

A Study on International Commercial Etiquette and Its Significance













1.1 Abc (7)

1.2 Abc (8)

1.3 Abc (9)


2.1Abc (11)

2.2Abc (12)

2.3Abc (13)



…CONCLUSION………………………………………………………. REFERENCES………………………………………………………






Nowadays different nations communicate frequently. Etiquette is becoming an imp ortant issue, which is not confined only in the domestic affairs. At the same t ime, the values vary from nations to nations, so does the practice of etiquette. There is not an acknowledged standard and it is only a set of established rule s which are obeyed by all the people. Therefore, a business man should be famil iar with all the protocols in all fields, such as politics, economics, and cult ure and military.

International business is no longer the privilege of the minority of people. Mo re and more people prefer to go into business. In the era of human-oriented soc iety, how to respect others and maintain one’s dignity becomes a challenge. In ternational business etiquette is the basic knowledge which should be applied i n the competition in the international business environment. .

This thesis gives a clear definition of commercial etiquette and systematically explains its contents, categorizations, features, principles, functions and pr actices. It illustrates the business introduction, greetings, welcoming guest s, entertaining visitors, international business negotiation, practical busines s English writing in detail. It also shows the significance of the commercial e tiquette.


Business communication and business etiquette

In an era of globalization, understanding the basics of etiquette and protocol that is, the type of behavior that others expect of you in both informal and fo rmal settings—is an important skill. It can instill an individual with confide nce to handle almost any situation in any culture and allow a businessperson t concentrate on the deal at hand rather than worrying about such distractions as which fork to use or which hand to use for passing food. Without an understand ing of the basics of etiquette and protocol, you risk coming off as a boorish N eanderthal. You may even put your company’s image at risk or risk potential fa ilure in the formation of key business relationships that are vital to global s uccess. Finally, a well-honed sense and appreciation of local customs etiquette and protocol can make you stand out in a competitive global market.

In order to comprehend the International Commercial Etiquette, we should find o ut the full contents of its activities.

Just as its name implies, the International Commerce indicates that there is on ly one purpose of commercial activities, that is, to realize, increase and conv ert the value. One sales its goods to the other to realize the market value of this production, at the same time, the value is increased in this process, ther efore, the seller gains some profits, which will be conversed into the value fo rm needed in the next commercial campaign, no matter it is cash, products or se rvice, thus, makes preparation of the following commercial activity. International Commercial is based on the approbation and reception of each othe r’s trade motivations between the bargainers. Especially nowadays, this kind o f activity is an action in which both sides are voluntary and almost without an y force to press on. Besides, this kind of commercial activity goes along under the condition of free trade all over the world. Therefore, in the atmosphere o f international commerce, the traders have the same quality, intent and environ ment, as well as three




Increased globalization has been one of the most important developments in the past decade. The Internet has been instrumental in accelerating the growth of b usiness across borders. The ability to effectively conduct business with tradin

g partners around the world is essential in the twenty-first century. Savvy com panies view the development of international business etiquette and communicati on skills as a strategy to distinguish their company from competing firms. One business educator has cautioned, "Being closely attuned to the orientations of diverse trading partners is an increasingly important advantage in the highly c ompetitive global marketplace, where only the very best thrive." Colleges and u niversities have responded to this need by integrating international perspectiv es into the curricula. Business schools in particular have worked to internatio nalize the curriculum, partially through the expansion of international busines s communication courses. Even student clubs have recognized the need for enhanc ed understanding of other cultures, sponsoring popular business etiquette dinne rs and workshops on global business protocol.

Proper etiquette in today’s business world goes well beyond basic table manner s( they are, after all, a given in most cultures) and common courtesies (allowi ng an esteemed colleague or superior to precede you through a doorway, for exam ple). Think of all the elements that go into making a first impression. The lis t is lengthy. There is your manner of dress, your professional appearance, the color of your dress or tie, your body language, handshake, posture, amount of e ye contact on introduction, where you put your hands, how you accept a business card and how you present yours as well as the actual content of the card-and y ou haven’t even sat down to begin talks.

Regardless of the culture, proper etiquette means maintaining your own values w hile respecting those of others. It does not mean slavishly following the ritua ls and practices of others to please your host. If you make an effort at the la nguage, at understanding the basics of common courtesy, and avoid any offensive

acts, don’t be overly concerned about the subtleties- at least the first time around. To be honest, not that much is really expected of the first time visito r to another culture, thought a deeper understanding will be expected each time you visit. The value in understanding etiquette and protocol id in the confide nce it gives you and the impression it makes on colleagues.

Although what is covered is handled well, there are some areas that could have received greater attention. For example, there is little discussion of the diff erences among the various countries and cultures in each continent. And I’d ha ve liked more on business etiquette and the use of humor, entertainment and let ters.

We previously discussed the importance of business etiquette in daily business activities in terms of "business introduce", dining, business invitations. Ther e are some other important business etiquettes, such as the proper attitude tow ards foreign cultures, music and arts, the respect for their dining habits, hol idays and religions. We will not discuss them in details because of the limited scope of this paper. Shortly put, understanding more about foreign business et iquettes put us in a good position to deal with all kinds of business occasions and hence facilitate the development of global trade.


