time you like 你随时可拿来参考

the fast speed makes it difficult to follow 语速太快跟不上

local accent 地方口音

idiomatic language 俗语

fail to understand the slang expressions 不能理解俚语

differences in cultural background create barriers in communication 文化背景差异造成交际障碍

cannot appreciate English culture-specific humour 难以欣赏英语文化中特有的幽默

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personnel manager 人事经理

recruitment method 招聘方法

have everything to do with 与…关系密切

curriculum vitae 个人简历、履历(常略为CV)

body language 体势语言

human factor 人为因素

aggressive adj . 咄咄逼人的、好斗的

interview n . vt . 面试

chief executive 总裁、总经理

confirm vt . 确认

indicate vt . 显示、表明

wares n . 货物、商品

professional n . 专业人员

insurance company 保险公司

Unit 2 a Entertaining a client


Covent Garden 科文特加登(英国伦敦一广场名,曾为伦敦主要水果、花卉和蔬菜市场)Rio (Rio de Janeiro的简略形式)里约热内卢(巴西港口城市)


customer satisfaction form 顾客满意情况问卷表

complete the form 填写表格

questionnaire n . 调查表、问卷

criteria n . 标准(为criterion的复数形式)

atmosphere n . 氛围、情调

attentiveness n . 殷勤、周到

value for money 物有所值程度

objective n . 目标、目的

enhance vt . 提高、增加

mezzanine n . (尤指介于一层与二层之间的)中层楼

reasonable prices 合理的价格

interior design 室内装修

group dining 团体用餐

group menu 团体餐菜单

catering requirement 餐饮要求

tour groups 旅游团

birthday party 生日聚会

corporate events 公司社交活动

wine tasting 品酒会

company presentations 公司业务报告会

business trip 公务旅行

vegetarian n . 素食者

salad n . 色拉

steak n . 牛排

Unit 2 b Corporate hospitality


Milan 米兰(意大利北部城市)

West End 伦敦西区(伦敦的娱乐中心,也以高档商店、剧院著名)


corporate hospitality 商务接待、企业社交

tip n . 技巧、窍门、忠告

to be in need of 需要

business objectives 商务目标

social setting 社交场合

training consultants 培训咨询(员、公司)

corporate events 商务活动、企业社交活动

a social event 社交活动

accommodation n. 住处、膳宿

poor timing 时间选择不当、不合适宜

sales figures 销售数字

the recipe for success 成功秘诀

establish/build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系

trade fair 贸洽会

fashion sportswear 运动时装

teenage adj . 少年的、十几岁的(从13岁到19岁的)

production methods 生产方式

Head Office (公司等的)总部

Design team 设计小组

Marketing and Sales Directors 营销和销售部门的主管

in due course 经过一段时间、到适当的时候

a fact-finding mission enables the businessmen to understand the company 实地考察能使商人们了解公司

inviter him to a round of golf 邀请他去打一场高尔夫求

be fit his social status 适合他的社会身份

facilitate one-to-one conversation 有利于一对一的交流

take it as a chance to strengthen business ties 把此作为加强业务关系的机会

have the right atmosphere to talk about the business 有适当的谈论商务的环境

can concentrate on the work without distraction 可以不受干扰地把注意力集中在工作上a chance to know the other person better 有进一步了解对方的机会

build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系

establish rapport with clients 与客户建立联系

enhance mutual understanding 增进相互理解

a more colourful life 更为丰富多彩的生活

work and play are one 工作与休息融为一体

difficulty of swapping rules forget your role 角色交换的困难

forget you role 忘记自己的角色

too preoccupied with your work 对工作过于专心

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ICI (英国)帝国化学工业公司、卜内门化学工业公司,为Imperial Chemical Industries 的缩略形式。


continental breakfast 欧式早餐

end-of-year party 年终聚会

job advertisement 招工广告

marketing secretary 营销部秘书

PA (personal assistant) 私人助理,常缩略为P. A .

administrative support 行政管理上的支持

secretarial skills 文密技能

up-to-date information technology 最新的信息技术

communications skills 沟通能力,交际能力

science marketing assistant 科技营销助理

an internal recruitment policy 内部招工政策

assistant museum manager 博物馆助理经理

international management consultant 跨国管理顾问

bilingual applicants 具有双语能力的申请者

official working hours 正式的工作时间

long-term employment 长期雇用

production manager 生产经理

work overtime 加班

secretarial and administrative staff 文秘及行政人员

settle the disputer 解决纠纷

unforeseen circumstances 难以预料的情况

meet agreed delivery dates 按约定的日期准时送货

place your order with 向…定货

outlet n . 代销店,专卖店

legal advisers 法律顾问

established customers 长期合作的客户,老顾客

give ... priority 优先考虑处理某事

a backlog of orders 积压的定单

Unit 3 a Ordering goods


Otto 奥托邮购公司(德国最大的邮购公司)

Hamburg 汉堡(德国西北部一城市)


place an order 发出订单,订货

cancel and order 取消订单

confirm and order 确认订单

supplier n . 供应商

mail order company 邮购公司

headquarters n . (公司)总部

catalogue n . 商品目录

summer collection 夏季时装展览会

summer catalogue 夏季时装商品目录

recommendation n . 推荐信、建议

item n . 产品、货物

in standard length 标准长度的

article n . 商品、项目

measurements charts 尺寸图

knitted skirts 针织裙子

vendor n . 销售商

quantity n . 数量

standardize vt . 使符合标准,使标准化

asap (as soon as possible) 尽快

reliable suppliers 可靠的供应商

possess basic qualities of honesty, integrity, accountability, and dependability 具有诚实、正直、责任心以及可靠性等基本品德

provide good quality merchandise 提供品质优良的商品

goods of consistent quality 质量稳定的商品

have flexibility towards new/additional requirement 对新的/额外的需求要有灵活性courtesy and co-operation are also important 礼貌和合作也很重要

can provide a quality product o service 能够提供高质量的产品或服务

timely delivery 及时送货

operate on just-in-time delivery policy 依照准时送货的方针运营

attractive price 有吸引力的价格

competitive price 有竞争力的价格

Unit 3 b Cash flow


Atlanta 亚特兰大(美国佐治亚州首府)


cash flow 现金流量,现金流向,现金流动

cash flow gap 现金流量差额(现金流入与流出之差)

