


Unit 2 My Body

Lesson 7

Teaching contents:




4.学习字母y, q, w, r的音形义。

Teaching difficulties:



Teaching focus:




Teaching props:

1.pictures of part A

2.pictures and word cards and the 4 letters’cards.

Teaching procedure:

一、Part A

1.review one or two songs about the body and the adj. words

2.teacher puts the pieces of the picture of the monster on the board

3.listen to the tape of part A (two times)

4.talk about our bodies.

5.listen again and invite pupils to pick up the right pictures of the part of body.

6.listen and read after it according to the pictures on the board.

7.open the books and do the exercise—match.

8.learn the chant together.

9.learn the chant in groups.

二、Part B

1.teacher and her students count their every part of their bodies together.

2.teacher gives an example. I have….

Let students make sentences themselves.

They can work in pairs.

3.open their books and complete the exercise of part B.and check in pairs.

三、Part C

1.show them the picture of yellow. And then show them the word: yellow.

Let them read out every letters in this word.

Teacher tells them the pronounce of the fist letter-y/j/

Y/j/yellow. Q/kw/queen; W/w/water, R/r/rabbit

2.read the 4 letters according to the cards and to know the capital letter, little letter, handwriting letter, and typewiting.

Lesson 8

Teaching contents:


2.学习字母l, m , n, f, x, z, s的音形义

Teaching focus:


Teaching difficulties:

1.hurt 的发音

Teaching props:

1.the picture of doctor

2.the picture, the word card and the letter card of part C

Teaching procedure:

1.reiew the chant of lesson?

2.describe about the body

3.listen and show the pictures of the parts of body

一、part A

1.teacher breaks her arm by the desk and say: “Oh! My arm hurts.”

2.and breads the foot carelessly and say: “Oh1 My foot hurts.”

3.listen to the recorder and know the chant.

4.listen again and teacher shows them the parts and acts

5.read after the tape.

6.open their books and number the pictures.

7.learn the chant together.

8.review the chant in groups.

二、Part B

1.role play

teacher and a student give an example:

■What’s the mater? –My finger hurts.

■Let’s go to the doctor.

●(teacher puts the picture of doctor on the board)

2.A to B. B to C. C to D…

3.ask and answer freely.

三、Part C

1.the way to learn is same to last lesson.

Lesson 9

Teaching aims:





Teaching focus:

1.the pictures of the parts of the body

2.tape and recorder

Teaching procedure:

一、Part A

1.Listen to the song and put the correct picture on their desks.

2.Listen to the song and point to the correct parts.

3.Listen an sing with the tape.

4.Change the words and make another song by themselves

二、Part B

1.think about and describe about the parts of the body of selt.

2.talk about in pairs.

3.draw themselves on their text books. And then tell others.

三、Part C

1.open their books and find the different.

2.listen to the tape and learn how to express.

3.read the sentences.

4.talk and find the different between themselves together.

四、Part D

1.find the letters in pairs.

2.write the letters on the papers and check it in pairs.


Unit 3 My Food

1.能够在本单元小涉及的情景条件下听懂,并说出下列与食品有亲的单词(chicken ,food fridge ,beef ,mantou, bread, sausage, meatball, pancake, sandwich, tomato, potato, carrot, milk).


3.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步用英文询问别人想吃什么,在别人询问时能用英文给以正确回答。(What do you want for

breakfast/lunch/supper/picnic? I want ….for…)


5.能够按顺序背诵。默写英文26个大小写字母。(1.熟练字母在字母表中的顺序:2.进一步熟练按元音字母分类发音;3.字母的正确书写形式。) 6.能够正确抄写单词。


Lesson 13

教学内容:P22 A Look, listen and chant ;B Stick and ask:C Put in the missing letters.


1.A Look,listen and chant;2.B Stick and ask;3.C Put in the missing letters.









也许现在还说不出来或是能说上几个,但老师相信你学完这课书的时候一定能把你冰箱里的食品用英语说出来。现在请你再听一听P22A部分的录音,在听的同时,你不但要充分利用你的耳朵去听,而且要充分利用你的眼睛去看用嘴去跟着说,这对你来说一定是小菜儿一碟(a piece of cake).,你一定能做的很好。准备开始,听读4遍。











1.听读P22 A。2.提问回答(练习对话)P22 B。3.背26个字母。



教学内容:P23 A Look, listen and circle; B Role play; C Put in the missing letters.


1.A Look, listen and cicle;2.B Role play;3.C Put in the missing letters.


1.继续感知有关食品的单词和交际用语。(What do you want for…? I want …for…)





嗨!你们好,上节课学的内容还记得吗?咱们先来复习一下上节课的内容。A L ook listen and chant;;B Ask and answer; C Recite the letters.(A听录音,跟着说;B 做问答练习C背诵字母。)

一、好了,上节课你们表现的非常好,老师答应带你去picnic ,我想你一定去

查picnic 这个记并且知道它的意思了。对!是野餐的意思。那好,咱们现在就去为野餐做准备吧。对了,有一件事忘了告诉你了,野餐还有其他的同学去,你也认识的,他们是Joy, Yaoyao and Bill 咱们去看一看他们都买了些什么,请把书打开翻到P23看A部分,听录音,把Lily and Bill还有小女孩和她妈妈要买的食品用铅笔圈也来,现在开始。

又有新的单词了吧?chocolate pie (巧克力派) coke(可乐)。他们把野餐的食品已经准备好了,现在该咱们买食品了,把你要买的食品写在A部分最下面句子的空白横线处,书写要规范。

写完了吧,现在请你再听,读三遍A部分的录音,要注意问句和答句,(What do you want for…? I want …for… )请你用英语回答一下我问题,老师:What do you want for the picnic? 学生:I want ..for the picnic.

