

A book which is still being talked about by

A car stopped outside a hotel and a young man got out.

A characteristic of AmericanA。people tend to have a high opinion of the self-made manB。she takes pride in what she can do A couple, John and Mary, had two lovely children…A.frightened D. rushed B.sometimes B.John C.first

A dog for saleA man walked into a pet shop…BCADC

A driver or carpenter in India has ABBDC

A famous American writer: BBDAB

A farmer had once made a purchase of BBCBC

A few years ago it was common to speak AADBC

A film was at the Circle Five Ranch to film DBBAD

A foreigner's first impression of the U.S. is likely

A forger (伪造者) is a person who

A friend of mine was fond of drawing horses. …答案一CDDBC。答案二D.trust C.write B.rules A.own D.didn't follow

A good memory is a great help in learning a language.

A good teacher means many things to many people.

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods 答案一BBCCA 答案二C. noticedC.ears A. People D.practically B.paid

A group of people who share the same interests and

A Japanese is sitting near the window of a… BACCA

A lawyer ,an artist and a musiaian…. AACCB

A lot of people went to the hill in the south of the country

A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements

A man walk into a pet shop one day with a large and very ugly dog. BCADC

A new age is upon us. Call it what you will

A nineteenth-century French dramatist remarked CBBBB

A plant makes its own food in its leaves…BABCD

A poor boy, who had not enough money DBCCB

A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when

A pretty, well-dressed young lady stopped a taxi …AABDC

A proven method for effective textbook reading is

A scientist who does research in economic psychology

A smile is a strong sign of a friendly

A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home BDABB

A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery BDCDD

A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl BACBD

About ten men in every hundred suffer from ACDAC

About three hundred words in the English…ACBBC

Acting is such an over-crowded profession …BBDAB

Advertisement can be thought of "as the means…ACDDD

Advertising is a way of bringing information

After having lived for over twenty years in the same district…DCBDC

After retiring from 30 years of teaching, DCBBC

Agnes Miller was one of the earliest leaders of the women's

AIDS, fifty years ago, didn't exist.

Air is all around us. ACCBA

Air pollution can cause both airplane and auto accidents

Albert Einstein had a great effect on science and history…CDCBC

All big cities are quite similar. ACBAD

All over the world people enjoy sports. DADDA

All the customs, beliefs, values,DBACA

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket BBADC

Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone

Almost everyone suffers from a headache sometimes.

Almost everyone who studies, lives DBCAD

Although during my four years in China CBDAD

America is a country on the move.

American cities are similar to other cities around the world.

American doctors say that mothers who smoke cigarettes

Americans are big tippers(给小费者)….DBACC

Americans spend a lot of time and money on physical DCBCC

Americans usually eat three meals a day.

Americans with small families own a small car or a large one.

Amtrak (美国铁路客运公司) was experiencing

Amy Tan, the American-born daughter of CBDDC

An early morning people were moving CDAAB

An unexpected Hobby.Jessie Lived in the country…ABCAB

Anna is our only daughter.

Another thing to remember in connection

Are some people born clever, CCABB

Are you carrying too much on your back at school?

Are you forty years old and fat?

Are you the happiest man in the world?"

As De Witt Wallace lay in bed recovering from injuries

As in the field of space travel,

As our cell phones get smarter,

As prices and building costs keep rising,…DABAB

At most institutions in America students may

At some time in your life you may have a strong desire CDBAB

Atomic (原子的) energy is a great discovery

Australia is nearly as large as the United States

Australians and New Zealanders are famous DCBCA

Australis is nearly as large as;CCADD

Background music may seem harmless, …DACBD

Bamboo is one of the nature's most surprising plants.

Barbara Jordon, one of the most respected lawyers.BBDDB

Baths and bathing have long been considered BBBAC

Beauty has always been regarded as something ABDDC

Because smoking is a form of addiction CCADC

Before you go to another country, you must know the language

Believe it or not, the Swiss BDBCA

Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Body color is of great importance for many animals.