case study 案例分析

final payment 最后付款

bar chart 柱形图

total sales price 总售价

down payment 订金

bill vt . 要求支付…的费用

remainder n . 剩余物

computer network 电脑网络系统

early settlement discount 提前付款

labour cost 劳动力成本

credit terms 信用期限,信用条件

outstanding adj . 剩余的

outstanding balance 剩余金额,余额

order books 订货簿,订货本

a shortage of cash ( a cash shortage) 现金短缺

turnover n . 营业额

average monthly turnover 平均月营业额

financing costs 筹措成本

cash on delivery 货到即付款

credit term 信用期限

margin n . 利润

penalty n . 处罚,罚款

inventory n . 库存,存货

all the money which is coming into the company 流入公司的所有资金

cash inflow from operation include 公司营运中流入的资金包括

income from sales 销售收入

receipts from debtors 债务人偿还的债务收入

receipts from minor revenues such as rent revenue 小额收益如租金收入

all the money which is going out the company 流出公司的所有资金

cash outflow from operations include 公司营运中流出的资金包括

cash purchases 现金交易

payments to creditors 债务人偿还的债务支出

payment of expenses 公司费用开支

wages for employees 雇员工资

sharp / intense competition 激烈的竞争

inability to brand themselves 没有能力树立自己的品牌

lack of capital 缺乏资金

unsound business plan 不成熟的商业计划

unable to do market research 没有能力做市场调查

poor management skills 不当的管理技能

inherited family company where the present owner doesn’t have the necessary expertise 家族继承的企业,而且目前的管理人员缺乏必要的专业技能

inability to get sufficient capital to expand 没有能力获得足够的资金来扩展业务improve business performance through cash flow planning 通过资金流量计划改善公司业绩bill as soon as work has been done or order fulfilled 工作完成后或按订单发货后马上要求对方付款

bill promptly so that you can have the cash available to cover the payments due 及时要求对方付款你就有现金来支付自己需要支出的费用

adding penalty charges for late payment urges clients to pay promptly 对拖延付款的增收罚款促使客户及时付款

reduce the amount / time of credit given to customers 减少向客户提供赊账数量、缩短信用周期increase sales (particularly those involving cash payments) helps to solve the capital problem 提高销售量(特别是含有现金支付的销售量)有利于解决资金问题

monitor the payment performances of customers 监控顾客的付款表现

weed out those slow pays / no pays 淘汰那些拖延付款或不付款的顾客

become more selective when granting credit is good for the business’s cash flow, too 提供赊账时对客户进行更严格的甄别对公司的现金流量也有好处

trimming your inventory is also a good way to avoid cash-flow problem 减少库存也是避免现金流量问题的好办法

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delivery date 送货日期

quality of workmanship 做工质量,制作工艺的质量

retail price 零售价

order details 订货的详细情况

a stressful week 紧张、疲劳的一周

a cash discount of 2% 2%的现金折扣

pay cash on delivery 货到付款

cash forecast 对现金情况的预测

finished product 成品

hold music (使来电者不挂断电话的)等候乐曲,等候音乐,也作on-hold music

on-hold caller 因电话线路忙而被告知等候的来电者

on-hold marketing 利用候话时间营销

potential customer 潜在客户

hard sell 强行推销,硬性推销

flat management structure 扁平化的管理结构

organizational culture 组织结构文化、公司文化、企业文化(也作company culture, enterprise culture或corporate culture)

Unit 4 a Brand power


Tesco 泰斯科(英国最大的零售超市)

J Sainsbury 塞恩斯伯里(英国著名大型零售超市)

Asda 阿斯达(英国著名大型零售超市)


selling point 卖点,(吸引顾客的)产品特色,销售特色,服务特色

environmental-friendliness n . 对环境无害,有环保特点

user-friendliness n . 用户使用方便

a computer superstore 电脑超市

kitchen appliances 厨房用具

mobile phone 手机

competitive advantage 竞争优势

diversify vt . 多样化经营、增加产品种类

own-label clothing 贴(名牌超市)自己品牌的服装

shopping habits 购物习惯

basic requirements (生活的)基本需求

supermarket chains 连锁超市

industry analyst 行业分析家

cut-price 销价出售的

retail food market 食品零售市场

saturate vt . 使饱和

personal loan 个人贷款

mortgage n . 住房按揭,抵押

savings account 储蓄账户

margin n . 利差,赚头(成本价与零售价之间的差额)

boost profits 提高利润

publicity n. 招引公众的注意、名声、宣传

brand consultants 品牌顾问公司

estate agent 房产商

bonus points (消费)积分

loyalty scheme 忠实(顾客)奖励计划

brand loyalty 顾客对品牌的忠诚

air miles 里程奖(也作air miles awards)

voucher n . 优惠奖券

banking sector 银行业

target customer 销售对象,目标顾客

credit card 信用卡

interest rate 利率

direct mail 直接邮寄广告推销法

public relations 公共关系,公共关系(简称PR)

retailer n . 零售商,零售店

retail group 零售集团

customer-focused 以顾客为中心的

incentive n . 刺激,鼓励

a brand represents a certain culture 一个品牌代表一种文化

be attracted by the quality brand image 被优质品牌形象所吸引the brand name carries high credibility 名牌具有很高的可信度brand leader 畅销品牌

have a strong sense of brand loyalty 有强烈的品牌信赖感reasonable price 合理的价格

good after-sales service 良好的售后服务

have confidence in the reliability of the product 信赖产品的可靠信good quality 良好的质量

consistent quality 稳定的质量

user-friendly design 方便用户使用的设计

convenience / convenient 方便

get discount through loyalty vouchers 通过忠实奖券获得优惠

have trust in the reliability of the brand name 对名牌可信度的信任

have confidence in the good quality 信任其良好的质量

good service 良好的服务

not necessarily the best deal in every case 并非各项业务都是最好的

over-reliance on one company if anything goes wrong 如果出现差错,过分依赖一家公司don’t put all your eggs into one basket. 不要把所有的鸡蛋都放在同一只篮子里

reduce the risks 减少风险

Unit 4 b Public relations


Skoda 斯柯达公司(世界著名汽车公司)

Octavia 欧雅(斯柯达公司著名汽车品牌)

Felicia 弗雷西亚(斯柯达公司著名汽车品牌)