二、现在和同桌表演一下和食品有关的对话。(What do you want for..? I want ..for…)


1.背诵26个字母。2.抄写下列单词:tomato, meatball. Pancake,sausage每个词写4遍,写1个中文。你想知道野餐是否不有其他人,我们下节课风,我再告诉你。


Lesson 15

教学内容:1.P24A 2.GAME 3.p25 C let’s talk. D Find and color.

教学目标:复习有关食品的单词和交际用语。(What do you want for..? I want …for…)


1.复习有关食品的单词和交际用语。(What do you want for..? I want …for..) 2.熟练字母在字母表中的顺序,给小写字母涂颜色。




了吗?对!我们学到14课了,学习了如何询问别人要吃什么?我们去野餐了,但是都有谁去野餐了呢?对!有你也有我,其他人我们马上就要揭晓了,请你打开书翻到24面看A部分,看到了吗?都有谁?有Andy,Joy, Bill, Binbin, Lily and Lucky. 现在请听录音,把他们每个人要吃的食品用线连上中,指向那个人。开始吧。



a snowball game. 那你能告诉我为什么叫play a snowball game (滚雪球的游戏呢?)想一想,对了,因为每句话比前一句话都多出了单词,就像“滚雪球”一样。现在请听录音,开始游戏,你可以和你的同桌进行游戏。可以开始了。

三、现在我们来看看25面的C,请先回答我一个问题,这副图是什么?是的,是食谱。请听录音,回答我下面的问题。男孩和女孩在说什么?女孩是如何回答的呢?(男孩:What do you want for lunch on Thursday?女孩:I want mantou and chicken for lunch on Thursday.)好了,现在请把你午餐要吃的食品写在句子的横线上,书写要规范噢。你可以制定一个英语食谱说给妈妈听,让妈妈按食谱去为你准备,老师保证妈妈听了之后一定会非常高兴的为你准备饭菜,相信我,试一试。





2.读熟和食品有关的单词,carrot, chicken, meatball, tomato, pancake, beef,

sausage, sandwich, potato, bread等单词。


Lesson 16


1.P26A 2.P27B:Ask and answer.3.P27 C:Listen and chant.

D:Put in the missing lettes.





你们好,今天我们谈一谈和生活习惯有关的话题,你能猜一猜是什么话题吗?对!和饮食有关。(I eat breakfast every dy. Do you eat breakfast every day? If not.

I think you’d better eat breakfast every day. It’s good for your health. )我每天都吃早餐,你每天吃早餐吗?如果不是,我想你最好每天吃早餐。对你的健康有好处。

一、1.请你把书打开翻到26页,带着以下几个问题去看A部分:W hat time is it? Where id he going? Does he eat breakfast? What’s the matter with him? What does the teacher say? Does he want a zero?(现在是几点?他去哪儿了?他吃早餐了吗?他怎么了?老师对他说了些什么?他想得零分吗?)


3.顺序是3 ,1 ,2 ,4。你做对了吗?

4.下面请你听录音跟读对话或句子。(三遍)( zero零)

5.请你朗读Lucky说的话,并在Y或N 上打“√ ”。



and chant这里有一个什么样的特点,我不告诉你,需要你自己去发现,下节课我们再说出是什么特点。开始吧。







Lesson 17









三、生词词:soup汤nail钉子salt盐taste better味道不错onions 洋葱头cook faster 做得快一些 a few 一些

句子:No problem 没问题I made it with just a nail我只用钉子做的汤。


五、自我评价表,请划“√ ”。


Lesson 18


1.P30 A:Listen and number. 2.P30 B:Let’s play. 3.P31 C:R ead, tick or cross. D:Say, number and write.






What do you want ?B:I want some fish and jiaozi。


里用“√ ”表示,其他用“ ╳”表示








人教新起点三年级上册英语Unit 4 Revision


Lesson 22










1.P art A: Look, listen and say

1)Show the pictures of each season

T: what season is it?

S: I’s fall( winter spring summer)

2)Listen to the tape.




3)(Show the pictures or food.)

T: It becomes bread.

S: It becomes noodles.(jiaozi hamburgers…) Ask S draw mian food in the circles.

T: I want bread for breakfast.

What do you want?

S: I want

2.Part B: Stick and chant.

T: What do you see?

S: I can see…

T: On my farm, there are some…

What’s on you farm? Stick and show.

S: On my farm, there are some …

Ask S write down the words.

3.Listen and chant.

(体会Q,W,R在单词中的发音) 4.Write the letters.

5.look and say “ Part B.”



Lesson 23









1.Show the first picture

T: Who are they?

S: They’re crow and fox.