[1] Grace Fox. Everyday Etiquette, A Guide to Modern Manners[M].

[2] Mary Jane McCaffree, Pauline Innis. The Complete Handbook [8] R.G. Feltha m. Diplomatic Handbook[M] .

[M]. Time-Life Custom Publishing.

[3] Williams-Sonoma, Inc. and Wedon Owen Inc. The Bar Guide

Berkley Publishing Group with Doubleday Direct, Inc, 1998.

of Diplomatc i[M],. Official and Social Usage.

[4] 杜培. 现代礼仪学[M]. 中国工人出版社, 1997.

[5] 韩欲和, 张彦. 涉外礼仪[M]. 译林出版社, 1996.

[6] 金正昆. 涉外礼仪教程[M]. 中国人民大学出版社, 1998.

[7] 李斌. 国际礼仪与交际礼节[M]. 世界知识出版社, 1985.

[8] 李天民. 现代国际礼仪知识[M]. 世界知识出版社, 1999.

[9] 宋长美. 对外交往中的礼仪礼节[M]. 黑龙江人民出版社,1996.




商务礼仪英语中英文对照 篇一:商务礼仪中英对照Etiquette for Business Dinner Your image matters, especially when you're in a business environment. Whether you're going to a business lunch with your peers, recruiters, clients or partners, you need to make sure you behave appropriately. We've put together this handy guide, with tips gathered from

the business etiquette, to help make sure that someone call you out at your next business meal. Before the Meal餐前礼仪 ◇Shake hands with all present at the table. If necessary, introduce yourself. Concentrate on remembering your 与到场的客人握手s name. 'host/hostess 致意,如果需要,介绍一下自己。努力记住男女主人的姓名。◇Remain standing until host sits.在主人落座之前保持站立。 ◇Place your napkin on your lap

after everyone is seated and after your host has moved his/her napkin.在所有人落座之后,主人展开餐巾,这时你也可以将餐巾展开平铺在膝盖以上部位。 ◇Don't ask the waiter to explain everything on the menu; you will annoy others and appear indecisive.不要让侍者为你一一讲解菜单上的菜品,这样会招人讨厌而且显得你缺乏主见。◇Let the host take the lead when ordering; this will give you an idea of what to eat. If the host isn't first in line to order,


商务礼仪知识英语作文 语言是人类交际的媒介,是人们表达意愿、沟通情感、交流思想的重要工具,商务礼仪是很重要的,今天我们就一起来看看商务礼仪知识英语作文吧! 商务礼仪知识英语作文【1】Our country is known as “nation of the etiquette”the laudatory name, the advocation etiquette is our country people's traditional moral excellence.From ancient times till now, our country's etiquette standard is the Chinese unique civilization symbol, is Chinese nation moral excellence manifesting.The etiquette, took one traditional moral excellence, has the historical inheritance, has vitality which does not fade. The etiquette involves which in the commercial contact are very many, but from basic speaks between the human and human's contact, therefore we are used to the commercial etiquette limits art which associates for the commercial personnel. As the name suggests, the commercial etiquette is refers in the people commerce contact the suitable etiquette standard, is in the commercial contact, by the procedure, the way which certain, is established by usage indicated respects opposite party the process and the method.The ritual stems from vulgarly, popularizes for the ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