Breaking the news A very old lady won a million dollars… BDCDD

Brenda Linson never goes anywhere without

Britain and France are separated by the English Channe D. a mixture of love and hate D both good and harm A. Germany; America D. British people… France C. Franc By 1970, according to a World Wildlife Fund report

By definition/Cultural icons are hard to define,/C. heroes and iconsD. all of the above D. Heroes and heroines can only emerge in war times. C. just before her death B. Tragic and

By the time she got the box open, Nancy was so excited

Calvin Coolidge, the thirtieth president of the United States

Can trees talk? Yes, but not BCBAD

Captain Goodfellow Do your children enjoy

CATV is a short way saying

Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world

Children have their own rules in playing games ABBBC

China is gradually reducing control on its wholesale

China's former volleyball star Lang Ping 答案一BDBBD

Community service / You’d have to volunteer/Professor Dodge will act as a mentor/I’ m sure you’ll enjoy/B. To interest students in a new community program. C. To offer tutorials to elementary school

Cool is a word with many meanings:CBACD.

Cultural differences in business entertaining include

David was an energetic, ambitious young man

Dear Mom and Dad,This is my fifth day at summer camp

Dear Mrs. Huggett,You may remember that we have discussed

Dear Mrs.Huggett,you may remember : DBDAB

Despite what your parents and others try to BCDAC

Did you know there are some very special dogs

Dieting to lose weight has become very popular in recent years CDCAC

Differences in American schools BCCDB

Different weather makes people feel diffenent… ACCDA

Do you find getting up in the morning DACAB

Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters… CDBDA

Do You Know the Danger We are Faced with?

Do you know Yahoo? If you ADCBD

Do you start the day very slowly, and really wake up

Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness,

Dog owners now have a little help understanding their

Down the entrance hall of the school walk four eighth-grade students BBCCD

Driving a car at high speed along DABCA

During Napoleon's invasion of Russia, his troopsACBCA

During Paleolithic(旧石器)times manDCDCA

During the summer session there will be a revised

During the twentieth century there has been

Early in the 16th century men were trying to reach

Earthquakes may rightly be ranked DCABC

Edmund Halley was an English scientist who

Education is not an end, but a means DADDC

Elephants who paint aren't new.

E-Marketing Plan and Your E-Business Model

Ever since farmers began to grow grain,

Every country has its heroes. The heroes are the people…ADBCC

Every day our world becomes:DDDAC .

Every Friday morning Mrs Bell CCDBA

Every human being, no matter what he is doing

Everybody talks about the weather…BADAD

Everyone has his own way of relaxing.

Everyone knows what a needle is BCACC

Everywhere we look, we see Americans running.

Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive

February 14th is a complicated but DBCAD

Few people now remember the sinking of the

Fifty voulnteers were alphabetically divided into…BBDCA

Finding enough meat was a problem for primitive

First aid is the kind of medical care given to a

Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work. CADCB

Football is, I believe, the most popular game in England:

For many years scientists believed that the chimpanzee

For many years, T-shirts were simple short-sleeved undershirts

For more than two hundred years people have been

For some time, businessmen in America have used

Forty-five people were made homeless in …ACCCD

From the beginning rivers have played an important part

From the time I was a little child . CDADD

From the time we were babies we have been taught our manners.

Gail and Howard liked to travel…BCABC

Generally speaking, the British Isles have

Generations of Americans have been

George took a tin of pineapple from the bottom

Good children must be good students at school.

Good health is the most important possession you can have,

Grandma Moses is among the most famous BDCAA

Grandma was a wonderful story-teller 答案一 DACAB答案二C. Grandma was good at A. the boy who shared B. specially Happiness is for everyone ,you don't need to …BCBAB

Harry liked to talk very much and his father did not let him

Here is a piece of history. BCACB

High in the Swiss Alps many years ago,…DBBAC

High tech" and "state of the art" are

Holidays in the United States usually occur at least

Honey is one of the oldest foods known to mankind,

Hong Kong Interest cut pushes prices up

How can a simple postage stamp be worth $16,800?

How man first learnt to invent words is unknown.

How men first learned to invent words,

How men first learnt to invent words is unknown 答案一D. a problem not yet solved.C. They are simply sounds D. representative How often one hears children wishing 答案一BBDDC 答案二D.allowed D.new C.Wealth B.value B.few

How often one hears children wishing they were grown up

How to apply for a free mailbox?