T: yes. They’er Mr Crow and Mr Fox

Do you know their story?

Now let’s listen to their dialogue.

1.Show each picture and listen to the tape.

2.Listen to the play and point to the pictures.

3.Read after the tape4 and do.

4.Read the play in role.

5.practice the play in groups.

6.Show the play to class.

7.Answer the questions.

T: Is Mr Crow a good singer?

S: No, he is not a good singer.

T: Yes, Why did Mr Fox say he is a good singer?

X; Mr Fox wants the rice cracker.

T: If you are Mr Crow. What will you do?

Will you sing for Mr Fox

S: No.

T: Try to change the play.

Mr Fox didn’t get the rice cracker.

1.Make a short play in groups.

2.Show the play the student’s make

3.Homework: Tell the story to your parents.



Lesson 24











1.Part A; Choose and write.

T: What are these?

S: Bread, tomatoes, chicken ,egg, beef, cheese

T: I want bread, beef, tomatoes, and cheese for my sandwich.

What do you want for your sandwich?

S: I want… for my sand wich.

T: Write down the food for your sandwich. 2.Part B: Listen, repeat and do.

1) Look at the pictures.

2) Learn to say: cut put.

3) (Point to the first two pictures)

T: Cut the bread. Put the beef on the bread. ( Point to the other pictures)

S: put the chicken on the bread.

Cut the bread.

Put the cheese on the tomato.

Eat the sandwich.

4)listen and number

5)Make a sandwich.

3.Part C: Let’s talk

A Talk about yourself.

B: Talk about your body:

T: I have two big eyes. One nose, one mouth.

I have long hair,…

What do you have?

S: I have…

D:Talk about your food.

T: I Like to eat beef. Apples, carrots and rice. What about you?

S: I like to eat…

T: what animals do you like?

S: I like…

T: which season do you like?

S: I like… I can…

T: What sports do you like?

S: I Like…

4.Write the letters on the book.

5.Homework: Talk about yourself, your body and your food.




Unit 6 My Clothes

Lesson 35


Fun time





三年级新起点版 Lesson1 name is Tom Brown我的名字是汤姆?布朗。 My name is…用于自我介绍,我的名字是…或使用与别人询问自己姓名时的回答。'm in Class 2我. 在2班。 在某个班级中用in,班级ClasS这个单词首字母要大写。 teacher is .我的老师是王老师。 英语Mr在姓的前面,译为x先生,如Mr Liu刘先生,Mr Green格林先生在指某位老师时也常用Mr来称呼,如这句话中的Mr Wang我们就可以翻译成王老师” Miss 用法与Mr相同,译为小姐”如Miss Wang王小姐。在学校中,也可译为王老师” Miss大写是小姐的意思,miss小写的意思有:想念;丢失;错过。 Lesson2 'm Zha ng Hua我是张华。 用于自我介绍,其中I'm是lam的缩写形式,中间用’连接起来,省去了am中的a。同样的所写形式还有很多,常见的有let's (let us) ,you're (you are)等。 'm 9 years old 我九岁了。 要用复数years。 old are you 你多大了 用于询问对方年龄。还可以说:What's you X岁用X year(s) old表示.当年龄大于1 时,r age(年龄) go to Dongfang Primary School我去东方小学。 go to 后加某地表示去…地方。 Lesson3 telephone number is 7658341.我的电话号码是7658341。 teleph one nu mber 电话号码,也可以用phone nu mber表示。 favourite toy is the mini-car.我最喜欢的玩具是微型小汽车。 toy 玩具,是可数名词,它的复数形式是toys. Lesson4 family name is White .我姓怀特。 family name 姓在英语中,名在前,姓在后,如:Andy White 安迪?怀特 White 是姓,white 的意思是白色 'm from America. 我来自美国。 rm from=I am from 我来自… 还可以说I come from … I be a frie nd with you我能和你成为朋友吗 be a frie nd with sb(somebody)和…成为朋友,make frie nds with sb 和…交朋友Lesson5 is taller than Pong 平比朋高。 A is+比较级+tha n B A比B… and Pong's birthday is August 12th平和朋的生日是8月12日。 A and B'表示A与B共有… 后用is。A's表示A的… 后用is and Pong are twi ns平和朋是双胞胎。


人教版新起点三年级上册英语教案Unit 1 lesson 1 教学目标 1.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂,并说出与个人信息有关的10个单词和1个词组。 2.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下用英文说出一小段有关个人信息的话语。3.能够初步用英文询问别人的个人信息,在别人询问时能用英文给以正确回答。4.能够用学到的有关个人信息的英文具体做一件事,如填写有关个人信息的简单表格、制作姓名卡片或制作学习档案封皮等。 5.能够初步认读教材中的主要文字,如有关个人信息的单词和语句。 6.能够正确读出、听写出、写出英文字母A, E, I, O, U, H, J, K, B, C, D, G, P, T, V的大小写。 7.能够正确辨认英文字母A, E, I, O, U, H, J, K, B, C, D, G, P, T, V的印刷体和手写体。 8.能够初步感知字母A, E, I, O, U, H, J, K, B, C, D, G, P, T, V在单词中的发音。 9.能够初步感知英语国家人姓名与中国人姓名排列顺序的不同。 10.能够在教师的帮助下初步读懂英文故事。 第一课时 课前准备 1.教学录音磁带。 2.A项情景图。 3.人物贴画(教师、学生各自准备)。 4.模拟姓名卡片若干张 5.字母卡片(A, E, I, O, U) 6.单词图片和卡片。 7.课堂学习评价表。 教学内容 A Listen and stick.