西餐礼仪 以宴请的方式款待宾客是人们进行交往的重要形式。 英国一位著名的外交家曾经说:“请客吃饭是外交的灵魂。”似乎夸张了一些,但是细想想,不管什么层次、类型的谈判、会议、活动,哪有不吃饭的。 招待会 常见的西餐招待会有如下几种: 冷餐会:又称自助餐。 鸡尾酒会:以酒水为主,举行时间灵活,宾客来去自由。 茶会:形式简便,不排座位,对茶叶、茶具有要求。 工作餐:边吃边谈,节省时间,交流工作。 西餐是哪个国家的餐? 我们通常所说的“西方”习惯上是指欧洲国家和地区,以及由这些国家和地区为主要移民的北美洲、南美洲和大洋洲的广大区域,因此西餐主要指代的便是以上区域的餐饮文化。 实际上,西方各国的餐饮文化都有各自的特点,各个国家的菜式也都不尽相同,例如法国人会认为他们做的是法国菜、英国人则认为他们做的菜是英国菜。西方人自己并没有明确的“西餐概念”,这个概念是中国人和其他东方人的概念。那么我们为什么会有这样的概念呢?这是因为我们在刚开始接触西方饮食时还分不清什么是意大利菜,什么是法国菜,英国菜,只能有一个笼统的概念。 近年来,随着东西方文化的不断撞击、渗透与交融,东方人民已经逐渐了解到西餐中各个菜式的不同特点,并开始区别对待了。一些高级饭店也分别开设了法式餐厅、意式餐厅等,西餐作为一个笼统的概念逐渐趋于淡化,但西方餐饮文化作为一个整体概念还是会继续存在的。 怎样吃西式自助餐? 原则上按照生菜、色拉、主食、甜点、水果顺序取菜,一次取2至3样。盘子如果堆得太满,既不雅观,又混淆原味。选用牛排、猪排、鱼排等食物时,须遵照西餐的礼仪食用。 不要混用专用菜夹。用过的餐盘不可再用。 既不可浪费,又不可抱着“捞本”和“不吃白不吃”的心态,暴饮暴食。 自助餐别太“不见外” 昨天,我去吃中餐自助,每份菜前都备有一副公共筷子或勺子,但有些人偏偏不用,却用自己的筷子在菜里搅和,然后挑选喜欢的夹到盘中,不好的重新丢回盘里,别人质问他,他还说:“自己干净就行。” 选自:《北京青年报》2002年7月01日 优雅娴熟吃西餐 吃西餐在很大程序上讲是在吃情调:大理石的壁炉、熠熠闪光的水晶灯、银色的烛台、缤纷的美酒,再加上人们优雅迷人的举止,这本身就是一幅动人的油画。 为了您在初尝西餐时举止更加娴熟,费些力气熟悉一下这些进餐礼仪,还是非常值得的。音乐和氛围 豪华高级的西餐厅,通常会有乐队,演奏一些柔和的乐曲,一般的西餐厅也播放一些美妙典雅的乐曲。但这里最讲究的是乐声的“可闻度”,即声音要达到“似听到又听不到的程度”,就是说,要集中精力和友人谈话就听不到,在休息放松时就听得到,这个火候要掌握好。 吃西餐讲究环境雅致,气氛和谐。音乐相伴,桌台整洁干净,所有餐具一定要洁净。如遇晚餐,要灯光暗淡,桌上要有红色蜡烛,营造一种浪漫、迷人、淡雅的气氛。


商务礼仪基本常识完整版 一、介绍的礼节 介绍的手势:五指并拢,手心向上,指向被介绍人。 介绍的顺序:先介绍位卑者给位尊者。先将男士介绍给女士;年轻的给年长的;自己公司的同事给别家公司的同事;先将职位稍低者介绍给职位高者;公司同事给客户;非官方人事给官方人士;本国同事给外国同事;如果身边各有一人,先介绍右边的,再介绍左边的。 二、握手的礼仪 握手时,距对方约一步远,上身稍向前倾,两足立正,伸出右手,四指并拢,虎口相交,拇指张开下滑,向受礼者握手。 掌心向下握住对方的手,显示着一个人强烈的支配欲,无声地告诉别人,他此时处于高人一等的地位。应尽量避免这种傲慢无礼的握手方式。相反,掌心向里握手显示出一个人的谦卑和毕恭毕敬。平等而自然的握手姿态是两手的手掌都处于垂直状态。这是一种最普通也最稳妥的握手方式。 戴着手套握手是失礼行为。男士在握手前先脱下手套,摘下帽子。女士可以例外。当然在严寒的室外也可以不脱。比如双方都戴着手套,帽子,这时一般也应先说声:“对不起”。握手时双方互相注视,微笑,问候,致意,不要看第三者或显得心不在焉。 除了关系亲近的人可以长久地把手握在一起外,一般握两三下就行。不要太用力,但漫不经心地用手指尖“晴蜓点水”式去点一下

也是无礼的。一般要将时间控制在三五秒钟以内。如果要表示自己的真诚和热烈,也可较长时间握手,并上下摇晃几下。 握手时两手一碰就分开,时间过短,好像在走过场,又像是对对方怀有戒意。而时间过久,特别是拉住异性或初次见面者的手长久不放,显得有些虚情假义,甚至会被怀疑为“想占便宜”。 长辈和晚辈之间,长辈伸手后,晚辈才能伸手相握,上下级之间,上级伸手后,下级才能接握;男女之间,女方伸手后,男方才能伸手相握;当然,如果男方为长者,遵照前面说的方法。 如果需要和多人握手,握手时要讲究先后次序,由尊而卑,即先年长者后年幼者,先长辈再晚辈,先老师后学生,先女士后男士,先已婚者后未婚者,先上级后下级。 交际时如果人数较多,可以只跟相近的几个人握手,向其他人点头示意,或微微鞠躬就行。为了避免尴尬场面发生,在主动和人握手之前,应想一想自己是否受对方欢迎,如果已经察觉对方没有要握手的意思,点头致意或微鞠躬就行了。 在公务场合,握手时伸手的先后次序主要取决于职位、身份。而在社交、休闲场合,它主要取决于年龄、性别、婚否。 在接待来访者时,这一问题变得特殊一些:当客人抵达时,应由主人首先伸出手来与客人相握。而在客人告辞时,就应由客人首先伸出手来与主人相握。前者是表示“欢迎”,后者就表示“再见”。这一次序颠倒,很容易让人发生误解。