However important we may regard school life to be

I began to smoke....CBBDA

I don't know how I became a writer ADDCA

I enjoy being a twin, "said Helen. "

I grew up in San Pedro.

I love Charles Barkley like a brother ADABB

I never used to go anywhere without the car…CCBCA

I once amused myself by asking persons ABDBC

I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and

I used to think education was …CACBD

I was born in the late twenties on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta,

I worked my way up the presidency of the Ford Motor Company.

If there is any single factor that is helpful for success in living,

If U.S. software companies don't pay DDABC

If women are mercilessly

If you feel tired all the time,

If you have recently started collecting stamps,

If you like looking at more places or people…ABBAD

If you visit a big city anywhere in the world,

If you want to stay young

If you want to stay young,ACACA

If you've been joining in chat room conversations…DACBA

I'm sure you have eaten tomatoes.

In 1620, about half the USA was covered by trees.

In 1626, Manhattan Island was purchased(购买)

In 1801, Thomas Jefferson was the first president …… 答案一 ADCCA

In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business.

In 1896,Einsfein went to Znrich DAABD

In 1909 an English newspaper offered ?DBCAD

In 1920, barely out of his teens, Alfred Hitchcock…CABDB

In 1933 an unknown American called Clarence Nash 答案一CBBDA 答案二B. Donald Duck's voice D. the people who A. likes to In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, …D.businessman A.creativity A. special C.careers B. a cinema

In 1963 the leader of the Labor Party made a speech explaining

In all American history, there isADCCB

In an age when technology moves faster

In any society that needs child labor, DADCB

In Britain every town has a public library

In Cardiff I was put to work in furniture department at

In earlier days few people read whitmen's poems. CACCA

In England, people like to talk about the weather..ACAAD

In everyday usage 'hot' means 'having a lot of heat'.

In factories and stores, in offices and on farms,

In Greece, only rich people will rest in peace for ever when

In learning a foreign lauguage…BADCC

In November 1902;;DDBDD

In only two decades Asian Americans have become

In order to learn a foreign language well,

In public speaking, the watchword is preparation.

In recent years ,progress in medical technology… BADCA

In recent years scientists' investigation of comets

In recent years, many Americans of both sexes and various ages

In some ways the employment interview is

In the 1900's, American townspeople usually

In the 1960s, many young Americans were dissatisfied

In the future machines will improve and do more and more

In the last 500 years… ACAAB

In the middle of the night Anne sat up in bed.

In the old days, divers(潜水员) used to go down

In the past, when people had problems,

In the second half of each year,

In the self-satisfying spirit, the Portuguese BBABB

In the summer of 1978 an English man named Steven

In the UK, in business situations, when you meet someone

In the United States 84 colleges now accept just women…A. give B.chance A.freer D.percentage B.Schools

In the United States, it is not customary (normal)to telephone someone very early in the morning. 答案一ABADA

In the United States, teaching is very important. ..C.Do A.research B.involving D.sure A.well

In the water around New York city is a very small CDACB

In their struggle for progress American blacks

It had been said that Lincoln was always

It has been reported that in colleges across the United States,C. The daytime serial dramas on TV.C. Soap opera fans

.D. Because the young people have to bear the responsibilities for their troubles C. Young viewers have turned themselves from the It is a fine spring day.

It is not often realized that women held a high place

It seems that beauty and women are twins.

It was a normal summer night. BCCDA

It was difficult to find job:AACAD

It was Monday. Mrs. Smith's dog was hungry, CAADA

It was two o'clock in the morning and it was very dark.

It's a fine spring day … ABBBC

It's clear that everyone needs to sleep.

It's interesting that the arrival of snow BDAAC

It's not easily noticed but it is everywhere.

I've really got to do something to lose weight because

Jane's mother was about seventy,

Jean-Michael Lourdis was a promising young pianist…BACDC

Jessie lived in the country …ABCAB

Joan was a nurse who worked in a children's hospital.

Joe Richards finished school when he was eighteen years old,

Joe was the most liked boy in the school.

John is twelve years old.