1.从本册书开始,绝大部分新语言项目学习的过程为:首先,学生看图(语言使用场景)听录音,从听觉和视觉上感知新语言项目的方方面面;然后,学生通过“做(如贴、画、连线等)”即“完成任务”的方式对新内容进行反应; 第三,学生在感知和做出反应的基础上,通过各种形式的练习,逐渐掌握新语言。 2.本部分图画呈现的场景为:开学了,男孩Tom Brown来到了新的学校,与女孩Chen Li相遇,为此双方就个人信息进行交谈。本部分利用此情景图和录音引入有关个人信息的问答语: What's your name? My name is ______. What class are you in? I'm in Class ___.My teacher is Ms( Mr)____. 3.本部分学习重点是感知有关个人信息的英文表达。 4.本课的新单词为:new, name, class, Ms, Mr, myself;本课学生曾经在一至四册感知过的单词有:teacher, I, my, in, am, is. 5.学生借助图画和录音感知有关个人信息的问答语,并根据听到的内容,将男女孩头像的贴画贴在教材中名卡的相应位置。 6.录音材料中的“Are you new here?”语句是在特定情景下使用的语言,学生能够明白其含义并做出正确的反应即可;对学习能力强的学生不做具体要求。7.学生将自己的名字(汉语拼音)写在教材中给出的横线上。 8.本课出现英美人的姓名Tom Brown和中国人的姓名Chen Li,为第4课学习英美人姓名与中国人姓名排列顺序的不同做铺垫,在本课不必给学生讲解。 B Role play. 1.本部分与A项共用一幅图。 2.学生按照A项的对话形式进行角色扮演。 3.学生在本部分练习的主要语言是介绍自己的陈述句:My name is .... I’m in Class .... My teacher is Ms / Mr.... 在这三句话中,“My name is ....” 学生在以前的学习中曾经不见文字地接触过,其它两句为新语句。 4.从本册书开始,教师要帮助学生逐渐认读单词和语句。 5.要求学生能将单词的音和相应的图形联系起来,并能看图用英文说出单词。6.问句的学习视学生的接受能力而定,可以要求学习能力强的部分学生先掌握问句。本部分学习内容的难点是:学生连贯地用三句话介绍自己。 C Learn the letters.

人教版(新起点)小学英语三年级下册Unit 6 My Home Lesson 2 同步练习D卷

人教版(新起点)小学英语三年级下册Unit 6 My Home Lesson 2 同步练习D 卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、选词填空 (共4题;共8分) 1. (2分)bum_____ A . p B . b 2. (2分)fr____ (闲暇的) A . ae B . ea C . ee 3. (2分)胳膊 A . arm B . eye C . leg 4. (2分)女人 A . man B . aunt C . woman 二、翻译 (共1题;共5分)

5. (5分)A: What did you do last Sunday, aunt? B: ________.(我上周日在家做家务。) 三、选择 (共4题;共8分) 6. (2分)Mr Li and Mr Wang are my new ________. They ________ very kind. A . teachers; are B . teacher; is C . teachers; is 7. (2分)this old man? A . Who's B . How C . What 8. (2分)Can you tell _______ more about it? A . me B . you C . I 9. (2分)I'd like to do this for ___________. A . themselves B . them C . they 四、翻译句子 (共4题;共20分) 10. (5分)大海上有许多轮船。


《义务教育教科书》英语 三年级起点上(下)册 教材解读 一、总体介绍 按照本套教材的规划,从三年级上册开始学生将进入第一阶段 的英语学习,即英语学习的开始阶段,也是小学生学习英语的第一阶段,小学生学习英语的主要任务是:初步培养学生的听说读写的技能。三年级上下两册共有十六个单元,四个复习单元及词汇表。四个复习单元的添加,有利于教师组织学生进行阶段性复习、巩固基础知识; 词汇表在保留原有按字母顺序排列词汇的基础上,新增了单元词汇表,便于学生有的放矢的学习。(学生在学习一个单元的内容完后教师可 以集中听写本单元的单词,了解学生学习情况,学生平时记忆每个单元的内容也很方便)上下册教材中每个单元又分为三个部分: Part A Let’s talk 进行对话交流。 Part B Let’s learn 进行本单元的新单词教学、新句型教学。 Part C Let’s practice .练习对话、故事、练习题、歌谣等(这 部分内容中也出现新词、新句子)