商务英语口译王艳答案 商务英语口译王艳答案 【篇一:商务英语阅读第二版(王艳主编)chapter1-4 课 后答案详解】 汉 chapter1 sluggish economy萧条的经济full employment 充分就业trade deficit 贸易赤字in-depth analysis深入的分析industrialized countries 工业化国家free-trade agreement 自由贸易协定 international specialization 国际专业化 product differentiation 产品差别 trade surplus 贸易盈余determinative factor决定性因素 chapter2 consumer-goods消费品 discount retailers折扣零售商brand equity品牌资产价值advertising budget 广告预算real-time sales data 实时销售数据sales promotion 促销 profit margin盈利scanner data 扫描数据 chapter3 privileged minority 享有特权的少数人gas station 加油站

marketing research 市场调查professional petence 专业技能 a sales point 卖点product design 产品设计 potential consumer 潜在顾客business disaster 商业灾难 chapter4 mobility of people 人口流动supplier works 供应商网络standardized items 标准零配件specialist manufacturing technology 特殊制造技术 plementary economies 互补经济体anti-japanese sentiment 反日情绪 foreign affiliates外方合伙人,外国附属公司go public 上市二、汉翻英 chapter1 经济双赢economic win-win关税壁垒tariff barrier 收入不平等 wage inequality劳动生产率labor productivity 解雇工人lay off works 生产要素factor of production 双边协议bilateral deal 回归分析regression analysis 市场准入market access 世界经济复苏world economic recovery chapter2 价格溢价price premium 基线销售base-line sales 减价price reductions广告支出advertising spending 营销组合marketing mix 销量溢价quantity premium


A Study on International Commercial Etiquette and Its Significance 商务礼仪及其意义研究 学号: 身份证号: 姓名: 院系:外语学院 专业:XXXXX 年级:2008级 指导教师:xxx

CONTENTS (TIMES NEW ROMAN 小三号加黑加粗) INT RODUCTION (1) CHAPTER ONE ABCCCCCCCC (7) 1.1 Abc (7) 1.2 Abc (8) 1.3 Abc (9) CHAPTER TWO ABCCCCCCCC (11) 2.1Abc (11) 2.2Abc (12) 2.3Abc (13) CHAPTER THREE… CHAPTER FOUR… …CONCLUSION………………………………………………………. REFERENCES………………………………………………………

内容摘要 当今世界,各国之间交流频繁,礼仪之论不再局限在国内,而成了国际交往需要重视的问题。同时,不可否认的是因为各国价值观念,文化,历史背景的不同,在礼仪实践中也存在差异。没有一个统一的标准,这些差异,只有一些约定俗成的东西,大家都基本认同,在交往中共同遵守。所以从事国际交流,国际商务的人,不论是政治,经济,文化,军事哪个领域,对这些礼仪都要熟悉。 国际商务和涉外工作也已经不再是少数人的专利,而是成为越来越多人的职业选择。在这个“以人为本”的时代,如何在跨文化的交流中,尽可能地尊重他人,又充分维护自己的尊严,是一项非常重要而具有挑战意义的事情,而国际商务礼仪就是市场竞争和国际商务大环境中人们必备的一门知识。 本文对商务礼仪进行了明确的界定,对商务礼仪的内容与归属、特征与原则、功能与操作进行了系统的阐述,较为详细地论述了商务介绍与问候,迎送礼仪,宴请规则,谈判礼仪以及柬书礼仪,同时阐明了国际商务礼仪对于商务人员的重要意义。 Abstract Nowadays different nations communicate frequently. Etiquette is becoming an imp ortant issue, which is not confined only in the domestic affairs. At the same t ime, the values vary from nations to nations, so does the practice of etiquette. There is not an acknowledged standard and it is only a set of established rule s which are obeyed by all the people. Therefore, a business man should be famil iar with all the protocols in all fields, such as politics, economics, and cult ure and military.


三种商务礼仪基本常识 排位礼仪常识 1、影院式在会场内面向舞台或讲台方向摆放成排座椅,中间留 有过道。前排居中为主位,原则是主位“以左为尊”,按职级顺序 一左一右排列。此种摆台形式是在有限场地内使容纳人数达到最多 的摆台形式,像电影院一样参会者每人一把座椅。 2、U字式将桌子连接着摆放成长方形(中空),在长方形的一端 不摆放桌(开口),椅子摆在桌子外围,通常开口处会摆放放置投影 仪的桌子,中间通常会放置绿色植物以做装饰。日常公务会议,原 则是以主位为中心,“以左为尊”,按职级顺序一左一右排列。此 种会议台型比较适合小规模的会议,可以增强与会人员之间的互动 和交谈沟通。营造良好的会议气氛。 3、座谈式双方中间为主位,按职级顺序一左一右排列。注意客 方正对门,主方背对门。座谈式一般用于会客、员工交流等。 4、课桌式在会场面向舞台或讲台的方向,像教室一样摆放成排 的桌椅。中间留有过道。讲台居中为主位,课桌前排居中为次主位,“以左为尊”。 5、鱼骨式将会议室的桌子按照鱼骨架即八字形依次摆开,在桌 子的周围摆放座椅,组与组之间留出走路的间隔,使整体样式显现 出一种鱼骨的形状。此类会议摆台较适合研讨和小组讨论结合的会 议内容,增加小组间交流的同时还可以聆听会议主持的发言。 接待礼仪 1、关于会议主席台座次的安排 根据中办掌握的原则:左为上,右为下。当领导同志人数为奇数时,1号首长居中,2号首长排在1号首长左边,3号首长排右边,