John Parker is an English lauguage teacher…ACAAC

Johnson doesn't have his own car: ABBAD

Just four decades ago some 700 DCADB

Laptop computers(便携式电脑)are popular

Large modern cities are too big to control.BAAAD

Last Friday a storm tore through two villages BBDBD

Laws have been written to govern the use of American National Flag, and to ensure proper respect for the flag. A. By making laws B. It should be raised quickly by hand. D. It should be carried high up in the air C. There are precise regulations and custom Learning a foreign language is not a matter of reading some

Learning how to turn in homework assignments on time

Let me tell you a story about Bert… BDDCD

Let's look back in history to an earlier way of life.

Life in secondary school is interesting but busy.

Like fine food, good writing is

Long ago, there was a rich man.

Long bus rides are like televisions shows CADBA

Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced that

Madison Avenue in New York is a well-known place in the U.S.

Malls(购物中心)are popular places for Americans to go.

Man has always wanted to fly DBACC

Man is a land animal, but he DDBAA

Managers cannot always wait for information to arrive in

Man's best friend is colorblind, but,

Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer..A D B A C

Many American women are earning money outside their homes today

Many doctors are now trained in techniques to lessen

Many doctors are now trained: BDACD

Many people believe they are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day BCCAD

Many people go to school for an education.

Many people go to school to receive an education.

Many people lose their homes every year,

Many people who work in London prefer to live outside itB. All the people who work in London prefer to live in the count Many people with ordinary jobs may dream BCDDC

Many teachers believe that the responsibility

Many teenagers feel that the most important people

Many years ago there lived a very rich man

Mark Twain was a famous writer.CBBAA

Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States,…B.eighty A.interests D.approving D.practice D.remarriage Mary was an English girl,but she lived in Rome:DCABD

May 27, Fast-flowing Rivers

Mel Kiser was driving along a busy highway in Columbus,

Millions of stars are travelling about in space.

Miss Jones teaches at a school.

Miss Jones teaches at a school…DDCBC

Mobile office is the mutual product ABCAB

Modern idea are beginning to influreace…CDBAB

Money is usually defined as a medium of exchange

More and more children these days are moving back home

More than 30,000 drivers and front seat passengers

More than 6000 children were expelled from US school

More than 70 percent of the earth is water.

More than four out of five people admit

Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman.

Most Americans believe that good education ADDAA

Most Chinese went to live in the United States between

Most homes have different kinds of spaces.

Most of the immigrants(移民)came to America

Most of us have red a newspaper report about an event

Most people have heard of Shakespeare and probably

Most words in everyday use have several meanings.

Most young people like some forms of physical DBBDC

Mr and Mrs Jones did not often go out in the evening,

Mr Jones bought a lot of things from a big shop last month,

Mr Tom Forester lived by himself:DCADC

Mr. and Mrs Jones did not often go out…BCBDC

Mr. Brown was tired of living in the big city where

Mr. Hodges was the owner and editor of a small newspaper.

Mr. Richards worked in a shop which sold,

Mr. Robinson won a lot of money on the football pools,

Mr. Smith and his wife lived in an old house for a long time

Mr. Smith is not always very careful.

Mr. Smith was tired of living in his old house in the countryside.

Mr. Stevenson was the owner of a general appliance store

Mr. Wilmot was born in a little village nearBDBAD

Mrs Sharp, a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties,

Mrs. Andrews had a young cat, and it was the cat's first winter.

Mrs. Brown thinks her house is very good because

Mrs.Andrenes had a young cat…BBAAD

My Aunt Edith was a widow(寡妇) of 50, working …BCADA

My husband and I got married in 1981 ...BCCBD

My parents ran a small restaurant;CBADD

My secret for staying young BBDCC

My wealthy uncle was dying .He wanted to leave me…DABBD

My wife and I spent two weeks in London…BDBCC

Napoleon Bonaparte's ambition to control all the area around

Napoleon was the master of Europe.

New England is an area of mountains, valleys and rivers.

Nine-year-old Louis Pasteur ran fast into the little house

No matter how much love you give, of course,

No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut. BCBCB

No one knows who made the first ice cream….ACDAD

Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses

Not many years ago, a wealthy ACDDA

Now that my aunt died and left everything to me,

Now that smoking is thought to be very dangerous

Now we'll be coming DCCCC

Now,you'll be coming back here to brush up your… DCCDB

Nowadays there are more and more ways答案一 ACDBB

Nuclear power is a method used to..ACADC

Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient

Obviously it is meaningless in increasing your w.p.m.