每个单元有8页内容;每个单元内容开设六课时,按照一个星期三节课时的进度,两个星期必须完成一个单元。三年级上册书中学生学习的主要内容是:26个英文字母;与学生有关的8个话题,包括话题中含有的单词和语句以及与之相对应的听力及对话练习。这八个话题是: Unit1: Hello ! 话题是:问候,个人信息(跟人打招呼,互相认识)Unit2: How Are You? 问候、介绍 Unit3: Good Morning ! 问候(在不同阶段跟人打招呼) Unit4: What’s This? 动物(辨认动物) Unit5: I Have a Bag 学具(谈论某人的学具) Unit6: Look at My Toys ! 玩具(谈论某人的玩具) Unit7: Are These Bears ? 动物、数字(询问动物,数字) Unit8: What Color Is It?颜色、数字(就物体颜色进行问答)三年级起点三年级(下册)英语教材也含有八个话题: Unit1: My body展示身体部位 Unit2: My family 介绍家庭成员 Unit3: How do you go to school?如何就交通方式进行问答


三下练习卷Uni1-Unit5 姓名__________________班级:__________________ 一、Think and write.写出下列单词的中文意思。 二、Read and choose. ()1.We are good friends. He often ___________games with me. A. playing B. play C. plays ()2. --Does Lily ________ singing songs? --Yes, she does. A. like B. likes C. liked ()3.Our school building ________three floors. A. have B. has C. having ()4. We_________ some new books. A. have B. has C. having ()5. I’m going to _______ ping-pong/draw pictures. A. play B. plays C. playing ()6. --_____are you going to do after school? --I’m going to draw pictures after school. A. Where B. Who C. What ()7. -- _______you going to play chess with me? --Yes, I am.

A. Am B. Is C. Are ()8. Look! He is my brother. He is ________ a green T-shirt and blue shoes. A. wear B. wears C. wearing ()9. Who is he? I________ know the boy’s name. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. am not ()10. --What are you _______? --I am watching TV. A. do B. doing C. does ()11. Kate __________to play with her mother. A. wants B. want C. wanted ()12. Today is Monday. Everyone _________ busy. A. are B.is C. am ()13. --Where is he? --- He is __________ the living room. A. in B. on C. at ()14. You have PE class today. You should _________your sports shoes and sweater. A.wear B. wearing C. wears ()15. This T-shirt is ________ of cotton. A. make B. made C. making 三、Read, think and choose. ( 1 ) Grandpa: What (1)_____________do you have (2)_______________Monday Sally: We have English (3)________music. Sam: We have maths, PE and computer class. Sally: Do you like PE? Sam:, (4)________I do. Do you like PE? Sally: No, I don’t. I (5)____________music. ( 2 ) Dear Bill,


第一课 A项:DIALOGUE Girl:Hello! Are you new here? Boy:Yes, I am. Girl:My name is Chen Li.What’s your name? Boy:Tom Brown. Girl:I’m in Class 1.My teacher is Ms Zhao.What class are you in? Boy:I’m in Class 2.My teacher is Mr Wang. Girl:Nice to meet you. Boy:Nice to meet you, too. NEW WORDS:new, name, class, Ms, Mr, myself C项:A, E, I, O, U, cake, bee, bike, nose, music 第二课 A项:DIALOGUE Woman:What's your name? Girl:I'm Zhang Hua. Woman:How old are you? Girl:I'm 9 years old. Woman:Where do you go to school? Girl:I go to Dongfang Primary School. Woman:What's your phone number? Girl:My phone number is 4232645. NEW WORDS:old, school, phone, number, primary school B项:DIALOGUE

What class are you in? I'm 9. I’m in Class 4. Where do you go to school? What’s your phone number? I go to Dongfang Primary School. My phone number is 7984223. You are Jack. How old are you? C项:Learn the letters.H, J, K Hand, jump, kite 第三课 A项:MONOLOGUE Bill:My name is Bill.I'm 9 years old.I go to Guangming Primary School.I'm in Class 1.My phone number is 7658341.My favourite toy is the mini car. 第四课关于英语国家姓名常识(仅供教师参考):1)英语国家人习惯“名姓”排列。英语中姓是surname (也可称作family name或last name),与中国人相同,英语国家人的姓是依父姓而定的;名是 given name。given name又分作 first name,second (middle)name。如某人的名字叫Linda Jane Chapman,其中Chapman是surname(姓),Linda Jane是given name(名)。而在given name中,Linda是first name,Jane是middle或second name。不过,在按字母顺序排列的人名表中,上述的名前姓后又要颠倒过来,成为Chapman, Linda Jane。2)英美人取名重音不重义。他们给孩子取名时,主要考虑这个名字与姓放在一起是否上口悦耳。3)英美人的名字具有性别之分,但这种差别并不是以字形来表现的,而是习惯使然。 A项:MONOLOGUE Andy:Hello! My name is Andy White.My family name is White.I’m from America. Joy:Hello! My name is Joy Black.My family name is Black.I’m from Canada. Yaoyao:Hello! My name is Sun Yaoyao.My family name is Sun.I’m from China. Binbin:Hello! My name is Zhao Binbin.My family name is Zhao.I’m from China. B项:MONOLOGUE Boy:My family name is Chen.What’s your family name? Girl:My family name is Liu.What’s your family name? Girl:My family name is Li.What’s your family name? Boy:My family name is Wang.