其他依次排列;当领导同志人数为偶数时,1号首长、2号首长同时 居中,1号首长排在居中座位的左边,2号首长排右边,其他依次排列。 2、关于宴席座次的安排 宴请客人,一般主陪在面对房门的位置,副主陪在主陪的对面, 1号客人在主陪的右手,2号客人在主陪的左手,3号客人在副主陪 的右手,4号客人在副主陪的左手,其他可以随意。以上主陪的位 置是按普通宴席掌握,如果场景有特殊因素,应视情而定。 3、关于签字仪式的座次安排 签字双方主人在左边,客人在主人的右边。双方其他人数一般对等,按主客左右排列。 4、关于乘车的座次安排 小轿车1号座位在司机的右后边,2号座位在司机的正后边,3 号座位在司机的旁边。(如果后排乘坐三人,则3号座位在后排的中间)。中轿主座在司机后边的第一排,1号座位在临窗的位置。 5、会见礼仪 商务交往中经常有会见活动。而在会见中只有既讲究实在,又讲究艺术,才能够取得会见的最佳效果。下面介绍一些会见礼仪与技巧: (1)问候时最好点名道姓。迈进会客室的门,你的第一句话可能是:“你好,见到你很高兴。”但这却不如说:“王经理,你好, 见到你很高兴。”据测,后者比前者要热情得多。 (2)若对方没请你坐下,你最好站着。坐下后不应掏烟,如对方 请你抽烟,你应说:“谢谢。”请记住,切莫把烟灰和火柴头弄到 地板上,那是很不得体的。 (3)主动开始谈话,珍惜会见时间。尽管对方已经了解到你的一 些情况和来访目的,你仍有必要主动开口。你可再次对某些问题进 行强调和说明。这不仅仅反映一个人的精神面貌,也是礼貌的需要。


商务英语礼仪ppt 篇一:商务英语电话礼仪 商务英语电话礼仪 在商务英语中,和客户约好时间却又临时有事,只得电话通知对方,此时考验你电话英语技巧的时候就到了,今天小编为你带来一些实用的电话英语技巧,赶快来学习一下吧! changeofplan更改计划 我们要确认对方能否接受这次计划的改变tellmeifit’sokay··newmeetingdate会议新时间 像第一种情况一下,我们依旧要确认对方对计划更改的看法confirmthatit’sokay ··orderproblem订货问题 订货出现问题,我们的关键应该集中在checkbackwithme 了··cancellationofseminar取消研究项目 在(:商务英语礼仪ppt)以资金为基础的研讨项目中,重点自然是tellmehowtopayyourfeebacktoyou ··invitationtodinner晚宴邀请 请人吃饭时,最不能忽略的就是时间地点啦。whatdayisconvenientforyou?

··courtesycall售后服务电话 优质商家通常会在产品售出后对顾客做回访调查,假如你卖出了一个打印机,那么你需要对顾客进行了解:tellmeifeverythingisokay withyourprinter? 篇二:中西方商务礼仪(英文) differentBusinessEtiquettebetweenchinaandthe west i.introduction Businessetiquetteisakindofcivilizationaccumulationofhumanbeing.itbeco mesfixedduringthebusinesscommunication,beinghandeddownfromgenerat iontogeneration.itisalsoakindofstandardbehaviorobservedbythebusinessm enintheircommunication.differentcountrieshavedifferentculturetraditions,s otheirbusinessetiquetteisalsodifferentfromoneanother.Therearegreatcultur aldifferencesbetweentheculturalcoresofconfucianinchinaandthecoresofchr istianinthewest,whichleadstosomedifferencesinthebusinessetiquettebetwe enchinaandwest. ii.TheinfluenceofculturaldifferencesonBusinessEtiquettedifferencesBetwe enchinaandthewest Generallyspeaking,thedifferencesonbusinessetiquettebetweenchinaandthe westareinfluencedbyseveralculturalfactors,suchasvalues,viewoftime,view ofspace,viewofdiet,verbalhabitsandnonverbal.Thepapermainlyfocusesonti meandspaceapproach.