Czech 捷克


public image 公众形象

advertising campaign 广告宣传语

company values 公司价值观

dealership n . 商品经销特许权

point-of-sale n . 销售网点

showroom n . 展示厅

manufacturing plant 制造厂

image n . 形象

company image 公司形象

up-to-date adj . 现代(化)的,最新的

survey n . 调查,测量

product launch 产品发布会,推销会

press coverage 报界对…的报道

customer satisfaction survey 顾客满意程度调查

motoring magazine 汽车杂志

display n . 陈列品

venue n . 地点,场地

invitation n . 邀请函

freelance journalist 自由撰稿的记者

information packs 资料袋

advance preparation 预先准备

senior executive 高级主管

itinerary n . 路线,旅程

brief n . (=briefing) (有待执行计划的)要领简介,情况通报会

management staff 管理人员

do whatever is appropriate to promote its image 竭尽全力来宣传公司的形象

create the image that attracts and retains clients 树立能够吸引并保住客户的形象components of an overall image include advertising, marketing communications, publicity,

company locations, prices and product positioning, etc. 公司整体形象各组成要素包括广告、营销系统、宣传活动、公司所处地段、产品价格、产品定位,等等

distribute fliers, pass out brochures of issue press releases will also help to create a company image 散发小广告单、分发宣传手册或者发行新闻稿件都有助于建立公司形象

its marketing strategies help to shape company images 营销策略也有助于树立公司形象customer service policies (such as the company’s merchandise return policy, ) also impacts company image enhance their current image 顾客服务政策(如公司的退货政策)也影响到公司形象

easy to do business with 容易合作做生意

adjust to the needs of the customers 适应顾客的需要

meet the promotional requirements 符合促销要求

publicise product launch information 宣传产品发布信息

place advertising in newspapers 在报纸上做广告

ensure that you hit the market target you are aiming for 确保取得瞄准的目标市场

create market success 取得市场成功

in the most timely and cost effective way 以最及时、取得最大成本效益的方式

capture those early sales critical for your new product’s success 夺取对新产品成功十分关键的先期销售成功

process steps from planning to execution of launch action plans 安排从策划到实现发布活动计划的具体步骤

provide (make) guidelines for the timing of all aspects of the launch 制定方针,安排发布会各方面的具体时间

set a timetable for launch activities for each phase of the launch 给发布会各阶段的活动安排活动时间表

present your product and company with the very best image possible 尽可能展示出你的产品和公司的最好形象

ensure that no delays occur that could adversely affect your product in the market 确保不出现可能严重影响产品销售的延误

keep your launch on track 随时跟踪发布会情况

Self-study and exam practice


facility n . (可数名词)工厂

a local production facility 本土生产厂家

leisure wear 休闲服装

point-of-sale advertising 销售点的商品广告

to do a mailshot 向客户邮寄广告信函

maintain good long-term relationships with…与…保持良好的长期的关系

identify customers’needs 分辨客户的需求

at an affordable price 以(顾客)承受得起的价格

place advertising in newspapers 在报纸上做广告

production control system 生产管理系统

gross national product 国民生产总值(常略作GNP)

power generation industry 电力工业

trade deficit 贸易赤字

trading partner 贸易伙伴

private sector 私营经济

state-owned manufacturing enterprises 国有制造业

the service sector 服务行业

a market economy 市场经济

a professional services firm (services) 专业的服务性公司(services常用复数,后勤、服务业)

senior managers 资深经理

information technology 信息技术(常略作IT)

network consultancy business 网络咨询公司

Unit 5 a Relocation


Ireland n . 爱尔兰

Dublin n . 都柏林(爱尔兰共和国首都)

Seattle n . 西雅图(美国华盛顿州中西部的一个城市)


relocate vt . vi . 搬迁,重新安置

running costs 管理费用

pro-business environment 对商务有利的环境

state-of-the-art telecommunications 发达的电讯服务

sophisticated adj . 发达的,尖端的,精密的

logistics n . 物流

distribution network 物流网络

inflation n . 通货膨胀

employment costs 雇工成本

set-up costs 创办成本

telecommunications tariff 电讯资费

overheads n . 企业一般管理费用,日常开支

capital investment 资本投资

R&D projects 研发项目(为Research and Development Projects的缩写)

successive adj . 继承的,连续的

infrastructure n . 基础设施

regulatory authority 管理机构

telephone networks 电话网络

distribution network 配送网络

cosmopolitan adj . 世界性的,全球的

spectacular adj . 壮观的,引人注目的

unspoiled adj . 未损坏的

scheduled flights 定期航班

leisure activities 休闲活动,娱乐活动

work permit 工作许可证

integration programme (与当地企业的)整合方案

partner n . 配偶,伴侣

paperwork n . 文书工作

orientation n . 介绍性指导,介绍情况以使对方熟悉、适应工作等

get government grant 得到政府资助

relocate to a place where cheap labour is available 搬迁到劳动力较便宜的地点

better transport network facilitates company development 更好的交通网络有利于公司的发展

save costs 节省成本

have access to more skilled workers 得到技术更好的工人

adopt follow-the-talent policy 实行追求人才的政策

cheaper labour costs 更廉价的劳力成本

low rates of corporate tax 较低的企业税

to get closer to the market 更接近市场

attracted by the pro-business environment 被有利于商务的环境所吸引

pro-business environment 对商务有利的环境

have all the advantages of operating in a total business hub 具有在商务活动中心运作所需要的各种优势

given top ranking to the government for its proficiency 政府因为效率高而获得高度评价get financial aid from the local government 得到当地政府的资助

investors enjoy easy access to customers worldwide 投资商进入世界各地市场很方便world-class transportation and logistics 世界级的交通和物流

state-of-the-art telecommunication and IT infrastructure 最先进的电信和信息技术基础设施taxation system is business friendly 税收制度有利于商务

enjoy good quality of life 享受高质量的生活

have better prospects of promotion 有更好的晋升机会

find better job opportunities 找到更好的工作机会

take up secondment to another organization 暂时借调到另一个单位

secondment widens the experience 暂时借调可以扩展经验

a change of lifestyle 改变生活方式

consider spouse’s job 考虑配偶的工作

find accommodation 寻找住处

organize work permits 获得工作许可证

Unit 5 b New premises


premises n . (企业、机构等使用的)经营场地、生产场地、办公场所

property consultancy 地产咨询公司

public transport 公共交通设施

bus route 公共汽车路线

corporate business area 商务区、商务地段(指写字楼、办公场所、银行、商店)等集中的地段,也作business district, commercial district, commercial area

high street (英)繁华的商业大街

multi-storey office building 多层办公楼

underground car parking 地下停车场

surface car parking 地面停车场

metro station 地铁站

business development 商业区

full amenities 全套设施

leasehold n . 租赁,租赁权

lift n . (英国英语)电梯(美国英语用elevator)

tenant n . 租户,租用人

expressly adv . 明白地,特别地,清楚地

corporate image 公司形象

homogenize vi . vt . 使雷同,使单一化

endorse vt . 请名人为商品做广告

establishment n . 公司,商业机构

underline vt . 强调,突出

multinational n . 跨国公司

industrial estate 工业园区(也作trading estate 或industrial park,美式英语) work ethic 职业道德

boardroom n . 董事会的会议室

lease vt . 租赁,出租

office space 办公地点

floor plan 楼层平面图

managing director 总裁,总经理(美国英语也称chief executive 或president) Accounts department 会计部门(也作accounts)

chief accountant 首席会计

photocopier room 复印室

shipping manager 运输部经理

post room n . 收发室

Self-study and exam practice


Heathrow n . (英国伦敦的)希斯罗机场

Gatewick n . (英国伦敦的)卡特维克机场

Manchester n . 曼彻斯特(英国英格兰西北部港口城市)