Unit 1 短语 Unit 5 短语 in Class 2 在2班 a short tail 一条短尾巴 talk about 谈论 like to 喜欢 phone number 电话号码 long ears 长耳朵 family name 姓名 help the policeman 帮助警察 taller than 比…高 on Saturday 在星期六 longer hair than 比…头发长 pet show 动物表演 ice-cream 冰激凌 turn around 转圈 my favourite thing 我喜欢的事情 look at 看 8 years old 8岁 brown monkey 棕色猴子 August 12th 8月12日 in his box 在他的盒子里 Unit 1 重点句子 come out 出来 My name is Tom Brown. I’m in Class 2. My teacher is Mr wang. 我的名字是汤姆布朗。我在2班。我的老师是王老师。 run away 逃跑 What class are you in? 你在几班? all the children 所有的孩子 I go to Dongfang primary school. 我去东方小学。 Unit 5 重点句子 What’s your phone number? 你电话号码是多少? What pet do you have ? 你有什么动物? My phone number is 7658341. 我的电话号码是7658341。 I have a dog. It’s brown. 我有一只狗。它是棕色的。 My favourite toy is the mini-car. 我最喜欢的玩具是迷你小汽车。 It has a short tail. It’s smart. 它有一条短尾巴。它是聪明的。 I’m from America. 我来自美国。 There is a pet show on Saturday. 星期六有动物表演。 What’s your fam ily name? 你姓什么? Do you like my dog? 你喜欢我的狗吗? Can I be a friend with 我能成为你的朋友It likes to eat carrots. 它喜欢吃胡萝卜。


人教版新起点三年级下学期英语听力原文材料 以下是为大家整理的人教版新起点三年级下学期英语听力原文材料的相关范文,本文关键词为人教,版新,起点,三年级,学期,英语听力,原文,材料,uni,您可以从右上方搜索框检索更多相关文章,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注我们并推荐给您的好友,您可以在英语学习中查看更多范文。 unit1Lesson1 Lesson1第一课 ALook,listenandchant.chinese语文;汉语english英语science科学pe体育music音乐maths数学art美术 computerclass计算机课 Ilikechineseclass.我喜欢语文课。Ilikeenglish,too.我还喜欢英语课。 Idon\'tlikemathsandscience.我不喜欢数学和化学。whataboutyou?你呢? Ilikecomputerclass.我喜欢计算机课。Ilikepe,too.我还喜欢体育课。 Ireallylikeartandmusic.我真的喜欢美术和音乐。whataboutyou?你呢?

bAskandanswer.问和答。 bill,doyoulikecomputerclass?比尔,你喜欢计算机课吗?Yes,Ido.是的,我喜欢。Doyoulikeart?你喜欢美术吗?no,Idon\'t.不,我不喜欢。Lesson2第二课 ALook,listenandrepeat.看,听并重复。 grandpa:whatclassesdoyouhaveonmonday?你们周一有什么课?sally:wehaveenglshandmusic.我们有英语和音乐。 sam:wehavemaths,peandcomputerclass.我们有数学、体育和计算机课。sally:Doyoulikepe?你喜欢体育吗? sam:Yes,Ido.Doyoulikepe?是的,我喜欢。你喜欢体育吗?sally:no,Idon\'t.Ilikemusic.不,我不喜欢。我喜欢音乐。 bLet\'sRole-play.角色扮演 whatclassesdoyouhaveon...?你……有什么课?Ihave...and...我有……和……Let\'sspell一起拼读吧 AListen,pointandsay.听,指并说。cake蛋糕lake湖泊make制作tape磁带 name名字face脸 bListenandcircle.听和画圈。cake蛋糕fate命运mat垫子cap帽子cane手杖tape磁带sam山姆hat帽子 cListen,writeandsay.听,写并说。tape磁带cake蛋糕lake湖泊mate助手 DListenandrepeat.听并重复。Imakeacake.我做一个蛋糕。


第四单元测试卷 听力部分 (共五大题,计60分) I. 听音标号(共5小题,计10分) 根据你所听到的单词的先后顺序,在相应图画上标上1、2、3、4、5的序号。每小题读两遍。 II. 听音选择(共10小题,计20分) 从A 、B 选项中选出你所听到一项,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每小题读两遍。 ( )6.A. use B. cute ( )7. A. June B. tube ( )8.A. cube B. huge ( ) 9.A.flute B. rule ( )10.A. boy B. girl ( )11.A. man B. woman ( )12. A. father B. mother ( )13. A. uncle B. aunt ( )14. A. brother B. sister ( )15. A. family B. cousin III. 听辨图片(共5小题,计10分) 根据图片的意思,从A 、B 选项中选出你所听到一项,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每小题读两遍。 ( )16. A B. ( )17. A. B.