Oceanography has been defined

Officials kicked off (开始)the Olympic economy

On a recent cross-country flight…ACBDD

On February 14th many people in the world celebrate…BCCDA

On my arrival in America, the one thing I notice more than

On Thursday CDABA

Once James Thornhill: BBCCA

Once upon a time there lived DBCBA

One day a bookseller let a big: BCDCA

One day a poor farmer took a bag of wheat to town.

One day a tailor in Duluth… CABBC

One day in 1965, when I was a library worker at school…CBADC

One day that scientists BCDBA

One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth AvenueDADDA

One hot night last July, when our new baby

One hundred and thirteen million Americans have

One morning about a hundred years ago, Alfred Nobel

One morning Joyce made some sandwiches for her husband's lunch.

One night Mr. Lee was driving his wife home

One of our strongest taboos concerns the number 13.

One of the favorite foods in the United States CBCBA

One of the most important skills in reading ABBBB

One of the most important tasks of remembering what

One thing that really gets up my nose

One Thursday evening Mr.Watson left his car in front of his house…CDABA One way that scientists learn about man. BCDBC

Online degree programs have come BCCAD

Open or distance learning has had a major …C.prefer https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417454187.html,ck A.undergraduate D.limits B.encouraging

Our child's behavior is greatly influenced by the way…CBDAC

Our electric car is the way of the future.

Ours is a big world, complex and full of many diverse people…DBBDC

Owning a web page sounds cool.

Packaging is an important form of advertising.CBADA

Paper is one of the B. A kind of paper made from the skin of certain young animals.A. More jobs could be provided than before.

A. Around 1400.C. The invention of paper is of great significance to man.

Paul could not sleep last night. He woke up early and sat up,

Paul got on the bus to go to the town…BBCBA

Paul,a saleman from London ,was driving past CCDAA

People are often killed while crossing the road

People can be addicted to different things,CDCAB

People have been talking about health for a long time…BDABA

People in the United States honor their parents

People living in the country enjoy ABADC

People often say that the Englishman's home is his castle ABDBC

People today all over the world ABACB

People travel for a lot of reasons.DABAD

People who buy cigarettes find a special note on each pack.

Peter arrived home: ACABA

Peter got a lot of money, but he did not know what to do with it.

Peter liked music very much when he was at school,

Peter was eight and half years old,and he went to a..ACBBA

Phyllis left the restaurant immediately after her

Places to stay in Britain/ Hostel /Youth Hotels /B & Bs/Pubs & Inns A。Tell us where to stay while visiting Britain B. Youth Plants and animals interact with each other

President Abraham Lincoln often visited hospitals to ..BCDAB

Prior to modern times,BCBAB

Psychologists tell us that there are CBDCA

Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of

Researchers using the most powerful computer

Rose was studying to be a doctor: CCABD

Science and new technology have made such rapid progress

Scientific discoveries have changed CBCDB

Scientists have discovered a lake in southwest Florida

September is the ninth month of the year

Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for

Shyness is the cause /It is obvious that such uncomfortable feeling/Shy people, having/Can shyness be /Each one of us is a unique B. People’s shyness made them care too much about their appearance and actions. A. a good quality B. unreal C. Shyness can blo Since the beginning of time, many scientists have

Since the late 1960s a growing number of women BDCDA

Since their Strongest connection has always been with family. CBCDB

Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo. /“What’s wrong with this girl?/ Maria was very angry, but she was very polite/ D. when she arrived at the airportC. check Sixty-year-old grandmother, Fiona McFee,CCDDA

Soccer is played by millions of people BCDBD

Some of the notebooks …… DACAD

Some people like to live in houses of the past.

Some people think that they seldom dream,

Some psychologists believe that

Some psychologists maintain that mental acts such as

Sometimes we say that someone we know is "a square peg

Sporting activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior.

St.Valentire's day is a day for lovers . BBCDD

Stage plays, at first, seem a lot like films.