financial incentives 金融激励措施(机制)

office site 办公场所

staff facilities 员工所需设施

underground station 地铁站

terms of lease 租赁条件

booking form/sheet 预定表/单

answering machine 录音电话机,也作answer phone

overhead projector 投影仪,简称OPH

paper shredder 碎纸机

photocopier n . 复印机

printer n . 打印机

video player 录像机

fax machine 录音机

mix-up n . 混淆

product development 产品开发

manufacturing base 生产基础

franchise (公司或制造商给予的在某一地区经营业务的)特许经销权、特许经销区share price 股票价格

Exam focus


International Business Development Manager 国际商务开发经理

packager holiday 包价旅游、团队旅游(也作packager tour)

word-processing n . 文字处理

database n . 数据库

basic salary 基本工资

parent company 母公司、总公司

market share 市场份额

family firm 家族式公司(也作family business, family company)

auditor n . 审计师

video rental business 录像出租业

satellite n . 卫星

cable television 有线电视

membership n . 会员资格

installation n . 安装

extra order 额外订单

fleet n . 车队、船队

Trade Fair 商品交易会、商品展览会

range n . 品种、系列(产品)

exclusive import rights 独家进口权

Slovakian adj . 斯洛伐克的

production capacity 生产能力

on balance 总而言之

Unit 6 a Reporting results


company performance 公司效绩

performance evaluation 绩效评估

annual report 年度报告

pre-tax profits 税前利润

supermarket chain 连锁超市

breakeven n . , adj . 无亏损(的)、盈亏相抵(的)

volatile adj . 可变的、不稳定的

graph n . 曲线图、图表

bar-chart n . 柱形图

strike action 罢工行动

exchange rate (外汇)兑换率、汇率、汇价

ongoing adj . 正在进行的

disposal n . 出售、出让

deliver vi . 实现

balance sheet 资产负债表、决算表、平衡表

cash management 现金管理

net cash 净现金收入

exceptional item 非常项目

operating margins 经营利润

cost-cutting measures 降低成本的措施

resource efficiency programme 资源增效计划

sales volume 销售量

trading volume 贸易额、交易额

turnover n . 营业额

restructure vt . 结构重组、调整

asset n . 资产

streamline vt . 使…有效率、使…现代化

cash surplus 现金盈余

organizational changes 公司结构变化

transformation programme 改革、改组计划

plc 股份有限公司(为public limited company的缩写)

net profit 净利润

earnings per share 每股收益

dividend per share 每股分红

the company is committed to a performance management culture 公司致力于绩效管理文化performance evaluation 绩效评估

performance appraisal system 绩效评估系统

track performance of the company 跟踪公司绩效

a new benchmark suite 一套新的(评估)标准

standardized benchmarks to measure the performance of the company 用规范的标准来评估公司的绩效

the company’s annual report 公司的年度报告

the company’s data put into charts and graphs 用图表显示的公司数据

key performance indicators include: profit, turnover, share price, sales volume, dividend, etc. 衡量绩效的主要指示包括:利润、营业额、股价、销售量、红利等。

factors to consider when making investment options 选择投资时需要考虑的因素

yield the desired level of profits 达到预期利润水平

with limited export performance 出口业绩有限

smaller scale industry adds to the flexibility 规模小的企业更具有灵活性

an industry with clear growth potential, particularly in the export markets 明显有发展潜力的工业,特别是在出口市场上

the restructuring programme would deliver the company’s performance improvements 重组计划将提高该公司的绩效

the consolidation strategy would increase its investment and bring in greater operating margins 合并策略将增加其投资,带来更大的经营利润

Unit 6 b Environmental report


Imperial Chemicals Industries 帝国化学工业公司(英国),常缩略为ICI。


guideline n . 方针

recycle vt . 再使用、重复使用

recycled paper 再生纸

energy consumption 能源消费、消耗

energy-efficient 节能的

organization of car sharing 汽车共用组合

environmental performance环境绩效、环境表现

press officer 新闻官员

address vt . 处理、对付

chemicals industry 化工工业

by-product 副产品

environmental issues 环境问题

environmental impact 环境影响

environmental legislation 环境立法

environmental programme 环保项目

fix n . 补救方法、应急措施

non-hazardous adj . 无害的

Product Stewardship Programmes (PSP) 产品跟踪管理计划

product life cycle 产品寿命周期

commit vt . 拨出、调配…供使用

halve vt . 减半、平分

to reach a targer 达到目标

to fulfill an obligation 承担义务

demanding adj . 苛求的、严格的

shareholder n . 股东

commitment n . 许诺、承担义务

readjust energy consumption policy 调整能源消费政策

formulate waste management guidelines 制定垃圾管理政策

collect and separate the waste 对垃圾进行收集和分类

reduce disposables 减少一次性用品

develop environmentally-friendly packing 开发环保型包装

use fewer plastic bags 少用塑料袋

to green the environment with plants 通过种树载花绿化环境

water saving system 节水系统

reduce energy consumption 减少能源消耗

show concern for the environment 关心环境

keep to environmental legislation 遵守环境法则

implement the most efficient and cost-effective ways of protecting the environment 实施最有效、成本效益最高的环保措施

make efforts to make the world a better place 努力使世界更加美好

balance economic, environmental and ethical interests 兼顾经济利益和环境、伦理利益resolve the confrontation between economic and environmental interests 解决经济利益和环境利益之间的冲突

sustainable development 可持续发展

strike a balance 取得平衡

do not invest in projects that jeopardize the Earth 不投资危害地球的项目

waste reduction and energy efficiency programme 减少垃圾、提供效率计划

the introduction of the new waste processing system 引进新的垃圾处理系统

non-hazardous waste increased by 1% compared with the past years 无公害垃圾与前4年相比增加了1%

there’s still a long way from achieving the set target 离规定目标还有相当距离hazardous waste dropped by 66% (is down by 66%) 有公害垃圾减少了66%

fulfill the target 完成目标任务

energy efficiency is increased 能源效应提高了

the energy consumption decreased by 12% 能源消耗降低了12%

no problem in reaching the target 达到目标已没有问题

Self-study and exam practice


long strike 长期罢工

strong competition 激烈的竞争

bad publicity 负面宣传

the collection and separation of waste 垃圾的收集和分类

mobile phone 移动电话(也作cell phone 或cellular)