( )18. A. B. ( )19. A. B. ( )20. A . B. IV.听录音,判断正误(共5小题,计10分) 判断所给的图片与你所听到的内容是否相符,如相符,在图下括号内写“T ”;如不相符,则在图下括号内写“F ”。每小题读两遍。 V.听音,根据给出的字母写出所听到的单词。

笔试部分 (共二大题,计40分) VI.按正确的书写格式,先抄写下列单词,在写出它们的大写形式(共5小题,计10分) grandfather sister family cousin handsome VII.按要求完成下面各题(共15小题,计30分) A)根据所给图片,在A、B中选出正确的一项,将字母代号填入括号内。(计10分) B. grandmother 35. ( ) A.father B. mother


三年级英语上册期末测试卷 姓名_________________分数________________ 一、给下列字母找邻居(注意大小写)(5分) ___ his___uJ K______ X YN___ P 二、单词分类。(18分) bear book face yellow breadseven blue cake duck erasermouth two ruler tiger five white milk hand 文具:___________________?动物:____________ _______ 颜色:______ _______ _______ 数字:______ _______ _______ 食品:____________________??身体部位:______ ______________?三、根据中文提示,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。(5 分)?1.书b___ ___k A. uu B. oo 2.身体b___dy A.o B.a 3.面包br______ d A. ae B. ea 4.红色r___ d A. i B.e 5. 一___ne A.oB.a 四、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(10分) ()1、A、car B、juice C、water () 2、A、panda B、red C、elephant ()3、A、sevenB、milk C、eight ( )4、A、riceB、fish C、colour ( ) 5、A、school B、bag C、book ()6、A、eye B、face C、pig () 7、A、handB、footC、orange ( ) 8、A、dog B、duck C、one ()9、A、twoB、four C、ear ( )10、A、bear B、zooC、monkey 五、将下面英语翻译成汉语。(10分) 1、leg_________ 2、head_________3、cake_____


Unit1 Myself 教学目标 1.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂,并说出与个人信息有关的10个单词和1个词组。2.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下用英文说出一小段有关个人信息的话语。 3.能够初步用英文询问别人的个人信息,在别人询问时能用英文给以正确回答。 4.能够用学到的有关个人信息的英文具体做一件事,如填写有关个人信息的简单表格、制作姓名卡片或制作学习档案封皮等。 5.能够初步认读教材中的主要文字,如有关个人信息的单词和语句。 6.能够正确读出、听写出、写出英文字母A, E, I, O, U, H, J, K, B, C, D, G, P, T, V 的大小写。 7.能够正确辨认英文字母A, E, I, O, U, H, J, K, B, C, D, G, P, T, V的印刷体和手写体。 8.能够初步感知字母A, E, I, O, U, H, J, K, B, C, D, G, P, T, V在单词中的发音。9.能够初步感知英语国家人姓名与中国人姓名排列顺序的不同。 10.能够在教师的帮助下初步读懂英文故事。 第一课时 课前准备 1.教学录音磁带。 2.A项情景图。 3.人物贴画(教师、学生各自准备)。 4.模拟姓名卡片若干张,如图,卡片中所填写内容可以根据情况自定。 5.字母卡片(A, E, I, O, U) 6.单词图片和卡片。 7.课堂学习评价表。

教学内容 A Listen and stick. 1.从本册书开始,绝大部分新语言项目学习的过程为:首先,学生看图(语言使用场景)听录音,从听觉和视觉上感知新语言项目的方方面面;然后,学生通过“做(如贴、画、连线等)”即“完成任务”的方式对新内容进行反应;第三,学生在感知和做出反应的基础上,通过各种形式的练习,逐渐掌握新语言。 2.本部分图画呈现的场景为:开学了,男孩Tom Brown来到了新的学校,与女孩Chen Li 相遇,为此双方就个人信息进行交谈。本部分利用此情景图和录音引入有关个人信息的问答语: What's your name? My name is ______. What class are you in? I'm in Class ___.My teacher is Ms( Mr)____. 3.本部分学习重点是感知有关个人信息的英文表达。 4.本课的新单词为:new, name, class, Ms, Mr, myself;本课学生曾经在一至四册感知过的单词有:teacher, I, my, in, am, is. 5.学生借助图画和录音感知有关个人信息的问答语,并根据听到的内容,将男女孩头像的贴画贴在教材中名卡的相应位置。 6.录音材料中的“Are you new here?”语句是在特定情景下使用的语言,学生能够明白其含义并做出正确的反应即可;对学习能力强的学生不做具体要求。 7.学生将自己的名字(汉语拼音)写在教材中给出的横线上。 8.本课出现英美人的姓名Tom Brown和中国人的姓名Chen Li,为第4课学习英美人姓名与中国人姓名排列顺序的不同做铺垫,在本课不必给学生讲解。 B Role play. 1.本部分与A项共用一幅图。 2.学生按照A项的对话形式进行角色扮演。 3.学生在本部分练习的主要语言是介绍自己的陈述句:My name is .... I’m in Class .... My teacher is Ms / Mr.... 在这三句话中,“My name is ....”学生在以前的学习中曾经不见文字地接触过,其它两句为新语句。 4.从本册书开始,教师要帮助学生逐渐认读单词和语句。 5.要求学生能将单词的音和相应的图形联系起来,并能看图用英文说出单词。 6.问句的学习视学生的接受能力而定,可以要求学习能力强的部分学生先掌握问句。本部分学习内容的难点是:学生连贯地用三句话介绍自己。


三年级下册英语期末测试卷 (时间:40分钟满分:100分) 一、选择符合要求的选项(5分) ()1.big(反义词)A.sheep ()2.my(对应词)B.your ()3.sheep(复数形式)C.are ()4.run(现在分词形式)D.small ()5.is(复数形式)E.running 二、找出不属于同一类的词(5分) ()1.A.subjectB.Chinese C.artD.English ()2.A.green B.yellow C.thirty D.brown ()3.A.we B.my C.you D.I ()4.A.do B.sing C. actD.classroom ()5.A.morning B.afternoonC.todayD.evening 三、判断句子与图片内容是否相符,相符的画“√”,不相符的画“×”(12分)()1.Go to the libraryand read some books. ()2.Time for breakfast,drink some milk.