Standing alone at Brown's party, Anna Mackintosh

Started in 1636, Harvard University答案一 BACCA 答案二 C. French and German C.many A.developed B.Harvard A.same

Steven and Mary took a taxi to the station

Strikes are very common in Britain. They are extremely harmful

Successful and happy distance learners DCBDC

Sydney, the capital of New South Wales...C. 20th century C. Fewer than 2 million. D. Paragraph 4. D. selling B. fighting Sylvester and I are watching television advertisements…DABCD

Take any long piece of paper.

Taste is such a subjective matter

Technology today has stolen away our voices DACBA

Telephone books in the United States have white,

Telephone, television, radio,

Texas was the biggest States before Alaska became

Texas was the biggest States…BACAC

Thanks giving day is always celebrated on the…CAAAC

Thanksgiving Day is always celebrated on the fourth

Thanksgiving is celebrated every year

The “standard of living” of any country

The Age of Superstuff

The AIDS virus has been around for a very long time,

The American government, as well as every American,

The angry woman stood by the station.BBCBB

The automobile has many advantages BBCAD

The basic flag of the United States is one of the world's

The belief that all adults need BCBCD

The black robin (知更鸟) is one of the world's rarest birds.

The body of an animal may ABCAB

The British Broadcasting Corporation is rejecting more

The Cave of Lascaux

The climate of any place is the kind of weather it usually ..ABCDC

The day is finally here! AACBD

The dog, called Prince,

The earliest settlers came to the North AmericanACBAC

The economy of the United States after 1952

The faces of elderly, happily-married people…… DADCB

The family in the Western world has changed greatly

The fiddler crab is a living clock ABDDD

The first Olympic …… DBCAB

The following are some ways of helping you stop smoking:

The following story was found among CBCBD

The fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day ACBDB

The French Revolution broke out in 1789.C. The French Revolution.B. The national economy was developing rapidly.D. In Bastille.D. Ended.D. The king tried to control the national parliament.

The fridge is considered a necessity.

The garbage does not simply disappear.

The Great Wall of China is the longest wall…ABCBD

The greatest work-related stress CDCAC

The home computer industry has been BBDAB

The house next door had been empty for so long that

The humorous story may be spun out to great length,

The Indians rise as soon as it is light.

The man sitting opposite RobertCCACB

The march to Italy was begun. CBBCB

The market is a concept.CDDAB

The measure of a man's real character isADDBD

The modern sailing ship was developed by a man 答案一DBAAC答案二A. make C.goods B.ship design A. making B. The The moon looks near, but it is very far away…BADBD

The nationwide EU-China Training Project for Clerical

The number of speakers of English in Shakespeare's DADBC

The other day, Mrs. White bought some BDCBD

The president of the United States has one of the

The purpose of this part of the bookDDBBB

The residents of 24 Acacia Grove were dissatisfied with the ..BBDAC

The small black ants that we see running back and forth in. .BABCB

The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year's Day.

The temperature of your body should be always just the same. CCAAA

The three phases of the human memory are the sensory memory

The total area of land on earth is about 149 million square kilometers…ABDCA

The university of London …… 答案一BDCAC答案二C. Office A. residence C. international B.activity https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417454187.html,cation

The ups and downs of life may seem to have

The weather seems to be everybody's favorite topic of …DACBC

The wheel was one of man's first invention and

The world is known to us through many senses not just hearing,

The writers of murder stories go to a great deal of ADCCA

The year was 1932. Amelia DCCDB

There are 3 groups of English learners:

There are many kinds of ants in the world… CBDCA

There are many misunderstandings about American Indian names.BACDD

There are three kinds of goals/ B. If we complete the short-term goalsD. the goals that have been completed C. we should build up confidence of success C. Different There are two factors which determine an individual's

There has been a heated discussion over

There have been changes in all sorts of different

There is a popular belief among parents

There is more water on the earth than anything else

There is something very wrong with the system of values

There was once a man in south America… DDCAA

Things always know when a person isn't in good health.

This is not the world we know.

This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers

Thomas Edison's Laboratory was in fact destroyed

Thousands of years before Columbus came to the New World,

Time spent in a bookshop can be: 答案一ADBCA 答案二C. you needn't B. to read A.other people C.to avoid A.everyday life

To understand the marketing concept,

To us it seems so natural to put up all umbrellas

Today , as in every other day(每隔一天) of the year

Today I'll be talking about the invention ADCBD

Today is the anniversary of that afternoon in April a year ago

Today newton is a very clean place: CCADC.