商务礼仪 英文

Business negotiations etiquette Abstract Business etiquette is a manifestation of mutual respect of conduct in business activities. Core business etiquette is an act of criteria, used to constrain all aspects of our daily business activities. The central role of business etiquette is to reflect the mutual respect between people.As business leaders identity negotiators, in business negotiations should follow the etiquette of negotiations three elements that focus on instrumentation demeanor, attention to language arts, to comply with etiquette disciplines. In the event a successful business negotiation, negotiation etiquette is not necessarily comply with the success of the negotiations decision criteria. If you violate negotiations etiquette, but it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, even be a threat to reach an agreement Key words:Business etiquette Business negotiations Business negotiation, which means refers to negotiate in social life, the parties to meet their needs and safeguard their own interests, the two sides properly carried out to solve a problem. Business negotiations, is the negotiation of a transaction for the realization of active buyers and sellers of goods or services on a variety of trading conditions The role of business etiquette in business negotiations 1.Regulate behavior in business dealings, people interaction, interaction, mutual cooperation. If you do not follow certain norms, the two sides on the basis of lack of collaboration. Among the many commercial specifications. Etiquette can make people understand what should be proud of what not to do, what to do and what not to do, and help determine the self-image, respect for others, to win the friendship. 2.Etiquette is an information transfer information, this information may be expressed by respected, friendly, sincere and so emotional, so that people feel warm. In business activities. Proper etiquette can get each other's goodwill, trust. Thus helps to develop their career. 3.Promote feelings in business activities, along with in-depth exchanges. The


关于商务接待礼仪基本内容 商务礼仪接待是商务交往中最基本、最重要的环节。下面是小编搜集的商务接待礼仪基本常识,欢迎查看! 接待中的相关礼仪 1、乘车礼仪 ①小轿车 小轿车的座位,如有司机驾驶时,以后排右侧为首位,左侧次之,中间座位再次之,前坐右侧殿后,前排中间为末席。 如果由主人亲自驾驶,以驾驶座右侧为首位,后排右侧次之,左侧再次之,而后排中间座为末席,前排中间座则不宜再安排客人。 主人夫妇驾车时,则主人夫妇坐前座,客人夫妇坐后座,男士要服务于自己的夫人,宜开车门让夫人先上车,然后自己再上车。 如果主人夫妇搭载友人夫妇的车,则应邀友人坐前座,友人之妇坐后座,或让友人夫妇都坐前座。 主人亲自驾车,坐客只有一人,应坐在主人旁边。若同坐多人,中途坐前座的客人下车后,在后面坐的客人应改坐前座,此项礼节最易疏忽。 女士登车不要一只先踏入车内,也不要爬进车里。需先站在座位边上,把身体降低,让臀部坐到位子上,再将双腿一起收进车里,双膝一定保持合并的姿势。 ②吉普车 吉普车无论是主人驾驶还是司机驾驶,都应以前排右坐为尊,后排右侧次之,后排左侧为末席。上车时,后排位低者先上车,前排尊者后上。下车时前排客人先下,后排客人再下车。 ③旅行车 在接待团体客人时,多采用旅行车接送客人。旅行车以司机座后第一排即前排为尊,后排依次为小。其座位的尊卑,依每排右侧往左侧递减。 2、馈赠礼仪 在现代商务交往中,人与人之间的距离逐渐缩短,接触面越来越广。但如何挑选适宜的礼品,对每一位商务人士都是费解的问题。懂得送礼技巧,不仅能达到大方得体的效果,还可增进彼此感情。

同时,还要注意送礼的一些忌讳。 介绍的礼节 介绍的手势:五指并拢,手心向上,指向被介绍人。 介绍的顺序:先介绍位卑者给位尊者。先将男士介绍给女士;年轻的给年长的;自己公司的同事给别家公司的同事;先将职位稍低者介绍给职位高者;公司同事给客户;非官 方人事给官方人士;本国同事给外国同事;如果身边各有一人,先介绍右边的,再介绍左边的。 握手的礼仪 握手时,距对方约一步远,上身稍向前倾,两足立正,伸出右手,四指并拢,虎 口相交,拇指张开下滑,向受礼者握手。 掌心向下握住对方的手,显示着一个人强烈的支配欲,无声地告诉别人,他此时 处于高人一等的地位。应尽量避免这种傲慢无礼的握手方式。相反,掌心向里握手显 示出一个人的谦卑和毕恭毕敬。平等而自然的握手姿态是两手的手掌都处于垂直状态。这是一种最普通也最稳妥的握手方式。 戴着手套握手是失礼行为。男士在握手前先脱下手套,摘下帽子。女士可以例外。当然在严寒的室外也可以不脱。比如双方都戴着手套,帽子,这时一般也应先说声:“对不起”。握手时双方互相注视,微笑,问候,致意,不要看第三者或显得心不在焉。 除了关系亲近的人可以长久地把手握在一起外,一般握两三下就行。不要太用力,但漫不经心地用手指尖“晴蜓点水”式去点一下也是无礼的。一般要将时间控制在三五 秒钟以内。如果要表示自己的真诚和热烈,也可较长时间握手,并上下摇晃几下。 握手时两手一碰就分开,时间过短,好像在走过场,又像是对对方怀有戒意。而 时间过久,特别是拉住异性或初次见面者的手长久不放,显得有些虚情假义,甚至会 被怀疑为“想占便宜”。 长辈和晚辈之间,长辈伸手后,晚辈才能伸手相握,上下级之间,上级伸手后, 下级才能接握;男女之间,女方伸手后,男方才能伸手相握;当然,如果男方为长者,遵照前面说的方法。 如果需要和多人握手,握手时要讲究先后次序,由尊而卑,即先年长者后年幼者,先长辈再晚辈,先老师后学生,先女士后男士,先已婚者后未婚者,先上级后下级。