user-friendly 方便客户使用的

a long battery life 电池寿命长

voice quality 音质

dispatch vt . 送货、运输

user menu 用户菜单

technological innovation 技术创新、技术改革

bulletin n . 简报

joint venture 合资企业

school bus market 校车市场

Unit 7 a Health and safety


office injury 办公室事故造成的人身伤害、工伤

health and safety obligation 健康与安全职责

accident report 事故报告

accident at work 上班时出的事故

a filing cabinet 文件柜

maintenance n . 维修部门

maintenance personnel 维修人员

sustain vt . 遭受、承受

bump n. 肿块

dress vt . 辅药、包扎伤口

painkiller n . 止痛片

take medication 服药

hazard n . 事故、公害

risk assessment 风险评估

to take precautions 采取防范措施

Health and Safety inspector 健康和安全巡查员

industry standards 行业标准

civil liability 民事责任

safety representative 安全代理人

safety officer 安全员

take …into account 把…考虑进去

amend vt . 修正、改正

in place 适合、适宜

go to court 上法庭、提出诉讼

in one’s own right 凭本身的权利、能力、实力、资格等

working environment 工作环境

safety equipment 安全装备

first aid facilities 急救设施

washroom facilities 盥洗设施

hire a full-time health and safety professional 聘用专职的全日制健康安全人员

entrust a manager with safety responsibilities 委派一名经理起安全责任

conduct work safety inspections 实行工作安全检查

report in time the unsafe conditions 及时汇报不安全情况

provide safety training for all staff 向全体员工提供安全培训

regularly maintain office equipment, tools or machines 定期维修办公室设备、工具、机器poor ventilation 通风差

over-crowded office 办公室过于拥挤

air-conditioner goes out of order 空调出故障

not enough drinking water 没有足够的饮用水

inadequate washroom facilities 没有足够的卫生设施

inadequate first aid facilities 急救设备不完善

fail to provide regular maintenance of the equipment 不能定期维护设备

Unit 7 b Rights at work


automatic right 当然的权利

work extra time 加班

smoking policy 有关吸烟的政策

staff complaints 员工投诉

bulletin n . 公告、报告

plaintiff n . 原告、起诉人

tribunal n . 法庭、仲裁

industrial tribunal 劳资仲裁庭

rule n . (对某一案的)裁决、裁定

tribunal rules 法庭裁决

cloudy adj . 不愉快的、忧郁的

legal action 法律诉讼

law firm 法律事务所

employment law 劳工法

Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) 劳工诉讼法庭,简称EAT

fellow colleagues 同事

a series of 一系列

solve the problem 解决问题

to draw up/formulate a policy 起草一份政策规定

contractual obligation 合同义务

smoking bans 禁烟令

grievance n . 牢骚、不满

award vt . 裁定、判给

to be faced with 面对、面临

absent from work 缺勤

prioritise vt . 以重要性为顺序安排工作

sack vt . 解雇

poor time keeping 时间管理能力差

sexual harassment 性骚扰

front page of a newspaper 报纸头版

curriculum vite 个人简历、履历表(常简作CV)

a packet of photocopier paper 一包复印纸

make regulations for smoking in the workplace 制定关于在工作场所吸烟的规章

non-smokers have to do passive smoking 不吸烟者只得被动吸烟

strictly follow the rules 严格遵守各项规则

to abuse a system 滥用制度

to draw up/formulate a policy 起草一份政策规定

to observe rules and regulations 遵守规章制度

deal with the employee’complaints/grievances 处理员工的申诉

to consult staff on this issue 在这一问题上听取员工意见

respect the employees’basic rights at work 尊重员工在工作中的基本权利

protect the employees’working time rights 保护员工在工作中的权利

prevent employers from denying staff their legal rights 防止雇主拒绝员工的合法权利

in employers break the law, cannot allow them to get away with it 如果雇主违法,不允许他们逃避惩罚

the employer is not acting within the law 雇主不按法律行事

the employer has breached its contractual obligation 雇主违反了合同义务

make other companies to think carefully about their own working environment 促使其他公司谨慎考虑他们的工作环境

safety is the first priority of the company 安全是公司优先考虑的事情

learn to be co-operative and respect your colleagues 学会合作并尊重同事

breach confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements and bring about heavy loss to the company


商务英语短语 abandonment charge 背弃费用 absolute par of exchange 绝对外汇平价 abritrage rate 套汇汇率 above par 超过票面价值 acceptance commission 承兑手续费 acceptance fee 认付费 acceptance for honor 参加承兑 acceptance house 期票承兑行 acceptor for honor 参加承兑人 accepting bank 承兑银行 accepting charge 承兑费 accident beyond control 非人为事故 account payable 应收帐,应付未付帐 account purchase 赊买 account receivable 应收帐款,应收未收帐 account sales 销货帐,销货清单 account of goods sold 销货帐目 account of receipts and payments 收支帐目account year 会计年度 accounting statement 会计报表 accounting unit 会计单位 accrued expense 应计费用 accrued item 应计项目 accumulation of capital 资本积累 acknowledgement 回单 acknowledgement of orders 订单确认 act of God 天灾 acting manager 代理经理 active demand 畅销 actual cost 实际成本 actual liabilities 实际负债 actual price 实际价 additional expense 追加费用 additional order 追加订货 additional premium 追加保费 adjustment of exchange rate 调整汇价 advalorem duty 从价税 advance in price 涨价 advance payment 预付款 advance price 增价 advance sample 预样 advance settlement of exchange 预交外汇 advance surrender of export exchange 预交出口外汇


BEC中级词组归纳 Unit 1 a Teamwork 专有名词: Poland 波兰 Wroclaw 弗罗茨瓦夫(波兰西南部城市) Warsaw 华沙(波兰首都) Czech 捷克 词组: to allocate roles 分配角色 make a contribution 做出贡献 take on responsibility 承担责任 team staff 团队成员 bring in experts 引进专家 bring in a consultant 引进一名顾问 put on discos 表演迪斯科 work on managerial skills 致力于管理技能 wait for decisions 等待决定 come up with an idea 想出办法 set up the aims 设定目标 work towards a common objective 朝着共同的目标努力share information 共享信息 different points of view 不同的观点 under pressure 有压力

teamwork n . 团队合作 toiletries n . 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆用品公司 major brands 主导品牌 sales department 销售部门 company culture 公司文化(也作enterprise culture) expatriate n . 旅居海外的,移居国外的 management consultant 管理顾问 managerial skills 管理技能 creative thinking 创新思维 team-building 团队建设 effective management style 有效的管理方式 food and accommodation 食宿 a survival course 生存技巧培训课(生存课程) profile n . 简介、小传、概况 board games 董事会竞赛游戏、管理层竞赛游戏 simulation n . 模拟训练 marketing mania 营销激情 go for profit 追求利润 behind schedule 进度落后与计划、迟于预定时间 stick to the schedule 严格按计划进行 co-operative 齐心协力的 have communication problems 交流有困难 attach importance to team building 重视团队建设develop team work 开拓团队协作