Today the official language of the United states and most of lanada is…BBDDA

Today we examine what schools are doing BBCAB

Tohnson doesn't have his own car..ABBAD

Tom had a few days'holiday…DCACB

Tom is nine years old and Rose is seven.

Tom worked in a factory and was busy all day long . CCBBC

Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident

Tourism History Babylonia--Gardens & rest houses

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways:

Two American scientists told the people in industrial

Two clever children -Peter… ABBDC

Two sailors(水兵)who had just finished a long voyage

Two years ago, my husband bought me a bike.

Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroidsBDCCD

Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a lovely weekend答案一 ADCDA

Until a few years ago,vans were commercial…BBCAC

Until late in the eighteenth century a soldier..DBCBD

Very high waves are destructive when they strike the land.

Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to CDADB

Visitors to New Zealand are often enchanted

Wall street is the mane of a street in New York CBDDC

Washing Irving has been called North BABBC

Watercolor is the oldest painting medium known.

We find that bright children

We know that many animals do not stay in one place.

We often hear children wishing they were grown-ups,

We say that a person has good manners if he or she behaves…CCDAB

We spend our leisure hours efficiently

We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers.

We were late as usual. My husband had insisted

We were sorry that we had to ask the young man to leave the job CAADB

What did Ethell DCBBC

What Else We Can Do for You

What is wind? You can feel it, and you can sometimes hear it, too.

What makes a person a scientist/The scientist’s knowledge/B..The way he uses his tools. C.the difference between scientists What makes it rain? Rain ABCCC

What should you think about in trying to find your career…B.performanc https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417454187.html,eful D.well D.History A.choosing

What's your favourite colour?...BADCD

When a man and a woman get married, …CCBAD

When a rabbit sees something dangerous, it runs away.

When Abe Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father

When Alfred Nobel died on December 10

When Bill was very young, they had been in love.

When Dean Arnold got his first job BACDA

When did you last see a polar bear(北极熊)?答案一 DDBCA 答案二B. heart C.enjoyable A.group D. 60 D.different

When George finished his studies at university,BCABD

When he took office, George W. Bush, son of the former presedent DABAB

When I begin to look back on all friends whom I have had...BCDBA

When I was a boy, I belonged to the Boy Scouts BACDC

When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected

When I was about 12 , I suddenly began to like writing poetry BCCAB

When I was about 15, the Lee family had a big get-together.

When I was in 7th grade, I had a lot of trouble reading.

When I was thirteen, my father used to sit in our living room

When I went to England, I just knew it was

When John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York.(第一个问题Which of the following has…)DCBBD

When John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York…(第一个问题The text is mainly about.)DBCCD

When Li Chen got married,his wife's mother came to live with them.CADCB

When many people are worried that there are no more heroes in modern times... 答案一 DBABB。答案二.A.Three B.the ice B. When Mrs.Joseph Groger died recently in Vienna,Austria,people asked…CBBAD

When my fifteen-year-old son does speak…ABBBA

When my friend asked me,

When Sally and Tom got married,

When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but fog.

When Susan White went back to high school

When the weather is hot, you go to a lake or

When we can see well… BABAC

When we were young, when we were little kids in grade school

When you are in England ….BACBC

Where is the University?” is the question

Whether or not vegetarianism(素食主义者)should be

While a new school term is coming,

While acting may run in the family,

While plant and animal species are disappearing…B.Species A.agreed C.135,000 A. development B.natural

Who will stage the games?

Why Do Leaves Change Color?

Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be

Without most people realizing it

Yesterday I was downtown and decided….BCABD

You can have the same neighbors for years,"

You have been badly injured in a car accident.

You must have seen an oil lamp before. CDBDC

You speak, write a letter, make a telephone call.

You'll see a new doctor at a hospital near London

Young Americans know little about world geography,

Younger people and older people do not always agree 答案一DCBCC 答案二C. Every summer in New York State B. Have a group Your mind like your body is a thing where CBCCD

答案二B. they could communicate with each other C. They are simply sounds.D. The more we read and learn, the more literate we