()3.It's 9:00.It's time to go to bed! ()4.It's sunny today. ()5.Go to the playground and play football. ()6.It's time for music! 四、选择填空(20分) ()1.There________ two bedrooms,a living room,a kitchenand a bathroom. A.is B.are C.be ()2.My home is not very big,________it's clean.


2016-2017 下学期小学英语三年级期末考试试卷 一、选出不同类别的单词。(10分) ()1、A、park B、noodles C、lake ( )2、A、bear B、big C、dog ()3、A、one B、three C、toy ()4、A、sweater B、doll C、T-shirt ()5、A、box B、bus C、bike ()6、A、cold B、come C、cool ()7、A、chair B、pen C、pencil ()8、A、Chinese B、book C、Maths ()9、A、Spring Festival B、New Year C、England ()10、A、lion B、coffee C、milk 二、根据要求填空(10) (单三) 2. Swim(现在分词) (单三) (单三) (现在分词) (单三) (单三) (反义词) (现在分词)`s(完全形式) 三、单项选择,将最佳答案的选项写在括号里。(14分) ()1、My favourite toy is _____. A、a kite B、red C、a song ()2、--What are they --They are ____ . A、monkey B、big C、lions ()3、--Do you like fish -- ____ . A、Yes, I don’t B、No, I don’t C、Yes, he does ()4、--Does Xiaoyong like apples -- ____ . A、Yes, he do B、Yes, he doesn’t C、No, he doesn’t ()5、--Pass me the rice, please!-- ____ . A、Yes, I am B、No, It isn’t C、Here you are ()6、--What __ she do __ the weekend -- She plays basketball. A、does, at B、does, in C、do, at ()7、This book is ____ Spring Festival. A、on B、about C、at ()8、--It’s Christmas today. – Happy ____ ! A、New Year B、Christmas C、Spring Festival ()9、It’s spring. It’s____ in spring. A、warm B、cold C、hot ()10、--Has Sam got a sweater --Yes, ____ . A、he has B、he hasn’t C、he does


一.听音,选出听到的单词: ( )1. A. noodles B noon ( ) 6. A. arm B.leg ( ) 2. A. small B big ( ) 7. A. hurt B.hand ( ) 3. A. fruit B friend ( ) 8. A. head B. help ( ) 4. A.short B shorts ( ) 9. A. hair B. year ( ) 5. A.dress Bskirt ( ) 10. A. delicious B. birthday 二.听音,选出听到的句子: ( )1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ? ( ) 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2. ( ) 3. A. what should I wear today?B. what clothes should I wear ? ( ) 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves ( ) 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend. 三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用“T” ,不相符用“F”. ( )1、My leg hurts. ( )2、I have three heads. ( )3、My foot hurts. ( )4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin? ( )5、When is his birthday? 四、听音排序: ( ) I am in class 2. ()What do you want for lunch? ( ) I’m loo king forward to seeing you ( ) They are not good for you. ( ) Can I help you ? ( )This dress is make of silk ( ) My family name is Sun. ( )When is your birthday?. ( ) What’s your family name? ( ) What’s the matter? 五、听音,选择听到的单词完成句子。 ( ) 1.Lily's mother wants some _____. A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream ( ) 2. What's your ______? A. name B.family name C. his name ( ) 3. My ____ hurts. A. nose B. foot C. arm ( ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party? A. B.go C. run ( ) 5. I'm _____ years old. A. 10 B.9 C. 8 ( ) 6.What do you want for ____ ? A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner


三年级英语下册期中测试题 满分:100分时间:40分钟一、判断每组单词是(√)否(×)属于同类。(15分)( )1. China Canada ( )2. mum she ( )3. student pupil ( )4. big pig ( )5. long short 二、判断句子与所给图片是(√)否(×)相符。(15分)( )6. The man is from the USA. ( )7. She is my grandmother. ( )8. This is my sister. ( )9. It has a long nose. ( )10. It’s fat. 三、看图,判断句子正(√)误(×).(15分)Look, this is Ann’s family tree.(看Ann的家谱。) ( )11. A is Ann’s Grandpa. ( )12. B is Ann’s mother. ( )13.C is Ann’s Grandma. ( )14.D is Ann’s dad. ( )15.E is Ann’s sister. 四、根据汉语意思选择正确的单词。(10分) ( )16. 加拿大 A. UK B. Canada C. China ( )17. 教师 A. student B. pupil C. teacher ( )18. 弟弟 A. father B. brother C. sister ( )19. 高的 A. small B. short C. tall ( )20. 长的 A. long B. short C. thin 五、单项选择。(20分) ( )21.- Where are you from ? - ________________. A.I’m from China. B. I’m Mike. C. Thank you. ( )22.- Nice to meet you. - _____________. A.How are you? B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you, too. ( )23.-We have a new friend today! -________________. A. Welcome! B. Good morning. C. How are you? ( )24. Amy is from the UK.