常用商务英语短句 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《常用商务英语短句》的内容,具体内容:下面我为大家整理的常用商务英语短句,希望能对大家的学习有所帮助:1.If you`re any questions please let me know. 如有任何问题,请告诉... 下面我为大家整理的常用商务英语短句,希望能对大家的学习有所帮助: 1.If you`re any questions please let me know. 如有任何问题,请告诉我。 2.Please refer tentative schedule as follow: 请参照下面的暂定计划 3.Please recheck your record and advise if you find any differences. 4.We are following your instruction on the basis of your confirmation. 我们在您确认的基础上按您的指示行事 5.Hare are you doing 还好吧? 6.Thanks in advance and best regards. 7.Looking forward seeing you soon. 8.If there is anything else I can help,please let me know.`s why: 原因如下

10.Please review, and let`s discuss how we should move forward.请检讨,并让我们一起讨论我们应该怎样继续。 11.We would like to lock up this business. 我们想锁定这笔生意 12.Once you nespond(wespond?) to the abover questions,we will decide which option we would like to pursue. 你们对上述问题回复后,我们会立即决定我们会选择哪个方案。 13.Thanks for your understanding. 谢谢您的谅解 14.Also please let me know if you need any other information 另外,你们还需要其他信息吗? 15.Will get back to you ASAP. 会尽快回复你! 16.Let`s discuss this then 到时我们讨论下这个问题。 17.Please review the below email our US office and advise. 请查看以下我们 US 办公室发的 E-mail 并进行回复 18.Noted and understand all below. 19.Please review and advise us with any questions. 20.Let`s give it a try to make it happen...It is for a good cause.让我们试试吧...这是值得支持的 21.There are a lots of lose ends now...How once you going to execute this? 现在有很多问题,我们怎样处理 22.As I explained over the phone , today, 如同我今天在电话中


常用商务英语短句 下面小编为大家整理的常用商务英语短句,希望能对大家的学习有所帮助: 1.If you`re any questions please let me know. 如有任何问题,请告诉我。 2.Please refer tentative schedule as follow: 请参照下面的暂定计划 3.Please recheck your record and advise if you find any differences. 4.We are following your instruction on the basis of your confirmation. 我们在您确认的基础上按您的指示行事 5.Hare are you doing 还好吧? 6.Thanks in advance and best regards. 7.Looking forward seeing you soon. 8.If there is anything else I can help,please let me know.`s why: 原因如下 10.Please review, and let`s discuss how we should move forward. 请检讨,并让我们一起讨论我们应该怎样继续。

11.We would like to lock up this business. 我们想锁定这笔生意 12.Once you nespond(wespond?) to the abover questions,we will decide which option we would like to pursue. 你们对上述问题回复后,我们会立即决定我们会选择哪个方案。 13.Thanks for your understanding. 谢谢您的谅解 14.Also please let me know if you need any other information 另外,你们还需要其他信息吗? 15.Will get back to you ASAP. 会尽快回复你! 16.Let`s discuss this then 到时我们讨论下这个问题。 17.Please review the below email our US office and advise. 请查看以下我们US 办公室发的E-mail 并进行回复 18.Noted and understand all below. 19.Please review and advise us with any questions. 20.Let`s give it a try to make it happen…It is for a good cause. 让我们试试吧…这是值得支持的 21.There are a lots of lose ends now…How once you going to execute this? 现在有很多问题,我们怎样处理 22.As I explained over the phone ,today, 如同我今天在电



1.a change of pace 节奏变换 You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2. a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3. and how 的确 A: She’s a good dancer. B: and how. 4. a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。 If you need my help. do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6. a while back 不久以前 7.all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8. anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going. 9. account for 解释 How do you account for it? 10. after all 到底 A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine.

She has been addicted to drugs for years. 20. be attached to 对……有感情 A: I’m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have gotten rid of it years ago. B: It runs well and I’ve actually been quite attached to it. 21. back up 1) 累积 The subway is running behind schedule. and traffic is backed up for blocks. I don’t know if we’ll make the 6:30 show. 2) 支持 I’ll back it up. 22. be bound for 到……地方 The bus is bound for New England. 23. be (feel) myself 找到自我 I’m feeling myself again. 24. be burned up 生气 She was really burned up at the news. 25. be hard up for I’m hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of books. 26. be head and shoulders above 好许多 In calculus. Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates. 27,be in the dark 蒙在鼓里


商务英语词汇和词组 (Words and Expressions ) 1 Unit 1 Introductions and greetings 介绍和问候addition n. 加,加法 in addition to 除了。。。之外 advertisement n. 广告 Abu Dhabi n. 阿布扎比(阿拉伯联合酋长国首都) Amman n. 安曼(约旦首都) Bogotá n. 波哥大(哥伦比亚首都) Brussels n. 布鲁塞尔(比利时首都) Chile n. 智利 Compute vi. 使用计算机 conference n. (正式)会议,讨论会 cream n. 奶油,乳脂 device n. 装置,设备,机件 electronic adj. 电子的 electronics n. 电子学 expression n. 表达,词组 Germany n. 德国 greeting n. 问候,招呼 guest n. 客人,(住旅店的)房客 Harare n. 哈拉雷(津巴布韦首都) Hawaii n. 夏威夷(美国州名) head office n. 总部,总公司 information n. 信息 Iran n. 伊朗 Italy n. 意大利 introduction n. 介绍,引见 Jordon n. 约旦 Kuala Lumpur n. 吉隆坡(马来西 亚首都) limited n. 股份有限公司Madras n. 马德拉斯(印度港市) Malaysia n. 马来西亚 Mexico n. 墨西哥 Milan n. 米兰(意大利城市) Moscow n. 莫斯科(俄罗斯首都) Munich n. 慕尼黑(德国城市) nearly adv. 几乎,将近 New Y ork n. 纽约(美国城市) operation n. 企业,业务 own n. 拥有,有 personnel n. 人事部门,人事科 (或处等) register vt. 登记姓名,报到 response n. 回答,答复 Russia n. 俄罗斯 Singapore n. 新加坡 Spain n. 西班牙 Tehran n. 德黑兰(伊朗首都) Tokyo n. 东京(日本首都) weekend n. 周末 world-wide adj. 世界范围的,全世界 Unit 2 Occupations 职业 accountant n. 会计师,会计人员 administrative adj. 管理的,行政的 administrator n. 行政管理人员 chart n. 图,图表 clerical adj. 办公室工作的,职员的 E-mail n. 电子邮件 enterprise n. 公司,企业 executive n. 主管人员,行政人员 export n. 出口,输出 fax n. 传真 fax number 传真号 install vt. 安装 marketing n. 市场营销 adj. 市场营销的 marketing department 营销部 occupation n. 职业,工作 percentage n. 百分比,百分数 professional adj. 从事专门职业的,职业的 receptionist n. 接待员 sales n.(复)销售额,销售工作,销售部门 sales manager n. 销售经理 Singapore n. 新加坡 software n. (计算机的)软件 supervisor n. 监督(人),监工 technical adj. 技术性(的) workforce n. 劳动人口,劳动力 engineer 工程师 secretary 秘书,书记,部长 lawyer 律师 typist 打字员 production n. 成果,产品