商务礼仪中的英语问候 篇一:商务英语礼仪接待情景对话 商务英语情景考察对话 a:Hello,areyoumr.Black? B:Yes,iam. a:Hello,i’mtheExportsalesofnanningnativeproductscompany,mynameisamy,i' mgladtoseeyou,welcometonanning,How ‘syourplanejourney?B:Thankyou,ifeeltiredbecauseofthesix-hoursflights. a:oh,yes,ourcompanyhavealreadybookedaroomforyou,wecouldarriveatthe hotel10minuteslater. B:oK. (10minutestotheGalaxyHotel) a:mr.Black,yourroomisnumber35112onthe8thfloor,thisisthekeytotheroom, iwillsendyoutogo,youcouldtakeaShowerfirst,thenlpreparedinnerforyou,oK ? B:well,thankyou. a:i‘llpickyouuptoeatbreakfastat8:30tomorrowmorning,theni ‘lltakeyoutovisitourcompany. B:oK.

a:seeyoutomorrow. B:seeyou. (Thenextmorning) a:Goodmorning,mr.Black. B:Goodmorning,amy. a:mr.Black,doyoulikesandwich? B:ah. a:ok,Shallwegototherestauranttoeatbreakfastfirst,Thengotovisitthecompan ytogether. B:ok. (30minuteslater,cametothecompanyatthegate) a:Thisisourcompany,ourcompanywasfoundedin1998,mainlyinsalesSouthe ast asiasouvenirs;wehave282staffsintotal;ourproductsarenotonlysoldinnannin g,alsosellinnationwidethroughe-commercesaleschannels. B:oh,yourcompany'sproductsaleschannelsareVerycomplete,aswekno w,yourcompanyisoneofthelargestsouvenirsalescompanyinchina,sowewant tocooperatewithyourcompany. a:well,thankyou. a:mr.Black,oritakeyoutovisitthethenanningaSEanExpoconventioncenterno w? B:okay,thisismyfirsttimetonanning,i’


Abstract Business etiquette, a behavior science, is the norms in the business activities, , which plays an important role in the business communication .understanding Chinese and western etiquette and their distinctions is of great importance in promoting international business exchanges. With the changing role China played in the international exchanges, we communicate and cooperate frequently with foreigners . It is the notable position that makes us have a more normative and courteous criteria in the international business communication, especially in the business activities with westerners. This thesis ,from the international business etiquette , lays emphasis on the comparison between Chinese and western business protocol, it mainly described the general definition of business etiquette, characteristics of business etiquette, embodiment in business interactions, influencing factors (Cultural factors) of Chinese and western etiquette and the relevant solutions of the differences. The thesis let us comprehend and receive different stages of Chinese and western business etiquette , “recognition—understanding—comprehension ”,through lots of examples, aiming to help us to apply these theories into practice. The consequence of this study shows that in order to avoid the misunderstandings in business activities, especially in international business exchanges, not only should we know some basic business norms, but also we need to understand the distinctions of business etiquette mainly caused by different cultures profoundly. Key words : business etiquette norm business exchange