商务英语常用单词和短语 Acontactphonenumber联系电话Acoupleof一些 Adirectflight直飞航班 Afour-starhotel四星级宾馆Afullmembership正式会员Apassingfashion过时的款式Apotofcoffee一壶咖啡Atemporaryreplacement临时顶班Accessoryn.附件Accommodationn.住宿Accompanyv.陪伴Accomplishv.实现Accountnumber帐号Accountancy会计工作Accountant会计 Accounting会计工作,清算帐目AccountsDepartment财务部Achievev.完成,取得Acousticsn.音响效果Adequateadj.足够的Advertisingn.广告 Agendan.日程安排 Agreeon同意 Airletter航空信Airportgiftshop机场礼品商店Alarmsystem警报系统Alliancen.联合 Alternativen.选择Ambitionn.理想,抱负Amendmentn.改正Anassociatemembership附属会员Analysis分析 Applicant申请人 Apprenticen.学徒 Approachn.方法 Approachv.接近 Aptituden.能力 Arguablyadv.可争辩的 Aspectn.方面 Aspirinn.阿司匹林 Assemblyline生产线 Assessv.评估 Assessmentn.评估 Assumev.假定为 Attachv.贴上 Attendancen.出席 Attituden.态度 Audiencen.听众 Auditv.审核 Autonomous对什么负责 Availableadj.可以弄到的,可以做到的Awkwardadj.尴尬的 Backlogn.积压未处理之事Badmintonn.羽毛球 Balancen.天平 Balconyn.阳台


商务英语词组大全 trust fund信托基金trust receipt信托收据 type sample标准样品ultimate consumer最后消费者unassignable letter of credit不可转让信用证 unclean B/L有债务提单 unconditional delivery无条件交货 unconfirmed credit未确认信用证 unconfirmed letter of credit未确认信用证 uncontrollable costs不能控制的成本unearned income未获利润unfavorable balance of trade贸易逆差 unfavorable trade balance贸易顺差 unfilled orders未发货的订单 unfinished work未完成的工作 uniform customs and practice for documentary credits押汇信用证统一惯例实务 uniform prices固定价格unilateral trade单边贸易unindorsed check未经背书的支票unit cost单位成本 unload carge卸货unprecedented rise空前涨价unprecedented sales空前销售unreasonable prices不合理价格unskilled labor不熟练工人unsuccessful bidder未得标商人unused balance of letter of credit信用证未用余额upset price开拍价格,最低价格usual discount普通折扣valid period有效期限 validity有效期v aluable merchandise贵重品 value of import输入价值variable cost可变成本 variable expenses可变费用ventilated compartment通风舱verbal (oral) contract口头契约vice-general manager副总经理volume (space) tons容积吨voyage charter论次计租轮 voyage policy航程保单warehouse certificate仓库凭warehouse to warehouse clause仓库到仓库的保险条款 warehouse receipt仓单,存货,仓库收据 warehouse warrant仓单water stain水渍 wear and tear日久耗损weekly reports周报 weight list重量单weight tons重量吨 weights and measures度量衡 well-assorted goods各色俱全的货物 wharf (pier, quay)码头 wholesale business批发业wholesale dealers批发商wholesale goods批发货wholesale merchant批发商wholesale price批发价with average全损之外担保分损with recourse有追索权with particular average单独海损赔偿without recourse无追索权without return不可退货 wooden case 木箱wooden case木箱 working capital流动资本,资本周转金working day工作日 working expenses工作费用,经营费用working hours工作时间 World Bank世界银行world market世界市场


商务英语BEC听力常考短语 商务英语BEC听力常考短语汇总 1.a change of pace 节奏变换 You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2. a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3. and how 的确 A: She’s a good dancer. B: and how. 4. a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time.

5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。 If you need my help. do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6. a while back 不久以前 7.all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8. anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going. 9. aount for 解释 How do you aount for it? 10. after all 到底

A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine. B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11. allergic to 对|……过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch, I must be allergic to something. 12. at sb’s service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time. 13. around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studied around the clock for management exam. 14. as far as I know 就我所知 15,at home with 对…..很熟悉


商务英语常用单词和短语 A contact phone number 联系电话A couple of 一些 A direct flight 直飞航班 A four-star hotel 四星级宾馆 A full membership 正式会员 A passing fashion 过时的款式 A pot of coffee 一壶咖啡 A temporary replacement 临时顶班Accessory n. 附件Accommodation n. 住宿Accompany v. 陪伴Accomplish v. 实现 Account number 帐号Accountancy 会计工作Accountant 会计 Accounting 会计工作,清算帐目Accounts Department 财务部Achieve v. 完成,取得Acoustics n. 音响效果Adequate adj. 足够的Advertising n. 广告Agenda n. 日程安排 Agree on 同意 Air letter 航空信 Airport gift shop 机场礼品商店Alarm system 警报系统 Alliance n. 联合 Alternative n. 选择 Ambition n. 理想,抱负Amendment n. 改正 An associate membership 附属会员Analysis 分析 Applicant 申请人 Apprentice n. 学徒 Approach n. 方法 Approach v. 接近 Aptitude n. 能力 Arguably adv. 可争辩的 Aspect n. 方面 Aspirin n. 阿司匹林 Assembly line 生产线 Assess v. 评估


1.avoid vi.避免;消除;无效 【商务用语】avoid creditor 避债 【例句】It is hard to avoid mistakes. 犯错误是难免的。 2.avoidance n.避免;无效 【商务用语】international tax avoidance 国际逃税 tax avoidance (合法)避税 avoidance of policy 保单失效 avoidance of the contract 合同废止 3.awkward adj.不熟练的;笨拙的;难应付的;危险的 【相关词组】an awkward question 棘手问题 in an awkward situation 处境困难 awkward squad 一群没有经验的人 awkward time 不方便的时间 4.axe n.斧头 vt.&n. (经费)大削减;裁员 【商务用语】get the axe 砍掉;削减(计划或人员) 【例句】Three people in this company were axed last Thursday. 这个公司上周四解雇了三个人。 5.backbone n.骨干,支柱 【例句】The older employees are the backbone of the industry. 富有经验的雇员是行业的骨干。 6.backdate vt.追溯到,回溯 【例句】The increase in pay agreed in June will be backdated to January. 六月达成加薪协议,加薪将追溯至一月算起。 7.backing n.援助;发行钞票的资金;发行证券准备 【商务用语】financial backing 财政援助 【例句】The plan for a new hospital has plenty of government backing. 新建医院的计划得到政府的大量援助。 8.backlog n.积压而未交付的订货;尚未用完的拨款 【商务用语】backlog document 积压文件 backlog order 未交货的订货总额 【例句】There is a backlog of orders because of the strike. 有因罢工而积压的定单。 9.backup n.备份;复写 【相关词组】backup station 备用工位 backup aid 备用辅助设备


1.To whom it may concern 2.Please find attached 3.FYI= for your information 4.ASAP 5.CV (LONGER)resume 6.Moving you to BCC, in the email 8.Team building 9.Collaboration 合作 10.9 to 5 (work from 9 to 5) 11.Set /meet deadline meet 12.Behind schedule / ahead of the schedule(落后于原定计划/ 提前) 13.Stay on budget/ go over budget 14.Sign off on sth 正式的签字同意某事 15.Ahead of the curve (ahead of times) 提前 16.A ballpark figure 大概的数字 17.Kick off 18.White collar 白领 19.To look at the big picture 从大局来看 20.By the book (play by the book) 按照惯例 21.Call it a day 收工 22.To corner the market 垄断市场 23.Get in on the ground floor 很早的加入一家公司 24.Think outside the box 有创造性的思考 25.Touch base (to talk to someone for a short time to find out how they are or what they think about something) 26.World of mouth 口头宣传 27.A yes man 没问题先生 28.Red tape 没有必要和拖延结果的官方规则和程序 29.To play hardball to get what you want 30.Downsizing :Becoming and making smaller or less(裁员,削减,缩小规模) 31.Let go 放开,释放,发射 32.To get one’s foot in the door (To have a chance to do something that could lead to further opportunities.) 33.To be on the same page 有共识 34.drop the ball =make a mistake 掉了球,犯错误 35.In the black/ red( make / lose money) 盈利/ 负债亏损 36.My hands are tied 不能按照你想的来做 37.Staff shake up 员工重组 38.Outsourcing 外购 39.Target demographic 目标群体 40.Mission statement 主旨 41.ROI (return on investment)投资回报率


BEC词汇:商务英语词组大全 fund 信托基金 receipt 信托收据 3.type sample 标准样品 4.ultimate consumer 最后消费者 5.unassignable letter of credit 不可转让信用证 6.unclean B/L 有债务提单 7.unconditional delivery 无条件交货 8.unconfirmed credit 未确认信用证 9.unconfirmed letter of credit 未确认信用证 10.uncontrollable costs 不能控制的成本 11.unearned income 未获利润 12.unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 13.unfavorable trade balance 贸易顺差 14.unfilled orders 未发货的订单 15.unfinished work 未完成的工作 16.uniform customs and practice for documentary credits 押汇信用证统一惯例实 务

17.uniform prices 固定价格 18.unilateral trade 单边贸易 19.unindorsed check 未经背书的支票 20.unit cost 单位成本 21.unload carge 卸货 22.unprecedented rise 空前涨价 23.unprecedented sales 空前销售 24.unreasonable prices 不合理价格 25.unskilled labor 不熟练工人 26.unsuccessful bidder 未得标商人 27.unused balance of letter of credit 信用证未用余额 28.upset price 开拍价格,最低价格,ual discount 普通折扣 30.valid period 有效期限 31.validity 有效期 32.valuable merchandise 贵重品 33.value of import 输入价值


Colleague / co-worker / peer 同事 Superior 上级 Subordinate 下级 Recruit 招募 Orientation 介绍性知道 Promotion 晋升 Training opportunity 培养机会 Pay Performance appraisal / evaluation / review / assessment 绩效评价 De—表示相反的过程 Inflation —deflation 通货膨胀 —通货紧缩 Centralize —decentralize 置于中央控制之下(集权)—权力下放(分权) Regulate —deregulate 控制、管制 —放松管制 解雇 Fire / Dismiss / Get the sack / Lay-off / Separate(员工遣散「正式」) / Make sb. redundant(terminate) / Downsize / discharge Quit / resignation 辞职 职位空缺 Vacancy vacant-position Opening open-position 校园招聘/ 宣讲 Campus recruiting / talk head-hunter 猎头 paid/incentive travel/holiday带薪假 resume(美) c.v.(英) 简历 cover letter 求职信 pre-screen 筛选short list policy 政策 office / internal politics勾心斗角 360-degree 全方位的Deposit / down payment 首付 Merger & Acquisition(take over) n. 合并& 并购 重组 Reorganize / restructure / reengineer Radical(激进、根本性的变化) Thriving / flourish / boom / prosper 繁荣 Turnover 营业额 库存周转率 Inventory / stock turnover Recession / down 经济衰退 Unemployment rate 失业率 Immediate supervisor 直接上级 Career path / ladder 职业路径/阶梯 Dead-end road 死路 Daily-routine 日常事务 薪酬 Pay / salary / wage / remuneration / compensation 假期: Day off Sick leave 病假 Personal leave 事假 Maternity leave 产假(女);Paternity leave 产假(男) Paid holiday 带薪假 Annual leave 年假 Lead = prospect Allowance 补贴Well-fair 社会福利Benefit 公司福利 Established business / company / product 成熟的商务/公司/产品



商务英语词组大全 trust fund信托基金 trust receipt信托收据 type sample标准样品 ultimate consumer最后消费者 unassignable letter of credit不可转让信用证 unclean B/L有债务提单 unconditional delivery无条件交货 unconfirmed credit未确认信用证 unconfirmed letter of credit未确认信用证 uncontrollable costs不能控制的成本 unearned income未获利润 unfavorable balance of trade贸易逆差 unfavorable trade balance贸易顺差 unfilled orders未发货的订单 unfinished work未完成的工作 uniform customs and practice for documentary credits押汇信用证统一惯例实务 uniform prices固定价格 unilateral trade单边贸易 unindorsed check未经背书的支票 unit cost单位成本 unload carge卸货

unprecedented rise空前涨价 unprecedented sales空前销售 unreasonable prices不合理价格 unskilled labor不熟练工人 unsuccessful bidder未得标商人 unused balance of letter of credit信用证未用余额 upset price开拍价格,最低价格 usual discount普通折扣 valid period有效期限 validity有效期 valuable merchandise贵重品 value of import输入价值 variable cost可变成本 variable expenses可变费用 ventilated compartment通风舱 verbal (oral) contract口头契约 vice-general manager副总经理 volume (space) tons容积吨 voyage charter论次计租轮 voyage policy航程保单 warehouse certificate仓库凭单 warehouse to warehouse clause仓库到仓库