第一部分:基本礼仪常识(多项选择题,每题2分共 50 分) 1、商务礼仪中交往应遵循的首要原则是( C ) A.以对方为中心原则 B.以相互沟通为原则 C.以互相尊重为原则 D.以合乎标准为原则 2、讲究礼仪的原因,用一句话概括为( C ) A. 内强素质 B. 外塑形象 C. 增进交往 D. 使问题最小化 3. 学习商务礼仪的目的是(ABD) A.提高个人素质; B.便于理解应用; C.为了应酬别人; D.维护企业形象。 4.商务交往中女性佩戴首饰的原则是(ABCD ) A.符合身份,以少为佳; B. 同质同色; C.不佩戴珍贵的首饰; D不佩戴展示性别魅力的首饰(如胸针、脚链)。 5、基本商务礼仪包括( ACDE ) A. 电话乘车 B. 赠送礼品 C. 手机电梯 D. 用餐 E. 握手名片 6、穿职业正装的目的( A B C ) A. 尊重对方 B. 塑造形象 C. 增加信心 D. 引人注目 7.下列关于语言礼仪正确的有(ABCD) A.商务交往中应该遵循“六不谈原则”;B 语言要正规标准; C. 商务语言的特点:“少说多听”; D.双方初次见面无话可说时,可以“聊天”—谈天气。 8.对索取名片的方法描述正确的有( ABCD ) A.交易法:首先递送名片; B.激将法:递送同时讲“能否有幸交换一下名片”; C.平等法:“如何与你联系?” C. 谦恭法:对于长辈或高职务者,“希望以后多指教,请问如何联系?” 9.名片使用中的五不要是指( ACEGI ) A.职位个数不要超过两个。 B. 不要联系方式太多。 C.不要在别人名片上记录。 D. 不要颜色奇特。 E.不要手写 修改自己的名片。F.不要内容不符。 G. 不要把玩名片。 H. 不要斜体字。 I.不要存放裤兜。 J.不要用特殊材质制作名片。 10.接受名片时应该( B ) A.立即接过装入口袋。 B.上身前倾五指并拢手心向上双手接过。 C.自然有礼不卑不亢。 D.及时接过。 11. 商用名片讲究三个三,以下属于这三个三内容的有( ABD ) A.商用名片负责制时要有企业标识、企业全称、部门; B商用名片要提供本人称谓:姓名、行政职务、学术头 衔; C.商用名片的交换三原则是交换索取,双手送上,注视接受。 D.商用名片通常只能提供三种联络方式.联络方式:企业所在的详细地址及邮编、邮箱地址、办公电话。 12. 双方通电话,应由谁挂断电话( A C ) A.主叫先挂电话; B.被叫先挂电话; C.尊者先挂电话; D.不做要求,谁先讲完谁先挂,最好同时挂。 13.当您的同事不在,您代他接听电话时,应该( B ) A.先问清对方是谁; B.先告诉对方他找的人不在; C.先问对方有什么事; D.先记录下对方的重要内容,待同事回来后告诉他处理。 14. 销售人员使用手机的不正确说法是:( A C ) A.下班或休息时间可以关机; B.在会议或影院等场合,应关机或将铃声置于静音状态; C.陌生人的来电可以不接; D.手机不适合传递重要商业信息。 15.电话通话过程中,以下说法正确的有( ABC ) A.为了不影响他人,不使用免提方式拔号或打电话; B.为了维护自己形象,不边吃东西边打电话; C.为了尊重对方,不边看资料边打电话; D.以上说法都不正确。 16.在会客时或拜访客户时,手机要做到( BCD ) A.不大声讲电话 B.不响 C.不听 D.不出去接听 17.对于汽车上座描述正确的有(ABCD) A. 社交场合:主人开车,副驾驶座为上座; B.商务场合:专职司机,后排右座为上(根据国内交通规则而定),


商务英语专业学生商务礼仪素养探讨 高职商务英语专业的培养目标是要培养应用型的复合人才。商务英语专业的学生应该具有较强的商务交往能力和较高的商务礼仪素养以适应今后工作的需要,但由于种种因素,当代大学生的商务礼仪素养现状不容乐观,因此,新形势下,必须加强高职院校商务英语专业学生的商务礼仪教育,提高其礼仪素养。 标签: 礼仪;商务礼仪;交往能力 1 引言 从传统意义上来说,礼仪是一种涵盖一切制度、法律和道德的社会行为规范。但是,在当今社会,随着社会价值观的不断变化,它也被赋予了新的时代意义。今天的礼仪仅仅是对礼貌和相关活动的外在表现形式而言的,是在人际交往中,以一定的、约定俗成的程序、方式来表现的律己、敬人的过程。涵盖了人们穿着、交往、沟通、情商等内容。而商务礼仪是礼仪在商务领域的具体体现,它是指商务人员在其商务活动中所应恪守的行为规范。具体内容之一是律己之规,主要指商务人员自身的言谈话语、举止行为、仪表仪容、穿着打扮等方面的规范。具体内容之二是敬人之道。主要指商务人员面对交往对象时进行交际与应酬的基本技巧。概括地说,商务礼仪是商务活动对人的仪容仪表和言谈举止的普遍要求。 高职商务英语专业人才培养目标是培养德、智、体、美等方面全面发展的、掌握本专业必备的商业贸易运作以及国际商贸业务等相关的基本技能,能熟练地运用英语从事交际和商贸活动,具有较熟练的商务英语听、说、读、写、译各项技能,具有良好的职业道德和创新、创业精神的应用性商务英语专门人才。这就要求商务英语专业的毕业生除了要具备较全面的专业知识技能外,还应该具备较强的商务交往能力以适应今后工作的需要,而良好的商务礼仪素养在交往过程中是必不可少的。 2 高职学生的商务礼仪素养的现状 由于个人成长及教育环境等因素的多重影响,当代大学生的礼仪现状并不容乐观。具体来说,新时代的大学生大多来自独生子女家庭,从小生活在父母和家人的重重关爱呵护之下,家庭对礼仪的重视不够;另一方面,受应试教育的影响,学校也没有对商务礼仪教育给予足够的重视,而大学生在努力学习专业知识的同时,却又忽视了对礼仪知识的学习及良好的商务交际素养的积累。商务英语专业学生作为其中的一个群体,也不例外。一方面,他们具有较高的专业知识和技能;另一方面,却存在着礼仪修养的缺失。这种缺失具体表现在两个方面。首先在日常生活方面,他们在人际交往中莽撞、冷漠、自私,缺乏基本的交往礼仪;追求个人生活观念和生活方式的绝对“自我”,缺乏与周围环境的融洽相处能力;不会问候,不懂谦让,不尊重师长;更令人不安的是,有的同学把无视校纪校规、行
